«_ ._____GCENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE ar Jbany with Assets of $16,306,638. 1 ALPRED WRIGHT, SECRETARY "C A. BOEHM. â€" District Agent Waterloo, Ont Phone 246. "The Mercantile Fi ire 43 INSURANCE COMPANY INOORPORATED 1875. C. A. BOEHM SMALLâ€"POX CASE FOUND Bubscribed Capital :............. $250,000 MDeposit with the Dominion Government ... ...... ...... $117,140.00 . All policies guaranteed by the Lonâ€" Â¥on and Lancashire Insurance Comâ€" MINARD‘S LINIMEXNT CURES COLDS, ETC. The victim is a brother of one _ of the afflicted victims in the Watetloc Isolation Hospital and it is believed contracted the disease while visiting bis home in Watcrioo some time ago. MINARD‘S LINIMENT A case oi smallâ€"pox was discovered Wednesday on_ Samuel street, Mr. Herman Krafl'. cigarâ€"maker. _ being the unfortunate victim. The case was immediately reported to â€" Dr._ Mcâ€" Gillawee, M.O.H., "who, accompanied by Dr. McNally, visited the _ residâ€" ence and diagnosed the case as smallâ€" Dr. McGillawee, Medical Officer . of Heaith, discovered the second case of Smailpox in Berlin within a week about ten o‘clock Monday night at the corner of Mill street and _ Shoeâ€" maket avenue. The victim _ was a voung married man named Williams, and he was removed to the Isolation Hospital by the M.O.H. _ The man has been ill since Sunday, but had been working up to Saturday. The publisher of the best Farmer‘s paret in the Mari‘ime Provinces in writing to us states : "I would â€" say that I do not know of a mrdicine that has stood the test of time like MINARD‘S LINIMENT. 1t bas ten an unfailing tremedy _ in our hous held ever sints ) @n remomâ€" ber, and has outlived dozens of wouldâ€" be conmpetitors and imitators." ~ Preparations werre _ immediately made to have the case removed to the lsolation Hospital. . The M O H. returned to the house and vaccinated the entire _ famili, but unfortunately one of the brothers who had been in the house during the day had gone to a social dance and did not return up to midnight, when Dr. McGillawee leit the house. The house has been quarantined The case is oï¬ a mild variety. The patient informed the M. 0. H.‘» . 5 4 0 & that he had not â€" come in m,.‘.t,TheW.A.Jenklns Mfg.Co with any smallâ€"poxs patients in Watâ€" London, Canadn orlnao qnd th6 authorities are at â€" a Roval Purple suppmes and _ Book loss to know bow he contracted the}| lets may be obtained from A. and E discase Established 1864 Office, Waterloo Mutual Building, King St. Business Oflice 249, House 209. Business solicited for first class Companies STRATFORD, ONT. The best practical trainâ€" ing _ school in â€" Ontario.â€" Three departirnts COMMERâ€" CIAL, â€" SHORTHAND _ and TELEGRAPHY. All courses are thorough â€" and practical. Teachers are experienced «i@t graduates â€" are placed in posiâ€" tions. We give individual atâ€" tention and students may enâ€" ter at any time. _ Write for our free Catalogue at onee. D. A. McLACHLAN, Water loo ghrl | tbe cost to you will not be more than $1.50 for six pige or $1.00 for one eteer. It will keep , your horses in show condition with ordinary feed. If you have a poor, miserableâ€"lookâ€" ing amimal on your place try it on this one | Bret and see the marvelions result which wi" : be obtained. Our Stock Specifie wil‘ incress f the milk flow three to five Ybe. pet cow . .«r | day, while being fed in the stable. A i%¢ : package will last a cow or horse 70 days. ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPECIFMIC will make your hens lay just as well in the winter as in the summer, and wiil keep them free from diserse. These woods are pure and unadulterated. We co not use any cheap filler Word was rccâ€"ived in Berlin by Mrs. (Res.) C. F. Krauth, on Monday of th> dâ€"ath oi her fathor, Mt. Daniel Paker, at St. Josephs Mospital, Vicâ€" toria, Brit‘sh Columbia. He had been sict for some weeks, and death was due to dropsy and heart trouble. e formerly _ resided at Stayner, Ont., and _ was in h.s 63rd year. Besides the beceaved widow three daughters, fathor and 2 ssters survive. The te mains _ will be brought to Creemore, Ont., at which place the funeral will te held. The marriage took place on Feb. 3rd at six o‘clock at the residence of Mrs. Abel Walser, 31 Roy St., Berâ€" lin, Ont., of her youngest daughter Lattitia Ardelia to Mr. Hugh Lorne McCaughey of Toronto sone of Majot and Mrs. McUaughey, Coboutg. Th» ceremony was periormed by the Rev. F. Oictlander, in the prestence of only tic â€" immediate relatives _ and Liends. During the signing of the roâ€" gist r Miss Lottic Abrens sang swectâ€" ly "The Thought of You." Mr. and Mrs. Mc‘aughey left on an extended wodding trip. > We will send absolutely free, for FREE the asking, postpaid, one of our emmmmusmeem . la"5t Siâ€"page books (with inâ€" sert), on the‘ common discases of stock and poultry. Tells how to feed all kinds of heavy and light horses, colts and marcs, milch cows, calves and fattening steers, also how to keep and feed poultry so that they will lay as well in winter as in summer. It contains 360 recommends from all over Canada, from people who have used our goods. No farmer snould be without it. w You can fatten cattle and hogs in a month‘s lees time by usinz our Royal Purple Stoek Specific than you could possibly do without it, sesscecsssesecec0ccese220ee0e0ec08e 2 Hymeneal ecesecszcecceccecrcscscseczmeme ROYAL PURPLE Stock & Poultry Specifics to make a large paekage, entirely different from any on the market at the present time. Royal Purple Stock Speâ€"ific. 50c pekgs.: fou 80e pek@s.. in an airâ€"tizht tin. for ©1.50. Royal Purple Poultry Svecific. 25c and hC pekes.. and $1.50 airâ€"ticht tins that ho! Toronto‘s school inspertors recomâ€" iwended the addition of 176 rooms to the schools four 50e pekrs. Royal Purple Lice Killet, 25¢ and 50e tin» 30e by maoil. Royal Purple Gall Curs, 28e and 50e tin«:; 3( Royal Purple Sveat Liniment, 5%e botile; 6 _ by mail | 0 â€" oo mail. Royal Purple Dicin/ectant. 28e and 50e tins. Roval Purpic Roup Cure. 256 timna: 30¢ b Royal Purple Worm Powics, 25¢ tins ; #93 ty Royal Purple Couth Cure, 50e tin; 606 P Heller, J. L. Eidt, Berlin." Coldâ€"Sores Are your hands chapped, cracked or sore? . Have you "cold cracks" which open and blieed when the skin is drawn tight? Have you a cold sore, frost bite, chilblains, pr a "raw‘" sore, frost bite, chilblains, pr a "raw"" place, which at times mkth agony for you to go about your household duties? If so, Zamâ€"Buk will give you relief, and will heal the frostâ€"damaged sakin. Anoint the sore places at night, Zamâ€"Buk‘s rich healing essences will sink into the wounds, end the smartâ€" ing, and will beal quickly. Mre. Yellen, of Portland, says : "M; hands were so sore and cnckeduut[‘. When 1 did so sbaz would smart and burn as if I had them. 1 seemed uite unable to get relief from anything gr on them until I trich-m-Bh-:i it succeeded when all elso failed. It closed the big cracks, gave easo, soothed the inflammation, and :’. very short time hcaled my hands." was vqon' to put them near water, When 1 iid -oPthgy would smart and réby saving a month‘s feed and labor and McCAUGHEYâ€"WALPER Obituary Manufactured only by BANIEL BAKER ~ Mr. Robt. Wood left on Thursday on a business trip to England. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jacques have arrived in Los Angeles, Cal., after an extended trip #hrough the Southern ‘The friends of Mrs. F. W. Sheppard will regret to learn that she is conâ€" fined to the house through . injuries sustained in a fall on Friday evenâ€" extended trip #hrough the Southeru tolis in Toronto for the past fow| The wiring was commenced at the Matee. ic t ’lml:ron?;-.‘:iï¬ the Fo:l :- :lt lrflr;':‘;tl‘:ol. Brealau. Mr. Hugo Wellein left for Winnipeg 4 at a Ilemh:‘:mubehupolth“l- tor Car Co. His many friends Rere|adioining the corporation in Pine tipeg _ Branch _ of the Consolidated will congratulate Eden on his well|Bush. Already many farmers are in Rubter Co. |dr.nd promotion. nu::h- of â€" partial service accordâ€" ‘The friends of Mrs. F. W. Sheppard ‘ At the meeting of the Finance Comâ€" ::‘tw:ï¬m«:t‘. mbm will regret to learn that she is conâ€" Wittee of the,Berlin Council. Thursâ€"| jpq commissiofiers are gr°Stly CDâ€" fined to the house through injuries GaY deputation representing the Vit|courgeed, as many new subscribers sustained in a fall on Friday evemâ€" torian Order of Nurses and the BeTâ€"‘ars yoluntarily offering to Contfact ing. ; linâ€"Waterloo Hospital addressed thejfof Lovg, J ;, es â€" * ..__‘ membe‘s r specting the annual grants. a. It is expected 4* Mr. and Mrs. M. Reidel, 440 King ‘The former delegation were sUccessful| yoer pupdred patrons ain be Heted, St., W., Borlin,. were at home to th8iT in s.ezring an increase from $150 to four hundred patrons will be listed, frien‘s on Friday evening. A pleasâ€" $200, and the latter from $2500 to which will mean welephones at a renâ€" ant evening was spent in games, PFOâ€" . $2750.â€" ‘The Hospital representatives|neguangmnan of the aogi O C . hrShandman of the s6il: Mr. Alf. V. Armbrust left Monday requested that the grant for 1913 be m;‘x a business _ trip to Detroit alltl!i!'â€"'lu-*’fll 4y $3000. â€" a T iAng ::;-Oho. for the Berlin Vulcalut-! Psof. De LufÂ¥, of Torouto Universâ€" mm m ‘ â€" |ity, was the speaker at the joint Mr. C. H. Mills, M.P.P., and Mrs. meeting â€" o% the Women‘s Canadian mmxno“ Mills left for Toronto on â€" Monday Club and of the Waterloo County F to be present at the opening of the Canadian Club. His address on m w"m Legislature. They have engaged a ‘‘The Political Situation in Ireland" suite of rooms at the â€" Arlington, was timely â€" and instructive and was tam= which they will occupy during _ the listened to with undivided interest by|_ COWStOgo, Feb. 3.â€"The homb of session. | a goodâ€"sized and appreciative audiâ€" in)‘:!t :l“l‘:e e:?.o(“;:d K‘"flï¬hfl‘gh a a 3 M d . g re was on Saturâ€" Mr. S. 0. Schmitt left for Philaâ€" i®@t AltBOU®® 8 Warm sUPDOTICT O‘ / usy the â€" @cene of the celebration of delplfia where he will attend the 33r4 HOMe Rule the sPeaker was emineMIÂ¥ ,, {.. /. annuar Convcation of The Intermation. 8i snd impartial in his representaâ€" TT Silfet wedding. There were Preâ€" al Custom â€" Cuttere‘ Association of HOR Of the subject whith is the eteat se son of ogt shoat 15 coone To: ‘ s ssue in ritis t * Americs to be held in the Hotel Wat. fitite Jn _ British politics at. the miâ€" . SOP ds 9L C000 ARbDE, 10. AUBNCEL to Berlin, where they will be a disâ€"‘ °_‘ n hnas tinct acquisition to musical, . social | ard business curcles, and B mosti Wulanl f Soonn oo en i hictecy CC the . . The: intelligence was received by ‘ anager of the new branch °fmr'eliti' in Befii â€" § new Molsons Bank at Berlin. yes in Berlin on Thursday .. â€"of * i the death ef a â€" former wellâ€"known A srecial meeting of the Board Of Berlin resident, Mr. Frank Albright, ‘ He@th _ was held Monday to Conâ€" which took place on Wednesday evenâ€"‘ sider the suggestion of Mayor Fischâ€" ing at the home of his sonâ€"inâ€"law, er of Waterloo that public gatherings Mr. George Hause, Rochester. _ The be prohibited in Berlin as well @s deceased suffered a paralytic stroke| Waterloo. The smallâ€"pox situation in last November from the effects . of| this city was not considered â€" scrious which he never fully recovered _ afd enough to take this step and no acâ€" during the past month has been con-} tion was taken. fined to his bed. _ _ â€" oo Mrs. D. Shamnon Bowlby was the hostess at a very charming _ and largely attended tea at her beautiful home, Margaret Avenue, on Tuesday altérnoon, when she was ably assistâ€" ed in recceiving her guests, by her mother, Mrs. Barnes, Mrs. D. S. Bowlby and other relatives. The rooms delightfully spacious and | atrâ€" tistic with all their lovely ornaments etc., were further beautified by quanâ€" tities of lovely flowers arranged with charming effects. The pretty tea table, which was done in bright, fragrant roses, was presided over by Mrs. J. M. Scully and Miss â€" Jackâ€" son, who were assisted in serving by a number of young ladies, who were most attentive in looking after . the comfort of the guests. â€" Mr. S. 0. Schmitt left for _ Philaâ€" delplia wsere he will attend the 33rd anmnual Convention of The Internationâ€" al Custom Cutters‘ Association of America to be held in the Hotel Walâ€" ton, Philadelphia, this week. Mrs. Carrie Becker, of New Hamâ€" burg, left a few days ago for Alberâ€" quarque, New Mexico, to spend some time with her brother, _ Mr. Wm. Bauer ° and bis family. Mrs. Becker intends _ to siend a few days en route with _ her sister, Mrs. Kauvfman, of Peru, Indiâ€" /E Turn idle hours into To concrete l Mr. and Mra ®. T. Musachnsn ol Toronto m“m a h':n bï¬ mor their “'tvlila'.’ Mr. Mussâ€"lman E- u:':: the Inuspector‘s staff of Canadian Cusâ€" The late >c. Albright was born in Jordan about 72 years ago and came to Berlin from Campde® thirty years ago and was empoyed for many years at the factory of the J. Y. Shantz Button Co. After the death of his wife in 1905 he retired _ ard moved to Rochester where he resided with his daughter. Three _ childrenâ€" survive, two daughters and one son, Mrs. George Hause, Rochester, N. Y., Mrs. J. B. Kreason, Preston, and Daniel, of Montreal. Agother daughâ€" ter, Mrs. D. B. Detweiler, died here in 1893. The deceased was of a kind and industrious disposition and | his death will be greatly regretted by a wide citcie ol friends. The {rncral of the late Francis Alâ€" bright, who passed away in Rochesâ€" to~, N. Y., took place on Saturday from the residence of Mr. D. B. Detâ€" weilr, Ahrens street, to the _ East Fnd Cenytery. The services at the house and grave were conducted . by Fev. H. W. Crews. "The Homeland" was impressively rondered by a quarâ€" t.tts #rom the Trinity Methodist cho‘r, Mrs. Poï¬ock. Miss Kolb â€" and Messrs. Hilbotn and Devitt. 45â€" â€"\% The commissiofiers are greatly enâ€" couraced, as many new subscribers are voluntarily offering to contract for service. It is expécted within one year after the line is built that fully four hundred patrons will be listed, which will mean welephones at a renâ€" tal well within the means of ove.ry' hrShandman of the s6il: | throughout the following month, will mean the plecing of the system â€" to mmflflq‘ & commenced at the ‘The was extreme point of the Township farth Rev. H. P. Hansen, of St. Matt hews Lutheran church Were, of which Mr. and Mrs. Kurschinsky are mem bers, off.ciated at the ceremony, and râ€"tied the knot wiich made Mr. and Mrs. _ Kurchinsky, man â€" and wife twentyâ€"five years ago. Concstogo, Feb. 3.â€"The homb of Mr. and _ Mrs. Fred Kurchinsky, a half mile east of here was on Saturâ€" day the @cene of the celebration of their silver wedding. There were preâ€" ® nt besides their two daughters and one son of Galt, about 40 guests, be ing nsar rclatives from Galt," Berlin, Stratiord, Elmira and other places. . The presents which Mr. and Mrs. Kutsthinsky received were very beauâ€" t‘ful and expensive and showed the bhigh esteem they are bheld by their friends. L l The time passed all too quikly in games and songs and all repaired to their respective homes with the wish that M*. and Mrs. Kurschinsky . may be spared many more years of happy married life, and that they may ‘ be petnfitted to câ€"lebrate in twentyâ€"five yeats their golden wedding in . the presence of their many friends and reâ€" At the rveting of the Waterloo Township Council on Saturday that body was waited upon by the Police Trustces of Bridgeport, who asked the Councils co operation in Securing a s;stem of street lighting for Berâ€" latives. win‘s Insge WANT LIGHT IN BRIDGEPORT Inszector Trustee explained that it was their intention to install sevenâ€" teen S‘reet lights of 100 c.p. each, the current for which would be furnâ€" ished by the City of Berlin. The Council was disposed to extend evely assistance possible to Bridgeport but deferred definits action until it could be ascortained what legal steps it was nâ€"eâ€"ssary to take to raiss the necessary funds. CELEBRATION__â€" IN CONESTOGO The accompanying summary gives in brief form the business transacted by Berlin Council at the regular meetâ€" ing on Monday evening. ‘There was practically no discussion during the session, the ninety minutes _ being occupied largely in routine work. Quite a grist of communications were submitted for the consideration of the various committees at their mext meetings, and _ several deputaâ€" tions were beard, whose requests wiil receive the attention of the Finance Committee. Nearly all the standing committees presented reports which were adopted without debate. | The report of the special committee appointed to fix the salaries of the ‘mufldw officials was _ presented, which was also adopted with only one member, Dr. Hets, opposed. _ The total increase of the salaries . for this year, compared with last, will amount to about ‘$1600. BERLIN COUNCHL MAY ERECT _ __ _ ANOTHER STORY TO MARKET _ BUILDING FOR PUBLIC HALL Market Committee Instructed to Secut@ Estimate of Cost to Provide Berlin ; With an Auditorium s It was 8.10 o‘clock before Mayor +99 2 Euler instructed the Clerk to proâ€" Instructed Market Committie ceed with the business owing to ¢ to secure estimates for the there not being a quorum when he erection of another storey to took the chair at 8 o‘clock. All the the Market building for a pub~ members were in attendance exceptâ€" lic hall. * ing Alds. Habn and Schwartz. The $. Increased garbage rates to latter is comfined to his home _ on $2.00 per year,. also the ‘mccount of a severe cold. \ sprinkling and oiling rates â€" by f ‘ € oneâ€"malf cent per foot â€" frontâ€" for a grant of $1000, which is $100 tnore than last year. It was pointed out that this is necessary in order to keep up the standard of the band. It will be compulsory to pay . from one to two hundred dollars per year to the new bandmaster. Referred to Finance Committee. Secretary F. H. Illing, of the Berlin Musical Society wrote asking County Clerk Bowman submitted the first account rendered . by _ the County to Berlin as this city‘s share of County administration amoumting to $3,550.20. next meeting. WHY make butter during the winter months when [ . you can ship your cream to us and receive the [ highest market price? $ We furnish free cans and pay express charges. | â€" We test and weigh each shipment on arrival and send you a statement for same. . Our cheques are issued oevery two weoeks and cashed at par. Write us for any further information you may require zopm eard will bring you to give this system a BENTOK 8T. = @ = Want Increased Grant. County‘s Account. HICHEST PRICE FOR CREAN. post oard wlllbrlu'y.'ou a can and enable I 8 ) give this system a fair trial. o :3 THE BERLIN CREAMERY CO. 4 ‘Assistant Miss A. Gauntley 650 past of Amersics. m“.-‘ Sanitary Inspector, J. G. Buch .+ Market Clerk, M. Mikel «........ RBURE :ssicrres cesricsers Assessor, W. Cairnes . Assessor, M. Rideli ... Medical Health Officer, UHIAWEBO 2soâ€";, wiirives erfresivnss Soliciters, Millar‘ & Sims ... 23