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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 16 Jan 1913, p. 9

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& On Tuesday evening when a number g'- ef the nursing staf of the Berlinâ€"Waterâ€" i~*~ loo â€" Hospital entered the Nurses‘ * _ Home aiter being relheved from duty l;‘ about 7 o‘clock they met a strange > man in the corridor who husriediy Str Actions of Unknown‘ However Finds Proprietor 8 M s * in ons made his exit when the young ladies entered. It was found that he _ had been rummaging through some of the rooms but no articles ol value . was ‘The unknown man jumped into . a sleigh to which a grey horse . was hitched / ane _ drove away. _ While driving _ down â€" the roadway toward King street a woman was walking up the sidewalk to the Hospital to visit a patient and â€" the man immadiately turned his horse â€" around and _ drove up to her. He jumped out of _ the cutter and _ assaulted the woman throwing her to the sidewalk and was about to rob her when she screamed and frightened the horse which comâ€" menced to run away. The man . left the woman lying on the sidewalk and ran‘after his horse which he captured behind the Hospital and drove away. The woman was terribly frightened and was assisted to the Hospital by nurscs who had been attracted _ by her screams. _ After wreceiving netesâ€" sary attention she returned to Berlin and _ reported the assault to _ Chief (‘Neill about nine o‘clock. The Chief started an investigation ‘:he;et and an effort was made to Iocat.'e tB8 | nize grey horse and Chicf Flynn of \\a'ler- ;m fir loo was also asked to assist. The | simil lattrr had seen an outfit similar to it< ag the one discribed by the nurses and | in cn the woman early in the evening. _ | . ,, LITTLE BOY . f KILLED, THROWN _ _ _ OFF A SLEIGH Duting the â€" evening Alex Hergott | of _ Waterloo â€" Tp. had left his grey | horse and _ sleigh remafning outside‘ Brunswick Hotel and the animal disâ€" appeared. This was also reported 10 ; the poli¢cs and the staif was kept busy , looking _ for the two grey horses. | About â€" eleven _ o‘clock the Hergott‘ horse was found on Waterlon _ street | by several boys and was brought , to | the police station and returned to its| ownt. No trace of the outfit with; the man who attempted to rob the | telpless woman in front of the Hosâ€"| pital has yet teen found. It is beâ€" lived to be somebody familiar with j the premiss Mount Forest, Jan. 5.â€"A sad acciâ€" dent occurred here whereby the little sixâ€"yearâ€"old _ son of Mr. and _ Mrts. Lorne Jackson, who recently _ moved here from Arthur township, was killâ€" ed. He and his sistor, _ aged eight, wet> returning with a cousin to ‘spend a fow days â€" with their grandfather, Wm. Elliott, in Arthur township beâ€" fore _ school rcâ€"opened. The cousin, who was _ oaly twelve or thirteen years of age, had a load of chop on the sleigh. _ When turning a cornet tha sleigh apparently skidded, and the child was thrown of, with the | bag, upon which he had Leen sitting, : on 'l};l}ons;'inus, and it was found that his neck had been broken. It is â€" guaranteed _ under the Pure Food and rugs Law so be absoluteâ€" ly free from opiates or harm{ul drugs of any description. Money back for any case of RHEUMATISN, NEURALGIA _ OR HEADACHE THAT SOLACE FAILS TO REMOVE. SOLACE _ REMEDY® is a recent medical _ discovery of _ three German Scientists that dissolves Uric Acid OCrystals and Purifics the Blood. _ It is easy to take, _ and will not affect the weakest stomach. ~ 7 SOLACE is a pure specific in every way, and _ has _ been proved beyond question to be the surest and quickâ€" est _ remedy _ for VUric Acid Troubles known to medical science, no matter how long standing. Tt reaches _ and removes the root of the trouble (Uric Acid) and purifies the blood. THE . SOLACE CO. of Battle Creek aré the sole U. S. Agents and have thousands _ oi voluntary: testimontal I+tters which have been received from grateful people SOLACE has restored to ‘health. Téestimomal Tetters, Titer ature and FREE BOX sent upon reâ€" quest . R. Lee â€" Motris, _ President of the First National bank of Chico, Texas, wrote the Solace Company as _ folâ€" lows : "I want you to send ‘a box nfi Solâ€" ace to my father in Memphis, Tenn , fot which I enclose $0 This temedy has been used by some friends of mine here and I must say its action _ was wonderful. Put up in 25¢c. 50¢. and £1.00 boxes 1T‘S â€" MIGHTY FINE TO _ BE wELI,. _ AND YOt CaAN SooNn BE s0 BY â€"TAKING SOLACK. "No SpeCial Treatment Schemes or Fees." JUST SOLACE ALONE does _ the 1T‘S MIGHTY FINE _ TO _ BE _ The expensive dresses of _ society WELI@ _ AND YOU CAN SOON BE women came in for severe treatment. s0 BY TAKING SOLACK. No Women were wearing dresses _ which SpeCial Treatment Schemes or Fees."" cost a thousand dollars or more, and JUSTâ€" SOLACE ALONE does _ the they were taken from the stenograâ€" P Write toâ€"day for the free bos, phers. factory girls and girl cletks, 2 who were the ones who felt the pres SOLACE _ REMEDY CO, BATTLE!sure most in order that these women CREEK, MICH 1â€"10t. could wear them. . Society _ women Try Solace at our Expense ‘$486 a Year Least a Girl Can y$ (Signed) R. L. Morris a #i | .ludge‘ Middleton _ was not pleased i with the verdict. He said : "I assume from the fact that _ you ‘bave taken so much trouble with this |verdict that it is honestly and _ conâ€" ~scentiously arrived at. I may â€" say ‘frankly that 1 entirely disagree with ‘it. I cannot see how any reasonable : man could have any doubt that that ‘play was anything else than immoral, indecent and obsc:ne, and 1 _ cannot see how you found that even on _ the defendants‘ evidence you could arrive ;at any other verdict. The rider that ‘you have added to your verdict indiâ€" cates that you have some doubt, and \ while now it is my duty to discharge ‘these accused I hope they will recogâ€" !nize the fact that it may be difficult |to find another jury that will take a \ similar view when a play of that kind ‘is again produced. I hope that those [ in charge of the morality depariment ‘of this city will not regard this verâ€" | dict as in any way condoning dhe laxâ€" { ity that has prevailed. 1 do not think that we can be proud of the consure that permits the production of a play ‘so vil> and unclean as this play. The | department of justice has _ been | brought into disrepute by this _ trial. ; The man â€" who â€" drew the attention ‘of _ the â€"public to _ this and ‘who described what. took place in the Itheau'e in a way that seems to . be | substantially disputed has been conâ€" Toronto, _ Jan.~13.â€"Frederick . W Stair, proprietor, and Daniel Pierce, manager of the Star Theatre, . were declared not guilty of having _ perâ€" mitted the production of an imamoral Blay in that theatre last February. The verdict was reached at a latg hour after spveral hours‘ deliberation. The jury said : "It is with exceeding difficulty that we bring in a verdict of not guilty. But the jurors wish the citizens . to know that they feel that the proprie tors and those in charge of _ show housâ€"s cannot be too strongly _ cenâ€" sured for allowing such plays as this, suggesting anything that is immoral, ind:cent or obscene.‘" |â€" With language that could not fail ‘to te understood, Rev. _ Byron H. |Staufer arraigned in scathing fashion {last night at Bond Street Congregaâ€" tional Church the industrial life _ of ‘Canada in a sermon upon "Big Diviâ€" idends and Starvation Wages." | *‘What can a Canadian girl live | on?"* he asked. _ "Five dollars a { week? _ No, no.. Some mensay â€" they ‘employ gitls who live at home. That lis simply begging the question. The mother at home has to work, and ‘those" whom the girl are â€" dependent {upon have to help to support her. |\The smallest amount that a girl could ‘live upon and have her share of life [with all its enjoyments should not be less than $186 a year," _ said Mr. Staufier. ‘"The time will come when, as in England, we will have a miniâ€" mum wage bill." We have a penitent ferm for drumkards and others . who have gone astray, but we sadly need a penitent form for the skinflints."‘ PLEA FOR A (00.0.0,0.0.0,.0.0,0.0,0,0.0,.0,.00,0,.0,0,.0,0] NEED PENITENT FORM ‘Toronto, Jan. 13.â€"Wages in Torâ€" onto jactories and stores are â€" altoâ€" gether unsatisfactory, dut the â€" diviâ€" dends are large, and if you _ are _ a stockholder and do not know it the manager does. It does not matter whether vou are a stockholder, shareâ€" holder or director, you ought to ask, â€" ‘Mave these people reccived enough to live on?‘ If not, the diviâ€" dends ought to be cut in two, and if you cannot give them a living wage you ought to get out of business." Live on, Says Rev. B. H. Stauffer in Toronto WILL ENLARGE BRICKYARDS AT New Hamburg, Jan. 8.â€"Frederick Schaefer, brickmaker, of Breslau, has disposed of his yards there and . wiil remove to New Hamburg, where the yards he is already running will te enlarged and _ the number of bands emploved will be increased with . a view to _ manuiacturing red pressed brick on a large scale for shipment throuzhout Western Ontario _ Then why don‘t ‘tid of it? v..,--m'.i-.w it has stuck.to you for a long time, if you go about it right. . â€" Kc.-hi:thlnfimuâ€"éu you can, your strength with :nty of wh‘l::-o food, and take aâ€"Druâ€"Co Syrup of Linseed, Litorice * Thie relable 1 This household remedy has broken up thonsands of hacking, perâ€" sistent coughs, which i-:.r as troublesome as yours, and it has done for so many others it will do for you. ‘"Naâ€"Druâ€"Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Chlorodyne contains absolutely no harmful d and so can he.fvâ€" u!elyl;o c'flflm. as well as adults. Your physician or druggist can confirm thhm-l.htvemrudlyun-‘l them on request a complete ist of all On Saturday morning, Dr. Graham ClBhambers, who â€" has been attending the exâ€"President of the defunct Farmâ€" crs Bank, stated that no hopes were entertained for the recovery of Dr. Nesbitt, who is suffering from dropsy. Dr. Chambers was Called to theâ€"bedâ€" side ol s patient at three â€" a clock Saturday morning and found Dr. Nes bitt in a semiâ€"conscious conditionc At a conference late on Friday aitâ€" ecrnoon of _ Crown Counsel Meredith, Acling «sown Attorney Thurston, Mr. Hartley Dewart, K.C., counsel â€" fot Dr. Nesbitt, and Dr. Middleton _ deâ€" cided t‘i)'at Dr. Beattic Nesbitt would be unable to appear for trial at preâ€" sent, _ and that â€" the trial probahbly would have to _ be traversed to the next sitting of the Assize Court. SASKATOON.â€"Fire this _ morning completely destroyed the building . of the _ Western _ Foundry and Machine Company here. Many valuable patâ€" terns were destrgayed _ and the total toss on the Plant and buildings _ will teach about $25,000, which is partialâ€" Iy covered by insurance. * must have _ dresses, _ travel _ like Duchesses, and â€" eventually marry some old European Prince. Mr. Staufier gave an instance of a New York woman who spent eight thouâ€" sand dollars for dentists, servants and imanicuring, not for herself, but â€" for her poddlc, while not ten blocks away women were living on her husband‘s land who were sufiering for want . of bread. MINARDS â€" LINIMENT CURES DISTEMPER. _ Put up in 25¢. and 50c. bottles by the Ncfib_na?_ Drug and Chemical Co. of The craze for cheap â€" display _ was treated with vigor. ODr. Morse‘s Indian Root Pillts from the same causeâ€"a_ system clogged with impurities. The Pills cause the bowels to move '1'::"" strengthen and stimulate the kidneys and open up the pores of the skin. These organs immediatcly throw off cure man‘r common ailments which are very different, but which all arise FIRE AT SASKATOON in{s 317 z‘%u%}gfi . gp : is InUuuVDLE Geicatons uhi A st in ~ M2 “' Hamilton, Jan. 8. Following -%-5'--_? aPavy tw manins ues e P i ' hall here had smalipox in a -yfi-’r nivencnt omm s copmllation, â€" ternvon. â€" hailee \s It was stated that about 1 58y 8 PW We 04 5 f P e e e mt e / A w Hamilton, Jan. 8.â€" Following: the| The situation is quite serfous now, s : | Gizncovery this tmoruing that the head liketinood agsis! ‘â€" lot one of the departments in the cit ‘ance of the provincial health authoriâ€" , had: * *|ties will be asked for. ‘This is . teâ€" PE BV . iceranuck douee 4 Coneattatice ot tos Htgiect aie Aiirathg M Wncs m y ; a the ‘dectors are ridiculing the efforts oi a fow of Toiiin Intadiiite aee mnh.'-im‘muaan.m are â€" ternvon. s doing all in their power: to hinder "temilie It was stated that about 15,030 him in his vaccination work, . which Slowly but sufely it has come .. to|Hamiltonians â€" had been vaccinated hbas cost the city so far many thor .,Mm-wwg,pm~m.u-ha-unmmv\mam ple of Canada the Medical proâ€"|©4, and that over a score of doctors Where it will end no one knows, out fession that flsuhhhmw'mdohuman but _ going the present intention of the :it” ...‘,M_.,’..m,..mmmm(mmm umflf(:oucilisha"ohtlhm of _ _ its of kidney diseake, gravel, stones in |YACcinating every person in sight. ‘members on the new Board of Health, the bladder, gall etnes, kidney stones| The whole staff of civic officials will and in this way have the sayâ€"in al} and all discéases and ailments due to|PAV¢ to be vaccinated now, as well as expenditures, which now are . solely the presente of uric acid in the sysâ€"|2!l their families und the _ friends under the charge of the medical health tem. This remedy has great numbers|th*y have mirgled with during the/officers, accordingâ€"to the new . Public of cures to its credit and its makers|!28¢ Week or so. Health Act. have received maby strong Lestimonâ€"| woâ€"metmmemmneenstiepmemmeitenemmmnmmmmemenineementiticemiinnminesminemmencemmacmnmegrestemmmaemmmemena ials as _ to its power. One of these m ue. mov."< ROTEL ACCOMMODATION from a gentleman who resides . in Winnipeg and who is wellâ€"known _ as * f * I tw a most reputable citizen. This letter A m T reads in part as follows : P j ‘For some years past I had sufferâ€" ed from my kidneys. About 13 months ago I had acute inflammation of these organs, when I was ordered to bed by the. medical man attending me. I received considerable _ relief but after a few â€" months the trouble started again. It was then that 1 decided to try SANOL, of which li had both read and heard. After takâ€" ing two bottles I felt very much hefl ter and my condition rapidly improvâ€" ed. When 1 had taken the contents of eight pottles, I felt better than I had done for _ years forâ€"my _ kidney troub‘e had entirely left me. It . is now about three months since I fin ished with the medicine and I am enâ€" joying the best of health." _ The address of the gentleman â€" who wrote the ahove will be given to any who may inquire. _ The makers | of SANOL _ are able to give a large number _ of addresses of people who will give _ to inquirers similar testiâ€" mony as to the benefits they have deâ€" rived from the use of this remedy. SANOL is manufactured only . by (r.mxy LTD., 977 Main _ street, t SANOL _ MANUFACTLRING Winnipeg. It may te â€" purchased by Calgary, Jan. 11.â€"The largest verâ€" dict ever given in a breach of promise case in Alberta and one of the largâ€" est in the Dominion .of _ Canada, $20,000, was awarded by a jury this alternoon to Miss Louis Collard, 2# years old, a school teacher at Nanâ€" ton, who. was suing Martin James Armstrong, owner of the Nanton Valâ€" ley ranch, for failure to keep his promise to marry her. The trial, which consumed five days, was fierceâ€" ly fought, and the verdict caused great surprise here because of _ its magnitude. It is understood _ that Armstrong wiil appeal on the ground that the court in summing . up the evidence misdirected the jury. bec Superior Court, Montreal â€" have been appointed honorary coloncls on the advisory committee of the militia department. THOUSAND FAMILIES HOMEâ€" LESS. â€" LOUISVILLE, KY.â€"Eetween seven hundred and a thousand families have teen driven from their homes. along the waterâ€"front here during tlie past 24 hours by the rising waters of the Ohib. QUINCY, ILL.â€"Elia Ewing, _ the "Missouri Giantess,"" said to he the tallest woman in the world, died _ at her home near Gorin toâ€"day at . the age of 40 years. _ Miss Ewing was cight feet three inches in height _ and for many years traveled with circusâ€" °s As one grows old the waste of the system becomes more rapid than reâ€" pair, the organs act more slowty and less effectually than in youth, the cirâ€" culation is poor, the blood thin and digestion weak. Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tomic wittout â€"off, is the idéal strengthener and bodyâ€"builder for old folks, for it contains the very ele ments needed to rebuild wasting tis strength. Vinol also fortifies the sys tem against colds qnd thus prevents pneumonia. A grandneice of Alexander Hamilâ€" ton, over eizhty years of age, once remarked: ‘"Winol is a godsend to old people. Thanks to Vinol, 1 have a hearty appetite, sleep soundly, feel active and well. It is the finest toni¢ and strengthâ€"creator 1 have ever TWO MORE COLONELS. OTTAWA.â€"D. R. Wilkie, of Toronâ€" To Feeble Old People. G.ANTESS DEAD the the at the Demand is Being Made That Local Optionists see That it is Provided BURN‘S PACKING BOUSE â€" _ . .. s nb oo m caLcary 4 4 ‘i1,, make any headway against the flam Owner of Concembtaned Withie, This was due in large part . to One Steer and is Now the low â€" water pressure and to the ‘Worth $15,000,000 strong ammonia fumes inâ€" the baseâ€" cnmute ment, which,were so strong that the | s u5 5 men could not endure them. | Calgary, Jan. 12.â€"The most dis2s~| In a short time the fire had got inâ€" trous fire in the history of WeSteTH), to the greaseâ€"soaked floofs of tbe\lfi-‘ Canada occurred. toâ€"day, when $5€/pir stories, and when this occutrred, large Plfiklll‘ Pmt of P. Burns & the water had â€" no elfect whatever. Co. was totally â€" destroyed. by fire:| Several of the firoemen had narrow eS The loss, including carcasses in COld |capes from exploding ammonia tanks, storage, will probably be in excess ! but no one was seniously injured. The $2,000,000. On account of the low!me raged furiously all day, and â€" to water pressure ithe fire department}pight liftle femains of the magnificent was unable to do effective work, 206| prant but charred ruins. at a late hour toâ€"night the fire Was : : istm raging. $ , Plant With a History. The loss is serious in that the local| |,,, uirns & local instiâ€" plant was the largest institution . of tutil::nn withph: hj‘:t‘:r)" ‘l):ahaid itts its kind in the West, from which ~*5istart when P. Butns then a _ very of the Western cities, including Va“'}young man, came â€"to '(‘almtv about apuver and Victoria and the ©025t) 29 years ago. It is related that his cities, _ draw largely â€" for their meat] sole capital was one lone beef steet supplies, and butcheting &n the mnl'[he growth of _ his plant has kcpt' may have + resorted ',o%n orde! pac» with the â€" development of this to prevent & meat famine. oh‘ffistm'hwtion. and has made its owner one age plant contained from 15, ‘°iot the richest men in the West, _ his 20,000 carcasses. ‘wealth being reputed to be in the The fire was discovered about 12.30 o‘cloct toâ€"day. _ The whole of _ the basement â€" was in â€" flames, and the plant fire department} aided by _ the city fire department, was unable. to Haryiton, _ Jan. 12‘â€"Last night Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King addressâ€" ed, on the naval question, one of the largett and most enthusiastic gatherâ€" ings that ever assembled in the Libâ€" eral headquarters in this city. . The large auditorium was taxed to its utâ€" most capaCity, and many stood in the doorway and perched themselves _ in every available place to hear his adâ€" drais. He was Ircquent,y groeted with cheers as he exposed the weakness of tha Government‘s policy, and attacked Premier Borden and his li¢utenants Mr.® Borden‘s NO PERMANENT ADD fcr changing front in the hope of" reâ€" condiling the Nationalists of Quebec, who did not want to see Canada do anything to assist Britain, and . the Conservatives in other parts of Canâ€" ada who were urging that something be done. He enmihatically stated that there was â€" nothing in the memoranâ€" dum of the Admiralty which indicated TWO NXEW* AIDESâ€"DEâ€"CAMP Hon. Mackenzie King _ ; that was | that there was an emergency, indeed everything in it and in the general afâ€" $ : : I[airs in Britain pointed to the _ fact 't,hat such did not exist. Strong Resolutions Adopted. night| The meeting was presided over . by iressâ€"}.John Lennox, President of the Hamâ€" { thejilton Liberal Association. _ At the therâ€"! close of Hon. Mr. King‘s speech . a Libâ€"|resolution _ was moved and seconded The | by James Chisholm and Dr.. Russell, s utâ€" jin _ which _ approval of _ Sir Wilirid in thell;uurier's policy on the naval . ques â€" in {tion was strongly expressed. This adâ€" | was unanimously carried amid cheetrs. with| The resolution set forth that the inâ€" is of |terests ol Canada and the Enmpite TO BRITISH EMPRE perial dismantled without loss . of time,‘" and calls attention to the folâ€" lowing paragraph in a pamphlet is .‘sned by ‘the local option committee ‘during the recent campaign: _ ‘‘When ‘the time comes that business demands m new hotel there is enough public spirit among our people to provide one."" The following from the local option campaign literature of 1909 is also quoted: ‘"If our hotelkeepers could not make it pay charging $1.50 to isz.so per day, a score of men are ‘willing to take theirt pl and make the venture." ! 1t is understood that a meeting of the local option party i be held on Saturday night to discuss the sitâ€" page editorial in the Reporter, which responds: ‘"Our remarks followed in formation conveyed to us‘ that the Iroâ€" quois Hotel will at once he converted into an apartment house, and the Imâ€" uation. ‘The* property destroyed was fully in sured, the insurance of the stock in storage being in the neighborhood of $1,000,000. Mr. Imirns, _ head of the concetn, is in Toronto. could â€" be better _ promoted through $35,000,000 being spent on fleet units, manned and _ maintained by Canada, and stationed. on the Atlantic â€" and Pacific coasts in time of peace, . but available to Great Britain %n case of war. It also expressed disapproval of a contribution to the British navy which would increase the number _ of ships without making Provision _ for manning or maintaining them. whe p 0.0.0 0.0.0.Oainiao,0°0 MINARD‘S LINIMENT CU COLDS, ETC. $ %wounsm:;x wWOMEN â€" IS, @ |â€" DEAD IN CHINA. / Winter Term _ ‘ From Jan. 6: \__ _ CENTRAL _ BUSINESS COLLE incsly on epoch in uat free: . Ne tinctly an i womt{nynln-hundfidfipl&“‘. Self. course wearly every nowadays has mhedicalâ€" treatine such times, but many E ‘ experience with an 0: 1i for the trial of ‘stren and whe is over her system has received & # from which it is } Towing right upon this comes the vous strain of uring.fom..{ a distinct change in the r wes Thmhnothlngmon’ehia’ iz ' .hwmdthym&nfl " and childâ€"birth under the‘s beauty. The b.:lomlo ”“fl s unex; fl&nflfibeflm‘dfl&u and broken health resulting from g , â€" Death has laid its grip upon © another of the little band $ working in China for the Methâ€"\ odist Foreign Missionaty Soâ€" ciety in _ the _ personâ€"of Mts.. s Ernest Hibbard. The . news 3, Came to the Foreignâ€" Mission: Sccretary yesterday, the cause. ® ol death being smallpox. £" and broken health resulting from &# F:whidnoprepmum'“ M m , women in going blindiy to the trial. â€" ;. â€". _ â€"Every woman at this time shoald 1 upen Lydia E. Piakham‘s Vegetable 0 pound, a most valuable prator of the female org .In many homes onice childless there ate now children beâ€" does more for its students and gra ates than other similar schools. C« ses are upâ€"toâ€"date and instructors experienced. Graduates are placed good positions. The three appl tions‘ received toâ€"lay offert _ avet salary of $1133 per annum. _ Ti departments, Commercial, Shortb and Telegraphy. â€" that Lydia E. Pinkâ€" ham‘s Véegetablo Compound makes women normal, healthy and strong. & ‘If you want tped.lg vik g:lthl').{l:.hi':::‘ o:.r be opemed), rcad snd_anow out and general health must be improved. ©â€" _ _ ‘Thousands testify Sa&’n’E{n@fi.r&E system of poisonous it.sréhllv‘lyduecp acid in the systemâ€" blood must be purif centrated nouri _ It is especially valuable to aged people. 7 SL%‘T"T!’.‘{ cnl-inggt on out an: general | converted inito red b corpuscles which d ‘The experience of Mothernodd is Write for free catalogue at ono#. ©I CEBUN DEINB SMEDPOR. € I Mrs. Hibbard _ left last Sepâ€" tember for Chungking, _ Ching, with her )mshand. and was «d¢â€" scribed by one in the society‘s off ces as "a lovely woman "! She ‘had teen _ married orly about _ twelve _ months. She came fromâ€" Woodstock, . and> was Miss Enxly Maud Barlow before her marriage. af Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ontario 13-. STRATFORD, ONT D. A. McLACHLAN, ; w

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