wookly. Emu ar 2y eet pootade prepara. "Bole ) $61Brmaduay, F St. W;nle.w. l!g.'t > Te folMowing _ despatch‘ from Didsâ€" Ury, Aita., will he of interest to a M number of Chronicleâ€"Telegraph Royal Purple Worm Powsier, 25¢ tins ; 1 E‘ was played 3,000 times ‘ on an Edison Phonographâ€"and gave just as true i and Sweet a reproduction the last time as the first .\ This was not an endurance | tone after countless playings i.†for mere hardness. It I-as it is when new. Your s was an endurance test for | Edison dealer will play iqnlity of reproducâ€" some of these wonâ€" . tion â€"to find if the derful records for you i; Blue Amberol would on an Edison Phonâ€" i be as far superior to ograph. Ask him _all other records in to do so today. â€"Joseph E. Staufier, M.P.7., of Didsâ€" , was â€" the unanimous choice . of ) liberals of this riding as candiâ€" ‘The convention was well attended. e&Dite the cold anc unfavorable weaâ€" Dr. Clark, MP., delivered a _ very iferesting address upon dominion is les, dealing principally with _ the ‘rnpaign for widet markets and the Â¥Y question. . tion â€"to find if the derful records for y« ; Blue Amberol would on an Edison Pho i_be as far superior to ograph. Ask hi ; all other records in to do so today. A ‘Thomas A. Edion, lac., 100 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J., U. S. A. .‘ _A colpplete line of Edison Phonegraphs and Records will be foung at ‘All the . E. STAUFFER _ NOMINATED heW. A. Jenkins Mfg. Co. © London, Canada Royal Purple suppincs and _ Book ts may be ebtaincd from A. and E. I“llor. J. L. Eidt, Berlin.‘ » time by using our Royal Purple Stock #eifie than you could possibly do without it, r saving a month‘s feed and labor and 4 to you will not be more than $1.50 for j or $1.00 for ome steer. 1t will keep ! in show condition with ordinary L _If you have a poor, miserableâ€"lookâ€" ; mnimal on your place try it on this one it and see the marvelious result which will ebtained. Our Stock Specific wil‘ increas Â¥ milk flow three to five lbs. per cow | per y, while being fed in the stable. A 500 'hp will last a cow or horse 70 days. ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPECIFIC 1 make your hnx::r just us well in the nter 3s in the su . and will keep them e fromm disease. These goods are pure and aduiterated. We do not ume any chcap filler mpake a large package, entirely different n any on the market at the present time. | fight borses, colts and mares, milch cows, fes and faitening stecrs, also how to keep | feed poultry so that they will lay as well winter as in summer. It contains 360 mumends from all over Canada, from people ) have used our_zoods. No _farmer should be e for the provincial legislature at mnext provincial clection, at the wention which was held here . toâ€" , One of Thomas A. Edison‘s new ent. r. Stauffer addressed the delegates an hour, reviewing in interesting ion the work done by the governâ€" t throughout the province and in "ltble Disinfectant, ?5¢ nnd 50¢ tins. Purple Roup Cure. 25¢ tins ; 30e 1 on the common diseases of stock and .. Tells how to feed all kinds of heavy ean fatten cattle and hogs in a month‘s Purple â€" YAL PURPLE k & Poultry Specifics about seventy _ delegates wer Waterloo County Boy Candidate for Alberta Manufactured only candidates We will send absolutely free, for the asking, postpaid, one of our large 64â€"page books (with inâ€" Legislature ooo L e Amberol Records e . HGZs & sketch and deseription mas n salmainle" C narmnmmiens J..G. DOERSAM KING STREET VvER 65 YEARS® P EXPERIENCE ‘Trave Manks nominated by € relit are â€" all signs of the system being clogged. The Liver and Bowels ate inattive and . the Stomach is â€" weak from undigested foods and. foul gases. FIG PILLS. 4 ed but Mr. Staufler, ww« electâ€" ed unanimously. Â¥ir. S exy7 though not very anxious for the lofor,{ acâ€" cepted the nomination and the general opinion is that â€" he will be reâ€"elected by a very Jarge majority. LIVER SPOTS, PIMPEES, _ DARK CIRCLES UNDER THE EYES. the great fruit â€" remedy, will .make you feel like a new person. Winnipeg, June 27th, 1912. Aiter _ taking three boxes of your Fig Pills for stomach and liver trouâ€" ble; I feel strong and well and â€" able to do my own work. ~ Mrs. A. H. Saulter. Scld â€" at all _ dealerg in 25 and 50 cent boxes or nailed by The Fig Pill (Co., St. Thomas, Ont. ulc e | e | : po 4 znc cwwm $ mm enc $ SALLOW SKIN 2.00 Shirt or Drawers ~;â€" ~:â€" 1.50 Shirt or Drawers â€" â€" 1.25 6t 66 s â€" Midâ€"winter Oversoat and Men‘s Furnishings Sale 50c 75¢ 20 18 16 12 10 5 pants for 3.75 3 pants for 2.25 All winter goods must be sold. _ Look over the reductions below.= ~ Men‘s Overcoats and Sults, Reduced 1â€"4 _ || _ > Boys‘ Oversqats and Suits Reduced 14 QOvercoats and Suits â€"â€" â€" â€" $15.00 10 Overcoats and Suits °â€" â€" â€" > â€" _ Overcoats and Suits â€"~ â€" â€" $13.50 P it _ "t 2 . 4) &8 Overcoats and Suits â€" â€"â€" â€" $12 5 w eoCou C bo c c o C‘ _ Overcoats and Suits â€", â€" â€" $9 ats Kss C ) Overcoats and Suits â€" â€" â€"â€" $7.50 Boys‘ Bloomers and Klll@k.l't Reduced 1 Job lot of Men‘s Overcoats and Suitsâ€"4.98 1.50 Bloomers, 1.25 1.00 Bloomer: | ' | i mt c 75¢c Knickers, 50c > Men‘s Pants Reduced 1â€"4 job lot of Boy‘s Overcoats at 3.49 ants for 2.25 â€" $2.50 pants for $2 Men‘s and Boys‘ Underwear, 20; Reduction 66 66 66 «SMASH | where some of the wen ‘who have contracted the disease are -.lï¬ the authorities would have: to | the factories. The outbreak may go on for several months i#f proper measupes are not taken. He was glad ‘to: notg that the schools had been closed and advised the closing of the churches; moving picture theatre and the proâ€" hibition of publi¢ gatherings for three or four weeks as these were distrib uting points. ______~ . ; 4 stringent measures as there much intermingling. If the ease was vaccination, and ,it was ab solutely the only way to stamp:: out smalipox. _ He noted that a procly: mation had beoen issued and they want ed it to be obeyed. Every _ citizen should become vaccinated. He learyâ€" ed that there were many opposed who declared that it was only a mild type of smalipor and that they would rather have it than be: vaccinated! By taking this stand they were a menace not only to the town but tq the outside public and to the prov ince, and at the same time runng 4 big risk of getting smallper. £ Vaccination was usually : done an the left arm and if the arm â€" was thoroughly cleansed and due _ care‘ taken in vaccinatieg little discomfort need be suffered by those vaccinated} RBeing vaccinated, ‘he said, was an absolute protection against smallpox;, Some do vontract it after vaccinaâ€" tion, but bhave it in greltly'MiM‘ form. He cited an instance _ where of 335 who had smalipox only 4 lpd‘ been vaccinated. In anothier . case where smalipor bad occurred in _ ai family of seven five who had Mn‘ vaccinated did not contract it, while theâ€" other two who were not vaccinâ€" ated took the disease. 7 _ He appealed to employers of labor to see that ‘their employees were vacciâ€" nated, amd also to the parents to see that their children were vaccinated. Childree must be vaccinated _ before ‘they could return to school. 654 If all precautions were taken _ the disease could be stamped _ out . in three or four weeks. . District Inspector â€" Dr. "McKally referred to changed in the act made last year. A Board of Health now consisted of the Mayor, two ratepayâ€" ers and the Medical Officer of Health, and the last named had the full powâ€" ers of the Board in carrying. out the _ Necessity of, Vaccinatiqn. ; The main thing to check the _ dis~ 46 66 66 Dr.. McNally. COMMENCING SATURDAY, JANUARY 25th U â€"WILDFANGS â€" GREAT 4+ 36 bmiits n _ _AVLI. ~_ <VV ldlLeld EI" FAALN U â€" 1 t 1 l We dere ipmplod a D Cofe fevter s Bhcoic Catee MiL. . Th un viou 4 the e enough people who will agree with us that Fresh Roasted Coffée has s Fl;?b:r‘er:aees geï¬er, ie::trgnger and mmm‘il.y goes ‘further than Coffee that h::h; Roasted 2 or 3 months ago. + : hx tC * _ REASONS WHY we can give you 'ET!‘ER COFFEE at the fl!ï¬ PRICE than others. £ We buy our Green Coffee direct from one of the m@mï¬ saving a Middleman‘s groï¬t. We sell it by the Ib., no ex tPtins a of no use to you. Its Coffee for your Coffee here. * ' MX ° ~DON‘T mn«t"? US THE NEXT TIME YOU NEED COFFEE. King St. We have already a large coffee trade, but we are out to double it(,i:eqnl,;e, we m ) ere are enough people who will agree with us that Fresh &uud'c e has a ‘ lavor, Tastes Better, is stronger and naturally goes ‘further than Coffee that has boeen x3 Fresh Reested Caffee Every Day ~WILDFANG 40c 1.60: + 1.20 D. BOHLENDER, GROCER 34+ Gup of Coffee ‘ â€" 50c Caps for 40c â€"~ * 394 Come Early Saturday Morning. Goodg will not last long at these prices. ‘ . ; ~Men‘s and Boys‘ Caps, 20 per. cont. off 1.00 Caps for 80c _ _ _ 75c Caps for, Men‘s and Boys‘ lined Qiqves, 20 por cent Off 1.50 Gloves for 1.20 â€" 1.25 Gloves for. 1.00 Gloves for 80c _â€"~475c Gloves for Boys‘ Bloomers and I(nlql;ors Reduced 14 Bloomers, 1.25 1.00 Bloomers, 7§e a ud 75¢c Knickers, 50c‘ > e Job lot of Boy‘s Overcoats at 3.49 â€" Waterloo ~â€" 25¢, 30¢, 35c, 40¢ and § Blended Coffee to choose from f th fporters in Cannds, thus m one or the largest Snporters in Canade thus â€"â€" 45ca lb. 16 is the Mill that Makeg Phone 205 â€" .: