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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 27 Mar 1913, p. 5

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J“!l,. . J- The late Mrs. Hamel “as " “um-vi; member ot thrs F.vatur,elicat (‘hurchi and was highly es,tiwmod among her Wat's, {wing of an amiable and Ima- atHe dispnsAinn - The bWeaved family ll ill have in." Iy'mpathv of a large circle of trivnds) in the loss sustaincdt ' i While the FcerTice was in Innate.“ n‘ulllt‘ll Ill Innsmc'sh. u the rhnrch, a tehrcram was ref "u Ilar lc, 1x7l. or I!!! TPor: as". mired trom a brother of Mr. llhmcl hs Monml' a bun-her shop in a stating that he. hmmhrr tsith a frame ttuildmr, vhich stood on Hu- Ittttttbet n" orhyr n-lnliu's expected to mte row "(mp ml " “mum Hrw.‘ arrive at Waterloo late in the alter, hardware glow The ioihtainvr, \l'-Ir noon and as!,ml that burial he dclav. tte 4mm lull was mnrvlulxd, “lun- ed unlit thui arrrtal lmrrmrnl arcoturtiorl.rtiot, “a: manual fur Hm ttteretore eltd um toe plan‘ until stands " thr, info-hon. m the mm “out sewn oilork. , lulu-ht. d the building on the south Rev. Mr llurhn of $1 Jiteohs and Rev. Mr, llnclmy also asxixh‘ll in tlw sen-ion. An appropriate siiion'was sung hy ttte members of the Ladies' Aid Sm‘ivh- M the Church “ha Mr tended in a lmdy and the Mmsps Ada Hans and llarripu 1troacher. at'- cordanm- “uh the oxprrsmt wish of Mast-II brim"? hpr death, rendered a dart! The funeral oi ilu. late Mrs. Gus- fave "aroel took placv nn )lmulay ai- temoon Irony the Mr rrsiuh-mm on Church St. and “as lurswlv MINNI- ed. A short Brrvice “as held in the Eninamu-l I".vattvwlical Hum“). flex. Air. Krrh preavhot an iutpressirewr man in Got-mm and WW M. I,, lung ot Berlin 'tpoke in b.'ruJish. - hunts should note, that the spring but at the Berlin Business College was next Monday. 'P “to” Sam; copies of the Chrort- lognph ut March ttttttt and Apr, u. "u. please lone at this ot- h. 12-U, Tifihe death oi KathrirTiF" y7,cfriritlit wife of Mr. Gustave Hamel. which ormtrrpd on Friday arternoon at 5.3" o'cluck. Fite had ten ill ior over a year uith a corap1ication oi diseases and had been comma! to her tredfor several munlhs. Fhe had reached the age oi 50 years I numth and 1 days. A hus'cand and five children survive viz: 1'lsrrmee, Waiprloo; Edgar, A hus'cand and five children survive viz: 1'lsrrmee, Waiprloo; Edgar, Berlin; Ahneda (Mix Hy. Kruml-r) Waterloo: i'mrl. (Nrs, 1liltirr, .'s'nr- der) who resides in the West, and Vera at home; aka mm sister Mrs, Christ Irelrcr and on:- hrulhn Mr, Henry Schmidvr, hum oi Heidelberg. During the electrical slum Monday morning the house occupied by Mr. "any Ellis; .lr., was struck by lightning. doing damage to the Chi- tent oi 5100. Striking the chimney it splintered the windows and did con- siderable damage to the electric wir- ing, which saved the house from fire, howexer, by following the wires out- side; . A Two birarders were at tho Hum asleep in the rerun by which ttisfight- ning entered, and were stunned for some time by the Shock, HOUSE STRUCK BY LIGHTNING New positions for Hrrlin Business College students are: Elsie Minna. stern. Oberholtzer Shoo Cor. W, Erwin Muir Lippert Fun]. Cur, Mabel Clarke tttrn. Bechteis. Ltd.: .1. Fyuit. omces Bank of N. Scotia; G. Ziegler, bkpr. m. Cons. Co.; W. D. Irerger, bkpr. Kimmel Poll. Cp.; N. Ernst. with Bell Tel. Co.; John Fehrenbach, bkpr Kuntl. Brewing Co. All graduates oi this school get pusititzns. Qtr. A. E. Sanderson has received his ttne new tive passenger Hudson automobile Much he purchased. Mr. Sanderson also purposes erecting a hamisomenew residence on Young SL this year. The sad death occurred on Tuesday-): ot the infant daughter or Mr, and' Mrs. Fred Becker, Albert St, aged' six weeks. The funeral took place) on Thursday aiternoon at 2.30.? Dan. from the resitteatre to Muunt" Hope cemetery. ' At the Alexandra school Miss Alive Black of Heathcote, (my, will F.are charzc of the sworn! division when solute! again ream-us, having been 'dy- pointed to the mount-y caused by tho resignation of Miss Grace Wirtr, who has been a member of the school stalt for about two years Th Spring Term of the Berlin Busi- ‘lnu '?ellege opens Monday. March M. NW students will be admitted. El- mira students can return home daily " 5 cents per trip. 12-2t. YOUNG MAN WANTED FUR hardware business in Berlin. Apply Box W, Chronicle omce, Waterloo. ti. Ilr. Franklin Good shipped a 'a"- Ioa-l of more thorou,r:tr,rcd "earimr: knots to Mr. Ed. liingenmn in Sas- katchewan on Monday. Rubber ‘Goods _ no. am it... an. 000mb. At compare our value: I. M. DEVIT'I' f!1lote citirerrs will regret Co léarn a" Have a ieqthetatio" Iss" getting Satitfuctory WATIIl-OO. PASSED AWAY I A bushing" irunsh-r oi mare than H'Sllul inn-rest. has lust her-n complet- ,'ed -wheredry Mayor J. ll. Fischer. who ruguys ihe dislinetion of having Ilu-l-n in I"isuuss in 11aterloo for a ,LLIIgz-r term oi wars than any other g(Ni/HI has sold out his 1uitrber bus? Incas to his eldest, sun, Mr. Edgar 'lF'isvher. km, a Loud unlqur m the annals of the Iowa, He has {mural the Tolegraph with the Summing rcsueie of h s h'usimss Carer, I A Court of Ilevision was appointed comptising the Mayor, Messrs. Kaur. man, Schiodel, Rutt, Moyer and Beck, tel. " was decided to hold court at H.150 pm. on theivening of Apr. 11th. 1 Mr. V. Gutpel of Allan street, ap- I(”and before the Council drawing the attention ot the men-hers to the 'water on John Street south, which was doing considerable damage to his; l and other property on the street. Ar 'ter torisiderable discussion the mat- 'ter “as referred to the Board oi Works. 7 Mayor Fischer retires iront husimss after an uninterrupted period of 39 years in which Ite nas pom identified with the bus/ness interests ot Watch “Inn has crrndturted a successful moat bvsincss in Wahr.'o, fur tltirty-nine 3mm and Is the olst business man on King urn-t. Disposes of His Butcher Busi- ness After a Period of Thirty- nine Years J. B. FISCHER RETIRES FROM BUSINESS (In the recmnuuudation of the Fir" and Light Coriuuittee llw Council dc- vided to install [our additional tire alarm boxes, and a red light at each box, so as to giae better pruUretiou to the Iaxturirsv The members ox- pressed their "pinion that it was the duty oi the t-mn tn give the imlus, h At a special meeting of the Wat“- loo 'i‘owu Council on Monday evening alter a kuthy discussion respecting the proposal to amend the local ine provement brig“ providing that the antlers of property defray the entire cost at the construction oi roadways, sidenalks and sewers instead ot " per cent. as at preseut, the majority of the Council voted against theam- endmrnt and the too will continue to pay 25 per um. ot-the cost of local improvements as heretofore. Mayor Fin-hr: prrsided and all the members there present. mammâ€" Ratepayers Will Continue to Pay 25 Per A Cent. of the Coat of Constructing Road- ways, Sidewalks and Sewer: in the Town MAYOR JOHN B. FIS('I|I".|! More Fire Alarm Bows Framed in Ilusitr,ss "is Airtt-rtticcship A false alarm of fore was rev-hr in iron, Pox 2l. at the rurnvr " Willow and \ll:-n $15.. shorti.aiur nM- I-izht on 'I'hnrvllzn. The firett.ptt re- sponded promptly, Thur Is a heavy prrtalty tor ringing in a talse alarrst Tre, new proprietor has been nam- ciaivrl with hiwiathur in ths. hwy now am"? he was fauna-n “at; oi am- nr tor over twvnty P'ars. “v “ill ('nni'mvo to (‘nndltfl the 'o"sittess with a view tn giving the host m-rr tire possi! le and in a insane-r s'cv;rrr- ina of tho. ruminllod mind writ and crslnm d nnml‘l'nlls patrons. 1'0 tares puss ssiun April Ist. C i; Mr. Fischer purposes ducting his whole attention to the shipping oi with, in which business he has M'II vngagrd ior many wars. Mayor Fischer has found time to take a prominent and active part in _pmieipal affairs, and has served the town for many years in various po- sitions of trust. at present. occupying the ofIiee of Mayor of Wautrloo. Al- ilmugh now retiring from buslnv-s's his lrinnds will extend to him their sinurrest wishes that he may long be spared to contribute his efforts which have Yen given so c.nrrgetically and eleiently in the past, to the inrther upbuilding and advaneenent ot the town where he for many years has b on a leading citizen. l _ _The accommodation oi tramps in the cells not tar removed Iront the meat stands did not Conducc lo the best oi sanitary conditions. It was in winter time tpat tramps were the Igri'utrst test, it being nmcssnl’y to ’hoat the place. The air botanic so ‘impnrc. that Mr. Fischer decided to seek new quarters, although protest was made against him removing' irom the Tt c- as artormnodatirm had been spoeially provided for the butchers in the basement when the town hall was crcctrd. Drspitc the protests Mr. Fischer one day opened a shop in the building now occupied by Mr. Oakley, better known as the old Gordon Fro- perty, and had his brother stand at, the town harll entrance to tell the people of his change of quarim's. He remained in this store until about two years later when he bought the prcssnt building which he has occu- ped tor a period of about, 25 ycal's.l [tries - [outed in 'rateritto I the best punctual: W, and in ithat way also C8tcoura6. new imm- Hues. 1 Alter the above business was dis- ‘posed ot a lengthy discussion ensued [on a motion to repeal by-las 431. which deals with the construction ot :rnudxays. Some were in Favor ot the vprcsr-nt method by which the owner {or property on the street to be im- ‘prmml pays 75 per cent. and the other "25 pm' cent. from the general taxes, while others favored an annulment pron-ling that each man pay the en tire cost of the improvement. now- ever, on a vote, the tw-law remained uncttauged. 'the condition of the basement of the town hall was the reason of the removal ot Mr. Fischer trom the building a year and a half later When the town hall was erected pro' vision was made tor the butchers' stands on the south side and a lock- up on the northside oi the basement, them being three cells, At. that tum there was an unusually large number oi Harms running about and it "no" happened that trom 35 to 30 tramps were locked up for the night. They was a 1eritatrli, nuisance and _ Mr. Fischer well rmnmnbéts one morning whon they had as many as thirty- three in. the three cells. side. Thrce other butchers hesme Mr. Fischer occupied stands in tho town hall building, xir, :-ttte Late F. Symon; the late, Geo. F.dler, Sn, and Mr, Geo. Edict, Junior, who is now living in Dakota. The meeting adjourned at 10.30 p. m., to meet again on April 7th. A petition was presented to? the construction of a hitulithic pavgmen! nu Albert street, trom the Town Hall to Church street, which was retrrreat to the Board oi Works. Anon.” petition was presented tor the construction oi a sewer on Union street, from Mary to Hubert street, which was referred. to the en gineer for approval. A motion was passed appoiating Dr Bauman as Medical Health Otticer 4 a' salary at $100 and as unit-er u attend to indigent patients at $200 M. o. H. Will Receive am. An Active Husmrss Man, Took Up New Quarters The New Prop'.i'tor Another Pavement li) awhoppinga Thrra “as a wt. largo aitrndanre at tho F:asier market Saturday Butler and (was swld at 301- and 25r resttrHirelr, Mr sanw price as last nook. A qunnhlr of this secson's Imuln syrup was ofierpd and unickh a $10le " at tl rm up: gallon There “as Hm Is ml supply oi vegetables as “on as apples. EASTER MARKET LARGELY ATTENDED Provision was kindly made by El- mira frirnls for the aecontmodation of tho choir tor the night. the mom~ Mrs manning home on the 7.30train tttis morning. At the conehtsion of the programme a social hour was enjoyed, during “hivh rofrrshmrnts “no served by the lilmim Indira “hose warm hos. pitality was highly appreciated. Mrs. H. M. Snyder sang the ttum- For "ind God shall wipe Away all Tears," by F,ullivan, and Miss Lottie Ahn-ns "The Day is i'vently Sinking In a “use," both of which were giv- rn highly effective rrnderin,Or. Th1; choruses in the Oratorio were also trtieeuvely sung by the choir and the music throughout. which is ot a sacred character, provided a wry pleasurable musical evening. Rev. Mr. Cousins ot Elmira previous to the giving or the yratorio read an appropriate passage of scripture. ltr:'lud.ed in the evening's program was r chorus "Daybreak," by Gan! a ladies' chorus, "Rockattr," by Neid linger, and two vocal solos. The rendering of the. -Oratorio --try the choir of over twenty voices, un- der th? direction of Miss A. R. Bean, indicated careful preparation and a very satisfying 'mterpretation was given to this notable work. The tenor and bass solos were sung by Messrs. A. Kimmel and A. Lasching- er, who acquitted themselves in a highly acceptable manner. _ Sir John Stainer's heautirul Ora- toria "The Crucitiximt" was given by the Methodist Choir (ll Waterloo, atr- sisted by the Elmira male quartette, in the Gale Presbyterian Church, El- mira. on Wednesday evening, An audience ot several hundred gathered to hear this line composition, which is a meditation on the Sacred Pate sion oi the Holy Redeemer, and the church was filled to its capacity. Beautiful Oratoria Was Great- ly Enjoyed by aiarge and Appreciative Audience . "GRInm" _ ' ItlililElllil) Waterloo t She goes to the store in which she has the greatest confidence. She does not judge stores by what they claim to do, but what they do do. She goes to the store that she has learned always gives all or more than they promise. While some stores are a ways claiming to give unheard of values, it is quite often the case that some other store not claiming so much is really giving better values. .While we are firm believers in advertising, we know that. women judge us mostly by what we do and not by what we say hence we depend upon real genuine value giving to get us customers and keep them. . A Womap Goes Ir,,.., J. UFFELMANN we want you. TIIE PEOPLE’S STORE A series of interesting and proritahlo scrvir-I-s have' been hrld in the Moth.)- dist church this work, “hm the ms? tor oi the church, RN. Mr, Hort, has born ably assisted by his hrutlr: minislvrs, Rev. A. Terrytatrrr, lit-r w. " Smith, Rev. w. D. Lei, an: RN. Mr. Johnston. Eli} We are having tine summer weather, so that the surf bathing we are in- dulging in nearly every day is a real pleasure. Alter spending six weeks on these tteautitur islands, we can lnnw say there is no finer place in Which" to spend onn's' winter' holi- days, and we are sorry we shall soon have to leave for a colder tempera- ture. as we sail from here for New York awerk from to day. We have open-air band concerts by the fine _ British Regimental Hand about three: times a week; the New York and) Jersey City baseball teams are haul ,at work, and play three match games each week; add to these lawn tennis; golf, football, bicycling on the ftitrst roads you could imagine, and you will oeliere me 'nhzn I tell you it is summer all the time. Flowers are blooming in abundance everywhere; the Easter lily fields are wonderful to behold, the many varieties ot tropical trees, shrubs and plants. with blue stirs. and the bluest of waters never very tar away. make one. think he is in a real tairy land. lint one must, come and visit Bermuda to really ap- preciate its beauties. Mr. Clayton W. Wells, who with his wife and family have been spending the past six weeks in the Bermudas, writes to the Chronicle-Telegraph trom Ilaminnn, Just prior to leaving tor hlme, in part as tol1owss-g Interesting Letter from Dr. 1 W. Wells of Waterloo who is Returning Home BEAUTIES' OF THE BERMUDAS mtTtrTrtErqirrm3Tr3Iro3rqrrgtTrotih BERLIN “All”! E. VI. lamprey, Manager. FARMERS tobe sneCcssfnl must be lnnsizw:< men. They must have a Bank Account. It is better to pay by cheque than with card]. Rene: because simpler, more convenient and more busincss Hm. , . Have your account with THE BANK OF TORONTO. (q Ji MrtBWrMitEarrt, EFF FF: iIiTiIIIJ K331 mm '1 Ont. MAKING FARMING PAY ENE-EH? AlitittrtlooJBLsrtrKo.ttrri+litmtiri ON SALE THIS WEEK Reliable ,, , Garden Seeds D. Bohlender, Phone 205] PIEPER 81.003 :BERLIN, out. CASH AND on: PRICE. CASH AND Miller' & Hohmeier _ We pay the highest price for ttrat ulna Dairy Butter. Good Potatoes at $1.25 per bag. We aim have goo lbs. of choice cooking Onions at 8litt per pk. 500 “as. of select Dutch Sets. I would ad- vise you to get your supply of the» as prices are going higher. We have the largest assortment of garden seeds in town, B. M. Sherry, Steele, rigge, Simmer. and Ronnie’s. " . guaranteed new seeds. . This is the season" for 'mmttirtDmirintrq ii D and A Mona Corsets. on sale tins week. These corsets are guar- anteed to be absolutely non-rustable, nurrtueakable and rustless garters. The Mona reducing Corset, aluminum duplex ft1led, 6 garters, medium bust, drawing strings and hooks, is correct and made accordirw to the latest Cre de Paris. This Corset is sold at regular price $3.00, and in order to srlt them at this price we had to buy a large quantity. Don't over- look this great Bargain. ON SALE THIS WEEK, regular $3.00 thr......... Fr-mp-... TP....... ... 91.75 WATERLOO “Allen P. It. Vlllson, Manager ”mm of bust, 51, in. Length of front below .wnist. lol in. Height under arms, 4..', in. Length oi hip, 13; in. Ileighr of back, 5 in. Lentth ot back below waist, " in. Length of clasps, 13 in. Sizes 20 to 32. _ " GOBSETS FOR CASH AND ONE PRICE MUN A MODEL, $1.75

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