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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 20 Mar 1913, p. 5

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_ tt"e?t ,1 Cat 1 ;- _ mm i iv b". ; Ile,',' I 'y -- l ‘rg " hon: , this : time \f'fhen Lyman a 25c. F ' Mal fll! 30 t metal-l ”can 55”" V l I . p01 'their' S! As tl Li’s p] A: “a Elmira quartrtte composed ot Helm. A. Kimmel, A. Lasehinger, l I Badlcy and Geo.. Ziegler gave sev- l emotive numbers in the Metho- . {Church on Sunday evening 'and 'their' singing was much appreciated. LA; there were not sufficient. mem- rs present to constitute a quorum. no muting or the “(haul Board could I. held Monday rTening. It was the “It Minn to pfepare the estimates was the was: _Chs._ . . A.!Ipprupnau' HIIUIQ'bS mas m‘lu‘orru‘ _ _ ‘ _ M S.I’M (' iT g. I n tyttd E. t. tr,.Mrtr. (not) "..r. Crews, 'i?r?lIlAni, “I. ci,',',',',",',',',';..,,',',? (in Lei',' of the 10:81 m '?Pa!ty 1e1re'iieltilr.. Mrs. "my MG ROBERTSON debating smirty under whose auspir- Snyder sang I'rtxwsiittg Ch,',' "tr 1 . rs tho debate was held, in moving a M, "y.preslivf manner. t1'11'."fer't - Fld, " thanks, exprts.nrd apprtwia- I P Emu” light """hmm's "”1 3n"- amn. " Mrs. Rohrrtson, amnion of the son-ices of the ttrte KNI- . - i'ot' tho nlilost and most respected rrsiifll"mnn e,ho so cnpahly omtiaied as ' ------._ 'donts oi "ro-UV, took place nnJ'MKN and also of tho enjoyahlo mils- IM FOR GEokm US (satttiatr, at the advanced age “(Ural mrmNtt furnished Tseventy six years. The funeral takes) ------------ - iplace “HIM. Mrs, Robertson was al, Mr Tatesniims H'Wrry "MW?“ ttin th: Tuesday morning Nt. Fred 11al-j,t.sier of Mrs. Isaac “emu-l at Water- household (Ft-ch on Tuesday to Wil- W. mtprontvndtmt"ot apsncies for'tooamt of Mr "leo V Tilt of Hfair, los, "rooia', F.ask, He will have the Dominion Life Assiuritrtctr Cout-, and an aunt a.” Mr Will Raymn ol n'xt Tumday with his lam"; tor the my left tor Atv, hork Front wttichliororno Mr, Ttlt and Mr. 1laymo'latter place “horn they “in take up "use he thull sad for ylavannatt, left on Saturday to attemd the Inn fanning Georg“. ulwro hr '1u,iirt, his ttro- cl’fl" . - m Mr. Human H Mead for a ---""------------ Pr F G Hugh's left Tursday aft- th. Mr lln'w‘ml n- taki a Ogre oi the largest deposits pyer Nmmn lor “,alknrton to attend the bo for the Norm oi his health Itelmatte in a 1'amtdian hank under nno'hnrral of thr Iain Gm Fox, was - aeeompattied "s' tar :1: Newlareotmt was rrt'PiTtrd .rtsterrtav nt‘lrld on \Vodnmdny. m hy Mr , It Hum. ot I,':,::),,',','; Rmnia Hank m" 1'oustnerve. NH -.--_r_-_-._ tde, Pritvinvial “dimer of the t'nm- WWW? Minx paid in by swimmers‘ Read the Id! In the ('hmniclo mm In, 'or,.Westem traskatcltewNt. oi the lmncnal Oil Co. “up“. It will pay you. t he annual Easter thanbottrrim; ousting»! the li, M. S. of tho Water- Methodist Chttrrm “as held last itsday at the home oi Mrs, M, S. tman and was largely anondod. "tappropriate address “as delivered ‘Jlrs. (Row) M. W. Crews, which I greatly appreciated. Mrs. Hor- 'Ill Snyder sans: 'u'rtxwsirtg the ltar" an Impressive manner, Following L meeting light rvlroshmcnls "were be: Thank-Offering Meeting m. required for the Boys Ward in m B. & W. Hospital, all ot which trto be laundritd and handed OTCr witty for nsn as soon as the Ward is completed and ready for nocupation. rte partnership mu. "sir. A. B. No Bride and the law fsrm will be known a "McBride & McKenzie? ML Mc- Komic “in” arrfved in town on lion- day has had considerable experience in the practice of his profession in tht abow nattted ritips and will he u welcome addition to the legal fra- telnity ot the Twin Uity. Je. E. w. McKenzie of Chicago. (and); ot_Winnipcg. has antenna In- "The marriage}? Miss Ann Greene, sdau‘hmr of Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Home. of Cleveland, (min. to Mr. {that Henry llortop, or Waterloo, t. took place on Tuesday, March with, in st. Alban's Church, Chicago a The bride was given away by . V brother Mr. ‘Opcar Greene oi (lowland. / A mmful and very largely at- wed sewing meeting or the Young mum's llogpital Auxiliary was held "'the home of the Misses Roos, street, last Monday evening. _ _en new members were added to ' roll, and a very pleasant evening . ed in the interests ot the work. t!v't',i'i', close of the Lenton mason. kmernbersi of the Auxiliary will hire something to show tor the phil- “topic manner in which they have We Spring Term ot the Berlin Bush - College opens Monday. March 3t. Nu szuuups will be admitted. El- - students can return home daily - not: per trip. "at. 3‘ special sol-vicar“) be held in the . bywrhn Church on Friday mom- ttti ll o'clock, Conducted by Rev. Mr. Lee and Rev. J. E. Hockey. A ' Then was a good attendance at 'pet,':), Saturday. Eggs soil! a Me. per dozen and were quickly [ hard ot. Butter sold to: M, 28 li! 80 cents. Chickens TOC. to $1110. metal-1:3 were plsoGful. "A meeting of the local Board of (Health was held on Friday afternoon ttrr um Iturpose on pissing accounts in connection wiWHhe small-pox out- 'An)‘one Elvin: copies at the Chron- Yiiy5iiiii,t, a March 28th and Apr. A . 1012. Please lave at this ol- its Alma Kaufman entertained a -- of her Waterloo Itiends at ' home on Friday evening, n be thir occasion of her birthday. A tit!!! evening was spent. 'yan" “any of House Furnishings . Lama; Bdtt'ts Furniture more x their big ad on page In. .35 Methodist Choir will give the torio "The C'rueiOiott" in the E” hero on Friday evening. Mr. McBride Takes Pannier {Raw 0 Reputation Selling Selig/actor); invitatiou is extended ti, ev- I The I'm-Inlann OIChvsha Furnished thr music h hearty vote of thanks was given the speakers tor Ethvir able addresses and to thr chair- man Mayor Fischer for the splendid imannrr in which he had presided. l The Parmers should get together and Cro-operate as 'they did years ago. ‘This spirit had torn last ahd must The gained again. This is the ques- Ition at the immediate future. Habits of industry can only be developed ,prnporly on the tarm and tho induce- trcnts of farm' life must be shown to We profitable. It requires ability to glam! as the head as well as the band ‘is employed. . _ 3ada is inpartiiag toitay wiiri ivirri, Lune of the largest deposits eve-r made in a Canadian bank under om arrnlmt was rrr'rivm yrrterrtavrat the Sarnia Hank ui I‘omnwrrv. tor.- mum!» bring paid in by simkhuldon '-siTiGri51 “at “We was a kiriiiiiigriir ‘tho attendance at country schools ‘uhich showed that people are going to the cities and the West. There Pere tesecr failures in farming than any other business which showed that ft was a safe occupation. It was not a question at producing now it was a question or marketing. DEATH Of [ Prof. J. R. Reynolds of um O.AA'. Guelph, was the last speaker of the (waning and addressed the meeting on the “Rural Problem." Ik- said that the dtest, of we population were not Inning tho Country but he said the proper portion of inhabitants must be kept on the farm. As the cities increase tho country should also in- crease but if it does not,tho Tosult is high cost or living or the cost of high living. lle said the imports will soon excel thc'rxports and Can- ‘best wsourccs were the boys' and girls and said that their motto should be "What can I do for my country, how can I serve my country and I’ll die for my country it need be. This, she said, was the, original meaning of ertirarnsF.ip. Now the motto smms to be "What can I Art lrom my country." She said too much stress was. laid on making the pupils at schhol pass examinations and that as education at present was comma! cialized the Bible should also be taught. She then spoke on the men- tal, spiritual and physical develop-j ment of the boys and girls and said. good clean sport should be provided. l two" on the subject “Is Farm Lite Attractive ?" He referred to the splendid natural resources or the pro- time and said that agriculture has grown as last as any other industry. He said the expression "Only a Far- mer" was ottett heard being wed in a jocular way but he said he felt proud he was a farmer and he hoped others would not excuse their walling by saying that they are only tarm- ers. He told of how the boys and gins could be kept on the iarm it they were given an interest in the various parts of farm lite and that the boy should he taken to the city and shown the advantages of farm lite as compared with the monoton- ous grind of city lite. The children should be given a share ot responsi- bility and let them know that the parents want their help and as he Parents want their help and as they grow older gratify them, thereby cut tivating confidence. Ile closed try saying "that as Provident-o blessed us in Itrv way our destiny should be the development of the highest degree of our ovuntry and a high class of eihiroship." Mrs. H. W. Parsons of Forest. an Institute worker, was then called uv- on to speak on the subject. of "our. Inheritarteey' She said the country‘s Mr." J. M. McCallum, ot Shakes- rcare. a tormer student of the o. A. U. Guelph was then called upon to Interesting all instructive undress- cs urge fl given in ttt macho Lib- nary lull on Fruity or-iiqt and“ the auspices ot the Wan-rho County Farmer's Institute. ‘In the than: of the PIE-Melt ot ttte Institute Mr. I. L. Web" ot Main, Myor J. B. Fischer oi erloo acted as chair- man. He welcomed th- visitors and described the 451mm; community gt the county as being cl the Very but. "in Worship called on Mr. Cr. R, Green, who was to hue spoken on "m.ral Schools" but as other spletr did speakers were to follow he lelt the time to them. He thanked May- or Fischer and the citizens oCWater- loo tor the kind reception given them during their sessions. 'tegttd'ght', Inatit- . Mum otfUnnUte ii'ii?'"1iilhlll" The navy question which has been an all absorbing topic ol dizcnssmn tor smurf time past was the wine” of an exet'rrdirtr,ty interesting debate Tuesday evening. "I the Free Lin-"13y Hall, between members ot the ioron, to and Waterloo Debating Societies. Arrhough the Waterloo debat ~13 ably presented their case, the Queen City representatives also proved spluntlid ',klLaters-i,us! -- all?! ateitefyyl_e1,ilt!Tt, Dr F G ttttgfteslett Tursday ait- I‘rmmn tor 1talkrrtort to attend thi, IInrral of thr late (Jpn, Fox, was lvlrl on Wednmdnr. Mr Valentino H'm'ry ”nipped hi! hung-MM o’I-ch on Tursday to Wil- l-m Immiw, 'c/ask. He will have nwt Tucsrlay with his lamily tor the latter plow where they tsill take ttit farming, Messrs. Thos. Hilliard, Frank Haight and Rev. Mr. Clark acted as judges of the debate and Mr. Hilliard in announcing their decision highly cumpllnx'nted the. debaters on the at iretivettets and coatpreh,ensivertess with which they had presented their arguments and commended them on the emeieney shown in the discussion of the subject of debate. The meal solos by Mrs. It. M Rnydcr, piano Median by Miss Mary Moogk and the numbers by the orchestra, were heartily appreciated. awarded the decision by a margin oi sworal points. There was a large attendance and the proceedings “(To followed with keen interest. ltr, Walter Somerville, fitted the posmum of Chai.rrnan Yery acceptably. The subject. of the debate was "Re- solved that Canada build, own, (1n- trol and maintain a navy and give no cash erntribution at the arr-sent time." The amrmatio was taxonhy Messrs. Met'rrath and McRuar or To- tonto and the negative by Messrs. M. P. Langstan and Dr. "eiger oi the local society. t Toronto Debaters Supporting Canadian Navy Given the Verdict by Judges SPLEHMD "a'=r'__, DEBATE IN b WATERLOO There is a stringency in the may market in the wait. as well as in the east. No money is loaned to ma! estate nimsmy the banks at Fri-sent, thus curtailing to a very considerable extent, mutations in real estate and incidentally preventing the exploiting of some properties at values Maids are fictitious. » The western" thoroughly believes in advertising and every place ot any importance has a publicity building in which are displayed grain and oth- er maductSt of the country. The Wilma.” substantial structures conspicuously. placed. They are brightly illuminated at night with electric lights and serve as a splendid advertisement to the plate. 2 puiplicity commissioner is in than; whose duty it is to adver- tise the “Vina!” of the nruhicipal- ity. l _ At Prince Albert, a city of about 20,000 population, the United Stutt-g St cl Corporation are making me paratfons tor the erection oi tin im- mnsc steel giant on lands purchased, and will employ several thousand A wealthy Duke, of Eigland has acquired 11000 acres ot coal lands in Alberta which he proposes to develop and many Americans are also Coming in and purchasing lands in which are to be lound deposits of minerals. no mu. There are seams trom eleven to Mteets he: thick and com- panies an lain; loaned to mine the can] and pine " on the ‘mxket‘ Thousands of millions of Ms are araiiatrte. Shale which is used tithe main; ot brick in also to be hand in abundance and it is or first class quality. The country is abmdutly squlied with natural resources which can be utilized in turning the wine‘s at industry, the potrsibilities in this direction being beyond ealeytatioas. unity Iron: a it'- trip to Ed- monton and Ar.'llu', points ad found the "ttttook " human most News}; a. In ne impun- od with the toilet“: manna ot the may .31 aeMrrteurti. M.- in; the bright gum which lies ted, ortbtt. “We proving. A In Aku-iii-in-s" aro.ia olcoul‘ an " be (cum. In counting with which tte may tieids in Pennsylvania LILJuL a? A: Eit iitg r. c it Membership Fee. The annual foe is $15 to Waterloo residents who must also be the hold- Pts m' one or more shares. which are $23 each, $10 to those "siding in Berlin And trod to those living gut- side a radius oi five miles, The supervision of the ('luh is to thr "Hard et "ireviors and ml! appoint sub-committees. WASHINGTON. - violent earth- quake shacks, apparently "rirtinatittx sxithin 1,500 miles of Washington, “no rt-mrdui early to-day on the M'ernxmrh at Georeeiosstt l'niu-r- Sm. Tuho thrMinM beran at IN o’clock, and continued until 5.22. Votes of thanks were passed to Mr. J J. A, Weir for presenting a haitd- smnp clock to the CM). to Mr. Gus. Kilntl. tor an elk hog and a number of deer heads and to Messrs. JOS.E. Seaman}, F.. F. Seaman] and J. ll. Runs ior the presentation of pictures which adorn the walls ot the Club "muse. ' J. J. ('outts, J. Thompson, Dr. Fischer, W. Canbew, C. Moogk. C. W. Snider, K. Haedke, J. J. Fergu- son, II. C. Korhler, J. Conrad, C. W. Schiedel, J. A. Harper, J. .11. Roos, W. S. Naylor, II. M. Snyder, G. A. Bruce, H. Lizhardt. DeMllle. A. II. Snyder, A. ll. Machine]. J. It. Hughes. J. Scott, w. Hom. F. S. Kumpf, P. Wright, W. Somerville, D. C'. Knntz, W. Kuntz and M. Fischer. Omcers were elected as toltowsy- President-). F. Seagram. Vice Prrs.--F. G. Hughes. Ft1iTreas.-P. S, Kumpl. Board oi Directors-E. F. Seagmm, Wnc'ilogg, F. S. Kumpf, J. M. tming, w. Somerville, II. M. Snyder, l. Bauer, F. G. Hughes. Dr. Sterling S. It. Bricker. Auditors- W. S. Navlor and J Harms 'Officers and Directors of New Organization Were Ap- pointed by Members -"rhtys-srttbstre,--E; qw-.-- n -4bee gram, W. Conrad. S. B. “ticket, J, "esprit-I, I C. )[uolll-r, J. M. Ming The adjourned meeting of the Wat- erloo Club was held' on Tuesday eve- ning when omcrra were elected and by-laws presented by the Provisional Board ot Directors were approved and adopted. Mr. E. F. Seagram, chair- man oi the Provincial Board, pre- WATERLOO CLUB WAS» ORGANIZED Waterloo [SEMI can: today and see. We are sale selling Agents for the D ' A. coRBFrrs tor Wat- erloo. 83.00 Corset, Sale Price q..... ....p..t. J,, ilrlFliill,,llllllMlllll Votes of Thanks. The biggest and ftnest stock of Corsets ever shown in Waterloo. Isn't it to your best interests to grant the opportunity. I'hen 300 Pair ot these teautiiufrsttiar mom CORSETS. regular THE PEOPLE’S STORE loft they l g t. ..1 ol:. 3,2 at Mr. (intuit was assisted by Mrs, Attina Spring-r Mason. at Guelph who possesses a mica of unusual tsweetness and power. Mhe gave a very artistic tunneling to her num trem, which included the songs “Save me " God", "The Ninety and Nine", "o Dry Those Tears," and the num- er "With Verdure Had," (rt-Minn) by Haydn. Mr. Gutzeit who is one of Canada's lmost. accomplished organists splendid- ly brought out tho many fine points of the new instrument which has a ,particuIatly sweet and mrllow quali- -ty of tone and can be heard to ew- omen: advantage in the church, the acoustic properties of which are splendid. Included in his numttertt were several by sroh well known and famous composers as SchumJnn. Wan npr, Rubenstein, Elgar. Haydn and Godard which were given a wry mus- idanly rendering and indicated Mr, Guard: to he a very talented organs: ist. lie also played several of his; own compositions which proved mch the numbers. _ rummemmmEm-B - I _ MAKING FARMING PAY I Our irinT-aTtrariffei_iGuitTr%re" which completely fitted the church and the two artists who furnished the evan- ing's program were given i' very ar preciative hearing. _ The' organ rrcilal given in the Evangelical church. Waterloo, Wed- nesday evening by Mr. Wm. H. Gut- Zeit, Mus. D. organist ot Wesley Mir-, thodist church, Toronto, assisted by Mrs. Alvina Springer Mason, Guelph, was one oi the most enjoyable. musi- Our Styles are Bight. MANY ATHEND ORGAN REClTAl. Mr. Gotzeit, Toronto 'and Mrs. Mason, Guelph, Furnish Splendid Program in Our Prices are Our Itiirht. :::..:.‘:':I:::. [lull "no" I. w. mummy, Manager. FARMERS to be successful must be business men. They must have a Bank Account. It is better to pay by cheque than with cash. Better because simpler, more convenient and more business like. Have your account with _ . events Evangelical Church _ ”grit. id i/iiiiiiiii'ii il, at We" sieasmtrf-ttkvsirsr. .: THE BANK OF TORONTO. $1.75 Ont. {The latest and exclus-i give styles at moderate , g prices . , Stylish New Suits C thratir, Dyesses and ', , Waists for Easter ESPRINc’E‘Mi‘L'UN'gfiy‘ Light weight Coats for early spring wear, In light and dark shades, difiermt styles to choose trom, all sizes, see these coats before buying else- where, at each $6.75, $7.95, $8.50 up to et.-.. ...rt-r..rtt $30.00 We will have some Ladies' new Spring Suits, made and trimmed to the newest style, in fancy and plain tweeds, tine sages, whip rords, can. lined throughout “in: silkfsmtin and silk scrgr, in light and dark shades. not- ched and fancy coat collars. high waist. band on skirt, Bee this range at $10, $12.50. $15 $18, $22.50 and m.ttbrm_.tt. $25.00 D. Bohlepdee, A map,uificeut showing ot Ladies' New Spring Suits, Coats. Dresses and Waists, for the Easter holidays. You mar want some new clothes for Easter. than we advise you to come and see our large stock ot Ladies' Ready-to-Wear. in line Ballard Cord; and Whiz: Cords, Suits. Sages. Tw'eds. etc, at prices that are very much in, your favor. Come and m them. High Class 'tiiiitsialtitii, LA D1 ES' NEW SUITS. LA DIES' SPRING COATS. PEPE! BLOCK =IEILII, ttttr. CASH AND ONE PRICE. can mm This M's models present a great "riety ot styles, both in we mull alum and laws Dress Hata. The mall mm no der. cidedly new and Very (amicable. smart looking and becoming; Some ot the prettiest Hats tor this mm are small and lightly trimmed, in high colon. Fathers {all mounts are very you“ and correct style. Flowers are having a big anon, while mum and Velvet: are much used. for your Easter Dinner influding:, Miller & Hohmeier Cauliflower, New Potatoes, California Celery, Rhubarb, Millihery Styles V i. Radishes. mum.” sum P. It. Wilson, Manager Ladies' new Dresses, light and medium weight, in Pun- ama. Serge, Lame, Allover Embroidery, Ginghams. eta. very dainty made, lint _ m from 18 to 42, prices range in light and dark 6010:: ed Serum. Panama, 'PiMn and Fancy Tweeds ans] Whlpcotds, high waist hand on skirt, trimmed with plain and fancy buttons; see this fme range, alt sizes, prices range trom $3.50 to ......... .trr...e. wmr..M. w.rtr. $9.75 from $2.00 up td NEW SPRING SKIRTS Ladies' new Spring Skirts, in wry pretty 1ailored styles! NEW SPRING AND SUM- MER DRESSES email mm our: PRICE»- Spinach, Sweet Potatoes, Ripe Tomatoes, Lettuce, Phone 205 $11.50

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