C NTRAL A Buggyéss COLLEGE l The New Hamburg intermediate and junior 0.",A. ttams, winners of groups 8 and 5, respectively. . were entertained at a citizens' compliment- ary banquet at the Commercial Hotel there on Monday night, which we. a most enthusiastic and successful event. Atom. 100 were present. Reeve L. G. Pequegnat occupied the Chit. Ths rooli, was hahdsomely decorated with ttowers and hockey club colon. , i ', â€3-132 "Lrnlhitr_Lttttfiui1t3_,ti"or thatmrnre “SH to express -iitrtr-ii-prirTiiiaii-iF'iGi/ than]: all those who so kindly andi smrously helped to nuke the Teal, Room such a succus. I ph NQU ETT ED "OCR EY BOYS ARE GHATFis'FUr All policies nuanced by the Loo. do. and Lanai-m luunncc Com- m with Assets ot 816,308,638. “3 man. WRETMV &9.. lull, - District Aten C. A. BOEHM mini Cam-1 .............. 5350.000 Beit with tho Dominion tile AG “I! Moran . c any x 'elee,iU,e2l. Guard [W Agent , Established 1864 I ‘oue, memo Mutual Building, i King St. . Bullie- 0mm M9, House 200. Mum solicited "tor first class Companies. "thithrFortD. ONT. The best practical train- in; school in "tttttrio.-- Threo departneuts 1'oMMrur- CIAL, yURutTll.CN" and TELEGRAPHY. All courses are thorough and practical. Teachers are experienced â€I graduates are placed in post'- lions. We give individual ill-1 tention and students may Pte In at any time. Write for out tree Catalogue at once. D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. Canada Cement Conn . o cement of the hi hut poo-ibi- quality. which in- mm the Iucco- 0: their «and. work. > The nae! of concrete} popularity in Condo 5. in , " l " the [not that while m In" boa Mimi-“n tho not C r,i'iCN . of conrretee we hove do. hon Mod tl scion: .1 - - "tl? Mic methods, A cur-en oo unite-I7 'iiiti' quality iiiEtit ' C' thug tho contra: m.d-tthttahu. eta-plot. I . , ‘ , , . c, "tisfactior, - adv-Ilium pro-ind. a ‘ ' ' r C Canasta would not have boo- i- ouch whim] no. 3 ' Ts' today. had no inftriu (do of canon! been "applied. . B, Innis! um Mill. Con-h Comm. h in you beat ‘ , ' ".ttrBgtre o! 'e,Tfkgtt1o'rc "who from Without this ' it in your concret- work. on in o Can-d. Canal! not "Con-d1" Comm. dealer in yam neighborhood. Weitetor may Free t60-tage book $g Who! The Fun" Can Do Wit. Curse-gif' --ivoHr (on oferd to be without a mgr. L' BralB. p, E JUN" , ' I l I e F, .‘ l. ' . ya" 9.; K? - W. r', Without thin hhol it in not "CAR-4|" Cement. BROAD 'at-era-Yet Reallytme. “uni-ofmfmndu Tish-hemlomkehinhuildhumtuhhumdyflem u weapon-ilk. Thetrrtubdrreoiedto-_eied hirntoseekvaeimai-mgietured substitutes. mmbmbem 1erdtroetdwrsthatit-imttoeeeand-te-eratt-. o Woodisnobrte-toeet. Lkentmtbuldir-teoul.i-isia. eenditartakmi"rate. I Thecmtuemtcteteud-as soumseaasdeaea-' ice or economy. Conaele is the best building material. _ I Claudia lumen are using more made. hMmtbdt-m mmlmdnnydhacounky. Why) Be-ether-Suu-shud-ith. Canada Cement - $111,140.00 Wlterloo 246. The llauglnvrs oi the Empire. ot this cty are to be congratulated "It on their success ot their tea-room PR- terprhse. The seli s'ac,rifieing work and the "nierpese of the memttertt ot ttn, thapter is to be commended and the splendid result is an evidence that their efforts were appreciated by the citizens of Berlin and Waterloo. This liberal and gratifying amount will be. handed over to the Trust at the Berlin Aauitarium Association to be expended in turais,hing the new institution win-n cnnplcled, At a largely attended meeting of the Miners: of Wales Chapter of the Daughters of the Empire in the Library parlors on Thursday after- nmm it was 'announced that the net protits irom the 'l‘mrmom conducted during the month of February amoun- ted to $552.1“, The loss to Mr. ts'hoentaker will amount to about t50?. $652.81 FOR TUBERCULOSIS SANITARIUM It appeared as if the driver ot the Mct'utctteoa wagon would be injured when the eo'rlision was inevitable but he jumped on at an opportune time and escaped. The wagon also escap~ ed being seriously damaged. h'l the CLEANEST. SIMPLE". In. BET "DIE DYE. one 'iet_bor-whr you don't even luv- to hiw via-Tm!) 0! thin yam tieiiatte _ --- some toe Free darikTiritor, noon)“. and look!“ Btvhttr ranks cl Dyan-g over oqher colon. The 'oN.itrRrcHNrtrxso.N co.. LhIl-l. Mona-I Call“.- The horse made a dbperate plunge but a delisery wagon at W. J. Mc- (New, butcher, was in front and the two wagons alluded stopping the horse and upsetting the milk-wagon, A large number ot mil 'bottles were troken including a nun r containing fresh milk. The born! the Wagon was also damaged, but the horse, es~ carol uninjured. . 1 While the vendor on A. S. Shin» maker’s milk wagon was delivering null: to customers in the med" Block in Berlin shortly Illa: " o'cloce Thursday his bone walk- ed away an: proceeded along hing street. When in In,“ ttt tho Wnlper House it was noticed that there was no driver and when a Passer-try In about to stop the horse a box ot milk-bottles tell out of the wagon to the road and the noise frightened the animal. [IX-WA“ A DAMAGED Ill RUNAWAY imam! stations. where there -aii; alt lways Englizh Men-of-War and visi- Itors from all over the world , Mr. and Mrs. August Lang left ’lierlin last Saturday for a trip around itht world, accompanied by the best wishes of their numerous Twin City Issue return. They expect to be gone (about tour months, and after spending " couple of weeks in Imam. Liver- 'pool and Paris, proceed to Hong Kong Evia Madam, South Africa, Ceylon.‘ Prod the Straits Settlements. The .next port is Cape Town, where the ship remains two ttnys. The steamer. 'then proceeds to Durban. where 'lfJ) other two days is spent in Port. Tol Canadians this visit to South Airica‘ will be of absorbing interest. as the! ltravellers will have the opportunity ot visiting may of the South African HiattIerIolds, where the Canadians [played so important a part. From gDurban the steamer goes to Colombo, Lt.t!r-aapititl-sCf2esr1t2syxssrt, Earls! rerouted horn his sickness ot several weeks, and is again able to attend to tfar regular dutigs. Mrs. Catharine Sharer. Berlin, an- nounces the engagement ot her daugh- ter, Eleanor Olive, to Mr. Thomas Wilbur Woodland, only son of Mr. and Mrs. w. It. Woodland. Beamsville The marriage to take place after East†Mr. Richard Reid and sons attend- ed a Iamily' reunion over Smithy at the home of his tather " Millblnk, prior to leaving for Loam. Eng- iand. to assume his duties as Agent- General tor the Ontario Government. The many friends at Mr. Geo. Mar- tin, manager ot. the House ot RARE. will be pleased to learn that he has Mr. A. J. Roos, who bu been spending several weeks in Cuba and the Me ot Pine has returned home. He reports having had carde- lizhtful time. Dr. Minchin will so. turn to-morrow. Mrs. J. M. Seihett, 132 Church St. Mr. and Mrs. George Pearson ot Carstairs. Alta., are visiting " the honw or Mrs. Clark: Poul-son, Queen street. . Mr. Floyd Wildlong who has been spending a few days with his pu- ents, Mr. and Mn. Isaiah Wildlons, lett Saturday morning tor St. Louis where he has secured a lucrative position. Miss Margaret Roach at New List keard,_ Out, is vteititttt her cousin Mr. Edgar Schmidt, of Louisville. Ky., will spend Sunny st " home on Weber street Miss Loran minty, supervisor ot kindergarten in Bteattord, is w- ing a day in this city. Mr. C. H. Mills, M.P.P., who spent the day in Berlin yuan-day rcmnvd to Tomato last eveniu. Mr. William E. Mitchell ot am He- gen Shirt and Collar Co.. it “ tmsi- ness visitor in New York City. In. You Pinh at Tomb k I welcom- vlsitot in Berlin. In Floyd Willie-Ag. at 10-10.. in spanning a lewd." at in has in Berlin . Mr. Geo. D. Richmond oi Huan- ton was a visitor in. Berlin on! Smith) I Daubery on“. . very early ur- Ity.: “macaw Abundant», early improved Siberia, highly "EXttttme$F dett hy thr o. A. C. ARI) small It“ at Swedish (lint. Bud. mu Far Sal. News Noteir-Meattrs. Gordon Voll- mar. Herbert Henna. Allie antler. at Berlin were with; with their pareetta.-Mt. Gordon Hahn ol Fater- loo vnlted with his pareata.--Mr. Ind Mn. Henry (‘opus of numbers spent ‘Sunday " the home ot Mr. ind Mrs. Jacob Hoer1e.-Mr. William Spies Ind Miss Euther Ind mun Spiel ot Hawk-ville spout Sundry " the home of Mr..and Mrs. Albert Helm]. .-Mr. William "with†an! Mr. Charles Zinkann’ shipped two louds‘ol horses to Walnuts“! hr the muck some figure of "40.-- Piano teachers 3 are busy preparing their up"; tor the annual examinations} I She is survived by a Borrowing hus- band, tour sons and one daughter. They are Louis of Berlin. Jacob ot Twisk ck, George of Windsor. John I. of Toledo. Ohio and bin. Fidt or Wellesley. There are " trrandehihtrett and a mat grand children. (s -r-.=-Cc--T_s%tr, s-CPA-i-ATP, 3.: iiiiiiiiV U??? Vices were (:0me by the pastor Rev. Mr. Taxman. “In was a consistent member of the Lutheran church for many years, and had earned the respect and low ol , large circle ot "tends. The deceased was born in Alsteldt. province of Hessen-Darmstadt. Ger- nnny and came to America In 1853. She remained two years in New York and then came to Canada where with her husband she settled a mile west ot Phititsrtsurg. Liter they removed to Tavistock and came to Berlin in 1888 when they have since raided. The charming hospitality ot the vitxr-Presittent, Miss F, Jackson.was much enjoyed try the members ot the Women’s Musical Club and men! visitors at her home last sunny afternoon. when an enjoyable pro- gramme was presented by the Con- veners, Mrs. E. F. Beagram and Mrs. William Maudie, including vocal and instrumental numbers by Mrs. Loo- hcnd, Miss Lottie Abram, We: F. Jackson. Miss Gertrude Wells, and a cleverly written Add much appreciat- ed paper on Schumann, the Coupon: Gr the day. was given by Miss L., The funeral of the late Mm. Chris- tian Moist-er, Mro passed away on Satllday evening as the result of in- juries sustained try falling down a tiight of steps in January Inert, took place on Tuesday from the late re- sidence, Weber Mt., Berlin, to the At. Matthew's Lutheran Church and Moms; 11,920 Ceitetery. There was a The Berlin Horticultural Society . . has made several important additions Philipsburg to the prise list for the mason. In - the amateur section silver and bronze The auction sales or Mr. Could medals will he offered for the but Lat: and Mr. Alum Shut: were, collection ot hardy plantain. The very successful lat wet. Mr. ladies' work has been increased try Shaun’s sale amounted to â€.000. - providing prizes [or the best home- Confirmation. services iere held in made bread, cakes, em, and in the the Lutheran Church last Smithy. T" children's clam prizes are enema to Mrs. Rusk and children from London induce boys to compete with the are visiting†mother. Mrs. C. Wind- woodwork done in the, manual clasa- "hold at -att.--'rtte "Grim Rap. Mr. Edgar Schmidt, who In. been Visiting at the home ot his mother ior the past few days left on My to resume his duties in "outta. Phone 743, ring M. Mrs. F. W. “limo: ot Toronto and daughter Mrs. w. Lee Fewsmim of New York City are visiting Mrs B. Alex Bean, " Roland St. Dr. and In. 0. R. 0mm d Gow- " 1""t nad at?“ . atte.herd's sud. are tho guests ot It. mum. crook with, cautious. m groom Well†Bottles, Weber Amman. “- WM!“ by Mr. Fred Krug, ot Mr. Tl Friendship at y 'rat- this city. The wedding mrches were a who has been vitn'thtg in the eity Played by Mann. Otto‘smth and for a few any: realm to his home Ttttso. mount, and during the a todar. mony In. (Rel) Jon. Jam sang “Because" very electively. Mrs. F. W. Winttrr ot Toronto and Altar the ceremony an elegant wed- daughter Mrs. w. Lee Fewsmith ot din; dinner was proVided and " 3.30 New York City are visiting Mrs o'eiock the young couple Ian tor their D. Alex Bean, " Roland St. ttttum home in Saskatoon via Chica- Mr. Eda: Sehrhidt. win In. ham go. Ion Janus upon: Sunday with [this in Station. Dr. Chapman and Mrs. Chm " tended Dr. Friedman’s clinic at Lol- don on Saturday. It. a. H. Kuhl who spent.Su-day with {tie-Ida in Toronto mulled 'to his home terdny. Mr, H. Tolu- in n bud- vb- ltor in Bttftaitt. » _ Me. P. Y. Smiley Ian on . was. trip to: Inked My. In. Dr. Mum's-VII- nilg Bertie lriem on M]. It. A. D. Weber ot luau! in . bri-iaiu'eisrtue"ru_ In. P. Tottettt ot Boom. Mae., il me out at In. M. Root, Inl- MRS. CHRISTIAN MEISNER. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Stout and OBITUARY J. H. SHEPHERD. , R. IP. l, Bridgeport. Heidelberg 92tr,ettra, Page was a tS-gt. cm evening will be given try the Lr. dies' Indium; in the Town Hall on March Mth. A programme bu been larnngcd um! “so an lap-(Mate lunch will be served tor the am.“ um ot its emns.-36rs. Alex. Walker olCar- than is spending n tew days with tser sister, Mrs. Wm. Carnot-Mn.- A lullJ-ne of mllllnety will be shown In our town on Saturday. mu, “a Wamoo rinks {Wing I good mount of themselves. Thu lo- cal this were shipped " "can. Weir, Forsyth, Shanta 1nd C. Rom. Mr. Geo, Moore wan one of the vi:- mng curlers and Ilia mend: we" glnd to are hint Four rinks ot Galt curlers journey- ed to Wnktloo on Honky even!“ bu} wire badly trimmed by the lo- [woek at Mr. George Koenig’s.- R.- Inolnber the millinery openings on tuturdnr- Mr. and Mrs. John Col- tins spent Friday in Guelph.-- Mrs. Armstrong ot Wiarton spent the weekend at Mr. Wm. Carnocham.-A little baby girl came to make its home with Mr. [no Down on Mon- day night. 1400 in all must-1‘ ao- in town.-Ttte many Month of an} intormdl the delegation was [impaled Hazel Car-mm Ire gind to use her to makes proposition in the city about min alter being mm to but the provisions of this proposal her had with on stuck ot unendid- would make it necessary to have it tia.-Nr. Rm. Farrell of Berlin spent. submitted to the ratepayers. The Sunday at his home here.- Mr. Sam northerners were very anxious to se- Hsrron shipped on ot the M- cure radial connection with Berlin. est car loads of born obtainable to He suggested that the Council hold a Montreal last. May, the .MM special session on Thursday alternoon home being worth 'M0n0.--Meu Jen " 2.30 o’clock to receive the delega- Hosea ot Berlin via a visitor in tion, tgl 'tull,",',,;;'",',',:.,;':"',',',,.?'";,'). The Council docidcd to adopt the mira...-. All business place: will be? “Emu“ of His Worship. closed on 'rridny.-Mr. Geo. Bunch . " _ and soujk'illiam spent Friday at Wat- Routine Business. erloo and purchased a threat out:- . . .r. lit from the Waterloo Sig. Co. The "ss/ol was ofa rauur. Chai- Mr. Duane]: & Sons. with their long new. consisting ot..t.her Iranepvlon oi experience in the threshing line should reports, some ot winch um discussed meet with splendid success _in this an! .tefeeet..t, were maria. All ot, 't9borhood.--Mesara. Thou. C, Don- the members were prawn . atid Thorpe trtteest Bt. Putick'l Day '-eiee"e.'heiereeg.eePy-e'.eee-.-iee-e 'Le, "th' in Rtttertoo.--'rhe Muses, ‘ c Emma Bottmalm of Gow- usilown spent a low days ot last Spmumn Tn [Sunday Mrs. Rusk and children from London are visiting her mother. Mrs. C. Wind- erhold at presents-The "Grim Re- er" has again called in ourJnidst. Mrs. Cour“ Lamp dud any last Sunday mornings-Several from this vicinity attended the mural of Mrs. Mr ot Berlin Inst My. Mr. and In. Mela-er were lowly retti- dents in this villages-arms f Mario Nuhcrgnll of Lingelhachn ta " Prete ent visiting her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Eidt.--Hr. Henry Last: still continues on the sick Itbt.--Neart Sunday evening then will bea spe- cid Easter programme rendered by the young boys ot the Union Y. P. A. of North Bentham. in tho Evangelical church. at 7.30 sharp. A collection wilt be taken up for self denial. Ev- lei-vbody is welcm. The bride- was the recipient ot many beautiful and valuable gilt: showing the respect (a whit}: she was held by her many friends. Ax. The funny little no": sin, Albee FM, ot Waterloo. was tsttired " um. and carried . shepherd's pesttr drug ot pink nun trimmed with pearl; and dew-drop an. Each eagresi mm: nt tone: and Berg"- A may - took me. u lb In. My at a. when d Be. and quJ. VII“. " but. Bt. Bulb. win. that “a.“ â€or†03%, I'll my w- rit! b It. In!“ - W, at 8mm. and. m. my was performed inthe Wally been!“ - a " o'clock by Ru. luau Scott. B. D., ‘htbuueuuolaondxwm It“ and "have. bk; - [to- Station. Piston. Bellowille, Cutout. Tour-tor and onto! loin“. Tb with, who wu gin- avny by hot Minor. in “tired I. . mtilul‘ win of new In“; trimmed with any he: and purl- yum pointed "all. me bridesmaid, Watt In“ Ilium... sister ot the hide. won I WARD-“TEXAS . I! Prominent citizens will take ttnrt in the Mock Trial next Month, own- his. on a 7 charge of detraumng Sylvan" For-mil, another deal-mute, out of the sum of 3788. His Worship impound a trentPnee of three years in penitentiary on the ttteased um when he was tttformed by the interpreter he replied that he was satiled, Before returning to the it" Nelint‘z requested Chief O'Neill tit Inch after his trunk and belongings " the bonding house. Charles Melina. who was looked upon " the “king" ot deaf-mute: in in Berlin tttttit his sudden dopamin- tor ('hiCago last summer. appeared More Police Magistrate Weir in Pol- ice Court. Tuesday tor sentence, having lawn found guilty last Terk SENTENCED Til ,Saved her The session was ora routine char new, consisting oi the reception of reports. some of which were discussed an! amendments were made. All ot the members were present. I At a regular meeting of the Berlin (Council Monday evening Mayor Euler {informed the members that he had tttt waited upon try a ' dekgaUrm trom Bloomingdale requesting another conference between the City Council and representatives from that village and Woolwich Township tor the purpose of discussing the question ot securing an extension of the Berlin & Northern Railway to Bloomingdale thit -tPtVu_tter., IlllMMlGllWlli. 012mm" ' -- . 1...lillllllllhl'.] tfl.0.Njil.tljljl, TAX RATE Refusal of Hydro Commission to Alb, ' the Light Commission Results in Rate Being One-Mill Higher Than Anticipated The Committee had been counting on receiving the will tron y: Light Commission this year, use owing to the opposition at the tt Commission it was necessary to wins this amount out of the list oil).- slhle receipts for 1912 and as a consequence the sets is one-mill phi“ than it might have been. .-' " was decided, however, that the Light Commission hand own tho profits from the gas end or the pint, smounting to shout $3.000. on: which the Hydro Commission has no control. The Council is 31.0 emf.- ing on 83,000 irom the Water Commission as its share M tho 'mottta this year. A number of grants were decidedupon by the Comihtee lest - ing. The Berlin Civic Association was granted $200. the Bond ot Tud- 8250 for advertising purposes. and the Berlin Horticultural .Soctet. $150. The city will pay in the neighborhood in 85.000 ing in 1913 than was paid last you. The cost oi fire protection and police protection siderahle amount. It was however ascerta‘led that the Committee was dilap- pointed in not being able to strike a lower rate in view of the aneu- mom. increase or over $1,700,000 last year. The Committee we: con- pelled to provide [or a ttefseit approximating $4,000 an the remit of last year's business. Last year's Council received an mount equivalent to one-mill trom the Light Commission 33a portion of the trmttta up the previous year's bushels. _ _., _.. v. - \umuuwcn sullen-u we raw-ill IMP ly tized at tho above nun. V The rate is one and a hall mills lower than last year. but the Inca- ment on the properties in the city was 'tuttutaatiatV new“ and 'et' I: quite likely that the amount d taxes to be paid will he mull-at hide: than was paid in 1912. ,,,,,V--V -'"""'-r - «um pairing, in which nearly all ot the Committees slalom! the In Div-A -5 n._ -L»..- --A, 1ttr2.e.1ir1ei.rr-t-dtrt-ieu-..- I""""-""-"-'-'";;.-'"";;"';"".';";;.":;'; The various standing estimam to the Finance - - ____ ,1 , 2ttetety1ttetrcrereL-U-, _ 2heettreeeer--uiiariaG. I...“ “but... 1?:fhrt)rr-iauiiuGiTiiii'iLiriG Oll- M“~~dbhï¬n~“*- Wowbmuw-“hu'a†I II -. t "rea. .Q . 'e..?.e.eteoe-or-,eeuGia _ 5rc.ertu11eyrreGGiGTa'iii",".Ta'1t ’Wmhnuhn 1'..~.~ flh‘lMfl-OWNWan-nmgg ' _ tttttfa/tnr-ttair-i/aries-Gi',';';"';'-",'." " Mmul'-__.k“ _ .. A The tar-rate tor Berlin, 1913. has been fixed " 22} 'fritgli"'lhY WOMEN ONLY. -_- :FoRBERuN ‘“ Bl1lililLlilr221umus 7 '_-_ mun - I.“ P'-ehream'raaootuniaGnG mm“ my“; ltdubgw'o-u. Who-1h“ ""heeerleutitdysiGarUaia'i'"Gii, "'uero-utorr%Gaaal 100* must-Mumhï¬vflnuvmmhh‘ 1'ee1rfeert.erteriiiiGGirii'ii" . '.2ettt!.e.tettt111etif.iiGaaTGi-G. "Hangman-dang hunk! "Bd committees ot the City Council suhmithd Soeei.ttetfeesoy and alter and and police protection is hemmed by The when] of the Into Niellolll DOPP. who mud away In his and war on Thursday morning, 001* 'um from his residue: to St. May's R. I' Church on Runway and Iron mom to Mt. Mary's tummy. A In†number of friends were In " Imam. eapretur my gratitude --." From a genuine lent-r among me more: we can show you, proving absolutely that tho . can be overcome by the NEAL 8- DAY TREATMENT ("Ill upon. M- dress (Ir phone The Neal Institute. " ST. ALBANS ST , TORONTO. 'reLEPimNF, N. 20". tr. "My husband isn't loaded with whiskey am more-Ate doesn't Wm it and won't. look at it. I earuttit Shut. H. Hymmen, or the Water- works Dept., wrote asking the Call- Pi for n cheque for $18,000.00 on 1b account oi $50,000 debentures remit- " sold. A statement at Mechan- ‘accompanied the mum. The 'r quest was granted. _ ' , Appeal Against Assessment. l Mr. Thomas, Pearce appealed tor on adjustment. of his assume“ on . rome under the authority a Section 112 ol the Assessment Act. but year his assessable income wu um while this year his income in not_ ot a auMcient amount to he ambit. ( Countv Clerk H. J. Bowmul wrap [on behalf at the Board ot IHnatrmmtit ofthe House of Refuge. taking It tonsent ot the Council to die ale El a strip of land containing " hai. dredtha or an acre, part or tttBH-Ile ot Risttrgirtthri aodTy%g me. This dt Trrethrahrtth-t m street to Mr. DI-ham for the M of 8600. . l The following communication VIII [read and reierred to the MM“ 3xrmrrtittmc- q Wants to rum semi. IN THREE DAYS. Husband Ask lor 816,000. DRINK "All"? more for and mills. rate, Watt m.