* At~ an early _ hour Monday, _ fire rag d s.overed in the erecting room iF Â¥he Waterloo Manufacturing _ Co., f:Â¥h> night watchman and after usâ€" "several fire extinguishers, _ which groted to he unssecessful, he summonâ€" @Â¥ th» fire doparioment. _ The firemen miad>â€"a hasty respouse and by thcir ‘ab1} work they soon had the fire undâ€" e¢~ @:ntrol. The damage was _ small snd was mostly caused by smoke and wat L . t North Waterloo Barmers‘ Institute WMawkesvilieâ€"Friday, Jan. 31st cakersâ€"Miss B. Gilholm, Bright. J. M" .\l(‘(’allun;\, Shakesy eate, .â€"R. H,, Harding, Thorndale. Materio®â€"Mondar , Feb. 3rd . @Bloomingdaloâ€"Tusday, Feb. 1th Breakersâ€"Mrs. E. B. Turk, l.ucan; Ol. R. McGwen, 1â€"ron. * Centrevilleâ€"Tuesday, Feb. lith * #@peaketsâ€"Mrs. M. 1.. Wollard, Torâ€" fl}_o;.“r. 8. M. Fearce, Tona. *"@t. Jacobsâ€"NMomday, Jan. 13th. "@tmmtogoâ€"Tresday, Jan. Hith. *Hetdelbcrbâ€"Wednesday, Jan 15th. ftral‘emâ€"&ln. F. W. Watts, Torâ€" w@to ; Mr. J. W. Clark, Cainsvills, c t rosshilâ€"Tuesday, Jan. 25th. â€" *Well +D yâ€"Wesnesday, Jan. 28th \ Bpreakersâ€"Mr. _ Frank Hetus, Lon «B ; Lady _ socaker to ge announced ANNUAL MEETING . OF FIELD STAFF ~/ . S CONCLUDED ';E:-_i_iiln_gs MR.A_BAUER â€" â€" REAPPOINTED in & "Â¥b> â€" annual _ meeting of the field gg of . the Mutual Life Assurance ‘0,‘ came to _ a _ close Thursday. [3 sixty genersl â€" agents irom all far®s cf the Deminion as well as m +Newloundland â€" expressed the :}pn that the serics of mectings W the most â€" enthusiastic in the og'mny's histcry _ and that they roild go back . to their work _ with iweenergy | as a â€" result of the "Z\e;ybnd)‘ welcome at â€" these moet : OF WATERLOO‘S . FIRE DEPARTMENT ‘he date and programmes for meet 3 at Wontâ€"rbourne, West Montross, radale and Linwood have not been he last session was that of Thurs: â€"morning, after which the agents ifor their several fields, more enâ€" #lgstic than ever, if that _ were sikle, for the scecess of The Muâ€" e inaugural meeting of the Watâ€" > © Water and l ight Conznission; hold at the Town Hall on Friâ€"‘ at which Mr. A. Bauer was _ reâ€" inted ((hairman of the «Commisâ€" and mWature, which unespected s Mr. Earle acknowledged with ) feeling. mong the notable contributors to eonference were President | Clemâ€" "Mr. Wegenait, the Managing Diâ€" or, Mr. lialiman, . the â€" actuary, Messrs. Cronyn and _ McCulloch, ciors of the Company. 6 beautiful new hom> of _ The . Th:.Pc!C; holders and their friends , NUILZ <FAJIAIL * Life hasâ€" been formally open tuned out in.ugp numbers in anst; t * * onmetetemmmmmmips l évent was fittingly â€" celeâ€" W¢" t> th> invitation extended to'USE OF TOWN [ "By the Agents of the Company | \is t the new head office building of 4 L.“"" combined with their ; th> Mutuc! Life :\Il'f:lc Company wihtrenizminttyleay al conierence special {unctions in:<B Fiiday evening. They were shows T;fï¬m reguler meeting . of the of the occasion. | through the bu;liing by membeis °d 1917‘ Watâ€"rloo townâ€"coums! was held Tuesday: evening Mesdames Cleâ€" the ofice staff and expressions of 24 ‘ in th» tounel Chambers Monday t and Wegenast received the visitâ€", miration were to te keard upon eVOTY | pyening, ;l| the meny‘ets :Ae pree Agents in the Directors _ Board land ufon the beauty of the REW | coo> _ ffowor Fischer oceubied â€" the M. T; We‘ber, Prosident, St. Jacohs ALLEN STIANTZ, Seerstary Waterion following E‘u.. Home of The Several Hundred 4 Life is Formally Fine new Home CHAIRMAN Kindly _ allow _ me _ through your"†hope, that we are as usual, welâ€" nowspaper to exprews outr hearty apâ€" COme. We are at the eve of a very preciation of the way in which or> of important day for you: it is a jubiâ€" your Council imen acted on behalf of 1t and we would like to celebrate the Intornational Bille Students Asâ€" this occasion a little _ in _ advance sociation, on Monday night, Jan. 13. with you. * I have been informed that his _ name‘ The 501« ceturn‘ of _ the birthday is Mr. Becktel and in him you _ have imarks the. milestone in the way â€" of an erc:lient Councilman and citizen, life. Fifty years is only a moment and _ he is quite worthy of his posiâ€" before Him, with whom a thousand tion Mr. Roos also proved _ himâ€" years are but as yesteriay. Fifty soli to be a gentleman, we also desire years, however, is for short living to thank for his honesty. 1 believe children of se a fong span of | life. he is worthy of our tespect and also Who is able to count the drons . of! oï¬ the respect of the Citizens of Watâ€" tain dripping down upon us _ from | orloo The other counciimen _ awho heaven‘ Who is able to measure out| voted for our rights are also râ€"spectâ€"‘the streams of bless‘nz poured down! ed, for their kindncss, and as for any upon the life of a Christian in fifty who may have anv ill feelings towards years‘ But your life has been an fs' is we . would like to say we have prcially rich one. It is almost twenâ€" nothing against them but would be fyâ€"five vears since you, as a mes-i glad to help them in the right way senger of Christ, preached the Gosâ€"‘ i opportunity was afforded. pel in this country. The Lord _ has:! But _ we at> sorrv that so â€" many Eiven you a foremost position as a good c tivens _ of Waterloon had to Shethord over a large flock. May the stand _ in the Apollo Theatre â€" last Lord frant you to work in our nu'th! Sunday to hesar the Jecture given, on 40C a long time vet f us i acceunt of one‘man when they might:. We hae brought a "piano lamp‘"‘ ‘ jvst as well have had a seat in their JN!® your house. As this‘is intended own Town Hall to lighten the rooms in your house, Yours in the | ord‘s Servics for‘ btight!y, so may it please the Lord | the Lenefitof the people. to put yon snmcw on the candleâ€"stick A_ WRIGHT. ‘in our congrezation, to drive . away‘ _ _Dear Sirâ€"On Sunday aiternoon, on the occasior ci the meeting in . the Apollo Theatre, the aisles were filled from front to rear. I wish to call «attention to the serious consequenâ€"es , which might follow the blocking up [of the aisles. Should a fire â€" vnlor ; lunately oâ€"cur a catastropheâ€" would ‘result. It should oe the duty of those in charge to see that the aisles are kept clear so as to assure as far as : possible the safety of those attending ‘should a fire break out. _ Too much ‘care cannot be taken in matters of ‘this kind and this sort of thing should not be allowed. To the Editor Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for your valuable space. I am. A WATERLOO CITIZEN. Councillior Moyer, according to teâ€" potts in the newspapers, would have the assessorship passed round _ and this is the reason fhe voted for Mr. Froehlich. ‘Accord‘nz to his process of reasoning, Mr. vietr.ch or some other party should have it next year. A man would no sooner get acquaintâ€" ed with the work than he would have to vacate the position to make wuy for someone else.. This would surely be a bequtifully wise policy _ indeeit. As a matter of fact so far as I know there were no charges brought against Mr. Froehlich last year wher _ ithe appointment of ay assessor was made and there appeared to be no good reason why he should not have bert reâ€"appointed. ‘ Dear Sir.â€"It is dificuit to underâ€" stand, the â€" attitude of : Councilior Moyer in reference to two questions considered at the mecting of the Counâ€" cil on Monday night. His stand on the matter of renting the Town Hall to the International Bible Students‘ Association was to say the least nartoxâ€"minded and lacking in that gencrous spirit which should animate those who wish to serve thetr â€" felâ€" low citizens in the capacity of public servants.. What authority was there in the first place for refusing these people the towr hail aiter they had engaged it? Did the Council _ meet: and pass upon the matter? They eviâ€" dently did not, as shown _ by _ the action taken at Monday night‘s meetâ€" Ing. According to newspaper reports, Councillor Moyer says he was one ot those responsible for the action taken in refusing the hall and as a result of which people had to crowd togethâ€" er in the Apollo Theatre on Sunday. and a large number who wished _ to hear the speaker had to stand â€" lor over an hour. What right had he to seek to bar citizens from the use of their own property, especially‘ _ when he had no valid and sufficient reasons for his action? TO THE EDiTOR :â€" APPRECIATE MR. BECHTEL‘S sSTAXD. th â€"o 0 0o > td V'T-'â€".",{ +. Th 2 9 c Heenmmmaaica INTERESTED CITIZH Preston, Ont NB | The home of Rev. Mr. Bockelman, i the estecmed pastor O0f St. John‘s (Lutheran Church, was the scens of a , very pleasant and happy gathering on ; Tuesday evening. About forty teachâ€" jers of the Lutheran Sunday _ school ‘invaded the parsonage arnd gave him a pleasant surprise by presenting him with three beautiful gifts, namely a hbandszome piano lamp, a comfortableé ‘arm chais, cni also beautiful . flowâ€" "ts, including carnations and a flowâ€" ering plant, in recognition of his zeal and efiorts in behalf of the Sundayl , school. Toâ€"day Mr. Bockelman :celeâ€" brated his 50th birthday, and it was' | to fittingly commemorate the â€" event that the surprise and ‘ presentation ’ took place. Proi. 0. Linke read the following appreciative address: ‘ Waterloo, Jan. ith, 1913. ! Dear Pastor.â€"We, who assembled |in your home to night, have indeed |come as vninvited guests, however, ‘we hope, that we are as usual, welâ€" come. We are at the eve of a very ‘important day for you: it is a jubiâ€" lee, and we would like to celebrate [this occasion a little in _ advance with vou. * We have brought a "piano lamp‘"‘ into your house. As this‘is intended to lighten the rooms in your house brightly, so may it please the Lord to put yon snw on the candleâ€"stick in our congrezation, to drive . away the dark night of sin and to shine _ From the . Fire Protection I-unip-' moat Co, of Toronto regarding _ an ; up toâ€"Cate fire alarm system. No‘ ac-! ‘.ion â€" was â€" taken as the Council} thought _ Wate:loo had an llP-toAdau-‘ s, ste.n. , I krom the Beriin Board of _ Works; |asking that they be allowed to build ; a drain le:ween the boundary of Berâ€"! llin and _ Waterloo on Union St. toj |\ir in off _ the ‘Water which gatlwrsl !th re in <pring and after a â€" heavy j :rai.-. Th‘s was referred to the Hoatd! , C Works. M f | _ From the Municipal World _ asking} i.h.;'t e ch of the mun;cipal officers be’ suppied _ with a copy of their maga-l | zin> and the Counc:l subscr.be for it.! | The _ Corncil thought this mazazinri ‘cnntainc-.l good articles in the line of Imun"ci~ al work and subsgribed for 10‘ copies. ! ,‘ln th: t oune:l _ Chambers o;'lo.day ;e.'ening. zli, the menzers preâ€" ’m:. a Fischer occupied _ the ,ch.’r and n>d the meeting shortly 'zlter 7.30 6 clock. The members were ‘sea.ed in the following order : Deputy herve _ C\ W. Schiedel, _ Reeve. _ J. | hautmain (ounciliors B. E. Bechtol ; W I. Kutt, 8. _B. Bricker, A. v.l | Moy.r, J. II. Roos and J. Uffelmann. Applications _ for theâ€" Assessorship were ticeived from Messts. ].. F. Dieâ€" trich and Ohos. Rroehlich.. It _ was mored by W. 11. Kutt seconded _ by C. m. Schicd{l that L. F. Dietrich be appoin‘ed assâ€"ssor of Waterloo at a salary of $350 per year. 1t was moved in amendment by J. I!. _ Hoc§ seconded by A. u. Moyer that ( has. Froe®lich be appointed asâ€" s scor oi â€" Waterloo at a sailary _ of $350 fer year. *"" Mr. Moyer thought the assessorship should te pessed around. .J. R. Kaulâ€" man took the chair and the _ awondâ€" ne.t was placed before the Council. The following vote was taken. PASTOR WAS _ | SURPRISED BY _ $. 9. TEACHERS :c ie fr their publication on Good foa‘s. No action was taken. From E. M. Wilcox Publishing (Co., Toronto, _ asking t‘e Council to sub 1 The fo:lowing consininications were! r.ceived :â€" [J USE OF TOWN HALL IS GRANTED B. Brciler. Ufie‘mann. . Reos. C. Moyer. E. Bechtel For AL ENO â€" _ 4& E RFRAEAREIARAE: 242 ... 42303003000E § > t for the Year by a Vote of 5 to 3â€" and many odd and left over lines have accumulated $ Other Appointments Made that will need a quick turn over into Cash. P is The Ass:ssorship W H Kutt. Schiedcl Fischer. We also brought a chait into vour home. Kindly accevt it and use it for your work at home, for _ your meditations and stedies; . and _ also your. rest, wellâ€"earned after vour work ‘is done, surroundcd by your deart ones. We aleo brought flowers into rour home. May it please, the Lord _ to strew still better ones upon the path oi rour life. The grace of God be with you. Ths 50th birthday is a golden jubiâ€" lee. Here the sun stands for men in the zenith. Now it so»s down more and more The evening comes. _ May the Lord kindly let you shin>, _ the evening suf n golden gleams: the omen of a coming better day. _ the preat Saboath which never ends We know that the lator of the minâ€" ister is very hard: the more we wish you dear pastor health and strength and the assistance of (God for the future, for ail your work. before the people according to the words oi the Saviour, "Ye are th> light of the world: let your _ light sh‘re beiore the people." The ;naugural meeting of the Watâ€" erlsco town council for 1913 was held in the Town _ Hall Monday mornâ€" ing, the various members taking the oath of offce. Mr. Julius Roos sent in his resignation as menier of the Fark Board A j Weidcnhammer‘s care and later | was |r nved to the Hovs: of Refuge. No !zction was taken by the Council. ‘ A petition for the Street lighting of ‘Ezra Ave., was referred to the Light i Committe. Inaugural Meeting of 1t appears that a number of _ rateâ€" pay.rs thought that these students were circulat ng poisonous literature cnd cocfuring the people in their adâ€" cresse®, and requested that the Town Ilall be refug»d for such purposes. Thies memblers of ths international Bill> Students Association of Ameriâ€" ca appeircd before the Council _ and askel why the Town Hall was refus ed _ th m on Sunday, January.12th, ard râ€"qiested that they be given the is: of th» ha‘l on January the 19th cnd Jith for the perpose of addressâ€" ing the public on religious lines _ and giving them»a chance to discuss reâ€" lgiots questions. Dr. F. J. Weidenhammer sent in an accornt for $13 for sorvices rendered to an indigent Jack Langston, who was remosed to the Berlin and Watâ€" edso liospital and was under Dr. Applcations for Medical Offe:r of lie. .h were received lrom Dr. F. J. Weid nhacmer and Dr. Wim. Geiger. Thes: were not dealt with. Mr. Chas. FrochLeh was then apâ€" pointed ass:ssor. Your Sunday Echool Teachers Request Was Granted, No Action Taken. Not Bealt With own Council Â¥$ x ; ; ; |cAascow of Drantiord, who witk the Mr. Carpenter, in opening his a"’lhride and groom were very bappy in dress, réferred to the fact that they reviewing memories of byâ€"gone days. had been refused the use of the to"") yir. Howie was botn in _ Barhead, hall after it had been engaged "‘“""s«-mluml. in 1837, and | Mrs. Howie, were â€" Sbercfore â€" obliged to hold "";whnse maigen name was Mary Garn:| mecting in the Apollo Theatf® . A® pom was born in Kingston, Ont., in | yet they had not been able to. SefUrcijg3g) ‘The marriage took Place _ in a proper explanation as to wBY th€ mrantiord, the aficiating clagmnl hall had teen Tetused and could not heing Rev. Dr. Polland of that city therefore at this time furnish the T®@â€" ‘the bridesmaids _ on the _ occasion son. He said the association i“"'“d-lwrro Mrs. R. Latnasour of _ Stratford ed holding a scries of three meetin€$ ‘ang Miss Cilasgow of Brantford. The in _ Waterloo, _ the purpose of which jmarriage was blessed with five chilâ€" was to encourage a closet study _ Oof| grep, all of whom are living, as folâ€" the _ Bibls and the truths contained joy; Mr. Frank and ChishoIm IlowioI tleâ€"ein. Taking as a subject ““h(‘"“ol New York, Mr. Norman Howse of are the dead °" Ile cited numerous/ Poronto, Mrs. Hedley _ Hilborn â€" of | passages of scripture for the purPosejBrooklyn, N. Y., and Miss Agnes B. of proving that the dead are fot li\'»'l!uwir at home. ing after they pass from this life but! The happy couple were _ made the remain in the grave until thr.!ï¬rx"t-'rrriyirn!s of a purse of _ goid _ from fection. 'Ihe children, and many. beautiful gifts j The Apollo Theatre was crowded to the doors on Sunday on the occasion ol a lecture by Mr. F. W. Carpenter, an evangelist of London. _ The meetâ€" ing being held undct the auspices _ of theâ€" Intornational Bible Students Asâ€" sociation, of which pastor Russell is the head. Every available seat â€" was taken befcr> the hour of the meeting and the aisles were also filled‘ i WHY WAS THE â€" TOWN HALL REFUSED? !. ,'éR’;:‘X; SALE OR 0 c ! Electrical Goods t $ Waterloo C©A@C+C+C+0+0+0+0+@C+0+@+ 21 ‘a\ (@ ; â€"__ (something out of the ordinary) E will therefore be put on next week, whereby thrifty E housewives can save a neat sum by attending this event. e * Stock Taking Is C ‘ & + j & f L t ‘. * o y * jl ‘ i ? & (« 1 y â€" * w .:. .4: * I '.i‘ N | 4 . + 8. B. BRICKER & CO. _ â€"â€"WATCH THIS SPACE.â€"â€" in next issue for prices | Mr. Howie was born in _ Barhead, "Smtluml. in 1837, and â€" Mrs. Howie, iwhose maigen name was Mary Garnâ€" } ham, was born in Kingston, Ont., in | ‘1838. The marriage took place in ~Brantiord. the officiating Glergymnl heing Rev. Dr. Polland of that city I'I’he bridesmaids _ on the occasion ; were Mrs. R. Lanmasour of _ Stratford and Miss Glasgow of Brantford. The | marriage was hlessed with five chilâ€" ! y Golden Wedding Celebrated It was with & nuovant manner and a cheery smile that Mr. and Mrs. Howie received the congratulations of their hosts of friends, ably assisted by on> oi thrir bridesmaids, Miss Gilasgow of Brantford, who with the bride and groom were very happy in reviewing memories of hyâ€"gone days. f The capacity of "Ellerslie‘" _ was taxed to its utmost capacity on Monâ€" ‘day afternoon and evening, when Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Howie celebrated their Golden Wedding, by a _ recepâ€" tion from 4 to 6 o‘clock and 8 to 10 o‘clock. ‘The pretty home was gay with artistic decorations typical! of the Yule Tide season, which with the »profusion of magnificent flowers, sent in boner of the joynus occasion, and the excellent music, _ made the scene a veritable fairy land. @+@4 6 +O0+0+0+0+C@+0+0+ C©+@©+@+6 NMr. I1. Pepplet of Hanover is a visâ€" tor in Berlin. roug from relatives and friends, Which will serve as precious mementoes., of the day. This busband, and wife are inâ€" deed the happy complement of each other, who through all the _ mutual cares and joys that have come â€" durâ€" ing the past filty years do not forâ€" get to be lovers still, and their home is a most happy and hospitar | one, where their friends are always gure of a warm welcome, and ene and ail wish to join in hearty congratulations that are being extended to the ‘bride and groom, and in kindly wishes for many still further years of happy wedded life, and when these are over may they join in the great family, gathering above im the House of many mansions. s THE SANOL MFC. CO., LTD wINNIPEC. Price 2.00, most lmdlng‘dmg- gists. Information avd literaâ€" ture free . Is the only remedy which has a record of complete cures, Sansol‘s Antiâ€"Diabetes DiABETES