y# Commencing at ore o‘clock p.m., the following valuable property, viz.:â€" At the same time and place the fine farm wilt be offered for sale (if not previously sold), Comptising 99 acres, 6 acres of _ which is hardwood bush and 10 actes sown in fall wheat suitâ€" able farm for daity or stock First class _ buildings, geed erchard _ and sprinz water. Terms of Real Estate will be made known on day of sale. TERMS :â€"Chickens, _ geese, _ hay, roots, and all sums of ten ‘dollars and @nder _ cash, _ over _ that amount 3 months‘ _ credit _ on,approved _ joint notes or { per cent, for cash payment of_credit amount Household® Eficcts :â€"L small table, 1 single bed complete, 3 tedsteads,â€" 2 rockers, corner cupboard, one _ dosk, five kitchen _ chairs, one lounge, _ 3 benches, one kitchén table, one wath tuBb, _ one â€" meat barrcl, ons chutn, small heazing stove, summet kitchen stove, sausage â€" grinder, stuffer, lard press new, sink, spic cupboatd, .one iron _ kettle new, one copper kettle, one stréetcher _ with springs roew, one double heater, two _ jilk cans, . one milk strainer, a boiler, crocks, milk coolers, _ sap pails, .milk pails, _ on> sidet barrel, ten cheese boxes _ with applés spy, one horse _ robe _ unlined new, one . gun, two market baskets, two horse blankets, two horse rolts, National â€" cream separator, quantity oi clover haÂ¥, 200 bush mangels, quanâ€" tity of ensilage, and fiaany other ar Léles too numerous to mention. 21 Air â€" ploughs, | Vority 2â€"furrow plough, land roller, disk harrow, wagâ€"| on with box, 2 in. tire ; lumber wagâ€"| on 4 in. tire, 2 seated carriage \\ith‘ pole and shait, top buggie, open bugâ€"| gie, _ tubber tire buggic nearly new,| jumper _ cutter, cutter, _ pair bop | sleighs new, platform for sleighs, pair light sleighs with pole; and shait, grindstonc, turnip pulpet,‘ fanning mill, cutting box, 10 _ horse power with rods _ and cuppling.platâ€" | form scale 600 cap., flat rack, 1 Ray; rack, 1 . stock rack ®16 ft. long, 1. stock rack, gravel planks, wheel batâ€"‘ row, 2 sets doubl» harness, 3 setts single â€" harness, logging chain, block and _ tackle, â€" extension Jadder 21 ft, waggon â€" jack, buggie | jack, scalding j trough, buggie pole, 3 horse doubh»; tree, 3 sett _ doubletrees, nock yokes, > crowbars, ditch _ spade, forks, . hay knive, _ shovels, hoes, ensilage fotk, scoup shovel, hali bushel measure, 2 sugarbeet «.nives, sythes, pickaxe, milk box, corn Planter, quantity of fence staves. Horscs :â€"General purpose horse risâ€" ing 7 years old, 2 driving bay imares rising 9 years old and 6 years old, 1 driving bay horse rising 5 years old, 1 heavyy Bay Gelding rising 3 | years Purs Bred _ Holstein Cattle :â€"Cow supposed to calye May 5th, cow supâ€" posed to calve Feb. 10th, cow _ supâ€" posed to calve March 48th, cow supâ€" posed to calve July 24th, heiffer supâ€" posed to calve May Tth, heifer _ supâ€" posed to calve _ July 4th, heifer supâ€" posed to calve Aug. 9th, 3 hiifer calâ€" ves risng 1 year old, 1 bull calve 8 months old, 1 bull 2 years old, Qrade cattle :â€"Cow due to _ calve May 12th, cow supposed to be fresh by time _ of sale, cow supposed _ to calve Apr. l6th, three fresh cows, cow supposed to calve Apr. 22nd, 1 fat . cow, ons helfer calye 9 months Satmated â€"Sth Concession | Towinhip ®i~ Welleslex. 81 aeres imader eultiva tion,. 1i acres beech and maple bush, % aeres pastiure lanc, mixed leamy soil, 8 roomaen irame house, n,-'.Q" kiteron and woodshed hmilt 1912, new Iy rowted, painted and â€" papered in TA 2. never failing well, water in house, bark barn 70 x 70, silo 24 x 12 feet inside, with pix stable hl'll)\\',’ 2 drive sheds, extra log house for hired man, 4 actes in {ruit, lots of| plins and pears, well fenced (mostlh j witg), fioar school and church. \/ Ko Cressman Pigs :â€"2 sows supposed to pig . by time of sale, Yorkshire Boar, 15 pigs 5 months old, 2 geese, 1 gander, 78 white leghorn‘s chickens. MIN ARDS â€" LININENT GARGET IN CDWS + ~Auction \â€"PUBLIC SALE Wednesday, Feb. 5th 1913. Nz will be sold by public auction Ln.‘)e premis*s of the undersigned, 2 east of _ New _ Hamburg, on leam.‘s Road, Lot No. 19, on 100 ACRES FOR SALE JOEX STEINER, Proptictor Stock, Implements and Real â€" ité~ Farm_ S fowsehaiy Eitecss *( 4 B o _ FRASER, Auctioncer A. KATEMANX Cltk. Real Estate OF old, _ Horsesâ€"Bay horse 8 years old, bay c ears horse 7 years old, span ol colts 5 a and 6 years old, got _ by McQueen, |Sal\ * bay mare rising 3 years got by Mcâ€" 23 ye COY* . Queen, browa horse rising 4 â€" years | P3 sSUPâ€" got by Dashwood, brood mare _ 14| t*¢d SUPâ€" years old supposed to be in foal to | 4 P# sUPâ€"!Golden Bap, bay mare pacer 10 years | ,,. supâ€" old; black colt 2 years ofd, got by:s it SUPâ€"‘ Bege‘s imported horse, chestnut w""mow SuUPâ€" 2 years old, got by Captain Wilkes.!uo‘ calâ€" spring colt got by Flying Sid. These| _ ‘e 8 are a splendid_ lot of fine young | ; on , horses. + | :.lin ! Cattleâ€"9 good dairy cows supposed to\ 2l9¢ be in calf, 10 head of fat cattle, 11| P9X® "ef"? spriag calves. _ “","'.'.' Real Estateâ€"There will also _ be sold at the same time and place the farm, comprising 200 aeres . more or Mess, of which there are 20 actes sown in Fall wheat, 60 acres in grass, 65 acres fall ploughed, 20 actes bush and 2 acres in orcharc. On the premises is a large tank barn, straw shed with cement pig _ stable underneath, water in strawshed and driving shed, also 2 spring creeks running through farm, frame house with kitchen and all â€" mocessary _ outhuildings. Any person wishing to bhuy. a large farm {should not miss this opportunity. \ Terms of Chattels.â€"Pigs, chickens, hay, grain, fat cattle, and all sums |of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months‘ credit on approyâ€" ed joint notes or 5 per cent. per annum off for cash payments of credit !amounts. The undersizned offers for sale his farm, situated 3 miles from _ Wellesâ€" ley, on the main road leading _ to Philipsburg, _ convenient to â€" schools ‘and churches. _ The farm _ comprises 100 acres, more ot less, under a good state _ ‘of cultivation; 8 acres sowed in fall wheat, 45 acres fail ‘ploughed and balance good â€" pasture ‘land; soil good loam, well _ drained, Terms of Real Estate will be made known on day of sale. & °4 % There will be sold by public auction on the premises of the undersigned, 3 miles east of Crosshill, 24 miles west of St. Clements, and 4 miles southeast of the Linwood C. P. R. station, OB Commencing at 12.30 o‘clock p. m. sharp, the following valuable _ propâ€" erty, viz.â€" â€" good never failing spring, a few rods from barn, 2 never failing wells at barn and house, with cistern, . good bank barn 190 x 60, straw shed 24 x 38, cement stable, capacity 34 head of cattle, hog peh, capacity 75 _ to 80 hogs, driving shed, dwelling house and all necessary outbuildings, good {fruit trees of all kinds, rural â€" mad delivery. For further particulars apâ€" ply on premises or to Pho: phonol :t tor s every nerve in the body mmâ€"zsw.._____ to it: proper tension ; restores ! viin and vitality. Premature deray and all sexual | weakne® averted at once. Phospborel wiil m-kednu a new man. Pnce*’. bnx, or two for $5.. Mailed to any addre«s. Â¥he Scobell Prug RANECTOCITTY RCOTECT Also the fine latin of 152 attes, «itâ€" uated 5 miles from Preston, S mules from Galt. There are 23 agres sown in of fall wheat, 50 actes in gtass, 24 acres bush, fall _ plowing nearly _ al done, â€" good _ buildings, _ barn 50%x60, strawshed 40X 10, toot cellar attached to batn, 1} story brick house, driving shed and all necessary out buildings Good tunning spring at batn, a sfring in the hush and a spring in the pasâ€" ture field. An excellent erchard bearâ€" ing _ fewit _ of all kinds, Rural mail touf>. Bargain forypuick sale UENRY LIVERGOOD, 19 2 mos Strasburg, Ont. Electric Restorer for Men Wednesday, Jan. 29th, 1913 JOHN REXNIE, Proprietor. | A. J. MICKUS, Auctioneer. 221| Mailed to any addre«s. Bt. Catharines, Ont. Farm tor Sale 153 ACRF FARM n + OF The problem of winter sewing now confronts every houschold and you can not alford to waste precious moments at alternations _ until your garments loose all their original style and fit, yet it has been â€" endured year _ alter year, because _ of the mistaken idea, that you could go no whete to leatn to cut a garment so it would not reâ€" quire those tedious fittings. A Cutâ€" ting Course with us will remedy it all. A few days‘ trial given free, a complete course will only cost . you $10.00. The last class to be taught this winter will commence on Monday Jan. 20th. For further â€" information call at our residence on Jan. 18th. _ Hous:hold Effects‘ Churn, butter bow! and print, box stove, coal heatâ€" ez, Masseyâ€"Harris â€" cream separator, nearly new, and mmany other articles too numerous to mention. There wili be sold by public auction on the premises of the undersigned, } mile notth of Winterbourne, near Zuâ€" ber‘s corner, on { Cattle etc.: 3 _ cows supposed â€" to calve in April aud May, 1 fresh cow, 2 yearling cattle, 4 calves, 1 sow to Figz about time _ of sa\e, 4 thoroughâ€" tred Leicester ewes, 35 chickens and a pair of geese. Terms : Potatocs, fowl and sheep, and all sums of $10 and under cash. over that amount 12 month‘s credit on approved security, or 5 per cent. ofl for cash. No reserve, as the farm is sold. «â€" GEOQ. G. CEASS, Avctioncer. WALTER STORK, Proprietor. Implements : Frost & Wood binder, 6 {t. cut, nearly _ new, McCormick mower, new, Sharp hay rake, Wisner Ho: drill, cultivator, McCorinick disec, nearly new, _ Verity plow, 3 section The 39th annual meating _ of _ the North Waterloo _ Farmers‘ _ Mutual KFire Insurance Co., will be held on Mon. Jan. 20th 1913 at the hour of 12 o‘clock," noon, in the Waterloo Free Library Hall, for the purpose of receiving the ar nual reports, and election _ of _ four directors. Wednesday, Jan. 22nd, 1913 suppos:d to be in [oal, black mare 6 years old, bay mare 12 years old, (good driver). at 1 o‘clock p.m. sharp, the following property : > f Waterloo, Jan. 21d, 1913 London _ City Council gave third . reading to the byâ€"law to raise $250,â€" N00 for purchasine land fot a _ Fedâ€" eral Square and for building a City Hall. NORTH WATERLOO Farmers‘ Mutual Fire Insurance Co. FamStoekndlan f .:...;...;...;...;.o-x-o.z-o-x-oo!-oox-o-l-o+0+0-!~0+0°!~0+0°'a'0+0°!‘"!'0+‘( 0 f0L0L0.].0]0â€"]Leâ€"]L 0oL 0 LoL. 0J oL o]0L0f}0 L0 f]eâ€"{â€"0ofpeofeofeqp JOSIAH STAUFFER. is what you will declare our KING brand to be after you have given it a trial.. Don‘t make the trial to easy either. _ ‘Try it on bread, biscuits, pastries and cakes. You‘ll find it equally perfect in all. No other flour equats it in all rour.d baking excellence, Shall we send a sack toâ€"day? By order of the Board, A Perfect Jewel of a Flour Merchant Miller The Ellison Dresscutting Co. 42 Ehy St., Berlin Bay â€" mare 10 yrs. . old, Iryvin~ Master Iâ€"44. l Cattle, etc.: 7 good Dairy cowsâ€" Durham â€" cow due to calve Mar. 9, ‘cow due to calve March 11, cow due Ito c Ite March 14, cow due to calve J Apr.1 13, cow due to calve April 9, rcow due to calse â€" Aug. 18, cow due to calve Sept. 19, 3 heilfers rising 2 years â€" old, supposed to be in calf, 2 Spring calves, Durham bull 5 years old with pe@igree, 40 chickens and 2 Rhode Island Red cockerels. Implements, _ ete.: Masseyâ€"Harris binder 6 [t. eut, mower, Massw-llarâ€"‘ ris steâ€"l 10 ft. hay rake, Noxon hoe crill, Sylvester cultivator, Cockshutt disc 12 plates of 16 inches, land l'ol-| ler, Imperial Verity 2furrow â€" plow, Cockshu;t 3â€"furrow gang plow, 2 No. 21 walking plows, 3 fourâ€"section iron harsows, sculler, 2 wagons, 1 ne;rlyi new ; wagon box, pair bob sleighs, 3 seated Phaetomâ€" mleigh, top buggy, road cart, wood rack, hay rack, Bat rack, set gravel planks, fanning mill, straw cutter, platiorm scales, capacâ€" ity 2000 lbs., 2 sts team harness 1 nearly new ; set plow harness, . set single harness, 4 pneumatic. . horse collars, 2 straw co.lars, sap pan, 50 sap buckets and _ spouts, iron kettle, Magnâ€"t cream sepatator, whifletrees, neckyokes, logg‘ng chains, stone boat, forks, shovels, bag. truck, and many other articles. Also about 600 bushâ€" els tugnfy$. .) 0; .+. + No rcserve as the farm is rented. TERMS :â€"Roots, chickens and _ all sums _ of $10 and .under, cash ; over that amount 12 months‘ credit on apâ€" proved joint notes or 4 per cent. off for cash payments of credit amounts. ABRAHAM S$» SCHNELLER, is Proprietor. on the. premises ofâ€" the 1} Weat ‘of ' € Tuesday, Jan. 21st, 1912 ('Q‘:lwl" & o cloek p.m;. shas the a-ï¬.“nfqu, vi ce tp . sicid k: Areand ons vyears Old, S ‘mare 5 years old, Spring colt got by Cros. Box. tmfliiflï¬ï¬ property, viz.: _ Horseg : Hay horse 16 years old: 22t Mr. Austen Chamberlain announced his intention to stand by food taxes while temaining loyal to his party. Mrs. A. H. Foe was â€" fatally and Miss Foe seriously burned at Strathâ€" roy through a lamp exploding when they were going upstairs. || #Â¥4Â¥4Â¥44+4Â¥44++4AH44¢44+4+t+++t+++ LEARN_THE AU TO M O B ILE BUSINESS during the winter months and be prepared for the opportuniâ€" ties of the early spring. Take a Course in the big Dept. 10 275 Broadview Ave. Write for free Booklet toâ€"fday TORONTO Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL A. J. MICKUS, Auctioneer. ALLEN SHOEMAKER, Clerk 1â€"4t. Berlin, Ont. \â€"<] _ Farm for Sale | Farm for Sale Comprising 117 acres, situated 2 miles east of Breslau, 90 acres under cultivation, balance bush and ‘pasture Comprising 100 actes situated in Wilnot Township, Cen. 2, Lot 17, five miles south of Eader and 1} miles, ~nutheast of Haysville. 90 acres are under a good state of cultjvatioa, balâ€" ance bush ane pasture land. CGood brick house, and large bank barn, driving shed end â€" other necessary _ outbuildings on property. _ Good _ supply of hard and soft water, also 24 acres orchard. For further part‘culars apply to â€"_ USIAH SHANTZz, land. _ On the property is a good stone house with kitchen and woodâ€" shod, bank barn, strawshed and other nete: 8:ry outbuildings, 1 acte orchard NDTCIeTY NENIITMOEP, T SIC OICHWTE good . loam, good _ spring M.._‘mo!ll'»lx of bard and solt u.: me?l'ul‘lcnfll “'fl’ water, 13 acres in fall wheat and 20 m'm. bank barn, straw acres seeded in grass. For {urtber|ror further particulars . anply . to art.calars apply to D. S. Shantz. Raden. 84â€"t(. Nos. 111,791â€"Traugott Golde, Gera,: Gerâ€" many. Hinged hood for vehicle. 114,992â€".Johannes _ V. M. Risberg, 3â€"1t The undersigned ofi¢rs for sale a deâ€" sirable bome.‘ The farm.of Mr. Jamâ€" es Pines, of 22} acres, in the To#nâ€" oi Wodlwich, Ont., it is a sevenâ€"roomâ€" ed two storey cement house, furnace, summer kitchen, wood shed, soft watâ€" Uc, frame bank barn, driving house, pig pen, hen â€" house, good orchard, farm : well fenced, spring water in house and barn. The same is on the road leading from Bloomingdale to Winterbourne. Rural mail route. 1} miles East of Conestogo. _A snapP apâ€" ply early to _ x _ 3â€"1month House and lot in Village of Haysâ€" ville, good buildings and water. MRS. DINGWALL. Power Spray Motor, with 24 horse power gasoline engine and 90 feet of rubber hose. Can be used for sprayâ€" ing orchards or stables. Motor in first Class condition.â€"Apply to . Notice to Creditors Pelow will be found a list of patâ€" ents recently‘ secured through â€" the agency of Mes»ts. MARION & MARâ€" TON, Patent _ Attorneys, Montreal, Canada and Washington, D. C Any information on the subject will be supplied free of charge by applying to the above named firm. The creditors of James Turel, late of the Township of Waterloo, in the County of Waterloo, carpenter, are hereby notified that bis estate will be distributed on the thirteenth day of January 1913, and will be had only to Claims of which notice ‘shall have been given in writing‘to Menno Turel, 40 Caroline St., West, Betlin, Ontario before that date. 1â€"3t IT WILL GBOW We want TWO MORE AGENTS in this county. Datâ€"d at Berlin, Ont., January 2nd, 1913. YENTOR‘S ADVISER." Thos. W. Bowman & Son Co., Ltd.,. Ridgevilie, Ont. Fridhem, Sweden. Manually acâ€" , tuated centrifugal separator. 1145,101â€"Hans _,C. _ Bjering, Gjovik, Norway. Mowing Machine. 145,106â€"â€"Messrs. L. A. Hebert & 0O Desijardins, Montreal, _ Que. Heater. 115,159â€"Felipe Inda, Mexico. Clock and fare register combined with door _ opening and closing deâ€" vice. Write for, a free copy of "THE IXâ€" Nursery Stock Farm for Sale Farm for Sale ___ Plant Bowman‘s guaranteed PATEXNT REPORT FOR SALE JACOB CRESSMAN, MENNO TUREL, * Executor. Berlin, Ont JAMES FENTOXN, Conestogo T. SHANTZ, Haysville 51â€"1m ‘The undersigned offers forâ€"sale his farm situated one mile northwest of St. Agaths and 4 miles north | of Baden, on Concession 1, Block B ‘The farm comprises about 12%§ actes, 25 acres bush and pasture, 100 acres ‘The undersigned offers for sale his warw Papt farm, better known as the Charles| PUBLIC â€" NOTICE is bereby given Forwell farm, situated 2 miles north| that one mouth after the first publiâ€" of St. Clements and 1 mile _ southâ€"{cation hereof in the Outario Gazette, west of Hawkesville. The farm ooln-l application under the Loan ank Trust prises 141 acres, more or less, inâ€"iCorporation‘s Act will be made â€" by cluding 14 acres busk. mostly bardâ€"| Thomas Hilliard of the Town of Watâ€" wood. The balance is all good‘woxk' erloo, in the County of Waterloo l‘, able land, slightly rolling except 2 suran'ce Manager, Peter Hary ‘s'm. acres which is watered by a CréeK)of the City of ‘Tororto, in tg Oon: which crosses the southâ€"east corner Of| ;/ |p yory Insurance w Simon the farm and provides excellent pu'! fl’(')wman B;;ickcr of the snid 'l:uw of ture land. _ The farm is tile dralud‘w"‘fl on Merch'.m. Edward Fm"~ where necessary. On the property u‘ %a.gram' of the “;d Town of Watorâ€" a large bank barn 74 x 50 feet, and‘i"m Distiller _ and _ For® “"U*!“ straw shed 30 x 70 feet, a threshing ) ;. abrbtns o Wetuind 4 | Kumpf, _ of the said Town of Waterâ€" shed is aiso attached to the DATM./)); (jonlemen, hy petition to â€" His There is also a large sheep pen andi“ nor 'l]l"hml'.\l y’:(} i a workâ€"shop attached to the bnrn., (." gi1 dligoed l!.nm overnot : © :W Under the barn ate excellent stablel.{ ouncil for _ the incorporation as . .& cement floots, and under the _ straw| >V2" _( orporation of. the applicants shed hog pen aud hen pen, also cemâ€"| 2"4 aDY Othets who may become stib, ent floors. A large driving shed . is SCTibets to the memorandum of agreeâ€" also situated some distance from the| ¢"t 0f the Company and persons who barn. ‘The house is a two st.orey}b"“’me sharcholders of the Company brick, 30x 40 feet, with brick kitchen | Under the corporation mame of . ‘"The 25 x 30 feet, also large summer kitâ€"| Watet!loo County Loan and . Savings chen and woodshed. These buildings COmPany‘" for the following purposes are all in excellent repair, _ having And objeCts that is to say : "lately becn reâ€"roofed. Water is supâ€" T0 !0an moneys on first mortgages plied by an artesian well pumped by | On_feal estate, on debentures and oth: ,a power mill on the barn. At the °* securities authorized by the said house is also hard _ and soft water, Act, and to receive moneys on depoâ€" ‘This farm has never been reated and ; Sit or by the issue of debentures _ of is in a high state of cultivation and) otherwise under the authority of the has always been occupied by the owâ€" Said Act and generally to catry . off ber. For further particulars _ apply the business _ of a Loan Corporatiof on the premises orâ€"write Wm. K. as defined in the said Act. Forwell, St. Clements P. 0. | _ The proposed location of the IHead The vndersigned offers for sale his farmy situated 4 miles west of Waterâ€" loo, Lot No. 1, Township of Wilmot, Loomprising 136 â€" acres, 12 acres â€" of \wh‘ch is bush and balance under good state of cultivation. On the farm is "a good house, bank barn and all necâ€" essary outbuildings. Also large orth ard and‘ abundant of hard and _ soft water. For further particulars apply ‘The undersigned offers for sale his valuable farm, situated near Winter: bourne, comprising of 200 acres, 150 acres of which is under good state of cultivation, 25 acres bush and 25 acres pasture land. Stone house, bank barn and all necessary outbuildings. Apply Comprising about 100 acres adjacâ€" ent to the village of Erbsville. _ 70 acres under _ cultivation, balance pasture land, cedar swamp and hardâ€" wood bush. First class. house â€" and bank barn on property, and good orchard and soft and hard water. Alâ€" so 500 cedar posts for sale. Apply 49â€"1 mo. Farm comprising 100 acres, more or less, Lot 9, Con. 6, one mile west of Crosshill, comprising 10 _ acres bush, balance under good istate â€" of cultivation, weil fenced,‘ 8 acres sown in fall wheat, about 3 acres good orchard, bank barn 60x60 with driving shed, never failing well, frame house with kitchen and wood shed atâ€" tached, and all necessary out buildâ€" ings. For further particulars apply to Mrs. Daniel Gerber, Crossnill, Ont. A valuable dairy farm near Centreâ€" ville, of 98 acres, for $5000.00. _ For fulther particulars apply to 39â€"2m0s. _ J. SAUDER. Freeport. 1â€"Imo FIGHT _ MEX WANTED DURING the _ winter _ naonths for chepping cordwood.â€"ApPly A. A. Pipe, _ 36 Foundry St. Beflin. 52â€"4[. CEO. 0. MERSON & COMPANY +5 % Medicine Hat and Calgary, Alta. Valuable Farm for Sale 16 King St. W. TORONTO ; Farm for Sale Farm for Sale Farm for Sale Farm for Sale Farm for Sale Chartered Accountants. GREGOR SCHNARR, | Erbsville, Ont. AARON SNYDER, Winterbourne. XAVER DITNER, St. Agatha state of cultivation. ¢ ‘uevs leam, good _ spring|ing valuable iling wells, 1} :m Live Stock k barn, straw cow, . cow . rticulars apply . to |farrow cow, taden. 34â€"tt.| Implement: 35â€"4mos Implementsâ€"Massey Harris 4} It. cut, cultivator with seed boz, hay»â€" Tunwiuuulby'flb.-&-g on the premises of h-hdfl.’z 1} miles south @f St. Cleuynts and 3 a â€" miles northeast of Bamberg on ... "~. harness, set single harmess, iron neckâ€" yoke, gravel planks, sceop shovel," wheelbarrow, 12 grain baga@ doubleâ€" trees, forks, and many other articles® too numerous to mention. Grain and Roots â€"About eae _ ton‘ hay, 400 bushels eafs, 200 _ bushels Commencing at 1 o‘clock the ing valuable property, viz.~ Live Stockâ€"One mare, fresh Household Efiects, Eteâ€" Unud&a cream separator, cor@er cupboard,‘ bench, wash stand, iron kettle. Termsâ€"Hay, grain, roots and alt© sums of $10.00 and under, cash;, over that amount 10 months‘ eredtt on apâ€" proved joint notes or 4 per cent. of for cash payments of credit amounts. CHRISTIAN DUEXNCH, Proprietor A. J. MICKUS, Auctionser. vA tarrow cow, call 7 weeks old. harrow, hay rack, ladders, . turnip A. J. Mickus, Auctioneer Jan. 21.â€"Farm stock and Implements. . Of Abram Schoeller, 1$ miles west of Williamsburg and 1 mile east Of} Mannheim, « \~3 Feb. 6.â€"Farm stock and implements of Christian Duench, 1} miles south of St. Clements, and 2}â€" miles west of Bamberg. Feb. 13.â€"Farm stock and imple of Allen W. Woelfle, 1 mile Feb. 4.â€"Fitm stock and implement®_ of John Eisler, 3§ miles cast flé' Shakespeate, 4 miles west of Ne# Hamburg on Huron Road, Lot l_‘,vi Con. 1 South Easthope. F6 > Feb. 5.â€"Farm, farmstock and impl¢, ments of _ John _ Steinet, 14 miles, East of. New â€" Hamburg, Lot 19, Bleams Road, South, Township, Of: Wilmot. . â€" * Feb. 18.â€"Farm stock and implements. of Jacob Weicker, 4 miles Eutz Shakespeare, 3 miles west of New Hamburg on Huron Road, Lot (; Con. 1 South Easthope, io March 5.â€"Farm stock and M & of Ams Geiger at.Holmans school house _ Townline between M and Oxford, Lot 13, Con. 14, Town«* sbip of Blenheigg a .m March 27.â€"Farm stock and _ impl4 ments of John T.. Otto 4 mile east of New . Hamburg, Lot 20, Bleams# Road, North, Towsship of Wilmot.. east of Mannbeim and 5 miles south west .of Berlin. ‘ Feb. 19.â€"Farm stock and implements of Elias Bingeman, 1 mile north w st of Breslau, 2 miles east ol Pr dgeport and 2 miles south _ 0 Bloomingdale. : Mar. 11.â€"Farm stock and implements of Mrs. C. Tudolph, 34 miles nortl east of New Dundee and 2} â€" milé west of Strasburg on Muron Road. PUBLIC _ NOTICE is bereby given that one mouth after the first Mg cation hereof in the Ontario Gazette, . application under the Loan ank Trust | Corporation‘s Act will be made â€" by . Thomas Hilliard of the Town of Watâ€" erloo, in the County of Waterloo, Inâ€"â€"‘ surance Manager, Peter Harvey Sim8, _ of the City of Toromto, in the Counâ€" . ty of York, Jnsurance Manasger, Simon | Bowman Bricker, of the said Town of < Waterloo, Merchant, Edward Frowde Seagram, of the said Town of Watorâ€":_ loo, _ Distiller and _ For®é Staniey‘. Kumpf, _ of the said Town of Waterâ€"" loo, Gentlemen, hy petition to © His lionor The Licutenant Governor â€" in Council for the inCorporation as .& _ Loan _ Corporation of. the applicants and any others who may become sUbâ€" sCribers to the memorandum of agreeâ€" nent of the Company and persons who become shareholdets of the Company under the corporation mname of _ ‘"The Waterloo County Loan and _ Savings Company‘‘ for the following purposes and objeCts that is to Say : The proposed location of the Ifead Oï¬ is the Tewn of Waterloo in the County of Waterloo and Province of (O)ntario, and the amount of permafent capital stock for which authonization will _ be asked _ will be Two Million Dollars ($2000600.00) _ divided _ into twenty thousand shares of the . pat value of One Hundred Doilars ($100.â€" 00) each. ° _ A. B. McBRIDE, Solicitor for the Applicants. ; Dated at Waterieo, Ont., this _ 14tK day of Jaawarr, A. D., 1913 3â€"1t ED. KAUFMAN, Clérk. Thursday, Feb. 6th, 1913. â€"â€" PUBLIC NOTICE â€" AucUWon Sales Alex Fraser, Auctioneer.: .