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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 27 Mar 1913, p. 4

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't ' luminan- It. Gordon Mathew] is visiting his we at Bet-wit tog you“! days. lluualhx R. Slim and W. Gel- latter no in Tolonto over the huli- Ill. George Moore at Gait was a welcome visitor in Waterloo on Mow day evening. II. C. W. Sew In: a visitor tn Ought on Fuday. Ilk- Heveron left on Friday even- in; to spend a tew days with Tor- onto friends. Mins Jean Stuart is a visitor ut the home ol Rev. D. and Mrs. Cor- nut, " Forest. m the holiday it his home. Mia. Hilda Rosa and Miss Hilda bum no Visiting mend- in Toron- Mr. W. R. Bailey 'itt spending the holiday: with Inc-ads in Toronto and Min Emma Randall oi Toronto " the guest oi her Aunt, Miss Hattie Boos. Frederick St. A George St. home, with trottveeft- ences, tor sale. Your opportunity. Apply A. K. Cressman, Waterloo. Mr. Charles Dobbin who is attend- ing Toronto University is home ior the Easter holidays. Mr. Joe Ellis ls spending the Kas. tet holidays in London, the guest oi his sister. Mrs. Baxter. Mr. and Mrs. Fred w. Snider are standing several days with his sister Mrs: Willard Ilcndry. Toronto. Misses Bessie and May' VanEvery are spending the Easter holidays with ilarxiston Iriends. Miss Eva Devitt and Miss Bertha Devin are spending the Easter vaca- tion " Atlantic City and Philatiet- tibia. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gtaiser of Toronto an spending a few days with his Parents Mr. and Mrs. Peter Glamor. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Massel re- turned to their home after having spent Easter in Mildmay and other Points. V Miss Muriel Hockey and Miss Hazel Manila ot the Methodist-Training in; School, 'Toronto are sptding Easter at their homes. Mr. and Mrs. Will lick and family of Stanford spent Good Friday at tte, home oi his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. lick. _ Miss Nora Hanna] of Waterloo has returned home after spending the holidays in Hamilton. Mr. Chris. Wettlaufer at Toronto' is a businesg visitor in town for a few days. Ih B. Witt-Invade- properly consider the . nutritive of the flour that tS to make your cakes, pics, puddings, etc. ? has REAL MERIT, in fact, a better flour is not made. ABATE For Sula by All Grocers SEVEN LILLIES (pure M anitoba Rour) WM. SNIDER, Waterloo no YOU UUEAN FLOUR VALUE BREAD (past ry flour) at Toronto it Mr. Bernard Urstadt and Daily ot Hanover an visiting Kahuna. MI. and Mes. Oliver Geiger were visitors at the tormer's Pome in Mensan, Sunday and Monday. Misses Alma and Luck Thomas are enjoying the Ens holidays with their brother at Blyth, Ont. The Misses Moogk entertained the B. B. C. on Tuesday, when an 'emioy- able evening was spent by those pru- out. Dr, W. Color-pen 8.431 a his homo in “an". _ lust Marion Enema ttd Toronto spent Easter n her ham halo In. John [unwound ol Etadra we“ Sunday with (do!!! here. Mrs C. W. Schtedel and son and Mrs. C. Hoffman are spending the Easter hulidays with Detroit friends, Mn. Fred 32mm ot “than: spent the holidays with Relatives. Miu a. Siehcn of Toronto in Vil- nius at the home of Mr. L. Bruege- Miss Annie Good of Listowal is spending the holidays with ber Wat- elloo (new. Mia Clan sum at Toronto - Sunday at the home at her, parents. Mist Janette Manual ot Toronto is a [west at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Knautt. Miss Tiitie Forte" spent the he“ day at hot home in St. Clements. Thy Misses Marie and Carrie kast- ner ot sebringvilie are holiday vasi- tors at the hone ot Mr. ll. Hickman. Waterloo. Miss Eva Devitt is visiting her sis- ter, Miss Bertha, at Butrato. They will leave shortly to spend several weeks at Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. August Knatttt of Budtaio are spending the Easter holi- days with the tormer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Knautr. ' M-. Arthur McDonald returned to his home on Saturday evening atter visting friends in Toronto, Port Hope, and other points. Miss chy Nickles, organist of the Emmanuel Church, was called to her homo at Uxbridge very suddenly on Friday, her mother being seriously m. The teachers or the Central and Alexandra Schools whose homes are out of town have lelt to spend the Easter holidays with their relatives and (dent. Miss Olive Hitler who spent the holidays with friends in Dunnville. returned to her home last evening. Miss Edith Bowman returned to her home rm Greenwood, Mich, on Mon- day after an extended visit with her cousin Mrs. Herbert M. Snyder and Waterloo friends. Miss Alma Kaufman, and Mrs. Kaviman are spending the day in Ta- listock. _ Mr. out) Manske has returned to his home here aim spending. Easter in MufIaIo and other points. Mr. E. D. Cunningham and family spent Easter in Toronto with Islam. ives. , Mr. Eldon McDougall who spent Easter with friends in Watkerville, and Detroit. has returned to his home here. Mr. A. E. Deritt, See'y of the School Board and Mr. J. Harper. are delegates to the annual convert- were delegates to the annual conven- lion ot irus-hr9duigoroato an Tuesday. Miss Elizabeth and Miss Ida “loge hast have returned after spending sevoral days in Chestev. Miss/i, Lizzie and Alto Wesrloh have returned to Toronto after spend- ing the holidays at their home here. Mr. Andrew Hum-l ot llanovet. and Mr. John llumel of Mildnny aurnd- ed the funeral of the late Mrs. Geo. Hume] on Monday. Miss Adar Dieienbecker of the Far mers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. ae- mmpanied by her aunt. Mrs. G. Lack- twr nf llawkrsvillc. spent the Easter holidays with the, (miner's sister at juantiord. Mr, and Mrs. Miran Snyder, tor- "tery of Chicago, moved to Waterloo on Saturday Joys)- _ _ mfiié'iiiges Hilda Itoos and Hilda Devin, rrfurnt'd last evening, and? having spcnt Easter in the Queen City. ' PETITION FULLY SIGNED In connection with a petition tor 3 hitul'thic pavement on Albert tit., Waterloo, trom the crossing in front at lhe town hall to Church street, every property owner on both sides oi the street has Mixed his or her; signature to the petition. showinll a) commendable unanimity ot opinion in reward to the desirati1ity ot a new madwav. _ It is unusual to have all prnpcrly‘ nunf‘l’s on a street where an improve-) men: oi this kind is desired sign a' ‘thllmn. especially when the cost. at the proposed new roadway is taken limo consideration. Albert street is: |one of the ftttettt residential streets in (Watasrloo and the citizens residinz [thereon evidently heartily approve of ’any improvement which will tart-her enhance its Amie-race m attrac- livrness SERVICES IN WATERL00 CHURCHES Appropriate services were held in .tre Me.thddist Church on Sunday, the pastor Rev. J. E. Hockey, preaching 0!! Easter thanks. Easter music was furnished by the choir. In the morn- ing Mai. H. M. Snyder sang the solo "And God Shall Wipe Awarr All Tears" and m the evening a double male quartette contributed several numbers. Yesterday at the Emmanuel Evan-) gclical (‘hurch the pastor Rev. Mr. Kreh preached appropriate sermons to large congregations, The Choir, under the able leadership of Mr. Bruegeman, remieircd splendid Easter music, the solo in the evening “Hail Glorious Dawn" tir Miss E. oetzel being eeeptionally “all rendered. In the absenre ot the Organist. Miss Lucy Nickles, Mr. Miller oi Berlin fitted her place admirably. The services in St. Saviour's Angli- can (match Sunday were way large- ly attended, the largest number of conunuirieants on record partaking of the Holy Communion. For the rrrst time the choir members were vested) with surplices, which was a dec.ded' improrqmsnt. Special Easter music was prdrided by the choir, and the anthems “I am the Resurrection and WVfana "r-th-ii-tmite/is-iii-tGI"" iviiri, snlendidly rendered at the evening service. Hastrr Sunday was marked try tur- rrorrialn sermons. Inulho evening taking his text trom 1 Cor, 1 chap., 20 V. the pastor spoke (m "The Rcsub motion oi Jesus Christ" to a large audience, after which Communion was partakcn. _ The Easter vacation of the Luth- eran Theological Seminary at Water- loo began Thursday and continues till chnmday, March 26. Examinations in Philosophy and Church History were held this week with gratifying results. At the quarterly meeting or the At the quarterly meeting or the Faculty it “as decided lo issue anew and revised catalogue and to recom- mend to the Board the raising of the standard for admisslon into the Itt- stitntmn. The Board of the Semi- wary mods on Tuesdav, March Mth, in quarterly spssxon, and will bemu- lrontod with many problems looking to the development and enlargement of the Institution. The Ladies' Auxiliary recently sp- pointed rompleted its organization yesterday try the rh‘r‘inn of Mrs. IL A, Hagen or [rim as Treasurer. The Auxiliary, wit the consent of the Seminary House Committee, decided upon 3 “Ladies Visiting Day." to he held on the frrst Saturday ot each month trom 2 pm. to 5 pm. An et- tort Is being made to ‘interent alltho wanna at the church and to secure their actin- eooperation, ST. JOHN'S 1,t:TT1ERAN CHURCH Phone 103 k EMMANUEL EVANGEL'ICAL CHURCH. ST. SA V1OUR's CHURCH SEMINARY Enllllllth'l'Bl6 METHODIST CHIVRCH DETENBECK’S “THE 819;: QWALI'I'Y" , King Sf. DAMAGE WAS ', MM BY FIERCE HURRICANE Wind played Havoc with Roofs, Ntsctrie Light filybet and The wind Mew a ported. hurricane on Friday and did considerable dam- age about town. Three ot the largest electr’c light globes which surmount the posts on King St. were 'ep) off, one near Itaisig'a hotel and the other two near the milk. One citizen who was passing at the time nar- r.ouy escaped having one or the glob- es land on his head. The high wind also muttered with the street car service, power being on 'at frequent intervals during the any. The, wind played havoe with tin roofs. At the factory of Woellct. BnIduc a Co. two-tttmis ot the tin root was blown oil. and at Kee's Livery a Portion ot ‘the tin root was loosened and torn (ost. The tin mot on one ot Seagmm's {bonded warehouses also sutrered Simi- (lar damage. F The chimneys rd several residenccs‘ welt: blown down as well as many trees including a large number in what is known as the green bustr near the Hospital. At the Evangelical Church the win-l dow on the south side of the church over the entrance, narrowly escaped being blown in. But. tor the timely arrival oi two members of the tXMb- gregation who applied necessary sup- ports so that it could withstand the tome of the wind, it would have been blown in, mulling eomriderattttr" loss. SERVICE The series of services held in the Methodist. Church last week int the study of the last week of Christ's life and ministry, fntingty concluded The composition which comprises ty,'feetivey choruses, solos and duets and is specially tmpropriate at this mason. was given a very asseeptattte rendering. Messrs. A. Kimmel and A. Laschinger of Elmira Ca" a sym-. pathetic and satisfying rendering to the tenor and bass mics and the on Friday evening with the rendering of the sacred Oratorio "The Crucifix- ion" by the Choir assisted by the Elmira Male quartcttc. choruses and hymns in the Oratorio were also eraNetively' sung by the choir. Preceding, the rendition of the 'se-sitio" Rev. Mr. Hockey read tre story of the CrtteifiMott. [ A‘large and appreciative audience was in attendance. DIED WHILE MPh2Nl TO l . 00 To CHURCH Spring ll For curtain Indra: Muslin or Lace thirtainst Suit at $10.00, $12.50 to $25 Tho death occurred on Sunday morning of Mr. Albert House, son bf Mr. Joe House, Union St The de- ceased was in his 23rd year and was in his usual health until his demise. Death was due to epilepsy. being stricken just as he was preparing to "ro to church tor the Enter services, The funeral service was held in the St. Louis Church, Waterloo, on Wednesday morning at 9 o‘clock, af- ter “hen the remains were taken to the st. Agatha Cemetery tor itt- $10.60, “$15.00 to $20.00 welt Jon rum am will a: you: prion. " an Sunliyis (may the-khtndtholoelol _th. Orrmmnt We have a splendid line at splendid Sultan!” halt do“: ot the world's but (allow. Comn'nive nylon and the new English styles. New lab- riu in olives, brown out my: Sunday would he just the right the to appear In mo- thing new. Windows'in Waterloo Spring 1:th Aestus at alKuBlli0 Waterloo Home You Any Need If so, we are in a position to meet your wants this ' I Spring Hyunllleaiyeelneinmandlstueshuyouourassermntlnthsee lines" unintended“. In lines: then that when you are mammal]! run mighty good enaneee sf selling you your Draperies. _ Madras Muslins m shown in an endless variety, suitable for all rooms. from no, as. Us to Ole a yard. Bungalow Nets _ this popular material is also in a very large demand for lien and Sitting Been! Curtains. Special from Illa. Oils. Bile to m, a yard. American Material . "ettratMatrB-iitehmirn very exclusive line in law Silk Ifmgt with insertion " 150 a yard. Art Muslim: for Bedroom Curtains " This line is just m extra wide. priced from 12%0, 250 to no a yard. Lace Curtains Too - to so into details. Prices from 350 to 85.00 "air. in stock, such as wooden wash tubs, spoons, clothes pins, ironing boards, Phone 21T. rolling pins, etc. Call and see tilde goods. WATCII OUR WINDOW. Lincoln B. Snyder butter moulds, ladies, butter bowls, Hardware Merchant 0pp., City Hall Be A Big Hardware Sale We have a full line ot wooden ware Gives the Best Satisfaction for General Baking. Pastry ' Flour- For Pastries. Daily Bread Flour LOOK Shirk & Snider, Ltd. AT $5.00 AND $7.50 This week we will sell Rain Coats at interesting trices. We have just put into stock so good Ladies' Rain Coats in various styles and sizes, which we can ofer to our customers at except- ionally low trices. These Coats are guaranteed in every particular and are shown in navy, black, grey and fawn, ' also some tweed eracts, and range in pricesfrom $5, f/gp, $8.50, $10 to $12.50. UMBRELLAS, worth I for 750--200 Ladies' Umbrellas, worth regular $1, a variety of handles for 750. LANG BROS. & ‘CO. [ADIES’ ' Mllllll00hT'.8 Phone Te. BOTTOM PRICES. . Blltll0lfllillt & 00. Berlin USE ONLY WHY make butter during the winter months when you can ship your cream to us and leceive the highest market price? We furnish free cans and pay our.“ “I“... Our cheques” are issued 'mm, two mks m " mm " our. P Write us for any further information you may require A post curd will bring you s can and sham you to give this system a fair trlsl. We test and Weigh each shipment on arrival and send you a statement for same. T “W BERLIN CREAM!“ M. mural: 8T. " " - null out. HIGHEST PRIGE FDR CREAM. Bridgeport, Ont.

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