fi. A Perfect Jewel of a Flour Every boy deserves to be well elm thed, it teaches an early and nuts- saxy pride in that"'personal appear- ance" which is such an important bac. or in the tievelopmvnt oi 'boyhood Id manhood. Our prices will prove hat your boy can wear tine cloth at the cost oi the ordinary sort sold in the average .surres. _ Extra good Quality Worsted Trous- ers. neat patterns and choice color- jngs, with side, two hip and watch (buckets. regular tt.00 and $4.50. at '_"; '4' . _ -ao.vs Bloiimer bulls, doulrle breast ed models, imported all wool iarwy woven fabric, dark grey and browns The colors, “Pan‘s and designs oi these are the season's best. ii1ery correct style is here; the materials are o". exceptional quality and th' workutanship and M are "nescellcd, regular " and 310 Suits, on sale at Men's Tweed Trormprs in neat stripe patterns, dark in color, tiitished at waist with side straps atrl buckle, sizes 32 to 43, regular $3.00, at ._. . DRESS Every Suit in. this. line is made This line represents all that is cor- hom the tinest )myuned goods and rect ated up to date, made trom im- m all custom tailored, In the very portcu' I" tlisl ‘l Sl . newest fashion. They haw all Um I‘ n, tut an: Scotch "T? new touches that the fashion sheet for and '.ne worsteds. They are wry high this season presents. We do mu be- rlass suits and uuuld make good sell- lieve 'ou an aBortl to go past this ' ' A , ' _,'. . _ rtte whtn buying your spring suit, prs at tir, ltr SIS', was to sun “all ........ .rmtre . T __.... mr.r' 'Pr ___ . $13.00 mun, at __.... _ ....._ H m......-....... $12.50 MEN'S surrs " AND 810 SUITS $5.53 i Merchant Miller Berlin, Ont. i o -4"+e'ro4it"-'ria'o.4. o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+ Style, Quality +o+0+o+o~§~o+o-I-o-3w-ro-3-o-I-O +0.}. +0+o~:~o+o+o+o+o+o+o S. R. ERNST a CO. We aim to give you tht. very latest crcation in the tailoring art, made trout the very unrsn quality oi goods at prxcs that you (annut equal else- “here. We know our r,oods are right and "e know our prices are right, a." we can absolutely guarantee your y,atisuaction “he" dealing mm us. is what you will declare our KING brand to be after you have given it " trial. Don't make the trial to easy either. Try it on broad. biscuit;, pastries an d cakes. Vou'll tind it equally pcrfcct in all. No other flour equals it in nil rouful baking excellence. S hall we send a sack to-day? Wé‘ï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬ï¬gï¬ï¬ï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ 'MggiillEallEllliiyr%EllEgiigiMiiSiigiigii!llEllBllEgiRgllliil Waterloo [if'ljIliTi] UP 'l'lll-I BOYS. Go Hand In Hand When Mak- ing Purchase in This Store 57. No. " tion .choes at any price you 1viNt to pay “Whore the Good Clothes Geno From." Irvin Master Ernst’s Saturday Bargains Children's pair lrom $30. $1, $1.37: to r..'"'.. . Boys and Youths, pair irom $1.35, $1.35 to Women's, pair from $175, $2, $2.25 to ....p... Mrn's, pair from $1GO, $2, $2.30 to .t.. If you wish to have your feet dressed right for Spring, let us fit you All the newest Myles in llrn's anvn's and Children's ZIGK'S SHOE HOME THE ctiRa)0crjfC'!,rsl, TELEGRAPH. $1.19 and Economy Kim's Hunts, Canadmn and Ameri- can makes, g'unmetal, vetours, calf ani dnn'tgula Kid, with blurb" lace tops, 50195 are Goodyear walled, full range from ti to In in the lot. For- nwr prices were $4 and $5, at $2.95 uith wool body linings, full fitting bloovers, uith belt loops, sizes 28 to 33, regular $5, at t...t. .rvP.V.V. $3.95 Small boys dmMe breasted and sin- gh- [named Noriolk Suits. lwrrlls. in grey", and brown patterns, sizes gt to 28, regular $3.00 and $1, at $2.93 MEN’S FURNISHINGS Men's Working shirts, in stripe and dark otlors, splendid weights, strong and durable, regular 750 and 8'ie, at Wo,uen's line Patent Leather Boots, in blmher style with dull calf tops, extension senn soies, sizes 3 to T, iormet prices were $3.50 to $1.00, Saturday ._._ 'VV' ....r-.t. .m.-.rrm. ... $2.75 100 garments oi men's Pen Angie brand Home lined Underwear, shirts and drawers, all sizes 34 to 44, on sale, per pair te......- _....'... 39e MEN'S Sl'XTS, IT'S BARGAIN TIME AND NO MISTAKE IN THF. SHOE-Z DEPT. We guarantee satisfac- Phone " - - ,i,‘,rVï¬_____â€"___r_ WATIRLOO. ONTARIO. 11“â€!le MORNING. APRIL 8 1 Sttt- - " PAGES CITY ENGINEER It FSIGNS‘ At a meeting or the Guelph Public Works and Smwrago Commission. on Monday, the resignation of Citt lin- gin pr l-"vrgnxnn “as aceroted. 1Hh 1ilit'S Li.NLUENT ('I‘RCS DANDRL‘FF. i Items of "terest.- Mr. Ed. Fetch 'ot" Berlin was a visitor at Crmushill on Hundar-%essrs. Jas. Coote and Jun. Birmingham wrre business visi- tors at Berlin one day last week.-- Tlov. Mr. Ferguson or Stratlnrd nsvu. piml the pulpit M Boyd church last ritmday,--rt is our sad duty to re- port the death of ML". J. Mundell, rlllrst tion of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mun, dell, ttho dim] at Linwood at the home ot' his husier, Mrs. Burnett. nu \anlai', March 30th, after a short illness of only a few days. Deceased [nuns to munrn his loss a young wile and nnc little girl besides his father and mother, Ihree sisters and one Iiruflima The remains were lakrn to llilvlu‘ll where the funeral was hold on Tuesday, April Ist. The svmpatltv of the community is Cx-, 1mulml to the friends and especially} ha tlv momlwrs of Court Crosshitl I' N If, of tshich order Mr. )lundrll‘ MW, an esteemed member. l Local and 2ntr-ill and Mrs. Albert ltellinger and Al . Belling" oi Toronto spent their Easter holi- days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Reliur,er-- Mr. George MeAl- lister jr., oi Guelph, was the guest oi Mr. Irwin Shephard.- Mr. D. A. Hernia of Toronto called on his moth- er, Mrs. lien-is, last week.-Miss Net- tie Cressman ot Breslau spent a tew days with her brother, Mr. Ivan Cressmatr-Mrs, Alex. McAllister and Master Kenneth and Miss Margin MeAllister 'spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. I'eppler at Tavistock.-Mr. Bill Slumski ot Berlin visited Mr. and Mrs. Slunishi on Mottday.--Nr. L. Burton and Mr. Pettit oi Simcoe spent a iew days with Mr. and Mrs. Fl. t'. F,hantz.--Nr. and Mrs. Bach- man oi Detroit spent Easter Jvith the iormec's sister, Miss Baehtnarc--Miss H. Moileniell is spending her Easter holidays at her home in strattord.-- Mr. Geo. Berlet of Tsistock spent a few days nitli his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Berlrt.--Miss M. Calvert and Miss Maggie Moyer are spending some time at the iorn1er's home at 'Picker- ing.-- Mr. A. T. liemis of Detroit spent Faster with his mother, Mrs. "entis.--Mr. and Mrs. Jaeoh Snyder spent Good Friday near Ht. Jaeobs.-. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Herlet and Mrs. Tom liedi‘ord attended the funeral last week oi Mr. Merle-1's brother at Mil- vertorc-Miss Pearl Bedlord has been laid up for some time with quinsy.-- Miss Olivia Heintzman, who has been at the Berlin * Waterloo Hospital for a few weeks has so far recovered to be able to be home again. Williamsburg Bloomingdale "hHNGF1ToN..-A gm oi 82,000 was hooked today trom Lord tcttath- rnnn for the women's residence of Qurcn's University. The women gm- duates of the University aim to raise $50,000. and have now about $11,000. . Sr. II to Jr. TIr-Ella Howard 465, Eugenia Doering 450, Valentine Glas- ser 376, Gordon Hartung 338. Henry Boshart 332. Jr. "to Sr. Ir-Tera Lantz 377. Emma Boshart 371, Harry Koch 366, Alena Lantz 347. Irene Berg 333. Clayton Sgyler 329, Annetta Lantz 314, Milton Hartung absent. Minnie Sipple, Teacher. News Notes.-Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Korier and family left for Laird, Sask, last Wednesday, March Mth.- Mr. Air. Shantz has mp? .l his family and household ellccts ttre-rciout, - Mr. Conrad Lantz moved into the house vacated by Mr. Forier.- Mr. Edwin Heipel will move onto the farm which he recently bought hom Mr. COB. Lantz.-The funeral of the late Mrs. Wm. Otto took place here last Friday and was one ot the larg- est ever held in this village. The deceased was a daughter ot the late Frederick. Segmiller of North Ease- hope. School Report-The iollowing is the result ot the Promotion Examination held on March IT, 18 and’9, tor School Section No. 17, “ilmot. Max- imum mark 520, minimum 312. Sr. III to Jr. JV-Clarence Forler {10. i Herbert Koch 43i, Elmore Heldman no. Cyril Barr 402, Ella Ducting 352. ... binson spent a couple ot days last week in Guelph.--Niss Annie Puizer is spending a few days at her home at Shani: station-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Taylor and daughtir Florence slant Thursday at Freeport and Ber- lim-Mrs. James Stewart of Strat- ford spent Good Friday with henna) tVr Mr. John G. Wo1fe.-Miss Ruth Brydon ot the Royal City is spending the holidays at her home here.-Mrs. John Tuck and Miss Pearl Feick are visiting with the former's son at Niagara Falls-Miss Agnes C'leghorn is visiting her sister Mrs. J. H. Tuck at Niagara Falls-Miss Hamilton oi Toronto is visiting with Mrs. Wm. Fisk before she leaves for her home in th. North west.-3rrs.Williama and daughter ot Davisville are visit- ing with Mrs. John l'inder and fam- ily.--htisaes Fisk, Hamilton and Prin- gle and the Messrs. NEwsvead and Tayhr spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. A. Newsuad.-Misses Pinder and Williams called on Miss Ida Tuck on Lizzie Plingle spent a few days with her sister Mrs. Hor Leslie at Atrerfoyle.- Misses Helen Brydon and Ruth Tay- lor spent Sunday with their grand- fmlher -hreisrs. Robert Gordon and inirge Williams of Guelph spent the, neek end with friends here.--htr. Ken- neth lilackn‘efl spent the week-end at 11uelptr.--Mr. Chas. Austin oi Berlin, spent Sunday at his home. here-Mr ‘ Wm. Derby and two sons are Tisi11ng) up enmity tor a few days -Miss h'srr-i Win Jancke is spendmg a try: days at) her home at Kossuth.--Mr, Fred Ptn-l tier took charge at the service on _ Sunday afiernonn last -.-Misa .lenniel Brahman of llespclir spent Sunday at _ ler home. here. . i uo/iLo, Friday, March the am. the stark landed at the homo at Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ramaeyer and tett a bouncing baby girl. Congratulations. Locals amLPersonatd.--3h. Vm. Mote Inc-yer and family of Brush“: mrrve.d to Baden on Wednesday, March the "ttc-Nr. Jno. Jutai who has been employed by Mr. Allen Bechtel for the path 'err and a halt, intends to leave for New Hamburg to work on his Iather-ist-iaw'sr, Mr. S. Bender's tarm.-Miss Master, daughter of Mr. Levi Master ot New Dundee will start her duties as tracker, 2 miles north ot Badm, S. S. No. 16, on Monday. March 3r--Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Kniplel of Petersburg spent Sun- day with Mr. Jno Grodr--Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Rueiter oi PMrsburg spent Sunday at Mr. K. Lippert's. Jr. m to Sr. Hr-Elia gem-r m "iJoIiiCsiTiCiTtie7i.V.T"riifT'T' Philipsburg I FrtIEDERTcrLSHctF'riPm, Germany -The Prince of Wales arrived here today but did not make an ascent in the new Zeppelin dirigible owing to . - prevalence or sharp sitealla over |Lake Constance. . Loeais and l’ermls.-mu Daisy shutout spent an: holidays with [new in Ualt.-Miats V. Huber ol Gait spent , .Sunay under the preo- tat tool. - Miss D. Lucas new a math» in out [an tmek-Nr. and Mrs. Nelson Wil- ton; and two children spent the holi- day: with relatives' in Branuord.-. Mr. Fred saiswnh lelt on Friday tor Brantford whore he has secured a Position.--" Mines P. “Wong ot Elmira and Miss E. Wilton; oi Kat- ertoo spent Good Friday with rela- tives.-ar. Roy Wilton; spent Sun- day under the parental root in Wat.- eripo.-Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dahmer ot Berlin were Boon Visitors on Good F riday.--Miss Farrar ot Hamilton is visiting trieads and relatives in Doon at present.-Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Matt- hews of Gait called on relatives on Good Friday.-Mrs. Patterson oi Al- monte is visiting her father M. 11. Peddar at present-Miss G. Watson ot Galt spent Sunday with her par- ents.-Mrs. C. E. Cornell ot Berlin was a holiday visitor in the village. -The hydro Electric Co. has almost completed their line from Preston to the Boon Twin's IAd.-Mr. Geo. ahorae and family moved their houses hold effects to Gatt last 'retsk.-ct large number in boon sunered from the high winds an Friday. Mr. John Flee and Mr. A. Jelkins had the shingles tom " tresides having trees ‘nnd fences blowed down.--Pretty House Wedding: A very pretty wed- ding was solemnized at the home or Mr. J. Iiarnheardts on Thursday, March 20, at ball past three, when their niece Miss May Bullock was lin- ited in marriage to w. David Dah- mar of Berlin. A number of relatives were present. The newly married couple received a large number ol costly presents which showed the es- kom in which they are held. Her. Mr. Applcgath performed the cere- mort-Mr. Coscall of Aberdeen mow. ed his household clients to Donn last Wttdmssday.-Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Mc- kcnzia left on Tuesday for Dundee, Seotland. They haverbeen in this country about two ycars.-Mrm Chas. Reader spent the holiday with relat- iws in G'alt.-Niss li, Rennabaker of Berlin spent the holiday with her parents in the village. GAla't.--Last night Clue! German raided an Armenian house on Shade street and declares he secured twid- once that a blind pig was being 150I1- ducted. The pohee hare been watch- ing the place tor some time. In Po- lice Court the proprietor pleaded not guilty and the case was remanded till Friday, _ier'-iii,.la!ii,-'i.-,,,,,_,,'r';'rc' SHE/9 WIN - Will IA MS _l.--rc-r' (lint TS ff/f,gfACN,'/fhf/lf, M, WlEKtHllliiyL, & SON ARMENIA N Jtoi'Ffm RAIDED. PRINCE IMD NOT FLY. Phone 215 jli,,tt1,ii,t:t,tj t2qifiSifWiif$fifiififiir"s9ty%tt9i:fiRs Q Cex0DeCoxoNCoXoxo=oyCoXoyp.Ci. 0000000000000 shape safgrisin, re gulér - - $1.50 9 only seal grain, special shape, regular - $1.50 42 Bags, Grey, Brown/Tan and Blue, Walrus and Seal grain, regular - $1.75 LUIS"... III". Alulllé 8 Black, 4 Tan and 3 Grey, square shape seal grain bags, regular - - $1 8 Black only envelope shape seal grain bag regular - - - ' 11 Black only envelope shape seal grain bag, regular - - - , 23 Black Purses, nickel trimming and 19 with black trimming, regular - ', ' 25 Black Bags, Special shape and 50 regular, The Best and Greatest Values ever offered in Hand Bags, including Gloves, all lines, all prices, guaranteed. Leather. ii Goods _ Sale)! Friday & Saturday A.Weseloh&00. Special " cloves, Black only, 500 per pair. 8mm Kid cloves, Black and Tan. Ttht per ttair. A. WESELO II. A. ll. Mtl DIE. All At One Price 98c BERLIN, MIT. TIME to Paint. 'ttt .rt,','A'tl-, ings . t an tins Spring. We have the best and most eco- nomical paint foryouto use. ' if 8itEmtttttWit.Liatittt ',ls., PAINT: annm N the paint that spreads ’3 farthest, wears long- %;__ est, looks best. Made _i?i,i.r. of purest materials. fi.? A record of, forty years of good pain} making behind it. WHOLE No. 2.1. Waterloo