’an.c 217 in stock, such as wnoden wash tubs, Lincoln B. Snyder Hardware Merchant Opp., City Hall Bej mre all sizns of the system being clogged. The Livet ard Bowels are inactive â€" and the Stomach is weak from undi_ested foods and foul gases. Mrs. A. II. Saulter. Sold at allâ€".dealets _ in 35 and 50 cent toxes or mailid by The Fig Pill Co., St. Thomas, Ont. Sold in Waterloo by A. G. Hachnel Druggist. spoons, clothes pins, froning boards, Sehool teaching staff, is on the sick| Miss Laura Hoimes of Toronto, forâ€" list. ‘merly a teacher at the Public School mmamerrmenimmem mm here, spent a few days at the home Winterbourne [0( Mrs. R. Jackson.â€"Mr. Allingham e ‘of the Royal Bank at Hanover visitâ€" News Notesâ€"Dr. Nairn gave a very I‘ed friends in town last week.â€" Mrs. interesting entertainment last Friday;"' Knechtel and two . daughters of evening for the young people. It being Hanover were the guests of Mrs. J. Easter holidays several were prescnt.‘Shat" for a few days last week. â€" from a distance.â€"Those farmers who,MFs' fsimer Hal: stefl Funday Wilh sufiered from the great storm a week| Ti¢D38 in Tavistock â€"Miss Elsic Fulâ€" or ten days ago are patiently waiting tom spent Faster with friends . at for fine weather so that they can do, Milverton. â€"Mrs.Liesemer, Detroit spâ€" necessary â€" repairing. Among those fent a le_w days with her sister, Mrs. who &uflered considerable loss _ were, WCb°® in town last week â€"Mr. . and Mr. Ezra Weber, | barn roof partly ; NTSâ€" . Zeigler who have been visitâ€" torn off, Mr. lerbert Lundy, â€" barn‘ ing ftiends in this vicinity for a few roof, part of which was lifted off and | W°CKs left last Wednesday for _ their varried down to the creek; Mr. ‘Welâ€" home in Souris, Man.â€" Miss â€" Laura lington Snyder, a new frame silo Auman and Miss L. Holmes were the with 13 feet of cement â€" wall, {nâ€"| guests of _ Miss Evelyn Lackner at frame work being 14 fect in diameter| Bertlin last Friday afternoonâ€" Mr. and 18 feet high firmly spiked to his| and Mrs. J. Ratz cl Berlin spent _ a barn, was suddenly torn ol and: °Y Gays last week with Mrs. . J. cartied away into the field â€" andl Pats. sr., on Centre street. â€" Miss smashed to pieces, Mr. Henry Hamilâ€"| LOY!N@ Hilborn entertained a number ton, barn roof partly blown of; \[p / 0i ber friends to tea at her _ home Wm. R. Hamilton, root cellat uncovâ€" last Wednesday afternoon â€" A little ered. In fact there were very few | vearâ€"old child of Mr. and ‘.\!r§. E. who escaped more or less: damage. _ Hainer on King street, _ accidently The schools were reopened _ Monday PUlcd 0N the table cloth, thereby upâ€" morning after a week‘s holidays. vie. setting a glass lamp which exploded toria School No. 28 has been rrnoâ€"i“"d craused a small fire, which might vated, th> floor newly oiled and borâ€" have proved more disastrous, but the dering put on thewallsâ€"Born: To timely aid of those who were present Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Snyder, _ on in the bouse, quickly extinguished the Tuesday, March 25th, a son.â€" There Paze The little child received. burns is considerable agitation at â€" present | Which fortunately were not serious â€" in reference to passing a byâ€"law to | Miss Grant spent the holidays at her raise money for. bridge building _ in home in St. Marys.â€"Mr. and _ Mrs. this township during noxt summfl_?.\'ur\umd and children of Elora were both for and against. | the guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. Musser (l'm' a few days last week.â€" Mrs. C. u_ ns i Schicrholtz visited friends and . relaâ€" {tives at Buflalo last week.â€"Mrs. Wm. suLLow sx'" | Pfaff of Mount Forest is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Robâ€" Liver Spots, Pimples, Dark crison, in town â€"The Misses Leannr(-’ Circles Under the |Otto, Mac Brandt and Lorraine Dunke Eyes | were the guests of _ Miss _ Frances ; |Enyder at St. Jacobs last Saturday mre all sizns of â€" the system bï¬ng‘aflernmm,â€"-nr. C. W. Wells, dentist, clogged. The Liver ard Bowels are| who is at prosent spending a _ few inmactive and the Stomach is weak months in Bermuda will, owing _ to from undi,ested foods and foul gases. | increasing business in Berlin, disconâ€" ‘tirie his professional visits to EL 20 FlGFiLli / miraâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Louis _ Koerber| the great fruit remedy, will make you feel like a new petson. Winmipeg, .June 27, 1911. After â€" taking threo toxes of _ yorr Fig Pills for stomach and liver trouâ€" tles I fecl strong and well and able to do my own work. A first class bank barrt 36â€"10 will be sold by public auction on _ April 5th, at S. B. schneider‘s residence, 178 Quemn St., South, Berlin. 13â€"3t. rolling pins, etc WATCOIT OUR WINDOW News Notes.â€"Dr. Nairn gave a very | interesting entertainment last Friday| evening for the young people. Jt being Easter holidays several were present from a distance.â€"Those farmers who | suffered from the great storm a week | or ten days ago are patiently waiting , for fine weather so that they can du’ necessary â€" repairing. Among those | who kufiered considerable loss _ were Mr. Ezra Weber, barn roof partly | torn off, Mr. lerbert Lundy, barn . which have been revised and raised. No efforts will be spared. to make this show a success. Come one, come all, and be convinced.â€"Mr. Carl Webâ€" er of Hanover is rencwing old acâ€" uaintances here.â€" Miss G. Staples, ome of the assistants of the Public School teaching stalf, is on the sick list. News Notes.â€"Miss Elma Meyer of Berlin, who spent her Easter holidays with her parents here, returned last ‘Thursday.â€"Mr. Ed. Reuber who filled an engagement as porter at the Alâ€" bion Hotel for the .last year has sevâ€" @ered his connection there and accepted & position as assistant sawyer . in Ratz & Co.‘s millsâ€" Mr. Albert Hammel accepted a position as porâ€" %er at Mr. Hy. Kreutzweiser‘s Hoâ€" tel.â€"Miss Bessie Murch of Stratiord has been engaged as teacher on our Public School teaching staff and comâ€" menced her duties on Monday. _ We are glad to welcome her once more to our midst.â€" Mr. Jacob _ Planner who has been in the employ oi Mr. Peter A. Wagner as porter resigned his position and _ left for his home mear Berlet‘s Corner for a _ short time.â€"The annual Spring Show will be held next Tuesday April the 8th, whenâ€"liberalâ€" prites will beâ€" awarded ubter moulds, ladles, butter bow!s, Call and see thege goods A Big Hardware Sale We have a full line of wooden ware L 0 0 K FOR SALE Our Busy Neighbors â€" BOTTOM PRICES Berlin and family of Elora visited (rionds, ‘in town last week.â€" Last _ Tuesday |evening Messrs. W. Badley, G. Zeigâ€" ‘ter, A. Laschinger and A. C. Kimmel journeyed to Elora aryl sang at a spe; cial meeting under the auspices of the | Oddfcllows Lodge at that place.â€"Miss | E. Sopish of Waterlino was the guest! ‘of her friend, Mrs. A. Schediwitz, on |\ King street.â€"Mr. Roy Zilliax of Colâ€" ‘lingwood spent Sunday with his moâ€" / ther in town. â€"Miss Stuthers has reâ€"| ‘turned to resume her dutiecs at . the| ‘Public School _ here _ after visifing ] ‘itiends and relatives at Blythe _ and | London â€"Mr. Fred Ruppel spent Sun-l day with his parents in town.â€" Mr.} «Morley Stewart left last Monday for | Alsace, Nask., after spending several months with his parents near Elmira. â€"Miss L. _ Haack of Berlin spent Sunday with friends in town.â€" Miss El-llhel Reynolds of St. Jacobs _ was ithe guest oi ber friend, Miss Edith ; Behrens last week.â€" Mr..F. C. A. , |Jeanneret, B. A., returned on Monâ€"| ‘day to resume his dutiés as _ French| Master at Epper Canada College at, (Torontoâ€"Miss R. Quickfall of (Glenâ€"‘ ‘.\Hrn spent Sunday with her friend.’ Miss Bertha Coote in town.â€" Mr.} !Rmhon Martin leaves this week _ for [Ottawa where he has secured a good ‘position as manager of a large dairy‘ ‘farm. â€"Miss Ruth Ratz left this week! |for Toronto, where she will attend‘ ; Monlton College.â€"Miss Sanderson â€" oi} ‘Lastowel has returned to town after ‘visiting relatives at her home during | the Easter holidays.â€" Rev. S. R.| ; Knechtel _ of Berlin conducted _ the special _ services in the _ Evangelical, Chutch last Sunday morning and ev | ‘ening â€" Miss Tillie Wolfong visited [friends at Doon on Friday.â€" Mr. W. t Dnuench attended the fnncral oi | his‘ "brothor at Batavia, N. Y. last week The deceasedâ€" was many years ago a blacksmith when this village was â€" a very small place.â€" Mr. Hy. Ruprr"‘ was a busin>ss visitor to Totonto| | on Tuesday. | | _ The Crown authotities have dropped all _ proceedings _ against Stephen \hiyashk, the young Walpole _ Island iIndian, accused of murdet. Wedding Bellsâ€"A very pretty wedâ€" ding was solemnized at the home oi Mrs. J. Heveron last Tuesday aiterâ€" | noon when her youngest _ daughter, ,Miss Olive, was married to Mr. David | Roberts of Whitney, Ont. The bride | was prettily attired" in _ a suit of cream satin and allover lace, and |\ wore a handsome amethyst necklace, ‘and carried a bouquet of carnations. |\‘The groom‘s gift to the bride was a fgold bracelet and to Miss Ada Harris +of Port Huron, who acted as bridesâ€" ‘maid, a gold brooch. Rev. Mr. Cozâ€" |ens of Elmira performed the _ cete | mony. Aiter a dainty wedding |breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Roberts leit )for a short wedding trip, after which ‘they will make their future home in Whitney. Forester of Hamilton was the guest of Mrs. Eitel part of this week.â€"Miss L. Hoimes of Toronto, formerly oi this town, spent a few days at the bome of Mrs. R. Jackson on Church St. last week.â€"Dr. J. Ratz f Pres ton spent Tuesday with _ Elmira {friends. Local and Personal.â€" Mr. Andrew Died â€"on Sunday :â€"We regret to reâ€" port the death of Mr. Harty Mundel who died at the home of Mr. F. W. Burn‘tts. on â€" Sunday. He had been suffering for the past week with an altack of â€" appendicitis. Mr. Mundel was taken to his home in Mitchel on Monday _ where interment took plac: at 3‘o‘clock p.m. He leaves to mourn! h‘s loss a widow _ and one child,, who have _ the _ deepest symâ€" pathy of numecrous friends in this \‘i~; cinity.â€"Mr. Simon Friedman has/inen | engaged _ by Mr. David Wray.â€"Mrs.| George _ Rennic spent the weekâ€"ond | with _ frionds _ in Milbank.â€"Sunday | Nchool _ will reâ€"open in the ’Lutherang Church on April 14th. _ The parents. are requested _ to sond their childtenl regularly.â€"Mr. Ed. Koehler of Welâ€" lesley spent a few days in town lastl weck.â€"Mr. Barney Lantz was a Y Siâ€" tor to _ Elmita on Saturday.â€"l{cv.‘ Nr. Betle loft Monday to attend the‘ Confcrence in Hamilton.â€"Mr. Gilbert j <mith has purchased a fine team _ of horses and will be ready to compete at any oi the spring Horse Shows.â€" Rev. Mr. Scott of Guelph occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian Church on _ Sunday.â€"Master .John McKem_\'} bas taken a position as Cletk at Mt.| W. 0. _ Bundy‘s _ Storeâ€"Mr. Jacob} Meyer n#ade a business trip to Guelph on Saturday.â€"Mr. Arthur Ament â€"is} spending a _ vacation with his Sifllt‘l'g in Beriin â€"The social evening given ; by the woman‘s Institute on Fridayj News Notes.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Prin. Ass‘t. Musselman and daughter of Waterioo . visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.| School reopened again after Easter Elias S. Shantz last Sunday.â€" Mr.|Y@¢@Â¥tiOn on Monday morning.â€"Tafiy Herbert Burkhart attended the funâ€"| Parties might now be on order. Sap‘s eral of his grandmother which â€" was IUDNing not pad they say and some held near Yatton last week. â€" Mrs. farmers that have quite a number of Henry Shocmaker oï¬ Milwaukee is , trces tapped aré getting a good supâ€" spending a few weeks at the â€" home{Bly of the sweet goods.â€"Another of Mrs. Allen Shoemaker.â€"Miss Emâ€" Breithaupt elcctric railway meeting ma Haase of Berlin spent Sunday unâ€"| was held on Saturday &‘ternoon, der the parental roof.â€" Miss Cora"l’hi(h our _ representatives attended Oberholtzer of Berlin is spending the: Who knows but what wo might yet holidays _ with her aunt at | "FKair |hear her | toot.â€"Another little flood View."â€"Mr. and Mrs. Milton Weber | on Monday evening.â€"Next Sunday have returned to their home here afâ€" at 7.30 a spetial English service will ter spending their honeymoor _ with be held in the Lutheran church. Reâ€" friends at Brown _ City, Michâ€"Mr. |glllar s>rvice in thg forenoon and Sunâ€" and Mrs. Simeon Brubacher and Mr. Id.ay School â€" in the forenoon at 9 and Mrs. Isador Snider of _ Berlin jo‘clock.â€"Rev. H. P. Hansen is atâ€" were Sunday visitors at the home of !tcnding the Conference of the Central Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Shantz.â€"Master |Division of the Canada Lutheran Syâ€" Moses Bowman of Berlin was a Sunâ€"!nod, in Hamilton, this week. â€"ML. day visitor at the home of Mr. and |Ed. Freer who has spent the winter Mrs. S. E. Shantz. in h‘s old home near London, Eng. . jhas returned again, looking hale and . hearty after a somewhat stormy trip Linwood coming across the ocean. â€"ML. Josiah __ Brubacher moved to near Elmira with Dicd â€"on Sunday :â€"We regret to reâ€"| Dis fansily on Tuesday, and Mr. C. port the death of Mr. Harty Mundcl|Fritz took Possession of the property who died at the home of Mr. F. W.{itst vacated by Mr. Brubacher. 3. Ist to Jr. II.â€"Jean Norton (bon‘ ors\, _ Leah Baer, Clarence LeMer, Elwood Weber, Wilired Howling, Harâ€" vey Brunk. _ C to A ist.â€"Clare, Hilborn, Camerâ€" on Fock, Harvey. Einwechter, Alice Keyes, Greta Buck. B Pr. to C.â€"Dora Johnson, QGuinten Hallman, _ Nellie Norton, Roy Bock, Elsie Groff, Marie Smith, Rog# Lavâ€" tenschlager, _ Olvena GcrI?fl_).l{)hnnie Simith, Mary Geiger, Gaffield Weber, Eben Howling. Jr. _ 1II. to â€" Sr.III.â€"Eldon Ein wechter _ 428, _ Rosetta Snyder 410, Margaret _ Spreeman _ 398, Clayton Bricker 386, Edith Dinger 374, Clarâ€" ence Hpwling 359, Gilbert Baer 353, Walter _ McDonald 352, Nellic Mayet 330, Ada Hallman 321. R Jr. II. to Sr. IL.â€"Lewis _ Johnson thonors), Charlie Spreeman (honots), Roy Spaetzel (homors), Willie Berâ€" gey. Jr. IV. to Sr. IV.â€"L. Bingaran (absent). Sr. 11. to Jr. IV.â€"Hubert T 109, _ Pearl _ Spreenzan 394, odeit Spaetzcl 392, Mannton Howling 331, Roy Wanner 320. 5r. II. to Jr. 1II.â€"Russel Toman 407, Douglas McDonald 376, Harold Lefllea 324, Floyd â€" Fingaman 313, Ellen Hallman 300. A Ist to B 1st.â€"Salome Hallman, Iva Poth, Oscar â€" Hallman, Melvin Ernst (Rec.) The worried mother wakes up to hear her baby‘s heavy breathingâ€"a little coughâ€"perhaps the croup or whooping cough. She does not went to send for the doctor when perhaps the trouble does not amount to much. Finally she thinks of that medical book her father gave her, The Common Sense Medical Adviser, by "Qu 7 on . n T POORADOT NE utar En dn wel tnhtiaiet ihat car aipastinei it‘ se d R. V. Pierce, M. D. She says ‘‘ just the thing to find out what is the matter with the little dear.‘" Two million househoids in this country own ane â€"and it‘s to be had for only 31c. in stampsâ€"1,000 pages in splendid cloth binding. A good family adviser in any emergency. It is for eitéer sex. This is what many women write Dr. Pierceâ€"in respect to his ‘‘ Favorite Prescription," a remedy which has made thousands of melancholy and miserable women cheerful and happy, by curing the painful womanly diseases which undermine a woman‘s health and strength. , "My desire is to write a few lines to let yon know what ‘onr valuable medicine has done for me." writes M®s. laroarer ZvernerRt. of 323 8. Bentsion Street, Baltimora, Md. "Before the storck came to our house I was a very sick woman. 1 wrote you for advice which was klndl{ given and Wwhich made me a different woman in a short time. After /A taking the firss bottle of ‘Favorite Prescription‘ 1 bvfln 4\ } » Irn{‘)rrwimr so that I hardly knew I was in such a condition. 4 1 did my own houseworkâ€"washing and ironing. t-mkln:d \b\ sewing. and the worst of all nursed three children who B ( whooping cough. 1 hardly knew of the advent ten minutes VR beforeâ€"so easy was it The baby is as fat as a buiterâ€"ball m ‘ 4 Dr. Pierce‘s Favorite Prescription is the best medicine for * any woman to take when in l’?!- condition, _ L recommend it Mas. Zvezat ano Bass. to all my friends." annual _ promotion examination | at New Dundes, Ont. _ The pass mark was 312. To obtain honors 390 wete A WOMAN‘S WISDOM. New Dundee School Report] MA Mad. wor (a3 @ Tak %* A ‘ t % i 6‘ 4 1J «xA :d Y befo A se 4 Dr. ‘The following are the results of the Promotions in Junior Department Senior Department Nine Pines Byâ€"Law Defeatsâ€"The vote gn the byâ€"law taken last Monday was a very small one and â€" resulted in the dofeat of th: byâ€"law by 11 votes. The votâ€" es cast throughout the Township beâ€" ing : ; ‘ Conestogo ... Winterbourne St. Jacobs . Elmira ... Floradale ... Heidelberg .. Montrose ... Hospitality that puts a guest â€" in the hospital | is nothing to boast about. was a splendid success. â€"Mr. _ John McKenty was a business visitor . to QGuelph on â€" Saturday.â€"Mr. W. Kretz of Berlin .spent Sunday in town.â€" Miss â€" Coletta _ Voison of Glenallen spent the weekâ€"ond at Mr. Leo. Bopâ€" pre‘s.â€"Mr. Milton Goetz of the meâ€" tropolitan Bank staff here has been transfetred to Elmira and Mr. E. Stumpf of Elmira is taking his plage. School reopened again after Easter vacation on Monday morning.â€"Tafly Parties might now be on order. Sap‘s running not bad they say and some farmers that have quite a number of trees tapped aré getting a good supâ€" Bly of the sweet goods.â€"Another Breithaupt elcctric _ railway meeting was held on Saturday &‘ternoon, which our _ representatives attended Who knows but what wo might yet hear her toot.â€"Another little flood on _ Monday evening.â€"Next Sunday at 7.30 a special English service will Sr. Part 1. Jr. Part II.«â€"total mares _ 300, required to Pass 180 : Roxie Schwartz 284, Lester Clayfield 281, Susan (rossman 277, Russel Esch 272, Julivs Kock 270, Hannah Erabach:r 269, Ada _ Martin 368, to;n: Koch 265, Walter Fenton 263, oy _ Lederman 261, Howard Knatr 256, Carl Hachborn 201. C. H. Becker, F. Klopp, Prin. Ass‘t. Er. II. to Jr. 1II.â€"marks same as one before : Magdalene Weber _ 448, Livea _ Martin 440, Margaret Fenton 429, Emily Clayfield 427, Lydia Hanâ€" rer ‘396, Marfe Kienzlie 393, Irvin Jr. II. to Sr. II.â€"marks 520â€"312 : Lydia Ann Weber 427, Hermine Hanâ€" sen 422, Annie Hill 409, Gertie Scheâ€" râ€"r 396, Marie _ Kienzle 393, Irvin Dahmer 388, Milton Wiecland 386, Laâ€" vina _ Freeman 375, Emanuel Delion 372, Fannie Brubacher 323. Sr. Part II. to Jr. II.â€"total possiâ€" ble marks 450, required to pass 270. Elorence Ebel 421, Angus Martin 419, Hilda _ Koch 391, Salome Musselman 388, Olives Wright 386. Items of Interest.â€"The scholars in the Public school are nearly all fee} ing weil these days as the reports of the Promotion Exarminations ate just to hand and they show that nearly all passed. This is not only a credit to the scholars but to the teaciers as well who took great pains to inâ€" siruct them so thoroughly. The folâ€" lowing is the list of Promotions : Jr. IV. to Sr. IV.â€"possible total marks 625, required to pass 375. Enos _ Detweiler 377, Clayton Esch 316. Jr. III. to Sr. III.â€"marks samp as one before : Elven Koch 431, Earl Koch 429, Geo. Holle, 393, Oscar Hacltsorn 348, Wesley Koch 345, Rusâ€" se} Snider 331, Lydie Weber 320. Sr. III. to Jr. IV.â€"possible marks 320, required to pass 312 : Violet Schwartz 442%, Irvin _ Freeman 407, Vernon . Good 349, Vera Good 347, Florence Wright 341. Weppler 379, Alice Koch 377. Tobsl ~sues sck â€"â€" Majority Against . Polis For 19 91 10 21 14 13 13 Against 102 10 22 17 37 11 Marriages Walkerâ€"Jordamnâ€"In Galt, on March 20th, Miss Alice Jordan to Mr. Wm Walker of Hamilton. Fordâ€"Bullockâ€"In Galt, on March 22; Ethel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ramseyerâ€"At Baden, March 2ist, to Mr. and â€" Mrs. Jos. Ramscyer, | a daughter. ' Hunterâ€"At Holstein, March 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hunter, a daagh ter Schmidtâ€"At Mannheim, to Mr. and Mrs. George Schmidt, a son. .. Mr. Hahn is establishing a brass foundry in Stratford. the well wishes of your friends _ for success and prosperity amid environâ€" ments go with you. As a slight token of our esteem and regard the ladies ask Mrs. Hahn to accept this table cover, and the gentiemen _ beg Mr. Hahn to accept this rocker.â€"Not for their trifling value but to serve in tangible form as a remembrance of the friends you have left behind _ in New Hamburg. _ inst.â€"Mrs. Robert Martin is visitin: with friends in Fergus.â€"Mrs. George Graff, Miss Ida GraS, Mr. and Mrs. Kent of Torontp, and Mr. and, Mrs. Motherall and fam#tly of Zimmerman were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bean last week.â€"Miss Martin of Watâ€" erioo, who has been the guest of Mrs. D. Becker for the past two _ weeks, has returned to her home.â€" _ Miss Robb was in Waterloo aver Sunday.â€" Mrs. (Dr.) Anderson spent a _ few days ol last week with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Brown, in Plattsville.â€" Mr. Pediow of Delhi is the guest of his sister, Mrs. J. M. Smith.â€" Miss Mary Puddicombe has returned home from a delightful two months visit with friends in Ottawa and Toronto. â€"Mr. Jacob Morley of Smithville was the guest of his son over Easter.â€" Mrs. George Hohmeier of _ Goderich was an Easter visitor with friends in town.â€"Mr. P. A. Gatan spent a few days of last week with _ friends in Walkerville, Windsor and Detroit.â€" Mrs. Jack Giesler and children _ of Walkerton are the guests of. _ her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bruder. â€"Mr. Corrie of Stratford spent Sunâ€" day at his home here.â€"Miss Madeline Rutledge spent her Easter holidays with friends in Goderich.â€" Mr. and Mrs. Philip Stier and daughter were the guests of friends in Hamilton and Bartonville last week.â€" Miss Annie Schaeffer of Simcoe spent last week at her home here.â€" Mr. Clarence Keracher of Toronto spent Sundal'] with his parents.â€"Mrs. Jee Buckel ‘visiwd with her son, Mr. J. Buckel in Brantford over Easter holidays.â€" Mr. and Mrs. Freeborn and daughter lGxace were in Wellesley on Thursday attending the wedding of Mrs.. Freeâ€" born‘s cousin, Miss Robcrt.sv.m.â€"Mm.i }Rzist and daughter Pearl were | in Woodstock for a iew days last week. â€"Mr. H. H. Wylie of Toronto spent Sunday with his little son Bobbie, who is the guest of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin. â€" Miss: Clemens of Berlin has been engaged by the Public School Board to suc ceed Miss Siegel, who has accepted a position as a teacher in a school mnear Calgary.â€"Rev. Mr. Kicflet â€" oi St. George will occupy the pulpit oi the Methodist church hete on Sunday both morning and evening, when he will conduct special missionary _ serâ€" vices. Rev. Mr. Crupp will be _ in St. George for Sunday and take Mr. Keefer‘s pulpit.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Simpâ€" son Meruct emtertained the _ membâ€" ers of the Ladies‘ Aid of the Evanâ€" gelical church and their husbands or Wednesday evening of last week. _A most enjoyable evening was spent by all.â€"The Park Commissioners _ have secured the services of the Four Star| Concert Co. of Toronto for Thursday evening, April 3rd. Mr. Wanless â€" oi Rerlin has kindly consented to loan a Sherlockâ€"Manningz piano _ for â€"the evening. A high class programme is assured, and‘ the concert ought to be well patronized.â€"Tuesday, April 1st the annual horse show will be held here. It is expected that a large mumber of horses will compete im the twenty classes for. which supstamtial prizes have been ofered.. | ‘Presented With Address.â€"The many frtends of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ~Hahn regret their departure to Stratfiord and expressed their affiection for Mr. and Mrs. Hahn in a tangible manner on Monday evening of last week.â€"Folâ€" lowing is the address which was read by Principal Smith and presented to Mr. and Mrs. Hahn. During your stay here we have 1 ed to appreciate in you both 1 qualities which tend to higher s dards ol citizenship and social Let us assure you that upon the of your departure for your mew | Dear Friends.â€"It is with . feehings of deepest regret that we have learnâ€" ed ol your intended departure {jrom our midst: As nelghbors and friends together we have had pleasant assoâ€" ciations, the recollection of which time will be very stow in effacing. During your stay here we have learnâ€" ed to appreciate in you both those Let us assure you of your departure the well wishes o success and prosp Local and Personal.â€"Mr. . Q. H. Becker spent a ow days in Exeter last week.â€"Mr. Hert Appel of ‘Torâ€" onto spent a iew days at his home bere last week.â€" Mrs. Camfeld of Chicago is the guest of hor mother, Mrs. Merner, Jacob St.â€"Dr. Krupp of Woodstock was the guest of . his recht were in Shakespeare for a few days last week with their . daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Ford. â€"â€" Messrs,. Brock Puddicombe and Will Frank attepded the dance in Stratford on the 24th parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Krupp over Births stand life eve Waringâ€"In Galt, on Wednesday, Mar. 26, Mrs. Mary Waring, wife of John Waring, sr., aged 74 years. ‘ Jamiesonâ€"In Barrie, on March _ 27, Mr. James Jamieson, aged 70 yrs. Groveâ€"In Galt, on March 27, Emily R, Kate Grove, aged 16 years. » Bootyâ€"In Galt, on Friday, March 28, Mrs. J. Booty, aged 84 years. Duenchâ€"In _ Batavia, N.Y., Mr. Jacob Duench, formerly of Waterâ€" Bullock, to Mr. Ford of Brampton. _ 100. Bormerâ€"Murrayâ€"In Gait, on March Schmidtâ€"In Waterloo, on March 28, 22, Miss Mary Murray to Mr. Wilâ€" â€" Mr. Jacob E. Schmidt, aged 71 frid Bonner. . l years, 6 months. Robertsâ€"Meredithâ€" In Elmira, on Mundellâ€"In Linwood, on March 30, Tuesday, March 18, Olive, daughter. Mr. 11. J. Mundell, eldest som . of of Mrs. J. Jefferson, to Mr. J.| Mr. and Mrs.‘ Wm. Mundell. Roberts of Whitney. wemn en mm Jamiesonâ€"Marshailâ€"In Roos Hill, on M heli March 25, Grace, daughter of Mrs.| annheim * Ralph Marshall, to Mr. Milne Jam-s â€"â€" e .l,e:;t:;s:: pi Mr and Mis: Johni News Notes.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Manasâ€" Lockieâ€"Leppâ€"In Plattsville, on Wedâ€" S¢h Shantz of Berlin visited with Mr nesday, March 19, Miss Anna Lepp and Mrs. Josiah Sh.antz on Su_nt?ay. No Mr. David Lockie. â€"Mr. and Mrs. David Bergey visited Winnipeg, April 1.â€"(Canadian Press.)â€"Summary of reports wired to the Manitoba Free Press from over two hundred points show _ favorable crop prospects. Although there is snow from one to three Toot deep in some places land on the whole is clear, seeding will probably begin April 15th to 20th, which is ten to twelve days later than last year. This may result better, however, as late frost last year damaged a great deal of the grain, necessitating much re sowing. . * Snow fell throughout the entire west and has been particularly heavy and everywhere there is plenty of moisture, in some places enough to reâ€" tard plowing, but on the whole a larger area than ever is ready for seedâ€" ing. WESTERN CROP _PROSPECTS ARE REPORTED FAVORABLE The amount of last year‘s crop to come forward is small and so is the quantity of grain yet to be threshed, which is principally flax. < 2 ~ f ‘ ioatim. ) _ .0 lad , C Fo_ , - C Â¥ "‘\' Blue Amberol Records !» was played 3,000 times ‘ on an Edison Phonographâ€"and gave just as true and sweet a reproduction the last time as the first ' This was not an endurance | tone after countless playings test for mere hardness. It l as it is when new. Your was an endurance test for | Edison dealer will play quality of reproducâ€" some of these wonâ€" tion â€"to find if the derful records for you Blue Amberol would on an Edison Phonâ€" be as far superior to ograph. Ask him all other records in â€" to do so today. % Themes A, Edison, lnc., 100 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J.;U. 8. A. _ _A complete line of Edison Phonographe and Records will be found at Berlin J. G. DOERSAM KING STREET o One of Thomas A. Edison‘s new Deaths Thornton & Douglas Stratford £ LIMITEO ts styles and the largest stocks will find in a day‘s travel. Watch our windows. Come in and ask to see the new things. For your new Spring _ Clothes. Come while the stocks are _ new, while the choosing is at its _ best Everything new, bright and crisp. This store shows the _ smartest | â€"News Notes.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Manasâ€" seh Shantz of Berlin visited with Mr.. and Mrs. Josiah Shantz on Sunday. â€" â€"Mr. and Mrs. David Bergey visited with Mr. and Mrs. N. Bergey on Sunâ€" jday.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rier of [Nine Pines visited with friends in ‘the neighborhood on Sunday.â€" Miss ; Mary Erb of Waterloo is staying with her sister, Mrs. M. S. Hallman for a few weeks.â€"Mr. Isaiah Spactzel and Mrs. Nellic Gummer visited _ with friends at Roseville on Sunday.â€" Mr. W. D. Bergey spent Easter under the parental roof.â€"Mr. and Mrs.~ E.M ~Perrin and datughter ‘Pomona, Caliâ€" fornia, spent a few days at the Bome {of their uncle, Mr. Nathan Woods.â€" Botn: To . Mr. and Mrs. â€" George Schmidt, a son New Spring Sults New Spring Overconts New Spring Gloves New Spring Shirts New Spring Hats New Spring Caps New Spring Neockwear New Spring Hose Guelph 1 Cl akt® &. 2 H amilton