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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 23 Jan 1913, p. 12

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ol 1‘ "Commencing at two o‘clock p.m. the ?, following valuable properly, YiZ~â€" _ PUBLIC SALE © PUBLIC SALE ‘There will be sold by public auction en the premises of the undersigned, 2 m east of _ New _ Hamburg, on ‘s Road, Lot No. 19, on _ Wednesday, Feb. 5th 1913. OF oF Farm Stock, Implements and Real Estate, Farm Horss :â€"General purpose horse Tisâ€" ing 7 years old, 2 driving bay mares rising 9 years old and 6 years old, l driving bay horse rising 5 years old, 1 heavy Bay Gelding rising 3 â€" years old. Pura Bred _ Molstein Cattle :â€"Cow supposed to calve May 5th, cow supâ€" posed to calve Feb. 10th, cow _ supâ€" posed to calve March 28th, cow supâ€" posed to calve July 24th, heiffer supâ€" posed to calve May 7th, heifer _ supâ€" posed to calve _ July 4th, heifer supâ€" posed to calve Aug. 9th, 4 huiler calâ€" ves rising 1 year old, 1 bull calve 8 montbs old, 1 bull 2 years old, Grade cattle :â€"Cow due to _ calve May 12th, cow supposed to be fresh by time _ of sale, cow supposed _ to ealve _ Apr. l6th, three fresh CowS, cow supposed to calve Apr. 22nd, 1 fat â€" cow, ons heifer calvye 9 imonths ald. f Pigs :â€"2 sows supposed to pig . by time of sale, Yorkshire Boar, 15 pigs 5 months old, 3 geese, 1 gander, 78 white leghorn‘s enickens. _ Implements :â€"Massey | Harris Bind~ now:; Massey Harris 2â€"furrow â€" plow, er, Massey HMarris corn bindet, Mas tand roller, new Massey Harris _ 2â€" sey Harris mowet 6 ft. cut, Massey furrow gang plow, 2 new _ Fleury | Harris hay tatter, Docting hay rake¢, plows, sod plow, Masscy Harris seulâ€"! Frost & Wood hoe. drill, Coulthard|fler, new 4wection iron harrow, stone | Scott cultivator, _ Climax cultivator, boat, Chatham fanning mill and bagâ€"; scuffler, 4 section iron harrow, 2 NO. ger, 2 wazons, carriage (plafiurm} 21 Airâ€" ploughs, â€" Verity 2â€"furrow spring), 3 buggies, 2 cutters, 2 hay | plough, land roller, disk harrow, waÂ¥â€"; racks, stock rack, gravel planks, 3‘ on with box, 2 in. tire ; lumber wagâ€"?pair bob sleighs, _ light sleigh with i on 4 in. tire, 2 seated carriace with pole and shafts, buggy pole, set of! pole and shalt, top buggie, open bugâ€" ; slings, trough, 2 barrel churns, Naâ€"| gie, _ rubber tire buggic nearly new, tional cream separator, 2 water tanks{ jumper _ cutter, eutter, _ pair bob‘3 cider â€" barrels, extension â€" ladder,} sleighs new, platiorm for wheelbarrow, 2 sets of team harness, | sleighs,. pait light sleighs with pole:2 sets plow hatness, set driving harâ€"} and shait, grindstone, turnip pulper, ness, 5 sets single harness, 1 new;| fanning mill, cutting box, 14 _ horse 1 horse blankets, string bells, _ wire; power with rods _ and cuppling, platâ€" stretcher, grain _ cradle, 2 scylhcs,' form scalse 600 eap., fat rack, 1 Ray‘ 19 grain bags, lady‘s saddle, doubleâ€" rack, 1 _ stock rack | 16 ft. long, 1 trees, neckyokes, forks, shovels, logâ€" tock rack, gravel planks, whecl barâ€" ging chains, crow bar and many nlhâ€"é row, 2 â€" sets doubls harness, 3 setts °T articles too numerous to mentien. single â€" harness, logging chain, block -'“li" =l! l'l_“-'t"l:‘i’i)' l?l[ hay .alx;d %rain‘ n f and â€" tackle, _ eStension ladder 21 ft,‘_ Real Estateâ€"â€"Thore will also e | waggon â€" jack, buggie _ jack, scalding sold at the same time and place lhc; trough, buggie pole, 3 horse d(.ub[l..lrarm, comprising 200 aeres mote otr tree, 3 sett _ doubletrses, neck vokes N less, of whichâ€" there are 20 acres sown crowbars, ditch _ spade, forks, â€" bhas in Fall wheat, 60 acres in grass, 65; Anive, _ shovels, hoes, ensilage fork, 3"1:'5 fall P‘"“;r’-}l“’d- 3‘;’3‘-‘::: b‘rl:::sl;d~ scoup shovel, half bushel measurs, 2 2 ACTTS in STCNare. n the p 8 sugarbect atnives, sythes, pickaxe, milk is a large bank batn, straw _ shed . box, corn planter, quantity of ‘fence with r(ftnont pig _ stable qm'lcrneath,w staves. water in s.tra\\'shed and d_rn'mg shed, fiousthont | Eftects â€"1 sual faute, Also 2 steine éreeks ruonius Mbroveh 1 single bed complete, 3 tedsteads, 2 iarm, frame house with kitchen and rockers, corner cupboatrd, one (l;.sk,‘n" mrocessary outbuildings. Any five kit'chen chairs, one lounge, _ 3 persalt wnshmg to huy a large farm , 6 Sn _One 20005 °> _ "‘should not miss this opportunity. scoup shovel, half bushel measure, 2 sugarbect iknives, sythes, pickaxe, milk box, corn planter, quantity of ‘fence staves. Household _ Effects :â€"1 small table, 1 single bed completc, 3 tedsteads, 2 rockers, corner cupboard, one _ dosk, five kitchen _ chairs, one lounge, 3 henckbes, one kitchen table, one wash tub, _ one _ meat barrel, ons churn,. small heajing stove, summet kitchen stove, sausage â€" gtrinder, stuffer, lard press new, sink, spic cupboard, _ ont iron _ kettle new, one copper kettle, one stretcher _ with sfrings now, one double heater, two _ milk cans, . On? milk strainet, a boiler, crocks, milk woolets, _ sap pails, milk pails, . ons sider batrel, ten clhcose boxes _ with apples spy, one horse _ Tobe unlined new, one â€" gun, two market baskets, iwo horse blankets, two horse Tobes, National â€" cream separator, quantity oi clover hay, 200 bush mangels, qitanâ€" tity of ensilage, and many other 2r t.cles too numerous to mention. At the same time and place the fine farim will be offered for sale (if not previously sold), comprising 10 actes, 6 acres of _ which is hardwood bush and 10 acres sown in fall wheat suitâ€" able farm for dairy or stock., First class _ buildings, good orchard _ and spring waler , TERMS :â€"Chickens, _ geesc. _ hay, roots, and all sitms of ten dollars and under eash ; over that amount | 12 months‘ _ eredit _ on approved joint notes or 4 per cent, for cash pay ment of credit amount Terms of Real Estate will known on day of salr. MINXARNS LININEXNT _ CURES GARGET IN COWS. Sansol‘s Antiâ€"Diabetes THE SANOL MFC. CO., LTD WINNIPEC. Is the only remedy which has a record of complete eures, Price 200. most leading drugâ€" gists. _ Information and literaâ€" ture free. DiABETES Household Effects __| _ Jmplements Etc. JOLXâ€"STEINER,â€" Proprictor FRASER, Anctioncer KAUDEFMAN Clrk. Real Estate on be made on the premises of the undersigne", 2 miles east of Crosshill, 24 miles west of St. Clements, and 4 miles southeast of the Linwood C. P. R. station, om (‘ommencinj at 12.30 o‘clock p. m. sharp, the following valuable _ propâ€" erty, viz.â€" â€" Horsesâ€"Bay horse 8 years old, bay horse 7 years old, span of colts â€" 5 and 6 years old, got _ by McQueen; bay mare rising 3 years got by Meâ€" Queen, brown horse rising 4 years got by Dashwood, krood mare 14 years old suppused to be in foal to Golden Bar, bay mare pacer 10 years old; black colt 2 years . old, got by Begg‘s imported horse, ~chestnut colt 2 years old, got by Captain Wilkes, spring colt got by Flying Sid. These horses. â€" Cattleâ€"9 good dairy cows supposed to be in calf, 10 head of fat cattle, 11 sprinz ealves Pigs and CUhickensâ€"11 hogs weighâ€" ing about 175 1b8 each, 10 pigs 3 months‘ old, 2 fat sows, about 75 chickens and a good collie dog. Implements, Etc.â€"Massey _ Hatmis} binder 6 ft. cut, nearly new; Massey Harris 54 ft. mower, Massey Harris hay rake, Massey Harris drill, Masâ€" sey Harris spring tooth _ cultivator, new:; Massey Harris 2â€"furrow _ plow, land roller, new Massey Harris 2â€" furrow gang plow, 2 new _ Fleury | plows, sod plow, Masscy Harris seulâ€"! Wednesday, Jan. 29th, 1913 ‘There will be sold by public _ Terms of Real Estate will be made known on day of sale. W'I‘Prrrrns of Chattels.â€"Pigs, chickens, bay, grain, fat cattle, and all sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months‘ credit on approvâ€" ed joint rotes or 5 per cent. per annum off for cash payments of credit amounts. JOUN REXNIE, Proprietor. A. J. MICKUS, Auctionser. 2â€"21 good never failing spring, a few rods from barn,. 2 never failing wells at barn and house, with cistern, â€" good \bank barn 10 x 60, straw shed 24 x ‘38, cement stable; capacity 31 head ‘of cattle, hog pen, capacity 75 _ to 80 hogs, driving shed, dwelling house and all necessary outbuildings, good fruit trees of all kinds, tural mai | delivery. For further. particulars apâ€" |ply an premises or to _ The undersigned offers for sale. his farm, situated 3 miles from _ Wellesâ€" ley, on the main. ‘road leading to Philipsburg, _ convenient to â€" schools and churches. _ The farm _ comprises 100 acres, more ot less; under a good state _ ‘of _ cultivation; _ 8 actes sowed in fall wheat, 45 acres fall plonghed and balance good â€" pasture land; soil good loam, well _ drained, Also the fine tammyon{ 152 actos, sitâ€" uated 3 miles from Preston, 8 miles fromy Galt. There are 23 actes sown in of fall wheat, 50 actes in grass, 24 acres bush, fall _ plowing nearly _ all done, â€" good _ buildings, | batn 50x60, strawshed 10x10, root cellar attached to batn, 11 story brick house, driving shed and all necessaty out. buildings. Good tunning spring at barn, a spring in the bush and a sPring in the pasâ€" ture field. An exc@lient orchard bearâ€" ins _ fruit _ of all Kkinds, Rutal mail rovte. Barcain fet quick sale HENRY LIVERGOOD, 19 2 mos. Strasburz, Ont. re tor :s every nerve in the body l:h_oeg!lg_qgl_” itt proper tension ; restores Â¥im and vitaiity. Premature decay and all sexual ! weaknes averted at once. Phosphomel will m&e you a new man. l’r‘ue‘.’h | ~», or two for & Mailed to any addre«s. The Scobell Prug . #1. Cath@rines, Ont. Electric Restorer for Men Farm tor Sale splendid. lot of fine young 15% ACRE FARM * y Wednesday, Feb. 12th, 1913 ‘There will ~ ze sold by Public Aueâ€" *‘4 on the prentises of the underâ€" , 1 mile â€" northeast of Mannâ€" heim, .3 miles â€" soutlhâ€"east of Petersâ€" burg and 5 milss southwest of Berâ€" lin, on the Town Line, on Commencing‘ at 1 â€" o‘clock, p.m., sharp, the following valuable properâ€" ty, viz‘â€" Horses :â€"Heavy sortel mare 9 years old in ‘foal, heavy bay mare 8 years old in foal, bay horss 5 years _ old, grey _ horse 4 years old, dark bay horse 15 years old. I Farm Stock and Implements Houschold _ Effects :â€"Organ, cream separator, 3 bedstcads, extonsion taâ€" ble, corner cupboard, New | Williams sewing mackine, Whatnot, chairs,, 2 centre tables, 2 rocking chairs, stand, cooking stove, churn, Urystal Peninâ€" sular Range for coal and wood. No reserve as the (arm is sold. TERMS :â€"Pigs, . chickens, hay, grain, cornâ€"stalks, fat cattle and all sums of $10.00 and under, cash ; over that amount 10 months‘ credit . on approved jotnt notes or 4 pet Cent. of for cash payments of credit amounts. ; ALLEN W. WOELFLE, Prop. T A. J. MICKUS, Auctioneer. ‘ , 4â€"2t. Mrs. Stebbins Wells, police woman of Los Angeles tells large Berlin audiâ€" ence that there are not enough police in Berlin for the size oi the city. WANTED.â€"GOOD GENXERAL SERâ€" vant, small family, washing _ given out. _ Apply 100 Queen _ St., North, $ Merchant Miller 7 ... _ Beriin, Unt. 1# e Â¥ +o+o+o+o-!~o-x~o+o-1~o+o-:~o-x-o-xgo+o+o-x-o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o; ho Lo â€"Locolo Loo Lo Lo Lo Lo Lo Lo Lo Le:eoeeoieteodede sfe Berlin A Perfect Jewel of a Flour is what you will declare our KING brand to be after you have given it a trial. Don‘t make the trial to easy either. _ Try it on bread, biscuits, pastries and cakes. You‘ll find it equally perfect in all. No other flour equals it in ail rour.d baking excellence. Shall we send a sack toâ€"day? Irvin Master jing valuable property, Â¥viz:â€" l Live Stockâ€"Ons mare, fresh Jersey cow, cow due to calve in _ April, larrow cow, calf 7 weoks: old, ' Implements â€" Massey _ Harris mower 4} ft. cut, culâ€" ‘tivator with seed box, hayâ€" Jrake, plow, gangplow, new . scuffier, on the premises of the undersigned, 14 miles south of St. Clemegnts and 3 miles northeast of Bamberg on ... Commencing at 1 o‘clock the followâ€" Termsâ€"Hay, grain, roots and aV sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months‘ credit on apâ€" proved joint notes ot 4 per cent. off for cash payments of credit amounts. CHRISTIAN DUENCH, Proprietor A. J. MICKUS, Auctioncer. ED. KAUFMAN, Clerk. 3â€"26. The creditors of James Turel, late of the Township of Waterloo, in the County of Waterloo, carpenter, are hcreby notified that his estate will be distributed. on the thirtieth _ day of January 1913, â€" and _ will be had only to Claims of which notite shall hate been given in writing to Menno Turel, 40 Caroline St., West, Berlin, (‘ntario before that date. 1â€"3t ‘The undersigned offers for sale a deâ€" sirable home. ‘The farm of Mr. Jamâ€" es Pines, of 221 acres, in the Townâ€" of Â¥Woolwich; Ont., it is a sevenâ€"roomâ€" ed two storey gement. house, furnace, summer kitcheif, wood shed, soft watâ€" t, frame bank barn, driving house, pig â€" pen, hen â€" house, good orchard, farm â€" well fenced, spring water in house and barn. The same is on the road leading from Bloomingdale _ to Winterbourne. Rurtal mail route. 1} niles East of Conestogo. _ A snaP apâ€" ply early to a _ Datâ€"d at Berlin, Ont., January 2nd, 1913. 3. : MENNO TUREL, j Executor. 1â€"3¢° â€" Berlin. Ont. ‘There will be sold by public auction 2â€"1month The undersigned has for sale good seed grain _ including barley. 0.A.C. No. 21 at $1.00 per bushel and Liquoa and Banner Oats and also other Yaâ€"~ rieties at 75¢. per bushel.â€"Apply to AGABUS wW. KINZIE, â€"Berlin, Ont. Dhass "2%rine 4 4â€"3t. Thursday, Feb. 6th, 1913. Phone 733â€"ring 4 $3,250.00 Buys 32 roomed house, with conveniences, corner Courtland Ave. and Benton St., Berlin. _ Latge new shirt _ factory beimg erected on same block. . Immediate possession. $1250.060 cash, balance secured. E. G. Winn, Hawkesville, Ont. 48â€"3mo. Rooming House for IT wWILL GROW We want TWO MORE AGENTS in this county. . Thos. W. Bowman & Son Co., Ltd., Ridgeville, Ont. Farm for Sale Nursery Stock Bowman‘s guaranteed FOR SALE ‘_ Plant Berlin, Ont. JAMES FENTON, Conestogo Comprising 117 act i Te Tc 0 ts northwast ol wmiles east of Br llnn,':'. -|=.|uull’t tarm situated one mile northwest of cultivation, baluace bush and pasture| Stâ€", Agatha and 4 miles porth . of liad." ‘Us e »mu..‘lnln.uc-ufl-l. Block B. stone house with kitchen alid woodâ€" ho"h“' "."i'"”:.n-' y3 actes u.unu.un-u'um“ bush aod 1~“ nece.®:ry outbuildings, 1 afte orchard under a good _ state of “m'.... d â€"â€" good auiply â€" of hard and sof% | Soll pood _ oiny Ioore. gpod Eatct. 18 somee in fall whent and 20 IHEas neure: beay hn otiair "sind acres seeded in . grass. Fot furtb"|gor further particulars apply to art‘culars apply to Comprising 100 actes _ situated il‘ Wilmot Township, Con. 2, Lot 17, five miles south of Eaden and 1} miles, Noutheast of Haysville. 90 aftes are under a good state of cultfvation, balâ€" ance â€" bush x pasture land. Good brick house, and large bank barn, driving shed and other necessary â€" outbuildings on property. _ Good _ supply of hard and soft water, also 2} acres orchard. For further particulars apply to USIAH SHANTZ, Iâ€"f Comprising of 46 acres, 4 miles northâ€"east of Bertin and 1 mwile west‘ uf Breslau. 36 acres under cultiva~ tion, _ balance in bush and pasture land. Good orchard. _ Brick house and bank barn and all necessary outâ€" buildings. Apply to Abram S. Weber 95 Brubacher St., Bertin, Ont. 4â€"tl. House and lot in Village of Haysâ€" ville, good buildings and water. MRS. DINGWALL. 3â€"1t. Power Spray Motor, with 21 horseâ€" power gasoline engine and 90 feet of rubber hose. Can be used for sprayâ€" ing orchards or â€" stables. Motor . in first class condition.â€"Apply to T. SHANTZ, A. J. Mickus, Auctioneer Mar. 4. Real Estateâ€"Farm stock and implements of Frank Short, 2 miles South East of Linwood, 3 miles North West of Crosshill. Mar. 12.â€"Farm _ stock _ and imple ments of Christ. Frey, 1 mile South East of Hawkesvilie and 2 miles North of Heidelberg. Feb. 6.â€"Farm stock and implements of Christian Duench, 1} miles south of St. Clements, and 2$ miles north west of Bambergâ€" Feb. 12.â€"Farm stock and implements of â€"Allen _ W. Woelfic, 1 mile nonh‘ east of Mannbeim and 5 miles south west of Berlin. \ Feb. 19.â€"Farm stock and implements of â€" Elias Bingeman, 1 mile north w st of â€" Breslau, 32 â€" miles east of E‘r dgeport and 2 miles south . of ‘Bloomingdale. Mar. 11.â€"Farm stock and implements of Mrs. C. Tudolph, 34 miles north cast of New Dundes and 2§~" miles west of Strasburg on Muron Road. Feb. 4.â€"Farm stock and implements of John â€" Eisler, 24 miles cast _ of Shakespeare, 4 miles west of New Hamburg on Huron Road, Lot 10 (‘on. 1 South Easthope. Feb. 5.â€"Farm, farmstock and inipleâ€" ments of _ John â€" Steiner, 14 milés East of _New _ Hamburg, Lot 19, Bleams Road, South, Township . of Wilmot. . Mar. 14.â€"Stock and implements _ ol llenry _ Becker, _ Lot 6, Con. 11,, Township of North Easthope. Feb. 18.â€"Farm stock and implements of Jacob Weicker, 4 miles East of Shakespearc, 3 miles west of _ New Hamburg on Huron Road, Lot 7 C‘on. 1 South Easthope. March 4.â€"Stock and Implements _ of Solomon Shantz, 3 miles sfith . of Baden, 1} miles east of Haysville. March 5.â€"Farm stock and imPlements of Anmos Geigert at Holmans school house _ Townline between WaterJoo and Oxford, Lot 13, Con. 14, Townâ€" ship of Blenhéime. March 12. â€"Stock and implements . of Andrew Sararus, 34 miles south of New Handdurg at Green‘s _ School House. March 37.â€"Farm stock _ and _ impleâ€" ments of John T. Otto § mile east of New _ Hamburg, Lot 20, Bleams Road, North, Township of Wilmot ar. 6.â€"Farm stock. and implements of Eph. Frey, 1 mile North of Bresâ€" lau, 2 miles South of Bloomingdale and 21 miles East of Bridgeport. Farm for Sale Farm for Sale Auction Sales Farm for Sale â€"|â€" Farm for Sale Alex Fraser, Auctioneer. JaACOB CRESSHAN, ; 2 . The problem of winter sewing now and implements ,?’ confronts â€"every housshold and you can Haysville. Buden. 1m. ‘The undersighed offers for sale his farm situated one mile northwest of St. Agatha and 4 miles porth of Baden, on Concession 1, Block. B. ‘The fasm comprises about 125 actes, 85 acres bush and pasture, 100 acres ~ The undersigned offers for â€"sale his valuable farm. situated near Winter bourne, comprising of 300 acres, 150 acres of which is under good state of cultivation, 25 acres bush and 25 acrea pasture land. Stone house, bank barn and all necessary outbuildings. Apply to ‘ AARON SNYDER, 39â€"1imos Winterbourne. The undersigned offers for sale his farm situated 4 miles west of Waterâ€" loo, Lot No. 1, Township of Wilmot, comprising 136 acres, 12 acres . of which is bush and balance under good state of cultivation. On the farm is a good house, bank barn and all necâ€" essary outbuildings. Also large orch ard and abundant of hard and _ soft water. For further particulars apply Farm comprising 100 acres, more or less, Lot 9, Con. 6, one mile west of Crosshill, comprising 10 _ acres bush. balance under good ‘state> of cultivation, well fenced, 8 _ acres sown in fall wheat, about 3 _ acres rood orchard, bank barn 60160 with driving shed, never failing well, frame house with kitchen and wood shed atâ€" taehed, and all "necessary out buildâ€" ings. For further particulars apply to Mrs. Daniel Gerber, Crossnill, Ont. 50â€"4. 1â€"1mo. ‘The undersigned offers for sale bis farm, better known as the â€" Charles Forwell farm, situated 2 miles north | of St. Clements and 1 mile . southâ€"| west of Hawkesville. _ The farm com*, prises 141 acres, more or less, . inâ€"| cluding 14 acres busk. mostly hardâ€"| wood. The balance is all good workâ€" able land, slightly rolling except 3 acres which is watered by a creek which crosses the southâ€"east corner of| the farm and provides excellent pasâ€" ture land. â€" The farm is tile dnined‘ where necessary. On the property is‘ a large bank barn 74 x 50 feet, and straw shed 30 x 70 feet, a threshing shed is also attached to the barn. There is also a large sheep pen â€" and a workâ€"shop attached to the _ baru. Under the barn are excellent stables, cement floors, and under the _ straw shed hog pen and hen pen, also cemâ€" ent floors. A large driving shed is also situated some distance from the barn. The house is a two _ storey brick, 30 x 40 feet, with brick kitchen 35 x 30 feet, also large summer kitâ€" chen and woodshed. These buildings ‘not afford to waste preCious moments at alternations â€" until your garments loose all their original style and fit, yet it has been â€" endured yeat after year, because _ ofi the mistaken idea, that you could go no where to learn to cut a garment so it would not teâ€" quire those tedious fittings. A Cutâ€" ting Course with us will remedy . i! all. A few days‘ trial given free, a {complete course will only cost _ you $10.00. The last class to be . taught this winter will commence on Monday Feb. 3rd. _ For further _ information lcall at our residence on Feb. Ist. are all in excellent repait, having lately becn reâ€"roofed. Water is supâ€" plied by an artesian well ;mmpul I.ry a power mill on the barn. At the house is also hard _ and soft water. ‘This farm hbas never been rented and is in a hbigh state of cultivation and bas always been occupied by the owâ€" ner, For further particulars _ apply on the premises or write Wm. K. Forwell, St. Clements P. O. FIGHT â€" MEX _ WaANTED DURING the _ winter <nwoniths for chopping cordwood â€"Apply A. A. Pipe, _ 36 Foundrty St. Beflin. 32â€" 11. Valuable Farm Farm for Sale Farm ftor Sale Farm for Sale for Sale The Ellison Dresscutting Co. 42 Eby St., Berlin XAVER DITNER, St. Agatha IN TWO WEEKS 35â€"4mos 34â€"14. 32 1(. 20 #%. F. Becker, the wellâ€"known poUIâ€"~ try breeder of Waterloo, entered thise . birds at the great Boston 2 Show which is classed as the : i in the United States and won, Bs second and third on cockerels. * 5 WILL BUILD FACTORY Ltd., of Hamilton, have heim,. It is their iiteation to buld. a factory in the spring which will employ 100 hands and cost $40,000: TO INSTAL HYDRO.. : The Council of Goderich at a mettâ€" ing on â€" Saturday night unantmously decided in favor of the installation of Hydroâ€"Electric in the town and d.:- ed a contract for 700 borsepower. ~ GREAT GAS WELL. Dr. Kyle Simpson of London, ‘ & graduate of the Western Ufiw, left on Saturday last for Chinay where he will take up work :as &) medical missionary of the Methodist: church. He will be accompanied _ by. a dozen or more misslonaries < who. are returning to China. 7 HUXDRED NAMELESS BAMES._ _ One huadred babies were buricd lagt }year by the Toronto relief de s iln unknown _ graves, without f parents‘ knowledge, these umfim ly illegitimate infants deserted _ BÂ¥ LEFT FOR CHINA. from infants‘ homes, hbavens, and, aH were consigned to the e without religious ccremony. Relief Officer Coyell states this his annual meport. > WISHES TO LEAVE. * <- Rev. C. 0. Johnston has asked . §0 be relieved of the pastorate of First Metbodist Church of Hermnilt in June. He has pointed out to 4 managers that they might be able secure a better man to carry ‘on‘ $ work while the new building‘ is being erected, and has â€"intimated that â€"/ would be willing to return afteg th 'eomplfl.ion of the building. > â€".~~!>«, OBJECT TO POOL TABLBS. _ «.. ' Belc(‘nno pool tables u‘:“ placed in the Kingston Young ‘s Christion Association. a liberal giver to the institution has withdrawn ‘his â€" gub scription. It is reported another sup porter, who recently cut off bis sub l-cripuon, did so for the same reasou, DIES IN NINETIETH YEAR. / Mrs. Margaret â€" Brennan, {ormerl of Galt, Ontario, died Friday =al Dundas, Ontario, in . her nh't: year. She was a sister ol the Mr. Justice MacMahon and th:..:= Dr. James MacMahon. The . will be private. ; i _ Croâ€"«shillâ€"Tuesday, Jan. 25th. % | NWellesleyâ€"Wednesday, Jan. 39th. © J : speakersâ€"Mr. Frank Herns, * ‘ don ; Lady _ speaker to ge :m‘ : later. * » Hawkesvilieâ€"Friday, Jan. 31st. - Speakersâ€"Miss B. Gilhoim, Bright. â€" Mr. .J.*M. McCallum, Shakespeate, Mtr. R. H. Harding, Thorndale. . .}~ Waterlooâ€"Monday, Feb. 3rd. +o 1 Bloomingdaleâ€"Tuesday, Feb. 4th, :« | Speakersâ€"Mrs. E. B. Turk, Lucan} |Col. R. McGwen, Izron. _ *« / Centrevilleâ€"Tuesday, Feb. lith. ;. | Speakersâ€"Mrs. M. L. Wollard,, Torâ€". ‘onto ; Mr. 8. M. Pearce, Tona. _ > THOROUGHBRED HORSES Thoroughbred _ Clydesdale are to be introduced in Timi through the Menteith . Experimas Farm. While in Ottawa attending Eastern Live Stock Show the Asd ant Deputy Minister of Agricult: Mr.Bailey, â€" purclrased . an imyOf thoroughbred Cliydesdale mare. 1t |\ The date and programmes {nr mettâ€" |ings at Winterbourne, West MontroSgy 5 Floradale and Linwood bave not beeB ; arranged. [« Everybody ‘welcome at these méet» ings to be shipped at once to Monteith. North Waterioo Farmers‘ Institu WON THREE PRIZES. A M. 1;. Weber, President, St. Jac ALLEX SHANTZ, Secretary, â€" Waterloo. >

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