Some ot the loading British firms responded. The htxvest iondor was tha't of t'amrneir, Laird ' Company. Nvho have bum many Mar-vessels for the British Government. They guar- Fe. pr. Adventists .tmt...m.rrFrt..-. 0.11 0.15 Anglicans .'Mmmtrr. ......'.s. 11.17 12.09 Baptists mrtP"tr-. ...-.. _.. 5.31 5.92 Christians ._.._. ..' Pttrer. 0.23 0.13 Congregationalism ..- 0.17 0.53 Disciples ...ebr-v.__t ""br".t.. 0.10 0.28 Eastern Religions m..... 0.39 0.29 Evangelicals ...m.. ...t.. 0.15 0.10 Greek Church "."'" ..p... 1.33 0.39 Jews P..'.'... .P".r. .....e_.. 1.03 0.31 Lutherans ........1 ........ 3.19 1.72 Mennonites .e.'.-. ..._..-.. 0.03 0.59 Methodists M...". ...m.e .. 11.98 17.07 Mormons ."_r. .N.t-. rt..... 0.22 0.13 No Religion .reettm.. 0.315 0.09 Pagans .-V.t..t. .e.... ...r-. 0.16 0.28 Presbyterian; _-t__, .... 15.18 15.68 Protestants ...rt. "'rtrrem. 0.12 0.23 Roman Catholics .-.... 39.31 41m Salvation Armyn....... 0.25 0.19 All others .mtwr. p-r......, 0.95 0.9: 1'nspeciiied .r._.. ..ew."'_. 0.15 V 0.80 Total popurationl206,fi13 5,371,315 The three hauling illmunm'inatinns are distributed by provinces as tot- lows: All the lclldvrw “no tahrn by Hir .Riltriit Laurier ami the Minister ot Marine to Great Britain in May, 1011 and “Hummer! in the Admiralty for "snark-1". Hut for the dissululinn ol ttte 'isanadiart Parliament In July, forced by tht, opposition, the 10mm of ('amuwll. Laird , Company would have hm" acctmptr'd fur shipyards and “Indian. and that of the Norton- Griffiths lmnpanr. another Brklish concern. tor creat tlrydocks and Ink hot “or“ al St. John. The Laurie: Govmmmpni took the view that, " would Ito improper to auard mow (‘nlimrtq on 1hr no of an eleviion. 7 VIPs. Meth, 'Alberta .ere.-tr. 6rr,.3rrt 51,311 B. c. _..... ... 83.125 52.132 Manitoba .... 103.62] G,877 N. B. ........, _..- 39.101 31,558 N. s. M.emtq ... 109,550 57,505 Ontario .....6 521.603 671.737 P. E. I. ..-.... 27,509 12,309 Quebec ..-...em. 61,125 42,111 rfiark. .--.tmm...t. inmst 70,325 B. c. _..... ... Manitoba .... N. B. ..'r-.. " N. S. M.emtq ... Ontario .....6 P. E. I. ..-.... Quebec ..-.P.e.. 1,115,321 1.1179392 1,013,017 The Roman Catholics number It,- 833,011, (11' whom l,72|:6!!3 are 1ocat- ed In (Euchre province tiask. .--. Yukon ... N. W. T, In July, 1910, tte Lmri'r'r Govern- ment called for teiviers for the mn- strurlion in Canuda of four "ristol cruisers and tour destrn.vrrs llrilish shiphuilders “PIT nruitird that in ten- drting they must undertake to estab- lish sltipiruihli,nr, plants in this mun~ try. aniet'd to lmihl ten warships for Can aria within six years at shipyards MIMI they “avid establish at St John, N. ll. _ The Ilorrhn (.‘mvrnmrnt returned the sllIH'IulIl deposit or Cammell. Laird & Cotupanv, and set track tba hands of the «luck. But for this decrsrtitm mi the Canadian nasal policy there \uwhl be sluprards in Canada A bulletin just issued by the cen- nus department at Ottawa shows that in the last decade the Methodists have lost the position which they have tang held as bring the most numtrous body at Protestants in the Dominion, ‘and have now taken second place, with the Presbyterians in the lead, and the Anglicans a close third. The following table, showing the proportion of each denomination to the total population in 1911 and 1901, is illuminating: when cruisers “mm Do any†to day ior Iaunrtnre. Mm 81.00 pa unu- py- "'. In “an, $1.50 if not no paid. Pout-u tog United sum .uttaeeitr. II 55 can“ gun. an: clan printing, English and Batman. in all its branches. The copy ot changes must not be h later than Tuesday noon. Casml "Tetrtiserneetta accepted up to Wed, Thi militant sv.tirastrttrs have Ilv-‘v rtarerl “M uprm those sho suppnrli Fred I t'ottslttutrrrttul rnl‘mmhlsr‘nrm I n rnwil Patrol-mu I. lm Harngnn ot te" ' um! It m Kiln um) l-rvumv a tltote “Nuns. “wt set DAVID "" I was, um m WARM. on. Notice of chug“ must be la" It “If. once not later than Saturn! Advertising rates rename and will ho made known on BrTtietttittas. Denominations Presbyterian, in the Lead What Might Have Been ADVERTISERS t 1,603 56 Meth, Ang'ns 1911 ctl)S 2,715 100,952 86,578 42,851 75,315 439,701 4,939 102,681 75.312 2,199 6,812 55,63“ 190t a da I The trrilliaVght against arbitrary} THE LEADERS' CONTRASTIXG worms. interpretation of the r’ulcs of the, TI I t (l i P . p, l T I f ll G P G h T , . . _ I . .‘ N?, wor s n remier .oru-n, am a an. marge . ta am, House-put up Irie/tl great 01d: 1ru" was lcading the Liberal Intros on avrmml oi the illm-ss M the Did the Liberal forces under y'". T."j'hier, were an illuminative contrast. "lt is absolutely impossible to carry P. Graham, “110 Wah" acting as their on the business of 1hp country and pcriorm the function; for which Par- leader at the time, in the absence oi liumont was created it this mrasurc makes nu iurther progress. We will . , i. . . -. ‘. _ probably have to discuss: this later and uudyr different conditions " said . . N ' o I . . TV . _ ' " "mud launert h d serving ial'rmmrr burden, on moving the ad.iv.rnment on the suggestion ot the all praise. lion. Wm. l’ugslvy, '"-iii,erals. Mi Iael Clark, W. Ir. Martin andi _ “1 C. vill n rm niative of labor ( "The l’rmnicr has said that the majority must rulr. Ile must not A r. " i C, p M' Y" ' lump! that. tho minority olso_las_rip,htts, Tlie minority is nut. linn'asnm mould “hum ihe storm- Ir. ttuv-iw-val-ir-tr-v,,,,,,-, rmw trr-rt-rt um “a... ".au.u 411121: n... ing hours oi Saturday eenired, and who so gallautly and. skilfully twist. id tho nogrrs strum roller, backed by the Lila-rah or' the House m masse, will have tbe gratitude. a] t'anauians grlu‘rally tor their fight in behah' of [roe speech. As Leader oi the Government Mr. Hurdl‘n must accrit full rvsponsihility tor tle blockade of Government busi- ness. Two weeks ago, he decided after only three hours of discussion of clause two oi the mun! bill, “hich calls ior a gift oi $35,000,000 to Engr land, that it must pass before the Honse risr. This tyrannirnl action meant that thp Government intended in push "an bill through by brute force, hoping to “out down the" Chr- position by rantinuous day and night srssinns, ninout. intermission for own 'eatinr, and sleeping. hs Mr. Now that the steam roller has Fail- ed the course of Pmnirr Bordon is either to drop his naval bill or to resin and refer it to the people. K‘hn-M the closure he 1lrriried upon amt “on he able in this 'rar to carry his nasal bill it “an†Mil ahsnlutcly In the moral erred. that mm intend Pd. mil representing thr- “ishm oi 'a mumrih oi thr Canadian prom». Hermann; to the rote on the â€(and rraOvc. Um British Government “HUN be plared in a wry delicate pn mum, mm If it unuld not undrr the urumMam-M, be indium! in rc- hm": the urn altogether. , _ mission line, 293 miles, is the longest', The scene will be memorable in the history or Canada. The situation in the world. {from midnight on Friday until 11.30 last night, when the House adjourn- Montreal harbor has the largestzrd- was crowded with, sensational incidents, and practicality every hour . . . ..' . . gdeveloped adramatie im-ident. The Government was fighting for its lite, grain conveying system m the “orm‘iand. reckless of all Parliamentary usage since Confederation. was endea- Canada possesses the largest pulevoring to bring closure into practicaleriect through arbitrary interpreta- wood resources of any country in “mittens of the existing rules, with a view In prertntmg any lurther Liberal world. . ., [argument against an; policy oi contribution. '2,Vi/,7',1s, were belittling _ . , 'with every constitut anal resource at their disposa or the right o tree Yoa don t need to get under _t1"riiie7ch', and for every principle which Liberalism holds dear, and which barn before you tell any person that has been hardly won through centuries of conftiet--t6r British fair play, you are a Canadian. ' responsible government, for the honor, nationhood, and autonomy ot F ---------- :Canada. it was a whole day of effort on the part of the Government, tol- . (lowing over two hundred and thirty hours . of continuous discussion by The Gag That Failed illn- Opposition at the alternative naval proposals nowhef‘ore the House. to . - (gradually narrow down the field of debate to a point where a dramatic Saturdays attempt ot the Govern/moment could be seized to get the 1cipea'cer.arbifrprilr and without. any ment. at Ottawa to apply the actual authority under the rulrs of Parliament. to' shut oil debate en"tirely gag to the Liberal Oppositin. failed and demand thare vote be taken at once on the, hill‘ itself. For both . f r bl . Th trsult was the rout parties itwas a lite-and-death struggle. The result was Premier Borden's tntsera y. e r . . suggestion half an hour helore midnight that the House adjourn, with the oi the Government tones and the field still in posses-sion oi the wildly cheering Liberals. The Government temporary triumph at least oi free/Ministers and their followers withdrew in sullen silence without a single speech so far ais the Canadian 1101.50 cheer. _The retreat. started with the "nnuiing" oi Dr. Clark. “all an of Commons is concerned. . Lhour aiterr,ards it became almost a Tut. Graham pointed out just previous to lho Saturday night adjournment “the ultimatum at the Government would have horn resented by any assembly oi white men in the British Empire." Canada has the largest. Mel tist" eries in as world. . _ Canada has the largest nickel mitts 7h the world. Canada hasa greater railway mile- age than Australia and New .Zealand, or Italy and Spain combined, and more than all the South American countries. Guam. has the greatest ralhoacl system in the world in the C. P. R., employing 75,000 men. Canada has our oi the largest single‘ canal locks in the world at Sault Ste. l, Marie. _ l Canada consumes more paper per head ot population than any other country in the world. Ontario hydro-electric power trans- mission line, 293 miles, is the longest in the world. citrusive sea tishertes In a. world Canada will have'the longest bridge span in the world at Quebeo. Canada has the thickest known coal seam in the world, 47 leet, which was found at Stelkrtora. Nova Scotia. Thing" in which 0min: an. be pruned tor allowing a considerably amount at pride: Canada has one ot the world’s most remarkable, Constabulary Iotaesin tho North West Mounted Police. Canada has the largest grain mills in the British Empire. Canada has the world‘s largest linr lock at Peterborough. Are Caulk-a My gym 1 a. immense resources ad “with. at their on Ind? 11m no. tmr "Big Canada has the largest elevator in the world at Port Arthur, capacity 7,000,000 bushels. "eat tie14 in the world, too by 800 \wl‘ sewn-l} injured. F'red Warm “m tatally crtlshpd in n c-mvin :11 " talc tuims in Marioc. Mid “m \ullng and S, M. Timiate Canada has the most protitie and Canada has the Insert MM" DoYou by Canada? - . L' V I "The l’rmnirr has said that the majority must rulr. Ile mw of labor, brrgrt that, tlut minority olsrt_las_rip,litts, The minority is not, p.- =31 "f-'rratairttt-rretivvs rmmmhh mt. Wm was wUK l, There [allowed a remarkable deturnstratitm from the Lim-ml brnchrs, Mn which even the galleries joined. Rosnlmlliug cheers wcre given for Sir 'Wilirid Lander, Hon. George P. Graham, Hott. Dr. Pugsley, Dr. Clark, {)lr‘ Vervilie, W. M. Martin, and others, who had ted in the last few hours To! the fight. The strnnzrst and most experienced band oi Parliamentarians “who ever led an Opposition in Canada rmngniml io the full the meaning for tho victory of the Fast few weeks." They stou.ri up on their chalrs and i, waved their handkerchirls as salvo after salvo of chmring broke forth. bchm-v is a great constitutional issue, vital to Canada and vital to the Empire. We MEN? we have cormin cratt:st,itttiioual rights and we pro- pose io eseitise them. _ We “in probably be in as good fighting trim and in hotter humor on Mummy," were the last words; oi the day, spoken, amid rmnumlin; Librral cheers, by “on. George P. Graham. The cheering Liberals were “left in possession of the field. The right at tree speech for the time at least was preserved to the Parliament ot Canada, and what is probably the last final effort ot the Government to force through the naval bill practically liy brute strength was Irustrated. The'dissolutica oi the Parliament and an appeal to the country are now in sight. _ Ottawa, March 16.-The most spectacular and significant scene in the history of the Canadian Parliament occurred last night as the culmina- tion at a desperate attempt on'the part ot the Government, started try Hom Robert Rogers and his henchmen twenty hours previously. to institute Manitoba methods and gag rule in order to force through the naval bill. Dr. Clark, the British-horn member for Red Deer, and one of the laimt and most gentlemanly debaten in the House, was “named" by the Speaker for insisting upon the constitutional rights of every member ot Parliament, and, his arrest on motion of Premier Borden was actually contemplated; Mr, Venille, representative ot Labor, and member tor a constituency comprising more electors than all the Cabinet Ministers from Quebec represent, was similarly threatened, and cas resolutely stood to his guns; William Martin ol Regina, the mung: westeruer, representing 80.000 electors, was also reported to the Speaker tor refusing to obey the Chair and withdraw his statement that closure had actually been put in force. "e,tou, refused to submit to arbitrary and autocratic measures. And as n culmination ot this determined resistance, backed as it was by the Tis- ing ot the Liberals en masse amid scenes of the most intense excitement, which brought the crowded galleries to their feet, Speaker Sproule, Pre- mier Borden and the Government forces capitulated and beat a hasty retreat at the last moment. Wt1(mHToCri.--Word reached the tity to day of a drumming aux-Mont south or mehom yesterday, whrm th, mxcnvycar old sun of Mr. and EXCITEMENT IN HOUSE INT ENSE IAIN)â€: DRUWXI‘ZI) IN POND, ' Il/ttttfilth Named by S aker and W._M. ., arty: Repogtpd but 'tltd') (“a Largo“ Stlc of Any Medicine in the Wadi) . have proved themselves to be the beat corrective unpre- ventive of these troubles. They insure better feelings and those who rely upon them soon find themselves so brisk and strong they arc better able to work and enjoy life. For that reason alone, Beeeham's Pills are Bittms Aus is perfect health; buttoenioy good health it is necessary first to get rid of the minor ailments caused by defect. ive or irregular action of the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowcls--a.ilments which spoil life, dull pleasure, and malurall sufferers feel tired or good for nothing. Th!ctrttyttrltttr9m.llymtdlthus Better Than Wealth Borthii1 Securés Withdrawal of l, Both Actions - Ttr, Jig-"Ion: with - hos "I very .,bmui=emreeuh " m Pup-red may In Tbrvre nnrhm, Ne. lldwn.,esunre, Failed. sum cvrr‘n‘u-vc '" c, mud: and " 3 Ieri_r -. Lthostr, " c, n9: __, RI'IALIZI'ZD MEANING OF VICTORY. iiii"iiii"iriiiiit 'thc' A MEMORABLE SCENE. ‘Mrs. Longworthalost his lite. With ,' his broth†he was sliding on a pond 'hack of the hafn, when the thin ice 'gave way. He “as dead before he fmuld be taken out.The other brother lumped. “bile the river overflowed its banks in Bridgeport and Freeport the. dans age done was not very heavy, com sishing largely of flooding a few cel- hrs. No bridges†mums swept hrs. No bridges in the bounty awn- swppt away. “the: hm ns and ttities ,along the Grand river; however, were not quite as torlunate as dospatchcs in- dicate. _ New Hamburg. March Hr-ht mid- night Friday the River Nith over- P,ov.ed its banks, taking its cours? for a couple ol hours across mamain business street and continuing im' Union strrot past St, Ptttcr's Luth- eran Church. Yesterday, morning huge cakes of ice tour and tive' feet who lay along the route. The watcr equalled the lloml ot 1883 in high-seat- " mark on the buildings in the sricitt- frr. There was an immense-ice jam- above Stuart’s mill. Most of ftgriee" calm over the new mmmt dam built let lull Without 'laneaging it.' The Ilydnwlcctric volts where they cross the river between the Grand Trunk Railway and the tuna “no carried away and left the town without pow- er. The Ilanugo was “pail-rd by a gang of Hydro employers irnm “on lin. " is vstimnted that five to six thousand dollars damage was caused by the flood here. mayurilv in thrir dilemma. It is rc- fptl’bd h"rc that it “in re mm or t three Mrs lu-l-vrr Galt is aeain s12."- ipried with gas. Ttte Ilottd, "tt the Grand Ilivpr has low snhsidml, Hm “(HIT hmim: Ir,one kdnun ten ivvi hills!) ,,\n man damage was Mne" wanna! by the freslret. I "To obtain the ideal to eradicate tuberculosis as an endemic disease it is necessary not only to cure the tubercular individuals now living, but also to protect the Nture generations trom this inrectroa by a method toi- lowing in principle Jetmer's vaccina- tion." Towns and Villages Flooded by Annual Spring Freshest and Damage is Done The annual 'upree" of the Grand River is a thing of the "past, it is expected, for 1913 and the lnconvcn~ ipnees caused by the floods are prac» tica1ly at an end. “I have found this remedy harm, less whenever" used it for patients from the earliest childhood to the most advanced age, in all forms ot applicatimi--subcutaneous iitramusew. tar, and iutraveetous-- even in big doses and equally eMcient in all Iorms of tuheteuiosis, pulmonary. bone joint, glandular, and skin, aside irom absolutely hopeless cases whose lates were,iUready,seated, the remedy has proved its ettieietsey in most in- stances. (By br. Friedman.) “Th desired results I obtained im- mediatety when I snowed“ in ftndistg a bacillus which originated from a cold-ttloaded animal, the turtle. This sir-gin ot turtle bacilli wu originally almost virulent. and Moxie and it lost its last inâ€. ot virulence by ltequent transplantation. “When I had it in that rotsditiort- nnd um berore-1 applied the remedy to human beings. At first Uiitected myself with . it at dim-rent times; alter that I gave it to adults intact- ed with tuberculosis, later on to tubercular children. and, tinatiy, when the curative effects were lound - in- variably the same. to healthy chit- dren of tubercular surroundings tor, immunizing purposes. Bratttford, March H)...-) most' rrious result or the rampage oi the) Grand River in this city was the breaking of the pipe of the Dominion Gas Company at the Coekshutt" bridge. about ill-33 this morning, trw- ing to the high pressure at water. The result is that Itrantiord factor- ins. (mics and homes using gas for lighting and cooking aha decidedly itt- conveniencrd, and many citizens had to be satisfied with cold lunches in- stead oi hot dinnrré. The newspaper ofrtres were seriously handicapped, having no gas for the linotypc ma- chim-s. The liranilnrd Gas Company sent down a gang of men to assist the Dominion Gas 1'orapany's men. in order to haw the break repaired as soon as pmsihlc. , - 'Std: He tttttat" 'Ill CoU.Biooded Anna The water' is now almost as high as last year, but little property dam- age has thus Mr been done. dalt, March 16.--Mueh inconveni- nnce was must‘d to the Citizens of Galt as a rtvutlt, tri the breaking at a main ot the nnnrininn Natural Gas 1'ompany at Brantlurd yvstcrday at ll n'cluck in the morning, Many residents rely on urns fur hulking and lixhlinz, 1sfulo Numl' "iso tist' it fur heating purlmsm "(ml nil 1atnps and Mum's have hrrn reeorted to hs the luawnh' in tlmir Ihlmnnm. It is rc- Nith Carries Away Hydro Poles HAS GONE DOWN Gait A Isa 1nronreniettred. 1 ooth, 19:3; Put a. The Department of Education has issutid the time-tables ior. the annual examinations in June, Students en- rolled in the middle and upper schools will begin on June 12, and will fmish their work on the 30th.- The lower school and Model and High school eatramee examinations will be con: eluded on June 15. . All Work will cease lit-inn the lst of July. MATitrCULA'WoN EXA MS. Waterloo, Ont. Branch, E]C3clCiii2LLCiEjtiocrCiri2cyf,iiClC]iLi:, WEEK“: l! ,0!- or lay of you: friemU tmtfer from then- Ilutum. kidney disorders or excess of uric acid, musing lameness. backache, unzsculnr ruins; 1tfJttt"li, “with: joints. pain In tbe limbs sa', ; dining“ of 1u1h2th'ipg skin If mu use no nu emu"... let tek.U'gieAlt,,'g wen- ._"'. -"-"Be'" - ___-- Pt" ___ -__e- for. iGeGiiiiilafrTa Truth-II! of my wen. kmn. Rlilue Chunk-n, with references and full puts-mm: by man. (This is m C. cr, Ir. uncut.) No matter lmw many may have fated in your use. let me germ-e to yum. irce at cost, that [humanism can oomrlewd. Chrmlcure tum when all else mks. Chronkurc chitin». M and (canvas tttcause. Also tor I mnkencd, rundawn conduwn of the system. you will find Cttrordettre a man swish“; tarry (ml tank that makes ynll feeloa! tde h,'W,m living, «PM: MW fsieutls ot the Masons Bank l HOW TO CONOOER RHEUMATISM " YOUR OWN HOME There are many causes at the trot-; tom of an attache»! kidney trouble- orer-eating, over-drinking, heavy eotdsr,-thrse and other causes often'; cause illness such as kidney trouble,l tprlt-stones, kidney-stones, gravel,! Iumtrago. But no matter "hat is at‘ the bottom of the disease, there is now a sure and sate Cure, one that acts quickly and without fail. That remedy is SANOL. willie!) is already, well-known to the medical pru’ession ot Canada " well as to thousands oi sufferers from the (Isaac named about One Winnipeg lady who is Mall and widely known, was tattred oi gan-stones try SAXOL alter suiierittq for 12 years. so grateful was she that she has sent to Us a large mim- her of people to be relieved of sim, ilar complaints. We do not ca're where the reader of this paragraph resides, we can give him or her nam- es and addresses in his own town and locality who have been cured by S.\Nlll,. We will also give the name and address of the lady referred to Mince Complaint had troubled her tor such a Inf“: period, and who is now completely cured. SAMâ€; is manufacturer] by the S\.\'()l. 1thNrF'.tUrtmtyiG T'OM- PANY OP CAN.tttt LTD, 977 Main sum. Itinnipe Vor salt. hr Itoos Pharrmtv A Suaishnd'l " SI Mt per bottle. Vnpo Cmolca: Co. " in“! St., Mr. Leaning Mile. Bunch] biannual. Cart. A ALI. DRUOOISTG. Try C P, P. tt tt L P, N E ANT'.yEPTtC TH BOAT TAI!I.E1‘J lnr the irritated "mm. Thar are sir »' ertective and anthem-c. Of pm.- (irur‘ln or can us. "In. in sum". The au' can: in; uw nauseous: “we. Inn-Ind with every Ewan. make. truthful can. mm: the nun thrrvat, and tun"; (hoax-ah. Inn-arm mum nights. Cresouae in humans to mom-n1 with young mums and a 800" to amen-cu hom Asthma, Send u: 2mm [or mama" my... A simple. ale um: 1:11ch (mania! for hou- chlal (roam without Com an: atom with amt. Umat with muscular mlny yea-1. . 1w... ..... -.---.e, :7“ _. - - . - _ ma non Cantu! ............ ............ ..-........- ................. 83.000... 84.â€...0 use". ,........... um..." ..-.._... m...“ 4.00M Deposit: ..a...... ........ ......... ....._.._-.-.. 83,011,780 “.00.â€! Lou- and Invest-nu ......... .--....-.-.. 01357.“. “354..“ Total Allen .....s.. ......... -......--.._..†“.3813“ Ru " Branch“ in Canada, and Agents and Correspondent- In all the Principal Cities in the World . _ A “I“. BANKIIG OWE“ um . Savings Bank Donal-taunt . at all Br-keg-tBt-gt and " m Cums! ht. l WE HAVE THE BEFIITATIOII . of always keeping the best in GROCERIEE, VEGETABLES and FRUITS. [kahuna Outta-h 90 KING STREET EAST DIETRICH’ S .GROCERY luau-Donna nu. [and at m tee five “gnaw-II“. urn-Luau In. Try us for your next order FIRE INSURANCE CO. T . Incorpontod In I803. Total Assets 3Ut Dec, 750,000.00 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dr. J. H. Webb, Esq. William Snider, Esq. Geo. Diebel, Esq. _ J. L. Wideman, Esq., St. Jumbo. Allan Bowman, Esq., Preston. P. E. Shantz. Preston. Thomas Gowdy, Esq., Guelph. James Liv ngston, Esq., Roda. Frank Haight, Esq. Sartdemoit's Bakery f , King St... mutton. t Fancy Buns, Bread, Rolls, ma Fancy Cakes. ls: _ 'Pe""""""""", t THE LEADING t ' Phone 243. Piorrristor. T' i-o-o-ot The Employer's Asm'ation of Utter)» and FREE LABOR BUREAU 59 King St. West, Berlin. ' Re' have vacancies tor men and wtF men in all lines of wotk. " y'ou are out. ot employment pommuttVate with us at once. No marge tor mustn- tion ot services tinder“. 1".- EMeaIiE iii-int T We have the reputation ot . + supplying our “mercy: cus- t . tomera with the choicest and + t best pt meats all - my rear f In an jiop,ta'iiafJ,r,oJ, our INVEN- TOWS A DVISER. ch will be sent tree. MARION dk tuna}. _ Waterloo Mutual Wm. Snider. President. Geo. Diehel, Vlce-PretsideU. Frank Haight, Manager. Arthur Foster, Inspector. J. C. Haight, Solicitor. Give us a trial and be only ' winced. Orders promptly de- . livered in ait parts ot has +. town. t . F John B. Fischer t t. A. man. District Agent. WATERLOO. ONT. In the line ot meats “have I Beet, Pork. Veal, Lamb, Sag- . at Cured Hams and bacon. t tour own curing) ,onco tasted, ' always used; Homemade Batt- O aged such as Bologna, Wiew + crs, For): Sausage Head t Cheese, Liver Sausage m q Summer Sausage. , 354 university “a Mfeerer, OFFICERS BERLIN. ONT. rw