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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 6 Mar 1913, p. 10

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¢ We issue Matriage Licenses. 1 KWe f Store neat Post Oflice Berlin. _ |198â€"1 mo Cf, ‘ozfiq 1,330 pounds, was sold ,&fl- but this was an exception fâ€" the top fAigure for the day. Ceaâ€" ‘ eral ram c priccs ran from $6 to Eu:.'. for good choice butchers. Good % 8 and buils firm. _ Sheep _ and " Jamés are still secrce and poor in !zrnty. Pr.c»s are firm. Hogs â€" ars . Erm at $9.50, fed aad vritered, . onz "lot sell ng at $9.60. ++ Toâ€"day‘s quotation : . Butcher cattic, choice ...$6.50 G, $8.90 ‘~do:, medium ... ... .. 5.50 @: 6.00 _.. &0., commen ... ... , 5.00 a 5.25 *Buichers‘ eows, choice. . 4.85 1, 5 50 . do., gosd cous 2 4.25 @4215 / d>., medium .. . ... . 3.00 4; 3.50 "¢o, coumen ... ._... 2.50 ; 3.00 Brtwler buils, cho cs .. 4.50 @ 5.25 _ do , good bulls =.. ... 4.00 a, 4.25 . do., 1ough biis .. , . 3:00 @, 3.50 E+ €>.,â€" medicm ... .. ‘‘ co , coumen ... Brtwler buils, cho cs â€" do , good bulls .. â€", Co., 1ough biis .. F’O Gers .. ;. .222 0!. le ding bu.ls _ 0. . EAockers ... .. 2. +6., melm ......... &:., dgbht . s Carmners and c.tt rs Mil e s, choics, each do., com. ard ned /: {:n;e:s graver (ngetvec in "Cal es .22 22 220. L mss ... 202. 220. ; ELMIRA MARKETS. I GALT MARKETS. f ELMIRA, MARCH 6th, 1913. GALT, MARCIH 6th, 1913. SWheat ... .000 ...22 .200 .98 00 85 WREBb ... 22222 l2 .90 <WFilour, Pazsury ......... ........ 2.00 _ 2.00 Fiour, per 100 lbs ......... 210 3.20 Bran, rer ton ... l...2l.. 22.00 Bran, per ton ........ ...~... 20.00 K.iid‘ings, per tom ... ... 25:00. ORLS .....mcs ..s.ccsr sccrnrime .51 . &hoits, per ton ... ... 24.00 Shorts, per tom ... ..... 27.00 28.00 ‘There is no time in a person‘s | life when useful presents are so acceptâ€" able as whon just married. It is in useful gifts we excel. Wedding We have studied _ the requirements and can supply _ the silver _ wants wants thoroughly. Heller Bros. Eois, fed and watorod . 9.50 @/, \ do., L. 0. b. 2222 0. 915 @, Goose whear ... ..... ... .90 Datrloy ... nslc .c ..osc AB Rye ... . * §5 Fggs, per dozen . Potatoes per bag ...... ... 1.00 1.10 . Potatoss, pet bag Corn per bush. ......... ... .623 «65 Chickens each ... Hay per ton ~...... ......... 10.00 12.00 |Hay, per tou ... httel' per lb. ... 2222 .33 .24.5“â€"3“'. per ton .. Eggs per dozen ... ... .223 .32'[-:( aevens SE ce c Live hogs ....... ............... 8.00 8-25|Mntton, Sheepskins ... ... ......... .35 15| POPK 22222 i222l PallOW ..2..... l2...222 222222 04 005| Hides .2.... .22 0.. OTTAWA â€"Th: executive of the Canadian Cavairy Association has de cided to bold the next annual mcetinz in Winnipeg. The decision is due . to the great number of cavairy regiâ€" ments now established in the West. Flour per 100 (ns .. . Bran rer 100 1s ... MiddI‘ngs per 100 1>s. Ecr.enings rer 100 lis Patl:y per bush ... ... ... Cats per bush ... 0,.. .00 Feas, per Dusn. ............... Potatoes, per bag ... ... Hay per ton ... ......._. Wood per cord ......... ......... Butter, per lb ...0...0.. Eggs, per dezen ... ... .. Lard per Ib. .0. 000 0. l.. lon steckyards were 98 cars, with 13 cattle, 16 calves, 1,509 _ hogs, . ahsep and lambs and 28 hors>s We was a comparatively light run the market. today and buying in sequence was a little more active n it otherwis2 would have been. PiS were good and steady at last k‘s mq figures, but not bigher an average. An extra choice heifâ€" BERLIN, MARCH éth, 1913 BERLIN MARKECTS Neccessities March 4.â€"Receipts at the MARKET REPoRTS [| # 2l ll2...3.10 . 2.15 e 3.00 250 @, 3.50 50.00 @ 72.00 .35.00 @. 45.00 40.00 q; 45.00 . 8.00 a,; 9.50 . §.50 « 9.50 .. 6.00 y 7.00 5.00 @ 6.00 3115 @ 5.00 & 1.20 in 18 60 40 15 28 15.00 4.175 | Wheat ... . ...222. 3.50 | Dictator flour ... 3.00 ; People‘s flour ... 5.25 |Maple Leal Flour ... 4.25 |Snowgrift flour ........ 3.50 / Bran per ton ........ .. 5.65 Middlings per ton ..... 4.25 ; BULbeL ..:.scss Goolcccs, & 5.50 |Eges, rer dozen ... . 3.50 |Chopped Screenings . 3.00 ‘ Rolled oats ... ... 3_54i‘l-’eas 2.00 ‘Barley ....0. .0. ... 5.00 O@LS ... .22 2s 5.00 ‘Hay per ton ... .:. 9.50 Straw, per ton ......... 9.50 Potatoes per bag ...... 7.00, Spring chickens ... ©.00 |Pork, dressed ... ........ 5.00 Quarter beei{, hind ... 9.50 Quarter beef, front .. 9.25 Hogs, live .....s. ... 2.80 1.40 1.40 1.40 .10 45 .30 .16 32 BRy@ 222222 u.222 ‘Buckwheat ......... ; Butter,per lb. ..... Fggs, per dozen . | A.K. CRESSMAN i _ King St. _ Waterico STRATFORD MARKETS. STRATFORD, MARCH 6th, 1913 Wheat, Standard ... ...... .9 BarIeÂ¥y l«.l.. meume nicns 40 SS Oats, Standard ... ...._.... & : Apples per barrel ........ Hogs, live ... ... ... Hogs, dressed ... ...... Hay pef tOR ..........lcc.. Straw per ton ......... ... Wood, per cord ......... . Export cattie ... ....... Butchers® cattle ...... ... NEW HAMLURG MARKFETS. NEW HAMBURG, MARCH 6th, 1913. WREAE ... .222 slsn se .90 OBAS ....l2l2 cslsn es 85 .35 Barley cssfne cocee eoiiee noees 00 .60 Hran per LGA ......... ......... 20.00 Cora in large lots ........... .78 .80 Middlings, per ton ......... 22.00 Potatoes, per bag ... ... 1.235 _ 145 Butter® per 1b ....... ... AB 30 Beef, hind quarters ............ Ch‘ekens ... .22 222 2e DUCK® ....couus ce se seelle Butter, per lb ... 22. Eggs, per doz. ... .ll0 Potatoe:, ger bag ... ... COPM ..slll2 l2 l2 Eggs, per dozen ..... FIOUF :.:s:se rusccuses is Man. flour â€".......... ... Butter per 1b ......... Eggs per dozer ... Hay per ton ........ Lard per lb ... TTAM ... se . Midlings, per tonm .. Bran, per ton ... Potatoes per bag .. COOD HOME FOR SALE conveniences, such as bath. furnace, electric lights, gas, cerented cellar, and splendid location on Geotge St., bargain price. Apply attic, large verandah, extra large lot, Waterloo. _. Must. besold. Special Solid brick, 8 rooms, all modern WATERLOO MARKETS. WATERLOO, MARCH 6. 1913. , per ers‘ caule 5-50 ‘ b QUELPH MARKETS. GUELPH, MARCH 6th, 1913 tor flour ... ... 2.35 2. e‘s flour ..... ... 2.60 0 2. Lealf Flour ......... 2.45 2. firift flour .............. $.80 . 8. per tOR ......... ....l....... 91. Reai Estate and Insurance. ;l per ...... 13.00 ..10.00 o â€"â€" io ces 20 1.00 10.00 _ 10.50 15.00 _ 17.00 1.10 1.35 sc AO .60 _ 10.00 10.25 13.00 _ 14.00 . $.00 _ 9.00 12.00 13.00 .. 9.00 10.00 9.00 _ 11.00 l2 40 00 42 22g0 4 L. 01 0 1 .32 .30 32 1.00 _ 1.10 1.10 A8 44 .35 25 .18 14 .18 10 A0 11.00 .25 .85 12.00 A4 .30 22.00 8.6 1.3%5 .90 .60 .35 2.80 .55 10 News Notes.â€"The many {riends m" Mrs. Adam Scherman of Meadow | Brook Farm will be pleased to learn that she is now on a fair way 10 recovery from her recent attack of pneumonia.â€"Master John A. Gimbel of River Lodge has engaged as a farin | band with Mr Josiah Oberholtzer for the cnsuing year.â€" Mrs. Elizabeth Becker, late of New Dundee, is a visâ€" itor with her son, Mr. Emanuel Beckâ€" | er of Centreville.â€"Mable Olive, _ the‘ infaut daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Herâ€"| man Hertle, Jr., who has been quite} seriously ill is now convalescent. â€" ! Miss Grace I. Detwiler of Sprine Hill Farm. has taken a position in the millinety store of Miss Lowes of B“’? lin, where she has already entered on ber new duties.â€"Mr. Fred Bock of; Lexington visited his sister, Mrs. Hoerman Hertle, Jr... on Saturday. â€"; Mr. Jacob Gotteslaben of 23 Habel. Place, Berlin, was a recent â€" visitor| im our midst.â€"Rural mail deliverâ€" 6;| now in operation on route No. 2 lcarlâ€"] ing from Preston to Freeport actoss: to Chicopec, return.ng to Preston by‘ way of Woolwich Road. _ Yir _ Andy Grieve of Preston has â€" secured _ thr contract for delivering the mall _ to, the patrons of route No. 3.â€"The manv ‘ friends of Mr. Allen Weber formeriv‘ of Chicopee will be sorty _ to â€" leatn that be has been quite ill at _ his home on <Manitoulin Island. His breâ€", ther Col:n of Chicoree has gons i} ray him a visit. . ' iTeavy bay ; cedcr, bay n o 3 [APPIy to _ , NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the mattâ€"r of the Esiate of Caroâ€" . line Hefflur, Deceased. 1 Purs=ant to Sec. 55 cf Chapter 26 of The Statues of Ontarlo, 1 (George ; V., known as the Trustee Act, notics ‘s hereby given that ali creditors and others having claims against the esâ€" ‘ tate of Caroline Hefficr, late of the: Town of Waterloo, in the County of Waterioo, Widow, deceased, who died ! on or about the 7th day of February, 5 A. D. 1913, atre, on or befote the First day ot, Anril, A. D. 1913, to, send by post, prepaid, to the l-:xfl-uâ€"g‘ tors of the estate of Deceased, their,! (hristian names and surnames, _ adâ€" ér sses and descriptions, the full par|‘ ticulars of their claims, a statemeni}‘ of their accounts and the nature â€" of" the securiti>s (if any) keld by them,," and that aftee the date last afot\ ; said the said Exccutors will proceed! to d‘stribute the assets of the said," dececsâ€"d _ among the partics enmk-d}( thereto baving regard only to _ such‘ claims of which notice shail havo!: teonm given as above required, and thei, said Esecutors will not te liable (nrl the said assets or _ any part thrrsof,}, to any person or persons of \\hosel claim or claims notice shall not h“‘fl been roceived by them at the time of such distribution. LOUIS _p. DIETRICHT and ADAV SEYLER. | Executors of the estate of Catro , 10â€"2mus.! Sold at all dealers in 235 and 50| Agent wo c n aninin mn memmen cesc cent boxes or _ mailed by _ The I-’igll‘fmdt'l’! A sufiragist mecting in Britain was Pill Co., St. Thomas, Ont. Writ» | broken up by the mob. | Sold in Waterloo by A. G. Haehnel. 10â€"2mos. line TinfMer, deceased, Waterloo. Dated _ at _ Waterloo, Ontag:;f this 2ith day of February, A. D. 1913. 10â€"3t. ; NOW is the time to leave your order for i °. Your Easter Suit r We have them in ever‘{ s?'le and variety. Ev'e‘rxlorder is cut individually. Our celebrated "B. WAY BRAND‘‘ SYITS are the acme of 'g;,r- fection in fit, style and workmanship. e guarantee each garment to fit you perfectly. See our samples and designs. E. H. THAMER & SON, Freeport â€" Cor. King and Scott Sts. [THE GENTS‘ FURNISHINC EMPORIUM] 4288024008400 4e000e Geeara ce 22e eek e Th oeg I in tmonk « aviiion ~ We exter d an earnest Jnvitation . to evervbody to come tc see our | ~ display of upâ€"toâ€"date â€" Spring footwear for Men, Women, Boys and Girls... Also: many lines suitable for men on the farm and Women‘s heavy . hoes. Styles right, prices right and gpoods right. Come Eatly. ‘ Mis: Lotti> Carr, of Lequille, N. ‘S., sips : "For several years I have teen a great suffeter; from,. chronic inâ€" d‘ge:ton. At times I almoct loath ed food, and no mattét bow hungry, [I fornd that to eat even lightly was fcllowed by great distress and often ;nalsea,.. I tried many soâ€"callsd cures, ‘but «id not get more than temporary relef, and naturaily I was going _down toth in health and strength, _ The victin of indigestion who wants to eat a good meal, and he will sufâ€" fer if he cats one, finds poor consolaâ€" tion in picking and choosing a diet J As a matter of fact you cannot â€" get lr(licf by cutting down your diet to a ;st,arvation basis. ‘The stomach must | be strengthened ~until you can â€" eat good nourishng food. The only way to sirengthen the stomach is to efâ€" r.ch the blood and thus tone up the Icerves that control it. The only way | to enrich the tlood, and tons up the ‘ncr â€"es, and give sirength to the stoâ€" | machâ€"sitength that will enatle it to properly â€" digest any kind of foodâ€"is | through a fair use of Dr. Williams‘ I!in‘x Pils. The one mission of these I ills is to make witch, red blood, that 1 reaches every partiand every | organ lof thr body, bringing renewed beaith and activity. The;following case il~ lis‘rates the valte of Dr. Williams‘ . Pink Pills in indigestion : ad ised to‘ try Lr. Williams‘ _ ink Pills. I _ doult:d that th:y would cirs me sftee so many othcr mediâ€" cin s had fail>d, but as 1 wanted bealth and the Pills were highly _ re c:mmended I cecided to try them. I am than‘ful now that I did so, for after taking Dr. Williams‘ Pink Fills fQr five or six weeks every vestige of the trovt!s had left me, and I _ was again blessed with tho best Ofhealth. From _ my own experience 1 te‘ieve thre is no cass oi indigestion | Dr. ‘W.llizams‘ Pink Pills will not cure, if ‘gi en a fat trial." !WILHELMSHAVEN, Germany.â€" A ‘new Dreadnought, battleship for the iGcrman navy was launched yesterday Lin the presence of the FEwmperor. She jwill be the firsta warship to carry a ‘hattery of 14â€"inch guns. _ Her exact ‘dimensions have not been made public but it is reported that she displaces 25,000 tons. She was christened the Koenig, You can get these Pills from _ any medicine dealtr or by mail, post paid at 50 c n‘s a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr.â€" Williams‘ Mediâ€" nine Co., Brockville, Ont. in this â€" deszondent condit.on I was WITII BILIOUSNESS AND â€" SICK HEADACHE. HOW TO OBTAIN GOOD DIGESTION THE STOMACH MUS1 BE TONED AND STRENGTHENED THROUGH THE . BLOOD. SUFFERED will send the> cards by return mail; send us the money whn sold, an‘ we will send the machine, all chasges paid. Get our big list of order premâ€" iums for boys and girls. _ Address, TORONTO NOVELTIES CO., Dept. 340, Toronto, Ont. . East Fad Mill, Berl‘n. Agent _ for _ Cyphers _ Incubato®s, Rrooders, etc. Writ»s for prices and information. onto, Ont will send bracelet postpaid. Write for our long list of other premiums for boys and for girls. Address TORONâ€" TO NOVELTY CO., Dept. 337, Torâ€" Moving Picture Machine Free alress: TORONTO NOVELTIES CO.. Dept. 339, Toronto, Ont. will send the cards by return _ mail free; ser,l us the money and we will send watch. all charges paid. Write for big premium list for boys_. and girfls. Address: TORONTO NOVELâ€" TIES CO., Dept. 338, Toronto, Ont. CGold Plated Bracelet Free « Sucluster, three stonc, twin Boy‘s Watch Free ‘ *thd goltaire Rings. Arnold Jansen mounted, insuring best qualâ€" andâ€" golitaire Rings. Prices rahge {rom $10.00 upwards. Best.value in the City. have ity, fawleks stones. We Our diamonds are sélectâ€" 1. Holman Floral â€" and _ Virw Cards, (6 in a set for 18¢.) It â€" has long flowing _ curis, slseping eyes, very daintily dressed: you will like _ it. Write to day; . we will send the cards free; return us the imoney and we . will send the coll, all charges paid. Get aur Cbig list _ oi nther premiums | for boys and gitls. Adâ€" all sold, and we gold ename} back, _ daintily engraved to the gitl or lady solling 40 sets of our Easter, St. Patrick, Birthday, Floral and Scenic carâ€" ds at (6 in a set for _ 10¢c.) They sell quickâ€" ly. _ Write toâ€" day; we will send the cards free; send us the money when For selling 30 sets of _ our Faster. 8t. Patrick, _ Biâ€" rthday, Floral and Seenic Postal Cards (6 in a _ set for 10c. It is complete with films and slides shows _ great pictures. Wri te to day, we return _ mail; viancion _ with one year. Write to For â€" sellâ€" ing 30 sets The undersigned has for sale good seed grain including barley. O.A.C. No. 21â€"at $1.00 per bushel and Liquo®a and Banner Oats anc also other v. rieties at 75 cents per bushel. This seed is well harvested and the best on the market. Also 100 bags firstâ€" tlass seed potatoes for sale at $1.00 per bushel. Apply to __ _ es Phone 733â€"tring 4 vim and vitality. Premature decay a ‘w-_k.. ncr{od at once. !.zq make you a new man. . Price $3 a box. or two for &&inflgnydfla ‘L% sesssssesessece esesscecsccescsecsse0ee2e8e2e2e0s8ss8sees8se20e00e Electric Restorer for Men i J. G. WING & CO., Berlin, Ont. SEED GRAIN FOR SALE “.: Phone 5562 38 Frederick St., Berlin O LOJLeoSofeo ol o l ofeajo o. oo Lo Je l Oojpef e pecjefjeje®p secsesceccececescse0e00ese0c008s8se02ses000e see8e2 002000020080 For Sale by Ail GCrocers has fact ACATE cakes, pies, puddiugs, ete. ? SEVEN LILLIES of the flour that is to _ __â€" make your properly consider â€"the nutritive Also big stock of BINDER TWINE, and COAL, the best This store is hcadquarters for the best of seed grain in Berlin, including CLOVER, TIMOTHY, ALSIKE, etc. obtainable. WM. SNIDER, Waterioo H. M. WILHELINM Wateriso‘s Harness Shop (pure Manitoba flour) We manifacture light and heavy harmsss, that for style, durâ€" abijity and price cannot be excefled. â€" We keep in stock whips, brushes, horse blankets, barness oil, and grease, trunks, suit Cases, etc. â€" Special attentien given to repairing. A pleasure to have you call and inspect our stock whether you purchase or not. â€" DGEAN FLOUR D 0 Y 0 U , a better flour is not made. REAL MERIT, in V A L U E B R E A D $17,000 Buys 212 acres, good buildings, 2 miles from Berlin $4,700 Buys 46 acres, good buildings, 4 miles from Berlin.. $4,200 Buys 90 acres, fair buildinzs, 64 wiles ;from â€"Berfia. $19,500 Buys 200 actes, good buildings,‘9 miles from Berlin. $5,000 Buys 100 acres, fair Buildings, & miles from Berlin. $13,000 Burs 121 acres, goof buildings, 2 miles from Berlin. $11,000‘ lfin;s 172 a res, iair buillin‘s. 3 miles from Berlin. â€"â€"â€" NEW HARNESS =â€"â€"â€" (pastry flour} roniied UHC, teL * & s | ____IN BADeN : _ memernmmemmmestentinmmnmmne in« NUMBER UNLIMITED â€" Highest market price paid. Load Restorer fO: .r‘:?”mq second Wedng;thy. "%ontl ::l’l"- ut tmcreeverynecse in the bo4? ‘ ment, Wednesday, March 19th, '?u‘z-m-dsy'qd:flgcug!l M manmuce â€" ie ° B LAL .L REAL ESTATE Loan, Counveyancing and Insurance RBerlin, Ont. 4â€"31. Ont. res, iair buillin:s, 3 miles from Berlin. S HOME OF GOOD GROCERIEKS King St. Phone TOL. Waterlon Shipping Hogs Wanted Toâ€"morrow you can buy a Ib. of out fine 10c Yeung Hyson tea for 29c 3 lbs of choice seeded raisins for 35¢ 25¢c Gunpowder tea at Bruegemans AOP 2.sclkee slsn reremver nsm 19G Fine cooking and baking apples per At Wallenstcin C.P.R. Station, numâ€" ber unlimited. Highest market pfiige 7? Load every second Tuesday. Next shipment Fresh pretzels per lb .............. 15¢ 7 lbs of fresh milled rolled oats, Are You _ Coming West ments. _ Choice land, good _ water, close to school and towh. The largâ€" est Waterloo County settlement in Saskatchewan. Buy or. rent a farm 8â€"t1. Our 40c coffee, blended and roasted by experts, toâ€"morrow price per lb, Copies of the â€" Chronicleâ€"Telegraph for fyle of March 28th, April ‘18th, July 25th and Nov. 28th, 1912. Amy one having a copy of papets ol above dates please leave at this office. Numbet unlimited. Highest market price paid. Load every second ‘Tuesâ€" day. Next shipment Tuesday, March 18th, 1913. , CLENMENE & HUNSBERGER.â€" Thos. W. Bowman & Son Co., Ltd., Ridgeville, Ont. this county. If so write or call on me. I have choice farms. all size at Bruogeman‘s Crocery March 11th, 1913. C.C. Dietenbacher IT WILL GROW . We want TWO MORE AGENTS in Hogs Wanted AT BADEN BARGAINS Nursery Stock Krupp & Master on shares or sell on crop payâ€" BRUEGEMAN‘S Bowman‘s S. R. BIEHN, Wanted G“‘MY' Sask,

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