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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 30 Jan 1913, p. 9

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_‘ ‘Thefe will be sold by public auction â€" ou the premises ofi the undersigned, 2 gt east of _ New _ Hamburg, on ‘s Road, Lot No. 19, on ,z’-fln‘ at two o‘clock p.m. the ing valuable property, Yiz.:â€" Hotses :â€"General purpose horse risâ€" ‘ing 7 years old, 2 driving bay rvires rising 9 years old and 6 years old, ! driving bay horse rising 5 years old, 1 beaty Bay Gelding rising 3 â€" years . ‘Housebold _ Efiects :â€"1 srfall table, ;1â€"single bed complete, 3 tedstcads, 2 ireckers, corner cupboard, one ~ dosk, five kitchgn â€" chairs, one lounge, _3 benches, one kitchen table, one wash sub, _ ane â€" meat bartcl, ons chutn, ‘small beating stove, summer kitchen stove, sausage â€" grinder, stufier, lard â€"press noew, sink, spic cupboard, . one Aron â€" kettle new, one copper kettle, ;one stretcher _ with springs new, one ~double beater, tw â€" milk cans, on National _ cream sepatator, quantit}'l““”l CGeneral Meéting of the Dominâ€" iof clovet hay, 200 bush mangels, quanâ€", ion Life Assurance Company will be tity of ensilage, and maany other arâ€"! held _ at the Head Office, Waterloo, ticles too numerous to mention. Ontario, at the hour ot hali past one ; o‘clock in the afteinoon on _ Friday, Real Estate February 1ith, 1913, for the purpose . At the same time and place the fine; of recciving the Aunnual Report of the farm will be offered for sale (if not! Directors, _ for the _ Election _ of previously sold), compnising 99 acrcs, . Dircctors, and Auditors for the ensuâ€" & acres of which is hardwood bush ing year and for the transaction . of and 10 acres sown in fall wheat suitâ€" any othcr business that may propetly able jarm for dairy or stock. _ Fitst come before the mecting. Prra Bred _ Holstein Cattie :â€"Cow supposed to calye May 5th, cow supâ€" posed to calve Feb. 10th, cow _ supâ€" posed to calve March 28th, cow supâ€" posed to calve July 23ith, heiffer supâ€" posed to calve May 7th, heifer _ supâ€" posed to calve _ July 4th, heifer supâ€" posed to calve Aug. 9th, 3 hcifer calâ€" Â¥es rising 1 year old, 1 builâ€"ealve 8 mouths old, 1 bull 3 years old, Grade cattle :â€"Cow due toâ€" calve May 13th, cow supposed to be fresh by time of sale, cow supposed: to calve _ Apr. 16th, thrce {resh cows, cow supposed to calve Apr. 22n¢, 1 fat cow, one heifer calve 9 months Implements :â€"Massey liarris Bindâ€"| er, Massey Harris corn binder, Mas-:Ann“al Mm'ng sey Hartis mower 6 ft. cut, Massey smm Harris hay tatter, Doering hay rake,: NOTICE is hereby given that the Frost & Wood hoc. drill, Coulthard}|43rd Anmual Meeting of the _ Policy Scott cultivator, â€" Climax cultivator, holders of The Mutual Life Assurance scuffer, 4 section iron harrow, 2 No. Company of Canada will be held at 21 ° Air â€" plougbhs, â€" Verity 2â€"furrow the Company‘s Head Office, Waterloo, plough, land rollet, disk harrow, wagâ€"{Ont., on February 6th, 1913, at the on with box, 3 in. tire ; lumber wagâ€"i bour of one o‘clock p.m., for the purâ€" on 4 in. tire, 2 seated carriage with|pose of recelving the report of the pole and shaft, top buggie, open bugâ€" | Directors for the past year, to elect gie, rubber tire buggic nearly new,| Directors in the place of those retirâ€" juwmper cutter, cutter, pair bob‘ing. and to transact such other busiâ€" sleighs new, platiorm for ness as may properly be brought beâ€" sleighs. nair lisht sleizhs with nols; fore the meeting. 0 o TERMS :â€"Chickens, _ geesc, _ hay, foots, and all sums, of ten dollars and wnder cash ; _ over that amount . 12 months‘ _ eredic _ on approved _ joint notes or 1 per cent, for cash payment | ‘of credit amount. | Pigs :â€"2 sows supposed to pig by time oi sailc, Yorksbire Boar, 15 pigs 5 innths old, 3 geese, 1 gander, 78 white leghorn‘s chickens. . o s 21 ° Air â€" plougbs, â€" Verity 2â€"furrow plough, land rolliet, disk harrow, wagâ€" on with box, 3 in. tire ; lumber wagâ€" on 4 in. tire, 2 seated carriage with pole and shaft, top buggie, open bugâ€" gie, rubber tire buggic nearly new, jumper â€" cutter, cutter, pair bob sleighs new, platiorm for sleighs, pair light sleighs with polt and shait, grindstone, turnip pulpet, fanning mill, cutting box, 10 _ horse power with rods and cuppling, platâ€" form scals 600 cap., flat rack, 1 &ay rack, 1 _ stock rack 16 it. long, 1 stock rack, gravel planks, wheel barâ€" row, 2 sets doubls harness, 3 setis single harness, logging chain, block andâ€" tackle, extension ladder 24 ft, waggon â€" jack, buggie jack, scalding trough, buggie polc, 3 hotse â€" doubleâ€" tree, 3 sett doubletrces, neck yokes, ctowbars, ditch _ spade, forks, â€" hay knite, _ shovels, hoes, ensilage fork, scoup shovel, hall bushel measurc, 2 sugarbect nives, sythes, pickaxe, milk box, corn planter, quantity: of fence staves. sider barrel, ten cheese boxes _ with ‘wpples spy, one horse â€" robe _ unlined At the same time and place the fine farm will be offered for sale (if not previously sold), compnising 99 acrcs, § acres of _ which is hardwood bush and 10 acres sown in fall wheat suitâ€" able farm for dairy or stock. . Fitst class _ buildings, good orchard _ and spring water. _Terms of Real Fstate will be made known on day of sale. MINARD‘S LINIMENT~ CURES (GCARGET IN COWS. Wednesday, Feb. 5th 1913. A. FRASER, Auctioncer Â¥3t. A. KAUFMAN Ulsrk. Sansol‘s Antiâ€"Diakectes ts the only@®emedywhich has a record of complete cures, Price 219), most leading drngâ€" gists. Informeation and literaâ€" ture free . Â¥uE sANOL MFQ. C0., LTD DiABETES JOHN ncr,â€"a _boiler, crocks, milk ! ____ ___ TEINER Proprietor ')" The undersigned has for sale good sowre ;. seed. grain > including barlev. O.A.C. . A privat» sale of first class | milk g" Xo. 31 at $1.00 per bushel ard Liquea | route. Apply Box 472, Preston. 4â€"2t. y / and Bannor Oats anc also other vaâ€"~, oore im s comprrennnemmmmmmrenatorenmemsatine p‘rieties at 75 cents per bushel. 'l'hxs;-m. ; ‘seed is weil harvested and the hesti , on the market. Also 100 bags firstâ€" 3,class seed polatocs for sale at $1.00 :i “lc"-clm I .__per. bushel. _ Apply to ‘ } w P ANNUAL i 152 ACRE FARM. | LCattle, figs, Etc...â€"Low dile 10 calve May ith, â€"cow due .to enlve‘ Also the fine laÂ¥m of 152 acres, sitâ€"\Sept. 4th, 2 fat cattle, 3 spring ealyâ€" uated 5 miles from Preston, 8 mileS ‘es, 7 fat pigs, 11 pigs 6 months old,! from Galt. There are 23 acres sown |8 pigs 2 hs old, sow, sow > due; in of fal wheat, 50 actes in grass, 34110 pig Feb. ;nd, 30 chickens, oollie‘ acres bush, fall plowing nearly | all ,dog. done, good buildings, barn 50%60,) Implements, Etc.:â€"New _ Masseyâ€" strawshed 10x40, root cellar atudnd!lh;m binder 7 ft. cut, new Masseyâ€" to barn, 1%â€"storyâ€"brick house, driving ‘grain bags, hoes, cross out saw, Yice} shed and all necessary out buildingsâ€"| mower 5 ft. . cut, new â€" Deering bay Good running spring at balD, a SPTing|rake 10 it. wide, mew Deering cultiva> in the bush and a spring in the PASâ€" tor, steel land roller, root PuIjOt, ture field. An excellent orchard bearâ€"} disk, 2 single plows, fourâ€"section .iton ing fruit of all kinds, Rural mail|harrow, scuffier, Adam‘s wagon Comr routs. Bargain for quick sale. , ‘plete, wagon, pair bob sleighs, new HENRY LIVERGOOD, ‘lâ€"horse market democrat, set gravel 49â€"2 mos. Strasburg, Ont. jplanks, straw cutter, fanning mill, mmmcziiwâ€"â€"_â€"zzc_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"‘horse . Power, sio0k raCk, BBY rack, & * 5 â€"_ , wood rack, stone boat, 2 sets stdme _ {boat planks, 2 sets wagon harness (1 > |ncarly new), set buggy harness, neckâ€" Annual Meeting :.‘ ‘umies"sors, siovs igrain bags, hoes, oross cut saw,â€" viC@ To + vi many NOTICE is hereby gisen tmat ine SNH onl lE * bhbkets and e 43rd Anmual Meeting of the Policy | q1sop a quantity of hay and corn holders of The Mutual Life Assurance |j,u«, 199 bush. cats and several Company of Canada will be held t |eorgs of wood. sowed in fall wheat, 45 acres _ fail ploughed and balance ;30‘ land; soil good loam, well w good never {failing spring, a few rods from barn, 2 never failing wells at barn and house, with cistern, good bank barn 40 x 60, straw shed 24 x 38, cement stable, capacity 34 head of cattle, hog pen, capacity 15 to 80 hogs, driving shed, dwelling house ‘The undersigned offers for sale â€" his farm, situated 3 miles from Ir‘lz ley, on the main road leading Philipsburg, . convenient to schools and churches. The farm . comprises 100 acres, more or less, under a good state ‘of cultivation; 8 _ acres and all necessary outbuildings, good fruit trees of all kinds, rural mail delivery. For further particulars apâ€" ply on premises or to All Policy holders, regardless of the amount insured, are entitled to vote. SEED GRAIN FOR SALE â€"= hone 733â€"ring 4 DARCH & HUNTER SEED CO,, Limited rranse BI 80 pages brim full of good iKin~*‘ Conâ€" tains valuable information (or th~. fariner, market #ardener and private planter 12 CANADA 1913 Catalogue Now Read $3 4 :, s ‘- “ Im m Farm tor Sale Thos. Hilliard AGABUS W. KINZIE, Berlin, Ont w4 Aâ€"3t CGeo. Wegenast Managing Director. Presiden t ‘heim, 3 miles .southâ€"east of Petersâ€" rmws-n:ma Betâ€" ‘Min, on the Town Lime, on _ _ _ _ ___ lll;(fl‘th Town u-. “"_. Silt Wednesday, Feb. 12th, 1913 There will Be sold oy Public Aueâ€" i tion _ on the premises of the under=| There will be solf by public suction signed, 1 mile â€" northâ€"east of MaB®!on the premises of the undersigned, . heim,. 3 miles umdvm‘;;.mam.m and & Mirg andâ€" 5 milly southâ€"west of Betâ€"!miles 5t of Bamberg on ...‘ Commencing at 1. o‘clock, Pâ€"1*.]ing valuable property, viz:~ : sharp, the following valuable proPCtâ€"| Live Stockâ€"One mare, fresh Jersey ty, viz‘~â€" cow, cow due to calve in _ April Horses :â€"Heary sorfel mare 9 years farrow cow, call 1 weoks old. t old in foal, heaty bay mare 8 Yetl't’ Implements â€" Massey _ Harris old in foal, bay borse 5 years old,‘ mower 4J it. cut, culâ€" grey horse 4 yeafs old, dark bay ‘tivator _ with _ seed bos, hy.‘ horse 15 years old. ’ula. plow, gangplow, new . scuffier; Cattle, Pigs, Ete:â€"Cow due to harrow, hay rack, ladders, mfi‘ calve May ith, â€"cow _ due . to 'ealve'slbet. 2 buggies, une new, set double Sept. 4th, 2 fat cattle, 3 spring ealyâ€" harness, set single harness, iron n.eto_\ es, 7 fat Pigs, 11 pigs 6 months old,iyoke, gravel planks, scoop shovel, 8 pigs 3 nml;lhs old, sow, sow â€" dusajwheelbarzow, ~12â€"grain bags, doubles to pig Feb. 2nd, 30 chickens, collie|trees,.. forks; many other articles do" ‘02 auy 97 en t ?8:.; F 1 Houschold â€" Effects :â€"Organ, cream separator, 3 bedstcads, extension taâ€" ble, corner cupboard, New Williams sewing machine, Whatnot, chaits,, 2 centre tables, 2 rocking chairs, stand, cooking stove, churn, Urystal Peninâ€" sular Range for cout and wood. No reserve as the farm is sold.. TERMS :â€"Pigs, _ chickens, hay, grain, cornâ€"stalks, fat cattle and all sumé of $10.00 and undetr, cash ; over that amount 10 months‘ credit . on approved joint notes or 4 Per Cent. of foc cash payments of credit amounts. ALLEN W. WOELFLE, Propâ€" A. J. MICKUS, Auctioneer. i A Pertect Jewel of a Flour 4 : Mercâ€"h:ntâ€"h;il-le-r Farin Stick und Implements TFak W ANTER.â€"GOOD GENXERAL SERâ€" vant, small family, wasbing _ giverm out. Apply 100 Queen _ St., North, Berlin. 4â€"3¢. ho Lo o â€"pakalpe o e Lo ee }ece Lo e deckag ache +640 ¢p eqeoj.0{0} I _ will pay you twice a s for your money as you can get in any bank if you will write to P. 0. BOX 14 Waterioo, Ont. is what you will declare our KING brand to be after you kave given it a trial. Don‘t make the trial to easy either. _ Try it on bread, biscuits, pastries and cakes. You‘ll find it equally perfect in all. No other flour equals it in all rour.d baking excellence. HICHâ€"CLAS: SECURITY Shall we send a sack toâ€"day FOR SALE Irvin Master .o L e .{.eâ€" .;. o4 ..]. ..{. ..‘. ..x...‘...l. e4e .x. ..g. ..'. ..‘...x. ..'...’ 4â€"23t Commencing at 1 o‘clock the followâ€" ing valuable property, viz:~ _ Live Stockâ€"One mare, fresh . Jersey cow, cow due to calve in _ April, Termsâ€"Hay, graimk roots and â€" al sums ef $10.00 and under, cash;, over that amount 10 months‘ credit on apâ€" proved joint notes or 4 per cent. of for cash payments of credit amounts: CHRISTIAN DUENCH, Proprietor A. J. MICKUS, Auctioneer. + Notice to Creditors The creditors of James Turel, l:tgi of the Township of Waterloo, in the County of Waterloo, carpenter, are hereby notified that bisâ€"estate will be distributed on the thisticth day. of Januery 1913, and _ will be had only to claims of"which notice shall hate becn given in writing to Menno Turgl, 40 Carolige St., West, Berlin, Ontario before that date. Datcd at Berlin, Ont., January 2nd, 1913. 3 f : MESNO TUREL, â€"" an * Executor. 1â€"3t. Berlin. Ont. The Undersigned offers for sale a doâ€" sirable home. The farm.of Mr. Jamâ€" es Pines, of 22} acres, in the Toxnâ€" of Woolwich, Ono:m l‘ a sevenâ€"roomâ€" ed two s?&y cbicint , furnace, sumamer kitchen, wood shed, soft watâ€" ut, frame bank barn, driving house, pig _ pen, hen house, good orchard; iarm . well .%@pfln‘:. * k house and batn. same is off road Jeading fr Bloomingdale _ to Wintgtbourpe. rgfi mail; reuté. {.lz cCn ce sn clr:e mss o i. 4. LW 13t wriles East of ply carly to 3â€"1month * 3 grado Holstcin heifers, two years cld, due to calve carly in May next. 5â€"2t â€" h .3 ~ 2 Rooming House for Safe s4 25000 Buys 22 roomed . péuse, with comrniema. corner Courtiand Ave. and Ben St., Berlin. _ Large new shirt ‘factory beifg erected on same tlock. _ Immediate possessio®. $1250.b0 casb, balance secuted. E. (@. Winn, Hawkesville, Ont. , 48â€"3mo: â€"â€" IT WILL GROW _ __â€" We want TWO MORE AGENTS in this county. Thos. W. Bowman & Son Co., Ltd., Ridgeville, Ont. ED. KAUFMAN, Clerk. 3â€"3%: Thursday,‘ Feb. 6th, 1913. Nursery Stock: Farm for Sale Bowman‘s guaranteed JAMES FENTON, â€" Conestogo £ & * '.‘030 New Dun on w.e ‘M supply of hard and water,_also 84 actes orchard. For further particulars apply to f USIAH SHANTZ, dâ€"tL. * VMavysrillke. | w w . A. J. Mickus, Auctioneer Feb. 6:â€"Farfa, stock and implements of Chtistian Duenth, 1} miles sonth of St. Clements, and 2% miles north west of Bamberg. N ied Feb. 12.â€"Farm stock and implements, ol Allen W. Woelfc, 1 mile north cast of Mannbeim and 5 miles south west of Betlin. Fel:: 18.â€"famm stock and implements of Joseph Bast, } mile west: of . Et. Agatha and 3} miles east of Phillpsâ€" \_Power émy Motor, with 24 horseâ€" pbwer gasoline engine and 90 feet, of rubber hose. Can be. for sprayâ€" ing orchards or . s J Motor in first class condition â€"Apply to. . #â€"4t. of Elias Bingeman, 1 wmile morth V AaiUlaijlil 1 Giill w st of â€" Bresiau, 2 imiles east of f : Fe dgeport and 2 miles south . of . for Sale + Bloomingdale. ie 4 s wamen < > Mar. 4. Real Estateâ€"Farm . stock .. The undersigned offers for sale his . and implements of Frank Sbogq,':glnhn.-betwr known as the <Charlés â€" miles South East of Tinwood, 4| Forwell farm, situated 2 miles north . miles North West of Crosshill. of St. Clements and 1 mile â€" south Mar. 6.â€"Farm stock and implements West of Hawkesville. _ The f&rm comâ€" â€" of Eph. Frey, 1 mile North oum-mim 141 acres, more or. less, . inâ€" lav, 2 miles South of, Bloomingdale ing 14 acres busk. mostly bardâ€" â€" and 21 miles East of Bridgeport: | Wood: ‘The balance is all good workâ€" Mar. 13.â€"Farm | stock _ and inipleâ€"|Able land,. slightly rolling etcept . 2 s ot Chfrist. Frey, 1 mile South acres Wwhich is watered by> a â€" creek East of Hawkesville and 2 â€"miles which crosses the southâ€"east corner of North of Heidelberg. the farm and provides excellent pasâ€" Mar. 18. â€"Farm, stock and implements ture land. The farm is tile lll'lln‘ of John. Reittel, 2 miles southwest| Where necessary.. On the property is of St. Clemeonts and 2 miles north|2 lAfe® bank barn 74 x 50 feet, and Gll2 Jâ€"+ 26 o th ma .n I..chaes Mar.,;11.â€"Farm stock:and implements §# NMrs: C. Tudolph, 3} miles north #ast of New Dundes and %+ â€" miles west of Strasburg on Muron Hoad. Feb. 19.â€"Farm stock and implements Baden, 14 miles east of Heysvile. .‘ March 5.â€"Farim stock and imilflmfi! of Anps Griger at llolm‘nw ‘ houst _ Pownline betweet |oo‘ and Oxford, 104 13, Con. 14, Townâ€" ship of Bicfiheina. ‘ 12%.â€"Stock and implements â€"of _ ‘Ahorew Sarafv$, 34 miles south .of New Hanmbutg at Green‘s _ Sehool House. t ; March 27.â€"Farm stock _ and implov‘ ments of .John T. Otto 4 milé cast of New _ Hamburg, Lot 20, Bleams Road, North, Township of Wilmot. . â€" Auction Sales Feb. 4.â€"Farm stock and implements of John Eisler, 24 miles cast â€" of Con. 1 South Easthope. . are all in excellent repair, . havieg|tion. Good water and plontiful; Feb. 5.â€"Farm, farmstock and imPl¢â€"/lately beon reâ€"soofed. Water is supâ€"| ply. . One storcy sHank on â€" 2 g-‘t- of ‘Johth : Steiner, 14 mile$|pried byâ€" an artesian well pumped by | 11x28. Land good heavy . f Eestâ€"ofâ€" New Hembursg, LOt 19,|a power mill on the barn. At the| with clay sutâ€"soil and @6 6 Bloams Road, South, Townsbip Of|house is also hard and soft water.| Jand. _ Prico $3500, $800 down flhqt. 4 t t This farm bas ntver been rented ‘and| baiance to suit. : "Â¥ar. 44.â€"Stock and iniplements of|is in a high state of cultivation and| Also 4 section good land -fi Hchity _ Becker, L«g.:‘ Con. l!.|has always been occupied by the OWâ€"| price $8000, $2000 down and W Township of Notth hope.â€" .â€" [her. For fuflher particulars: | apPply | 1o â€" suit if sold by Aprit 196 Foeb. 18.â€"Farm stock and implements/on the prefiises or writt Wm. K./ acres of above is in fine Shafe of Jacob Weicker, 4 miles East of| Forwell, St. Cleménts P. 0. | wheat this season. For furthet Shakespcare, 3 milés wekt of +â€"New . â€" 85â€"4m0# |ttv in%; apply to y 9e Hfamburg on Huron Road, Lot 7 4 mb in dn d ic . FRANK P. FA Con. 1 South Easthope. iisii [ §â€"tL. 00â€" Gucrnsey , March 14.â€"Stock and Implements . of *> 4 Solomon Shantz, 3 miles soutb â€" of. JMU (t | n mm amtarant mss 125 peres, more or less, 7 miles from BerFn, 4 from New Dundee, 3 from Doon Station, 1 from school and post ofcs, brick dwelling house, bank tarn, _ renning water, good orchard, about 25 acre# good mired bush. No tender nâ€"cissarily accepted. Jaimes _ Thomson farm, Part of lot 14. Bichn‘s Ttect, Township of Watâ€" cr‘vo, County of Watertloo. _ TENDERS opened 10 Feb. 1913 at off.ce of \ s ‘ ~Aléx Fraser, Auctionéer. birg FOR SALE BY TENDER Farm for Sgle * DALZELL & BARRIE, Vesdor‘s Solicitors, \__â€" Galt, Ontario &'Eim 141 acres, more or. less, . inâ€" rdale ing 14 acres busk. mostly bardâ€" ; |wood: The balance is all good workâ€" ipjeâ€"| able land,. slightly rolling except . 2 oui» |acres Which is watered by: a â€" creek nites | which crosses the southâ€"east corner of the farm and provides excellent pas ents | ture land. . The farm is tile drained wes} | where necessary.. On the property is orth | 2 laree bank barn 74 x 50 feet, and straw shed 36 x 70 feet, a threshing ients shed ts also attached to . the â€"â€"barn: orth There is also a large sheep pen and riles |® workâ€"shop attached to the _ barn. oad. | Under the barn are excellent stables, * |cerflent floors, and under the _ straw shed hog peb and hen pea, alsn cemâ€" F. |ent floors. A large driving shed â€" is ents | also situated some distance from . the Mhm, ‘The house is a two _ storéy New brick, 30 x 40 feet, with brick kitchen Farin tor Sale â€" The undersigned offers for sale his vaeluable farm. situated near Winter bourne, comprising of 200 acres,. 150 meres of which is under good state of cultivation, 35 acres bush and 25 acres pasture land. Stonc bouse, bank barn and all necessary outbuildings. Apply i which i':.u:‘ndm The undersigned offers for sale his fart» situated 4 miles west of Waterâ€" leo, Lot No. 1, Township of Wilnot, Farm comprising 100 acres, © more or less, Lot 9, Con. 6, one mile west of Crosshill, comprising 10 â€" actes bush, bslance under good ‘state of cultivatipn, well fm. 8 acres sown in fall wheat, t 3. acres good orchard, bank barn 60x60 with driving shed, never failing well, frame house with kitchen and wood shed atâ€" tached, and all necessary out buildâ€" ings. Foc{further particulars apply to ‘Mré. Daniel Gerber, Crossnill, Ont. which is bush and balance under good state of cultivation. On the farm is a good house, bank barn and all necâ€" casary. p‘um‘dlnr. Also. large orch ard and abundant of hard and _ soft :tet. For further particulats apply | £ XAVER DITNER, 1â€"1mo. â€" St. Agatha. â€"The problem of winter sewing now | eonfronts every household and you can | not afford to waste preCious moments ; at alternations . until your garments: loose all their original style and fit, ; yet it has been â€" endtuted year . alter ; yeat, beeauses of the mistaken '}d“.‘ that you could go no where to leatn hl‘. 3rd. For further â€" information call at our residence on Feb. 1st. The Ellison Presscutting Co. 4% Eby St., Berlin. to cut a gatment so it would not te quire those tedious fittings. A Cutâ€" ting Coutse with us will remedy it ell. A few days‘ ttial given free, a Complete course will only cost _ you $10.00. The last class to be tatght this winter will com.mence on Monday FOR SsALEâ€" A FIRST _ CFASS milk route. Apply Box 72, I‘r‘s ton C 4â€"it FOR SALE.â€"A FIVEâ€"TON. SCALE as good as new, at half price. Apâ€" fly E. Shant:, 26 Mansion St. . Berlin. 8t. RAGHT â€" MEX _ WANTED DURING the wihter . nionths for chopping cordwood.â€"Apply A. A. Pipe, 36 Valuable Farm . for Sale Foundry; St, Betlin Farm tor Sale Farm for Sale AARON SNYDER, Winterbourne. l di. 20 A habitual drinker, who was ta b‘ou-:dy t:;boco- Wednesday, . peared ‘ourt on Thured &vu txtl.. and costs and tn.find work on &a farm wh he will be able to keep sober. ~ CRITICISE PASHOR ‘Uwvbz iss At a recont meeting of the ‘. ford â€"Ministerial Allignce a : was passed in criticism of the ings of Pastor Russel, of TOLD TO GO TO A FARM: . ~ Mr. P. W. Ellis, Chairmar o) Toronto Hydroâ€"Fléectric. Chingb states that the report tegardin Hydro electric power utilitiss mitted to the . Legislatur® at i is wrong in its teferente to a. $286,084 in the Toronto Hydt iric system up to June $0., man Ellis states that Ahe logs that time was approzimataly $ He says the system is mnow.08 â€" ing basis. ; HYDROâ€"ELECTRIC PaYING@.~ settled .with the Provincial Li Department. He was bebind in riturnsâ€" _ of five per cent. of the ceipts. dug the Government, and: tled by handing over a sum Som# above .$150. a _3 4eA HOTELMEN GET A RECOUNT. The hotelkespers of Cliatom.; asted for further proo{ ‘that. option byâ€"law, which was .catf January ':’ by a majotity. of 118, 11 over required i was sufficieutly â€" endorsed, and * Honor Judge Doyle will condithk scrutiby in the town hall of ClH on Tresday, January 38. : 5 TRUSTEE FOR FORTY YEARS . Tw very choics ?fih&‘lfi . ol land situated neat main" ‘1 P. R., 2; miles west of 9‘3"_ he#y ; actes troken and .under M“«z vation, 12 actes still z be broke@ Balance fenced. . SP o water > ply and new: <; Bs Th mote uks waige ho hard and goit _ water, alsoâ€"hatn -coummod:te 10 hnz d‘fi large grainery 20x14x8 ft. . /C is lével, and is a heavy sandy . HOTELMAN SQOUARES ACCO Wimn. Taylor, sr., has resighe the _ Harriston Board .ot. Edt sorvice of forty years. He bas owing to old age, after a com truste: ever since the first z house, was built there, and has many ups andâ€"downs on the the board of educatioe. _ with _ clay . subpoil. â€"â€" F{fi $1500 down, balance to sui For further particulats apply. 3 tt } saâ€"ction â€" land, 4 miles Guernsey, near C,P.Râ€". . broken and 68 acres $summt Col. R. McGwen, Iyron. Centrevilleâ€"Tuogday, Fgh: 11 Wellesteyâ€"Wednesday, Jan. 309. | Spcakersâ€"Mr. . Framk Herns, a don ; Lady speaker to qt ? later. o Hawkesvilieâ€"Friday, Jan. 3ist. ,; Speakersâ€"Miss B. mlhom Mr. _ J. M, McCallum, P Mr. R. H. &fi:‘. Thorndale. .â€" â€" Waterlooâ€"Monday, Féb. 3+4, 1 Bloomingdaleâ€"Mondsy, Feb. 3rA. . Speakersâ€"Mrs. M. 1... Wollard, 4 onto ; Mr. S. M.: o ie > The â€"date and :1ot. as ings at Winterbourne, m % Floradale and Linwood heve arranged. ; «s Everybody welcome at thesa m ings. 4 Cro«shillâ€"Tuesday, Jah North ALLEN SHANT&: For For Sale _ . 4th.

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