A sumptuors _ dinnet was sorved at @‘tlock after which the bridal conâ€" le:t on a short honeymoon to Pcâ€" t and other points. * The bride was _ the recipient of _ a latge vaftety of gifts from guests and hone â€" of Mt. and Mrs. M. M.| Th past week has witnessod the reâ€" ntz _ on the _ Trâ€"ston road when, tirn home for theeChristmas holidays beir cldest daughter Annic was m.nr-lv( all the young folks from the _ varâ€" ried to Mr. Archie Haist of Welland.!ions _ Universitics, _ Colleges , _ and The bride looked charming gowned|schools, _ and their _ presence in the In white silk crepe de chene and carâ€"} Twin City, as nsual, contributes _ in ried.a bouquet of Lridal roses. _ |no smail degre to the gayety of the * ceremony _ took _ place at 3 festive season Among . the number o‘CKB: in the drawing room _ which‘are Miss Jerrine â€" Wells, Miss Sacie was. prett.ly decorated for the nccasâ€" fMutton, Miss Lackner, Miss _ Esther r? [J. Contad, whose name â€" has frequently mentioned in connecâ€" with the deputy reeveship for when seen ty a representative P gave an answer in the negaâ€" Hr€. in reply to the query as to wheâ€" Sher he would enter the field at the eqmming election. s & ‘Th+ / annual Sunday School enterâ€" taimment of the Evangelical _ church was held Wednestiay evening and atâ€" it angaudience which filled _ the 4 An entertaining program | of songs and other numbers m. .The church was very pretâ€" icorated _ and the magnificent }s tree lént attractiveness to E&-Tg* on Tuesday, Dec. 24. Rev. _ .. Hockey periormed the cereâ€" 'el'y pretty Christmas wedding "celebrating Xmas afiternoon _ at "home â€" of Mt. and Mrs. M. _ M. Me Waterloo Junior O. H. A. hocâ€" 4eam played an eshibition match W theâ€"Elmira Hockey team in Eiâ€" ‘a on â€" Christmas | day. The #a \as 1â€"1 in the lattor‘s _ favor. wever the score does not indicate elass of play. â€" The Waterloo manâ€" t was well pleased vwith the showâ€" ol the team. he Ontario farmer is fortunate in ing such an able exponent of. his se as The Weekly. Sun, Toronto. It Â¥es good reading for the thoughtâ€" ;. Thepe is no other paper just like ) . Farmer‘s _ Weekly Sun. You wld be a reader of it. $ §/"At Home" given by Mr. and|j ;I% F. Kunt: to the merzbers of ‘Acadian CJub and their friends a huge suce»ss. About â€" fiity :- were present and spent a ‘ Q_glighu‘ql eveming in games and ng, _ dainty refreshments weref e martiage of the famous millionâ€" Pliilanthropist, Miss Helen Gould her > fiance, Mr. Finley .J. Shepâ€" ‘which will take place shortly, is wtéome of a romantic ineeting @h "sale of farm _ stock and impleâ€" .and bouschold effects of Abram, Rt, .3 miles eastof Bridgeportt held on Monday, January 6th ;of Tuesday, January 7th â€" as Jn Jast week‘s issue. f Â¥J/ E. Hockey and Mrs. Hockey the marriage of Missâ€" Dora ~A@aughter of Poter Elson, M. r East _ Middlesex and â€" Prol. abf the Fdmontyn Presbyterian g at. London on Thursday. .\lr,] ey assisted in the seremony. | sympathy is extended to Mr.' ts._Ed. Liersch, in the loss of rnyst daughter, Aileen Mabel who died at their bome _ in Fea? on the 233rd inct. at the ago years, 1 month ant 21 days. imafriage of John W. E. Beardâ€" L .. Waterloo and Annie 2. E. took . place at _ the Methodist imarketâ€"was well attended i‘f Produceâ€"soid at current Figgs were pientitul at _ i0e ;. Butter soid at 32 and 33c. d. _ Chickens â€" for 35 to 70 nd geese and ducks 18 corts a issful Christmas entertainments #l4 in â€" Emmanuel Evangelical . .and~ St. John‘s Lutheran .Ob Wednesday evening. master Diebel reports that tllg! Bas mail bandted at the Waterâ€" gt Office was twentyâ€"five per reater ip _ volume than Iast] * Wednesday (alis onâ€" February wrick has. Werle of Waterioo ,owns winerca hen, which laid _ an nebes by §] inches. ressful dance was held in the Miaill on Thursday evening. »‘s Court season will open in p part of Webruary. #1. Deutecheo Apothoke IAISTâ€"SHANTz hocolates and sâ€" and Sudpplics Auiporiea High 1 rfumes, etc..cfc. EVITT i festive season Among the number|on the west side is desired, it would: lare Miss Jerrine _ Wells, Miss Sacie| not cost as much to purchase now as‘ pHutton, Miss Lackner, Miss _ Esther| later. The question of Watrtloo makâ€" "“illiun:s. Miss Hess, Miss Bowman, ing a grant toward the erection . of i Mewsrs. 11. Eraendle, D. Kinton, l:'.(‘:m addition to the Berlin (Collegiate . Prindt, Claude Nogcker, °. Schioâ€"‘ would also come up for consideration. sel, Oliver Masters, R. G. Wood, Edâ€"| \nswering a criticism that more men ward Smoth, Robert J_ Smvth, L \lhan neeessary were emplayed in doâ€" | Hacedorn, K Jawieson, \ _ Dinchner ‘inz the _ clericat and other work _ of ir,:ml, «. E. Sreithanpt and several‘the town, he said that the work had uthers . increased very Considerahiy, â€" noting I('_ J. Ott, ~ Worchester, lqus.; Mrs. ,(‘Mrles P. Wilkins, Chesley ; Mrs. W. {Hurst, Winnipeg, Man.;, Joseph, New i Westminster, B.C.; Mrs. James Tho }n‘:.s, Preston ; Miss Verda, Toronto ; Mrs. Hudgon, _ James, Fort William. There are 22 grandchildren and 3 eratâ€"grandchildren. The childten preâ€" sented their grandparents with _ a purse of goid accompanied by an adâ€" â€" dress. _ Arthur is a former Waterloo _ boy who holds the responsible position of superintendent on a farm of 1200 ;acres, operated in connection _ with the Boys‘ Preparatory @ehool at Mt. Herman, at which six hundred are in attendance. ‘The farm which is _ a model one, is stoc«ed with the best bred stock valued at many thousands of dollars. He has supervision â€" over }ahom, forty men in addition to the students, one of whom is reqired cach day to devote two hours «0 asâ€" sisting in the work of the farm from ‘whivh nearly all provisions for . the school are supplied Mr. Arthur Snydec of Mt. Herman, Mass. returned to that place Saturâ€" day aiter spending three weeks with relatives and friends in Waterloo and Vicinity. ¢ â€" SUCCESS OF FORMER â€"â€" WATERLOO BOY The câ€"letration took the form of . a big _ r.ception, â€" at which the cleven childrem were present. They are John 11. Plum, Coulee, Mon.; Mrs. M. B. {gckert, Mrs. A. W. Iilbotn, Rerlin ; Mrs. JJ. B. _ Rickert, BuflaloC XÂ¥ .3 Mrs. John Ford, Seattfe, Wash.; Mrs.| Me. Unger, who is 72 years ok.'zg'& was _ born in _ Roscville, Waterloo County, and Mrs. Unger, who is 71, vas born in‘ Blenheim Township, Oxâ€" ford County. Both are in excelient bealth. ‘ Their entite married life has been spent in Waterloo €ounty. Suirounded â€"by their children and a ho«t of friends and relatives from far and near. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Unger on Wedunesday celebrated their golden wedding, ‘at their _ honie in Preston. Fiity years â€" ago _ Moses Unger, who is now _ the Dominion fruit > inâ€" spector of Watoriono County, and Magâ€" W Histand _ were united in marâ€" tYe® by the late Rev. Mr. Bingeman, i ‘The Waterloo: Sentinel, which â€" has teen publisted in Waterloo, for nearâ€" }Iy thre: years, has _ ceased publicaâ€" Aion. ‘The prefrictor, Mr. John Hevâ€" erov, _ made an assignment for _ the â€"banefit of the creditors at noun Monâ€" ’-day t7 Mr. A. K. Cressman, assignee. NAgC by in Berlin. On Christpgas evening Santa Claus was to be seén going to and fro on tik streets calling at the bomes and distributing gifts to the little folk in a most promiscuous manner. The Orphâ€" anage and the â€" NHospital were visited and suitable exercises were Reld. es Another Chriptmas has passed into [Nuoq.n‘ many were the hearts that were madeâ€"glad during the "day ol all the year.‘" There is no denyâ€" ing the fact that the sPirit of the ocâ€" .cagion is from year to year and the of 1913 will be remembered 28 the best they have eÂ¥er , ‘Thanks to the lib erty and thoughtfuiness of the citiâ€" zems ol this, growing city there were few, if any, Iqmilies that ‘did not parâ€" ticipate in Christmas cheer and . the réjoicing was genera)l. _ _ _ i The weather was perfect and many took advartage of the beautiful day to visit, théir {mtends . and relagives and extend the season‘s grceetings. The trains from a!l directions brought the ‘"boys andâ€"the girls‘"‘ to the old {amily _ firesides an« many were the reâ€"unions thrgughout the City. The services in the various churches in the morBing _ were well attended and appropriate sermons were delivetâ€" ed by the pastors. > """‘"n' “""""’, Permitted| Nominees arious Offices Addréss * Wformed the.. Chtos Tur Weereatony on ’ Large Crowd of Electors on Civic = L:.zm‘&i y n e n nz l v es sq. yard and of bitulithic §3.52% â€" per 8q. yd. The tatvia pavement without curb and gutter . cost $1.38 per â€" sqâ€" yd. The speaker noted that Foundry Et. was an excentionally bad street and it â€" would not co8t as much on other streets: where conditions _ were bettrr. Referring to the question of sewers he said this was getting to h‘ & big problem. Abeut: 60 houses had gone up â€" this year, requiring axtensâ€" ions to the system. Everything . was wortting _ satisfactority â€" at present. Another _ problem _ for considetation was the _ widening of King St ‘The Mo‘sons Rank intended building next: year and if a sttip of 6 ft. of Iaadl The Mayor â€" said that the smallpo® was under control and those infected were rapidly r.covering. Referting to the road work done this year he notâ€" ed the paving of Erb St.. Foundry St.,Park Ave., and Young St. Fowr dr}i St. had been completed and Park Ave. _ was nearing completion. Petiâ€" tions had been teceived for the paving of Park, William: and Allen streets next year. Delay was o€casioned in not getting stone promptly ani streets could not be completed on account of the poor quality of tarvia _ received it being necessary to get another sup Ply. _ The cost of tarvia pavement with curb and gutter was $2.44 per Placed on the houses. It was neces sary that the citizens coâ€"operate . if Ccontagious diseases were to be stampâ€" llxuh to safeguard the town. Much difficulty had been experienced in enâ€" forcing the regulations ag to, quaran tine. He ®ted two cases whers little attention was paid to the quatantine r.lerence to the outbreak of diphtherâ€" la in â€" â€"regard to which every presau tion had been taken by the Board of bled. ‘The speakers were. given a hearine, and ratepayers preâ€" seut frequently interrupted with rteâ€" quests for information as to the Cerâ€" tain question touched on by the speakcrs. , . f | Mr. J. G. Haight, town cletk, was appointed _ Chairman of the meeting and first called ubon the nominees for Mayor to address the meeting. ‘ That much interest is manifested in civic affairs was evidenced in thelarge number in attendance: at â€"the Water loo nomination meeting held in . the town hall Monday evening, upwards of one hundresd being present. Nomiâ€" nees for position® on the town bodies for the year 1913 as well as members of this yeat‘s _ cauncil, cunmis.e.ionsl and the School Board addressed those SCHOOL TRUSTEES UNOPPOSED Mayor Fischer gave a Bticf outline _the_work of the yeatr. He . made Elected by acclamation. * North Wardâ€"J. A. Harper. West Wardâ€"Dr. C. T. Noecker. South Wardâ€"John Breugeman. East Wardâ€"A. E. Devitt. WATER AND LIGHT COM SEWER COMMISSION Clayton Wells Cleason Shantz Martin Sanider . Jacob Brox Henry Herr Arthur Sangerson Dr..W. A. Hilliard Chas. Woeller Wm. Kutt Simen Bricker B. E. Rechtel Wm. Kutt COUNCILLORS. (Six to be elected.) Wm. Veitel John Heinrich John W. Schneider Julius H. Roos Addison Moyer John Schondelmeyer Jacob Uffeiman Chris Wolle Dar Bohlender SCHOOL TRUSTEES Cyrus W. For Mavor MA YOR. REEVE. Chairman _ Bavcr of the Water and Light â€"Commission submatted MI’! T"E annval report. In the watér departâ€" awdding thereto regularly. nunt he repor(ed a profit of $1810.18] "":‘::.“ 3 per cent. per for ~the year aficr paying dobenture, n . 1 principal and. interest. The ontming' r.'l“ mm Commission recommended that the inâ€"} Lamprey, com‘ng _ Commission strike of meter | a * cent . which this year amounted . to j committee, said they had had a good year, having only one fire. He noted the reduction in taxes from 24 to 20 tills this year_wuich he thought was a good show‘ng. a member of :he town propert mani and imrovements had been made in ~tlf6 approaches to the cemetery, a r“!‘l Jeing opened up and a sidewalk wi he eom‘rm He said he was‘ ifl‘ the Courcil â€" LNE EECOCED MBD WERDDCORP VHRS IATY TW 46 About $1800 has m“xfl‘ On _ Y¢ {anticipaled that there will be a . Comâ€" pairing roads. He thought the COUNâ€"| sigerapte sncrease in the receiPts. The gil ought to have a lopget tefM» . {0f|price of gas would remain the somé the reason that when they were, JUSt|for the present. bpcoming familiar with tWe work they| In "the electric depattment a nel were obliged | to step out. .. He 21850 |pront of $4733.44 was reported. Th made a briel referience ta. Ki§ 81200 im |outroing cenmmission _ recommended regard to the amalgamation‘ of B&SH"|tnat commepcing Jan. ist, a further and Wa‘urloo. § . _ _ _ _a freduction Af an aversge of 10 per Mr. C. W, Schiedel who‘ was nOMiâ€"|cent. be made in the rates. He Conâ€" hated for . Reeve . and DePutyâ€"ReOVC!igered,that the Hydro Electric Plant said he â€"would take time until . t0oâ€" |was the town‘s hest â€"pavying asset. might to decide. which position . b8/wy Bguar was desitious of â€" héaring would stand for. One of the questi0Ds ) anâ€" explanation of the finantial State" which . wonld . have to be considefed} ment of tha town_hut owing to ‘the was the disposal of the dehentUIeS| iatoness: of the hour and the Small still on hand amounting to @BOUt| numrer present it was def irtg $60,000 and he would lile“:o.h.a ; iC * member of the Council for t reaâ€"| / School . his. | son. A Chéfge in the act had â€" been .. Stheol Aebort overlooked in reference to debentutres| Chairman . Conrad _ of the Schagl and the town solicitor had the matâ€"/ Eoard read‘the annual statement . of, tor in hand with a view to finding @)that body showing a lalance solution of the difficulty. ‘In~regard|$1314.16 on hand. Refeffg to (/an to the separation agreement. he S@id|item of $828.43% for repailky he d che had been a membet of the s2PMr&)$575 ol ths was for a ney roof tion committes.: Mr.â€"Eeler had statâ€"! th> Centr;) Schook The thtal . sum ‘ed that Berlin was $4000 aheadâ€"but/exrend d was not quit> 114,000. Fle Mr. Schiedel said this was largolÂ¥|advocated insta‘ling a now heating due to Population and inctease in aSâ€"|s5;sty»p at %l‘mqml School. Com ‘sessment. He had also been appointâ€"| paiine th: of heating the . two ed a memter of the Hospital . Board|sthools, he said the Alexandra School by the Count.l. _ In referehchâ€"to §}Â¥â€"inost about $35 per ropm wile at the ing a gtamp‘"to the Berlinâ€"Collegiate,}Central it cost ahout $70 per room. he said j was a question of whethet |with an upâ€"to date heating system at Waterlob would d‘ssontinue _ sendirg/the Central School a saving of about pupils fo Berlin or make a grant 0| $40 per room would be made. It about $§90,000 to help build an addiâ€"| would pay for itself in ten years s tion to ‘Collegiate. If Waterlon built‘; new s strm would cost about $4000. a high schooFit would cost at lea The meeting @djourned about eleven; $20,000 in â€" addition to mainten :Yoiclock. . I teachers‘ salaries, etc. He heartil k f s endorsed the Reitzel Byâ€"law . | In _ 16â€" | oo ppamnareintmempmmnmmmamzn gard â€" to the amaigamation of Bettin and Waterloo, he could not see . anyâ€" $s xacpX4 thing to be gained. * f f Mr. â€" Kaufman who again spoke ; ‘ thought that the improving of streets should be done on the frowRage sys P @4 dehts on the street pay 75 per and the town 25 per cent. For Deputy Reeveâ€" For councilior Mr. C. Woeller statâ€" ed that he would be a candidate for in favor of annexation to Betlin. He said ho _ would stand _ for Deputyâ€" Reeve. fo cu. . k 5 # For Reeve. le!fl:- Ho spoke in the highest tecms < of the 13 tab in play at the .Hub Reeve Kaufman, as a T>PreS@DtAtiV® | piyjayq Pnl:t: owl’o‘yhy C. E. Fisâ€" of the town. on the County Council cher, * velerred to the separation agreemwent between the City of Berlin and the| ° yemamenun ns County. As ‘jh““wh:-‘.:‘l: B“‘": ~Gea. Ruke of Waterioco was iaken =?.'.;'5..°"£ zh:h:o::';m aou,'.ed'jnn“a imto . custody by _ Chiefs Flynn and difficulty wal-éthrlence" Mï¬e a ‘ .m ro*!_ ymnllq o4 4 cl-r" connections were not wado figst. Ja: o : ‘_tbishzdbeendonethenv_(odd b â€" ~ esecnmmmnninms ts ‘been a‘:ig saving in labor and , 1 i , o Rense. 1 said a good deal of mopey In the.gas department the W‘! had heen . apent on roads and LtWUP [ dencis of $922.80, The operatin asl value received. _A cheaper way _ 30| penses were. more this real,. n&!ï¬n‘ Abuild roads was to use our owh ET3Yâ€"|egiby the fact that $571.29 more Was el from the gravel pit and this toâ€" paid for gas oil and $519:.68 for imtâ€" gether â€" with cement wou make . a er repairs,â€" it being necessary t6â€"take ue m e o ao on t Bc giea o fanppraine Nelieâ€" & 4 ; . With i far, Built for â€" about 90¢c. _ Berâ€"sq. yard.| UR"t . With the addition of the Jarge the taking over of the Hydr@Bleo tiie system and also the a-d the town and consequent ao: . in buginess. _ He _ endorsed the Reititel Byâ€"Law and thought that<a sash and door factory and .Planing mill was something very much needed. . Mr. J. C. . Muelier who was nomiâ€" nated forâ€" Mayor said he would not te a candidate. He took occasion to reler to several mattersâ€" He tbon?; the streets should have been built day labor instead of by contract. Reâ€" {erring to Foundry St., he did~ not think _ residents got value for the mon>y _ spent, the Tarvia pavement Costing $2.44 per 5q. yd., which was ‘too much. The widening ol King St.‘ should be considered at an early date. He heartily endorsed the Reitze} Byâ€" ;law. In regard to making a grant to the Berlin Collegiate to erect.an adâ€" dition, he was not in favor of Yotitg â€"for an _ expenditure in‘another town. Berlin _ could _ not afferd: to ‘egclude Waterloo people mentioning the fact that we were now contributing very ‘materially to the upkeep of the street railway. He said in conclusion, . he would te wilkng to sorte the <town on the Water & Light Commission. Alderman Kuth_as Chairman of fite For The Commissions improving of streets t 7 p > 2 n the froutage sysâ€" C y f ; present system resiâ€" x et pay 75 per cent. l ea uy per cent. s l # ~ apply a â€".top ‘:rm.; be er~sq, yard. gz on â€"reâ€" the Counâ€" ,31 Interest at 3 per cent. per ani re | drawn. 4 clll BERLIN Ilnm _-r-? E. W. Lamprey, agor. c | @knpnpramexkyi®ixnin(xetitain s ul [Shirk & Snider,; Ltd,| th> Centril Schook _ The I;,!xtal , s%n exrend d was not quit> 114,000. Te advocated insta!ling a now heating s;st‘m at %l‘mqwl School. Com paring th: of heating the two sthools, he said the Alexandra School wost about $35 per ropm wile at the Central it cost abput $70 per room. \\'ith.ï¬an‘up-tcrdahe heating system at _ In ~the electric department a net profit of $3733.44 was reported. ‘The outgoing . "commission â€" recommended that conmmepcing Jan. ist, a further reduction Af an average of 10 â€" per cent. be made in the rates. He conâ€" sidered, that the Hydro Electric plant was the town‘s ~best â€"paying asset. Mr. â€"Bauer was desitious of ~ hearing! an: explanation of the financial state» ment of tha townâ€"hut owing to -the{ F.,ln the.â€"gas department was a deficit of $922.80, â€" The. ting or. pentes were: more this year, o&lï¬l‘ ed ‘by the.fact that $571.29 more #as paid for gas oil and $519.68 for‘im:tâ€" er repairs,â€" it being necessary t6 take up meters eVery 8iX years~and"repair them. _With the addition ‘of the Jargei aumber of consumers this fall it â€" is anticipated that there will be a . conâ€" giderable increage in the receipts. The price of gas wouldâ€"remain the nm¢| for the present. , .. Last night Prof. McLean of Toronto gavye one of the finest exhibitions of pool and tilliards ever seen in _ this town. Thore were about 300 pool and billiard fans present and all â€" were Sreatly. delighted with the exhihition, judging from the applause given the different shots executed by the proâ€" fessor. Ho spoke in the highest terms of the 13 tables in play at the .Hub BiHiard Parlor, owned by C. E. Fisâ€" At a meeting of the Waterlon Club held in the Hotel Lewis on Friday évening it is understood that the club decided to purchase the Kreutzinger property on Erb street, on which they have a verbal option. _ If the club purchases this beautiful property they will have one of the best clubâ€"houses in the province. ~‘_ The Farmer with a Bank Account * â€" _ 0 0 0 ts io o oi mm f c ane: 1 m in ra P tat x: e P e natnte tsA All prosperous farmers have money saved up and the expldnation (;1 theit prospérity is that â€" long ago they began to save money. Every larmer should have a Savings Account in ves the Best Satisfaction for General Baking. = Pastry \ Flour For Pastries. .l'" . (Â¥4 Interest at 3 per cent. per anpfim is paid from the day the money is deposited to the day it is with drawn. 4 RLIN BRA / WATERLOO BRANCH N. Lamprey, c _ P. V. Wilson, Manager: A Fine Exhibition Plione 76. THE BANK OF TORONTO. dety s ob o. " * 4; of the Sc : tatement . of *â€" : ,‘,,, §3 fs. cA * . ‘ASE T: Bs ths y d â€"_â€"_â€" U SE ONLY NK (F[alewiw(s 9€ ;C. H. MILLS & CO. LEARK T _ of the carly sping. >( . TAKE Aâ€"COURSE IN.THE iC â€"> IBRONTro #. 1. C. 4. 2 o ce C t s CATERT esd e oo o Sn e ce oi 11 2 T t Ceeiite o soek hn Sekak . , op h t e h adet iA ue CASH AXND ONE m‘uc‘t:,, "~onâ€"] ‘CasH AND ONFE PRICE. Ou»: first shipment of spring goods opened toâ€" day. Just the kind that is suitable for theâ€"holiday rade. If you will come am{ss these pretty waist» ings we are satisfied that their aegpearance and quality wirl induce you to purchase because it is the right time to make a selection. ‘They are serviceable and. dressy. The patterns are principally stripes and the correct thing for the coming season. . ) . ‘**& Silk Stripe Delaines, Challies, and Wool Striped Albatross Cloth:, : Pretty> â€" ‘New and Durable 7 Weite for Free Booklet toâ€"day :- be prepared for the opportunitics â€"~ § Tb ncdede n i f +oly "Wek ’:5 *:-I'â€"n:l‘ Miller & R ces 44 5 CE = a* 3 _â€" years of your life. Again . . we sayavefyflm‘“i Prosperous New Year.. _ â€" â€" from 25c to 50c per yard $ USIN ith Best ‘Wishes for Yo%hgss and Prosâ€" perity [/through .the next year. And all the other NEW spl_‘z: WAISTINGS â€"_ NEW YEARS GREETINGS ILL scH Bridgeport, Ont. â€"= * ".' lu7 * + iE % AKe "ras: e Ti