; ADVOCATES U fhop _ _ _Mr. F. W. Snydet left on a hunting ‘ trip for a few days. * "Mr. Vallie of Hamilton was & busiâ€" ‘ness visitor in town Monday. \ "Miss Helma L. Read, graduate of ‘‘the B. & W. Hospital, has _ returned .from Toronto, and is spending . a * short time the guest of Mrs. J. B. " Watséon, Waterloo, before returning to «Her hoine in Stratford. *n «* Mrs. F. W. Weeks left on Wednesâ€" *day to join ber husband in Toronto, %whn they will make their _ future home. E ‘Mr. Geo. Berdux of Wellesley was a ‘business visitor in town Friday. 3 Mr. ‘Walter Hofiman has returned #from Detroit. _ * l" Mr. Hasenfiug of Milverton " has / accepted a position as . wineâ€"cletk at i‘the Hotel Lewis. i eproirines antpeigiep . The question 1 should like to bring in Melyrentin o me mormiqty( * "ts ‘the _â€"‘8‘:‘ a" syÂ¥ 2 o s Parlane oE ie warn P now at the parting of the wayy. number ol years we have praoWealâ€" ; been marking time with regatd‘to increase in poPulation or, at best, â€"inâ€" ereasing at a very moderate pace."At the present time, however, thets seems to be every indication of "a break in the mosotony, and every good. business. man in the town" is looking forward go a record lfliofl!‘ the bistory of the growth of the town in the nextâ€"decade. Let us grow,witht it. C s N on aubcs 6e 9i Cetw dn on n Entnea than a collection k «8 ’rw Caak 'w‘ helis, old. cabbage X Bm P% * o d i o ie 14â€" the : n T ts poun wiie s, c« . Anscxs. ft in the columiiey the road as 1 saw it the oth= € it ReBer, at c f not a hundred yards King: ,“ estion a . t? St: not finding fault __‘ ‘ P Yal ' rac: â€" 4 18 .. r ® _-‘8 of tsmg‘ n-â€:l:ï¬*b under exâ€" garbage collection. bâ€wmdw *L Teb now at the parting of the ways. At, certuin periods of the year, we number ol years we have n‘t\tfl-!u wurselves in‘ the grip of one . or: ; been marking time with regatd‘to ; other of the contagious discases, Anâ€" increase in popUlation or, at best, inâ€" ‘stance, ‘the present prevalente of diph< ereasing at a very moderate pace"‘At theria. "Is there not a close relationâ€" the present time, however, thets t ship ‘between the kitchen garbage and seets â€"to be every indication of‘"a | the con! disease ! A great deal bréak in the mosotony, and every of money‘ to hbe spent to prevent good. business. man in the town" is the spre ol the disgase. Now looking forward go a record vgiom: wWhileâ€"this ‘Is the very best thing to the bistory of the growth of the town n under the circumstances, would it in the nextâ€"decade. (Let us groW.wit@ ‘not Be wiser to ‘begin at the other it. epd and spend . the money removing A number of notablé public ukilitics the cavse, for diseass is always dirt, bave been installed within the last or if you . prefer a mote polite term, few years, as, for instance, ouf w§htâ€" "misplaced matter." 5 erâ€"works system (no better in Cagaâ€" 1y.; objectâ€"in ning up this subâ€" da\ Gas,.Hydro power, pave@&streghs, ig ?_&.&e zba.'uby discussion et:. «All « homor to those who 1 \,&q{ â€". the‘ medium of the press been instrumental in procuring tkese which may xe?d to m;et:hing definite benefits. â€"# $ in the way of a garbage system beâ€" We â€"claim . to be the best lighted=ing provided=Tor atthe coming muniâ€" «We .« claim . to be the best ligited=ing providedsfor at‘ the â€" town‘in Canada, and we are "ï¬lifl?‘%lpar:!ea]ons. proud < 6f "that Aact: ~â€" ~That MRMABLMemmepiiriieinttrne! yrs light, however, discloses man hll‘lper- * e .4 Y(ov‘.lu R: fections vhiehfl!‘hiendlv‘fm aA WVif }j! T CÂ¥. bas heretofore hidden. . Wha lool" ï¬a‘fldo, No#. 30, 1918 +O+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+@+@ ‘Mrs. J. B. Hughesâ€"and Miss \Hughes are ‘spending a week with friends and relatives in Toronto. * T ‘Mr. S4meon â€" Gingrich has returned from Port Elgin. . h* = AOLOf+OfF@OfF@{+@1L@1@+@1+@+@+46 !': bup T o mk n e o e w t . /. Baking. With ;, .>... i Mrs. (Rev.) D. J. Cornish }n,‘;;lyn Stuart returned to Forest on _ Wedâ€" nesday alter an enjoyable visit at the home ol her father, Mr. Robert Y. Stuart, .Jobn street. Mr. James McCardy of Guelph a business visitor in town. . % ‘Mrs. J. B. Hughes and Mis#@Avaur® Hughes have returned from a week‘s visit with Toronto friends. The Misses Nora and Dorinda, Mc Bride are visiting friends in Montrea and Quebec: g Mr. Russel VanEvery was a, visâ€" itor at his home over Sunday.‘ "Inspector John E. Gow, of _ the Windsor Inland Revenue _ District, has‘ been transferred to the Kingston district. Mr. John Gow is a son 6f the late James Gow of Gueiph, and local friemis are pleased to hear of his. pronyotion.â€"Guelph Mercury. Mrs. J. Koch and Miss °_ Tema Ratz visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hahn over Saturday. . Mr. Ruehl of New Hamburg was a visitor in town. ify* honol t ‘tor »s every nerve in the body hene e ooo ened io averted at once. Phosp will new man, a wo for any l‘flm Prug | Electric Restorer for Men a ©FOLOLO1LOL10O10L10L0}â€"0{@+0{â€"@{@{â€"@â€"{@{â€"@â€"â€"@â€"@â€"{«@4«@f«@Hfo ns Personal and Society News OCEAN ~FLOUPR It is made from only "theâ€"Choicest Selected â€" ~_~ Wheat and Scientifically Milled:" Order a Sack Iâ€!Mum' nrooor . SNIDER,â€" Waterloo, Ont. Pleasure and Success MANUFACTURED BY ughes ( ‘Theit Royal Highnesses the _ Duke s and{:md Duchess of Connaught held their second Drawing Room in the Senâ€" urned|ate Chamber on Saturday _ evening. It was ‘a brilliant and gorgeous event inting | and the assemblage by far the most representative yet of the people . of busiâ€"| the vatious Provinces of the Domiâ€" nion. â€" Eleven hundred and twentyâ€" te of | five presentations â€" were made during jurned | the hour and a half that the . funcâ€" g a|tion ‘lasted.‘ Many were those _ of . â€"B.|sisitors from western points, attractâ€" ing to | ed th ther on this occasion through a personal acquaintance and‘ appreciaâ€" édnesâ€" | tion of ‘Their Royal Highnesses, formâ€" ronto, | ¢d during ‘their tour of the dast sumâ€" future | mer. f + evenrty â€" sA0K auaARANTEED is always al Mr. Norman Helwig of Preston speht Sunday: in Waterloo. Mr. Harvey (Gleiser of Galt . spent Sunday at his home. Mr. E. Huehnergard spent Sunday at his hom in St. Jacobs. FOR W Mr. and Mrs. H. German and daughâ€" ter spent Sunday in Elmira. . Mr. and Mrs. EuFei‘m Ruhiman . of %wn ... were V slélilâ€˜ï¬ At the home offM®. and Mrs: E. W..Schmitt. Nr. Clayton Hofiman of Guelph was visitifg.at bis home in Waterloo. The hospitable home of Mr. Robert Y. Stuart, John street, was _ the rendezvous for the ‘members of the Waterloo Presbyterian Church Choir whd a few friends, about thirty in all, Misses Stuart were ably assisted in welcoming _ their ‘%uasu ‘by Mrs. ‘(Rev ) D. J. Cornish of Forest, and mothing was left undone to provide a most enjoyable evening. ‘The merry hours sped all too quickly in _ the playing of games,; Interspersed with cHarming vocal and instrumental muâ€" sic. Mr. George Mitchell, who feaves this week for Gold Lands, New Ont ario, was the guest of honor, and no more felicitous ‘tribute or send _ off ‘could be m\t‘!nto show the esteem in which he is held by the members of the choir, as ‘well as their appreciaâ€" tion of his faithful and efficient serâ€" vices. A delicious supper was served at small tables, and the â€" evening brought to a close by the singing of pAuld Lang Syne and He‘s a . jolly good fellow. .. Pleasently Entertained Yours Respectfully â€"<aub on‘ RATEPA YER WILL CARRY ST. RAILLWAY CASE TO DIVISIONAL COURT Reitzel â€" Loan B&-law Discussed.â€" Mayot Fischer ‘is soalï¬gl Usugl $300 WATERLOO TOWN COUNCIL MEETS The | last . regular méu;,l‘a the w.htho Town Council for 1912 was held in‘ the Council Chamber on Monâ€" day evening at . which considerablé" business was transacted, ‘ MIiâ€" the members were present, * A Gasoline Tank. i ‘ A communication from M. Weiche! & Son was received asking that they be allowed to put a Bowser, gasoline tank 8 “t:lddo' the sidewalk _â€" in front oftheir store and place. the pump in line with the electric . Fight posts. After a discussion as to the safety of this bank the request ... Was granted. ; Definite _ action on the bylaw _ to grant a loan of $20,000 to Messts. Reitzel Bros. ‘was deferred until ‘a special meeting to be held on Friday evening. It was found that itâ€"would not be possible to issue the debenâ€" tures in accordance withythe terms of the proposition presented namely:, pay #nent of interest _ only for the fitst four years and the repayment of the whole amount in eleven equal annual instalments. Reitzel Bros. were preâ€" sent and were agreeable to extending the payments over a tern» of twenty years instead of fifteen, rePaying the whols amount in twenty equal anhual instalments of principal and interest. ‘This would overcome the difficulty &n reference to the issuing ol the debenâ€" tures. The town soMcitor â€"Mr. Mcâ€" Bride was instructed to make the necessary changes in the byâ€"law and presnt same .to the Council on _ Friâ€" day evening. " _Reeve Kaufitan speaking in relerâ€" ence to the byâ€"law was of the opfnion that it should be stipulated just how many men would be eniployed, showâ€" ing the benefit the town would deâ€" tive by the establishment of the _ inâ€" dustry here. + Deputy Reove Schiedel did, not think it was possible to say just how many could be employed, it depending . on the business done.â€" It would be _to the advantage of _ Reitzel Bros. . to employ as many men as they possibly could in order to operate their plant eflicently and give prompt and satis factory service. A planing mill was much â€" needed . in â€" Waterloo and it would be a decided convenience. to have such an industry established here. Mr. Woeller also thought that Mesâ€" srs. Reitzel Bros. would employ . as many‘* hands as possible.. He was of the opinion that the plant when comâ€" ple‘ed and â€" in full operation would probably give employment to at least twenty men. Mr. ‘Reitzel said it was dificult to say how many men. would be employâ€" ed it depending on the volume . of business. The first‘ year they would Erobably â€" employ about.six hands but when everything was in full operation. and _ business _ establisbed, the firm would employ from filteen to tw men. In reference to the amount \‘ of the loan Mr. Reitzel noted the that the cost of building had ndvt ed fity per cent. during the last years and it required a large amount of mopey to erect a factory.. > . _ Action Deferred. \ y Equncil adjoufne1 &1 {7. 70. An account from Dr. Weidenhammer : m on ol tX w for medical treatment given an indiâ€"~ Sit Anglican rectors in Toromto isâ€" gent, who was later removed to the sued an appeal for $20,000 to meet County House of Refuge for $13 was real need in the downtown district, left over for consideration. | & Refund Granted. Proposal to submit a referendum ‘The Separate School Board was reâ€" to ratepavers respecting gtneral colâ€" funded $18.40 being an error in tax» lection of garbage was defeated _ by ma. the City Council. The Y before have we made such LIBERAL REDUCTIONS for a SALE,. Winter Merchandise of all desc e as nnr::‘t'::u. Ladies‘and Children‘s Winter u‘aullcgl\jy lm\y'nr} Neavy Hosiory. fl-*:&‘llllkm Mon‘s and 8 ys* over ceate and many other lines will be {ound cn our "SALE TABLES®". e 2e ; a ce " id CcoOME | AND COME EARLY ® "*TERMS> STRIG ‘CASH. ie pbcs. come. wl n ie on o9 en ie im ce caliim. on m 5o an pone on oh. o ~ . dn T mm Op 30e â€"AAOpecAOopecâ€"_Aoporâ€"â€"Aopcccmâ€"opmâ€"â€"câ€"a4orru Reitzel Bylaw Considered Thursday, Friday and Saturday $. B. BRICKER & CO. WATERLOO Jacob‘Ufelma@nn was ‘also given a C .$1% for ; an overcharge in busipess taxes which the Court | of Revision granted him last year but had‘ not beenâ€" paid by last year‘s Council. Byâ€"an.act of the Legislature puud‘J some time ago, the number of _ memâ€" bers on municipal Commissions mus consist of two ot four metzbers._ and the Mayor. ‘The byâ€"laws changing the number ol commissioners from 3 . to 4â€"on the Waterâ€"and Light, and Sewer commirsions Were. given their second and <third readings. Want Tarvia Road. 5 A petition © received from the rate 'nytrs on Caroline St. asking for the construction of tarvia pavement and a ‘cetnent curb and gutter was teferrâ€" ed to the engineer.. The byâ€"law .‘ providing | for tarvia pavement &p&‘,éemenlt curb and gutâ€" ter on Park aifld Allen Sts., and dor the constrection cf a sewer on Alexâ€" andra Ave. from William St. to the Alexandra school grounds and the ¢tonstrtction of a cement sidewalk on Park St. wete given ~"their various readings and. finally passed. Refurning Officers Appointed. ‘The following polling places and deâ€" puty returning. officers and poll clerks were appointed in connection with the coming municipal elections :â€"â€" No. 1â€"2.â€"North _ Ward, Harmonie Hall, Mr. Adam Uffelman, Deputy Returnâ€" Ing Officer ; Mr. Geo. L. Bolduc, Poll Clerk. f Tâ€"li-lf.vâ€"Ent Ward, Wmâ€" l{ohg's office. Mr.,Wm. Hoge, D. R. 0.; Mr. Philip Hasenflug, <P.C..8 00. ©0005% 5â€"6.+â€"South Ward, L. F. Districh‘s jmplement warehouse, F. G. Hamachâ€" ¢r, D; R.. 0.; Jacob Fenner, P. C. ."â€"8.â€"West Ward, Town Hall, Geo, B. Schneider, D. R. 0.; Gerdon: Forâ€" bes,. Jt.,~P. C. ..â€"Will Appeal St. Ry, Case. Town Soliciter McBride drew _ the attention of the council to the judgeâ€" ment of Sit John Boyd in the case of the suit against the city of â€" Berlin and â€" was ‘instructed to appeal the Case. 1t was moved by Mr. Schiedel, uec{ onded by Mr. Kutt, that Mayor â€" Fisâ€" chet be given the regular grant 0†$300 for the satislactory seglcel givâ€"\1 en the town. This was carried unanâ€" &ouly, Several â€" members of the uncil, _ including . Reeve Kautman, spoke on the subject of the splendid work donk by Mayor Fischer during the year. The Mayor thanked â€" the counci! for the hf““ and expressed Pleasure and satislaction with the reâ€" lation that had existed between the council and himsell duting the year, Hle had â€" endeavored to deal justly with the various questions that had come before them, and for whatever had been accomplished he was deeply ‘indebted to his fellow members .. for ‘their _ assistance and . coâ€"operation He referred to the important . work to te m‘:‘nms year‘s council and said ‘that ite plans in regard to its roadways, sewers, etc., should be made . at ‘the beginning of the _ year and not left until the Jast. Six Anglican rectors in Toronto is sved an appeal for $20,000 to meet real need in the downtown district. Reevte Kaufman and . Deputyâ€"Reeve Sch‘edel also . spoke at some length upon â€".the work that awaited action by next year‘s council and of the neoâ€" esgity of the exercise of rigid econâ€" omy inâ€"all construction work. Countll adjourned at 12.45, Change In Commissions Rebate Was Granted Mayor Granted $300 DECEMBER 5TH, 6TH AND 7THâ€" LE" You‘re Looking F. Déstrich‘s IS ~A NNOU NCED FOR Gives the Best Satisfaction for General Baking.. Pastry + Flour For Pastries. sA 3 Daily Bread Flour Shirk & Snider, Ltd, Phone 76. We sell what we can recommend in Fur Goods. . Just now we are showing an extra large stock of the very best Mim at moderate prices." We will ask you to come and see these before buyinq and satisfy yourself that you are getting the best at the lowest prices. t GOOD FURS \ Best and Cheapest BER LIN LANG BROS & CO. Ladies $12. $15 t ‘‘ ‘Ladles‘ Persian Lamb S¢ts, at $ Ladies‘ Sable Mink sm,.-nfll Ladies‘ Mufis of all kinds, lafie® $6.00, $7.50, $8.50, $10.00 to ........ Children‘s Fur Sets, white Thibot and grey lamb sets, at $2.75,% ga:n $4.50, $5.00, $6.00, $7.50 to Ladies‘ Nortbern Sable Sets, at $10, $1 Ladies‘ Storm s‘ Mink Marmot Sets, neck piece and Muf U SE O N L Y Backed by Reputation ollars, g0o Lamb Sets, at $20, $25, $30, $35 to nk sm,,-m, $30, $35, $10 to . all kinds, "and medium sizes, $10.00 Mih ... ... ... . >.... 2 siwince Ch im at $7.50, $8.50, $10.00, $12.50 Bridgeport, Ont. §1 $18.50 to at $7.50, $8.50 at $3.75 ONT ARIQO. $10 0, $15 $35.00 81 %1 ) 00 0 00 00 50 0n 00 Â¥ «kh .“i sea § y