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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 2 Jan 1913, p. 8

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ARHMEUMATISm, NEURALGIA _ OR), _3 HEADACHE THAT sSonacE | {g "Tap FAILS To REMOYVE. o FOLACE REMEDY | is a recent | q vi:i!cal discovery cf _ ithree German|C eient‘sts that dissolves Uric .\cidl.«\ *Orystels and Purifics the Blood. ll: in i$ casy to take, â€" and will not afect ol t‘t‘ weakest stomach. ‘ lo 3t is â€" guaranteed _ under the Pure E Kocd and Irugs Law to be absoluteâ€" Se J;»-freo from opiates or harm:{ul «":.'u;;fil w ¢f:auy description. f i ;vfi'()&\(.’lfi is a pure specific in Cc c @ + AyY, ant has been proved beyond > ’ifieslion to be the surest and quickâ€" f;/ [ 688 remedy for Cric Acid Troubles fown to medcal science, no matiet ;4 tfl’w long standing. 1t reaches and’("j Temoves the root of the troubls (Uric if'i:n and purifies the blood. s@TllIF sSOnaAcE CO. of Battle Creck e the sole U. S. Agents and have &'smds o‘ voluntary test._monial At rs ‘which have beenâ€" received from rgat f9) people SOLAUE has resteged 9 health. Testimomal letters, literâ€" wture and FREE BOX sent upon reâ€" <Try Solace at our Expen se Mflm;‘ P.cLe: Mcttis, Pisident of the @*@©*@0+@+@+@ tst Nat‘onal bank of Chico, Texas, mnmooâ€"mngemmnmmmamm zmm Fote thr Solace Company as~ folâ€"| aAanhrn 1 ‘I want you to send a tox of Solâ€" > to my father in Memphis, Teun:, which T encloss $0 â€" This remedy s beon used by some friends of mine ut up ia 25¢. 50c. and $1.00 boxes. T‘ _ MIGHTY FINEâ€" too O Bk ELh CAND yYoLr CAN soox BE BÂ¥ ~TAKING soniCk. "No w€igl Treatm nt Schemes or Fees." &T â€"ZOLACE ALONE dors _ the rk. Write toâ€"day for the free box, â€"and 1 must say its action _ was derful. * Orders® way be obmined. gnd to atmest every town there are Dranch Ofer. Wéenmed in the resdennis Asa slight token oi our â€" regard * your personal character and _ apâ€" b{flhfl of your public setvices for ®> miauy pPast years in the Church b~Sunday School wortk of our vil eâ€"we dcositre your acceptance ol tns fit.w»@pfl:&by our best wishen *‘ x contin of yous zeat. and ‘dy in lurthoring the bighest | in st oi your fellowâ€"creatures. ind as all trae men freely acknowâ€" o+ the invaluable .. maid of a gvo4 6 we include Mrs. Winp n our Ioinâ€" itions and gilts. A€CBE _ REMEDY CO., BATTLE SE ~â€"MICH 1â€"101. 1 q ec c dsn ts CE 'W.. 23rd <nst., wher the E‘l St. Andréw‘s Church. and School, by way of a surprise tuok possession of the â€" home â€" and Mrs. E. .(i. Wina ana preâ€" Bad Mr. Wine with a beausitut Lib )* ghdir and Mrs. AÂ¥iun: uath a cut i®â€" frulit bowl: The aduress . was 4 and the ;t:l:ltaflvu maue by! pasior. Yâ€" Winmceapressed _ in itDts. terms lis appiccration _ of| * §ilts | in a _ very charactcrislic h. (Alter the presentation _ the M¢/Fropl: spent a most enjoy able KDg in Yarious games. pazzles, etc. I pbm was served beiore the wee Â¥ hour beyond the wwelve. Foiâ€" ing. is the. address :â€" | €. G. Winn, Hawkesvilic. | Morvey tack for any case of * many past y Sunday Schoo <â€"we dcosite your r.m»q\pm x contin Prory reilw: y station. hav Exprens Ofice where Dominion Express Mhnlt'molr;hymvm â€"Aind (tand mak* u«* of it. . You‘l be met by a courtrous and obliging agent, who sill expiain to you the advantages and simphcity of HEN we have occasion to send money through the VY mail, we can do no better than follow the Jead of the ‘ ~ business man, wholong ago discovered that the casiest, safest and simplest way is by Express Money Order. Business men invm'ahl'y remit by this method. â€",wom“ are. rapidly léarning to appreciate the significance of this factâ€"and they, too, are now In‘e users of Express a‘rkn. Signed on behall of the it Sit ~ Nighedj R. T.. Morris." eveniiul gathering in our OI'CICI‘S. EForeign Cheques Money ;Pnus 12 t@ At all dealets 05 and 50â€"cent boxes cr mailed by The Fig Pill Co., St. Thomas, Ont. the gréat fruit, Mdney, liver, svom acn and bowel remedy. & Kold in WatrFloo by A. (i. Hachnel Drugg‘st. _ â€" « Are assured af you will cleanse your stomach of undigested food and fonl gases ; the excess bile from the fiver and tite waste inatter fronf the . in test ms and bowels by the use of: (€ (e) ©+0+0+C+C@+0+0+C+@+0*@+ ] Jtems ol Interest.~ Wishing _ all |the readers of the _ Chronicle Tel+ ‘|graph a happy and prosperous XNew )i Year.â€"The grim reaper death visited ‘| the home of Mr. asid Mrs. Simon [ Voll ang claimed their darling bahy | Joserh, aged 3 months, 26 days.. tre |took ill with convulsions only a few days ago and died on Saturday mordâ€" |ing. The {funeral took place at his {ather‘s home on Monday _ to St. Agatha R. C. church for service and burial. The bereaved parents â€" have the sympathy of the community,.â€" Mr. Wim. Glasser of Baden has purchased the property from Mr. Hy. Ggisel, | opposite the G.Tâ€"R. yards now occ+, !pied by Mr. E. Halls.â€" Among the, visitors to _ our village during the . ’holida,\'s were Mr. Ed. Hofele from: |Detroit at his home, Messrs. _ Serâ€" wartzentruber and TGascho of Zurich ’with their brotherâ€"inâ€"daw Mr. J. O.. ‘Jantzi; Mr. and Mrs. Noah Roth of: 'l’igeon. Mich., with his parents â€"‘Ir.. i“""‘ Livingston of. Galt at‘ the hoe. of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Livingston. â€"â€" ‘About 200 ratepayers of Wilmot asâ€" |sembied at â€"the Town Hall at Baser iou Monday to hear what our last ‘.\‘l‘ul"$ officers in the council had‘ to say. ‘The Reeve, Mr. S _ Cassel. )expla‘ned io the satisfaction of all |ln w tbe money was spent, and cur ilaxcs. comparing to the work that was dons, were nens too high. Depâ€" uty Reeve Mr. N. Erb, also Councilâ€" llnr.s: Messrs. Hallman and _ Schaltz ’spnl.e briefly and were listened â€" to Iau(-m.ivrly.-llr. A. Zoellet was n avoidably absent. When the nominaâ€" tions were closed at 2 o‘clock the clerk called out the nam»s _ of nomt nees, Mr. S. Cassol, Reove; Mr. W. Erb, Deputy Reeve; Mr. A. Hallman, Deputy Reeve; Mr. . Moses _ Schultz, Councillor; Mr. A. Zoeller, Councilâ€" lor; _ Mr. A. Hallman, _ Councifor; Mr. Noah Shantz, Councillor; N. Cbarles Heipel, Councilior, Mr. h. Envder, Councillor Before the meetâ€" ing closed all had resigned but :the old Council, waich will hold the folâ€" lowing offices for, 1913: Cassel, Reevo; Erb, Dep. Reeve; Hallman, Zoelier, Schultz, Councilliors.â€" Wedding Xélls will be ringing in Baden before long. CGOOD KEALTH Vim and Vitality FIG PILLS $5 and wrder .. Over 85 is 816 " 10 " 19 ©0. t wame rates RATES 4 10 18 > y | Ainnetatburie returbed "holuk BX "Miig | | 1/ W ~CW | day â€"after ‘spending : a . week with v sited Lum. Mrs. Valentine w-.?.-'u:’ m imon ; Dopp and Miss Minetta Dopp of Tokâ€" | Colleg: m,vJ.,.;., are the guests of the â€" Misses | neighb« â€"< MedHartnian.<â€"Mr. and Mrs: Arthur Kerr|of Osh The anunual Sunday School ebtertainâ€" ment of Trinity Methbodist _ Church jwas held in the church on Thursday evening last. A ton,was servéd at six o‘clock, followAt by an interestâ€" ing programrmoe, after which Santa Claus appeared and distributed presâ€" nts from a well loaded _ Christmas tree.â€"The marriage.®took place _ on Thursday afternoon last at ther home of Mr. and Mrs. John Ruthig, New: llamburg, of Miss Emma Ritz, secâ€" ond daughter of Mr. Louis~ Ritz of ' Lockweod,. Sask., and Mr. Jw Saddier. ~of ~~Elmifa, ~ Rev. MP] Niemamn of St. Petér‘s Luth. cburch verformed the ceremony.â€"An, exNibiâ€" tion rame of hockey between Stratâ€" lord .Juniors and New Hamburz was plaved here on Monday evenific, Mesâ€" | «ts. Harry Beck and Boles retereed â€"| The Municipal elections promiss to | be rausually interesting this _ vear, ; as puUumprous candidAtes are being zroomed for the race.. Among those !momivm.ly mentioned for the reeveâ€"‘ ! shio are councifiors John A. Hartâ€"| | man and John H. Messner. s e â€".| Frozen potatoes can be made able if they are soaked in _ three days before cooking. R.: N. Kerr.â€"Mr. John T. Otto has sold bis farm on Bleam‘s road to Mesars. Hilborn Bros. of Rosevilleâ€" Watchâ€"night service will be held in Trinity‘ Lutheran‘ Church â€" on New Years eve, beginning at 11 n‘clock.â€"â€" IF. C;, of Fancouver, B. C., and Mr. Geotze of Plattsville, spent â€" Christ mas Day at their mother‘s Hote here.â€"Mr. and Mrs. W..;J. Ward â€" of Sarmja are spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Simpson Merner.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Charies Rich ardson of St. Marys and Mrs _ ujd Mrs: F. C. Becker of Toronto w('!'c holiday visitors at the home â€"of â€" Mr. and Mrs. W. 1.Boullee.â€"Mr. Lambert Aopel of Toronto spent Chris@mas at his father‘s home here.â€" Miss | Lily Kaercher of Toronto is spending °the hotidays at her kome here.â€"Mr.© and Mrs. A. B. Mussclinan and children of Toronto return=d home on TPhursday having spent Christmas with‘ Mr. and Mrs. Zurbrigg hbere.â€"Miss Patton of Plattsville is the guest of Ner ~nfece, Mrs. (Dr.) Anderson. â€"Dr. agd > Mrs. Ford and son Qock of . Shakespcare. spent Christmas Dav. at the home of Mr. Werner Rrodrecht. â€"Mr. «Jack Wood of Berlin was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Irsland on Christmas Day.â€" Dr. Wilson of CGuelph spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Graff. â€" Misses (iwvneth and Enid Watker and Master Kenneth Walker of Stratford ave spending the Christmas vacation with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs ; onto, Miss Fannyâ€"and Mr. ‘R. B and Mr. Jack Puddicombe _ of _ Ayr day visitors at the home of Mrs. Puddicombe.â€"Mrs. John . A. Hartman and children are : visiting friends in Brantford.â€"Mr. and Mr§. Tutton and: children ofâ€" EJora and Mr. and Mrs. John Buckel of Brantâ€" ford spent: â€"Cbristmas day at â€" the home {of ~Mts. . Joe Buckel.â€"Mr. .and Mrs. Harokt Perkins and son _ of rronto and Mr. Eby Rust of Watâ€" etlou werethe guests _ ol .. Mrs. Fanny Rush over Chrismas.â€" . Senâ€" atomand Mrs. Ratz, Miss Adglun and Mr.â€"Wd. HKatz spent Christmas at the ‘home of their daughter, Mrs. Zwicker lin Crediton.â€"Miss Minnic Dannicls is visiting friends in Sarnia.Mrs. George Rogers and daughter Dorothy of Bulâ€" lalo are‘visiting Mrs. Rokér‘s | sis ter, Mr. Lewis Hahn.â€" Mr. Joe Wilton, formerly of \ the _ Standard Bank staf bere, but now in ‘Newâ€" castle, is calling on his many friends in ‘town.â€"Mr. and Mts. R. J. Kerr of Berlin spent Stniay in town with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mitchell. â€"Mr. Witliam Sterling of WaterlOo, Méssts. Samyel and Edward of Torofité, Mr. ‘Toropto spent Sunday in town with her cousin Miss Hilda Corric. â€"Mr. Horace Feick who is attending .the Schoot of Pharmacy, Toronto, . is spending the holidays at the home of his ‘parents, Mr. and Mrs.> J. â€" R. Feick.â€"Mrs. ‘W. L. Sutherlaod. .and '.\lln Margaret are paying a visit, to friends in Cavuga.â€"Mr. and <Mrk. Jacob Graff spent Christmas Day in Toronto with ‘their ~ daughterâ€"inâ€"law, Mrs. George Graf, and family.â€"Miss Eleanor Wilson is visiting her sister Ars. (Rev.) Aclrvine in Woodstock.â€"~ Mr. and Mrs. William~~ Kichler fi Bridgeport _ spent ‘several days n ‘ town last week.â€" Mr. Earl Katzenâ€" meier of Chicago spent ° Christmas }wi(h his parents, Mr. and .Mrs. . John Katzenmeier.â€" Miss Belle _ Clemens of Vancouver. B. C., who is attend ing Toronto University spent several days in town the guest of Mrs.. M. Krehâ€"Rev. Mr. Reitk of East Zorta was a visitor in town on Monday. â€"â€" Mr. Theodore Peine, barrister ol To . ronto, spent Christmas Day at his home here.â€"Miss Lulu Weismiller â€" of Toronto is the guest of her .gramlâ€"‘ mother,> Mrs. Dechert.â€"Mr. and Mrs l Harry Smith and children of _ Tor ® 1 | Local snd. Personal.â€"Miss Park of A;fiafinm-tngafip- day after spending â€" ..'d...?i. her, sister, Mrs. Valentine Wi .=â€"â€" ‘ Mré. Dopp and Miss Minetta Dopp of Tokâ€" onto are the guests of the â€"<Misses Hartnian.<â€"Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kerr and son Harry of Brussels spent sevâ€" eral days at the home of Mr. ~ and Mrs â€" Alired Kerr, Huron Road, durâ€" ing the past week.â€"Miss Alice Parkâ€" er ol Guelph is spending a moAth in town the guest‘of herâ€"sister, _ M CBarles Fox.â€"Miss Adelé"® Brodie * "ne "P*YC~ . the following parties nominated weére _ A. Hartâ€" ‘still in the field: Reeve, .!. G. Hurst, | St. Clements, ©ou ~ouy ) elected by actl&miatioh; Deputy Reeve, «_ ut hss * P \Paul Snider, Sol. Koch, Counciltors,| When plantin r | Â¥. L. Weber, Sal. W'y. Brodâ€" | i2 inches deep made â€" ratâ€" |hoecker, John Brox,‘ er Snider, | little sidewise in _ water and Fred Letson Consider wet tm mtliu at the 4 ** next Mondayâ€"what men to vote for. sing decay. °) News Ttems.â€"The anoyal mecting |of, the New Mennonite Sufiday Schoot: > | was held.on Wodnesday evening Jast, |at which the following officers were ‘ |elected»= Supt., Mr. Sol. Scheifele; ‘| Vice Supt., Mr. Allan Good;â€" Secy., |Mr. ‘Daiton Scheiféle; Treas., ~ Mr. |Gordon H. Good; Chorister,‘ © Miss ; Ada Scheilele. An adult Bible class | will shortly. be organized.â€" At ths |annual school) meeting last Thursday {forenoort Mr. W. .J. Snider was etectâ€" ed trustee in place of Mr: Louis K. |Holle who bas removed tw Waterloo and whose term of office had expired. â€"Visitors here and at other _ places have been, Miss Lydia Scheifele from, |Buffalo, and Miss Annic _ Scheifele from Waterlioo,; Mr. and Mrs. â€" Sid Scheifele from near Waterloo, < _ Mr. Jos. Shelley of Bad Axe, NMich., Mr. Ha~vey Miller of Montreal, Mr. Irvin Schwartz, C. Kurschinsky of _ Galt,‘ jand Missâ€" Antiknap of Preston; Miss |K. Hachborn of Bes#M, Mr. and Mrs. J.\'. Cress, Mrs. E. P. Bowman, ‘the Misses Luella and ~Nelda Shéltey and. | Mr.â€" Noah Kuntz ond daughter: < of |Berlin, Mfr. Henry W. Schierhoftz . of Lamlash, CGrev County, Mr. Roedél of Gueiph, and Mr. and Mrs. F. Lorenz of Waterloo. ~Mr. and Mrsâ€" Wm. Ledâ€" |, erman and Mr. Jer â€" spent Christmas with Baden frie M+. and Mrs. John Clayfield are vi ftiends up north around Chesley® and Desboro.â€"The annual tusiness _ meetâ€" | ing of St. Mattliews Litheran church will be held on Wodnesday _ evening, Jan. 8th. ‘The Christmas festival in |‘ that church last Thursday _ evening drew a big crowd, as Wre church was | filled to capacity. The children rehdâ€" |â€" éred their uunbzn well‘â€"On Tuesday evenine dvet*fiftvy people tookâ€" in the |â€" testival in St. Jacobs and we neérly | had to order a spectal train for the | occasionâ€"(Goodâ€"bye 1912.â€"â€" We hove and trust that the New Year 1913 |! may be to all a happy and prosperâ€"| Nominations _ for Council.â€" _ The nomipation .of Townsbip * Council members took place on Monday alterâ€" noon. At the tima of going to préss Miss Arma Schroet who ts abterdâ€" log MacDoneld Hall at Guciph spent \mas as her lhomé in town.â€"Mt. Art [l.uehimr was a business ‘visitor to Milvertoa this weekâ€"Mtr. and _ Mrs. €id. bevierholt? ~of, Betlin and _ iwo children scent a few days with‘ TElâ€" nira® telatives «~Jlast‘ . woek.â€"Officerts clected : At a recént moeting of the teachers and . officers of the tr:sbyâ€" terian Nvagay ~chool, the following wero clected to .office : Superintendent Mr. W. R. Wijlloughby, ASsist. Supt. Mr. Geo. L.> Zcigler, trachers, Prun ary Class 1, M‘ss Edna Erb ; Class II. Girlisâ€"E. °F. Geike. Poysâ€"Bert Bowman, assist., Miss Mitchell. Class III.: Girlsâ€"Mr. . Martin. Boysâ€"Mrâ€" A. Werner, assist. teaolier, ~ Mr. Crooks. _ Bible Classâ€"Mr. Gen. L. Zeigler. Substitute teachers, Mrs. A. Mr. A. â€" Werner.â€"Mr. and Mrs. . J. Enidll ago spendiig @ fow days with fr‘ends and relatives at Macton and GJenall>n. g Moses, Mrs. .J. Smail fidl{ Bowâ€" man. _ Organist, â€"Miss Grace Erb. Cery., Mr. Armond â€" Kimamnel. Treas, vis.ting his uncle, ur. J. H. Raw.â€" Mr. Sylugin J&unerct of Elora spent Xmas with his ‘parents in town.â€" Measles and Whooping Cough are very orzÂ¥alent â€"in â€" this neighhozhood.â€"Mr. Gordon Kaisc! wio nas‘ heen in busiâ€" ness in the West fur the last year or so has returned > w ts town.â€"Mr. Herbert Graupner â€" who is attending Concordia (Coilege of Fort Wayre is spending his Xzas bolidays st his houe here.â€" ‘Teadets > Rece ved ! At a ‘recont uvet‘ng of the @linra Public® Board tho followig tenders for the efection of the new Carnegse Liprary ‘were re ceived and discuses, Abram M.‘Bowâ€" man, _ catfenter . work and matgrial 31840, Galvanizea® lron Sheet ~Metal §480 :; Thos. â€" ®hetrugton, Elestric riring cte. $68.00, mason and coment work at $3615 â€" rwrom Chas. Shuctz ; lumber, _ sarpener work, galvamzed artal celling, naits, hardwate, exceptâ€" ing glass anc work ctc. $7155.00 Nom Emanuecl Martin ; inason And cement work at $3750.00 _ itorwChas L. Wilâ€"| \in ; painting eic. at $485.0Q0 _ froin keller and Fepper ; innating at $852.00 nlumbing at â€" $224.00, extras $30.30 T‘om Frank Rudow, The tender ol Me. Ematdéht Marin‘ was Snally â€" avrâ€" tapled after‘ fie has redvrcedâ€" is total figure to 8,000.00. â€"The work an this institution will be commenced as carâ€" ly_as Fos ‘blt hoxt ‘spring. Toronteo â€" spent bhis Xmas vacation "t’-"fi‘fl" tes¢ "$nd passed . "by Torrerts U PelBn We | the meattes rront. 00 M 3. Dental lh:wl rreseat. + College is _ visiting triends in this| Bill# and â€" accounts_ were received i rr aue tak oke " Bovile 1 meunts metce i7 3 y® of ‘this â€""vi 9 * pM, 38 led 4 hag been appointed â€"mauazer of ... the | Lâ€" Bacthler W.l: ltllw-c- Rovel Bank at aima.â€"Mr.°S. Moyer|Couhts be passed that orders tbe and â€" ‘daughters, â€" tladyy und (Maurie| B4ed by the Reeve in payment of spent Christmas with 1# parents ai| Uif Same as loRows, thfik to say : Breslauâ€"Mr. Lincoin Ratz has reâ€" H@DFY Rau, (or snovelling grayâ€" turned from Presfun â€" whepg he ‘was| Cl «u0 cll02 5.012 .0. V$ 6.00 vis.ting his uncle, ur. J. H. Raw.â€"| NO@h G. Sttler, putting on railâ€" _ MNr. Sylvgin J&Qunerct of Elora spent i‘ stepernirenioncute udgrccin Rroghh x 1.15 Xmas with hisâ€" ‘parents in town.â€"| F. C. Lackner, drawing gravel Measles and Whooping Cough are very |_ 320 foP. approach fo bridge... 14:70 areÂ¥alent â€"in â€" this neightoshood.â€"Mr.| @4 Martin, for 36 feet ot casipg Â¥.00 Gordon Kaiscr wiu has heen in ousiâ€"| Treas. Hawkesville Policeâ€"Village ness in the Wost fur the last year or: balanc» in full 1912 ... ._..> 51,.83 so has returned> w tlis town.â€"Mr.| * J. â€"Reigel, part pay of balance Herbert Graupret â€" who is attending | {0r painting Hawkesille Concordia (Coilege of Fort *.y'“ is | _‘hl'idn frereadt? eAvoves cvasioed mc 1WMR kews Notes.~Mr. Milton Auman of Conestogo When planting lily buibs, place them 12 inches deep and tip the <buib a little sidewise to prevent water from aettling at the base among the scales, seconded by W. Hastings that By;Law Number 676, as filled in te read _ a third time and passed.â€"Cartied. PETER T. SCHUMMER, Township Cletk S¢. Clements, Dec. 3rd, 19 Alter_fillag in ail blanks, in â€" said s»conded by Hofman that Committec rise and resume ‘in open Council.â€" Wh rsupon it was moved by McKar â€"Carréed. . Moved by J. Hoffman, seconded by L. Maeckier that, Byâ€"Law Number â€"â€" | to. appoint the plate for holdiitg . the ‘Komination of Candidates for the ofâ€" fices of aReceve, Deputyâ€"Reeve _ and ‘Urey Counctillors to setve for ths 616 :â€" Mored by Robertson, seconded \ by Pacculet that. W. Hastings be _ chdirâ€" man of said Committece.â€"C . Byâ€"Law; it was mpved by Robartson, gear . 1913, and _ to fix the Pollingâ€" Place:, and. to appoint a Deputyâ€"licâ€" turning Officer, and a Pollâ€"Clerk for each of the saven Pollingâ€"Places, or Po‘lingâ€"Subdivisions in the Township of Welltélay, be read a frst and _ a s Cond time.â€"Catfied. Th+ Council formed into a Commitâ€" te" of the whole on Byâ€"Law NumbeF CHIGL ::...;â€".:sss. cocl.. ~an." 8900 Geo. Poole, laying sowers 1 pay 6.00 Wm. WiHford, drawing sewers |__and grading ... .. ... ... 26.00 Fll.-E. Ratz & Co. bridge plank account im foll for 1918 ... 138.38 E. C. Knobloch, balance sewot BCI0MBE ......lâ€" .cl..csoce.. 2. 109 Wra Mundell, work dore on Counâ€" â€" ty. road system. ......... c........... 61.00 Uan Roth, work paid on countyâ€" road systers; and cxchange of 4 good fercs for snow fenee ..... 11.00 A~P. Dammeier, tepairing culâ€" MBFE ..00ls es cce Micnus | MB A.â€"B. Robertson, coftmnission as ‘ HOR B :.:. csmm ctsisicle loaets. "E. 400.00 W. Hastings, commission as Dcâ€" putyâ€"Resve ... .020 .2.22, .. 185.00 J.1.. McKay, commission as Councillor ... .002 ... y 110.00 L. Baechler, commission as Counâ€" ©HHOF ...1..... slscinl luich colld mnm' J. Homan, commission as Cdunâ€" _ J. Kaufman, for printing conâ€" tract and envelopes ... [..... Treas.® Wellesley Policeâ€"Village _balance in full ...22. .000 0007 Phil. Berdux, for Posts and bracâ€" Reiner Bros. & Co. refund of W. J. Beggs, for one sheep killed _ ~â€" by a dog or dogs ... Fon R. Fostcr, for services rendered 5.00 E. ‘Playford, work on Countyâ€" Rodd System ..u... .0.. }.0.. 14.00 A.. B. Robertson, phoning and . Stamp account ........ ...... ...0 0 4.70 @lohn Freeforn, drawing gravel â€" .62 Teter Lichty, refund ol statute tabor ...2... .cfi {lks t. 1000 Geo."Lichty, refund of statuteâ€" tabbt :s..... 5. acls Talul .0 B0 Wia:. Huras, refund of statute ia~ HOP ....0...0 .llceeg ced ie soal. 24.00 Mrs. G. Foerster, refund of statâ€" ute labor ..::â€"...~......s ... .o $.7§ J. B. Lichty & Son, for ‘hoxâ€" > '(:ulvert sewers etc. pt. & pay...55.10 T. Adam, gravel to pathmasâ€" ters, balancte ... ... 20000 7.230 lierman Kochkr®, gravel to pathâ€" MASUOU ... 222002 2222 222200 7.36 le» Ament, gravel to pathmaster 4.65 Mrs. J. Seifert, gravelto pathâ€" IPRELOT ....s.0. cecllen l nfnnl o. VAÂ¥ Jobhn Miller, gravel to pathmasâ€" BW nslsm ronucnnrincccin 370 Tkos Hillyard, gravel to path ‘ MR@SEOT .....,.. c.2..0. ,.c2.20..00 10.50 Andiew Bast, gtavel to pathinasâ€" ‘ §PL :...sss i scssliene renins nadine, B0 B9 Ofto Arndt,, refund of County Nystem labor ... ... ......... 190 Pat Birmingham, opretaker‘s salâ€" ° | ary (ef Tp. Hall 1912) ... .. 8.00 1. McFadden, filling in washout | and repairing culvert ...... ... 12.00 Anthony Kocbel, for winter road and rep. Culvert ........ ... ... . 6.00 Anthooy Brenner,; tefund of Counâ€" /: ty road tases ........, 0222 20 750 Jelin Brimstone, refund of Counâ€" ty road taxes ... s..... . 5.00 0. J. Stris, statuteâ€"labor grant 31.00 EOE COOBPE rerrrtene exbvevcs ceeaenieas uvzeee . EPA C. D. Bowman, staking, and calâ€" cvlations, etc. Campbell Drain 28.50 Lorne Rainniegravel to path _ _ mASt ES ... 00 ... .222 22. .20 5.79 lfeury Neeb, gravel to pathmasâ€" T o armmint. 1912; on, 16 oi )ms Proicir ninw en alk‘ i+ Th ie se on "All Aho tmombets were present,) A. t* > Robertson, the Recve Sresided. â€" sipal Councif ofâ€"the Towaâ€" $1483.05 . 18.50 12.04 79.21 o e e We ‘ ‘reatmen‘ & compiete trial ; and if you should wish to continue, it wifl g.y:- o.'} cwents a weex, or less than two cents a day. 1t will not interfere with your work or « Inst send me mm“.‘?" tel me how you »ufler. if you vh‘lumi T will se ireatment Jor your case eniirely frte, in Eg;l 'nlmflflffl mail, { will also sen of coâ€"t, my Imk-"\vfiflml %WN MEDICAL A ER" with e:m--l? {Mustrat thq why women sier, a vey can easily cure themacters xt home. wom ?\'t it, and learn to think for ’.fi‘.i. Then whou thâ€"â€"Aocor vaysâ€"â€""You fihfl tion," you can decide for arself. Thowsands of women huve cnred lhmdrm with remedy. It ewr .I..J: youmne. To Mothers Of Dan"terr,1 will explain a sin treatiment whh‘. speedily and efectmally cures Lencorrlicea, Green Sickness and 1 trreculat Men«truation in Young Lodies, (Plusipncs=s and beaith always resalt from its Wherever you live, J cap reier you to ladics of your own Imh(’ who k-o."r « tell any en ~orer that this &m Treatment realiy curen all a ind s diseases and mak ~ell, «trong. plump and mbust‘ Sust send me yov : address. and the free fcn days‘ tr veu‘rs, aloo the beek, . Wrie toâ€"lay, fs your n _0 5+ o9 this ofer again, ream : Mt.5. M. SUMMZRS, Cox !t. . 801 . The _ annual â€" Uhristmas entertainâ€" ament _ of â€"the _ Sunday School of the Falvation Army was held on Monday evening â€" and proved to be a splendid FREE TO YOUâ€"MY SISTER succer@»" ‘The programme, consisting of music, recitations, dialogues _ and the tableaux was beautiful. rendered. Th usual presentat,on of : gifts _ ailso took place. iW’e_want you to try three large botâ€"| tles of Rexall "93" Hair Tonic on | i‘our personal guarantse that the trial ; [w'ill not cost you a penny if it does| not . give you absolute satislaction.‘ That‘s proof of our faith in this re-‘ medy, and ‘it should indisputably dcâ€"| onstrate that we know what we are! taKkimg about when we say that Rexâ€"| alt ©93" Hair Tonic vfil retard baldâ€"‘ ‘ness, _ overcoine scalptand hair ail-? anents, and if any humnn agency can accomplish this result, it may also be râ€"lied upon to promote a new growth! of hair.â€" M . | Rememter we are basing our stiteâ€" ments upon what has already been Recomplished by the vs* of Rexall ©93" flair Tonic, and we have . the vight‘ â€"to as:ume â€" that. what it has Treatment That Costs Nothing If: In the Matter of the Estate of Clrisâ€" + It Fatls. topher Shelter,â€" late of. the: Townâ€" p en ; ship of Wellesley, in the ‘County of ho n ld l 4 es WWe baes., pai_). Waterlou, Weaver, Deceased:~‘. ts _ _Fill out the accompanying coupon and send | in your order 'noy{.’ to. $ s s 8 CHRONICLEâ€"TELEGRAPH I ; m. '/ N Tâ€"â€"'};’;"'“'â€"""vv”* PX NWM" is A‘s E 2 > Total Vaiue .. $%. _ Special Price for Both ¢ Both these. Journals are recognized leaders in their own respective helds and the combination price is an unrivalled ne\Vspaecr offer. * Hieit 2665 â€" _ ‘By a specidl arrangement with the Publishers, of the Canadian Country the Chronicle:Telegraph is :zb to present to its readers an unrivalled subscription er, ot . * § Inclose $1.50 for which please sent â€"~me Chronicleâ€"Telegraph and Canadian Countryman one year as per your special offer. _ â€" _ © Name FOR BALD HEADS (Notice to Creditora Publishers State whether New or Old Subscriber. THE CHRONICLE!TELEGRAPH Address *_ WATERLOO, ONT. COUPON $1.50 Sn Uvrisugs :.: £ 4 4 The Price of One [ â€" 52â€"2t Dated: the sixtcenth day of Decemâ€" ber, 1912. 4 s script Solwitors for John Hill and Louis Fleischauer, executors of _ Chrisâ€" _ fopher Schelter, deceased. 3 \CLEMENT & CLEMENT, Waterloo, Ont. ©. AF* â€" Sb will cost you nothing to give the "IU sont on nothing to give the Iten ]flll‘“fi’“ * ntario,"" 1 @eorge all cmmka.u s against t as~ 1 8 400 m o5 Cl i

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