@t _| MARKET REPORTs [jyst A our pri es It‘s a thoughtfn! gift that _ carries t me accurately to the Tecipient. We ars showing a spl@ndid holiday _ col lecyion of _ watches fot men, women and children. â€" > Thoir is mytness in the stvles, goodâ€" ness in the movements, sladness _ in Heller Bros. Sidney Simmons, nine vears _ old. was burned to death in his father‘s home at Montreal, and the father alâ€" most lost his life im affempting _ to reseue ‘him. lÂ¥A «insl scess Buckwheat ....._... Butter,per lb. .._ Eggs, per dozen Potators, per bag Chickens each ... Hay, pet ton ... Straw, per ton ... Mutton, Pork Hides Bran, per ton ... Shorts, per ton as follows : ‘Ontario wheat, No. 2 winter, _ Otc. # 92c., outside, accordâ€" ing to location ; Mavitoba wheat, No. 1 northrn, 95¢. ; No. 2 northern, 9231c No. 3 northern, 960. Oats, Canada westirn, No. 2, dil}c.; No. 3 Canada western, 10¢., at lake ports, for _ imâ€" mediate shipment ; | (ntarie No. 2 white, 33¢. @ 34c., outside ; on track Toronto, 36¢.° @ 376. Corn, No. 3 yellow, 55c. Peas, No. 2, $1.10 @) $1.15... Barley, 68¢. in Ghc., outside, for maiting, and 40¢c. @ 50c. for ferd. BDuckwheat, _ 50c. @; 51c., shipping points. Manitoba fourâ€"Listed quotaâ€" tions . at Toronto are : _ First patâ€" ents, $5.30 ; _ second patents, _ $5.807 strong bakers, . $1.50 ; Ontario flout, winter _ flour, 90 per cent. patents, $3.95, seaboard. _ Millfeeaâ€"Manitoba: bran $19 per ton ; shorts, $23 _ per ton, on track, Toronto. f Wheat Barley Toronto, Jan. 14.â€"The demand _ is moderate for Ontario whrat, there beâ€" ing but limited offefrings. Prices rule firm. _ Coarse grains generally are dull. _ Liverpool _ wheat futures are higher ; corn also. Flour is steadier. Winnipeg wheat opened higher and afâ€" terwards cased off. _ Quotations are do., good cows 641.175 a do., medium . . . 3.50 @, do., common ........_. _ 2.50 u: Butehers‘ bulls, choice.. 4.50 @; do., good bulls .. . 1.00 a doâ€", rough bulls 3.:00 & Feaders 5.00 g Ferding bulls 5 mss tt9â€"ur "tackers _ + 64.25 _ do., medium . 3.00 a, do., light .._... 2.15 4 Canners and catters 2. 50 @. Milkers, _ choice, r'n .50.00 & doâ€", com. and me4. 30.00 & Springers _ 10.00 qi Calves & 8.00 @ Lambs .. 8£.00 @ L.icht do., do., Nogs, average than last week, although choice heavy cattle at top prices were pearce. For the general run of fair i0 good butcher cattlc the demand was good at firm prices. Choice butâ€" cher cows and bulls were very _ firm and in demand. Choice heavy steers were wanted. The hog market was a little casier. Shsep and lambs were nSWC Casiet. SAoep and lambs were verysfirm and 25¢. up. Calves _ also Toronto, Jan. 14.â€"There was a good â€" active demand . at the Urkon stockyards toâ€"day. Prices held very firm, with perhaps a slightly bigher WHEAT OFFERINGS niGHr We issue Matriage Licenses, Store near Post Office. do GALT MARKETsS. GALT, JAN. 16TH, 1913 HOLIDAY WATCHES ewes enye 1115 bucks l 6n 1.00 heavy . .. 2.00 fed and watered _ 8 50 Lo.b. . 8.15 +4R 4384 % 5: gr 1.00 ér 4 200 i. 2 _0 .50 1.00 _ 1.i0 50 1.50 12.00 14.00 9. 00 _ 10.00 900 f0.an 10 A2 12 14 27.00 1.00 .60 LT4 5. 21.09 28 .00 3.50 8.00 2.15 R0.00 15.00 80.00 8 00 9.00) .60 T0 1.00 ~S :‘?‘%:‘ Wheat, Standard _ n;“h‘ , Barley e _ | Oats, Standard ... 257 1 PRBS L2.0.0, ..2..... .. ‘ 2:Huy per 164 ......... tack | plour, Special ..." BiFlour, Juilet .. ... .. @)Bran pet ton .._.._._. ide, | Shorts per ton ... ied [ Live hogs ........ .. 'P‘“g'lieef. FFOBE lnlll.. . Ot2â€" I freef, hind quarters Pfll'l(‘ln'c‘cns 801 | Dueks .. .00 .0 .. “““'v'uutter per lb ...... 'flts-ll-:ggs per dozen ... tob2 | Potatoes per Fag . 3.00 5.25 1.25 3.50 5.35 §1 | BERLIN MARKETS. i BERLIN, JAN. 16TH, 1913 !I«‘Inur per 100 Tos .. ..,.2.70 _ lnran per 100 lbs. ..., ... 1.10 ; Middlings per 100 Tbs. .._...... "5 ! Screenings per 100 Ibs. ... _ 20 Mb L4 dadkerreroltry y | Harley per bush. ‘()al,s per Dusi. ... Peas, per bush. .. Potatoes per bag Hay per tom ... ’Wund per cord ... | Butter per Ib ... 'I-Iggq per dozen .. ; Lard per Tb ...0. 13 t {4 TeA ty ~ A.K. CRESSMAN ‘| King St. _ Waterioo L3 _ NEW HAMBURG MARKETS. ’\I-Z\\' HAMBURG, JAX.â€"16TH;, 193. WOE ....00.0. .00 .slzce k. .95 ES sorrices mvcieee. nerccrons 290 .35 Barl@y .222 222 l2 is .60 60 DERS 25â€" serveseee errcolstisrvars .90 UOHBL cssmccce eitiscts cosscerst oo BB ~.65 Igis, fer dozen ....u22 02. 0 30 0 6 .35 FIOHE .s,.05 ccoos ssecso.. 2.B0 ; 2.80 Man, flour ........ c.lll2.2. 3.00 Butter per 1b ..l.0.0 .222 0034 .25 Egys per dozen ... .25 .35 HMay per fon 22. ......... 12.00 12.00 Lard per lb .....22 z222014 14 HHHH ...00sm% ssugiem come sn K8 20 Midlings, per tom ... 26 .00 e o 23.00 Potatoes per bag ... ... 1.00 123 |Flour, Family ... Flour, Pastry ... Bran, per ton ... { Middlings per. ton Shott: per ton .. Wheat 220222 .22 l(iuus(' wheat .. ... ‘Ilarle,\' porvire Peas _ revers SHIRE »ommae uons HER . sc es cemess Potatoes per bag I('ol’n per bush. .... May per ton ... !unm-r per Yb ... |Exgs, per dozen . Live NOgS .2.2..;0; Sheepskins ... Tallow ...2. .0. Dried apples ... Hams ....0.. 222. Shoulders ... Bacon .222 0 .... Potatocs rer bag Wood, first class Apples per barrel ......_.... 2.50 HQogs, HYe ... ......s....... Hogs, dressed ... ...... 9.15 Hay per ton ................ 15.00 Straw per ton ......... ........ 6.50 Wood, per cord ... ... 6.50 Export cattle ... .......... 7.00 Butchers‘ cattle ... ..0.0.. 5.50 Bran, per ton ...... Corn in large lots Middlings. per ton Potatoes per tag .. Butter per lb ....... Eggs, per dozen ... Bituated near_Waterioo, with 2 frame house, 6 rooms and wood, % shed, bank barn, cement stables C pig stable, :86 fruit trees, 4 nere :1 strawberries, black formy sofl, ©} sale price f f"! 121 $1500 Market Carden| FOR SALE _ :/ &s Acres: STRATFORD, JAN. 16TH, 1913 ELMIRA MARKETS. ELMIRA,. JAN. 18TH, 1913 WATERLOO MARKETS. WATERLOO, JAN. 16, 1913. STRATFORD MARKETS per bag on roâ€"Jrhrrrmrriar 5 i. . 2.70| vannell will teach the cooking clas j 23.q0 |Other classes will atso be formed â€" 25.0pq | machine shop practice, drawing _ an . 8.00 g.15 | other technical work,. 114 Inpemmmianmmmmemnecme memenemms t _155 SUIT AGAINST COAL TRUST a 5 6 ';;] “;'("’ WASHINGTON. â€" Attorneyâ€"Gene C 2t .28 l:ll Wickersham, it is understood t Loss .40 | Dight, _ has decided to further attac $1.25 1_50' the so called hard coal trust in CY 24 .25 .25 .35 12.00 12.00 _ .14 4 8B 20 26 .00 23.00 1.10 9.150 0 10.99 15.00 _ 17.00 .36 36 s AB .80 %1.0¢ .00 2 .57 .65 & 980 .90 12.00 13.00 10. 00 6.00 .30 .35 15 26.00 $1.150 0 1.25 2.15 .04 .05 .04 .( 94 18 4 45 2184 ols ‘90 1.00 65 Af .75 40 24 25 99 13 18 15.00 12.00 23.00 30.00 26.00 2.80 1.40 1.50 .32 .38 .16 0 1.10 36 .80 el 6.50 7.90 * _one eve completcly out and _ a 70| bad wound in â€" his head. THe is cxâ€" 50| pected to recover. > & 80| > mesw > in 55 32 35 3 25 95 | m‘l‘ BANTM‘ $3,250.00 Buys 22 roomed _ house, | | with conveniences. cornar Courtland ; se | Ave. and Benton St., Berlin. Large | |_ Galt, Jan. 13.â€"Dr. J. N. MecRea| now shirt factory beimg erected on | of this town was not the only big| Sime block, _ Immediate possession.‘ prize winner at the New York Poul | $1250.00 cash, balance secureat. E. G.‘ | iry: Show â€" with hfs â€" famous black | Winn, Hawkesvite, Ont. 48â€"3mo. 35 15 Cochin bartams, but he won a .ep«'ial’ ‘â€"‘:‘“â€""'â€"-“‘“â€""â€"‘â€"â€"*â€" prize of a $25 silver cup for the best bantaim of any brced in the show with ; Sh'pp'ng flogs want,ed his FKaultless IVL, defeating _ birds from all parts of the United _ States "l"nfl .,?.“E,rn and England. This speaks well _ fo,. / 2 MBER UNLP # | the lgcal man as a breeder of the best | _ Highest market price paid. _ Load hirds. _ He sold_ a_ secondâ€"prize n ) menl. Womk Wednesday. Next shipâ€" at the New York Motse Show for the| mént, Wednesday, Jan. 22n¢, 1213 sum of $3 an ounce. “'“pp & Master 85 GALT HAS THE Homestead Fertlizers are manvas" Or for e‘er_ two families, in Canada. tured and sold by the Michigan C«râ€"| SStonger evidence could scarcely be bon Works, Detroit, Michigan, _ who|Siven cf _ the _ wonderful popularity will send free to any farmer _ their|Which has already been won ty the book on fettilizets with a handsome| NAâ€"Druâ€"Co. Almanac now only in its cal>ndar ~ postage paid. They _ wan/foutth EdiGon. This is due to _ the agents where they are not ropresentâ€" "Ch fund of usâ€"ful information which eJ. _ Address, Michigan Carbon Works, )4 contains, and to its valuable hinte Postafice _ Prawer â€" 814â€"A, Detroit, On bealth and physcal comfort &A Michigan, asking for term; Your Druggist has a copy for ya®. _ _ A. Field ot Sarmia, Ont . wiitâ€"| .50 "J have tried five differens ‘zinds of fertilizer on my garden farm this| year and can recommend as heing the | bist by a â€" long way, the Homestead | trand which I bought of C. A. Yates. It gave me good results. I do not | say this as an advertisement, | but simply to let my friends know _ the best kind to get hecause 1 _ know it means a lot ‘to plant and cate for a> crop and then have it turn out noot. I say â€" buy the â€" ffomestéad and you will be safe." j ~Better to be Safe Than ST. CATHARINES.â€"An â€" acre of land in the northeast section of the . city has heen purchased for a new ‘ Roman (Catholic church, deanery and | separate school. The land is adjacent | & i 1 \ to a large new public school opened | ic last September. y St. _ CATMIARINES. â€" William Swartr, _ aged â€" fourteen yeats, who picied up a rifle cartridge and struck it with a hammer, is in the hospital WASHINGTON. â€" Attorneyâ€"UGenc:â€" al Wickersham, it is understood _ toâ€" night, _ has decided to further attack the so called hard coal trust in civi} procecdings under the Sherman . antiâ€" trust law. Guelph, Jan. 13.â€" The inquguration _ Toron of technical evening »classes in â€" the‘ Egerton )sch«nnls here, which will open Thursâ€" | vethodi day next, has proved popular, one| has rece hundred and filtyâ€"one applicationsâ€" for Joseph classes having already heem received. oi State Mr. George R. Coombs, English | / "f gip master, will take charge of the class ‘ter to i of English for printers, for u-hich.u.g}mw there are twenty applications. | Mr.| just rec Carnegie, recently from Scotland, will l Secretar take charge of the building, construcâ€": to the e tion class, for which there are. filâ€"| at \Pekif teen applications, and Miss F%t"’nadian will have charge of the dressmaking |armed r course, there ‘being filtyâ€"nine lpll“('ibâ€"!pr Yan tions. It is very likely | that tw0‘a child classes will be formed. _ Miss _ McCâ€"‘ed. One Vannell will teach the cooking class. ‘ed, and â€" Other classes will atso be formed in / ing mad machine shop practice, drawing and | others." other technical work. ; EVENING CLASSES _ WILL NVESTIGATE ‘IN CUELPH SCHOOLS _ (G OF _ ARE POPULAR n!%l'.l“flc JOLLIFFE wfe ofe ofe ofe ofe ofe ofo ofe ofe ofe sfo ofo ofa F. KIBLER We’se!oh"’s' Oid §t'ai'ld About Felt Slippers About W a t e r p r o o f Don‘t forget our slipper sale many startling reductions were made _ on these goods. Prices range from 15c. a pair up. CATHOLOCS GET SITK BOY PAYS FOR RASH ACT them. All viscolized and waterproof shoes are also being offered at splendid savings to you. Just the thing for winter wear. See All hockey and skating shoes ._ | will be offered at reduced pricâ€" _ | ¢s. The lines are broken and t must be . cleared out _ before t Stockâ€"taking. ~ HAR HEALTH _ ness prestige would suffer. . We assure you that if your hair is | beginning to unnaturally fall out â€" or {if â€" you have any scalp trouble, Rexâ€" fall ©93" Hair Tonic is without quesâ€" tion the best remody we know of to â€" cradicate dandrufl, _ ‘stimulate _ hair growth and â€" prevont premature baldâ€" | ness. * | _ Our faith in Rexall ©93" THair Tonâ€" | ic is so strong â€" that we ask you to‘ | tty it on our positive guarantes that, | your monsy will be cheerfully refundâ€" ed â€" if it does not do as we claim. | Two sizes, 50¢c. and $1.00. Sold only [at our _ storeâ€"The Rexall Store. A. . Hachnel. Your llruggis{t has a copy for \ot Nve that you get it. * a Kttle loss than two ounces, . this means that 700,000 copies veote printâ€" cdâ€"one copy for every 11 individuals, or for e%ervy two families, in Canada. This â€" enormous â€" quantity of paper was used in printing the 1913 edition of the Naâ€"Dru Co Aimanac, just _ of the press.â€" As cach _ Almanac weighs Rooming House for Sale at the jed, and urgent representations are beâ€" ; ing maf!e to secure capture. of the _ We could not afford to so strongly endotse Rexall ©98" Hair Tonic and continue to â€" sell it as we do, if it did not â€" do all we clainy it will. hould our enthusiasm carry us away and Rexall "93" Hair Tonic not give entire satisfaction to the users. they would Jose faith in us and, our stateâ€" "I am desired by the First Minisâ€" ter to ifform you ihat <bis Royal lighness the Governorâ€"Gengral has just received atelegram from _ the Secretary of State for the Colonies, to the efiect that thr ilome Minister at ‘Pekin reports an â€" attack upon Caâ€" nadian â€" Methodist missionaries _ by armed robbers, near LooRow, on Upâ€" per Yangtze. on .Janvary 3, afd that a child named .John Lollific was killâ€" ed. One of the gang has ‘been capturâ€" If You Have Scalp or Hair Trouble, Take Advantage of This Offer. | Minard‘s Liniment Co., Limited. _ Gentlemen,â€"I have used MINARD‘S | LINIMENT _ from tims to time for | the past (twenty. years. It was reâ€" Toronte. Jan. 11.â€"Rev. Dr. T. E. Egerton Shore, the Secretary of the Methadist Foreign Mission Board, has received the following letter from Joseph Payne, the Under Secretary oi State for External Affairs:â€" the "great> Nova "gotia Liniment." It does the doctor‘s work ; it is parâ€" ticularly good _ in Cases of Rheumaâ€" tism and Sprains. f Yours truly, ' G. G. DUSTAN, Chartered Accountant. Halifax, N. 8. Sepy. 31, 1905. commended â€"to me by a Prominent pbysizian of Montreal, who called it 38 TONS OF PAPER Optomeatrist 21 KING ST. W. Phone 853. ‘‘Glasses ground While you ‘to all our wait." The Berlin Cement Drain Tile Works | ©, The undersigned has _ a _ complete &tock of iieid and drainage tile from 3 to 16 inches in size. The tile can be had at the yard, in any quantity. Field Tile For Sale #â€"if Wallenstein C.P.R. Sgation. At the same place for setvice â€" the pure bred Powble _ Standard _ Polled Dutham Bull Heto, an upâ€"toâ€"date aniâ€" mal for stock sorvice, fee Grade cows $5.00, pure bred cows $20.00. One thre>yearâ€"old pure hred Short Horn Durham bull of the dairy typo which is necessatily nceded to breed the Durham cow up to a higher stanâ€" dard for the dairy purpose, not alone for stcck but for milk and _ butter, This bull has proven a good _ stock getter and is in fine condition to go at the head of the best Durham bred herds. Also some younger bulls and boifers for saleâ€"Apply to ; C._C. DIEFENBACHER, 3 s Hawkesvilic. If so write or call on me. 1 have choice farms, all sizes, to rent on shares or ‘sell on crop payâ€" ments. _ Choice land, good _ water, elose to school and town. The largâ€" est Waterloo County settlememnt _ in Saskatchewan. â€" Bov or rent a Tfarm Are You _ Coming West King ® 3 in., $14.00 per M.,â€" 4 Ibs per {t. 1 in., $18.G0 per M, 6 lbs percft. 5 in., $22.00 per M, & lbs per ft. 6 in., $30.00 per M, 11 Ihs per ft. 7 in., $38.00 per M, 15 Ths per ft. 8 in., $55.00 per M, 23 lbs per (t. I0 in., $70.00 per M, 32 Ihs per ft 12 in., £99.00 perâ€" M, 38 Tbs per ft 11 in., 17%c per ft., 50 Its per ft. 16 in., 2231c per‘ft., 80 Ths per ft. 18 in., i0e per {t, Rlended Coffee, in bulk or _ tins, at â€" __ 30c and 40¢ per Ib. Tea and Goffee For a good cup of tea just try our Young Hyson. _ Two prices at HOME OF GOOD GROCERIES ing St. Phone 701. Whaterlo Rin Colfice, a good coffee, J.LETTER& SON Waterloo County‘s Lowest Priced Furniture Store, Phones, House 207. . â€" % 4C Shoemaker Ave 784. B SUT PRICES Mole Devere: neun following prices: 25¢ and 40c 1b. UNDERTAKERS FOR SALE S. B. BIEHN, 25¢ per Ib. M., 4 Ibs. per ft M, 6 Tbs percft. M, 8 lbs per ft. M, 11 Ths per ft Furniture Store. _ : Don‘t fail to visit Qur Store this: month and take advantage of The Best llmm that were ever offered by any Guérnsey, Sask. Berlin, Ont.} and Rug Sale lb ’ ts isd | tlisne. l‘ F * + | Numbet uniimited. Highest market I;\etr ‘::.lil;nlmm C.P.R. Station, _ price paid. Load every second Ti â€" h ce . ‘day. _ Next shipment Tuesday, Jan _ 1Mghest market price paid. â€" ssesssssessess sessscsccscsessessecscccecessseseessseses vary. 21st i J. G. WING & CO., Berlin, Ont. gj Phone 552 38 Frederick St., Berlin @â€"L.0L0:]. 0â€"Leoâ€"{co k0 L eâ€"Leâ€". oo . 0+0+O-§-o+o+oa)oo-xo’o+q+o+0‘-i- d / ‘QQQ‘.“.“â€â€œâ€˜\QQ‘.‘Q“.‘.‘. i-.“oney" to Loan, Conveyancing Hogs Wanted AT BADEN CLEMEXNS & HUNSBERGER #fpockeo ko reoFeo}koke o pOreo koreo ko e }eotkeotej{atkekere Watchmaker, Jeweler and Opticlan. _ Issucriof Marriage Licenses, _ Watsise $12,500 burs 118 acres, extra good buildifgs, 5 miles from Berlin. $19,500 buys 200 acres 9 miles from Berlin. ~ 4 $11,000 buys 168 acres, good barn, tair nouse, 3 miles from Berlin. $16,000 buys 172 acres, good buildings, 2 miles from Berlin $16,200 buys 162 acres, good buildings, 1% miles from Berlin. $4,700 buys 117 acres, fair.buildings, 10 miles from Berlin. s $5,000 buys 109 acres, fair buildings, 8 miles from Berlin: $4,200 buys 80 acres, fairâ€"bwildings, 5 miles from BerJin. $114,000 buys 172 acres, fair buildings, 3 miles from Berlin. Holiday _ _â€" Presents Wishing One and All A Bright and Prosperous | New Year. . M. WILHELM Watertso‘s Harness Shop ? REAL ESTATE If you want to : get good Bargains be in time. My selection is yet comâ€" plete, with a full line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, _ Silverware, Specâ€" tacles, Fountain Pens, Jewelry Boxes, Fancy Clocks, Gold Headed Usmmbrelâ€" las, ete. ; llighest market price paid. < Load every second Tuesday. Next shipment Janvars 28th, 1913. WATERLOO C.C. Duefenbacher K : ie _ P y Â¥%) P i. ‘yie) King 8t. _ â€" Waterleo essssessessseases 2o uel T 20 S d t +