& Leavenworth, Kan , Jan. 32 â€"Poelâ€" h_ potatoes â€" in the kitchen. carpenâ€" “‘ln; and _ constructing ‘stecl bldâ€" dngs at the Fedcral penitentiary here were . some of the regular dutics asâ€" signed _ toâ€"day to the 33 labot union Officials _ convicted in the dvmamite emicia‘s . con‘icted in.. the ""m""“‘l \so assigned to the kitchen, _ Herâ€" plot. . bert S. Hockin, "the Tago of the dyâ€" Olaf A. Tveitmor, the Pacific coast ‘ namite conspiracy,‘" _ was handed a labor leader and cditor, was assigned n.op and put to swabbing the floots. to do kitchen work, among his fitst| Becaus» of his feeble condition Henâ€" d@uties being to pocl potatoos "\ |ry W. . Loglcitnet, one of the iton Dressed in the gray prison unmiiorm,; workers‘ executive hpah’t was _ given Tveitmor, _ who _ weighs 378 Dfl“nd‘i,tm'“lu)r wofk. He till assist in the ‘put on an apron and began at onee to manufacture jof bricks for new prison Belp prepare the noon meal imildinas \ * Olaf A. Tveitmoe, the Pacific coast labor leader and cditor, was assigned to do kitchen work, among his . fitst d@uties being to pocl potatoos m Dressed in the gray prison umiorm, > Guelph, Ont., Jan. 3.â€"Three hotclâ€"|were not turning over the amount the Ln!.'fmrs in this city have turned over,Government â€" was â€" entitled to. The bout $1,800 _ to the Provincial L-ic'hnat&cr was taken up in Toronto, and ense Department. For some time past the Provincial InspeCtor was ordered tbe department at Toronto has not t> collect the money. He‘had little i EeC en ntil n ids Pril Atis l ht c 0 Sn dsn nc in iar tA d been satisficd with the percentage of diffculty in getting two of the hotelâ€" the daily~ receipts which certain hoâ€"‘kwpers to settle, but the other was ‘Rels in the city have born sending in,not quite so easy, and he put up _ a rwith the rosult that an Inspector was very vigorous _ protest. It was only sent from the department to investiâ€"|when it was threatened to Close up gate matters. On mis arrival hereihis bar altogether one day that . hbe some weeks ago. on sceing the; \‘nl-!dt‘ridcd it would be better to settle, ume of business the bars were doing, ‘and accordingly wrote out a _ chetk his spspicions were aroused, and _ he for the amount, said to be considerâ€" éecided that three of the hotelkecpers able over.a thousand dollars. : Can anyonc recognize Rt. Hon. 1. L. Border, Leadet of the Coalition ‘Nationalistâ€"Tory Government as Mr. HOTELKEEPERS WILL PAY DUE SHARE OF PROFITS Empire." :‘r“m must be left at is office not later than Saturday ’a' How Britain is Leading *,Gmt Britain in maintaining â€" her 4 ; and mavy in a state of greater d y than ever before in her his 2 ; she is building more warships h Germany, and paying {jor thâ€"m U@M€ of current revenue while Go:wuny ‘loading herself with debt to 1t:ld â€". War today is won almost as rmuch by money as by armaments. Jupan realized this when she had â€"to accent Shirprising peace settlement aiter her ‘¥ietories from Russia, simply because her finances were strained almost to ming point. As to any emergency M Europe, enquiries snould be directâ€" ‘MMâ€"to Berlin, not to London. Miips out of borrowed money. Great Britain has dome this for the _ past : years, and at the same _ rime gmm $375,000,000 from her naâ€" Aienal debt. During the same â€" soven years Germany has added $400,000,â€" m to her national debt. Great Britain has beld her naval lead ai &t the same time has erded cach yrar with her accounts for the year over $100,000,000 better of than Germany ABOR UNION PRISONERS . _ â€" ARE ASSIGNED TO DUTIES s. It would conduce, if anything d conduce, to severing the present rection between Canada and the Phe copy of changes niust not be fater than Tuesday noon. Casual vertisements accepted up to Wedâ€" wertising rates reasonable and be made known on application. Reeve Kaulman and Deputyâ€"Reeve WATERLOO, ONT. Echiedel of _ Waterloo, â€" have shown m“‘f"“’f“ Ainle‘ Pa)~|that they can "core back" and with ige for United States subscrib |‘¢Y°28ed majorities at that. cents extra. __ 2o omm nouts borden vs. Mr. R. Borden, M, P. BEAN & sonS, in all its branches. |_ Galt, Jan. 7.â€"The clection in North | Dumfries _ yesterday was one of the | warmest that has been held in years. [ A. B. McPhail was elected Reeve, deâ€" | feat ng John G.. Dryden by 190 votes. For the four positions of councillors Ilher(- wete eight candidates, and the ; successful ones were J. B. Bricket, A. ; Y. Little, ~P. Patterson _ and John | Taylor; ir.â€" The ‘vote‘ polléd was the largest in the history of the _ townâ€" | ship. Following the announcement of | the r:sults last evening the successful !candidates gave an oyster supper lol ‘a _ large â€" number _ of the electors. i Specch:s _ followed: and the defeated: ‘(‘anvi'.'(latcs took their defeat like gon-l tlemen and the best of lecling cslst-i ed. i R. L. Borden, M.P., Leader of the Conservative Opposition? It is eviâ€" dent that cabinct emergencies alter views. Frank _ M. liyan, President oi the Ifon _ Workers‘ International Union, was assigned _ to work in the carpenâ€" tor shop Although an iron worket it was thought _ best because of his age to fivte him comparatively light w ork ‘ . }}! W pongratulald ouf trieng Â¥4 ; Sâ€" i Awn ons uag~£ 3 6 ul Warm Elections in N. Dumifries The announcement of the elevation of Mr. Geo. A. Clare, MLP., to the dignity of a Privy Councillor of Canâ€" |lfla will, no doubt, be received with pride and satisfaction by his South of "Honorable" for life, is a _ well deserved recognition of the â€"services Waterloo constitutents. The appointâ€" ment, which carries with it the title of Mr. Clare to his party, he having ‘sucres.stufly contested South Waterloo in the Conservative interest in _ the Dominion general elections of 1900, 1904, 1908 and 1911. The conferring of the honor upon Mr. Clare is perâ€" haps specially noteworthy in view of the fact that he is but a private member of the House. It is pleasing to note that the services rendered by members in the more humble capaâ€" cities as members of House Commitâ€" mittees, and in giving sound advice in business matters are deemed worâ€" thy of Government recognition. But any gensral recognition of the _ serâ€" vices of men of this stamp _ would hardly be possible. f his reâ€"election as Mayor of Waterloo. ’ Mayor Fischer is well fitted both by ; temperament and long municipal exâ€" perience for the position of _ Chiel : Magistrate of Waterloo, and his _ reâ€" election by acclamation is an indicaâ€" tion of the general satisfaction of the | electors with bis adiministration last year. f The Telegraph is pleased to conâ€" gratulate Mr. John B. Fischer upon The electors of the town of Waterâ€" lop are to be congratulated upon havyâ€" iug electod a strong Councilâ€"one . of th> best that has ever been called to administâ€"r the town‘s business. fbe Watéribo Town Council lowed to continue." , | We publish simple, straight testiâ€" At another time his Honot _ said: monials, not Pross agents‘ interviews, ‘‘Disgraceful! Why the polfce ahowâ€" from wellâ€"known people. ‘ ts ed this sort of thing to go on for half |Fromâ€"all over America they testify an hour T cannot understand.‘"‘ ) to the â€"merits of MINARD‘S LINIâ€" ‘ The Thespians deart with gave the MENT, the.best of Houschold Remâ€" names of.â€" Hazel Grant, Theresa â€"edies. > Cotton, Eva Sargood, Martha Leich, MINARD‘S LINIMENT CO., LIMITâ€" Margaret, alias May, Holland, Mildred | _ ED/ After a series of particuilatly spirit ed reniarks had been given, Judge Leet said: ‘"God help Montreal if such perfiormances as these are â€" alâ€" lowed to continue." â€" The only evidence supplied _ was that of John H. Roberts, Secretary of the Dominion Alliance, who, as a result of a conversation with Rev. W. S. Critchley of Ottawa, who had seen the Minstrel Misses at the show at the Royal, visited the theatre with John Lomax, Police Court stenographer, who took a verbatim zeport of the dialogues. Parts of this report were read to the Court. To the women His Honor remarked: "I am sorry for you, because cir* cumstances have, I suppose. forced you into this unfortynate method of gaining a livelihood. You will, thereâ€" fore, be allowed out on _ suspended sentence." After hearing a plea from the lawâ€" yer for the men, Judge Leet changed his sentenceto a fine of twenty dolâ€" lars each, and ordered that both acâ€" tors and actresses leave town at * Montreal, Jan. 3.â€"*‘You men are worse than bhrglars and thieves, beâ€" cause you prey upon and corrupt the thoughts of the young men in . the community, and I sentence you to five days‘ imprisonment,"" said Judge Leet this morning to the five actors, who, with filteen girls, were arrested â€" for teing connected with an _ indecent show at the Theatre Royal. New York, Jan. 2.â€"Dr. Alexis Carâ€" rel of the Rockefellet Institute _ for }Medical Résearch, who received _ the | Nobel Prize for medicine in 1912, is | the first to announce a great scientiâ€" !fc dscovery in 1913. In the current issue of the Journal of Experimental | Medicin>, the official organ of the Roc.efellet Institute, dated .January {1, he bredicts, as the result of a serâ€" ies of expcriments which have _ been in progress since 1907, the possibiliâ€" ty cf bealing a Cutaneous wound _ in [less than a day, and the repair of a troken lez in four days. _ Although <Br. Carrel does not mention in bis | prel‘minary _ roport, the assertion is also made that the reparatiye proâ€" cess may become apphicable not â€" only: in cas»s where the tissues have been divided, as in knife wounds,; but in‘ cases where large areas of tissue have been destroyed in various parts of the body by disease. I Actors and Actresses in ln-,i decent Show Punished | in Court f DRIVEN OUT OF MONTREAL Dr. Carrel‘s latest discovery is the r sult of speculation as to the _ manâ€" rer in which cells multiply and thus The Repair of a B:oken,_us is Possible in Four Days and a Wound May Heal â€" in Less Than a Day Drs.KENNEDY & KENNEDY y â€"NoTIcE * DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private address. _ M Wonderful Nervous System MENâ€"YOU NEED NERVE Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Result of Speculation NERVOUS DEBELITY, VARICOSE VEINS, BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES, GLEET, BLADDER URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAmTS Pmmnmmd‘.h If unable to call QUEsTION LIST. FOR HOME TREATMENT and we will tell you whether you are curable or not. We. guatantee curable cases of GUARANTEED TO CURE ‘ Te hare treated Diseases of Men for almost a lifeâ€" time and do not have to experiment. Consult us Draine sap their vizor and vitality %My never develop to a proper condition of manhood. y remain weakâ€" lings, mentally, physically and sexually. How you feel? Arc you nervous and weak, despondent and gloomy, specks before the eyes with dark circles under them, weak back, kiduey‘s irritable, palpitation of the heart, basliful, debilitating dreams, sociment in urine, pimples on the face, eyes sunten, hollow cheeks, careworn exâ€" pression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack energy onl strength, tired mornings, restless nights, changeâ€" ablo moods, prematuredecay, bone pains, hair loose, stc. This is the conditionour New Method Treatment is The nerves control all actions of the body so that any» thing that debilitates them will weaken all organs of the system. Early Indiscretions and Excesses linve ruined thousands of proinising young men. Unnatural EARLY INDISCRETIONS AND EXCESSES HAVE UNDERâ€" MINED YOUR SYSTEM All letters n:r:m Canada must mddressed to our Canadian Corresponde Depart> ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to fered, and are holding out for more money, the matter being artitrated. The rightâ€"ofâ€"way has been bought vp froim Toronto to within three â€" miles of Guelph, and Mr. McKenzie is at present engaged in jnterviewing farmâ€" ers in this locality and _ arranging with them the price to be paid for rightâ€"o[â€"way. [Larae, Ruth Milburn, Ethel Kelley, |Ruby Brooks, Wiltrid Gray, _ alias |\ Melle Aida Goron, Peggie Larae, Gerâ€" tie Moya, Patsey Waters, Jos. Mcâ€" Imerney, Tom Moya, Frank Cotton and Nick Murphy. F _ Guelpb, Jan. 3.â€"Mr. Dan McKenzic of Woodbridge has arrived _ here, where he will make his beadquarters. He is tuying the tightâ€"ofâ€"way for the Canadian Northern electric line from Toronto, which is to pass through here on its way wist. A majority of the farmers through whose farms the line is to pass have come to amicâ€" able arrangements with the company as to terms and have accepted the company‘s valuation of their lands. Others have objected to the price ofâ€" C. N. R. WHLL BUY ____ â€" RIGHT OF WAY The girls the Judge lectured > and then ailowed them to go. Speaking to. them hbe said: "It is particularly sad to see young women of «ability and personal beauty in a case | like this. . They have seen somebody‘s girls in the past, some father‘s pride, some mother‘s darlings, and now they are going around giving such . perâ€" formances." * Aided by knowledge of the fact that the growth of the body is gepzndent in many respeCts on the mork or less myster.ovs activities of some of the ductilo glandsâ€"the thyroids for _ inâ€" stanceâ€"he appMed a mixture of thyâ€" roid extract and macerated portions of otker organs of the body to cutanâ€" eous wounds. 4 The results were wonderful, almost niraculous. They bear out the scien t‘st‘s statement that "if thr rate of th> separation of tissues were actiâ€" va‘ed ten times only, a cutaneous wound would heal in less than twenâ€" tyâ€"four hours, and a fracture of _ the leg would be cufed: in four days." elf ct the growtlh of tissues. _ If it it wers possible, he argued, to beâ€" come possessed of this knowledge Ai ought to be possible also to promote this proliferation _ of cells, and the consequent growth of, connective tis sue by artificial means. His importâ€" ant d‘scovery is almost concealed beâ€" reath this innocuous caption, "Artifiâ€" cial Activation of the Growth in Viâ€" tro oi Conncclive Tissue." Minard‘s Liniment Cures ‘Distemper TAKE NOTICE Thyroid Extract CHARGE The younget Chinese boys _ affect college costume, with wide _ trousers and auto caps. SiTk has been abanâ€" doned, and with it has â€" gone â€" much which made the Chinese qharter picâ€" turcaque, The edict â€" also provides _ drastic changes for men‘s garments. The frock or cutaway coat is prescribed as the only business garb. The Derby hat has the exclusive field for every day and the high hat for soci;t,v‘ High caliskin or low tan shoes are permitâ€" ted the men, while women may wear any style of shoe. The Government edict has _ gone forth from Pekin and is published toâ€" day in local Chinese papers that the poetic trousers of old are to be disâ€" carded by Chinese women and their proper garb shall be the Occidental skirt. . The sumptuary edict bans trousers, but the pannier well. â€" i PEKIN EDICT ROBS ORIENTALS OF THER SILKYPICTURESQUENESS San Francisco, Jan. 4.â€"Chinatown soon‘ will Jose all its oldâ€"time picâ€" turesqueness. All daughters of _ the Orient have started toâ€"day upon | a grand dressmaking bee. _ â€" (Brantford Exposito®@®® Rev. Dr. T. Albert Moore, â€" Seereâ€" tary: of the Temperance and Moral ‘Reform Department of the Methodist Church _ of © Canada, _ has been championing the cause of the poorlyâ€" paid working girl. As a result _ of his zeal in this work he has _ been peremptorily ordered out of a number of establishments where he went ,seekâ€" ing for information, and has _ been threatened with legal prosecution no less than seven times for his endeayâ€" ors to discover facts bearing upon the matter. The work in which the Doctor is engaged is a laudable one, but ought > to be undertaken by‘ a governmentâ€"o@mmissign or some one clothed with proper authority. The publication of the facts would _ do more to supply a remedy than _ anyâ€" thing else could possibly do. NEEDS GOVERNMENT CONTROL Coroner Tucker of Orono was sumâ€" moned and made artangements for ar inquest to be held at ten o‘clock this morning at Pontypool station, where the body now lies. Undertaker W. Speers of Toronto will take charge of the body and take it to that clty. Two miles east of Pontypoof | the two trains met and one fir was killed. Tae engines of both â€" {trains were s;iéhtly damaged. Six cars were also dataged. * thing possible was done to try and signal the train ahead. The bell was rung, the whistle blown â€" and _ red lights were swung, but nore of the signals was observed. As the nine or more miles between Burketon Junction and Pontypool had been covered the crew on the light engine thought they would prevent the golliâ€" sion, but things turned out (?!ls astrously. â€" This was by a chase wi"the light engine on a siding%“md in a Tew miaâ€" utes it was hard the chase. Everyâ€" The operator and conductor, on realizing that the other train _ was approaching Pontypool, and that there would surely ‘be a collision, thought df the only possible way to stop one ol the trains. 4 A Midnight Chase. The chase through the darkness on the light engine to avert the collision was most sensational, and that it failed was no.fault of the engineer and fireman who manned it, as they fired up and pushed the engine. on to its highest speed. They were urged on and belped by.the conductor of _ the train ahead, who had been left on the platform at Burketon as his train moved out. The engineer seems to have been mislead by the fact that the operator had two sets of changes to give to the engineer and conducâ€" tor. The engineer thinking there was only a batéh of ‘borders on getting his started his train off, leaving the conâ€" ductor on theâ€"platform. The fireman on the eastbound train, James Agdams, 158 Fairview avenue, ‘Toronto, was killed instantly. _ The other members of the crews of both trains jumped, but Adams apparently did not become aware of the danger in time to save himself. gine to overtake a freight train, and thus prevent an impending headâ€"on collision, took place from â€" Burkeâ€" ton Jet. to Pontypool, on the Canhâ€" dian Pacific Railway, shortly after 12 o‘clock Surday morning. The distâ€" ance, 9 miles, was too short for the light engine to eatch up, and despite the frantic efforts made the collision A "dni‘h! _ehn._ on | a Alig.bt enâ€" vent Collision of Freight Trains Failed Conductor Left Behind C.P.R. Fireman Killed The Collision. not qnly skirt as } .COBOURG.â€"An old _ and respected ¢:tizen of Cobourg, in the person _ of | Mr. _ Charles _ Titford, passed away |last night. _ He was botr in â€" Wim ‘ borme, Dercotshire, Eng., in 1812 In 1869 he eame to Canada and took up his _ residence in Cohouts. He feaves The Grand Valley is the second tadâ€" ial line â€"running out of (Galt to use the _ Government‘s _ whito coal, the Galt, Preston _ & Hespelet Railway baving teon operated successfully with power from Niagara for about a year. ~ Galt, _ Jan. 3.â€"In the near future the Grand Valley Railway from Galt to Paris will use Hydroâ€"Electric _ as the motive power. _ A contract has been _ signed _ by the receiver for the Company, which is at present in ligâ€" uidation, for one hundred horsepower to be taken from _ the town of Gait This, with 125 horsepower to be used by the waterworks department, _ will help materially to reduce the rates to local consumers. ANOTHER RADIAL . The l:‘n‘lvployei"s Association of | 77 aterloo County TC FREE LABOR BUREAU 59 King St. West, Berlin. We have vacancies for men and woâ€" | men in all lines of,.work. If you are out of employgnent communicate with S] us at once. No charge for registraâ€" tion of services rendered. ~14â€"t. FIRE® INSURANCE / Co. Incorporated in 1863. Total Assets 31st Dec, 750,000.00 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dr. J. H. Webb, Esq. William Snider, Esq. Geo. Diebel, Esq. . .JJ. L. Wideman, Esq., St. Jacobs. Allan Bowman, Esq., Preston. ° P. E. Shantz, Preston. Thomas Gowdy, Esq., Guelph. James Liv ngston, Esq., Badeu. Frank Haight, Esq. Waterioo, Ont. Branch, JACOB HESPELER, Manager Waterloo. Mutual Wm. Snider, President. . Geo. Diebel, Viceâ€"President. Frank Haight, Manager. Arthur Foster, Inspector. J. C. Haight, Solicitor. . C. A. BOEHM, District Agent. WATERLOO, ONT. ' Po KING STREET EAST 0008od2cocddedded0c0drpB00d Put in that ad. toâ€"day It Brings Results / If so "want" adâ€" vertise in the Chronâ€" icleâ€" Telegraph. CMRARE .....s.....s s.sciccurscs cosmmmmecmsmmiere rnrartincitycisess. ©9,000,000 $4,000,000 D@POSitS ........ ........2 .2..0000 ccne mm ammecienscscens; $8,077,730 35,043,311 Loans and Investinents ......... .................___....... 07,457,090 88,854,801 TOtAl ASSELS ........ ......... ....l000002u.c.c.c.ccc.cc.m.s 83,090,198 48,237,884 Has 83 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities in the World A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Savings Bank Depar‘ment at all Branchesâ€"Intcrest allowed at Highest Current Rate. Have you anythin to sell ? 2 Do lyou want work or help? . Have you lost or found anything ? Chronicle â€" Telegraph Want DEATIH OF CENXTENARIAN to all our Customers and Friends DIETRICH‘S GROCERY LINE TO USE "WHITE COAL" Colu»mns HAPPY NEW YEAR INCORPORATED 1855. $ Record of Progress for Five Yuwlnt-ml. OFFICERS â€" «stasuismao rerp 0 A simpfe, safe and effective treatment for bronâ€" * chial troubles, without dosing the stomach wi ; ‘Cm U-dwlth.lufcï¬e-lor_tMflvnxr‘. â€" _ | @ CALGARY.â€"Lord Strathcona _ has sent ‘Calgary Urniversity his check fot $25,000 as a Christmas present. to _ moutn his loss his wife, a _ son and a daughter STRATHCONA SENDS CALGARY $25,000. a : Phone 243. _ Proprietor. 4 OOO#O*.Q.OQ#.#.Q.#.{.% Sanderson‘s Bakery _ King St., Waterloo. . Fancy â€" Buns, Bread, Rolls, and -goâ€"!-o-!-o-!-w-o-!‘oâ€"z-o-l-o-l‘o-l’ï¬-o + THE LEADING t : THL LEADINU : ; Meat Market : Fancy Cakes. i-i'i our drugdist or from us, 100. in stamps. Vapo Cresolene Co. ©62 Cortiandt St., N.Y. Leeming Miles Building. ‘ The air carrying the antiscotic vapor, inspired with every breath, makes breathing easy, soothes the sore throat. and stops the Cough, assuring restfut mights. Cresolene is invalcable to mothers with young children ard a BOON to sufferers from Asthma, . Send us ppstal for deseriptive bookiet. ALL Drvoars ts. ' ‘l'vz CRESOLEK RE IL\"IL EPTIC | THROMT TABLETS for the irritated throat. They are simpte, effective and antiseptic. P Asthma Catarrh â€" whoormeg couchs SPASMODIC cROUP John B. Fischer ° Beef, Pork, Veal, Lamb, Sugâ€" ar Cured Hams and _ bacon, (our own curing) ,once tasted, always used; Homemade Sauâ€" sakes such as Bologna, Wienâ€" ers, Pork _ Sausage _ Head Chcese, ‘ Liver Sausage and Summer Sausage. Give us a trial and be conâ€" z vinced. Orders promptly de e livered in all parts of _ tne + best of meats all ° the _ year round. In the line of meats we have town. We have the reputation cf @ supplying our numerous | cusâ€" : tomersâ€"with.the _choicest ard 4 Montceal, Can, BERLIN, ONT. 1911