4t‘s a thoughtiul gilt that _ carries | Â¥me accurately ¢o tho recipient \\1'3 @râ€" showing a splendid holiday _ col Pec.ion of _ watch s for n.cn, \\mm‘n‘ 4 Bd children. + ! ~ Thor is nuooness in the styles, good Rmesi in the movements, gladness _ in @ur J ri es Heller Bros. i peipts, 17.600 â€"head; active, heavy â€" 5¢ !n;.yoy: othors strong; heavy and mixâ€" ed, $7.75¢ porkers, $7.45 a $7.85; pize, $7.65 g $7 °0; rouzhs, $8.85 g !‘I,‘M: Stais, 5.01 it $6.50; . dairies, $7.00 «& $7.85.. Sheenp and _ lambsâ€" Rereipts. ©10,000 hesd; active and 15¢ th 35¢ highor: lambs, $5.00 &6 â€" $9.50, geotlines $4.50 4n _ £8.00; wetbers 3.35 g6 $5.75; ewes, $2.50 °. g< $5.00; Sheep, mixed, $3.50 c $5.25. Bide, for malting, and 40c 1¢ 50c for s Buckwheat, 48e m 49¢c, _ shipâ€" points. _ Manitoba flourâ€" Liste:d btatiens at Toronto are: First ratâ€" mis, $5.10; second patents, . $1.80; $trone hbakers. $1.70, Ontar‘o â€" four, wirter: flour, 90 per cent. patents, , #eaboard. Millfr@â€" Maritoba . $23 râ€"r ton, shorts, $23 @ %i0â€"rer ton, on treck, Toronto. \ Fast Huflalo, Dec. 30. â€"Catiic: Reâ€" f ®, 3,500 head; active and 15e to B5¢e higher prim~ steers, _ $8.75 $8.00; butchors, $6.00 & $§%50; bullk ‘$4.00 ; $6.30; stoâ€"kers and heiiers $1.00 is $1.50; shippin:, _ $7.% | at $8.@5: heifers, $1.75 4 $7.75; cows, gm t $7.50; stockers and _ ~>deurs, A.45 > $7.00° fresh cows ard spring @rs active and firm at $35.00 in £75. Vealsâ€"Receipts, 600 head; active, 50c Inwer, at $1.00 % $12.00. Hozsâ€"Reâ€" letator flour ...: eople‘s fNour ... aple Leal Flour nowdrift flour .. ter, per Ib ..l.;... (.oc... 3W . 30 gs, per dozen .............. .10 .50 ickens, each ......... ....... 50 70 tatoes, per bag ......... .50 1.00 y, per ton ... ... 12.00 14.00 raw, per ton .....2. ...... 9.00 10.00 PEccseells cce scclclll...c 9.00 . 10.00 IEtON, ... lslll22 02222222008 10 K L.llll.. cluciee smcs 0 13 ley corn.Qplicna market â€" cuiet _ tok . ese as follows: Ontâ€" 0 . No. 3 winter, 91c & 9%¢ side, acgording to loâ€"ation, Maniâ€" im wheat, No. 1 northern, . 93¢; , 8 mprthern, 92¢. Oats, Canada sterm, No. 3, 4li¢c; No. 3 Canada stern. 40c, at lake ports. r imâ€" tiate shipmen‘t, No. 3 whifA, 33¢r 33le outside; on track, Toronto, e. & 36e. Corn, No. 3 vellow, . Peas,. No. 1, $1.20 & $1.25; No. He q 16¢. Rarlev, 60c 4 85c oitâ€" ley . f per ton ..... ... ........10.00 _ 11.00 aw, per ton ............... 5.50 â€".6.50 atoes per bag ... ... . 1.00 1.235 'ln‘ chickons ......... ...... 40 .60 k, ‘dressed*... .............. 10.00 10.25 rter beci, hind _.......13.00 _ 14.00 s; live ... We issue Marriage Licenses Store near Post Office. r, per 100 lbs , per ton ... GUELPH. JAN. 2ND, 1913 ings pet ton .. ped Screenings d ‘oats ......... . HOLIDAY WATCRES GALT MARKETS GALT, JAN. 2, 1913. , per tou GUELPH MARKETS. beci, hind beef, front '†l’, 2.10 _ 3.20 % 21.00 is BM 27.00 38.00 1.00 _ 1.20 1.10 48 .&OOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS 2.3% 2.60 2.45 1.10 t0 35 10 07 ,g.g’l’eas rele ts hok 2.69, Hay per ton .. z_g,-,i Flour, Spgcwl z.m:l-‘lour. Juilet . 3 on : Bran per ton . 21.00 ';.‘qmtls per tor 25.00 | Live hogs â€"...... 1.10| Beef, front ... 1 25| Beel, hind qua 1.15| C hic ens ... .50 { Ducks ......... .. 4g9 | Butter per lb .31 I Eggs per doze .49 | Potatoes per . 70 1.00 | STRATFORD LARKETS. i _ STRATFORD, JAN.3, 1913 1 ) Wheat, Standard ... ... Barley........" .. l():.ts, & t:ndard seprirr:scarredcomorrrraerm® Flour, Family ... Ili‘lonr. Pastfy ..... Bran, per ton ... ! Niddl ngs per ton Shorts per ton ... Chats .... Barley . COPR 2223 i4 eeress Fgâ€"8, rer dozen FIOUF ... .cc Man. flour ... Butter per 1b ... Eggs, per dozen Hay per ton ... Lard per lb ... Ham 20002 .22 Midlitigs, per to HFAR ..:..â€".., ... Potatoes per ba, J Market Carden! 7 td « FOR SALE ># eanrnerhuey on cccre@cece Wood per cord . Butter per lb .. Eg s per dozen Lard per th ... NEW HAMBURG MARKETS. NEW , ILAMBURG, JAN. 2, 1913 WREAt .......22 2220222222002 u2s J (a| Flour, Juilet ... Bran per ton ... Shorts per ton ... Live hogs .,...... ... Beel, front ... / Reel, hind quarters Chic ens ...... 2. ..; Ducks ........ .......2 Butter per lb ....... Eggs per dozen ...; Potatocs per tag . Flour per 100 Ths ... . Bran per 100 lis. ... Middlings per 100 Tbs. Nereerings per 100 lbs Wheat per bush. ... . Parl y per bush. ... .. Oats per Dush. ... Peas, per bush. ........... Potatoes per bag ... LIYG NUKS ......;. Sheepskins . . ... Tallow .....l2 .. Dried apples .. ... Hams ....... 5... Shoulders ... Bacon ......0. l.... Fotators per bag Wood, first class Po‘a oes per | C orn per bush Hay per ton . Butter ......2 GooSe wis at Barley Peas Corn in large lots :........ .18 .80 Middlings. per ton ......... 26.00 Potatoes per tag ...._...... $1.15 1.25 Butter per lb ...0.. ...... .33 .33 Eg:s jer dozen ... .. .....40 40 LHFO ...ssss scuncls Cnnsrrmacess 18 15 Apples per barrel ........... 2.50 _ 3.00 Flogs, live ..!...; .......:s.. j Hogs, dressed ... ... 9:75 10.99 Hay per LoR ...:........... 15.00 _ 19:00 Strawpper tom ... .2 ......... 6.50 0 7.50 Wood, per cord ... ...... 6.50 7.00 Export eabtle ...... ...0.202.. 7.00 _ 7.50 Butchers‘ caitle ... 0.00. 5.50 0 .50 iye Situated near Waterloo, with % frame house, 6 rooms and 'lv()d. E shed, Yank harn, cecment stables C pig stable, 86 fruit trees, } aere t atrawherries, black loamy soil, & sale price !‘ A.K. CRESSMAN:® King St. Waterioo }'5 WATERLOO, JAN. 3, 1913 BERLIN MARKETS. BERLIN, JAN. 3, 1913 < ELMIRA MARKETS ELMIRA, JAN. 2, 1913. WATERLOO MARKETS. _ B aiz2aal _Acres! per ton .. l..... .60 ... 12.00 13.00 ....2.10 â€"1.40 .. .35 $1.25 . 2.195 2.80 . .10 .354 ‘£271 1.10 0 2e Li% | 1.%0 111 3 413 37 15 o8 COs 37 â€"65 10 a0 â€"12.00 .35 .26 .65 ~.65 30 _ 6 .35 3.80 _ 2.80 .1 18} .15 ‘90 1.00 5.50 _ 6.00 6.00 _ 7.00 .30 .32 40 6.10 J5 .16 so _ $1.00 .35 36 17 15 80 22.00 25.00 30 .000 2.80 1.10 A0 1.50 .37 .80 1. 000 .25 .95 .35 .60 (e (¢ tol 95 55 35 85 82 ind fls Andsbelilt ncb ciidtabicbobshnite + Heavy growths and lifht growths. vanish. Any woman can now free her arms, neck, face and bust‘ or _ all downy or heavy hairs and her beauty enhanced a hundred fold. 1 am going: to prove it to you, and send â€" you a. Iil:ml trial package of this new Elâ€" ecÂ¥troâ€"la, if you will simply send me your name and address.on the coupon below, with a 2 cent stamp to help pay cost of mailing. _ ‘The fullâ€"size package of | Electro la is $9.00 1 will send you the $1.00 package now, if you prefer, on receipt of price, and refund yo@r money if you are not sat | isGed ~ Moreover, Eiecâ€"troâ€"la is safe, absoâ€" lutely. No reddening of the skin. No itritation. In three minutes all supâ€" erfluous hairs are gone. The _ skin, no matter how tender, is left refreshâ€" ed, soft and beautifal. _ , Rids Skin cfâ€"All Hairs, Try it, Free Photphonol :c tor » every nerve in the body .__2â€".__. it‘ proper tension ; restores vim and vitality. ."â€!q-'m decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. make you a new man. . Price &. inlhd to any address. â€" Cath=rines, Ont, WONDERFUL _ NEW _ _ PREPARG: TION, UNLIKE ANYTHING EVâ€" ER KNOWN BEFORE. lmgf!,fl.rsn"a‘ilh vs, will remedy it all> A‘â€"fow" days‘ tr.al given free, a comp ,course will only â€"cost _ you uo.m ï¬eï¬st class to be . taught this winter 1 commence on Monday Jan. 6th. Forâ€" further information callâ€"gt jour residence on .Jan. 1th. *‘ P , ¢ The Ellison Dresscutting Co. 42 Eby St., Berlin. Electric Restorer for Men The problem of winter sewing now confronts every housthold and you can not afford to wasts pre€ious momehts at altâ€"rnations _ ugtil your garmints loose all their original style and it, yetâ€"it has been _ endured year â€" after year, because 7 of the mistaken idea, that you coufd go no where to leatn to cui,a garment so it would not treâ€" quire those tedious fitlings. .A Cutâ€" LEARN DRESSMAKING IN TWO WEEKS Dress Shoes Fancy Slippers etc., etc. Holiday Season Make your selectâ€" ions now and fill the hearts of those 3cu missed on Chrisimas with gladness and joy. F. KiBLER Weselch‘s Old Sta\ d cf all kinds, for all:> ages, speciully friced jor the Are always to be _found in our splenâ€" did showing of Fill in your name and _ adâ€" dress on dotted lines . helow and send it to me, Anna Burâ€" ton, 23; E. 43rd St., Chicago enclosing a 2c stamp to help cover mailing, and 1 will send you atconce a free trial packâ€" age of _ the remarkable _ new Elecâ€"troâ€"la. friend have ovcrloo{':: mfl“. Many Pleasing CGifts s averted at once. Phosphoncl will ‘ u a new man. Pfloeg:bo-.x. or two for i lied to any address. Scobell Prug : Cath=rines, Ont, 1 FREE TREATMENT FREE TREATMENT 9186 y esee #88 0 | 5 & UÂ¥ orief of ht TJMIN, . / | * JOSIAH STAUFFER. ‘;‘. the hour ef 12 o‘clock, noon. . in / the Waterloo Free Library _ Hall, for the purpose of receiving the am ‘nual reports, aod clection _ of _ four | directors. r [â€"‘, By émlv-r of the Hoard, 4 Waterloo, Jan. 21d, 1913 ‘The 39th annual meaing _ of the , North Waterloo _ Farmers‘ _ Mutual ; Fire Insurance Co., will be held on | Mon. Jan. 20ih 1913 ‘anuary 1913, and _ will be bad only to claims ot which notice shall hate bern given in writing to Menno Torcl; 40 Caroline St., West, Berlin, Ontario before that date. NORTH WATERLOQ Farmers® Matual Fite â€"_â€" Insurance Co. 1â€"3t Notice to Creditors ‘Tha creditors of James Turcl, late of tre Township of Waterloo, in the Coâ€"nty cf Waterloo, Carpenter, | are h reby notified that his estate will be «‘stributed on the thirteenth day â€" oi The undersigned offers forsale his farm, situated 3 miles from _ Wellesâ€" ley, on the ma‘n . road lead‘ng to l‘hilipsburg, conveniert to â€" schools and. churches.. ‘The {farm _ comprises 100 acres, more or }éss; under a good state _ ‘of _ cultivation; 8 acres sowed in fall wheat, 45 acres fall ploughed and balance _ good _ pasture land, soil good.]qam, well _ drained, good nover failing gpring, a few rods from taro, 2 nevér failing wells ‘ at barn and house, with cistern, good bank barn 40 x 60, straw shed 24 x 38, cement stable, ‘capacity 34 hcad of cattle, hog pen, capacity 75 _ to 80 hogs, driving s;hed. dwelling house / and â€" all necessary outbuildings,, good fruit trees of all #inds, ~tural â€" mal delivery. For further particulars apâ€" ply on premises or to _ 1. 153 ACHF FARM. ‘ Also the fine larm of 152 acris, sitâ€" gated 5 mifes frdm Presten, 8 mil»s from. Gailt. There are 23 acres sown: in o0% fall wheat, 50 acres in grass, 24‘ acres bush, fall _ plow$ng néarly ~ all done, good _ buildings, barn 50x60, Strax shed 10x40, root cellar attachet to barn, 14 story brick house, dri\'ing‘ shed and all necegsary out buildings. (Â¥ood cunning spring at batn, a srti_ng1 in ,the bush and a spring in the pasâ€" ture field. An excellent orchard bearâ€" ing _ frvit of all kinds, Rural mail routs». Birgain for guick sale. R 1JIENRY LIVERGOOD, 49â€"2 mos. Strasburg, Ont. _ "l)at;d at Berlin, Ont., January 2nd, 1913. 4 4 4 4 4 4 94 4 44 59444444424 $44 tÂ¥ #Â¥+4 4444464444 4444 #+" LEARN _ THE AUTO M 0 BILE _ BUSINESS !I:ring the winter months â€" and prepared for the opportuniâ€" ties of the early spring. Take a Course in the big Dept. 10 275 Broadview Ave. Write for free Booklet toâ€"day .Farm tor Sale OVER 600 ACRES ol the Enost nursery stock grown. Stock sold and delivâ€" ered to trade. Ear‘y and good delivery guaranteed. Thirtyâ€" live years of business | experiâ€" ence enables us to offer the best Agency in our line. Write for terms. For Fall and Winter months a smarl, reliable person _ to sell our wellâ€"known {ruit â€" and ornamental trees in Waterloo and surrounding country. TORONTO Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Arnold Jansen COptometrist 21 KING ST. W. Phone 853 Customers and [ PELHAM NURSERY CN., TARONTO. 42â€"12t "Glasses ground wait." WANT ED 1â€"It NEW YEAR â€"_ _ to all cur MEXNO TUREL, Executor Berlin, Ont while â€"you ~3t Efll ! Don‘t fail to viâ€"it Our Store this s month and take advantage of The Best f * Bargains that were e!sr offered by any _ _ §A E'.i Furniture Store. € * f t On Furniture, Rugs, Window Shades, $ . t § 9'.":[ PRIGES Table Covers, Room Mouldings, Floor & The Berlin Cement | A Bright and Prosperous Draln!’!lo Works ; New Year. A gentlieman _ living in the United States has given $100,000 for a boys‘ residential academy at London, to he under c ntrol _ of the Ursuline nuns, and to be called Fallon Hall, tesifes Numbet {unlimited. Highest market price paid. ‘Load every second ‘Tuesâ€" day. Next shipment Tuesday, _ Janâ€" vuary 7th. t o 9 Field Tile For Sale Highest market price paid. every second Wednesday. Next ment, Wednesday, January 8th, Ii so write or call on me. ‘l~have choice farms, all sizes, to rent on shares or sell on crop . payâ€" ments. Choice land, good _ water, close to school and town: ‘The largâ€" est Waterloo County settJement â€"in Saskatchewan. Buy or rent a Arm here. 8â€"t(. Shipping Hogs Wanted Are You â€" Coming West King St.~ _ Phone 70L ___ Waterloo ‘ Phones, House 207. 3 e LE C Lise ., (t5 ©00006000600060OCCCCCOCt 000991 090030909# 1302000009 2003392030 Tea and Coffee ~Rlended Coffee, in bulk or 1 Ib tins, at For a good cup of tea just try our Young Hyson. Two prices at 4 in., 5 in., 6 in., 7. in., 8 in., 10 in 12 in. 14 in, 16 in 18 in [J.LETTER& SON Hogsâ€"Wanted o4 sapth ~ HOME OF GOOD GROCERIES Rin Cofce, a good cofiee, CLEMENS & HUNSBERGER Krupp & Master Mattings, etc. 30c and 40¢ per Ib. ~ â€" January Furniture â€" $ NUMBER UNLIMITED 3G Shoemaker Ave BRUEGEMAN‘S 25c and 40c¢ Ib. UNDERTAKERS 8. B. BIEHN, 25¢ per Ib. Guernsey, Sask and Rug Sale Waterloo County‘s Lowest Priced Furniture Store. Berlin, Ont Do not allow ashes to collect _ in °VOTY secontd Tuesday. Next the ashpgn; they will cause the grate °C 3!8tâ€" to bufr outquickiy. _©_____~__ ; C.C. QeÂ¥fenbac What human nature wants .. some~ body to pay the freight. | â€"It â€" is the things that are possible : Rev. John Chin, ~ pastor of & but not probatle that keep some pc~, s hodden Baptist Church, died at St. |le irom being happy ‘Thnmas Hospital, of pernicious angéâ€" PRPT nds Llod 5e . . iJ. G. WING & CO.; i J. G. WING & CO., Berlin, Ont. @LoJo Lo Lo: LoJkojoeo e o oo Looo Lopo® seesseccsececekecsseaeisacesacekse.ss asesseasissea0sse teje Le e Le Feloâ€"heâ€"}a4te ko Loâ€"rekeo o 040 {04k6 Fpoke 4A H. M. WILHELM Wateieo‘s Harness Sheo Phone 5562 38 Frederick 8t., Borlin Watchmeker, Jeweler andâ€"Optician. Issucr of Marringe Licenses, Wattcies Christmasâ€" Presents:i; Â¥ 2jm%+ + If you want to .get good Bargains be in time. My selection is yet comâ€" plete, with a _ full line of . Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, ~Silverware, Specâ€" tacles,, Fountain Pens, Jewelry Boxes, Fancy Clocks,. Gold Headed Umbralâ€" las, ete. _ mia, WATERLOO Jighest® market price paid. . ~Load ry second Tuesday. Next nh;rnm c 3ist f i# ‘ C.C. Qefenbachi#r Bm »(! «let + €+