FP, 8415 per 100 pounds. Fl. Bulls continue rrr) tirm, withgood Ehxports n min; from 35.50 to " " . "hte exceptirnally (twice selections, $5qu: good butcher butts were selling , at trom " and common grades at iV from “so to " per 100 10:.nls. 11.13001, calves we" down about 25e, “while a further drop was recorded for ‘common and medium grades. “hick are tram 75c to tt lower than tart ' oak. (In or two exceptionally ' o'er reals drew 89.75 per 100 lbs, at there were very low that exceed- " while common and light grades fwere drawing only $1.50 and " per 400 yo: mils. Toronto, April 15.-tuwa1ly ptievs E ot graia stay little demo. The [ supply is limited and demand also. 3" Ctbles lower for "hrat and cum ' qhere was a decrease of two and a , quarter milliurs at whrat in tDurope , and a decrease of one and a quarter :', millkns in the wort i's visible supply. [_' Chicaw whrat options closed Ian 53;“ Winnipeg optioms li'mwise. Qua-- If tat'oas: Ontario uh an, No. 2 “in f ter, Me 6119“, muslin according, lo L location; Manitoba “heal, No.1 mar , "Inn, Mllc; No. 2 northern, 9tilc. f: Oats. Canada western, No. 2, “-2 r No. 3 Camda western, 179, at lake f ports, ior immediate slupmen'c, Hm $7 ado. No. 2-uh'.te, Mc (d 310. out- tide; on track, Toronto, 37e i; Mc ' Corn, American, No. 2 ycllow, Bilge. on track. Toronfo. Peas, No. J, $1. ' Barley, 52c & G3c, outside, tor malt- ',, in!" Buchxheat, 53c, slipping points. ' Manitoba ttour-Listed ituotaticos at T Yorcnto are: First patents, $5.30; second (Menus. $1.80; strung bakers. $4.50; Ontario floesr, winter wheat, 90 perk-any patents, t.3.Mr, seabrapd. (" Miuired--Nanitotoa bran, $19 50 1-17 ' ton; shorts, $22 pr; hm, ull trawlt, â€Domain. E his I010 wry strong and showed Mt “Vance oi trom Joc to t5c per F 'tgt to“: on alt grades. Choke 'r., "hettorts told at trom " 50 w $ti, “While medium: were drawing horn , " to $5.40 and common trom H 25 I. to 84.75. Canaan sold at [nun 33.50 i to â€.25 and cutters at from $3.50 E boooooooooooooooooooooooooo6ocrooooooooooooooo 1' n" E- Live Stock I “12.11.00 mum-s. . - i “An-2mm, APRIL 11. ms. l Tow-t0- April ts.-There In augment .'.'..". t.w_erm.. ..r..'... " new" 'ieuiar:d and a heavy "In 9l’l-‘lour. 0m- ...... w........... 2.00 2.00 “n†at the l‘nion tstoWyards thits Flour, Agate ._. ..w... ...... I.“ 8.00 .m’n5. Gum matey cattle '"rf!Ftour, howl Lm. ... "tit 3... {ï¬r-Q " hoo 'tins to " and mm' "ttta ..._ TPt .ttr_ ... n." ... Att Ait "ttms at {mm " to " 50, “I te com- Pen rt....'"' FFrrV .‘. ..m'F. ......-15 L35 .9. grades brought "50 to " per Barley .r...t.P. .._.rr... ..r.wrrr. .55 .66 It)? . _ an. m ton ....mt... ..rrtm.m. 20.00 "" "I." srtroog and {honed Corn in lame Iota .....rrt.... .78 .80 ,II “in“ ol trom Joc to t5c per Middliugs. pet to. .t....P.. 32.00 'tgt to,nda on alt grades. Choke Potatoes, pet bag .. _., .t. 1.25 IAS solutions told at [tom " 50 w $ti, Butter Per lb .F.m.r_r_ FP. .. .28 ‘30 while mediums were drawing horn Eggs per dozen '.. .18 " " to $5.40 and common trom " 252mm' .Prvr. . ... L...'...'.".. .13 A5 to 84.75. Cannon sold at [mm $3.50 A ks" r siGi , ...... S.S6 3.00 to 03.25 and cutter. at from $3.50 135, If. _ . "f V 9.10 12.00 to $4.25 rer.i00 pounds. . Hogs, dressed _ _ $12.00 " Bulls continue "U ftrnt, witlsturod Hav per ton ..t.m.....'.r. ._. 15.00 17.00 'vaotts running from $6.50 to " 35 stiak per ton ... t.. .r....... 6050 7.50 'hte excepthnally (twice selections, bun“. per coral C."..' .._. .. 6.50 1.00 NW" good butcher trutrs were selP!l, Export cattle C,.'.'.'.".'."..'..'.'..'."."., 7.00 we ft 'roy. e iy1yetPon...trade1 __ ,“wmchezs' came .me.P. _-....... 550 6.50 G a scrubbing brush, scraper on (no? 'tritrger. A mop invented by a Massachusetts! manta]: be used inAlJJe usual way or', This wee's Last Work . T ‘TI‘O wevks a“: ittamr week 1912 fun [mo .908 l807 " Mn ing] Highest Quotations CATTLF.' 'rArtkr'.T' MARKET REPORTS Mosboro oooooooooooooooooooooooerooooooooocasoqi (BRAD; Top Tap Huh-hm s 1'.xcoriet h 605 I Mt nu I n oo la " li In lt' Hi " " NEW HAMBURG, APRIL I7, 1911 “but . "r.. ,. ‘. Pr) .._7‘ .93 Oats ._...-'.. .r....... ............ .35 .35 Barley .r...r-.. ..V.P. te-... ...... .60 3:0 Core ..r.e.... tr'."... -..-. Flour .t.-._... ..tmm.... '": Man. flour "..tm.... q.....' Butter per lb ...tm.e.. . Eggs, rt'r do-en ' _.. Hay ya ton .tt.re-r. .. Lard per Po mt.tmt'V. F-.' Ham mr--..... .m.tt.... ..... Midnngs, per ton ...._ rrar, rt! ton _ Frm ... Potatoes per bag ...r.r torat P...Ft... 'r'. eitm Hour. per IUD lbs "ran, per ton . "".-. Oats 'r-..... .._r...rV _ Shorts. per lou .-. Barley .._ ..r-. .__ . Rye ..P.r_ .. q... .... Buckwhrat ._tF..... untangle: lb. .__.. Eggs, pPr than Potators, per lag Chick: us each ...mr. Hay, per ton ...rm.r. Straw. per ton ...r l'e-t .erVem m"-mt-e-xt . Mutton, .r."t'e. _... Pork ..tt.."" .. "'-.. Hides ..e..-rr. q......qr Flour per luv tbs ... . Bran [er 100 ity .._.-. Middl ngs {ct loo lbs. Etnenings not 100 1:3. Wheat fer bush. Wt-ste . [and y pct bush ... ... Cats [er bush ........ .. Peas. per bust]. ..-..r.."_ Potatoes, per bag _..-'. Hay par ton ..e-.-er. ..-... Wood per cord ._e.P_-r. ... Potatoes per bag ...-e. Eggs, le: doun qFe . r, Butte: 'ri _ _ . Lard per Po. _.-.. ___ .. .This 1"ka 1,i.ast 'seek ‘Tun "err, .151- :Smm‘ “rt-k If": I‘IEHI HM" 1909 '-r . _ “5103 _ _ Jam? . l9m; . flan?- _ â€904 Prrt u __. GEEW't m1 Medicine Hat and Calm. Alt= NEW HAMBURG MARKETS " King St. VI. TURN!†BERLIN MARKETS BERLIN, APRH. I7, 1913 r per 100 tbs ... ......2.70 t [er 100 its .._.-. . .130 GALT MARKETS. tlAl.T, .‘U'ltll. rr,nsrt, Chartered Accountants. HUG MARKET $7 (i Mt 5 00 a oo I; 00 6.50 5.50 . .38 27.00 . 100 l .65 .. " pm .52 . 2.70 3.20 .. 20.00' . .33 " 27110 28.00 . 100 1.2:) 1 .65 Api .. " 70 ,. .52 .55 .32 :18 .'2o LIN] I.io ,. .30 1.50 12.00 13.00 .. 9.00 1000 3.00 11.00 _.. .l0 Ag _.. A'.?. .14 .2.70 2.30; L30 1.4m _.. Lil tr-.. 1-40 . .90 .60 mr .40 .45 ... .75 .80 1.23 .. 154-0 4. cm 7.00 $1.20 1.30 .30 .23 _ .28 30 . 15 .16 f.'." 12.00 t2.oit _ .l-l .ll . .18 .'2ft .60 3.30 an» 24 Ht 12 " Top price on cars This Week and Comparisons with Previous Years i 22.00 21.00 1.00 $9 CAt 1,30 a an at on t. 19 . an t. Wilma . '"t 1909 _ 825 19M ., Cr0 1907 . F' " 1906 ,. no 1905 .. it"? 19m _ (Lou no; ._ .35 No'.iee is hereby given, prrsvant to The Thsiae Act. (1 George V t Impler M, Section 55) that all Credet us and other rersms hating chins against {In (sign: of Thongs Muir ham, late oi the Village or Hawk’s-t ville in (he (ornty a Wat:rfoo, r--‘ trad firmer. “ho died on or about the Uh dav of .ll'ne, 19t2, are 11-- quirel to send by post, [which tr to deiter to Is the undersigned, the executors ot the last Will and Testa- went. at the said . deceased, cr to either of us on or tefore the 31st day rt May, 1913 thir christian and tutr- Lathes, addresses and description, the nu [art‘culars oi Unit Chin's. a sia‘emtnt at their arcatnig and tle nituro or the seeurities (it any) held by them. The 'ndersigned has lor sale good Stcd oats at tMc. per hush, the best to be ind in the market and gvaran- tetd first class. The best of seed oats is 'rry scarce this year and [almtrs will do well to order Karly. AGAIM's' w. Kinm, Fttone 733-1-ng 4, I. Holman East End Mill, Hula. Agent tor typhus Incuhamls, Branders, etc. l6-2t 1lr-2moa. And Farther lake mare: that. w- will iramediatAy after the said last mmtioncd date proceed to distribute thr.: 'state d the said diseased among the paths entitled ttwr to. hating, my"! only to the claims oi wtre'a me shall trea have notice. and that v. will not te resptrnsu"H? for the assets oi the add estate, or all? part WHOM. so dittrihulrd, to any person or {using oi ahose claim we shay ml then hate notice, Dated tho 3rd day at April, [MEL Eye glasses that successfully meet drained conditions bring rest to over- wrought nerves. Our optican has every scientific (minty for determin- in; sight defects. Have him egamitr, your Eyes. " he advises glasses it will he with certainty of their mod. This week . .. Last “wk ._ Two “trim ago _ Same “Mk 1912 1911 _ . . _ I910 . ., 19tt9 _ _ ., 1908 ..r- 1907 I. H _ .V 1806 tvr6 __ ,. . "or, _.. _ 'r' mm ., . _ Heller Bros,, Write for prices and iniormation DIAMONDS Arnold Jansen We issue Manage Licenses, ' 1155. State at Post Omce Berlin. hG mos. uclusur. three stone, twin Bst4 ttotitaire Rim Price. any from 810.00 mulls. lint value in the City. mounted, hunting beat qual- itr, lawless “can. We have them mounted in {SA menu, an mum m, (nun: 1r.utKHAM, Seed Oats for Sale Nerve Best Oul diamonds are select- tl King St. W. Berlin _ Phone 853. SHE KP MI RK KT', NOTIGE " Executors. Hawlar;vilet PAK um M Stump Lambs liemn, um " " .9 85 I0 L", 8 titt 6,70 990 8 no 6 25 t;,90 'r.30 06 " 5 00 5.90 Highest market price paid. Load every second Tuesday. Next shlpmnl April 22, 1913. l 0.6. Dnefenbachor We also ham urnrl a Tinsutithittg Shop. A nd (fer)- Farmer mast get h's Mo"k of agricultural totals and implements ready for thr. necessary “ark oi the scatmn. litre he can tind all kinds ot Hardware that he will "ant on ther {arm and indoors. We are stocked up! with wire mum. burrows. spades,' rakrs, pic'-.s and the thousand andl on' things that are alwovs needed for farm “ark. Pricrs reasonable. i Shipping Hogs Wanted Lincoln B. Snyder if! Hardware Merchant Opp., City Hall Be At 1Taitensteid C.P.R. Station. num- ber unlimited. Springis Cominngor Fine 's, r-A,e,tJ,'is; (i, Footweari 'this week . Last “wk . . Tun weeks ago _ Same week 1tti2 1gtt . 1910 1909 . 13105 4. '...,.,, l907 - tNt',', . ' "‘03 . . IN†1903 .es.W.. .r.'tr'r. Jelly with» $1“! tri: WT. rnur nan-41 ‘tnd addn‘rs. Your request will receive lucid attention. State if you grow wreath)!“ tr lama“. in“ market. as we' haw a special Pr"'. list. Writ: lob, while RU fssa ia you; mind. l DARCH S; HUNTER SEED co., Limiter' Dept. BI LONDON, CANADA RI) mm brim fun of good was. Con: lain: valuable 'tarormation In: Ln.- Inna". amid gardener um [time planter. I: was of Inc lulu! and b.s.C. world-MM introductions. Falusue memituots. Your choice at 5' nu: \z..elins 3...] unmnmd Inc! for all: I-1lil LIN: Izhsol'iu-ly fret with new order,'.arpe or :mall. Donn, 1913 Catalogiie I333 Ready 203 (worn, Soul'h. rho-Te Also big stock ot BINDER TWINE, and COAL, the best This store is headquarters for the best of srod grain in Berlin. inciuding crg'ivrut, TIMOTHY, ALSIKE, ete. obtainable ntcrlin, Mo. Bramm "I TIT)" ll l RK HT Fat mers' Crcamery selarator Prints _ 97 In as " M 39 In! 97 82 9s RI tut " " Ont El aria Berlin i 39 In " 5:. 47 .39 " 38 36; _ 'lhe vndtrsign d onâ€; tor 5113 a l I no eempris'ng ll arm swat 1i lg nites north td' German Milli A few _ a r s sown in fall wheat, good orch- I ard with all kinds ct fruit tncs. (in Tthe taan, is a good bank ham with {silty Foot 8 roorred house with CP- meut rel ms. and good supply or wa- ‘ler. Also driving shod, wocdshed and gsnm‘ie hocse. Must be soht by May ‘10:an Price $10500. Apply to _ MRS. SOPHIA WOLFE. _ King and Yovne Sts, _ I5-lmo. Waterloo. (Int. lSorrel Mare, 4 yrs. old, I Dark Bay Gelding,3 yrs.old 'This week trt . last week . ‘l‘uu weeks ago Fame wrek 1912 ham A money make? G. F. YUIGBLUT Kim: St. Waterloo G e n e r a1 s o r e' The “out: ot Quality tiair Goods Do o Fai o ca d . . t f 183-105 Youngo St, Toronto “you: L'; 1,tiuatha'l2"." I Business ;mcmeummW Expenses light Post Mice in connection Small capital required King St. I 910 mm was 1ror mm; [30.3 1Wtt I'm! tsin tDrivers.) H. NEWBERY, Willinmsburg. R. Route g, Berlin. WANTED- A gool general pur- pose horse. ' Farm for Sale 5 Acre Market Garken at $1500 A. K. GBESSMAN SHAW’S SGHOOLS Horses for Sale Toronto, Camila. include the b-haw Corrrspondowe School, Th3 Central Business coifege, 'lh' (Vanni. Telegraph a; Hail. mad Slhml,. an! Four Citv Branch Business Schools. Mt provide excellent courses lead- ine to good salaried positions. Free cataiogde on request, Write tor it. W. H. SHAW, )‘res'drnl. Minutes, Yong; & Gerrard Sis. Toronto. 1913. Pg. " ...goto... EGG MA RR " For Sale Also 28 28 28 33 33 " 23 27 2R 21 I7 Waterloo " 18 aks -laid 31 '.9t 3tt 3 l 27 26 til .30 23 21 '20 22 muomuuuumtm I BEAUTIFUL HAIR I g Ural; :nd I'ersr nals.c-Alciie a few of th. rclatiu-s and Iritn"cs oi .lir.l and Mrs. Nsveh Flint-1. of lterlia at-' lg'nd,d the funeral of their daughlvri Dora, on Monday aiuttnosn. 1»me sd uar, born bere about te years. ago] ard hm spent all her lite here “uni the exception of the past inc yrars. : mixers Filectedf--A young. pm.:lv's. 'icrr.'rty Mas nr’ganizrd In the Ltr.tlwr, an (h rch here last Thursday mm- " f, The omwrrs " the mum": war are _ Prrs.--itrt. llansrn. Vitt-Pres.-Miss "ertha Holte. .hsVrretarr-Mr. Norman Lahmm; l Troasc--Miss Hilda Hemmerirh. "rganist.--Miss Marion 'uhare1tat', The latter three also ("prime the! l’rngran'm? ('rn'miuvce. I 11m week Last week TNo “irks at“ Fumr "ee'. HH..' I911 . Wm ' If!†ISM _ F Wm I'm HM 1'0.) "iiiiii s' wliéi Fiinaair" if _'_'11rti,1icr “GENTLEMEII, IF Ytul ME BALB" The Dorenwend Co., of Toronto, Ltd. oi .TlHa' DORI'ZNWFXD . W V 'l‘RANSFORMATIUN. They _ '_.,..-," cusorr will give a (hum and at traruveness tll an otherwise plain Lace and win assist any “man to keep her youthful appearance." They are superior to all others in t?iieets they produce when adjusted, in qual ity of hair and efrurietary _ or wcrkmanship. . _ l FRI-IE DEMONSTRATIUN IS OFFERED TO ALE: WIGS, TitANrtF'tNtMA'rioNs, I'ttMPAD0OlH, HANGS, FRDX'I‘S. WAVES, sWITCtH%'. BRAIDS. ETC. Hee nni Fave a demonstration “R tiN. Il lis'h'HT Conestoga Cor. King and Scott3.Sts. [tat GENTS’ FURNISHING EHPDBIUM] PROF. (pawn) “Tm-cub who will hr. at WALPEII titW9i, Ilertla, SATURD“. APRIL ttttu With an im- mune stock oi the Latest Fas- hions in Hair Coods. A stvle to suit CVPry in- dividual. malus every wo- man Lcauziiul. and all who de- sire to make the most oi their apptarance have the oiirer- unity oi ray- ing a visit, to .. "eetr t here Pall “host mm IRI, 18 Ir, P9 3n In " H iii-tt. lil 'ltr Are You Coming West 8tt qhe meetings will he held every nrst Tct:sday awning in the month. --5fr. Adam Doerr spent a few days at l‘rtsum and Galt where her son Martin Pahmer of Preston was Oper- a'el ttt 'lhsrsday (or appettdiritis.-- Ilts. Monument-11 spent a tew days “LII h-r sun near Elmira. vim GTGiaTiF. Frii'nm "ghe- averted n guy. will: Electric Itttttrrr, for Men Lur- 1eg.eyt',"t'ptatmta,W,ltt2,1', Any rrz'xnn wishing to erect. foun- rmum. sifewY s and cellar ttmren, “mm do irell to tontmtmtcate with thr Lndrnignrd GT, 5.53.; we. __ 'ri',a.GFiGfiiJi 7i',4fEie"rClliashrl'. att.'tg's' m liltN EST TI Y IDR. no; on, I S. B. HIEIIN, NOTICE Gunny-y. Sui. III-i" “ng