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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 27 Mar 1913, p. 1

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Irs")"'" me onRomém; 'ii1'jiiLtaitAprt .Itrt've shown at other seasons will appreciate “but a tremendous aggre- _illllleh's and . tBOYS’ clothing 5.12. ERNST a co. fruition must now be ready for Hpr 111.; buyingi i A Perfect Jewel of a Flour Tr-r-o-s. aria-9044+ 'o+o+o+o-.so"a""i"4-oo1 The great attvaniage at such an assortV is that no matter “but And those who have been acquainted with the vast stuck at clothing tpeter, there is a choice ready tor you that leaves little to be desired . Mereshapt Miller [ere’s t h e Greatest ssortment of we have ever offered is what you will declare our KING brand to be after you have giwn it a trial. Don} make the trial to easy either. Try it on bread, biscuits, pastries and cakes. You‘ll find it equally perfect in all. No other.Rour equals it in all round baking excellence. Shall we send a sack to-day? ydu wish to pay, “but material or mint you want, or what style MERE Waterloo 57. “In." the thred clothes Come From." All the newest styles in Men's Women's and Children's shoes at any price you wish to pay. We guarantee satisiao.. tion. Irvin Master Children':,' pair from $50, $1, ti.35r to 1, q..... "" Boys and Youths, pair irom $1.25, $1.35 to . "rrments. pmr trom $1.73, $2, 33.2.: to ........... Men's, pair (tom trio, $3, $3.50 to ..1....w. mrrtwtt If you wish to have your feet dressed right for Spring, let us fit you ZIBK’S SHOE HOME " FOOTWEAR ,..z..o} '1‘. os'-'.-.'.-'.-" +O+O+O 'gigggiigigggiigigiaigaiNiii, Berlin, Ont. Phone " .. $300 .. $3.50 . $5.00 $6.00 WATIILOO. ONTARIO. THURSDAY ”DINING. MARCH " "ta-- 10 PAGES Items ol Interest :--The return oi the robin and other migratory birds herald the news that the spring sea- son is coming the tine warm weather of last week hustled away the bulk of the snow and necessitated the use of Oceled vehicles on the roads. It also tempted some to start to the Bugar Camp and commence the male mg of that deliscious product from the raw product "sap", the first iruits of nature. However this week the weather has taken a decided change smoking the rather early sap run.--.t severe thunder storm passed met this section last Friday night though no damage 'was reported. --The rivers and creeks took on the appearance of a ilood as the quantity ol snow on the tieids was not great the froshet was not M a damaging nature and not as serious as that of a year ago.--Mr. Thomas Moore of the 6th Conn. Wallace, has been the succcssful applieant for the Gowans- (town mail route. lb? will start atl Gowanstown and "proceed east to the] 1taryborough townline thence northi to the 6th Conn, then west to ihe 1irii?.s boundary line till he, reaches, "h, 4th conn. again, thence east to Gowanstown in all a distance otl ‘almul. 33 miles The arrival of the imail.s will necessarily have to Le changed. In future mails will Come in on the morning trains and leave on the afternoon trains instead ot coming: in at the,noon hour " at present. 0n the whole. our mail ser- vioe will be somewhat better than at present. Mr. Moore has' fast horses and no doubt will give mmllent sat- isfaction as a carrier after be once brcortsgys familiar with the ronte-- Mr. James Kinsman had a mum-ss- lul auction sale on Wednesday inst. llr, Kinsman has Sold his farm to Ilr: Lloyd G'arbntb and intends re- outing to the 1icinity oi Cayttdntt.--- Mr. John H. Bender held an uiu‘tion sale Tctsday last. This .vas om- oi the largest sales this winter. Mr. 1.. Babe] wasthn auctioneer and is goin- ing popularity through his eilieiemry. --Mr. Simon Schatz is removing to lTaVisiock this neck. having faulted lhis blacksmith shop to Mr. John "irotr. and his residence to Mr. Jas. Irurray.--Miss Salome Gabel has gene to Guelph were. she is staying with her aunt Mrs. i)'i1a'2nilr'2il';'--i'r'iii) Sadie Thompson spent a tow days in, Guelph this week.-Mr. Wesley and? Miss Melinda Wiederhoid who'tiave, spent the past year at Delislc. Sastr.' are visiting their sister Mrs, Sin» (Itii‘ Adolph-We are pleased to note that Mr. Wm. t',eygatenet1o has been, t_roiilisuido his bed ddr-several weeks- is recovering-Mr. Wm. Cummings teit, on Tuesday last for Watrous, hiask., taking with him a car load of horses.-3kssrs. J. 1viederhold, Luther Williams and Emerson Alexander have returned to Western points-Mr. Adam Strong, assrssor is making his iannual rounds over the township. News Notes. March T-The past winter has been a most delightful one. We had several cold dips. but nothing serious. A week ago we were making active preparations to begin spring work, but it suddenly turned wider and tor two days it has been snowing to heat the hand. So lit' decided to postpone spring t“ ork until winter is over.-O'he popu- lation of Allierta is steadily increas- ing, the increase being eltiefly in the Mines and new towns along the fail- lrnails. We have now live cities-Cal- igitv, Edmonton, Lethbridge, Medi- wine “at, and Red Deer.-There has ‘been a vast amount ot railway con- ('s'i'r"i2o'n' during the last two or three lif'ari, and this will continue tor sev- ‘erul years to come. and the towns in“ mutinne to.boont.--While in Ed- nmnton a few weelisyagn I visited the Legislature, xOirh was then in ses- sion. The Liberals have a large ma- inrily in the House; but there is .willll‘ gum] debating talent among the Ctrnsertatixes, The Socialist member, H‘Hrien, is a good talker and '.1 illllxl industrious man. Mr. Joe Skinner of Itidstmry is a Waterloo County. product and a Jolly good fel- low, Gr anticipate an election in the int-or future. and the three parties are prepnzme for the fray. The Liberals 'sill protrahly be returmd hy a hand- some mu.rvrity--but there is no tell- mg. The sirifrao'sts' 1%ster “wk coop was frustrated. _ Fyiward It, “mm M Parry Sound Ras burnml to death in thr :mmhouse of the Rmsmu Lake Lututtrr (‘mn- pany at Moakvirsw, on ith, tyt' ll, during Um gala on Friday tttght. Lacombe Alta. Local and Personal. - Alisa Ruth Ratz, who is attending Moulton Col- lege at Toronto is spending a few days at her home here.-- Mrs. J. A. Schroder spent Thursday In Guelptc- C'otviiderabie damage was dent in. town last, Friday by the sen-re wind storm which lasted the whole day. Part ot the root or the furniture lac- tory was torn all besides the damage done to Mr. F. Nolinsky's house on Arthur St. The iron part at the steeple on St. Paul's Lutheran church was blown down as well as numerous sign boards at the dinerent stores. - Mr. F. C. A. Jeantseret, B. A., at Upper Canada College, Toronto, is spending the holidays at his home in town -Miss Wilton is visiting friends and relatives at her home near Brus- sels for a few daysc--A large propor- tion at the school children are unable to attend school at present owan to their sore arms as a result ot vaeei- mation which has been strictly en- ioreed try the Board ot Health author- 'ities.- Mr. Paul Ruppel ot Gait 'spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Llluppel in town.-- Mrs. Snydér of llrnntlurd was the guest ot her sister, Mrs. J. Fulton. last week.--Mrs Snell lri Cult, formerly of this place, is [spending a few days with Mr. aw, (Mrs. D. Fear. Musical Treat.-- Lovers of music were given a rare treat last Wednes- day" evening when the Waterloo Meth- odist choir gave the beautilui Ora- torio "The Crtieiiixiott" try Stainer, underthc able leadership of Miss A. It. Bean, in the Presbyterian church ot this plaee. At the conclusion ot the Oratorio the Ladie's Aid passed refreshments and a short time was spent in social ettioytttent, before ,he gathering broke up. Tho choir re- turned to Waterloo the next morning by the 7.30 train. Miss Salome mm. is spending a lewl weeks with her aunt, Mrs. McMurtry _ of London, thtt.-9irs. Cruaore and Mrs. Haney of Brantford were guests ot Elmira. friends part ot test week. --Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jensen at Salt and three little children spent Sun- day with Mrs. G. Vogt.--The Elmira Horse Show will be held on Friday, April 1ttlc--The Elmira Green House. will again be put into good running order by the owns-r, Mr. Wm. Nor- ‘man who understands the work of lraising gouytrs and vegetables thor- oughly. and with the support ot the Elmira citizens. Mr. Norman will ttg a place that this town may 'well be proud ot-Miss Hilda Eby is spending a few days at her home in St. Thomar-Mr. Oscar Cllristman oi Berlin spent the holidays at his mother's home here.-- Mrs. Mussel spent part of last week with friends in St. Jaeobs.--Nr. and Mrs. Hy. Schneider visited friends and relativ- .es in [lesson last. wept School Board Meeting.--' meeting or, this Board was held last Wednes-' day. The rtrsh item of business was the reading ot We minutes ot the previous meeting, which were adopt,- ‘ed. Several accounts were then pre- 'sented and ordered to be paid. lt was 'then decided to ask Principal Colli- sqn to make arrangements to have Fall the school children attend an on Ire ot moving pictures on Hearth Culture to be given in a car which will be at the G.T.R. station _on April 3rd and 4th. It was also de- cidcd that Mr. I. nruhacher be a dole, gate to attend the Trustees" Conn-n tion to be held in Toronto on the the Mth, 26th and 27th of April. The meeting was then adjourned. Miss Gertrude Ruppel is spending a few days with relatives at St. Thorvas.-Nrs. T. Matthews has re- turned to Tier home here after spend- ing two welis with her son Norman Glenatlen who was suffering from an attatk of blood-ptustming,--Niss San- derson is visiting at her home in Lisir,wel for a few days. - Master Ernest Shurly, who is attending Tp- per Canada College at, Toronto is spenillng his vacation at his home here --Mr. and Mrs. Schade returned to their home at Parry Sound last week after a visit wlth relatives in town-4th. and Mrs. Louis “Niger nl Owen Sound spent the Plaster holi- days with friends in 1Hrtttrtt,- Mrs. W. Adams and two little children of Maetun spent the week with her bro- "ters. the Messrs. F.vrrrtt.-Mr. and Mrs. Small from the North West are visiting friends in this tnott-- Mr, Geo. L, Zeiqler spent Sunday with his mother in Waterloo-- Mrs, Me- Gregrr and little daughter Jessie of St, Marys spent the Easter holidays at the home pt her sister, Mrs. A Mow: -Mr. Fr. Shiteh oi Campbell. lord. organizer of the Grand Council of Rural Templars, gave an interest, my, address to the scholars and om. eers at tho Presbyterian Snmtav st‘houl last Sunday morning. He also gave addresses in the Methodist S s. in the allmwon and in the Evan- Nan Notea.-The storm on Gooal Friday did a great deal ot damage throughout the commttpitr-4luit' a number of the young people ot this tteighborttood attended the Airmail Conletence ot the U. B. Church " New Dundee on Friday and sundar.--l Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Shana Visited; with iriends at Bridgeport on Sun-l day.-Niss E. Wright is spending the. holidays at her home in Guelptc--Miss iJsry bitty oi Berlin visited with Miss Eda Bachart over the holidays. _--ur, and Mrs. Arch. Hallman, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mailman ot Williams- burg and Mr. M. D. Hallman ot Ber- lin visited with the farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hellman on Sun- day-Ur. and Mrs. Addison Riekert returned to their home here alter spending their honeymoon with friends at Butralo.--Miss Lena Winkle, a re- turned missionary from China, will speak in the U. B. Church on Friday evening in the interests ot the Airican mission. gelicul Church in the evening.-- Missl W . Grace Ertt spent Sunday with trieiidslg models superbly in Toronto.--Mr. Charlie Schaler oi . the Metropolitan Bank stall at 'still-tio) mdst pleasing of bank visited bis parents in town this} a . week tor a few days.--Mr. J. Med E? fabrics. Millan has purchased a lot tram Mr. "it Hy. Wittieh on Arthur St. north oi i) the CARR. tracks. and intends oract- It) ing a line house upon it in the near kt Our garments tuturc.-Mr. A. l-Dby left last week” for Guernsey, Sash, where he intends! I merely to fit but making his future home.-- Mr. and: F) F t Mrs. J. A. Harper and two children‘ __ at Waterloo spent the Easter hole It? rench canvass dav with Mr. and Mrs. P.' Christman . _ itftowrt.u-5Ir. and Mrs. A. c. Kim-"8 grade are used t mel and children visited friends and . . . mlalhes in Berlin over sundar.--Post 8 111g lasting satis Ollice Inspector Fischer was a busi- . . . ness xisitor to Elmira. last week.-- . ceptional quality Mr. Reuben Martin spent part of the . week in Toronto and ottawa.-- )lissi o delight you. $12 Bertha Ohliger is spending; a few 0 weeks with her brother Louis at Owen sound.-Newa was received here G) 1last Saturday that Mr. D. D. Lurk- fo' The styles are ihardt of Montreal, formerly of this fr, place had passed away. The re- 1. Fairs were brought to Elmira on the I E) ----------.----r-. mmrnmg 2,1n'i"t' tail; on llhliinday, C.] _ . land interment on pace in re 7won . I Fi"iriiirT-rii'i.is' White at the "rant. 8 Raincoat, ‘ . ford Conservatory of Music, spent CE --r--------------._ Sunday at the. home ot Mr. and Mrs. Q, Bramit.--Mr.Geo. Glennie ot Toronto o University visited relatives in town CE -yut.eeeeP2'yteri-,5eeeri'ebei"P-"ee-er-e over the holiday.--Mr. and Mrs. o, L. O Christman ol Gait spent Sunday with o the iormer's parents irr tdivn.-gr. A. CE Noxon oi Ameliastiurg spent the hol,i- i"rtt, day with Elmira iriemis.-Miss Min- CE I nie, nonlinear of Toronto paid Elmira 8 friends a short visit this weck.--Mrs. Ainsuorth and two children, Hilda ti, lt. WESELOH- and Beatrice. spent Sunday with CE friends in Guelph.--4Jwittg to recent CE BERLI beaw rains the Canigigiqué has overt [lowed its banks,, causing considerable Co) Marriage to the road on Church St. ',rirExiy5Xixihre'ysoD2'i"'oXiric3yi4Cei4oybCeoXi) President Wilson commenced work on the tarid revision. Lt.?.] i' r" 1g,lllR!l 'fa, , . Q Illl Ililll l il & Make your build-. tiicliii'iilEsr;'.ir'1 4 ' 3 $tt , ' ings bright and clean Iliilillillti" a“; e _ = a' I , this Spring. We have _;L;5:la::;j':;,j;; (:13 - .. ttr.i,ii:t),liit,!,itil . {3: the best and most eco- IliiliE-i:?ie)ilit'ri?ti., f.-:-':"' ',"C_'1vn'i"1'i1"i"-1"')1.5.'-iy3Jlli, F nomical paintfor youu) _llllllllllllit1 ii SRE.':.:'"',.,) Cr.:t TiCral ' 'i."'.':':.).,:,:,,,.' it).'; :43 use. (Ill-i-Ill,'!.'!,!'!'):,):))',,,.?-!, I _.__ . tl 7 Tii 'tiiiitis. o'.":.?)")'""':,' E: "I" E31"? 8itEituItr.1jriu.uttits - " u, .." Cty'" I , 9’ , g l hMgEfigs 'tii?..? a i".)').';',),,;,', PM ”mm 3‘ the paint that spreads , 'lr" , I, -2 3- fl: FER“ filL) iii-e"" farthest, wears long- $ if-', 'ii/ii i/ll-rc'--',',, I f, s"? est,looks best. Made cri5ir) _ f.' Ctite't,:'i'fc'y, 1 i, , " F3331?» iibi'ir. of purest materials. 'li/lik/_,:'), $8M‘h ti,,,Wr:s' A record of forty E',) tttcy: 9i”. .‘.T-~.4~ years of good paint 'iii! if; f: _ "....-.- making behin cf it. (el'?')';'.':'.'-"' Shqy?lynr.lfhu4Ms FLT; PA I” TS HAVE THE LliME8T8lu.EOF _ I ANY PAINTS IN THE 1ll0RL0 M. WEICHEL & SON Mannheim Phone 2 1 s I?aii,tttd)il ow it toX%aaMoXiya2,CiaoCiXoXiXoy9yi. ooo . oooooooo (2’ Our garments are made not ft' merely to fit, but to hold their fit. 2'; French canvasses of the finest 1: grade are used throughout, insur- §ging lasting satisfaction. The ex- g ceptional quality at each price will 'ii delight you. $12, $15, $25.,,,, ,,,,, -eeee iif, A rich display of stunning new Egg models superbly tailored from .the 'ij' most pleasing of the new season's (i.,lfabrics. lliiilhliPllNltlll'Rl, BOATS, ill! DRESSES Mhisellohdi0o,, A complete disslay of the above now here tea y for you to see The styles are charming. A. WESELOII. A. R, 600 DIE. new“, on. _ TIME to Paint. IH-I_- ------ C_ttd WHOLE Mo. 2977 Waterloo yXe7Ce'KhXoXVixoha"ye 0. 0000000 . '9‘;

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