< ®. h ,.‘.1;}',% ,fï¬, <@ hitlale is "Miss Gertiuce, Sta tï¬â€˜ï¬ ied ",",;\1?*-:“."‘.'»“‘ & ’Mfl of London js \¢s‘ting â€" Ks home in town for a few days. Mr. Epiil zerwinski~ spent Thursâ€" ay in Guelph, â€" Mr. B Longo was a besinass visiâ€" ©t. in Toromo. P Mr.‘ John ‘Riehn ‘of| Listowe! is ©18: ng frien@s in town. Ars. Irink Haight entertained the T acie:" Aid of Emananuel «hurch at Mher \hems o%?day alternoon. Â¥r. Herhet ht of Wellesley was m-iting frientls i® town Friday. * Messrg, JoaA,,)y Azcl and AiLeTt AMC~ _Kug were i.sitors in St. Cloments on Tu. sday. * * ~Aly. John Briezeman speat â€" Monday Et. Jacols. . Mr. B. .M. Walton of Porcupine Dis: in Northrn Ontatio renewed @Câ€" gta n arc.s in tows. Friday and Hatâ€" rday. $ * Mr. â€" Walter Northgraves of Cohalt is .visiting fmends .in town. Mrs. E. M. Griafi will sell ber firâ€" riture â€" by ‘private sale at the â€"Evanâ€" licsl prrsonage on Thursday, Frtâ€" day"znd Saturday of this week. Mr. Frod Halstead left on an _ exâ€" ..“ nd~d _ business. trip . to Toronto, *Hamilton and Kingston. "Mr, A, J.«Duni of Toronto was â€" a his n:ss vis tor in town on Friday. J»Mr, J Reide! of St. Clements is &A m’n'w’vi‘&m i. town toâ€"day. < Mfr. and Mrs."John F. Morley of Toâ€" routo were> welcome visitors in Watâ€" erloo for a few davs this week. . Mv. Rora.Geiger ol the School . of Tâ€"harmagy,/Fgronto, is spending sointâ€" €‘me wifh bwg brotber Mr. Oliver Geiâ€" or. *# * #. Nr. Wm. Conrad is a business Ni® tor in Toronto. > > Mr. N. Hohner, of Mooselaw, Sasl Fisrnsn.'ng friends in town. ~Mi s Chara _ Schwan visited friend i’(n. St. (Clements «1 Sunday. . C"Mr. B. Longo is a business visitc in Guelpbh. Mr. â€" Hatry.â€" Schwan cof Carlsrube ‘ prilliant men & spent the week end visiting friends in She talked wi town. | relief oi her n _ MF. Charl‘s Krout*nger of Palwetâ€" men, "was sat $"on‘srent the week end in town. iversational, . ab ; Mr. W. Weichel M.P.,, bas returned affect." ‘to Ct‘awa aft:r sponéing the . wook end at his home. i The paving C 4NTs. Wm. Conrad is visiting friendsi the latter per in" Toronto. ‘to a break in n emae m wl in the bod . Phot Aafonet tdusion : festores im and vil . Premature dacay and all sexual & averted at once. . Phosphonel â€"will + io‘?.;?::‘nn‘n.“hlm â€nboz;.m{"? for ‘i&- ¢ Sail=vinee, dink. * Tie City. Hot i‘nâ€" Club in the nicht. @OCEAN FLOUR P I w E. Reinhir R. Engel .. Hogg .......: Hofman ... (‘Donneit" Electric Restorer for Men w (@) xC rued . to‘ days at <(6) "Dp@OLf@4 $ °_ Baking With * WM. SNIDER, Waterloo, Ont. Bauer ... ®.chaeter Schaci;:t Windell Bach . ... _fnï¬:mï¬r Mrs. . W Mry.. Sberk atten Tolal Total y lt EdW Azml and Altert Micâ€" i‘.Sitors in St. Cloments on 8 BECAVSE.. .. ; o a It is made from only "the Choicest Selected ~__ Wheat and Scientifically Milled." BOWLING n Acatian Club â€"G«a)L@A@A@â€"L«@»1â€"«O4@â€"4â€" $+4/@»f BT W is A Pleasure and Success City Hotel Order a‘*8a@ack NOW From Your Qrocer. 1 defeated the bowling games Wettiaufer have -lfl spending a > NMrs. Harty J and Society 199 208 281 $ 00030008 182 211 48 40 24 44 43 50 31 49 46 MANUFACTURED © BV visitor EVERY SACK GvARANTEED 35 €}~ 37 46 44 37 41 43 is always nds cadâ€" last 196 536 43 48 : 32| 38 | 10| 44 44 tors at the Model Farm and _ S Show in Gmm. J o e o n o mooss vea at the Stdck Show in QueipN yest Cay ied vha Mosel Pury: ane Btock ) in Queiph yesterday. Mrs, Norman W. . Berkinshaw . (Ceâ€" cil Shub), Maplemont . Avdartments, 34 Ohurch street, will receive ~ lo" the first mlnee her marriage â€" on Tuesday, cember 3, and not again uhtil"altér the new year.â€"Globe. The many friends of . Mrs. W E: Butler will be glad to hear that she is making: satisfactory progress . toâ€" ward : recovery, â€" though it â€" may be some little time before she will able to be out again. Mrs. H. J. Sims nd Miss Margaret Roos were the hostesses of a most enjoyable‘ "High Tea‘"‘ at the home of lt.he former on Wednesday evening, «in thcnor of their mother‘s birthday , when the guests bidden enjoyed to the full the pleasant bours always assutrâ€" ‘nd at entertainmenmts at this hospitâ€" able home. Mr/ and Mrs. P. H. Sims of Tor onto have been the guests of their son Mr. H. J. Sims and Mys. ‘Zms this week, where thay have been enâ€" joy‘nz most hbeartily the visits _ of their numerous friends and relatives in the city. A lady wrote to twentyâ€"five friends, and told â€" them she was giving . a ‘White Elephant" party," and that each guest was to come and bring the absolutely most useless thing she possessed.. â€" And the whole ‘ twentyâ€" five women turn>d up with their husâ€" bands! Miss visitor D. S. Stcaats. Clayten _ Shiyder a At a recent d‘nner party, the most youthful appearing. woman _ presont, who is a grandmothor, never smiled, an@ her manner was so quiet . that one scarcely réalized her _ presence, yet she was surrounded by the most brilliant men and held their interest. She talked with moderation. . ‘"The relief oi her manner," said these men, "was satisiying after the conâ€" versational, absurdities other women affect." LEARN DRESSMAKING / _ N TWO WEEKS SHORTHORNS FOR SALE ‘The undersigned offers for sale 5 bulls, 1 yearling, all ~bred direct from imported stock. Also _ femailes, all ages, 6t reasonable prices, . and terms to suit, . Apply L. K. WEBEK, 19â€"1 mo The paving on Erb St atter pers cf lest break in the boiler Freda Boyd is a . popula in town, the guest of Mrs Bowlby, Margaret Avenue. "0e 2OR 208 208 w w LEâ€"Lâ€"@1L@1@1+â€"@â€"1â€"@â€"4@»1â€"@»1@ She Eby «@»f i f@fo gflhri,St?mas‘"'Ffot»t- 3: 2 wear for Everybody? $ Ppaporoooo n trommmuarmuyars We have everything Xmas Footwear from the sweet little Booties for baby to the warm and Comâ€" fortable felt Slippers for Grandpa and at prices that will please you. f Don‘t fail to see ourg 98c. Xmas Slippers CHRISTMAS eotors from. 25¢, . s0¢, 6sc, 75¢ to p. ir $1.2%5 Women‘s Missc‘s and Childrens‘ Xmas Slipâ€" pers, in all styles and to Women‘s and dhilcen‘s Overgaters and Leggâ€" ings 50c, 75¢ to $1.25 Men‘s and Boys‘ Hock ev Shoes $1.25,â€" 1 50, Men‘s Slip per Dongo af ~Patent RKed 31.253, 1.50, SLIPPER S W ould anything $ please the small boy f as much as a pair of g We have all sizes at < Lowest price. : Rubber ZICK‘S 2.00 to P mop crey nc a Hpr e i Christmas Attire }z The S and see the Christmas Decorations of Suitable and Sensible Christmas Cifts 122 Christmas Goods Every person in Waterloo and Berlin who is thinking of buy: r"f Elec trical Goods should not fail to come to this store and see our splendid disâ€" play of Electrical Goods.â€". We are selling out our entire stock at Extraordiâ€". narily low prices and it will pay gou to bu?' here. Remember these are a.l‘ downright, honest, square toed bargains for thrifty buyers. > + x hB Here are a fow of the many Bargains offered. i n Radiant EJectric Sad Irons, fully guaranteed, were $5.00, special sale prw? Electrical Goods| "Tungsten Lamps at greatly reduced prices. All Electrical Goods at exceptionally low Prices until stock is cleaned out. t CONRAD BROS. is now Proceeding at Berlin‘s Popular and Reliable Store Winter Goods and Christmas Goods at Exâ€" traordinary Reduced Prices. / This Great Sale will include real Bargains in Women‘s and Chi Coats and Furs, Dress Goods, Silks, Linens, Underwear, Gloves, Skirts, Underskirts, Shawls, Garpets and Rugs, Curtains. 2 Come expecting Bargains in Every Dépar_tmflnt BERLIN, We are also offering some good bargains on a lot "f Lang Bros. Saturday of This Week ° $. B. BRICKER & CO. Headquarters for Heating and Cooking Stovos. Prices right. CREAT _ CHRISTMAS SALE GREAT SALE OF Do not miss coming in here on B4 AC+C+@4O40+10+A+@4 OA@+@+@+@ +0+@+@C+@+0+4@+4 $4.00 $3.00 150. SAO+ ©+C@+@+G+0+@+@C+@+0+@+@+4 on FaRIO Ontario : »gy * (@ a ® ©)