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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 3 Apr 1913, p. 4

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'"'ltlilWlil,lfEl0iilt)f Owing to the death of the President a the Society, the late Mr. Schaefcr, the Viee-Presiaor, Mr. C. H. Ftottv Itch presided. Following the reading of the min- ntu ol the last annual meeting the reports of the Secretary, Mr. bl. M. Devin. aid the Treasurer, Mr J . H. Roots, were presented, both " which reflected the continued growth and unspent? or“)? S60itrTy'. The Treasurer's report showed asubstan- ttal Mince of over $500 in the near nary and also several hundrtd dul- to the credit oi the Hospital Fund. The Waterloo Musical Society held “I mull meeting Monday evening. She reports presented were ot a very gummy ttatuge. The large gall; an; ot citizens in attendance and “a enthusiasm and interest. taken in the proceedings auger welt tor an out year ot progress and prosper- tty. The election oi atria-rs was then proceeded with and the iollowirtg Who retired as Treasurer oi the "Waterloo Musical Societv after twenty years' service. ._ . Charles H. F roehlich Ap inted President- Mr. J. H. Roos Retires Fri',',',',' Treasurer's Office AfteAumg Service _, were. eiected:- 'Honorary Presidents-W. G. Weich. cl, M.P., Mayor Fischer, P. " President-Chas. H. Froehlich. lst Vice-President-Ali) llergntt Md Vii-President-Wm. Buhlmulcr Recording Secretary-H. M. Devitt cakes, pics, puddiugs, can? - -- - v - 'piased from house to house during of the flour that IS to tthe winter months. in this way so- make your liciting subscriptions Pt order to carry an the organization. A u has REAL M BRIT, fact, a butter flour is not AEZTE P properly consider the nutritive SEVEN LILLIES For Sale by " Grocers (pure Manitoba flour) WM. SNIDER, Waterloo OCEAN FLOUR i.15il!liiirlfj 315m said a l II c A ll' t Have You Any Need, BO YOU MR. J. H. RODS. BREAD Ollicers Elected (pastry flour) made. m Corresponding tsecretary-C. Ruhr ergard. Treasurer-Adam Uaehmutn. Stock committee-Prof. Paul and Joe Ellis. Librarian-H. Utnbach. Auditors-C. Huehnergard and C. Haehnei. Committee ot Management - E, tr'. , Haedke. K. F. Seagull), C. W. Wells, If Y F. S Kumpl, F. G. Hughes, D. C. , I' Kunts, It. Kischel, F. Bofmgel'. Hy. rri,//,,r, Kress, Chas. Treuach, Wm. Miller, //) , Hy. Rene]. C. Kaitttieisch, P. H. _ Roos, J. H. Roms, R. Y. Stuart, ll. Kuntz, A. Bowman, and the ttiiieers. Citizens Committee-- Emil Easel, A. Urstadt, J. K Shim. J. Hew- eron, Chve Bean, Wm. Run, J. C. Mueller, Ed. Fischer, D. Bohiettder, Geo. Holiman, N. Letter, N. A. Zick, Dr. new, H. Haas, P. Tiai- l stead. Harry German, A. Cr. [Whnl'L thin J. It. Kaufman, Geo. Bruce. A. C. Meyer, W. Kuntz. - Mr. J. H. Itoos who was again nominated.ior the' position ot Tress loo was elected President of the Waterloo Musical Society at the annual meeting. urer, an office which he has tilled With marked elticiemry and satisfaction for over twrnty years, desired 'to be re- lined front the duties of the posi- tion owing to the'condition oi his health which was not of the best. He spoke reminiseently oi the .early years of the organization. It was " years agn, he stated. when he first, became identified with the Waterloo Itatvi, He first played the snare drum and several. years later the bass drum. He subsequently played the trombone. The secretaryship ol the Society was next taken by him and later the treasureship, He said the band during these years had many ups and downs and at on: time Alley had It was about 25 years ago. he said, that the organization began to gain a. "mutation as a tournament. haml and travellrd considerably. Tht'y com- prtrd with bands at Stratlm'd. Guelph, Sarnia and other points. some oi the organizations hazing since Hisbundod. Mr. Roos suggested that the treasurer in future be re- muneratrd and paid a small amount tor his services. In conclusion he stated that al- though retiring trom the position ol treasurer he would continue to give his efforts to the furthering ot' the interests oi the organization. Votes at Thanks. llrarty rates at thanks wrrc unani< mously passed to the retiring trea.- urer, Mr, Runs, lo the leader and mmnht-i's "f the hand, and to the om- ccrs ot the Society, whith contained expressions of high appreciation ot the real and faithfulness with which may had given their services. Prof. Paul in acknowledging the vote oi thanks to the band paid a lriliulr in the rlnclt-ncy and faithful- nt‘ss of the lmndmrn. He also re- grrtted the resignation of Mr. J. ll. Runs, who he said, had barn a most rmcirnt ofhrpr and paid a. tribute to the tucm0ry oi the late president, Mr. Srharfrr. who had horn unfailing In his staunch support. of thr band. "rid addresses were also o'ven by Messrs P. H. Rims. C. l Froehrtch, IV Huhlrndrr. A. Utielruann, F. G. HuRhes, W, Knit. and others pres- ont FVrlinst reirrences were made to the rlrrp loss in tne death oi the late Mr Schwinn Mr. P. Roos stated kiln” Mrs. smurf” had expressed her willingness to donate, a picture ot the late president, fo be plan-ll in the band mom Her kiwi offer was ae- crpted, A letter of the excrllrnt by the hand, K. Kaufman, Seaman F. li, Drritt, in a brief CHAS. H. FROEHLICH, 1trsolution of Condolence Resigns as Treasurer appreciation concerning services being rendered was read from Mr. J. Mrs. J. E. Hockey is visiting with her Slater. Mrs. Joy of Tillmhutg. Rev. J. Maurer spent Easter with his niece, Mrs. F. Hueglin. King St. Mrs. w. D. Lee and Miss Racism spent the Easter holidays with Tor- onto friends. e Mr. George Bricker ot Toronto spendmg the Easter nation at ii home, King street. Mr. Clayton Snider who has been in tho hospital, was able to tannin to his home on Monday. Miss Kathleen White ot Des Moines. um: and Mrs F H Hall and family s'r11: lil if? guest ot tg role. JI." returned to Toronto on Monday l . l _ r er, Queen B m” nor . morning, utter a pit-asant Visit. of Mrs. Harry Hooper and MM” several days with Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Dorothy have returned trom Toronto Webh. where the ' s t Easter with triads. . Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fischer and daughter Catharine have returned Iron, Mildmay where they spent the holidays. . The bmeral ot the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred_Bcestsr was held on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Winkle: ot Mark- ham paid a visit to Waterloo and St. Jacutw friends over Easter. _ to Ottawa on Tuesdéy afternoon att- er spending Easter with his lanily. _ Mr. and Mrs. E. Plan and Iamilyoi New Hamburg, spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Fred “muslin, King St. Miss “Mickie" McKay of Pain??- ston is a visitor in town tor a few days. Mr. Ernie Lachance who has been assisting in the Post Otbee for lev- eral months returned to his home in Ottawa on Saturday. Mr. Marshall Taylor has returned to his home in Melville, Sash. alter spending several month with xelatiV- cs and friends in this community - A Mr. A. G. Haehnel. um King St. druggist is in Toronto tor a couple Mr. and Mrs. Allan A. Mayer have returned attir spending the Easter holidays with friends in We and St. Catharines. Mrs. Willaril Hendry of Toronto is spending a few days in town. Mr and Mrs. Fred. W. Snider have returned from a visit of several days with Mr. and Mrs. Willud llendry at Toronto. Mr. Gordon Mahala! is a Visitor in Toronto tor a tew dgys. J _ address, made a fitting rcference to the heavy loss sustained in the Moth of the late Mr. School". He moved that a commute. comprising Mann. J. H. Roos, F. G. Hughes, C. Huehttergard, C. W. Wells 1nd Pre- sldmt Froehiieh be appointed man". a suitable resolution ot condolence and torward the "ttte to the ttunity of the late Mr. swam-r. The row Iutiun “as approved, Mr. Robert. Runs has returned to Port Hope after a plus-M holiday at the home of his pareMa, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rom. Mr. M. J. Hahn of the College d Phttrmacy of Toronto is in Charge of llarhncl's drug store during Mr. Ilaehnel's stay 'ttt the Queen City. _ Phone 103 k Eviry visit to this store ot better clpthes will reVeal some- thing new and interesting torou. ' ' , _ t I t [j mar-mutt". DETENBECK'S ' m: 319;: me' King Sf. ' Miss Annie Brown ot Toronto was Pt weiromc visitor in town over Eas- It“. the guest ot Mrs. W. H. Ridden at "Eden Villa." Mr. J. Beilslcin of New llambm'g ls viaitirtg " the home ot Mr. o. M. Umblch. ., Mr. and mi. Lincoln Goldie and two (museum! Guelph spent the Easter holidays with Mr. and Mn. L Brian, Allan street. Me. Walter Hog; of London and Mr. Wilkie ot Toronto spun Easter at the home ot ter:, parents. Mr. and mu. William Ito 'e)'RCintg street. . Arthur Hiiihnergard ot Waterloo who was at, _home tor the Easter holidays, has returned to Toronto to resume his studies at the University. Mrs. Gordon Briéker who has been visiting Mrs. Evin. Bricker, has tett tor New York to meet her husband, who has been abroad‘for some time. Mrs. John Ritzer and daughter Lorraine have returned from a visit at Port Colborne. where they were guests ot Rev. and Mrs Kama. Messrs. J. A Harper and Alva It,,-,) vitt were the representatives ol um Waterloo Public .School Board at Get meetings ot the Ontario Educational Association in Toronto on Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. w. J. Marshall ot Toronto was the guest of Waterloo friends over the holidays... Mr. and Mrs. Marshall are both enjoying lite in the Queen City, where Mr. Marshall has a line position with Brown Bros. Ltd., Wholesale Stationers. Wellington St. West. 1 Mr. Elwell Reade returned to Tor- onto on Tuesday morning, atter an enjoyable visit of several days with Judge and. Mrs. W. M. Reade, George street. SE. John's L-utTiiETii Wirrai will not he held on Thursday evening, but is postponed tor Wednesday ot next Mr. F. G. C.rthew who for the past two years has been Inspector in Ontariq for the Pacmc Coast Fire In- surance Cm has retrigrted to take up the agency work with the welt known 0M ot C. A. Boehm, Waterloo. WORK PROGRESSING _ S'I'EADILY Mr. and Mrs. Nellson (nee Dorothy Moorman) of Orangevlllc, were Eats. ter visitors in Waterloo, the guests at Miss Bessie Dawson, King St. Hours. Reiml Bros. have received sevenl culoads of lumber for use in connection with the building of their 1hrtltttt m.% and the work rt with; up the uncanny buildings is Progressing steadily. They will probably start operations in the course ot a month or two. The Audi” Clut will wit a hard time dilate on April 9th for the mem- bem and their triends, and it prom- ig s to be I very enjoy-Me attair, Ou minute! Convert-Ho Colin! Raiqeo.t m ustyl- ists, good looking Spring Over- cast; at then when " uh: assay at choice fabrics, every coat plumbed. " “.50. use. ”.50, no. :12 nil :15 turn up the collar and you're staunch waterprool summit or Waterloo If so, we are in a position to meet your wants this _ Spring 'r-ttteat-em-tit-tty-a-trt-ttttttse" Iaee ", ueuiiileeatieled. le lulu then that when you are readythieepriaaueuiii run mighty coed eiiaaeee of eeiiia‘ yell year Iiraperiee. J Madras Muslins , Are aim in an eadieee variety. editable tor all me. freon Met, die. he te lilo a yard. . Bungalow Nets . “I. pepuiar material ie also in a very large demand fer lien and little; loom Curtain. Special fun 500, No, “a to 150 a yard. iAmerican Material Fer Drawing loom we eineu a very exeiueive line in law Silk lileot with ineertion " 100 a yard. Art Muslins for Bedroom Curtains , This line is juet m extra wide. priced from "rat, Mtt to due a yard. Lace Curtains d; ' Too many to so into details. Prioee from 350 to ' a'pair. Miss Harjorie Hung, a Chinese student. from Victoria University, Toronto, accompanied Misses Murial and iiigiva Hockey to Waterloo, where the young ladies enjoyed a de- lightiul holiday at the Parsonage, with Rev. J. E. and Mrs. Hockey over Easter. Mr. “d"Mrs. Frederick J. Lumsdeu have issued invitations tor the mar- riage of their daughter Edna Mary to Mr. Douglas MacDonald Colquhoun. on Wednesday evening, April the ninth. nineteen hundred and thirteen, at half after 8 o'clock at stuutgtmmsfHeigtita, "Vancouver, B. C. The above amoun- interest uni! pleasure. cSpecmlly by." the way warm personal friends at Mr. Douglas Colquhoun, who is so well and favorably known here, being the youngest member of one of the Twin-City's oldest and best families, and many are the good wishes and sincere congratulations which will trawl westward for the happiness and prosperity oi this popular young cou- ple. Ti} S. B. Bl8ll0itliilllt & M. Gives the Best Satisfaction for General Baking. Pastry Flour For Pastries. Daily Bread Flour Shirk & Snider, Ltd. tang Bros. and Gm Highest Qualities "Northway" Make at from 815.0. 810.50, 818.50 to 825.“. . This is positively the best Store for Ladies Ready Made Tailored Suits. Nowhere will you tind such a splendid Stock of Stylish Suits, well made and perfect fitting for such modest prices. Large Women, also Misses Siies. End we Suits at 310.00, 312.50 gutd .15.”. See our Suits before buying, we do fitting and altering properly " moderate cost. UONE8' SUITS THE BEST AND THE CHEAPEST f" USE ONLY w, have _suit§_.for eggrybodx, Small Women, WHY make butter during the winter months when _ you can ship your cream to us and neceive the highest market price? . We furnish free one and my express ohm A put card will bring you; can and unable you to give this system a fair trial. 7 We test and weigh each shipment on arrival and send you a statement for same. Write us for any further information you may require BENTON 8T. To Be Had in Berlin any opaque. an lulled only an molt. and HIGHEST PRIGE FOR BREAK. “I BERLIN GREAHERY M. ltd Bridgeport, Ont.

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