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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 3 Apr 1913, p. 3

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FP, "My husband isn't loaded with whiskey am more-he doesn't want it and torn't look at it I cannot “moss mv gratitude -- BV From a genuine Irthr mum; the 'icores we can show you, proving absolutely that tho cm he nwl’conw by the NEAL ' DAY TRICATRHCXT Call upon, " drrs.n of phone The Neat Institute. " FT ArntVs' HT . TtMtirNTO Tr'l.r',PHoNF'. N. 2H3? H. On Saturday evening about a score and a hall of the iriends at Mr. Ai- hert Schell gathered at his hmne on Lancaster street, it being the amni- varsary of his goth birthday. The address was read by Miss Edith Clark and a beautiful gold headed unlhrclla' was presmled by Miss M. Such on behalf oi his friends, A very enjoy- able time was spurt in games and dancimr,aiter “hirh a dainty lunch was served, and the participants re- turned to their homes In the wee small hours. CELEHRATI'ID nHtTHD Knur eandidatrs were initiated at the regular meeting of Grand Uation Lodge, l.l).U.F., Friday evening. DH trict Deputy Pepper and Mr. Geo. Zieglcr, oi l-Ilmim, and Past Grands Pllug. Waterloo, and, Agnew, Arum. assistnl m cortierring the degrees. Saved her Husband There was a very large supply o' eggs at the Berlin market Saturday which sold at pun-s ranging Trom 2:: to 25 cents nrr doern, Butter re- mainul at 30 (This [In pound. Maulr syrup sold at $1 60 In $1.75 Prr. ca!- Ion. The attrp.tlunve was large. Alt policies guaranteed by the Lou- Atm Ind Lancuhiro Insurance Cour lay with Asset. ot 8t6,806,688. One at the prettiest weddings ot the season in Halt took place last week when" Miss Katherine La.mont, second daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. William Baird, TI Lruee street, tte- cune the wife of Mr. Walter Gordon White, manager of Sean‘s Opera Home in that town. The young cou- ple are wrll ond favorably kmmn in Berlin and tlcir many irionds will extend their hratiiest congrauda- lions. . _ CANDIDATES INrrIATii0 MIPOIATID 1.15. lie-d Ottke - Waldo" Milk-i Capital ..-...q.H..... ”50,000 Deposit with the Dominion Allin wanna. SECRETARY C. A. ”Elli. - District Agen c, CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE MARRIED IN GALT EGG S v; I'ZRI'I ('1 I I-IA I’I'ZR The Mercantile Fire INSURANCE COMPANY C. A. BOEHM “.w au-tire- V 'Tauri did-77.3771 Gem] Insurance Agent Established 1864 OtBee, Waterloo Mutual Building, King St. Waterloo, Ont. Bums: Ullice 249, House 200. STRATFORD. ONT. The best practical train- ing school in Ontario.- Three departments COMMER- CIAL. SHURTHAKD and TELEGRAPHY. All courses arc thorough and practical. Teachers are experienced 5.1 graduates are plaeed.in posi- tions. We give individual at- tention and students may en- ter at any time. Write lor our tree catalogue at once. D. A. McLACHLAN. Print“. IN THREE DA YS DRINK HAIHT solicited -tor first cm: Companies. 't “17,1“.00 A Y 216. : It is pointed out, however, that the cartridges tound in the revolver were at the automatic and smokeless variety. and Chief O'Neill has been ':requestrd to make a test or cartridges by shooting through a hairy skin he ascertain whether. the hair would singc it the weapon is held from six 'ito ttve1ve.irtches away. ' The tinal examinations ot the camli~ datrs m grade "A" class were heri at thrs Normal Schools at Hamilton, l.unll'~n. North Hay, Ottawa and Tun onto hum March 13an to March 20tit, under the provisions ot the syllabus and regulations oi t812-13. Among the Waterloo Countystudents Mn were successful were Mlssea Nettie Donald. "Prestott, Florence StricklanJ. Harlin. and Theresa A. llanmar. Sarnia polkvmen have all thigh” owing to milling of my. _ Alter the body had hem viewed by the Coroner's Jury at Llppert's inorgue the post mortem examination was conducted try 133,6. H. Bowlby and J. K. Hen. It was lound that the bullet had eatered the right side of the head Just below the temple andpassed through the brain and skull, coming out back of the left. car. The skull is not tractured where the bullet entered but was terribly fractured where it made its exit. . A peculiar nature is that there is not the semblance of the singing of the hair and the burning of the skin where the bullet entered the head, which is generally the case whrn a revolver is fired within a low inches at the brad or-trods. This fact gives color to the theory that the decent- ed was shot from a distance. It is said that the question as to whether the accused committed sui- cide or was murdered depends upon the result ot thin teat. In summing up the particulars ot thr atiair as publishod in the press the Inspector expressed the opinion tops Chronicle representative that it looks like a case ot detitterate suicide. _ V Inspector “chum, ol tttefrovitteia1 detective department, Toronto."- rived in Berlin this afternoon and immediately proceeded to investigate the case with Chief O'Neill. , EX , MIN ATIUN RESULTS Ya new developments are reportmt by the police authorities in count-o lion with the mysterious death of Altred Meit, whose body was found at the I'. P. R. yards early on Tuesday, and who, it is truspected, was toully murdered. It appears that while the deceased rarely lelt his home at night he worn. out Monday evening not stating where he was going. When he diam“; return at ten o'clock the parents became somewhat alarmed and a less and spent a sleepless night. They did not, however, hear a pistol shot At any time. When they heard the report that a. body had been loud in the C. P. It. yards they made enquiries and ascertained that it was their missing son. The news distracted the parents. Ila was ot steady habits and a valued cmploye of C'. Braun's marble works. He was economical and had saved a considcrabie amount, but only Mac-guts was located in bis POC- kets. . "lliyllhlllilllillh ttttttht It was apparent that the young man had been dead for several hours as his body was frown and the ground was also frozen. Prom where the remains were" lying the o0icers proceeded to trace the footsteps and it was found that young Heit had left the Charles street sidewalk and walked down between the rails of the second track. When almost in the rear of his home he had proceeded to cross over to jump the fence as the members of the family generally did when returning from work. When withina few feet of the hen-house the indications are that without warning he was shot down Between the two tracks referred to the omeers discovered the foot, prints of two persons which were apparently made about the same time and walking in the same direction. Where young Holt crossed over to- ward the home the footprints cross in a north-westerly direction and then stopped and turned around toward where the dead tody was tying. One of the footprints was that of a man wtth a small sized toot and the other at a lad about 15 years of age. The small foobateps were local.- ed at various points several yards from the body, while the larger loot print is found leading to and from the body. They finally proceed to- ward Ahrens shoe factory and then disappear. The footprints are plainly visible around the spot where the body was found. Another indication that the young man was mixst probably a victim or foul play was the tact that his revolver way found at his home locked up in a desk. T . His parents know at no reason why-he should commit suicide and are, firmly " the opinion that he was murdered. Wm. ll. Ila-son. Wm. Pieper, Harry Dietrich, L. Sattler, F.'Kihler, J. J. Md'allum. Archie Lockhardt, A. J. Roos, Adam Walters, Edward Fmyth, A. n. Semen, Geo. Porter. _ The [night crew ot the Gait, Preston a Help!“ Railway made n gruesom- tind inane Berlin yards of the C. P.. R. on Charles street. nhoun 3 o'clock Tuesday morning as they won shunting height can, when they found the dead Ind [mun body ot a young man lying halide the track. Sergeant (inner was immediately howl“ by “when or! alter p in: to the scene and taking charge of the body he sent. was." to Chin! O'Neill and Coroner Heathers” informing them at the discovery. When Sergeant Grosser mived helound the body tying beside the track nearest the property owned by the residential: the north side ot Heiu’ avenue. It was lying sideways and beside the right hand a revolver was lying with one shell empty. The left hand was in the pocket ot the young man's trousers. A bullet wound was found in the right temple and esmnll pool ot Mood was on the ground. The face was comparatively clean with the exception of blood having oozed trom the none as the result at the tall. The young man did not wear an overcoat, but beneath his working coat he wore a grey sweater. . It was not until 7 monk; however. that the body was i6estitWd ad that of Alfred Helt, aged 20 years. and the second son ot Mr. Louis lleit, Heinz new, although the body um (and within a few yards ct the home. At first appearance it looked as it it was . one of suicide, but upon a carelul investigation the authorities are now at the opinion tint tho young man was a victim ot foul play and was murdered and probably robbed. Aiter Coroner Humbug" and Chief O‘Neill arrived a thorough inves- tigation of the mysterious death of the young man WI: Justitutod owing to there.being some evidences at Iout play. _ MYSTEROUS FOOT PRINTS ' IN VlClNITY or BODY INSPECTOR REBURN ARRIVES. A TllOROUGlI INVESTIGATION. $310K BLESS CARTRIDGES. .5511? -hlpuiite1iele- FINDING THE BODY. OTHER F0oTSTE.PB. OF' STEADY HABITS. Mr. Allan R. G. Smith, of Hays- villa, who ht! been topointed Gov- rrnmont Seed llama-or " the Fed- rral Minister ot Agriculture, " an Pxcredingty welt-informed and em- irtsfirr farmer. lb has Men to the tore inch work of the Karmer's l‘luts and was one of the originatms and launder: of the Waterloo County Board ot Agriculture. GOVERNMENT SEED INSPECTOR Win-negro has dersed the great powers ot Europe. ThorBorlln Committee could .not accept the proposition made by Pre- uldent Brelthaupt ot guaranteeing the bonds for 38,000 I mile, but were willing to recommend to the City Council that n tsy-law for 38,000 horm- be (room. It was thought by the Berlin Committee that the other committees had heuer are what the County Council and Town- ship Councils would do in the mat- ter. Tbs man; than adjourned with the tmdrrstutndimt that it a dilterrttt proposition could be brought [onward that would fit in better with the ARE (lllllllt)gill '\ T0 COMPANY’S PROPOSITIGN The committees ot the (ownslu'ps and ot Bloomingdale met the com- mittee ot the Berlin Council to see what could be recommended In regard to the extension of the Berlin Ind Northern Electric Railway. Mr. D. B. Detweiler was voted to the chair, nnd Mr. A. Weselnh was secretary. l The Easier meeting of the Women's Musical Club was. held, as usual, at "SomttxA," the spacious and beauti- iul homo of Mr. L. J. Breithaupt, which lends use" so admirably to such an entertainment. The t6llow- ing attractive programme, arrangm1 " Miss R. M. Breiutaupt and Mrs. ll. Milton Cook, was greeted with a' very large orient-anon. including many Eaater visitors, who gave mr) snub-d applause to the various ttum-l hers. Outside ot in own members,, the Club had the aniuanoe ot Mrs} Parry of Hamilton (always a special iavonte), who contributed a mutt-1 tul Easter Solo, and Mrs. Ramsay of Montreal, sister of Mrs, Wm. Breit-l haunt. who also sang several lovely songs, and delighted all "i'iii'/ Among those from a distance who attended tha production of “Oliver Twist" by the St. vJeromes students were s-Mrs. Murray, Mrs. and Miss Knighal. Mr. Tom Dellon and Miss Denna and Miss Annette Burns. all of Shallow; Miss Loretta Roche pt Watfad, Ont... Mr. Fred Roche and Mr. Fred Anderson, Victoria, 8.0. _ her polished. singing. Dr. and Mrs. Perry and family of Hamilton. Miss Katherine. Breithaupt and her friend Miss Wilkinson ot the Ontalio Ladies' College, Whitby, were Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Breithnupt. Mr. E. Brown ot Temm. Uasb, is a visitor in Berlin Tuesday, having, Come to take his sister Miss M.; Brown, an inmate ti the House of Refuge tor 18 years past, to his home with him. . . at Fred Riuboro Inn Mun“ glut huh-x trretst the holidays in “MM“. mu Boehm" and lint Emma Bod-nu m which" in on Queen City tor 1 In an. Mes. F. Durst has returned from Rochester, N.Y., where she was at- tending the funeral at her brother Adolph Salle who died in that city on the 19th of March. Mr. Salle.was well known in Berlin. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hymmen and Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Hymmen are spending a few days in Toronto, on a business and pleasure trip. A number ot numbers ot Funckcn Council, Knights of Columbus, " tendcd the ball given by the Guelph Council on Wednesday evening. Mr. 0. Harper ot Rudelt, Sash, who " returning from a trip to England and France, is at present visiting " the home ot Mr. and Mn. J. Robinson, Richmond Ave. Mr. Chas. 10itlietd of Edson, Sash. who has been visiting relatives in this vicinaty for the past. couple at months leaves on Monday to resume his duties in the West. My on hm- Mr. - ultra ttd an who-do iaabrrinesavuitortnt_m. n In days. Principal Gordon of Queen’s univer- sity, Kimlon. was theme“ ot Mr. and Mm. w. H. Williams, Foundry St. N. during " stay in the city. The death', occurred on Friday ot Samuel Paul, aged " years. tormer- ly ot Waterloo, but who has been in the House ot Beluga tog the last years. It. Louis F. Selma". is spending the weak and with hia line}, Mrs. Hahn “not. Alanna. In Myron E. Davin In: return- ed to her home in Lynn.'uus., after visiting with Hill May Rom. Irvin skeet. In. P. Leonard Smith and Miss Dorothy, Lanna: St. have return- ld home alter 1 very pleasant trip Messrs Louis Breithaupt, jr., Albert Augustine and Waiter Barrie spent the Easter vacation in New York City. Washington, and other plans interest. View: of the Berlin committee that another meeting would be called to consider it. The Berlin committee, however. “and that they didn't wunt it understood that they were Bot in {not ol the railroad, bu; they wanted to "commend 'rho thev thought the ratepayers would be in Iavor ot. Mrs. W. M. o. Lochead was the hostess on Tuesday alteraoon ot a very 'args and beautifully arranged tea. that was much enjoyed by scores ot her friends from the Twin-City. as welt as many Easter visitors trom outsiee places. The beautilul home was say with lights and the sweet ntramsol an excellent Orchentra. ata- tionn' on the landing, the trttra1 lee- orations throughout being charmingly Ivaried and oliective. Mrs. Lochead peed-ed her guest- In the drawing room. wearing a most becoming gown of Fellow satin, and. was ably assisted by her sister, Miss Bella Moore oi Galt, who added a cheery word at welcome to every individual, Mrs. H. N. Snyder and Mrs. A. H. Snydrr were kept busy directing the guests to the handsome dining room. l here the lace hedecked tea-table was the prettiest rumble sight with'dnl- toditt and other lovely spring tioirors, decorated with mauve ribbon- and "r. low chime. dot-tori with small silver vases ot iragraut violets. Mrs. A. B. McBride and Mrs. J. M. Scully pour- ed tea and coffee, and Mrs. White cut the ices; other assistants being Mrs. Mrs. Walters, Mrs. DeMille, Misses L. Bruce, L. Hughes. E. Davidson, M. romm tgr ”BEAM . PASSES AWAY Her many friends will regret to hear ot the death of Miss Carrie Weaver in Toronto, Miss Weaver will be rememttesred u the ancient librarian u the Public Lite .ra'ry many years ago when it was housed in the old Town Hall. The funeral was held Wednesday alt- ernom (tom the G.T.R. station to Mount Hope cemetery, - brother Mr, W. H. Weaver ot llcspeler bring- ing the moms up horn Toronto. Another Mother .nd sister are “an in the-State of Ratstttttgtott, but were too In away to come. Roos. A F. Snider. A. Home; In Bricker and A. Amman. 1 Owing to unavoidable delays the ‘Trustees of the Berlin-Waterloo lios- Irritat have Iound it impossible to com- plete the new wing ot the institution by next Saturday, which had been tiated for ihe formal opening of the new wing. It was decided that in order that the addition should he retirement. tor one week would he in completed in its entirety a post- the interests at all concerned and after communication with His Honor Sir John Gibson, Lieutenant-Gover- nor, and securing his approval, it has been decided to hold the formal open- ing on Saturday atternoou, April 12th. 'at the time. wlu-n the horse was started by the train The horse was carried several not. by the train. but after it was all over it was led down street uninjured. I Between 9.30 and IO. o'clock a G. T. R. shunting engine ran into one or Ferguson‘s bakery wagons, com- ple'tely demolishing it. The accident toot place at the Wellington street crossing, the driver being in the house The first annual banquet ot the printers ot Guelph, out. Berlin, Wa- "tertoo, Heepeler and Preston was held on Saturday evening in the Grand Central Hotel and was a most t'B- joyable end successful event and promo lees to be a perpetual am: it the enthusiasm and interest mnnilested can he taken as a. criterion. An accident occurred on Monday which luckily did not result in any loss of lite. an. H. I. (his, MA, "eueied “a pulpit ot the Euclid Ave-I- Ne thodiu Chum, Toronto. 09 Sunday. Roe.J.W, Instead, K. A.,otTo- ronto. was tho glut oi Me. and In. E. P. Clement “an; his stay h the city. Ill Dull AID. I“., " “all“ I week with In: handler. Mrs. Robert Shier. Chapel m., baton manning to her we in Port EUU. Mr. all Mn; E, M. Shildricll, ttd Guelph, were the (was ot Dr. and ReV. Dr. T. Albert Moore and to sail [or Europe than the last. at June, accompanying a selected party who. go to study' social problems in Norway, Denmark, Germany. From Bclglum. Holland, and the United Kingdom. The tour will occupy about two months. Lin. J. A. HittinrU, trauma meet on Sunday. nu. sham]: is "new- in; ttrqtuuitartoetr in the city tor a law days. Mrs. Elizabeth Good; who spent the Pas: 191 menu. wit) in: 9mm Mr. David M. Waugh. one ot our town damn, who had been engag- cl " the Picturesque Atlas Pub. Co. d Sidmy, N. S. W. Australia, to- tumd alter a successful busines! trip ot a year or more. On bis way going he went via San Francisco, and on bis return vin England, thus mah- ing s trip around the world. Good Friday on the soar when we had new and rain. Mr. Timothy Brennemau, from Cur- shen, Ina., moved to town, a: has weaned n situation in m Gospel EMPLOYFS AT DOMINION _ TIRE COMPANY’S FACT Gillf _ HAVE NARROW ESC. The" representatives have already received orders tor a number of Jam” to be erected ior eitizeus who have been anxiously waiting the opporumitr; A“ LA... AN-g, _------ LA_A~_ . Th Ontario Homes Limited system of selling is one that will on!“ workingmcn and others to purchase their homes on the "easy term" pin-,4 Homes from a tour-room cottage toa mansion, according to the patch-(mi er's own design. can be bought by paying ton per cent. cash of the totab] valuation and the balance as rent in monthly instalments, thus at the " of a few years own their own houses instead of a pile of. not receipts. _ The Company is negotiating for the purchase of suitable building. in different wards of the city and expect to be prepared to com building operations early in April. ' Representatives of the Ontario Homes, Limited, ot Toronto, arrived 1 Berlin on Wednesday afternoon ior the purpose at making unnamed tor the erection of between forty andand fifty new houses in Berlin tl summer. 7 It is proposed to enlist the co-operatirm ot a number of Berlin's " in; citizens in the proposition and the company has been practically Mi sued at between 810.000 and 812,000 in stock subscriptions. .0 The new houses will mean an expenditure ot Between $40,000 $50,000 during the building season, the new homes ranging in price 81800 to $3.000 each. . The Urge number of men were employed below the neatittld ad 'irate" they heard the, crash ran for safety. All or them escaped arith the-exec? “on ot live, Messrs. Louis But1ach,4 H. Hughes, o. Selma“. Rhine” man and J. Davenport. Messrs. Bunsch and Hughes were the molt uni ioustr hurt and, were removed to the Hospital. The tormer was :ipiurd about. the head and is still in the Hospital, while Hustle. "I brill-d4 about. the knee. which was treated. and he was taken to his home. Th; others were bruised but not seriously. .A .. e _ ._.r. . --- ___,_,,.,. A i to buy their own homes. . rum nine and tan o'clock a heavy gale blew across the “(all M new new and the steel supports 0! the concrete wells sup: tow“ the long MM erected on the north side of the structure. Thug we: . eragh and the scadold was thrown irom its bearings to the ground. , nauseo- toety and titty carpenter: and about: emplopd in an “ration of the my Dominion Tire C’s moiety in Hal'- on I mom!” had a narrow escape from death or serious injury. , The Neil Mennonites held their An- f . CAUTION: “noun” math» Ran-IIOMerIi mold tin} dub. Yummwgugamomyumwasf'm ttrtttt Ystt".rttrurrhial"h+rtiiiiitiiiiGuaiiititFiriii'rn7o"iir-. Watorloo 'ttttttttyen-ttttet-e-s-r-she non-y "etogymedtto'tWrethom. Thoy‘maandym we. that "any do give my relic! from constipation. . Gotrd ulth'lu-ulydepmdg ell Tubman)“ Jdftlhg,'eLi" Wham 'l,'l'le,',t, mfg an": regain; 1',,"d't,e duu’uh “in m In: . that in tion, and also to overcome in an” thririm III by tbs mum mumu- and to make unn_ the In- mu. m eoodition mm quent use of laxatives M' our" a” which We» throughout. to tone and strengthen the new. Numb. to erento coated -_nd muscles of the bowel: and alo- 1stetute! ttttttste t.thtuel etato o I or M . - -- . 15-. in II um nd an I th Unit-cl Sr, 0“ a. Ir2tt.'ePg't an.“ irlG Bung” tfilrT'lrr"r'u,'rl',) Mutt”: hun- ie. my hip-d (or m pond-alt: in foe whim n is mmmmeldod. The - sum as America's arena: hm. soon. - “can: Upon the of iii'iif'iC'i'iiiti'l'dt'ri'iii! n t - 5ii"iiiii"i"ao"li1'ri1'1'rri a . "iFaTu"ii"u""i'rd't oiurilTi 0.0 h “in fan; tnate just like teetpte,tre4 fem-is my. Thai' - ""‘ JGTG __ "WG'E'I than. titd'd 'lgelglr,ttt,f.'. mmbowulu. Wham become in“ “In wane In: . that in damn III by my mum murm- mu. m eoodition mm let',', which dual-h throughout. Mus-din. to erento coated lawns. heath. had-clan. dull bun union. men. Won-no- nd out annoy-noel. :Atefht"t 1ttttyumirtd 911m The Easy Laxative A. G. HAEHNEL in} maximal The 'ttatt Store an! Coertere- in this Church, near New Dulce. Peter Cotter was aeeointed I for Berlin. ' Make Us Prove It We [nu-nun: to ulu er penny paid us for Mall tLag they dd not give entire until-m We Ink no promises and In in no way oblipu you. Your - rm in lumciene tor u: to promptly cheduny Mund the money. Don't that prove that R-III 1hdeHies must be right? You mud know u Tet'. not dare Means: -trniettqteryr-ertmmi v cumin III-t Reull Orderlkn will do u! we chin) tor them. There in no money risk “inched to a trial of Ben" Orderlian. und in junk» to mun-elf. you Ihould not hesitate to teat them. Rex-ll 0rdlfrlies ”la: in can}: ion: vent-pm et in bun. _ lee, .Pe; 36 tablet. Me; no An overheated stove and q d in, the American Hotel suns. leg street, and they were W» H Mr. Eph Brick" who JIM a.“ ed as a livery and sales mils, id . heavy loser. _ Mr. L. w. Simonds. Isle-mu H the sham: button worh. m busincss as having a rather p08” A memorial sermon was pm town. in honor of the iato Pin” Wilhelm, Germany. The Grtwer-Mra. Abr. o. Bow nab Agnes Babcock, aged as yet! Mr. John Roat, aged 54 you“. bl ied with Masonic honors. Firms-Nr. John A. “if. on King street. was In“ " [1:111:13 lrrvy, III-til Onurlo

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