N ht to ABOLISH INSPECTION FEES â€"_â€"__ ON WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Ottawa, NOY.. 27.~â€" PNC IAEDAIE . AMCU . chants‘ Association of Canadaigwill apply to the Government, this: session. for an amenrdment. to the . weights and measures act abolishing the‘ fees now | charged for . inspection, ; thns making the Government | respofisible for: all expense in connection‘ _ with securing . accurate weights and mea‘s uwres throughout the Dominion. Inâ€" spections of scales, ete., are. now made at regular intervals of about cighteen months by the Dominion . in SHOULD BOYS | WEAR SWEATERS N SCHOOLROOM Blue Amberol Records ‘Should school boys be discard their sweaters come to school? MR Oe Cae d o Parents in Toronto are complaining that some inspectors are giving their boys instructions . 10 leave sweaters at home and . wear the regulation shirt, collar, and tie. ) (tann 00 n adrrrnadd & . was pl‘,d Feviol reqsastt 4t igges * +904 on an Rdison Phonograph=â€"and gaye just as true and sweet a reproduction the last tumeas the first 2 ‘ ~a ra t io rd ‘This was not an endura®t torip aftet equntess playings test for mere hardness. \ ‘ffl&uthA ‘new, + YÂ¥our was an endurance test fof | . sdif defiler will play quality ‘of reproducâ€" I .. .some .of these wonâ€" tion â€"to find if the . 2 «i Cerful records for you Blue Amberol would â€" on an Edison Phonâ€" be as far superior to . ~ograph.â€"Ask him TM. ashar racnrde in to do so today. Dr. Struthers spector in that it is unbealthy heavy sweaters weil heated sch "I have seen them sit ators wearing both coat a apd that in a room up to &e of 72. Of course th Ithy. The shirt, colla Bealthy. The shirt, coN@ the proper way to dress, not object to sweaters s both coat and sweater a in school at the sqane fin easily take their sweater léave them in the cloakr all "MINARDS â€" LINIMENT â€" CURES DIPHTHEKRIA. it Leorge _ . aff a baymow a i| A complete SOWING HISs WILD OATS other records in theily confidentially fer a Question Hiank lor . SRTEAEEE NAE T cce Gas NE Drs: KENNEDY & KENNEDY 1@ One of Thoma$ A. Edison‘s hew Themas A, Edison, Inc., 100 Lakeside Ave., OrangoN J., . S M . _ Mhdw“h-Wiflï¬Wu kn e 1 c | . eval np °| J. C. DOERSAM, KING STREET We ie shirt, collar, and Ai¢ way to dress, but . w¢, tss all letter REAPING A HARVEST OF SORROW nd tewart, cf Otonates,‘ : v and fractured his skul sweaters so long , .. 3# 1 sweater are no» NCOTR â€"The Retail Merâ€" n of .Canadaiqwill wnent. this session YoU CAN PAÂ¥ WHEN‘ CURED DRS. KENNE Medical * | maintaing* th ordcred when beside ~ radi ind eweater B Mérâ€" ‘spectors, ‘and fees for each inspection wiln are charged, varying from one to four Tsmh"" five dollars, according to the charâ€" ,’ aeter ‘ot ‘the scales. The receipts . of ights the Inland Revenue Department from: fees ‘This source do not pay the salaries ‘thus ‘of the inspectors. , sible â€" The Retail Merchants‘ Association with ‘betieves that the fees should be wipâ€" ea sâ€" ed out entirely, and the whole service Inâ€" charged up ‘to the general . revenues now of themcountry. The question will be ibout ‘taken into consideration by the Govâ€" they pera 9Y & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. } TWO POINTERS 0% HOW *n Oligt A ernment OTTAWA.â€"Malor <Sharse (No! (ixtarioy Bs sivch‘nct‘ce of a teso t‘ona asking ithe:House of Commons adprove "."‘»‘i“r"' r:aging the rate of 1e:est. now > . paid.by. the Governm in the postsl savings: banks. Na. Drn. Co Syrup of 1 and Chloredyne is abs hanmiful drugs, and car »ven‘‘to raoderately 1 J is pleasbnt tasting a prompily selieving the throat yanilâ€" nostrils, mucis, promoting es checking the cold.. € i CE m _ Your"drapg‘st 1 of Linseed, Lico:i 2§e. and 5oc bott! it for you. Crsapo Drug and Cl cm Timited. â€" C s o.ll : How many young men ean look backâ€" on their early life ang regret their misdeeds. _ "Sowing their wild oats‘‘ in various ways. Excesses,, violation of, naâ€" ture‘s laws, ‘‘wine, women «and song‘"â€"all have their wictims, You have reâ€" formed but what about the seed you have, sown~â€"what about the harvest? Don‘t trust to Juck.â€" If you are at presentâ€" within the TO CURE A GQOLD has Naâ€"Driâ€"Co Syrup iceand Chlorodyne in Ies, or can quickly get wurded by the National ical Co. of Canada, g esp rritation of the oosening . the ctoration, and it case before curable. r:e (Nort! of a resolu Commons t« a:d: Fort Hope.â€"A gloom was cast oVerm) ,,, he Rev. M It ars \the town last night when it . Was g:m:e'::l?i.ngTund tewhil:g mn;tm?, _ |learned that _ Mcs. Fletch ChalK, @|and on class management. The dit _ _ |promirest worker in the MetBOGiSt| cegan secretary, Rev. Mr.. Howard, SAYVâ€"| (hurch here, had expired suddenly OP| conducted a conference on . aids . to h> steps of. the church while leaving|efiective class work, and also demonâ€" North | a Erawir | /meotine in‘ â€" which sho hadl|xtrated the preparation and presenta esoty. | @ex part. Death took plate ifstantâ€"| tion of a Bible lesson, Mr. Howard ons to | Â¥> and was due to heart failure. MY.| announced that it was proposed . to t p | Chalk is a carriage manulacturer, and| hold a summer school in London, and CE s m Ssd ied td on t i tks i mt aten that the series of institutes Mp BP ‘ .~“:"-““|‘P':†-P",x "!‘l'u».wo'le outside ,-. clxd.mlw King.. '- % w innie secaage ‘whis [ and that the famous LO¢ whis | key is produced on ï¬ Balmoral es |< tate, the great being situ» |® ated mï¬ two miles from the & tle. supply not only the 3;: : cellats. as well as those _ of _ the|! kaiser and of the Czar, but ~. also |! many of the leading clubs in London | | and the market generally, the revenu 4 es derived therefrom by King‘s Geoâ€"| rge‘s purse being enough to m vur‘ < penny of expense in condect with | the maintenance of Balmoral Castle and estate and to leave a handsome| profit besides." " I â€"addressed a>communication .. to King‘o(}eorp Â¥., invlthf his atten tion to this paragraph, In this comâ€" munication was enclosed the editorial page, which informedâ€" the American people that ‘‘King‘George" is a whis key distiller on a large scale." . ‘The |following registered letter from the King afirms that there is ‘no truth" in the above paragraph: "Buckingham. Palace, Oct. © 30.â€". The private secretary presents â€"his | compliments to the Rev. Dr.â€" John Lee, and is commanded by the King | to acknowledge the receipt ofhis let | ter of the 14th inst. 3 "In reply, the private secretary in ent i ams n oo * en mg\ parkgreph, Which must he occesioned genuime sorrow to heroic â€" battlers for the worl betterment, â€". who . believe. Cante ol Inlemperance are Breit vages intemperance are ar than war and {amine nfl;- wALKED IN HEr _ _ | _ SLEEP AND DIED C _ FROM EXPOSURE nerican "In reply, the private secretary begs to inform Dr. Lee there is no truth in the report relerred to in his communication." Frockvils, Nov. 28.â€"Getting . out of her bed in _ what is pregumed~ to have. been‘ a â€"period of. somnambulisn, Miss Louiss _ Moore, thirtyâ€"five years cf age, daughter . of Frederick L. Moore, a prominent farmer ol Elizaâ€" bethtown met‘ a terrible death . early this morning. > As she did not answer the Call 1OF breakfast, invetigation was made, md‘ tracks in the snow* led to the finding ol her body in a field nearby. CÂ¥ tho was attired in her nightdross, with but one stocking on and the othâ€" er in her hand. â€" Dr. Hart of Athens was called, and found that death was due to exposurs. Her . father, four lhmthers and one sister survive. ic t Falsely â€"Al m:!nl‘ba&’rï¬t Majesty Owned Distillery Fort Hope the .. town learned that (Chalk is a cartiage a prominent citizen Minard‘s Liniment Co., Limited. (entlemen,â€"Last winter 1 received great benefit from the use of â€" MINâ€" ARD‘S LINIMENT in a severe . atâ€" tack of LaGrippe, and I have â€" freâ€" quently proved it to he very effective in cases of Inflammation. Yours, f . w. A. HUTCHINSON.â€"_ as FOREST . â€"Maurice T. Bailey, emâ€" ployed in the Forest basket factory, fell into a vat of hot water Friday and and died last night as a â€" Fesult cf the scalding. His age was . thirtyâ€" five. He leaves a wile and two childâ€" ren GUELPH.â€"In climbing over. a {ence on his father‘s â€" farm, Wittle. Willie Billings, the fourâ€"yearâ€"old son of. Mr. W. A. Billings, Guelph township, fell, striking. â€" hig.. on‘ ~the Irgzen ‘md‘ nx m 'lew"honx_a uzt‘cr- wards. HOW TO CONQUER RHEUMATISM | : at your own wome _ | OSE o p ie oi ch ie cton, :&‘-'0:-1 mu:f jobnts, y'n"i 6 'l‘l‘-'g-‘ nd'}:t; dimaess of sht it m or ,br:.mnl:‘ M .‘.fl“- known, reliable r. weit! Memzu full particulars by mail, {This is u:c. C scheme.) No mat er how many may have task Ahenmattom can c"".,.,....t" Fek chromicure succeeds where -I:‘dem -flo'.n m pprog -ï¬!-m ;yum:n un:dm.::'l ibt DIF DIED FROM SCALNNG LADDIE‘S FATAL FALL PmE Eus m, you will had w“ general tomie that ma |:l-l ’3:' D OX CHURCH STEPS Windsor, Ont red ~toâ€"da ?t:pmb-. answer the call â€" for ation was made, and v« led to the finding IP CR CE E"" t ndrvu Also .Ln en m:o: tl. that mu!’! y:‘ feel that iife Please .|.e‘n your !;:-l‘: of and send toda ho. MC Jomhenrs, Afia printed must have ow to all of‘the town John Lee over a fence an0u miat" meeting 98 200 S9 0 Un‘ "obend e e M o r to day, the executive d~ "that, as a means of advertising . Waterloo County , . an exbibition be orâ€" r‘hqd.so embrace both the indusâ€" rial and agricultural activities of the county. The suggestion is that . this idea could be successfully worked out through the coâ€"operation of the Muniâ€" cipal Councils, Boards of Trade ~and that such an exhibition would beâ€" the best advertisement that could possibâ€" ly be secured. When the report is discussed toâ€"morrow it is likely that some definite action will ‘be .. taken along this line..~ % Since its inception a yeaT @80 . ""* the first organization of its ‘kind, the board . has prosecuted an active camâ€" paign to have level crossings protectâ€" ed, and the executive recommends that ol sixty level crossings in mi rural. districts of the county, eight on the C.P.R. and five on the G.TR. Mmhcul*tom.wdm(my action by the railways after a request from the board, that recourse be had to the Railway Commission. A. R. (G." Smith, of Haysville, â€"deâ€" plored the low; percentage of attendâ€" ance at rural schools, and declared the reason was that many trustees feared to enforce the truancy regulations. oard of Agriculture If you want to treat yourself to a|@® genuine bargain that will please you dur ng 1913 and for all years tocur2.| ® send a dollar to The Family. Herald | @ and Weekly Star of Montreal; Yor . a T year‘s sutscription to that great papâ€"| @© er, and you will also r cxive a copy | (® cf their‘ new picture entitled, "mothâ€" n es Treasurcs," s‘ze 23 by 29 â€"inches, | @ ali ready for ‘framing. It is the best| & @ollar‘s worth to be.â€"had. 3 ~The picturc,‘ ‘Mother‘s Treasutâ€"s," | @© will "be‘a sgrpr_iée to you. Lt is| ® worthy a _ plact in the best homes. & Th Family Herald and Wiaskly‘ Star | @ is known to everyone as the greatest| iz newsYAper on the Continont. One dalâ€"| lar carnot be better spent. Try it! ® SUNDAY.SCHOOL and be convifitced Preston, Nov..28.â€"A Sunday school workers toâ€"night by Revs. R. T. B. Howard,. the Chi secretaries of this br church effort. The Pre Preston, Nov. 28.â€"An institute for Sunday school workers was held here toâ€"night by Revs. R. A..Hiltse. and T. B. Howard,. the Church of England secretaries of this branch . of . the church effort. The Preston institute was the last of nine held in the dioâ€" cese of Huron« roject to Hold L Exhibition Owen Sound,â€"Nov. 38. â€"Mrs. Porcy Ringo, a colored prisoner, made . a imurderous °* attack upon the . county jail miatron, Miss Jennic McNeil, yesâ€" @d:; and the matron lies in a preâ€" cariours con@ition. as. a result of the beating she received. _ HMer assailant, Mrs. Ringo, ï¬;ll be sent to an asylâ€" um, as she has latterly developed maniac tendencies, _ which culminated it the brutal assault on Miss McNeil. \rs. | Ringo, â€" who had been acting {ucerly, had, among other. hallucinatâ€" jons, the idea that Miss McNeSl â€"was trying to ‘poison her, and her insane attack may be attributed pdrtly to this beliel. ‘The matron was rescued by: County: Jailer John Miller aiter she had been thrown down and beat» '0:\. kicked and choked into insensibil Â¥. yenren t ) County, . an exbibition D8 of to embrace both the indus 4 agricultural activities of the ‘The suggestion is that . this â€" LONDON.â€"Some time ag« the City Council objected ~to the Mydroâ€"elecâ€" tric Department‘s bill of $30,000 for s‘reetâ€"lighting, but the figures . were sustained by the Hydroâ€"electric Comâ€" mission. Prof. Angus of ‘Toronto was thon engaged to make a raport, vAAch be presented Saturday He places the ~wlam+ that thould te charged ©at MINARD‘S LININENT CURFS) Gilioqusnes INSTITUTE HELD IN PRESTON ad met.with _ considerab‘e ent ~when at the firat an ng of the Waterloo Codr:; \griculture, which ‘)"‘\’% . the executive recommend: s a means of â€" advertising Do II NOW CUT DowX HYDRO BIHL MA ETC n a year ago as on of its ‘kind, the mQqu idea .. WA nsidera‘t} siders elf to a ase you! & to cur2, y Herald ; Yor . a| & reat papâ€" C a . copy | ‘* , «"moth Annual Report of Depart ment of Labor that w , rCtads eercy. er is remoy "?::_ ter 'l preâ€" | "9 fer f the nests torial u‘n!" A% / lm strike, â€" Lasp, year. there dustr 21 _disputes, as ag@i year previous. Build ng minated in these dificult ‘Ths report ‘explais length the «work 0 an important ‘featul regular investizatio) wholesals: <prices ~ cost of living ‘The uncertainty. ~ol the Canadian naval policy has done much to out-l tail the aciivity of the naval service department in the last financial year, according to ‘the annual report just published. No special effort to obtain recruits ‘has been made, and all told thoy numszer 349. Of this numiber 111 recruits and 38 others deserted. Many of them came from inland points, disâ€" liked sea â€" life and quit. The, approâ€" priation in the . year was »0,00! and the experiditure $1,9338,456. . siderable incidental work was on dockyards, but this, too, was ta‘led because of uncertainty as the naval policy: CnCc ®®® City ® < Guelph, Nov. 29.â€"A mecting «1i the _ Police Commissionets 2, will te held Saturday, _ when «) they will constder drafting a byâ€"law to prohibit young. Peo: i 2 s as2ee04e wasssescescese2c.c.28* :_' byâ€"law to prohibit young. Peo: y Fle from promenading up . and down the streets of the _ city _9~ and in the public parks at all $ hours of the evening until: late ) at nizht unless they have with : thom a . chaperone. : Mayor Thorp, _one . member of the Comm‘ss‘on, stated that some 5 stringent means mitst be taken to prevent promiscuoUs promeâ€" e nad ng in theâ€"city for hours at ® nizht, as conditions hera durâ€" iÂ¥ ing the past year have been @ shocking. f “Q“QQ““.O“““W p it was invoked, only in 14 cases did 1 rociedings fail t By direction . of the HMon. â€"MarUn Burrel, Minister _ of Agriculture _ a timely bulletin on the care of market eggs has been issued from Ottawa. It dilrects patticular attention to the directs particular attention to the naâ€" sult from inadequate and unsatisfacâ€" tory methods in the handling of matrâ€" ‘ket eges, and â€"suggests â€" means by STOP PROMENADING WITH (@ oUT CHAPERONE. g i the iW e THE CARE OF MARKET EGGS _ Dr. Morse‘s " | Indian Root Pills . is certainfy one of the most dimagreeâ€" able ailments which fiesh is heir to. Coated tongueâ€"bitter taste in the mouth â€" nausca â€" dizzincss thee combine to make life a burden, The cause is a disordered liverâ€"the cure Dr. Morse‘s Indian Root Pills. They go maifln to the root of the trouble, put the liver right, cleanse the stomâ€" ach and bm«k‘*dnr the tongue and take away the bitter taste from the mouth. â€" At the first sign of biliousâ€" ness take there were. #1.. ‘87 is against 84 in the [!d ng trades: predoâ€" n and reports in relation to â€" NP ’ | CGta U r was $3,000,000 $1,933,45¢6. Conâ€" work was _ dont Guoted â€" it 3 BV > m"fim d: in . the fact (‘Al’fl!l- ‘, have arisen, the Hon. ~Martin d reviews, at |except department, | Canad whichâ€"&s the{of fot pJ abe themy in suitable| nd as directly as itions offered to .. transportation thers . are equall [ RHL : ~ N |actes the PH %‘I,rsprmnts g;atns. or ®) aze Sown :i:ï¬ Â§L‘ th 797 a |101,200 a rhe: (ff'th-, figl p r:\{agnhm & '::; (€) | LCres, oT tity .) wan the c all @ azainst / late @©)|12.000 a wijp @ |in . Mank ayor ®© c;mfllfl: : the 8 area is fonme C whfk h aken : @ | S°°i0€ 1 e & Th» co @®) |ber 31 1 sat ®lfcr the dur . ® ; Keen B 80 in ef ® | whore t * lacres ha al of the to $198,500 100.000 . the di yied, _ of the. .. RaY. Al which is lers than last by 426.000 actes in y 000 tons, and in valug: by~228,300, All the _ otherverops show : incte2 except â€" AlBala, the area of whic Canada is relatively small. â€" The 3 of fotators is 81,343,000 bushels the _ va‘ve of $32.173.000, of ter the . va‘te ol 352 Th ce nte» diad of th> value of $20,713,000, of fodder | corn 2,858,900. tons, value $13,529,000 | of sugar :. beets : 204,000 tons, â€"Yalut U $1,020,000 and of aHaifa 310,000 tons,| value $3,610,000. W all these: crops are marked : .: the standard percentage being ‘mwï¬â€˜-uz‘h for turnips etc. which are:03 ‘Jor | _ fodder corn which is 82. A word : of | * caution is necessary with cegard to|~ potatoes. for whilst yisld and quality are _ generally good at harvesting, | . th:re are numerous reports of rotting i |in the cellars, the produce of the heaâ€" t vier â€"soils bhaving been considetably ‘affscted by the constant rains. P | ‘The area estimated to be sown to | § |I>ll wheat in five provinces of Canaâ€"| {da this season aggreg 1,086,000 | ® w‘lacr s as _ compated: %,156,900 C '1acrcs the area sewi ar. > ‘This t |rapresents a net decrease of, of 70,100 | â€" |acres, or 6 p.c. sIn p ‘the acte~ % ) ‘aze sown _ is 696,000 acres compared | . . |w th 797,200. aorgs, &*> decrease of| ) |101,3(0 acres or 12.6 4: in Alberta | \th« ofigir s . are ©312,000 acrcs as‘| g[a;:»msm 300,700, a depredse of 11,300 | ) Lcres, or 34 ‘p.c.; and: in Saska(chi'"! )\ wan the crea sown is.72,000 . acres| ï¬}a‘gainst 53.000 atres, an increase _ of | 5| 19,000 acres or 36 pe. Small areas ) |in Mani.oba and _ RBritish Columbia | 5’,0. mplet» the totals© The decrease inl glarea'is due to the porsistent rains 2 | which have. bindered ‘ploughing . and °) |sowing opefrations. ‘\}}" |â€" Th: condition of this<crop on Octoâ€" ® \ber 31 was 92.67 p.. of the standard ® |for the five provinces. It was above ©) 50 in each ymi.m:o_. except Manitoba | + whore the Smail areajof about 4,000 | acres had a pef.Cent. gendition of 884 @| ‘The percentage of fall plouglring1 \compl‘trd upon land" intended _ for: t \next yeat‘s crops ranges from 45 in h ]()ntario to 77 in Princeâ€"Edward Isâ€" ; \land for the East and: from 24 in Alâ€" \berta to 38 in British Columbia for the west. It is remarkable:that both \this year and . last year the seasons 4 |ourn iheas Narthweet nrovinces have arei w A, bu l thh and abist.cs OfMce® «éstimates of e ‘y1ild, quality 4nd Yalne ofâ€" .. the ot and: fodder crops of: Canada dutâ€" ¢ | in the three Northwest provinces have | * been adverse to fall ploughing andt‘_i Icss than atout 25 p.c: of such ploughâ€" ti ing bas been possible in both years as | * compared with a more normal . petrâ€"| it centage at the same date of Prop 50 | U to 75. In the three Northwest "proâ€" t vinces the area summer fallowed this year is estimated as boing from 2 to| 8 5 per cent. more than Tast year. 4 ::' e past 56 Here Are Rexall ©93" Hair Tonic acts scien~ tifically destroying the getms which vre usually responsible .. for baldncss. It acts to penetrate to the roots of the hair, . stimulating and nourishing them. â€"â€" It is a most ~pleasant toilet necess.ty, is delicatcly perfumed, and will not girm . »nor permanently stain the hair. = We â€" want you to g*ts> & bottle of Rexall ©93" Hfair Tonic and use . it l as directsd. © If it ~doew not relieve scalp irritation, remove dandruft preâ€" \ centâ€" the hair â€"from falling out and |promote an increased growth of ‘hair |and in every way give entite satisfacâ€" ‘\ tion, com» back and tell us, and get | your Floney back. Two sizes, 50¢. and ‘!$1.00. Sold only at our storeâ€"the !\ Rexall Store, A[ G. Hachnel. t REGINA, _ SASK,â€"The Provincial estimates include a grant of $25,000 made by the. . Government to aid in the relief of distress caused by the Regina c;clone and a loan of 1500.00 to the city of Regina to assist thic citizens in rebuilding. the destroyed property. n t DR. CLAI OTTaAW A.â€"I ‘Red Peer, Alt by thr Liberal DR. CLARK IS CHAIRMAN. OTTAW A.â€"Dr. "Michaet Clark . of Tted Deer, Alta:, was toâ€"day chosen a:lh TLiberal . cavcws as permanent rman. According to a statement Eooo C ci puralscads®hante ~ Rreaniration Isswed â€"after® T his It Grows Hair FOR Facts Wo‘: Want Prove at Our Risk Tease '.!‘!! 1 PA Â¥CLONE VICTIMS tal And alt 1D v ahu ), of qurnip$ 000 bushels, $28.380,000 wWit g48ed only orgar th at the m espon §38 and ot8 You 1d mid . in by the 1500.00 +0 _ the SARNIA.â€"The ~report that ~Was current about town yesterday FOgATA . ing the coming from Port Marom"" 01 the first notifcation that the MFP U# partvent had of +. the, recebt #!9,0 fire at the hub andspoke Works . been verified as cortect.. . Ausharp I®" vcstigation into why this was not 10â€" cated by patrolmen‘ on this Stde is to be held at â€" once.‘ ‘I he. police mtabjo® is only two blocks from ® ,'fé,f'“;,‘g;! the blaze. a ':\;Zf'v;'fl‘-'“.v*fl t Rids Skin of Me Hairs, Try it, fri e AGED acâ€" got and the foods and" Ogesuo upsép«they do not: i aged qua appropriates ti:é mtgâ€"â€"u-rbl .bdldchcbob It relig &mmmï¬euï¬afl years. Itlddl"; he s I.want every 1 wants to get. rid any where on the traordinaty (resu troâ€"la, the â€" most like any t it. troâ€" the Moreover, liecâ€"r0â€"} lutely. . No reddcning . irritation. < In three â€"m erfluous hairs are gol no matter how tender ed, soft and beautifut Scoit & Bownle, Torouto, Outuge Heavy growths and light . grow$ns, vaifish. Any woman can now. free hep arms, neck, face and bust : or . "aln} downy or heavy hairs ;lm,% uty enhanced a bundred fold«/ J : goin to prove it to you, and ; “ï¬â€™ liberal trial package of s néew Elâ€" eeâ€"troâ€"la, if you wills :" send m your name and address on‘ theâ€"coupor below, with a 2â€"cent. gï¬â€˜;:m i pay cost of mailing. |â€" Th@ fullsize . package of â€" lecâ€"troâ€"la‘ is $%.0( _’5,4.‘!14 will send you the $1.00 packagze â€"row, il you prefer, on receipt of price, jmi refund your mone¥‘ if you â€"ate ROt . atâ€" isGed o e oel aaks Moh WAS SOMEONE DOSING nbined that Winter: Term «»>._â€" | From Jaï¬.“@i CENTRAL ‘BUSINESS COLLEGE D does more for its students and Fp ates than other similar schoolg.. be J c ses aro upâ€"toâ€"date and insthetors an experienced. CGraduates mto plased i _ good positions.~, ‘ The :ar ipplica;}* tions received . toâ€"lay.. offer . averats), salary of $1133 per anmmg â€" . Ti o ‘ departments, Commerciak , Shorthat and Telegraphy. Rlay it ;} P Gone 11 iminutesl Write KFill in your name j dress on . dotted IIWW and sond it to me, Anna Bur= ton, 331 °E. 43rd St.,s ’ enclosing a 2o stamp %0, cover mailing, and I will you at once a free trial . age of .the rematkablé _ Elecâ€"troâ€"la. 2 taaw c FREE TREATMENT FREE TREATMENT 9486. | ses the od liver '% ‘ the hy soda aund most have STR ATFORD, ONT ive never used; anytling , and you will never use‘ : when once you vectried. ther . preparatio r%ï¬'}-» tely and forever destroys ie hairâ€"roots. 2 "Fu u_ * 4 Eiccâ€"troâ€"Ja i\:;@,}% eddcning .of the skin. No n three minnmflt.ï¬- s are gone: : Theâ€" ‘skin, ow tender, is left refreshâ€" pâ€" lroe D megnihs :o. O dotted lines .. (b ow it to me, Anna Bur« 2. 43rd St., . Cb a 2o stamp 40 h nan and w%@o oi superd . hair, body ; t9 ï¬:'#‘q “‘ its of :my new ‘ â€"remarkableâ€"prepat»« s and light SI’OVI“M man can now. free her e and bust oft . all hairs and ber. beauty at MeLA CHL ilogue At: onoe Princ aAy al