/, I Pugh Stock, Implements, chi. e Auctionsalé “and iii"iiiciiii"i"' for "Sa'leIKdVOrtiSements " was we TERMS :--rray, grain and all sums of $10 and under, cash; tat cattle 3 months man; on sums over $10 ex- ,cepling fat cattle ten months on ap- lproved joint notes or 1 per cent. oti I for cash. Also l s etinn gum! land adjoining, price $3000, $2000 doun and balance to suit if sold by Aprd, Ist, 190 acres of ahore is In fine shape tor whrat this season. For further par- Ce his apply to it! --- --s---- The undrrsignml Iras for sale _good gallium, including barley. o. AU'. No. i'al at $1 per buslwl and Linn-1:1 and [humor oats. This' we'd is well hunrsiml and the brst on the market Also In bags first- class sped potatoes for salr at 81.00 pm bushy]. Thrrsv porsuns who call tor grain this month will motive 10 per mm. dismunt. Appiv to . ACrhBUrl w. thZlE. Berlin, Ont. Phone 733 ring I. ' 4451. balance to suit Bros and ftee supplies tor sale. Ap- ply to Josiah liruhaclwr, Uomstogo, Ont. Il-l mo. SEED GRAIN FOR SALE . The tmdesighed oliers for sale his tarm situated one mile northwest oi St. Agatha and 4 miles north ot Baden. on Concession l, Block B The farm coml'Jriscs about 125 acres, 25 acres bush and pasture, 100 acres under a good' state gt cultivation. Soil good clay loam, good spring creek, g never [ailing wells, " storey brick house, bank barn, straw shed. For further particulars apply to D. S. Shanta, Radon. M-tr. T Implements etc :--1 Frost & Wood binder, Frost & mm nmwrr, Wis- ner drill (combined), land roller, cul- tivator, NHL hay rake scumer, root pulpcr, Ayr plow No, 21. 2Hurrow gang “ow, Lsrction iron barrow, wagon, nearly nrw, stock rack, bug- gy. selt M bob slr'ighs, cutter, farm- ing mill, hay fork, rope and pulleys, hay: rack, wood rack, some grain bags, feed hoses, Melons cream sep- arator, nearly new, Iron kettle, sett double harness, single harness, wagon jack, churn, writing desk and book case combined, parlor cook stove, forks, hoes, shovels, rakes and other articles too numerous to mention. l I-gt His & Grain c-About 8 tons 'oi hay, about 200 bushels oi oats. Positively no reserve as the farm is sold. Cattle :-1 cow due "to cake April 13th, cow due to caive May 20th, Cow supposed to he in calf, 2 spring when. li head ol fat Cattle, (it not previously sold.) -...0b-....0......-- --- “a following valuable property Horses :--t pair of Geldings M and " years old, colt using 2 years old got by (Grey Hank), 'd well-matched May colts. 3 and 'd-years old. Pig! :--2 tiows m isr and mm. m, due May 6 Th undersigned diets for sale by was auction, 1 mite north ot " mite, at 1 o'clock pun., on H. M. WtLHELM r18,t'lt""t"'ea'/'te Unlucky, March 24, 1913 We mamfacture light, and heavy humus, that In! style, dur- ahilrtv and prm‘ cannot he nrcl'lml. We keep in stock whips, brushes, horse hlankets, hum-s3 oil, and ,',rrasP, trunks, suit Cases, Mo T Sperm] attention given to repairin"e. - A plrasmrr to have you call and 1nsprct amt stock whether you pnrthasv cm not. Farm for Sale BBB FOR SALE =zeC..Tcr-= NEW HARNESS HENRY A. BRFBAPHER, G, L. -lEGLER, Clerk. . Proprietor, G. G. CLASS, Auctioneer. I r e i bt C 3 ' M) t ll , 8tttt th b“ 'H a tt d For Sale FRANK p. FAOr. ' '. Ill‘thkrv , fink ldmnmrnt. pair hob sloighs without What amount box int-ark new), ttheels, springs and {be given on all gearing fur road wagon, mp. 2.00" “an (out. off' "csr, plow, haurow, iron 5rttlo, wt 'unvdit amounts duuhlc driving harness, solid Grrmani silver moun‘inga; hemy single hurl AIMEE 11055 and collar. single harness. a), Ill-INK quantity oi har and straw, churn, a', {and frame stable 20x21. sideboard. l . G. G. l desk, clothes rack, chairs, stove. J. ".1 twrenl sanitarp clnsrt and numerous iret. other articles. -..-.---- tlral F'.'state.-Tttere “ill also be sold at. the snmo time and prace. a brick hnusr consisting at 8 roonis. with wood shed. hot air Inmate. slnhlun hard and soft water," ind trn arm‘s ol land, the property ot Alex. Anderson, situate in the Village ot Hittt kcsvilln. Terms-Terms M Real Estate made knoa n on day of sale. 1'hattMs--Alt sun-s of $5 M and uni der. cash: m‘rr that. amount lo months" crrdit on approved juint units. or I not rent. on tor rash payments of rrrelit amounts c. I‘IOIIG F. CLASS, Auctioneer 12-2t. Uhattelts--0ar's brown, mare, pod driver. rising , yrars old; grade Jer- sow cm; due to who April 15th, lup- cmnmcm-ing at 2 o'clock pm. sharp, the following property, vii::--. . There wiU tre sold hy Puhiie Atttu tion at the home at the undersigned, in the Village oi 1rawkeiville, on Heavy bay mar? breedcr, hay mare Imm- 5 yea'rs old Apply to T March 32.-Vaiuaeie town property oi Wm. Schunrr on Park Ave., Water- loo. March 25.--Farret stock and imple- ments of Christ. N. Both, J. mile east of Weikesley and 4 miles south west ot Bambprg. ... Alex Fraser, Auctioneer. March 22ttd-HousettoM furniture oi N. Shaw. Waterloo Street. New Hamburg. March 28th--Stock and implemrnts of Henry Marehel, Lot 11. Perth St, New Hamburg. E. J. Shanta, Auctioneer. TERMS :-3 months' credit will be given on approved joint notes, or a disqount ot 5 per cent. per annum tor cash. March 20.--Reat estate and household enacts of the late Jesse Puddeek at St‘. Jacobs. A. J. Mickus, Auctioneer at 2 o’clock p.m., the lollowing: 1 Pm hm Holstein cow (with lio- degree;, duo about the time oi sate. I legislated Holstein heifer, milking since Jun. tat. 1 registered built-r. due the last of April. 2 grade Heb- stein. due about the time of sale. 1 Durham grade, due 3rd week in Ap- ril. 2 grade Holsteins, due lst week in May. 1 grade Hoisu-in. due 3rd week in April. 1 grade Holstein, due 3rd week in June. 1 grade Holstein, duo 2nd week in September. 1 grade Holstein, supposed to be in can, 2 Durham grade heifers, fresh with call at side. 1 Durham grade cow, fresh in January. 1 Durham giade cow, iresh in December. 2 Milcrs. . Saturday, March 29, 1913 on the tarm at the undersigned. l mile north ot the Village a St. Jac- . OF Real Estate, Stock and Implements. E. G. WINN, ALEX. ANDERSON, MICRON SALE Horses for Sale PUBLIC SALE Auction Sales F tiday, MATT. stiro?iDFaNHYF.R, V One mile East of Berlin. ABS. M, MARTIN, Prop. GEO, G. CLASS. Auctioneer A. C. MILLâ€), Clerk. Joint Proprietors 15 years old, good 4 years old, bay (general purpose). 1913 My-'2nuis 12-3t pWauw, store pigs, chackens aid ali . «was 'rt4ttr-amt-mttter, cash ', _ (“TE One "tree-year-old pure bred Shnrt Horn Durham bull or the dairv type which is necessarily needed to breed this Durham cow up to a higher stan- dard for the Hairy purpose, not alone for suck but tor milk and butter, This bull has woven a good stock antler and is in fine condition to go in the head of the best Durham Mod Ircrds. Also sumo young" bulls and heifers Int saui.--Appiy to C. C. ml'lFI-INHACHER, Hawkosvilln _ A mum» dairy tum Ma: Contre- sims, at 93 MIN, tor 8.100000. For mm. r parr,eirrars applr to rtf' J. SAI'DI‘IR, Freeport, GEO. 0. "£880" & COMPANY Wallenstein ORR. Station. At the same place tor senior the pure bred Double Standard Potted Durham Hull Hero, an up-to-date ani- mal tor stock senior, tee Grade mus tro", puttlm-d cows $20.00. P.-tt. that amount In months credit will be given on approved joint notes or 5 nor (out. off' ior cash payments of credit amounts. Farm ". At tho same time and place there wilt also he offered for sale (it not prt-n'onsly sold) part of the tarm Lot No. 107 G.CT., Tp. of Wool- wich, containing 87 acres more or less, there are 7 acres at bush, 8 acres or fallwheat. 15 acres oi mea- dow and the rest is plowed ready for spring seeding. On the farm is a good brick ,housc with kitchen at- tached. bank barn with straw shed and pig stables underneath, driving shed and other necessary outbuild- ings. Water supp1irtCwith air motor both hows, and barn. The iarm is well undenlrained and well ieneed and in high state oi cultivation. Also ii) young vrchard. _ Terms of Farm: “ill be made known on day oi sale. Housrhold IWeets: ('ooklng stove, box store and pipes, 2 bMsteads, glass cupboard, fruit stand, kitchen Palim'i. lounge, organ, gramaphone with 30 records; (Tram separator, 2 cider barrels, vinegar barrel, churn, meat barrel, bicycle, rifle, pails and other-articles. T Hay and Grain: About 6 tons of hay, 500 bush. oats, a small quanti- ty ot mixed grain, and some Pota- hes. er, hay rake, side delivery rake (E1- mira make), 2 Yankey plows, 2-tur- row Wilkinson plow, Waterloo 3-iur- row gang plow, two 3-sedion iron barrows, seu0hyr,.iannitrg mill, Ei- mira roller chopper " in, wagon complain. 2 buggies, carriage, nearly new, bob sleigh, 2 cutters, gravel box, emery stone, spray pump, beam scale 100 lbs. capacity, buggy pole, port- able engine, grain separator. both in good working order, 6-inch canvas belt Ist, It, Bett of slings complete, 2 block and tackles, 1 extension lad- dot, 2 vices, anvil, pipe wrenches, renee-weaving machine, stone ham- mor, logging chains, salt double har- ness. plow harness. carriage harness nearly" "new,. single harness, horse blankets';, tear robe, 8 bats cement,) rug, iork,hoes, shovels and other 'Tl tieles. . T Pigs and Poultry: 5 young sows! supposed to be in pig, ' More pigs about 140 lbs. each, I boar, also! about 60 chickens." lum‘u puny m 'n G: - _ Commencing at ’02le gunman. ' "d c p pe n the, following val \ properly, viz: Horses r-Gclding 17 years old. Horses: Gene wipes: ham 5 atare, 18 years old, mare ' years old, years old, Erer in a in toat 13 years driver 11 years old, driver " years old, some] general purpose horse ris- old. I ing 5 yous old, heavy bay colt ris- ' . . . ing 4 years old, black general pur- ’::"'l: ',drtg tfi/e. if" In: pom horse 14 you: old, bay mare " cow hwwd‘ to be in can, holstcinlggzs‘rzldélfla:kcmï¬gon colt nun; heifer suDDosed to in m tall 4 sawing , " ' g . . Cattle: 2 cows due to on": in Jun, 2 Cows due to calm in July cow supposed to be in can, holstcin heifer supposed to be In eati, , spring calves, bull rising 2 years old. lmzlemeuts, etc.: 1 Deering binder Massey Minis mdwer, l Massey' Har- ris disc drill, Frost a: Wood spring toothcultil'ator, Massey Harris wed- The undersigned will oils: lor lab by auction on lot 107 0.0T. Wool- wich, u miles southwest of Emits, at the [arm at the late Jacob Fries, at 12 o’clock, noon, sharp, the tot- lovn‘ug valuable property, viz: Medicine Hat and Calm, Alta. Terms of t'hattteis: Hay, grain, " King St. W. TORONTO Farm Stock and Implement Tuesday, April lat, 1913 Farm tor Sale Chartered Accountants. ALBERT FRIES, HENRY SOULL'HTER. FHtNnuor.s FOR SALE CLASS, Auctioneer. ItUPPKL, Clerk. Forty your. In use, " - the Standard, pm- orlbed and 'ttttttttttttttttmt by Plus, it your druzglot. hrlbod and lmmeddéd by physicians. for Women's All- mqntyllr. Martel'ohmalo The undersigned otters tor sale his farm, consisting at ttt Beret suitable tor market farming; situated between Rtt.melhardt and Krbsvilie. Apply to LUl'lS S. III‘IRGOTT, 7-tt, Solid brick, 8 rooms. all modern conveniencts, such as bath. lurnace, electric lights, gas, cemented cellar. attic, large verandah, extra large lot, and splendid location on George St., Waterloo. Must be sold. Special bargain price. Apply GOOD HOME FOR SALE Two very choice quarter-sections of of land situated near main line ot C. P. R., 2.1. miles west of Guernsey, 130 acres broken and under best of culti- vation, 12 acres still to be broken and balance fenced. Splendid water sup- Ply and on property is a new house 22x28 with stone cellar under house, hard and suit mum, also barn to accommodate 10 head of Cattle and large grainery Msris8 ft. The land is level, and ls a heavy sandy loam with clav sub-soil. Price 84800 $1500 down, balance to suit buyer. For further particulars apply to 5 tr. TERMS OF 'FrAte :--Fat came. 3 months credit. 'ihiietr, ‘pigs, poultry. grain, turnips and att sums of $10.00 and under, cash; itver that amount ten months' credit on approved joint notes or 5 ptr cent, or for cash pay- mnts or credit amounts. _ Implements, FAz.:-aed drill, land roPer, spring tooth barrow, gang plow, , single plows, disc hanow. g wagons, pair hob sleighs, market sleigh, 2-mated carriage, open buggy, oad cart, hay rack, stock rack, veering sickle grinder, scales can. 500 lbs, scales cap. 240 lbs, Shorsc pom: with rods and couplings com- Household Effrcts 2-Sideboard kit- chen table, cooking store, box store, iron kettle, kitchen chairs, 2 cider barrels, sap buckets-and spouts, lawn mawcr, lard pnssland many other articles. _ plate, set o.' heavy team harness, set of tearn harness, set ot earring): har- msS, sat of plow harness, g sets sin- g'e harness, bag truck, 2 manure hooks, wheelbarrow, chopping mill, band wheel, stone boat, post hole auger, horse collars, whillletrees, nockyokcs, forks, shovels, rakes. chains, string bells, seythes and many can! artid.s too numerous to men- tion. Also 40 bush. .Seed barley and a quantity of turnips. Shit-p, Pigs and Poultry: to ewes in Lamb, 5 fat hogs, 6 shouts weigh- 'ing about so lbs, each, 2 ducks. Cattle, Etc: Cow fresh 6 weeks, Durham cow fresh with can at side. 3 cows due to calVe in May, well bred Durham cow oupposcd to be in ca", cow due to calve in Oct... 2 her. fers supposed to be in call, Jersey, but: supposed to be in can. 5 head of buteher's cattle, 3 head ot cattle rising 2 years old, 5 head at cattle rising t year old. _ i or l . [Farm tt'b,d','ttitpg,ty l and House Meets, There will be sold by public gue- tion on the lower [Inn belonging to the “duds-ed, i mile ttortttwetrt ol gramme. 3 mites out ot Bankers And 3 miles south ot Heidelberg, on A. K. GRESSMAN No reserve as the farm is sold Thursday April 3rd, i913 King St. Waterloo Farm tor Sale AUCTION SALE llral Estate and Insurance. IL DOERING, Proprietor. A. J. MIL'K'US, Auctioneer. For Sale FRANK P. PAC", Guernsey, Sash Waterloo. Ont 4-3 mos, -goji 6118? ms. HOME OF' GOOD GROCKRIES King St. Phone 79L. Wntevtoo " have:- CHRIS. N: ROTH. Prop. Ig-lt. A. J. MICKUS. Auctioneer. T Household Ettects: Clothes tttttF- board, glass cupboard,- kitchen table,: spinning wheel and reel, child’s bed, Jewel kitchen .stove, coal or wood; wood cooking stove, wash stand, swing machine and many other arti- cles. N _ No Reserve as the Farm is sold. TFHtMF1:-g"rrr,s, chickens, grain, hay and all sums or $10 and under Gish; our that amount 10 months' credit will be given on approved hint notes orrt per cent. on tor cash payments oi credit amounts. Grain and Hay: About 3 tons mixed hay, 300 bush. oats; 100 bush. barley, 25 bush. buckwheat, 1 bush. timothy seed. I lmplaments, Etc.: Maxwell 6 tt. cut binder (neatly new, ; Brantiord 4 it. cut mower Noxon drill combined Champion cultivator with seed box (nearly new); steel hay rake; hay loader (half share); 4-sectlon iron barrow; Ayr plow; Frost & Wood Hurrow gang Now; truck wagon; pair bob sleighs with box; 2-wated carriage (nearly new); g buggies; cr3amery carriage; buggy pole; hay rack, pig rack, gravel planks, pulper (nearly new), fanning ‘mill. corn shel- ler, scales cap. 1500 lbs, set at team harness, set of plough harness, set' single harness, horse collars, stone boat, working bench; pair bolsters, 30 rds. of tencing wire, whippletrees, ncckyokes, crowbars, forks, shovels, logging chains and many other arti- d-Is too numuous to mention. Cattle ' Three good milk cows, two ot them are fresh and 1 due to call May M; Holstein grade heiter due to call Nas, 11th; Holstein grade heifer due to call July 7th; 3 Hol- stein grads Milt-rs '.t year: old 3 Moi- stein calf 4 months old; 2 spring Holstein calves. Pig in , weeks; 6 shoats weighing about too lbs. each; about 40 chick- cug; some dog. announcing " 1 pan. sharp, them]- lowing articles 2 Horses: Bay horse rising 5 years old; tray colt rising a years old; Percheron stallion. coming I wear old, got, try Than wilt be sold by mm: auc- tion on the remix: of the under- tie), but , mile out. od Wellslley, 4 miles was won a Butters, aid , mile. south ot mount. on Lye: . Snaps. “ranks. Brushes. Bive'rtg. .Netaf Polish. Stove Polish. Furniture l’ol.sh. Washboards. Sweeping Powder. Powdered Ammonia. Liquid Ammonia. Chloride ot Lime. Dutch (‘lcans:r. Tuesday, March 25th, 1913 Also big stock or BINDER TWINE, and Co.uo.the best obtainable. This. store is headquarters tor the best ot seed grain in Berlin, including CLOVER. TIMOTHY, ALSIKE, etc. Pigs and Chickens: Sow due to [In your spare time and become 1 good Bookkeeper, or a Atenograpter, or learn to Draw and Design, or take a course in Story Writing or Journalism and qualify mam a good salary. We can give you just the right room. Write as for Catalogue.- W. H. SHAW. Prenident, Stttor's Schmls, Toronto. 8-3 mos Berlin, For Your House . Bloanlng Geo. Bramm PUBLIC SALE MEillilIiMS STUDY AT HOME " South. Phone 201 and Bay horse rising 5 years colt rising a years old; stallion, coming 1 year _ Illinois ; aged horse. Three good milk cows, OF Ont. Order Your Carpets and Mats ' Mr. Charles Kanapin, weaver, of Berlin. has moved to King St. north, Waterloo, near the corner of King and Young streets, and any orders entrusted to him for the making of carpets and mats will receive prompt attention, Your patronage is solicit- 45 and 55 acres, 7 mites tram ner, lin. For further particulars, inquire at Chronicle-Telegraph Office, Water- loo. _ 9-tt. Terms-tlo and under, cash; over that amount 9 months' credit on ap- proved joint notes, or a discount of 4 per cent. for cash, except chivkens and potatoes. which will be rash. Live Stock all firsbclass. Implements mostly new. No reserve as tarm is rented. l Implements-McCormick binder 7 it. ‘new; McCormick mower, tilt. new; IMaxwell hay loader, Dain side rake, lllump rake. P. Hamilton cultivator. I. H. cultivator, Mann seed drill, 5 section iron and 4 section iron har- rows. disc barrow, sculller, S. beet unmet. turnip sown. roller, 2 Preo- ton 21 plows, Perrin 2-lurrow rid- ing plow, new; sugar beet plow, ' lurrow gang plow, 3-iurrow gang plow grain chopper 5 in plate new, grain crimper. straw cutter, Shantz; Clin- ton tanning mill, jack, ,3 lumber wag-' ons. democrat. road cart, top buggy new. 2 pair bob sleighs, Gladstone cutter, 2 hay racks, wood rack, log bunks, buggy top, cider barrels, whit- tietrees, neck yokes, chains, ropes. torks, hoes, set heavy team harness, set plow harness, 6 Scotch collars. a large quantity of lumber and square timber, IO bags seed potatoes, Car- men. Cattk-cow fresh at time ot sale, cow due April 10th, cow due April Mth, cow due August 20th, cow duo Sept. 10th'. 2 heifers due May Ist. 13 head of cattle, butchers and stock- ers. 1 call 4 months old. Htrgs-4 shuns about Ito lbs. Hemr-30 B. P. Rocks; 30 S. C. w. ughoms. 10 cockerels. There will he told Dy Public Auc- tion " the Indian»! ot Mr. Muskie. Morton, Com-30611. North Dum- lrin, 4 mile. nest of Galt at Ihuu- tries Station. on Hortes-Matchmi team mates weight 3300 rising 5 and ti years, matched teim mares weight 3900 rising 11 years, mare weight 1650 rising IS years. aged horse, good worker. Comma; at 1 o’clock, the [allow- Farm Stock and implements Thursday, March, 27, 1913 ---a record that makes your Edison Phonograph far and away the best sound-reproducing instrument that ean be had. The new record is called the Blue Amberol. It not only has greater volume and decidedly the finest tone of any phonograph record on the market,but V is practically unbreakable and will never wear . out. Go to your Edison dealer today and ask him to play some of these wonderful Blue Arnhem] Records. Then take them - home to.keep and play the rest of your life. 11...... A. Edi-an. Inc" 100 “In“. Arm, Orange. N. J., U. S. A. _ -- A "I.“ line of “icon Pliomnplu and Record- will Info-ll It HUGHIE MORTON, Maniac? ALEX. AXES, Auetirttuyer. It Mr. Edison has invented a New Rectrrd PUBLIC SALE Farms for Sale ' that will rekindle all of your first ;, enthusiasm in your Edison Phonograph ttui -,1,G, DOERSAM KING STREEI IT WILL GROW t,il',i',', waft Two MORE AGENTS in t. his calm y. Thos. W. Bowman & Son Co., Ltd., Ridgeville, Ont. "r--"'"---- _.-._. - - -_..__ mak I mm. P Ice be I e: B'fi'sllf.7h",l 31“."; litittstil an: and vitality. iGiidiGT IteA- avctud It age-p. Numbn unlimited. Highest mum price paid. Load even second Tm day. Next shipment Wedrteaday, Apr: Pad, 1913. , oM. ‘~..r;.'.;.; aar. .e.tetie,e.ye, ltr propaganda: Copies of the Chronicle-Telegraph tyle of March 28; April 18th. Ally- one having a copy of papa" ot also" dates please leave at this oitietr. Electric Restorer for Are You Coming Woot 8-tt. Highest market price paid. tat every second Wednesday. Next 'ttie. [ meat, Wednesday, April and, 1.13. l Shipping nogswmdi Shipping Hogs Want“ -, IN BAD!†_ . If so write or can on no. I have choice tarms, all this, it l rent on shares or sell on my rt'" menu. Choice land, good "on. I close to school and town. ". hit ' est Waterloo County gallons“ inf Saskatchewan. Bay or rent l ht- here. Thu. â€My in In“ no I†" modern will" to: one: - a: butler, syrup and "rlly m. I. d with». Also . shun tAlt ', ample syrup"pliurt oi 600 nun. , l J. B. REmnART. A Stunner, mt. l ' 114- t At Wallenstem C.PR. 3min. I.» ber unlimited. g 1“th market price paid. "" i every second Ttrewtar. um abir-it"ti, .CLEMEN’S & HUNSBERGER Hogs Wanted' T; AT" BADEN il. March 25th, 1913. . G, G. 0:9“.an Plant Bowman's guaranteed Nursery Stock Krupp a, Mastu- .43 - " III-III NUMBER UNLIMITED : III-I- ll THERE is I __ D & A,orn Wanted S. B. BIEHN, Our tuuloeus-- we srnd it free-- will help you choose the herd [or ycmrs. Write tor " May.- "'"'"astr" ea, Lu Din cone! far erery tigurs _jlt) Guam-w. Badk.