: ARE TAKING ® _ : * NECESSARY. _ â€" PRECAUTIONS The Board of Health was given inâ€" steuctions that ai> persons in the city who have not been successfully vacciâ€" nated should have the operatjon <perâ€" formed as soon as possible. It is exâ€" pected that the citizens of Berlin will render ‘all the cooperation necessary to save this city m an outbreak of smallâ€"pox. R The local health authorities are in . Total .. .0 ¢.. 222. .. $327.26 communication _ with the authoritics) > (C‘arrjed. &n these respective municipalitics and| Ths | (uncil now fornrd into a the quarantine regulations will be rizgâ€" Comtmittee of _ the whole on Byâ€"laws idly enforced. _ _ =___‘ Numbers 678 and 679 :â€" The Berlin Meaical Officer of Hralth, Dr. McGiflawee, and â€" the Board _ of Health are taking the necessary preâ€" cautions to prevent an epidemic _ of smallâ€"pox in this city owing to the and Wellcsley Township onto, grant . 1. ce 15.00 : John Lips, County statute labor Levi Hostetler refund of dog tax 1.00 _ refunded .. en d mss CGédeon Beck refund of dog tax . 1.00| Abraham Schott, County statute Ed. Rittinger, refund of tog tax 1.00 ‘_ laber refunded ... . .. .0 .. J. Schweitrer Wilmots share of Ill(‘nry SteMer, shovelling gravel Ditch on Xâ€"E.HH:> ... ~:0.0.. S.001 2 fays css css onl sls On motion of _ A. C. Taliman and Henty Zettel, nail and spike acâ€" A. M. Zoeller Counc adjougned untif}| | COURb ......ca 22 22 e se la 17th day of Febgary, 1913. i Andrew Wilson, watching gate to «W 2 on raserrâ€"r > 5 oeatid nit # Moved by _ A. M. Zoeller ssconded by A. C. Hallman that Byâ€"Law. No. 500. Be now read a Srd time and passed, Carried. Read ‘a 3rd _ time and passed. * ~ Moved by Moses Schultz seconded by A. M. Znâ€"iler that the following acâ€" counts be ;assed and that. the Reeve issue his orncets on the Treasurer in payment «: the same, viz.:â€" D. F. liit:, printing to date . $21.50 Polic» Village o® Haden Grant for 191 ?, and. statuts labor ...352.90 Treasurer East Zorta Wilmots © pPreco l‘rnnno.uannx Drain ... 5.00 BHospital oc sick children, Torâ€" second time, carried ; read accordingâ€"| Moved by ./. Reidel, seconded by L ly. ; Baechler that Byâ€"Law Number â€"â€" ~ Moved â€" by Moâ€".â€" Schultz seconded|[0" the appointment of a local Board by Wesley Erb (n:> this Councit do}O[ Health, in the Municipality of the now go into comisiitee of the “h(,lc]'l‘ownship of Wellesley, for the â€" year on Byâ€"Laws, carres. The Reeve in‘ 1913, _ in â€" pursuance of the â€" Public theâ€"chair, when t following ‘pMnQATll'al'ah Act of 1912, be read a _ first rants â€" were â€" mado, â€" viz.câ€"H. ~5~.| and second time.â€"Carried, Schumm and William _ Russel Auditâ€"‘_ MoYed by R. Lintick, scconded by ors, A. R. G. Smith, Alfred Kaufâ€"|J. HoFman that Byâ€"Law Numper â€"â€"â€" man and Edwin â€"D. Eidt Assessors,| to appoint Auditors for the year 1913 Henry Walker, _ John NoH ant Ephâ€"| to audit the accounts of the Corporaâ€" raim, S. Snyder Collectors: Dr. W./ tion of the Township _ of Wellesley, Gillespie _ Medical Officer of Health, fot the year 1913, be read a first and Andrew Axt Sanitary Inspeetor and | Second time.â€"Carried. _ lievi Master member of the Eoard of| _ Countil adjourned at 12.50 p.m. * Health, in addition to the. Reeve andf Reassembled at 1.05 p.m. Clerk. _ Committeo rose and Council|: Taking up of bills and accounts ‘â€"â€" resumed, the Reeve in the chair. | _ Moved by .J. Hofiman, seconded by Moved by A. C. Hallman srconded by A. M. Zoeller that leave be given to the mover to introduce a Ryâ€"Law lor the appointment of Auditars, Asâ€" sessors, Collectors and members _ of the local Board of Health ard _ that said Byâ€"Law te now read a first and second time, carried ; read accordingâ€" ly. A letter was received from the Hosâ€" pital for _sick children at Toronto, asking for assistance. In respohse to their appeal council granted the sum of $15.00. It drives out and keeps ou! colds by raising enduranceâ€"powe: and creating stroncth. Minutes of the 757th session ol Wilâ€" mit Tp. Council, held at the Tp. Hall Baden, on Monday, the â€" 13th day of January, 1913, pursuant to statute. Members all present, who â€" having made and subscribed their reszective declarations of qualification and offic?, formed for the transaction of bus â€" ness, the Reeve in the chair not only keeps cold out, but conservesbodyâ€"warmth; bodyâ€" fat serves the same purpose, it enables us to resist unsettled elemenits and serves as the great source of our bodyâ€"hrat. Greater bodyâ€"warrath means richer blood, more fat. not obesity but fat which the body consu ns for warmth, vitality, resists::~ +â€"powerâ€"as a furnace connmes coal for heatâ€" Sco:r(‘s Enm:aulsion does this. AÂ¥ tzaspoosful after cach mesck makes ln,(l_v»w:‘.l’lnlh hes:5#,. active blooedâ€" shapess the appotite and makss ali grod food do good. The minutes of the previous session wete read and confirmed. Riject substitates for SCCTT‘S F _‘WICL‘I i3 & u. h Aevils s sedtcl wl S GClerk 0 by | _ BASEOFS Oycs, solin oo Toh BW : aeâ€"| Christ Frey, gravel to pathmasâ€" * :’(-f,\'(-: BRTS .. 2 oans oooE vecnnereorne nemeves cengnnel t inâ€" John Wilkinson, gravel to pathâ€" |_ _ master ... daat en mahmccre G 1 50 Menno Martin, gravel to pathâ€" master ... rrraarereienmene. 2.0q Aaron Ziegler, County statute * {~ Habor refuntled ..10.02 .o..0 .0oso d 5.00 | Jos. Hayes, County statute labor | rcftinded .szo ocms cce cce B 5.00 ° John Lips, County statute labor 1.00 _ refunded ... en omm ces B 140| Abraham Schott, County statute 1.09 laber refunded ... . 2 u222 204 Both Pyâ€"Laws wers dated the 13th ida_\' of January 1913. {â€" Moved by R. Lintick, seconded _ by i-" Hoffman that Committee rise and | resume in open Councilâ€"Carried. _ 6 | _ Whorupon it _ was moved by J. ‘IMofman seconded by R. Lintick that Bvâ€"Laws _ Numbers 678 and 879, as flled in, be read a thitd time.â€"Carâ€" ried L C In Byâ€"Laws Number 678 the names of A. B. Robertson, Reeve, D. Mcâ€" | Eachern M. D. _ A. S. Thompson M. D. and _ Peter F. Schummer (Clerk) | the Secretary thereof, were inserted, | with D. McEachern the _ ecical Offiâ€" {cer of Hcealth, to constitute the local ‘Board of Health for the year 1913 / in compliance with the Public Health | Act of 1913. 1 enrn to mert axain, at the â€" Townâ€" ship Hall, Crosshill, Mondav, the 3rd «ay ol February, 1913, at 10 n‘clhck in the forenoon â€"Carried Pat Birmangham was reappointed carctaker of the Townslip Hall â€" for th» year 1913, at a salary of $10.98. Moved by ,J. Hoffman, seconded by 1t. Lintck that Byâ€" aw Number â€"â€" to appoint Assessors, to assess _ the Fownship of Wellesiey for the â€" year 1913, be tead a first and socond time. ~â€"Carried Moved hy .. Reidel, seconded by R Lint cK that this Council do now adâ€" In Byâ€"Law Number, 679 the names of J . M. Scully and W. J. Hayes were inserted _ being the Auditors for the vear 1913 to audit the accounts _ of the Corporation ci the Township of Wellesley for. the year 1913. ' Moved by A. B. Robertson, secondâ€" ed by T. Baechlet that J. Reidel be chairman oi _ said Committecâ€"Carâ€" ried. his Roll North 4 of W. Section 3.42 D. McEachern, grant to Linwood Pullic LALtary ..â€".... ...._...... 25.00 Geo. Ruefiner, grant to Hawkesâ€" ville Public Library ... ......... 25.00 .J. Ross Robertson, grant to Hosâ€" pital for sick children ......_._.. 10.00 Petér F. Schummer, to defray eXâ€" 6 penses Municipal El:ction held Jahn. §1b, 1913 ........ _.... ... 109.00 Chas. Kochler, refund of taxes e Welleslsy church ... cno. ... 2.80 Thos (rookshanks, salary as Colâ€" 1b lictor of N% West Section ... 35.00 Nelson McFadden, salary as Colâ€" ‘ grarel â€"plf us s c88 muse us Wm. Kubn, for winterâ€"road ... Thos. (Crookshanks, to balance _ Moved by BR. Lintick, scconded by .. Holfman that Byâ€"Law Numper â€"â€"â€" to appoint Auditors for the year 1913 to audit the accounts of the Corporaâ€" tion of the 1‘0\\’nshi6 of Wellesley, for the year 1912, be read a first and second time.â€"Carried. _ Council adjourned at 12.50 p.m. * Reassembled at 1.05 p.m. Taking up of bills and accounts ‘=â€" Moved by .J. Hofiman, seconded by I.. Paechler that the following _ acâ€" counts be paid and that the Reeve issue orders in payment of the â€" folâ€" lowing amounts, that is to say :â€" Henry Stofer, gravel to path t. ¢laments, 4i | _ The following _ members subscribed | the declaration and qualification _ of | office, that is to gay :â€"A. B. Robertâ€" | son, Reeve ; J. Reidel, Deputyâ€"Reeve; |It. Lintick, J. L. Baechler and J ‘Hofimian, Counciliors. | ‘The meeting opened in regular form 1;\. B. Robertson, the Reeve occupied the chair. The n.inutes of the last session held the 16th day of December 1912, and also the internwdiate procecdings were read and confirmed _ by the members "Elect". ~ Taking up Byâ€"Laws Numbers 678 and 679.‘ The Municipal Council of the Townâ€" ship of Wellesley. ‘"Elect", met â€" at the _ Council‘s Chamber, _ Crosshill, Monday, _ the 13th day of January, 1913, at 11 o‘clock in the forenoon. PETERO T Lhth batl HUMMER Roval Purphe supsmes and _ Bookâ€" Tp. Clork. lets may be obtaifed from A. and E. 193 Heler, .J. L. Eidt, Berlin.‘ $61.75 13.50 2.75 .00 1.17 2.00 8.00 2.50 4.50 1.00 2.32 TheW. A. Jenkins Mfg. Co. London, Canada ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPECIFIC will make your hens lay just as well in the winter as In the summecr, and will keep them free from discase,. These goods are pure and unaduiterated. We do not use nny cheap filler to make 2 large package, entirely different from any on the marle! st the present time. We will send absolutely free, for FnEE the asking, postpaid, one of our wemmmmmmame . larkc G4â€"page books (with inâ€" sert), on the common diseases of stock and poultry. Tells how to feed all kinds of heavy and light horses, colts apd marcs, milch cows, calves and fattening sfeers, also how to keep and feed poultry so that they will lay as well in winter as in summer. |t contains 360 recomthends from all over Canada, from people who have used our goods. No farmer should be without it. You can fatten eattle and hogs in a month‘s less time by using our Royal Purple Stock Specific than you could possibly do without it, thereby saving a month‘s feed and labor and the cost to you will not be more than $1.50 for six pigs or $1.00 for one stcer. It will keep your horses in show condition with ordinary feed. If you have a poor. miserableâ€"lookâ€" ing animal on your place try it on this one first and see the marvelious result which will be obtained. Our Stock Specific wil‘ increme the milk flow three to five lbs. per cow . per day, while being fed in the stable. A 50e package will last a cow or horse 70 days. Royal Purple Stock Sypecifie, 50c pekgs.: four 5e nekgs., in an stirâ€"ticht tin, for $1.59. Royal Purple Ponltry Specific. 25¢ and 50e nekes.. and $1.50 airâ€"tighi tins that hold fon» 50e pekes. Royal Purple Liee Killer. 2¢ and 50¢ ting: mail, _ _ â€" Ts omm Royal Purple Disinfectant, 25e and 50e tin=. Royal P.rple Roup Cure. 25¢ tins: i0e by mail. â€" o â€" Royal Purple Worm Powder, 25¢ tin:: 30e by mail. ROYAL PURPLE Stock & Poultry Specifics Royal Purple Gail Cure, 25e and 70e tins . 30e by mail. * Royal Purple Sweat Liniment, 50¢ botile; 60e by mail. nr-yllA Purple Cough Cure, 5%c tin: 60e by and D. .....00 nlslll 22ee es Deputyâ€" Returning OQflicers el_t‘t‘-‘ fento c..ust cecals cslsns cilc. .. $7â€"00 Win. Carey, salary as Caretaker 12.00 Woolwich Corporation, to balâ€" ante account ...... .. 22. 2222 2.22 George Rahn, drainage ...... ...... 2.00 Geo. A. Tilt, Registeting B. M. Moved by Mr. Groff seconded by Mr. Janzen that this Council now _ adâ€" journ to meet again at the Township HaH on Saturday, February Ist, at 10.30 a.m. Moved by â€"Mr. Shaw seconded by Mr. Hallman that $2000 be placed to the _ credit of the Board of Comunisâ€" sioners â€" of the â€" Waterloo Municipal Telephone _ System in the Bank _ of Toronto at Preston. Moved by Mr. Janzen seconded _ by. Mr. Shaw that the following accounts be. paid and the Reeve issue cheques in payiment for the several amounts, viz.:â€" John Knack, bonus for wire Moved by Mr. Grof seconded bye Mr. Janzen that $18.00 be tranted to asâ€" sist in the maintenance of the Sick Children‘s Hospital in Toronto.. > Moved hy â€" Mr. Janzen seconded by Mr. Groff that leave be given the mover to introduce a Byâ€"Law at next session of Council to provide for the appointment of Assessors, collectors, ienceâ€"viewers, poundkeepers and _ Inâ€" sgacmrs under _ the Herd Law for 1913. Moved by Mr. Shaw seconded | by Mr. Hallman that the Clerk be â€"and is hereby instructed to ask for tondâ€" ers for the Township printing in bulk, for one year, tenders to be received until next session of Council. Moved by Mr. Janzen seconded by Mr. Hallman that Mr. Carey be reâ€" appointed Caretaket of Township Hall at a salary of $13.00 per annum. :3 # Moved by Mr. Hallman seconded by Mr. Shaw that the Clerk send _ sub~ scriptions _ to the Municipal _ World for the Assessors Collectors, _ imemâ€" bers Board of Health, Council â€" Cletk and Treasurer. M _ Moved by _ Mr. Shaw seconded by Mr. Groff that Byâ€"Laws Nos. 998 and 999 as now _ filled in with the names of Menno S. Snidet and John Pomerâ€" oy _ as Auditors and Joseph _ Abra Reeve Geo. A. Tilt Clerk and Josiah Staufler, togethcer with Dr. Thomson as Medical Officer of Health and _ A. S. Henhoeffer. V. S., as Sanitary Inâ€" spector as members of the Board of Health for 1913 be read the third time and passed. Moved _ r«+ ¥« Giof secon> i «y Mr. Janzen that Byâ€"Law No. 999 to provide for the appointment of memâ€" bers of the Board of Health for 1913, be read the first and second time. Moved by Mr. Hallman seconded ty Mr. Shaw tnat Byâ€"Law No. 998 _ to provide for the appointment of Audiâ€" tors for 1913 be read the first and secoud irme The Reeve took the chair and the minutes of the preceeding session were read and approved. Deputy Reeveâ€"W1u C. Shaw. Councilliorsâ€"Atram _ C. _ Hallman, August Janzen and Amos M. Groff, made and subscribed to the necessary declaration of qualifcation and office, Â¥iZ. m Hall on Monday, January 13th, 1913, pursuant to statute. . The following named _ gentlemen The Council met at the Township Reeveâ€"Joseph ‘Abra Manufactured only by GEO. A. TILT, Clerk 12.60 Michael Schell, gravel contract 81.25 FErank Zettel&,)reading gravel 1.09 Am. Hemmserich, gravellingâ€"comnâ€" _ Geo. Adamson, rep. culvert ... 4.09 Geo. Schell, gravel and spreading Amos Horst, gravel ... Joseph Scherrer, gravelling ... George Keller, spreading gravel W. .J. Letson, lumber ............ John ~Pirie, gravel ... ... Anthony Bauman, gravel ... Menno M. Weber, wire fence _ Board of Healthâ€"J. G. Hurst. Dr. J. N. Nairn, Ben Miller. Sanitary Inspectorâ€"William Menger Moved by Mr. Koch and Mr. Brodâ€" haecker, That the following accounts be paid and that the Reeve grant his orders for the same:â€" William Sherifis, gravel ... $9.95 Edwin Devitt, gravel ... ... ... 6.60 Peter Martin, gravel ............. 4.80 Jas. Mitchell, gravel ... ©3â€"60 L. M. Bowman, lumher ... i0.6d Abs. Eby, lumber ........c..2..2.2 64.89 Noah Lâ€" Martin, rep. eulvert.. 1.50 Henry Shsntz, concrete tile...... 10.00 Byron Letson, equalizing â€" school 4 Peter ‘Metzgernm work ............ Jesse Penfold, rep. culvert ... Theo. Miller, bolts and spikes Isaish F. Martin, Peel line: gravâ€" Isaiah Martin, error on taxes _ 2.20 Jacob Kinzie, tax collector ... 70.00 TOWAL sisssscul lesistin stcccoameccec. $681440 Carried. Moved by Mr. Letson and Mr. Weber That this Council doâ€" now _ adjourn, to meet again atâ€" th> Council Chamâ€" ber. Conestogo, on Tuesday ‘the ith day of February next, at 9 o‘clock a. m. Carried. Asthma Catarrh | WHOOPING COUGHS SPASMODIC CROUP Auditorsâ€"B. H. Adamson, S. M Weber. @lIAG .300 scoines eegies s â€" B1â€"B0} Isaiah F. Martin, gravel ... 13.40; Joshua Snider, gravel ... 8.75 / Jonathan Martin, gravel and work : Moved by Mr. Koch ahd â€" Mr. Letâ€" son, That Byâ€"laws Nos. 606 and 607 as now filled in, be read a third time and passed. Carried. Assessorsâ€"Norman Snyder, Nelson Snyder, Wm. Menger, Albert Lorch, Ezra A. Ford, Byron Letson. The following appointments were made under the aforesaid byâ€"laws:â€" _ Moved by Mr. Brodhaecker and Mr. ‘\\'eber. That the Returning Officer be paidâ€"$6.00, and the Deputy Returning Officers $4.00, and the Poll Clerks $2 ceach, for holding the Municipal elecâ€" tion and maling their returns, and that $3.00 be allowed for each polilâ€" ing booth and that the Reeve grant his orders for the same. Carried. The air carsying the antisertic vazer, Inspited | with every breath, mokes breathing easy, goothe‘s ’, the sore throat. and stops the Cough, assuring restfil Bight®. | Crcsolenc is invaluable to mothers with young Childrem and m BCON to guffcrers from Asthma. . Send us postal for dcscriptive booklet. ALL Druaarsts. Trg CRESOLEN R " M“l"!?!lc THROAT TABLETS for the writate d ui throat. They are simpt«, effective and antivept: Of your drisitist or from F > P _ The following tenders were received for the Township printing contract: J. H. Schmidt,; $120.00. Elmira Signet, $145.00. Moved by Mr. Weber and Mr. Letâ€" son, That the tender of _ J. T. Schmidt to do all the â€"+Township printing and advertising for the sum of $120.00 be accepted. Carried. Moved by Mr. Brodhaecker and Mr. Letson, That Byâ€"law No. 607 to apâ€" point a Local Board of Health and Sanitary Inspector be read a first and second time. Carried. _ Moved by Mr. Brodhaecker and Mr. Weber, ‘That a grant of $10 be made to the Hospital for Sick â€" Childten, Toronto, and that the Reeve grant his order for‘ï¬he same. _ Carried. Moved by Mr. Koch and Mr. Weber, that byâ€"law No. 606, to appoint Asâ€" sessors and Auditors for vhe current year be read a first and second time. Carried. Of your drisigist us, Iv:.' in stamps. Vapo Cresolene Co. # 62 Cortlandt St.. N.Y. “"‘!i'f!)i lgn’!ï¬mlmn‘_ A simple, safe and effective treatment for bron« Chint troubles, without dosing the stomach wi druys. . Used with success for thirty years. Ar appeal for a grant in aid of the Hospital for Sick Children, was preâ€" sented by the Clerk. The [dliowing persons signed . the necessary declarations of office and property gulmca_!.iox_u‘TJ. G. Hurst, The minutes of the previous session were read and adopted. + Reeve, Solomon Koch, Deputy Reeve, Henry Broadhaecker, Mentio L. Weber and Frederick Letson Counciliors. ‘The Reeve then toos the chair and the following business was transactâ€" _ The Municipal Council of the Townâ€" ship of Woolwich met at Conestoge cn Monday the 13th day of January, 1913, pursuant to statute. Montreal, Can. . 4 RSTASLISHED 1879 W. .J. SNTIDER, Clerk $9.95 .. 5.60 . 4.50 .0 03.80 i0.60 2 64.30 12.80 70 .00 76.80 7 50 10.00 18.‘0 13.50 12.25 1.00 1.00 4.00 3.10 to "A.P." or â€"Andrew Peterson â€" at Owen Sound within the 30 days that the law prescribes. It would _ have been possible for some one to _ have bought whisky and to have taken _ it from their warerooms and _ to have packed it and shiPPed itlater in barâ€" rels. This is practically all the..cvidence thatâ€"~was 6fMcred, and the magistrate considered it sufficient to warrant an order for confiscation, and the _ disâ€" A. Klumann, shipper. for the Ranâ€" dall & Ross Company, Berlin, proâ€" duced the company‘s books to â€" show that they had _ not shipped anything N. P. Horton, collector of customs, deposed _ that the _ soâ€"called bonded wareâ€"room â€" was such only on sufierâ€" ance. The G.TR. had a key and the customs had another. J. Simpson, a customs employce, stated that hbe had been down to the G.T.R. on Monday, but had not seen the goods in quesâ€" tion until after they had heen seized. | _ The first witness was J. O‘Donohue, {the G.T.R. forensan at Berlin, and he ‘deposod- that hbe remmbered the shipâ€" ‘mem of the three barrels of what was | purported to be pickles, on January 9 | The consigner _ was Samuel Sm‘ith, "whom he _ had not seen and whom he did not know. _ The geods had been lbmught to the station by a carter named Louis Hofiet. The batrels were marked "A.P., Owen Sound." The Ecartar, Louis Hoflet, was called, but his remembrance was very indefinite. tne did not rememper taking the barâ€" rels to the Berlin station, neither did ‘he know whether or not he had colâ€" lected the cartage for the goods. (He did not _ keep a book or any memorâ€" andum of work done or charges mada{ & The case excited considerable interâ€" est in Owen Sound, owing to the fact that several of the locat customhouse staif were subpoenaed to appeer, and the impression is that the last â€" has not been heard of the case even yet, though the license inspector is reticâ€" ent and has not divulzed just â€" what {urther stePs, if any, he will institute in the matter. 1g __Owen Sound, Jan. 17.â€"By order of Police Magistrate A. D. Creasor the consignment of 144 bottles of .Seaâ€" gram‘s "83"" . brand in the bonded warerooms of the Grand ‘Trunk staâ€" tion was this morning declared conâ€" hscated and will be destroyed or othâ€" erwise disposed of b{ the. inspector. The charge against Amdrow Peterâ€" son as being the consignee was â€" also taken up, but the evidence not heing conclusive, he was dismissed. will be sent to you absolutely free. _ You do not place yourself under the slightest obligation to buy any * Canada"‘ Cement or to do anything else for us. f â€" \70U will find the book interesting, instructive, and its information will be of real cash value bsaie t Es e e ie o § 000 r000g + â€" 1 1 C . : : ET \ an anaiood lt oo 5 e lcanat e en Bs l td t ic l hoh t * to you. _ It is not a catalogoe. _ It gives in plain, simple language the directions for using concreta@for every possible kind of farm construction. _ Scores of every day uses, fully described and illustrated: & f This book, OR send your name and address for a free copy of the book that has opened the eyes of Canadian farmers to the possibilities of the ** materialâ€"ofâ€"allâ€"work "‘â€"concrete. Sent as Pickles vwnesses in â€" Uwen Knew Nothing of l "What The Farmer Can Do With Concrete" _ Clip out this \_ CANADA CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED 4 511 Herald Building, Montreal Write your name andâ€"address on the coupon below, or send them by letter or post card, and the bouk will be sent to you immediately. _ Address, Then spend 50 cents this very day and get a bottle of PARISIAN Sage at any drug store or toilet goods counter. Use it as directed and you will never cate to use ordinary tonics again, t No poisonous sugar of lrad, no sulâ€" m infurious ingredients in 1‘~itâ€" ISTA Sage Do you â€" want a« ‘scalp as immacuâ€" lately clean and bright as a . newlyâ€" minted coin ? Do you want to use ahair dressing thatâ€"will surely prevent baldness, that always reireshes and invigorates and makes your entire head feel fine ? Do you _ want hair so â€"bewitchingly radiant that it eompels the admiraâ€" tiot of all who see it ? Men and _ womenâ€"do you want a splendid bead of luxuriant hair free from scalp itch and dandruff > WINDSOR. â€" Alexander _ Renaud, charged with stcaling $107 from Amâ€" brose ‘Appleton, proprietor ol the Manning House, Windsor,â€" while Apâ€" pleton was an invalid in his care, was convicted before Judge McHugh at a sitting of the county judge‘s criminal court in Sandwich Saturday _ afterâ€" noon, and will come up for sentence Wednesday. } IF you are using concrete and wish to ask any questions about its use, remember we have a Farmers‘ Free Information Barean that will answer them without charge. missal of the‘ charge against Mr..Petâ€" erson, _ who, on oath, stoutly denied having been in any way*"a party â€" to the transaction. No More Dandruff A. G. Hachnel guarantees it «_ CONVICTED OF THEFT be obtained, and in almost erery towa there are branch offices located in t he resiâ€" dentisl distics. Eve:y railway station Ras an Express Office OFFICES Dominion Express Dominion ExpresyMoney Order Service Publicity Manager IBLY you‘ve never had occasion to send money by mail. _ Possibly you have sent money but never by Express Money Order. When you do have occasion to send money through the mail, a call at the nearest office of the Dominion Express Company will result in an easy and pleasant transaction. On your part â€" a simple request and a mention of the amount to be remitted. ‘The agent then hands you your Money Order, all ready for eqrlosureâ€"and that Order can only be cashed by the one to whom it is addressed. Is it any wonder that most people are adopting the Express Order as the safe, simple and satisfactory way? â€"Madamâ€"next time you have money to send anywhere, use Includes " Foreign Cheques MOH ey OI‘CICPS en over to ‘his custody. Mts. Schark was tried two years ago on a Charge of _ attempt to poison her husband with arsenic but tho jury disagreed and the case has never been btqught up again. Wheeling, Jan. 21.â€"An abeolute diâ€" vorce was granted toâ€"day to John O. Schenk, millionaire pork packer . of this place, and the children were givâ€" CANADA DARCH & HUNTER SEED CO., Limited with every order. large or small. Don‘t delay writiny. Ma«il this with your name and addrers. _ Your. request will reccive special attention. State if you â€" grow vegctables or flowers for market, as we have a special price list. Write toâ€"day while it‘s ‘rcsh in your mind. o o o oi e on en e e tm SCit tains valuable information for tge asrmer, market gardener and private planicr, lz pages of the latest znd best, worldâ€"w introductions.â€" Valuable premiums. Your choice of 6 new varietics st:il unnamed (not for "sale yn!i_l 1914) absolitely free 1913 Catalogue Now YÂ¥ # 4 Bi Divorce Granted full of good things. Conâ€" $5 and under â€" â€" 3 cts. Over $5 to $10 â€" 6 ** "* 10 " 30 .10 ** * 30 * 50 â€"15 * * §0, at eame rates ‘ RATES