% Communications were received from E‘ the Mutual Life regarding locating a ‘‘._ erossing in front of their building inâ€" . stead of at Un on street as was at ~.â€" first proposed. It was pointed out "‘~ that practicaily nine people out _ of ten who board the cars here are cmâ€" %_ ployees of the Company or business 2. visitors to the Mutual Life. It was & stated that the Berlin® Light _ Comâ€" \_._ imission were agrecable to having the cars stop immediatety it â€"front â€"of iz the building instead of at Union St. “s;, providing the town gave their _ conâ€" _/â€" _ sent in writing approving â€" of | the % In regard to the request of | the Mutual Life that the crossing waich < it is proposed to construct at Uxion ‘â€" atreet, be located in front of their . Duilding, instead, it was decided to _« ‘visit that portion of King St. where _â€" it was proposed to locate the crossâ€" ... ing before taking definite action. Tho ~_‘Herlin Light Commission notified the * â€" Company that they were willing to * Rhave the cars stop in front of _ the Mutual building instead of at Union ~* street provided the town gave . its *« ‘The Berlin City Solicitors _ wrote 8 that the city had acquited two | lots| J for public purposes, in a local survey . | ~POLICE CELLS MAY BE MOV ‘‘Considerable Discussion on Various C \.\.~.~ tions Before the Town Fathers at xA the Monthly Meeting "ol $2,000 for ten years on their propâ€" ‘erty on Allen St. was granted. crumplaint of farmers aitending marâ€" ket in respect to keeping the _ doors g:ou‘ to them until seven _ o‘clock. was decided to admit farmers beâ€" tore the hour of opening at the north eatrance of the building as soon | as they arrived. Townspeople will, howâ€" ‘~The questions considered at . the March meeting of the Waterlon Counâ€" ‘tll Monday evening were productive of town in regard to the payment . of medical attendance in the case _ of indigents within the municipality was referred to the town solicitor for his opinion. Dr. Weidenhammer presentâ€" ed an account, in this connection, and it was thought best to secure a detiâ€" mite decision as to whether the town was liable or not. A recemmendation by the fire comâ€" mittee that the cells be removed from the fire hall and placed in the town ball building was held over for furâ€" ther consideration. hour session. The request of Messrs. Mayor Fischer, Reeve Kaufiman, Deâ€" &nty Reeve Schiedel and Counciliors Kutt, Bricker, Moyer, Roos and _ UIâ€" felmann were in attendance. Messts. Reitzel Bros. wrote that it was their intention to etrect a planing méill in Waterloo but on a _ much Smailler scale than at first proposed if they bad secured a loan from _ the town. They asked for a fixed assessâ€" ment of $2000 for ten years on their property on Alien St. The Council approved the request and passed a reâ€" solution recommending to successive councils that all assessments above $2,000 be rebated to the firm for a period of ten years. ; Messrs. Kaufman, Roos and Uficlâ€" man expressed themscives in favor of giving the necessary | permission Mr. Mover, however desited to know where cars would stop in case a bituâ€" lithic pavement was put down, as it would not then be necessary to have a crossing. Mr. Bricker opposed the request on the ground that the prirâ€" ciple of granting any institution . a ial right of this kind was wrong, mvwld_ create a â€" bad precedent. wssrs. UBelmann and Roos were movers of a motion that the crosâ€" sing be located in front of the _ Muâ€" tual building and that the _ Council consent to have the cars stop at said crossing: Mr. Schiedel saggested, however, that the Board of Works visit Union street and look into the _ situation, and this was concurred. in by _ the Council, the avove motion being withâ€" drawn. ‘ The question of the liability of the “llr. §chi¢-dcl saggested, __ however, | _ Messts. Bricker and Schicdel moved that the Board of Works visit Union|that the matter be referred to the street and look into the _ situation, [ ftown solicitor for his opinion as to and this was concurred. in by _ the |Whether the Council were liable or Council, the avove motion being withâ€" |NOt. An amendment was moved . by drawn. <| Messrs Kaufman and Ufelman: that the _ account _ be paid. The Account Paid. amendment was lost, only the mover 4 ‘and seconder voting | for it, while Mr. C. 11. Miller of the Children‘s| Messts. Bricker, Schiedel, Kutt. Moyâ€" Aid Society wrote trgarding an _ acâ€"ler and Roos voted for the original count of $8.75 incurred in removing a |motion that the Solicitor‘s opinion be child. who was a resident of â€" Waterâ€" |obtained. too, to the asylum at Orillia. _ ‘The| Dr. Weidenhammert insisted that the aceount was approved. town was liable for the payment of Mr. A. K. Cressman in a commuâ€" mication stated that he had _ avain renewed the insurance on the lives of the tourteen members of the yire brigade and enclosed accovnt for the premiums. which was approved. Get Fixed Assessment. Request of Mutual Lifc. Acquired Patk Land be admitted until seven Firemen‘s Insurance to the The Secretaries of the Children‘s Aid Society, the Pet Stock ‘Associaâ€" tion, the W. Musical Society and the Waterloo Horticulturat Soctety asked for grants. A meeting of the finance committee will be held at which these requests will be considered. The Pet Stock Association was granted the use of the Market building for their Mr. Schiedel submitted the report of the Finance Committee, recommen ding the payment of the usual budget of accounts, which was adopted. Councillior Ufleimann thought steps should be taken to utilize the Greene factory. He stated that everything had been moved out. The town _ held a mortgage on the property and he thought the matter should be looked into. £% Town Clerk Haight stated that an instalment of $750 principal, fell due March 1911. and another . in _ March 1912, and the third would fall _ due this month. _ He said the assignee had asked for a statement from the ;,oun including information as _ to the mortgage on the property and he presumed that it was proposed . to Mayor Fischer urged that immediate steps be taken to get matters in shape so that â€" local improvements could be gone on with as soon _ as the weather permitted. _ Report of Fire Committee. take some action. A resolution was passed that the town contribute $30 per month toâ€" wards the salary of the night watchâ€" man Councilior Kutt presented the reâ€" port, containing the recommendations of the fire committee, which was adâ€" opted. In reference to the recommendation regarding doing away with the cells at the Fire Hall, Mr. Kutt. stated that the firemen who reside at the hall were very frequently disturbed by drunks and others occupying the cells. _ It was further pointed _ out that people and even children come into the hall, wh ch annoys the prisâ€" oners and creates a disturbance. In the winter time the cells are _ also cold. It was suggested that wire cages be installed in the basement of the town hall building to serve the purpose, doing away with the cells at the fire hall. The matter was referâ€" red to the town property committee who will report as to the cost of the |proposcd changes. ~ Pressure Was Poor. At the recent fire on Sunday the water prossure was not up |to the mark. Chairman Kutt of the _ Fire Committee was asked to investigate. Dr. Weidenhammer presented an acâ€" courit of $13.00 for the treatment â€" of an indigent. He stated the party in question had been attended by him and was later removed to the Hosâ€" pital, the necessary permit having been secured from the Mayor. He contended that the law requires that the town mainh:? its indigents _ and said he had acted under the Mayor‘s order. | _ Dr. Weidenhammer insisted that the town was liable for the payment of ithe account and thought he could colâ€" lect the same if hs decided to push the matter to a conclusion. _ Other ;medical men were also interested _ in having a definite ruling in the _ matâ€" ! ter Mayor Fischer on the other _ hand said he had given the doctor the necâ€" essary permit as head of the municiâ€" pality, but no provision was included that the. town would be liable for medical attendance. The Council, if they granted the troquest, would probâ€" ably be called upon to pay _ similar accounts of othet medical mevn Councillor Roos brought up _ ths complaint of several farmers that the doors of the market building _ were kept closed to them until 7 o‘clock, obliging them to wait outside in th cold. He thought provision ought to Salary of Night Watchman Open Doors to Farmers. Local Improvements. Tse Greene Factory. Is Town Liable? Finance Report. Asked Grants. y = =|f . _ For Mon andâ€"Boys. 3 ___. Splendid showing of light weight Coats and > Suits for: mmen. youths and boys. ak‘l *# 1" 8. 5.05 A x £ t 1 * Our Suits, Spring Overcosts, Raincoats etc., are of the _ very & latest aud best. models, beauti fully tailored by expert workmen. The: sort of clothes youill not see everywhere. . » â€" . > gut in ‘u' suesd dy) bvacies Inpmmentiitonce «e m tiaâ€" Our Shirts, Neckwear and other Haberdashery are "Classy," exâ€" Pha [ff _ ctusive and difterent. | e ~__ our Hats are the correct styles from the hands of the . most Pet noted Hatters. : h‘:b. To put it briefly will say that we furmish our trade at moderâ€" ate prices, with the‘best outftting that money and axperlelce) can secure. We handle the best makers best in every line. A ort \ nen We see that every garment we sell fits the form perfectly; that iget every hat is becoming, and every article of Toggery just right. > FACTORY WAS Building Occupied by Spanish Leather Co. and Contents Shortly â€" before noon on Sunday morning Mr. J. Carton, accompanried by Mr. Harris, attended the furnaces in the Spanish Leather Co.‘s factoty, which is a two storey frame building situated on the Bridgeport road. The building was formerly used. â€"as â€" am apple drier. As they ware about to leave Mr. Carton heard something crack and . upon examination found flames coming up from the basement. He instructed Mr. Harris to send in an alarm, while he attempted to save some goods, but failed in the at tempt, the fiames rushing upon him, and he had to make good his escape. ‘The firemen responded to the call, but were unable to do more than proâ€" tect the ncighboring buildings. _ Within half an bour after the alarm had been sent in the building and its contents were in ruins. The safe had been left open and all the books and valuable papers were (iestroyed.r e The loss is estimated at about $4,â€" 500, and is partly covered by insurâ€" Messrs. J. Carton and P. Groom were the proptietors, and had _ just been well established. They had been in the business for over two _ years, but had only been in this building since last fall. It is not likely that the firm will reâ€"build. « The cause of the fire is unknown. Assistant Chief Pagel of the Waterâ€" loo fire brigade had his hands severeâ€" ly burned during the course of the fire, which destroyed the Spanish Leaâ€" Mr. Charles Kanapin, weaver, of Berlin, has moved to King St. north, Waterloo, near the corner of King and Young streets, and any _ orders entrusted to him for the making ol carpets and mats will receive prompt attention. Your patronage is solicitâ€" ed. 9â€"3t. The council favored action to remâ€" edy this complaint and decided to adâ€" mit farmers at the entrance on . the morth side of the building as soon as they arrived. Townspeople will, howâ€" ever, be batred until the hour of opening, seven o‘clock be made whereby they would be adâ€" mitted beiore seven o‘clock so that they could atrangze their produce. Mr. Huchn and others petitioned for a cement walk from Erb St. to the Bridgeport road. The petition _ conâ€" tained the necessary number of | sigâ€" natures but provision was â€"included that the work be done by a specified time. This will have to be _ struck out before it will be accepted. Mr. J. G. Stroh appeared _ before the council in reference to the matâ€" ter. He said he was not a signer of the petition because â€yowufl 500 {t. of land on the streeé/ which on _ acâ€" count of its peculiar situation repreâ€" sented little value and he did _ not wish to bear the expense _ involved in building a / walk. He suggested that part of the land owned by him might be used by the town for _ a small park. _ The matter was refetâ€" red to the Board of Works. Courcil adjourned shortly after n‘clock. Order Your Carpets and Mats King St. Completely Gutted May we demonstrate this fact to you? Petition for Walk. DETENBECEKS DESTROYED "THE STORE OF QUALITY" |, _ 11 |sUDDEN DEATH OF Mr.+Harty â€" Dickman on Thursday received the sad intelligence of _ the sudden death of his sister Mrs. Fred Adloff which occurred at Detroit. Deâ€" ceas:d _ was about 50 years of age. Mr. Dickman left Saturday evening for that city. This is the sixth â€" death among the â€" inmediate relatives _ of Mr. and Mrs. Dickman since Novemâ€" ber and they will have tl}( deep symâ€" pathy of â€" many friends in the | loss svstained. Huehn expects to receive the machine about May 1st. He â€" also purposts building an up‘mte garage. A number of $ Waterloo citizens were â€" also lopking into the good points of the ‘various machines exhiâ€" bited with a view to acquiring a car. Mr. Chris. N. Huehn who was | a vis:tor at the auto show, Toronto, has purchased a handsome seven pasâ€" sengerâ€" Studebaker automobile. :lrv Mr. Chas. E. Fischer informed the Chron‘cleâ€"Telegraph â€" that 12 houses erected by hiin are now completed.! They were built in record time, less than 11 months having elapsed since the erection of the first house _ was HOUSES ARE _ ALL COMPLETED Mr. Fischer said it was his intenâ€" tion to erect about a score of houses in Berlin this year. A Lagies Auxiliary of the Lut,heran.! Seminary at Waterloo next _ Friday afternoon at the Seminary and eï¬ecv-l ed a formal organization. St. John‘s Lutheran Church, Waterloo, St. Matâ€" thews, and the English Lutheran â€" of Berlin; and St. Peters, Preston, were respectively represented by Mrs. J. ‘Conrad, Mrs. H. A. Magen, Mrs. M. J. Bieber, and Mrs. F. Stahischmidt. |.\lrs. Stahischmidt was elected Preâ€" sident, _ Mrs. Conrad German Secreâ€" tary and Mrs. Bicber, English Secteâ€" )t-ary. The Auxiliary aims to mure‘ a representative in each Lutheran congregation interested in the Semiâ€" nary, and to extend _ the _ ‘interest among others BOARD OF LICENSE COMMISSIONERS MET A mecting of the Board of License Commiss:.oners of North Waterloo was held at Waterloo on Wednesday. There were present Messts. H. B. Docting, Shoemaker and Sattler and Mr. Fer: dinand Walter, license inspeCtor. The request'o( the Waterloo _ Club for a license was granted. The Commission decided to investiâ€" gate the hotel conditions in Hawkesâ€" ville, and, it is understood, may canâ€" ceb one of the licenses. PURCHASED AN AUTO market Saturday. _ Eggs sold _ at #5¢, 23ic and 28¢, and butter at _ 30¢ The supply of vegetables and other produce was ample to meet the _ deâ€" mand. The usual large number attended the AN AUXILIARY FOR SEMINARY Waterloo Hardware Merchant .Opp., City Hall Be in stoes, such as wooden wash tubs, s7oons, clothes pins, froning boards, rolling pins, ctc W TCII Lincoln B. Snyder butter moulds, ladles, butter bowls, The New Spring Suit Phone A Big Hardware Sale We have a full line of wooden ware Call and see thege goods Gives the Best Satisfaction for General Baking. Pastry . Flour For Pastries. 7 Daily Bread Flour L 0 0 K Shirk & Snider, Ltd, NOTE !. We might safely say that this is a COME AND SEE Phone 271 Everybody is interested in a new spring Suit for the coming season. _ The question with many . is, Where can I get the best and most suitable, and what will give satisfactory wear. We have two ways of helping our patrons to a good Spring Suit. In our Ready to Wear Dept. we show this season the very best taiior mage garmenis in ail sizes and styles, | raoging in prices â€" from $10, $12.50, $15 to $25 per suit. in our Dress Goods Dept. we have on salq an exceptional stock of choice materials for Suitings, the kinds which combine fashion and service, the very best money can buy, amd our prices are _ modetate, 75¢, $1, $1:25, $1.950. 40 â€"::soe: ceccsieee usenss anveerncioee cenrrenmnen tnlike cnvmvvaaae es c enmerreece c ecree s ree $BG@ Come direct to this store. 6Here you get the benefit of a wide experience in buying, the most fair treatment and satisfaction guaranteed in every particular . * 217. Lang Brcr)Js. That‘s what we are, unpacking and putting . ‘into Stock Thousands of Dollars worth ‘of Phone 76. LARCER, BETTER AND CLEANER STOCK Canadian and Scotch Ginghams Black and White Rockfast Shirtings English and Canadian Prints French and nglish Dress CGoods Swiss Embroideries and Flouncings Swiss and German Val Laces Canadian and Scotch Linoleums And many other numerous lines. _ BOTTOM PRICES CRISP NEW SPRING MERCHANDISE | Cns i »allh "w «i e # wl ® 2 4 W# id t k in s 4 . A~ . l xt 4 us‘ C (hyd ‘at Berlin U SE ON L Y Bricker & Co. WHY make butter during the winter months when you can ship your cream to us and ieceive the highest market price? © We furnish free cans and pay expross charges. We test and weigh each shipment on arrival and send you a statement for same. Our cheques are issued every two weoeks and ouhoda.th;:r. ‘"l,. § you to give this system a YLLS, _ BENTON ST. TtE A post card will bring ‘l“ a can and oenagble to give this system a fair trial. King St. HICHEST PRICE FOR CREANM. THE BERLIN CREAMERY CO. than has ever been shown here before Bridgeport, Ont. Waterloo *4