g Wes. Hub and John Iroelle and {W Frank left last “wk " your, ser-L-au. and Mrs. Dan Schlahach {Kt mr their future home in Herbert "i'ttftiirits; L, Hauck is Confined to f Mum with an attack of bronchi- M.i.carr. Joel Boy of m-lloslcy has ttrt the Property of Aug. Marinat- i he intends to move into his new ...-.‘.. """' .......... “my..- v. -_--e Mrrpeter Rueifer, and Mrs. Tribute. P Petersburg, Ont. Thomas.--At St. Thomas, Mrs. "rl bear Friend _ “may Thomas, sister a Mrs. s. 'e " is on a most pleasant and happy Laschinger, Elmira. mansion that we are assembled here F'nyder.-Itt 'Doronto, Feb. 18th, tonight. and that you will permit Rachel Mathilda, mice of the tate In to extend our hearty and sincer- im Snyder, formerly of Elmira in mat wishes for your birthday. l her 79th year. ’ Mar health, happiness anf success/ter-tt Wellesley, on Feb. 17th, Presented with Locket and Chain: 51'an evening was spent at the ghoul. of Mr. Cun. Ir. [mom-r in hon- mt at his son Pet'r's 21st birthday. minds from Berlin, Waterloo, Mann- 'Hm and Petersburg were present and the evening was enjoyably spent in [anus ind music. A dainty lunch A"" also saved. During the evening 'ate, Peter ltueiier was presented with O â€idiom? chain and locket, atCottt- E’IMod try the following address which was read by Mr. tharies Knip- :to remain with us sharing our come J"tR Joys. . An a slight taken of our sincere â€loom and Iriendship we ask you to mt. this chain and locket which ' V (Signed) a Your Friends of Pelt'rsburg and “I. vicinity. . ' of Enter Monday the " hold a bouquet. Mr. G'. ' President of the Board ot an Iron: CroBstriil.has prone to to present, and also Mr, F. k um. and Mr. Wm. Bum: from tge promises to be a good , u a good Programme is be- . new“. Admission to supper a; Mac tree. Mr. Hy. Newberry the muonune ot loosing one oi " valuable horses [at week-A W ot our people spent a very “In time It the home ot Mr. Ames. Nelson Thoman last Mow It eeorting to the sums: oi Mr Hilts. Alvia Trussler and family, b‘ am. going to have tor their .0 in Mirna in the neat future.-- “so! Mr. John Amos Mished his II atttressing in this vicinity last M , yburs not only on this day but wing the coming year, and lor many i. Personals: Miss Marie Wan- Mt tor Detroit last week where Ema.“ to spend a tew weltks her sisters and brother-Miss I Stockle left for Freeport,' Mictw tg where she intends to spend the Atter.-aiss Edna Riehm spent may and Sunday with friends in 'Mtt.-Mr. My. Stccklv sun. is home in alter spending a net-k with Ids in Michigan. “I Motel: m, Central Bhtor- VIM’ Club hold n very sw- tt no». In sum" aren- 'et,." Iii“ at the lad roads gain In†[- attends-m. lt In {,me been announced when an mating will he held but on , mnmsmmammmongm We due not exaggerate " you. We are dependent upon your patronage. To get It we must have your trust end oaatfb deoee. We nuke the lollowlng lute-neat: with e tall tamHg. landing of whet they mean to as. You are safe when you believe In these etetelnents. For the Bowels S2'f,ecete.Ueser.t tter are pleased to present to You to- .3}. you feel hmpy by their spleu- Doesn‘t that indirate that Remit did tonic. dancing and strengthen- Orderues are " least worthy o! trialt I. duct. unit the bowels. - They Doesnt it prove our faith in than? autom- t “In! _-- and her it Doesn't it merit your eontidetett Mat'a'/p . fraught! ill ttlt'.' Could my on" he more hit to sour that mu" mu ta ram we“ " Wo animlarl not) and Run“ II, ttS'ghp,1'tl mom?†for 'JSlJe",',',tli'1'd and t hull Orderlies do this quietly. and muons» Ru.“ Guglie- o “than. giving or causing nausea. in mnveniv-M vestp in ' li .tsmtrttr or noes-iv:- Ioosrncu. They holes. " tnbtatr, il'lt! " *ertioosax-tdremoeetheeaui. Me; scum-u. Mht. " CAUTION: M ban In mind tut M (Wk-s In mot m9d by III CI. ghts You can buy Raul Ordorlio- only " the Rex-ll 810m. Yummy Reanltoederrtieahtthi-rmmtniVmttr um: m: ' this week-Mrs. John Huether *tho misfortune of falling dirwn cellar steps last Friday and was 'r. Shaken up but not seriously in- .--Mts. John Huether is spend- a few wtels with her mother at mr,tt."aUt"ttat'lg "errutammtd mier'mtHthttted Shun. (and M duh. Mb-dmslhnll Rm-trfor-o-y-erir-ttt-' ii-ii-trd-dt-M-rl-hi-remote-ded. Wnnloo _'; thz/rs Busy N621 ' Mill Orderlies do this quietly. “than. giving or causing nausea. 9‘:an or umdw- looser-cm. They *erttuso--tdremovetheeaui. about Rex-ll Orderlies. you would be u enthuiutic about recommend- in: than n In Are. They um just. liu.eaadr..Tftev pct {quail} pad Bk. am. They net an easily 1nd - plug-nay that the “kin. of them i; Tires-YE. Even children like Renll Order. tiw; Ind you know that it a medi- gripped] to I child. it will spped to MW7 ttt nine Boom, dispel blues And a you feel Inppy by their splen- did tonic. changing and strengthen- " dim um the bowels. - They mittofrmt 1r.i',"di-ag',f, he it Ae-re she . tragond ill Itching Petersburg Make Us Prove It only knew " much u we x who hare used them know, A. G. HAEHNEL L'mtttwh-.Near Elmira, Much 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Emil Umhactt, n Ernst-At No. 103 Yonge St.. St. Jacobs. March 'ttti, to Mr. and Mn. Nelson Ernst, a daughur. Moyer-Near “'eismburg, Feb. Metd, to Mr. and Mrs. Eduard Moyer. I daughter. (stillborn) s'MiTO--rn Waterloo on WM, March 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. â€I: Smith, a son, (died same day.) Lock-In Conestoga, March XML. to Mr..and Mrs. Frank Loch, a dastgb- ter. Died same day. Schweitzer-in Conestogo, March 12. to Mr. and Mrs. Martin C. Schwei- MoNoertarr-u Berli- o- - In to Mr. and In. G. H. In“? may, " Allen: St. a non. _ittig.-1n Rollin, on My, Fob. 2m, to Mr. and In. Jonah um, his, Albert St . . “Mus. treWr.-at St. Jacob. Fob. tut, to Me. and In. F. E. Wit“, . lol- Borth.-At Floradalo. Pet. "th. to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. north. a u. Halle.--." Conestoga, Feb. Mth, to Mr. and Mrs. [use Houe, adates- ter. Cretsoan.-year Elmira, Feb. M, to Mr. and Mrs. min M. (W. a daughter. Shaun-In Waterloo, on March tth, to Mr. and Mn. “also: Shun. . Heron-(‘ook-At Moose Jaw, Suit Tuesday, Feb. Ittih, by Rev. sunk Ion, Miss Florence M, daughter ot Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Cook ot FU- mira to Richard G. Heron ot Moos. Jaw, Sash. Lortq-Itisok.-At Winterbourne, Feb. mm, by Rev. A. M.. Hamilton, Russel Long to Miss Nettie Rook, both ot Elmira. Ziager--Feb. 7th, near New, Ger- many to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Zinger, twin girls. 52 yrs. h'turry.--rtt Berlin, on Sunday. Mar. 22nd, James Scarry of Troy, N.Y., aged 18 years. Meyer-In Waterloo, on Much ard, John IL Meyer, aged " years. Maidment..--Itt Htspeler. on Sunday. March 2nd, Mr. Frederick Maidment Gauntley-ln Berlin, on Friday, Feb. 28th, Mr. Herbert Gauntley, Aged 54 years. Wetrer.-ht Berlin, on Friday, Feb. 28th, Abraham's. Weber, aged " years. . Tribute.-rn Hespeler, on Saturday, March Ist, iptant daughter at Mr. and Mrs. Tribute. Thomas.--At St. Thomas, Mrs. ', (New) Thomas, sister at Mrs. s. .Schaetttt-In Berlin, on Saturday! M4, Wr. Henry Scholar, “all! Me. Jacob K. Forier, aged " yrs. 9th, Rebecca Schmidt, an} Sit 1ihittlttyi--P, “iffy Pmtrose. toMr. years. . __ _ -_-. Harper-In Pilkington. Feb. -2Truiir nie Ida Rumble, wile of W. Emer- son Harper, aged 32 Fears, 5 month and 1 day. t Frey-hs Woolwich, David Frey, aged about to years. Lichty-1n Peel. March 3rd, Benjamin Lichty. aged 58 3mm, 3 months and " days: Fleischauor--0n March 5th, in Berlin, BMW Mathilda, MM of the tate Elizabeth Staples, beloved wile ot Eli Snyder, formerly of Elmira in Adam Fieischauer, aged " years her 79th year. S months and IT days. Fotier.-ht Wellesley, on Feb. 17th, Schmidt-In Berlin. on Sunday, Mar. tGitltriri_ 1.3}; GG" GGGi? f.2r,",u2g'g',2ughrgtre 'edt m e unnecessary eon- tina “no of phraiem And ",'rtetr,,. pagavmding to. Itop_luch yn esl.thr We do not nk you to take our word for thin. We want you to make u: pron it, and " no cost to you. Buy . box ot Renll Otderlien at our “on. Use them once, or um up the whole box. Then, if you In not. thoroughli "stiafted, Pt com. back empty untied nn tell no. Without oblignting you or question- ing you we will return the mom you paid us tor them. Make us Prove This Marriages Deaths Ontario It“. at th. "Oth undo- d the Ill-ct TIL ‘Colllcll. DH " th. . by ot Fukuuy, ma." [when m "can, the Home» stdin. The minutes od ti. m will: we: lad and W. at. Cloth having mud to Aw ditor: upon on the Ml'l Ao- counts tor "12. the Council who! when it was moved by A. I. Dell“, sect-dd by A. C. Hello-n, that the Auditor’s report es reeeived he Adopted and tie Treesurer's Amounts es atttitrd, he now My pen-ed. end that the Clerk be and Se hereby in- ntructed to hue " copies at the An- ;ditors' Abstract printed and posted in the Township. Carried. loved by A. M. Zoeller. receded IN A. C. Hallma. thet e By-lnw to provrde tor dreinnlre work in the Township ot Wilmot, in the County "st Weterloo. and tor trorrowirg money atSP.remtt.ontheerredit oithe Municipality tor carrying on the said 'drainage work he introduced nndAht (the said By-taw be now read n itrgt iii; second time. Carried. Said By- law was then read n Brat and second time accordingly, and the Clerk we: instructed to mail copies oi said By-inw to nil interested parties in- letead ot advertising the some. aid By-law shall be known and may he ’cited us "Municipal Drain No. l ,By-lnw. in the Township ot Wilmot." A Court a Revision will he held in the Township Hell, in the Village at Baden, on Saturday, the 15th any ot March 1913, at the hour of l o'clodr in the niternoon, tor the purpose oi hearing and dealing with appeals, which may be made. against the ldrninage Assessments, in the Ensi- neer's report on the said Mainly [work H iet.-At Milverton', March 15th, _ t'iiiiiirTiiiiTaCatk2mri-r-r-r: !Gerhardt.--% Waterfoo, on Sunday, I March 16th, Geo. Gerhardt, aged " years, 11 months and 10 days. For-In Toronto, on Momtsry,Marctt mm, Mr. Geo. Fox, aged " yrs. Rohertsorc--1n Brownsville. on Sate urday, Ma'roh 15th, Mrs. Robertson aged " years. Gould.-rn Gait on Sunday, March 16th.. Dorothy H., eldest daughter or Mrs. L. C. Gould. aged 11 yrs, and ' months. Kelerbortte.-rn Ft. Jacobs on Satr I Moved by Wesley En), seconded try Moses Schultz, that the following ac- iounts be passed and that the Reeve iissue his orders on the Treasurer in (payment ol the same, viz.: 1T0 R. J. Mitchell tor gravelling 1 W. &E. Zorn, Tp. Line, 1 _ amount ...'.-.... '..r..t.q. ...r.. m..... $50.00 "t. and A. ll. Baird, " loads gra- i, vet (X912) .......t. ..d..,... ...t_eW..... 6.30 lfleo, E. Schmidt, 54 loads gravel [ (1912) F......- er....... ....q. ..-t..... 5.40 "I. Einwaechter,, RI loads yam] i ti912) ....P.... _..-..... ....._ ......... 9.40 , C. Schildroth, gruelling Ty. l Line, a amount. 'w........ w.te..q..... 1.50 Adolph Hotstetter, hauling gra- D. Becker. fencing. nails amt st.- W. Russel, salary as auditor ... 12.00 " F. Ilolwell. reg. turths. marriages and deaths to 3ist Dee. ......... 7.40 On motion Council adjourned untll the am Monday in March. who palhmasters, tence-viewers and pound- keepers will be appointed. _ News Notes.--" and Mrs. A. Swarm. “mu-d at the home ot their daughter Mrs. w. U. Shanta of Wil- tiamatrurg last sunday-Mr. and Mrs. Archie Haist of Vintland and Miss Maggie Shantz ol (‘entreville were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. n. ','hantz.--We am glad to are Mr, 'Feed "use out again alt- er his recent illness -Mr. and Mrs. Wesley “Shier ot Rosebank visited Mr. and Mrs, Isaiah Winner on Sun. day.-Nr. Amos Weber is recovering quite rapidly trom his recent severe attack of rtteumatisrr.--Wedding bells are ringing. . For information that will lead to the discovery or tst,.',',",',",,', ol 'the person or persons an 'ering from Nervous Debiiity, Fits, Skin Dis, eaae, Blood Poison, Genito Urinary Troubles, and Chronic or Speck Complaints that cannot be cute: at The Ontario Medical Inuit? 163.266 Yong: Sheet. Tatum. 'se1brrborttect.-rtt Ft. Jacobs on Sank urday, March 15th, George, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Kelterborne, aged ll yrs. . . 6cooo REWARD Peine, ' mum’s w..... 'e........ 2.75 Sueicher, putting up railinz 2.00 Maugham, l lamb killed by an-.. "mu - a-..“ ... ........ Schumm. salary as auditor 12.00 lion! "...u., . Ala-E... o " WWW L. on My, a. 1m Nine Pines F. AiyLaaiaa,. cum. 1htaqpe.aat-6-.otta. an“. www.mmmb have Mshohdeaittnth. in: plus "dudtrg-tuitmre.'taq 'o_o-eat-trad-d-ab- terms-li- lu Wyatt a! an» louwahunhnwedvnh by: pus-hi- tout-Imuln. Guelph-In. l. L. We!" â€and. lat qha_y.--aMs. J. Stick-e93 who In; been spending the wine! with her daughter at Port lino. return- " to be! home here lest Week-Mr. Fred Mitchell tethr ot the Metropo- lihl M "" here, lei. for a few weeh' van to his homo at La ROI. Sui. to Visit his “the! who is in way poor ttealth.--T'tts school ope-ed hem epi- on Micky morning, Cmneulsory vaccination oi ell the school children in: has subtly eo- forced, amiasnotttrthereaams ot -taiitroor Inn developed, it is hoped that the epidemic has been checked Weigh the arena mm taken by the Board ot Healur.-Mra. pimp- he: spent . lew days with her daugh- ter in Balm last weeh.-Nr. James Eng! bought the lam: of Mr. f. Busch mar Wallmticn and purpoges mowing on to it in the m: ttgture.-- Miss Maggie Nicolle“ has rammed trom Winterboum when she span tome time with triends.-A game ot hockey was played lat Saturday night. between the local team and the wan are spending a few weeks with with the farmer's sister, Mrs._ueo. Woiuniller, and other relatives in town and vicinitr.-Miss C. Sehier- holtz or Spruce Grove, Alta. Ielt lor her home last Tuesday after visiting relativgs here tor several months.- Miss Bertha ()hligher spent part of last week with friends at Creekbauk. -hrs. Runstettler of Linwood spent Monday with Elmira relatives.--An intending lecture was given. under we auspices of St. Paul's Lutheran Church. try Rev. Malinsld of Strat- lord last Monday evening. The sub- Be'rlin team which resulted in . more ot 4 to 0 in lavor of Elmira.- Mr. and Mrs. J. Shade of Matptetn- ject was "China Tan ot New York."-Mr. J. Pollinson ot bCdmott- ton, lormerly of this town wag _re- acting aotttairttattertr in Elmira last week.--Mr.. Philip Christman was tor- merly declared Post Master of EV min last. Wednesday try Magistrate F. Merer.-Mr. J. Zeigler ot Souris Man. is spending a fee weeks in this part of the country renewing "H ac- quaint-c-Miss ‘Arabella. Snyder {entertained a nunae r ot her friends tea last. Thusadar-Mr. P. Shade, of Mormon spent. Inst week with El- mira friends.-Mr. and Mrs. Norman Eaisel Iett tor Ridgedalr, Sash ' last Tuesday where they will make their future horms.-aeise Fenland ml] hold her Spring millinery opening on Wednesday alternoon and evening, March 19th inst.-Mrs. P. Schummer or St. Clements spent part of the week with Elmira "iends.--Mitnt Mar- garet En, of Berlin was the guesi of Miss Arabella Snyder lot a low days last weeh.--Miss Ethel Reynolds of St. Jacobs left lor her home on Fri- day aner spending part at the week with her friend. Miss Edith Remain. -Comtuetor Brandt has moved mu: his family into the house ot Mr. Hy. Hamburg last weeh.-Tha Oddiollowsi quartette‘consisting of Messrs. Wu Badley. A. C. Kimmel, Geo. Zelglor‘ and A. Laschinger sang in the MetV odist. Church at Waterloo last Sun- dst-A Gory enjoyable alternoon was spent last Saturday afternoon when about sixteen members at the Gait Symphony Mum: Club journeyed to limits where they were entertained try the Beethoven Club ol this place. The programme which was enjoyed ttv all present was given entirely by the visiting Club. Refreshment: were then served and a tew hours were Kent in Soda] enjoyment alter which the visitors left on the T o'cloek G. T. R. train for their ttomea.--Nr. J. Small spent a few days with retativ- es in Macton last -k.---Mr. Aaron Holler has purchased the lot next to Mr. I. Mussyr‘s house and will move the house, which is at present situa- ted on the New Post (Mice Site, on to it. in the near ttnurrt.--Nr. LL McMillnn has sold Ms home to Mr. E. Winn of Ilawkesville, who intends moving to town this spring-A card party and dance will he held in the Froh Sim: "all, on Monty evening. Wittick's In Abram Weber ot Berlin spent. Sunday will Mr. and Mn. Allan Weber...-.). Inn Cream“ and Mrs Chrla Allemung Sundown with Mr. and Mn. Herb. Cressrnnn um Bres- lln.-Miss Elsie mm and Min Bur hon [Balm of Berlin were guest- ot Mr. and My George Rem on Sul- 'Hr-Mi" Luann- Bnlhocher at m City Hospital. "unlltoa, lelt tor that M on My alter mung three weeks at her home here.- Mm Poul. Mable ad Mu!" Roy Turret oi Berlin Smithy“ with Mr. and Mrs Aux. Shier. ' ,ssrusuatg,icusye Mr. who lately iiiiia5iiea ~“the Bloomingdale mile WITH BILIOUSNESS AND SICK HEADACHE. sdld at all dealers in M and so cent boxes or mailed by The Fig Pill So., St. Thomas, Ont. Mrs. Dean, at Brunttorq. mother at Prof. H. H. Dean, Prof. of Dairy Husbandry. at Guetph Agricultural College. and her gist", Mrs. (L Heller of St. Jacobs visited friends Calgary, Alberta, mity 5. 1911. I was a great trutterer tor a long time with Biliousuess, sick headache and Liver trouble. Nothing seemed to do literally good. I hadalnnst. given up in despair Wren {famed to try FIG PILLS. . After taking about half a. box the headaches stopped and my amine imprpvod. I have just thtished the tiith box and heel as well as ever. I can heartily recommend Fig Pills for stomach and liver trouttles.--Mrs. Mary Ellson. Local News.--The breaking ot the» Elma dam on Friday alternoon mm the Grand River rise very rapidly on Friday evening. and when at its high- here the past week--. Mr. Adolph LembLe left on Tuesday tor Guern- sey. Sash., when he will stay tor the tsummer-att-ters to the Chron- iele-Te1eeraph who have not yet paid their renewals may pay the same to Mr. Noah Stroll. who is authorized to take subscriptions and but receipts tor the same. SAM“. . is the "RELIABLE CURE" for Gall Stones, Kidney Tro- uble. Kidney Stones, Bladder Stones. Gravel. Lumbago, 1nd all disuse: arising tram the Acid, Price $laf The United States last year im- ported 153,000,M0 pounds od mom, the greatest amount on record. SANOL‘S ANTI-DIABETES lath only remedy which has a record 0! complete curt-s at diabetes. Price " For sale At all teadftte drum. Send tor tree “brawn. THE SAM“. MANUFACTURING co. LTD., WINNM’EO, MAN. The Vatican is to have . private wirelus telegraph plant. Sold ii, Waterloo by. A. a. Miami. "Nous ANTI-DIABETES Thornton STRATFORD Conestogo can Be read Joann. and give you â€are satis- [action manna. In! [ISiijfiE2jiji Every T. & D. garment carries the absolute guar- antee of the maker. It has got to give satisfaction or we make it right. Have a look through our yard~ robes-all the new shades in the Spring fabricsare here- Browns, Greys, F awns, Blue Greys, Olives, etc. Try on one of the lgopular models, a Yale, a award or one of the dozen other models for this season. We are out for your busin- ess and we can show you we deserve it. It is u: to you. The clothes are ere. r.&n.munomm 822.50 810.50, 818, 8â€. 15. tll In Spring Oval-outs 810, 813.50. 815. 81". up 03m Thursday night unti 10. Come and look them over whether you buy or not. 3mm GUELPH It is usually very costly to con- sult a specialist in any disease, but for 25 cents. on a special otter, we can now give to those suffering from Eel-em or any form ot skin disease nbsotutely instant relief. with pros~ Peet of an early cure. absolutely instant relief, with trroB- soothing wash, D.D.D. Prescription. not of an early cure. has convinced us, and v19 hope you A special trial size bottle ot Oil of wilt accept the special 25 cents we: Wintergreen, Thyme! and Giyreritte, on D.D.D. Prescription so not you eta, as compounded in the Labor:- wilt be -imed.--A. H. Hula-cl. iu. G. WING 81 co. +0+o+o+o+0+0+o+o+o+o+o +0+0+0+0+0430+o+o+o+0+0 i.tuner to Loan, Conveyancing and lawn“ " t Phone can as Frodorlck St., Dunn; + . 0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+ O+O+O+O+0+O+O+O+O+O+M J. G. WING & (30.. Berlin, Ont. 817.000 Buys 212 acres, good Sanding, 2 mites trom Berlin. ' H.700 Buys " acres. good buildings, 4 miles from Berlin. 84.200 Buys 90 gem. hit buildings, " mile: tron: Bet%t. 819,500 Buys 200 m, good building, ' miles trom Berlin. $5,000 Buys 100 um. lair building. a mile. [tom Berth. $13,000 Buys 121 acres. gdod building, 2 miles from Bulb. 814,000 Bays 172 um. hit buildings, 3 mile. Rn Salli. An active man who will find boy agents and train them to obtain regular cus- tomers can build up a good business in WATER Loo We will tell him how it can be made profitable. Write at once , THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY 3.1.. m... PHIMDELPHIA. PENNBYtarANtA Who knows something about whole- saline newspapers or periodicals-a man who can get newsdealers and druggists to. display oWaeAtter _ HeSaturday Evening Post l The Country Gentleman " Douglas, Limited REAL ESTATE BERLIN it n c toties of the, D.D.D. Company, may be had in our store on this " can otter. This one bottle will convince 'OB-we how “we vouéh for it. - Ten; years ot success with this mild HAMILTON