by+ Agt e 4+ Mcf io a fat cry, but it was a “ with a loyal and dauntle that the late C. M. Taylor | _~*>Gpon what in those days mus been regarded as a more 0 ~hagzardous journey. The #bip, however, bravely weathe a ï¬lfll and vicissitudes of fif! *Â¥ aithough on one or two °_ Slons sha was severely shake: *_~ sulting in heavy losses, the were am Saturday able to REMINISCENT > ADDRESSES WERE DELIVERED #heâ€" occasion of the annual meetin; aud fifticth anniversary of the foundâ€" Ing of the Waterloo Mutual Fire Inâ€" sugance Company. From â€" February 13th, 1863, to January 25th, 1913, io a fat cry, but it was a sturdy “ with a loyal and dauntless crew «that the late C. M. Taylor launched ~«pon what in those days must bave been regarded as a more or _ lcess ~hazardous journey. The geod #bip, however, bravely weathered the ï¬lfl- and vicissitudes of fifty years ad, aithough on oueâ€" or two o:caâ€" Mions sh> was severely shaken, _ reâ€" sulting in heavy losses, the _ officers were am Saturday able to _ reroâ€"t ta the owners or policy holders, th* splendid total assets of $833,95%, and mrcash balance ol $113,692. This magnificent surplus at the credit of the policyâ€"holders oi ths _ company bas beem accumulated since 1897, at #hich period, through losses sustainâ€" ed in a series of conflagrations . th: unphu had been wiped out, their beâ€" ing an actual deficit of $12,356. : Interesting features ol the meeting on Saturday were the addresses in : reminiscent vein by the manager. Mr. Frank Haight, President Wm. Snider, Viceâ€"President Goo. Diebel, and Mr. P. H. Sims, of Toronto, who as a former officer of the Company was present to join in the celebraticn oi its jubilee, and others. ; ~‘The reports presented for the year fust closed were of a most satisfacâ€" tory nature. The number of policies Issued was 13,072, for a total oi $17,310,790, as compared with 13,â€" 206 :oliclen for a total of $15,439.689 in‘ 1911, bringing the total insurance in force to _ $39,083,276. Th total receipts were â€" $255,165, as compared with $341,801 in‘ 1911. _ The losses were $95.212. as compared with $77,682 the prevâ€" fous year, leaving _ net profits of $46,921.22. When President Wm. Snider called the meeting to order the following policyâ€"holders among others surroundâ€" ed the Boara table: C. A. Bochm, R. Roschman, B. E. Bechtel, _ Fred Doerfag, Dr. J. H. Webb, J. Chas. Mueller, Geo. Diebel, J. _ Addison Taylor, J. C. Haight, A. Fostcr, Waterloo, P. H. Sims, T. L. Armâ€" stroug, Toronto; _ James Livingston, Baden; Allen Bowman, Blair; J. L. â€" Saturday, January 235th, will stand but. as a memorable day in the hisâ€" #ogy ol insurance in Waterloo, being Wideman, St. Jacobs; P. E. Shantz, Preston; Thos. Gowdy, ‘Gnuelph; D. Alex. Bean, Berlin; R. Thos, _ Ort, Stratiord, and others. Directors Re;ort. _ _President â€" Snidet then supmitted the Directors report which was as follows:~â€"â€" To the Members of the Watertloo Muâ€" tual Fire Insurance Company. Gentlemen â€"On this, the occasion of the Fiftieth Annual Meeting of the Company, it would perhaps be . cn!y fitting for me _ to emphasize this fact, and to ask your attention to the especially gratifying statements _ we herewith submit of the business of the year ending the %ist of December, 1912. In the Company‘s earliee _ yvears there was a decided effort to furaish :::nuce at cost, or as nearly _ so tding to the Government‘s re quirements are $148,104.423. Comparing these figures with those of the previous statemcnt issued _ in December, 1911, ne find that the eash The additional assets. being realdue of premiwm notes uncalled are $§266,â€" 157.04. Directors Report l Meeting of Company Held at Waterloo on Saturday|iurd youe more of e itwi Was a h&l'norable Occasion~Remarkable Success ?n'u'-t"u e::"";‘n"-'-‘m Aarkse Reported by Officersâ€" inougurated in ‘this community and a MANAGER FRA NK HAIGHT Aloens: with this came the desire not been as large as the preceding| mended th> following as officers and for greater security to the _ policyâ€" year, yet when it was taken into acâ€"| members of the Congress of the Berâ€" holder. and established stability for count that the amount of insurance|lin. Waterloo and Bridgeport Chrisâ€" the Company, until now the Company in force showed an increase of nearly|tian Endeavor Uniont:â€" has a cash surplus over all fabiliâ€" a million dollars ‘as compared with Honorary Presidentâ€"Rev. Mr. Anâ€" ties of $119,592.32, and a resurve 1911, last year‘s showing was, perâ€"|drews oi St. John‘s Anglican Church. in â€" premium note capital of $266,â€" haps, quite as good. _ In referring | ‘Presidentâ€"Mr. Oscar Keffer of Trinâ€" 157.04. C ‘to the semiâ€"centennial of the Comâ€"|ity Methodist Church. ‘The to:al iumber of policies issued pany the speaker said that the Watâ€"| lst Viceâ€"Presidentâ€" Mr. E. _ D. for the year 1912 was 13,072, and etloo Mutual belonged to a _ small| Cunningham of the Waterloo Methoâ€" the total number in force on Decem, group of four cash mutual companies|dist Church. f ber 3ist was 30,101. .lorganized in Waterfloo â€" and Perth| Corresponding Secretaryâ€" Mr. Arâ€" The total amount of insurance writ counties, when the insurance business{thur Learn of the United Brethren ten during the year was $17,310,799.00 was still in its imfancy. The group Church. f and the total amo:nt in force _ is consisted .of the Gore, organized _ in Recording Secretaryâ€"â€"Miss Olive $39,083,276.00. j1839, the Waterloo, in February,|Snyder of‘ the Berlin Evangclical ‘Tke Income from, all. sources as;ls(;.'!, and the Perth Mutual in Deâ€"{Cburch * ~ ie $ ghown by the au m‘w,d qt;l u-me;.;s sub_;cember of the same year, and _ the 'l‘rtasurerâ€"-.\lr.. «Joha Smith of mitted was $255,165.01, _ and _ th Economical in 1871. All these comâ€"| Grace Congregational Church. amomt uf :‘lpt:nllt.uré 4s 8190“2 panies have been very successful.| Junior Superintendentâ€"Miss Kaatz 891.92. " ® I!n looking â€" about â€" for the â€" reaâ€"|of the Waterloo Evangelical Church. The assets, consisti ty i son of the splendid success that had + assets, consisting _ most!y O attended the Waterioo Mutual _ Mr. Members of Congress. Real Estate and Debentures, amount Di id it 5 & n AlA h+ ce iebel said it was to be found in the . to $567,795.71, ahd the liabilities "â€" two managers who had guided its desâ€"| _(To be composed of two representaâ€" cluding reserve for unearned premams tinies for fifty yearsâ€"the late C. M. tives and the President of each _ Soâ€" 4 CA jTaylor who founded the Company and |%!¢tYâ€") § m L Mn lfor years successfully â€" managed _ it,| _8 ‘A"d“_“" s Presbyterian â€" ‘Tiss and Mr. Frank Haight, the present Erma L. Green and Miss Gussie iinzinager, whose record entitled _ him| Laci@et. _ 5 mau on Cl !to a position in the front rank of fire| _ Z!0n _ Evangelical â€" Miss _ Lanra e > |insurance managets in Canada, â€" and| ND°chtel and Mr. Pletch. . as);}:! 2k oo |which position was freely _ accorded St. Jobn a Anglicanâ€"Mrs. Squibb t ‘him by those engaged in the business| 280 Mr. R. Cowan,. d [# * lof fire insurance. The speaker â€" said| Grace Ct~ngmtnona17 Miss _ Arâ€" * o. | k t {the town of Waterloo was entitled to| 102 Mager «nn Airs. Chas. Boehmer. e‘ 4* , \ {have its name perpetuated dfor _ a| United Brethrenâ€"Miss Mary Herâ€" o2 o. | _ ithousand years if for no other reason|D°C and Mr. M. Hallman. ; ~C+. | [ than for its leadership in the insurâ€" an]d:t:lu W Addieâ€"Eby Prox: m old en merne t * “(‘,Tfl'fl’llfl-ng the las," h:‘,“,. c."“‘ n-;ai..__.‘slnn..__..;x.-l aeis o eurs as was at all practicable, and _ the forded insurers a s ecurity seldem necessity of an accumulated â€" surplus equalled. was not recognized, if not_really taâ€"‘ Mr. Geo. Diebel, viceâ€"president, who booed. Experience, and a growing bas been a director of the Company business, brought larger individual for nineteen years, in seconding . the losses, ani then conflagrations, _ and motion to adopt the report, _ said these sometimes where least expected. that while the profits last year had The income from, all sources, _ as showr by the audited statements subâ€" mitted »was $255,165.01, _ and the amowunt of expengiture . was $190,â€" 894.92. The â€"assets, consisting â€" mostly â€" of Real Estate and Debentures, amount to $567,795.714, ahd the liabilities inâ€" cluding reserve for unearned premams The total amount of insurance writâ€" ten during the year was $17,310,799.00 and the total amount in force is $39,083,276.00. reserve has been in rrased by _ $16,â€" #21.22, a fairly ‘gratifying result for the vear‘s operations, and a reason for satisfaction in this year of _ «. 3biâ€" lee. The retitinz Directors are J. H. Webb, Allan Bowman, and .!. L. Wideman, all i whom are eligible for reâ€"election. In moving the adoption ol the teâ€" port, Mr. Snider, who has been a director of the Company for 238 years, said it Was indeed a pleasure for the directors to again te able to present such a satisfactory report upon the occasion of the Company‘s _ jutilee. The business oï¬ the Company during the vear just closed had been . given the usual close attermtion of the _ diâ€" rectors, and the usval careful selecâ€" tion of _ risks _ had been _ exercised, While the profits, owing to _ heavier losses, had not equalled _ those _ of 1911, which was an â€" extraordinary vear, still they gave no causa _ for complaint and he had no doubt would tbe genetally satisfactory _ to _ the policyâ€"hoiders. The large and _ growâ€" ing, cash balance ol the Company af Om lâ€"chalf of the Board HEAD OFFICE OF â€"THE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURâ€" ANCE CO. #4 + Mutual Fire Ins. Co. WM. SNIDER, President l Those present were, Moses Springâ€" er. Jacob Bricker, Jobn B. Sn‘det, ‘Nicholas â€" Killer, â€" Hartman Schnarr and Henry W. Schaefer. > | it this mecting _ Moses <â€" Springer was elected _ President, and _ Cyrus Millet Taylor, Secretary and Genera‘! Agent, and Frederick Stewart Mac (iachen, Solicitor. . At a subsequent meeting, on . the |33rd of February, I fird that _ John Hofiman resigned his position as Diâ€" ‘rector of the Company, which resigâ€" ‘nation is accepted, and Nosh Cressâ€" man is nominated in his place. that while the profits last year had|Secretary of the committee, recomâ€" The annual statement was then preâ€" sented by the Manager, Mr. Frank Haight, alter which the election . of ditrectors was held, resulting in the reâ€"election of Messrs. Allen Bow:&n, .J. L. Wideman and Dr. J. H. Webb. tury, winning for itself the distinction of the Hartiord of Canada. Iy Votes of thanks were unanimously passed to the directors and manager and office staff. These drew brief te sponses from Messre. Shantz, Bowâ€" man, Webb and Wideman. In acknowledging the vote of thanks to the manager and office staf the manager made it the occasion of a most interesting review of the history oi the Company, contrasting the methods of doing business in the early vears of thr Company and now. Mr. Haight said in part:â€" The first meeting of the Directors of the Waterloo County Mutual Fire Insurance Company was held in _ the Village of WaterlOo on Friday evenâ€" ing, FeLruary 13, 1863. (n March 7th the Board met _ at Mr. John Shuh‘s office, and it is the first mention of a name to be _ so prominently connected with the comâ€" pany The report was carried unanimousâ€" (To be concluded next weck.) ___ meagG@a@eern@o®n®@onnennr@@nenisr Caonndretrianetes veyed the greetings of the Provincial C. E. Urion, of which he was pre sident, and in the course of an adâ€" mirable address, gave many â€" helpful suggestions which could profitably be adopted by the local Uzion. ktr. Keffer and Mr. B. Brubacher were the movers of a hearty vote of thanks to Rev. Mr. MacTaggart for the very able and eloquent address given. Rev. M. 1.. Wing, pastor of _ the Evn;n;elicu Church, acted as Chairâ€" man of the meetinz and briefly _ reâ€" {erred to the object of the _ rally ani the preliminary steps which had been taken, after which be called upâ€" on Rev. Mr. McTaggart. The reports of the Nominating and Constitutional Committees were subâ€" mitted to the meeting and adopted. Honorary Presidentâ€"Rev. Mr. Anâ€" drews oi St. John‘s Anglican Church. Presidentâ€"Mr. Oscar Keffer of Trinâ€" ity Methodist Church. ed, with others who would possibly join later, could, by_ a union of their forces, accomplish many thinks _ for the advancement of the highest, ideals of Christian service, and be a power for great good in the community. The report of the Nominating Comâ€" rlxitm_). prescnted by Mr. C. S. Bean, City and !â€"ridgeport held in « Berlin Rvangelical® Cauurch, Tuesday evening, a Christian Endegvor movement was inaugurated in this community and a Unicn {ormaily orgunized. . Rev. Mr. McTaggart of Toronto,â€"President _ of the Ontario Christian Endeavor ,. UR,) oag ion, who gave a, spiritedâ€" address, &D igpy thused and inspired the young M‘“ present with his earnestness, his opâ€"| ., . ment. He predicted that by banding Grace Coengregationalâ€" Bliss Arâ€" mina Mager «nn Sirs. Chas. Bochmer. United Brethrenâ€"Miss Mary Herâ€" ner and Mr. M. Hallman. R and Mr. Irvin Schiee. Bridgeport Evangelicalâ€" Miss fliz abeth Groh and Mr. M. Wagner. Waterloo Evangelicalâ€"Mr. B. i‘ru bacher and Mr. Levi Bruegeman. Waterloo Methodistâ€"Dr. Geiger and Miss Ida Martin. Mr. Oliver of the Constitutional Commitgee presented the report of that committee. He read the constitution which had been draited and this was approved by the meeting. The organization will be known as the Berlin, Waterloo and Bridgeport Christian Endeavor Union. The executive committee will _ be composed of the officers. ‘The _ conâ€" gress of the Union who will act in an advisory capacity, will comprise two representatives and the president of each society, and will meet every two months. It is the intcemtion to hold three or more rallies a year. _ Proâ€" vision was als> made so that | any ®) Congsdnsracrarde®030 00e Za ©) At ah" enthusinstic rally. of several Ottawa, Jan. 21. â€"Parliament withessed a striking scene when Ma‘or Sharre (Conservative) was comcluding his speech of _ revolt on the Bank Act at halfâ€"past eleven toâ€"night. The North Ontario man was following the lead of Duncan Ross, the West Middlesex Ltberal, and his declarations were greeted with approval (by the coterie of Ontario Conservatives who surrounded him at the back of the chamber, while the Ministers sat in the front benches alone and in silence. The Ministers present conferred anxtously with Hon. Mr. White, while Chief Conser vative Whip Stanfield fliitted uneasily between Ministers and members. When Major Sharpe concluded no less than seventeen fellowâ€"Conservatives accompanied hira from the House Messrs. Demers and Carvell, both Liberals, followed _ Major Sharpe in an arraignment of the Finance Minister‘s proposals. Mr. Carvell asked that a Poyal Commission be appointed to investigate the whoie question before the bill passed. * Constitution Adopted. Reports Submitted. Officers of Union. A Striking Scene | Slowly but sutely it has come ‘be a r.cognized fact by both the peoâ€" In all our experience with hair tonâ€" ies There is one that has done â€" more toward gaining â€" our confidence than amy other. We really believe this re medy, known as. Rexall ©93" . Hair ‘ome is so supefior to other PreParaâ€" tions _ that we ofier it to you with our rersonal and unqualified promisce tâ€"at if you use it and it doesn‘t froâ€"e in every way satisfactory . to you, we will, upon your mere request at our store, return to you the monâ€" cy you paid us for it. â€" started again. It was then that 1 dccldéd to try SANOL, of which I bad both read and heard." After takâ€" ing two bottles I felt very much betâ€" ter and my condition rapidly improvâ€" ed. When I had taken the contents of eight hottles, I felt better than 1 had done for years for my _ kidney troub‘e had entirely left me. It is now about three months since L fin ished with the medicine and I am enâ€" joying theâ€" best of. health." The address of the gentleman . who wrote the ahove will be given to any who mgay énquire. _ The makers © of SANOL . are able to give a large number of addresses of people who will give to inquirers similar testiâ€" mony as to the benefits they have deâ€" rived from the use of this edy . SANOL is manufactured only . by COMPANY LTD., 977 Main â€" strest, the â€" SANOL â€" MANUFACTWRING Winnipeg. It may te p by any drug store or direct the makers at $1.50 per bottle. of evres to its credit and its makers have received many strofig. festimonâ€" from a gentleman who resides in Winnipeg and who is wellâ€"known . as a most reputable citizen. This letter reads in part as follows : * ‘‘For scme years past I had suferâ€" ed from my kidneys. About â€"13 months ago I had acute infammation of th se organs, when I was ordered to brd by the medical man attending we. _ I received consideratle _ relief but after a few months the trouble ials as to its power. One af these Rexall ©93" Hair Tonic acts scieeâ€" tifically destroying the germs which are usually responsible for baldness. It acts to penetrate to the roots of the hair, stimulating and nourishing them. It is a most pleasant _ toilet nccessity, is delicately perfumed, and will n6t gum nor permanently _ stain the hair. * It doesn‘t require a Sherlock Holâ€" Here Are Facts We Want You to Prove at Our RKisk. vent the hair from falMng out and promote an éncreased growth of hait and in every way give entire satisfacâ€" tion, tome back and tell us,â€" and get your money back. Two sizes, 50c. and $1.00. _ Sold only at our storem the Rexall Store. A. G. Hachnel. We want you to get a boitle . of Rexall ©93" Hair Tonic and use \$# as directed. _ If it does not relieve scalp irritation, remove dandruf preâ€" STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS mes â€" to detect the veiled motive of the merchant who turns to his own profit your willingness to be led, who capitalizes your lack of firmness and conviction by persuading you to | a¢â€" cept a substitute or imitation, when his . only motive is a few additional other Societies who desire to . join can do so at any time. _ _ Several enjoyable musical numbers were furnished by the Choir of the Evangelical Church and a _ ladies‘ Chorus, which were much appreciated . IT GROWS HAMR 1913. Increase. 191 QONTARIO ........2l..... l2..l222..22.222..5 00 ... $195,135.33 $86,1417 . 386 NUESEE ... we...â€"â€".. :s snn +. 199,10L 10 811. Pâ€".E. ISLAND .:a..... .ccsccsc oprpre ce . $6,1809â€"86 . J, _ 81,1903; N. BRUNSWICK ... ... l..00.l m ~41,500.93 ug, 64,1 ALBERTA ... .cs ces smm s 46,004.95 _ §.210 46. B. COLUMBEA ... ......... .2.2222l00, 220 47,334.106 _ 5467 u,ru‘l MANITOBA ......, cce ce wl e _ $1,730.05 6,346 . . 77,114.09 NOVA: SCQTIA |........ ;.2222 oi i. 5$4,388.45 0 6,858 â€" $1,719.21 SASKATCHEWAN ... ... .222 2222.. $1,396.239 _ 6,859 81,13303 Ome of the exceptions mentioned is an annual grant of $20,000 to evâ€" ery Provinse, regardless of populatio n. y Carefully Prepared Speech. Patliament listened toâ€"night to the voice of Martin Burrell, Minister . of Agriculture, and to the mind of C. C. James, the Dominion‘s bestknown constructlive agriculturist. It was a constructive agriculturist. It was a lack of knowledge." His effort carefully prepared speech, which bore @reeted by hearty applause from throughout traces of Mr. James‘ Sides of the House. . in a mu s $ statesmanship and preaching. the Dominion provides the means and\ Federal Money, Provincial Work. . looks to the Provinces to do het . ‘The Mimister of Agriculture preâ€" work. ‘The practical benefit will d srnted to the House in succinct and pend on the spirit in which the : lucid style the Government‘s policy of vincial Governments carry out the| agriqulitural education by means of Federal intention. .. phe Galt, Jan. 23.â€"The death occurred at 3« p‘clock this morning, of Charles Rabcosk, at the residence of his sonâ€" inâ€"law, S. Misen@r, Cameron street. Deceased was in his 86th year and was torn on a farm on the Sheffield road a few miles from Galt. The late Mr. Babcock had been dangerousâ€" ly ill only since last Sunday, and his death was rather unsxpected. Deâ€" ceased was married 62 years ago to Romie Jane, Douglas, of North Dumâ€" fries, who predecemsed him six years fries and Beverly and lived a year or so at Berlin.> Simâ€"e vae death of his life partnerihe had been living with his daughter here. Deceased is surâ€" vived by a family of five. He was well known j throughout the _ entire countryside,} principally for the fact that he t ed grain and flour along the Stone J;oad between Hamilton and Galt béfore the railroads _ were built. In religion deceased was . a Baptist, and in politics a _ Liberal. Ottawe, Jan. 24.â€"With the exmï¬m noted in the accompanying port, the Provinces will share as on.oothomd’*h. the $10,000,000 scheme for aid to ag riculture:~â€" s Th‘s ofience is esp«tially grave when for bodyâ€"developmentâ€"mental well known preparations for restoring strainâ€" ical chm‘et\ f 7 health are concerped and it is com s“up’hys&c L ‘ L is &; monly known that substitutes offered eatest b:dyde‘rm)'n it for Scott‘s Enmulsion contain alcohol, gr alure‘s wh 4 yot win*s _ and opiates _ when in reality | [ nk ure‘s wholesome strengthâ€" such ingredients ate detrimental rathâ€"| [ Makerâ€"without alcohol of cr. than beneficial to healthâ€"and _ the stimulantâ€"makes rosy checke, oil used in many inferior brands, is | [§ ctive bMood, eturdy frames and made rancid and impure from carcless | [§ #0=nd dodies. * handling and _ cxposurse to clements. j But you â€"'&L SCOTT®S rights and declare your â€"independence cen‘s in frofit. On thr other hand, it is a compliâ€" ment to hlz! intelligence of the cusâ€" tomer who rebukcs with dignity . the man who says : ‘Yes but hete is something just as good." ‘ ,CIIARLES BABCOCK. Dominion Express an Exptems Office where "Orâ€" ders‘‘ may be cbtrimed, and in almost every town there are branch Offices located in the Ask Any Express Agentâ€" You‘ll be met with a prompt and courteous explanation of why an Express Order is the safe and simple way to send mohey by mail. Thousands of dollars go astray annually by carelessness in rem’m’ oney. _ When a few s for an Express Order will avoid ‘oss and ensure the safe delivery o’ your remittance, isn‘t it, to put it mildly, poor judgment not to use them ? C Your local agent will show you how easy it is to obtain an ‘ [E;;-reu Order, The security of your money is &olutely guaranteed mmons by Hon. Mr. Burrill, M ' ister of Agriculture _ .== hen you remit by farmed in Dumâ€" MO 1e tj Orders and Foreign Cheques . »# é [ Fire in = s _ * the expenditure totalling $10,000, during the next ten years, designed increase the rewards of ‘"‘ce honest, laborious toil on the now too ofter misditected t Hudson‘s Bay Comp\ly'l store w gutted by fire Friday\afternoon w a loss of $95,000. John ‘Dodime: manager _ of the carpet departme was badly burned in escaping. Th Portage La Prairie, Jan. 25.â€" Scott‘s Emln‘g:‘: the: greatest bodyâ€"builder â€"it is nature‘s wholesome strengthâ€" makerâ€"without alcohol of stimulantâ€"makes rosy checks, active blood, sturdy frames and If your child. is weary . risingâ€"lacks energy nqdu bitionâ€"has ifo appetite of possibly sallow skin or a pi faceâ€"it is for want of vital nourishment; this growing period demands special, conâ€" centrated, easily digested food should have 1 and .'’ withstand cold rains, changing seasons and winter storms. $5 and under â€" = Orer $$ to 810 â€" " 10 9+ . $0, ‘at ourne rates. RATES 18