i DAVID BEAN & SONS, ho PUBLISHERA THE OOR : ; k ‘The copy ‘of changes must in later than Tuesday noon. advertisements accepted up nesday each week. ~ ‘The neglect of parents in allowing their children to be abroad at. . MB reasonable hours, und the corruption of morals that often results, has been | the subject of considerable newspaper | comment during the past few months. As a means of arousing those parents who _ entrust the moral and mental trainiog.,. of their children to the Sunday.. school aud public school, to a deeper sense of their respousibility, the Brantford Expositor suggests the setting apart of one Sunday in the year, . not. @s "Mother‘s Dav." as is the :‘custom in several States of the Union, but as ‘‘Parents‘ Day," â€" or ‘"Family Day." ‘"On this day," the Expositor says, "the pulpits of the land . would he expected to talk plainly and‘pointâ€" edly to parents with respect to what they owe their offspring and.the state in the matter of the proper uphringâ€" ing of their children." Â¥3 _‘ The suggestion, if followed, should result in much good being accomplishâ€" Notice of changes must be ioft ME his office mot later â€" than Saterday in us toate Weekly newspaper $1.00 snnudd | «* adrance, 11 50 if not so pald cese tor United States ‘subsorihâ€" tigh ch-drhflll. Engiich aad rmain . 1t its branches this delay since the present census was taken in 1911 while this is the session of 1912â€"13. If no redistribuâ€" tion is made at this session At ~will therefore probably be 1914 before any Jaw" can go into effect which _ will equalize representation . on a just basis. € Notwithstanding the pledge he gave to the west during his preâ€"election tour that if elected, his party . would, cause an immediate redistribution of seats io be made, Mr. Borden. has. in the light of the adverse western vote apd.the possibility of ‘:' parliia mentary «crisis, Ided to . temp tation to delay {t‘e for party advaat» tatl pye. Redistribution Delayed ising rates reasonable and made known on application. Parental Neglect W ATERLOO, ONT CHAIN â€" OF OFFICE POR% GUELPH‘S MA YORS . Guelph, De#. 1.â€"Mayor ‘n?â€': is euui‘ofln"th o::t;.n of. having a chain of for the Chiet Magistrate of the city, «= is done in every town and city in the old land ‘The idea +« have all the familins~ of dâ€"ocaged _ ex Mayors _ and all liting _ oxâ€"Mayors â€" contribute vâ€" lnk each to the chain, on «hich would be inscribed thetr nawes _ and the year of their ‘n0000000000)° 9000 ADVERTISERS : hj€€~]1)d00000):°00 His mï¬uuw denate. . on |lavored i4 on the addsess in reply b'a.-blu-a-u uwmg-u- Wl""' on the sclection ‘of Sir George KRoss as|pede Ca source® of satislaction . to these m' Seorge left ï¬ 'â€"apv\‘ ¢ M U t c w Lord‘of. the ‘Admiralty,. declare â€" sh was never"more fb to metk any emâ€" ergency that might‘ arise, and _ that her. relations with. foreign continued of the most friendly characâ€" ter. If the mother country has been ove)hlu by some new peril to her naval supremacy sinee the reassuring words of Mr. Asquith andâ€"Mr. Chxo-‘ hill in~July and August, then by all means,~‘as Sir George says, "let Canada olit of her abundance give aid cheerfully and take a part of the burâ€" den from the weary Titan.‘"" . But, Sir George adds, significantly, BE FORE _PARLIAMENT GIVES IT MUST ~KNOW THE ~FACTS . OF UE CASE. C000 0 Sir (George is a believer in the self respecting policy of a Canadian navy To quote:.. >( /‘ j ‘*A nava? policy on the basis of A} contribution was no policy at all, he| said.© It was like throwing a penny in & bexzgar‘s cup. There was a naval policy, on the stitute books now. It had heen put there by the late . Govâ€" ernment. It provided for the conâ€" structior of a Canadian navy which would bave been bailt in,.Canada, and which would have enabled Canada to send ships to the aid of the British cause in the Mediterranean, in Ausâ€" tralia, or. anywhere in the world where ard was needed. Canada . had the maritime people to man a naVyy, the steel with which to build and the spirit with which to maintain nvy"v f + No matter whether: Premier Borden: succeeds in : forcing â€" an emergency. grant . through Parliament â€" or not, the ultimate permanent policy : of any Canadian Government on this . quesâ€" tion must be on the lines laid down by Sir Wilirid Laurier in the Naval Service Act his Government . placed upon the Statute books. Efforts have been <â€" made by the|. Conservative press to make it appear that the election of Hon. Louis Coâ€"| derre in Hochelaga was a brilliant victory for the Conservatives . and their "naval policy." As a matter of fact mothing could have been furâ€" ther from the truth. Politically the election was a blank cartridge, . as there was no contest between the parties. and, as usual, the position was forced by Sir Wilfrid. Laurier. ‘The Liberal chieftain took the ground that since the Government had . no known policy on the only great issue of the day there was no reasonable ground on which to fight an election. ‘Therefore he advised the Liberals of Hochelaga to . retrain Yrom entering the contest, and made it known that until Mr. Borden had plucked up suffiâ€" cient courage to devise a naval polâ€" ‘icy and take the people into . his conâ€" fidence, the Liberals would not unâ€" dertake to play Blind Man‘s Buff. The coalition government was left .alone to try and straighten out the Gifiâ€" |culty between the Conservative and |Nationalist wings. The result of the |absention of the Liberals . from the | fight _was the entry of a Laborâ€"Naâ€" |tionalist . candidate, He was, _ of |course, defeated by the Conservatives. | who turned _ out in strong force, while few Liberals voted . at . all. »|The net result of the election _ is Ceorge. Ross on the Navy thorefore really to emphasize the dilâ€" fipulties o'the covert alliance bo-] tween the‘ Conservatives arnd Nationâ€" alists. Hon. Messts, Nantel and Pelletier are«~still: in the Cabinet, they ,uu,w their Nationalâ€" ift pledges M bpposition 46 naval exâ€" penditui@ genherally,â€" andâ€" especially pontribution‘ or ahything else . withâ€" ‘out a ‘telerendum.. It serves â€" to inâ€" Â¥ensilfy tWe interest as to what part theNatiofialist ministers â€" will play when Mr. Borden announces his plans. the Throme was anything but a} CHICAGO.â€"Mrs. . Dorothy â€" Puscy was shot and fatally injured by . her divoreed . husband toâ€"day as she . was préparing © a Thanksgivingâ€"day dinner for her fiÂ¥e young children. _ Pusty then‘ lagled in an attenmipt to commit sujcide. snssdnl baczaars were held in the New Jerusalem and St. John‘s Angliâ€" can churches. $ SHOT BY DIVORCED HUSBAND { the Senate was s An Empty Victory neer va tive user va uvoC nd â€"Mr. Chureâ€"| based on the supposition that ‘om't'l , then by all| Britain is in danger of _ attack . by > says, â€" "let| Germany, and this. notwithstanding. lance give aid| the assurances of Premier Asgquith. rt of the burâ€"| that Great Britain‘s relations 'lth‘ ‘itap."* . But, | Germany and other powers.were of 3 feantly, â€" BE;| most friendly nature.â€" There is .nothâ€" GIVES â€" IT|ing more likely, to strain these rela» FACTS â€" OF|tions than an emergency contribution from Canada that in the nature of it ver in the selfâ€"\is d rected against Germany. Canada ty ""**ibe to susplc racâ€" | crease been| This her | that 1 iring | nesed h:qâ€"bnel y all | Brita "let | Germ : aid | the .4 burâ€".| that But, | Germ unpllilul;“d‘ï¬m 8O arm.‘* It says that the younger, ma tions. Of the are thereby, drawn . into the ; vices ol the old: and incidentally, trounces Mr. Borden for seeking® to scare dollars from his. conntrymen." .ls";lnulodl:"llmm were & taneous proceeding trom -wcmnlkv; we would ‘regard them ‘with ~uninixed favor. ‘The net result, though, | will favor. ‘The net result, though, w be to inspire Germany with ‘new suspicions of our cagertess to in crease naval supériority." rlBATIOD tiG ‘This is one of the ‘chief objections that may be argued against the proâ€" nosed emergen®® contributions. 1t is cun discharge her Empire obligations more effectively and. without . the, misâ€". chievous results that may follow. an emergency grant, by carrying out the permanent policy of Sir Wilirid Laurâ€" ier as laid down in the Naval Serâ€" vice Act of 1910 STRATFORD TO ~YOTE ON STREET _ RAILWAY BYâ€"LAW Stratford, Dec. 2.â€"The City Coun: cil to night gave the,first reading to the new street railway byâ€"law _ and will hold a special meeting on Detemâ€" ber; 9 to give the measure its second reading, so that it ‘will go to ‘the people at the Januaryâ€"election. A letter from Sir William Mackenzie deâ€" fra tcly committed the C.N.R. to the fimancing and constructing ol the railâ€" way. if the citizens pass the byâ€"law and â€" the Legislature ratifies it, ,.to commence â€" construction by June 1, 1913,â€"and _ to complete the . system within eighteem months. PROBABLY JOLTED OFF WAGON, ~AND KICKED ON HEAD BY HORSE Milvemton, _ Nov. 28 â€"The inquest The deceased, who was a bachelor into the death of the late Dougald‘ and lived alone, had been at Wellesâ€" Forest of North Easthope township,. ley village on Monday getting . some who was found dead on the road near chopping done, and had left for _ his his home on Tuesday morning, _ was home in _ the evening. ‘On Tuesday: opened yesterday before Coromer Dr. morning his body was discovered .. by J. P. Rankin of â€" Stratford and the Rev. 0. Stockman, a short distante following jurors >~â€"James McGillawee, fronx his wagon, from which the team P. Seiler, Hugh Tavish, J. F. Mcâ€" had become detached. _ It is thought Tavish, James _ Paterson, Donald that he had been jolted off the wagon Me‘n, George Smith, Rankin Crerar, and received a kick on the head, dying Henry Daub, J. Wettlaufer and Chas, as a result of â€" the injuries received McTavish. __ and . frou» exposure. A postmortem Several â€" witnesses were examined, examination has been canducted . by and the inquest was adjourned, to be Drs. Glaister of _ Wellesley and Meâ€" resumed at Amuree next Wednesday. ; Eachern of Linwood. UNIQUE PRESENTATION TO HON. WILLIAM PATERSON BY BRANTFORD LIBERALS Brantiord, Nov. 28.â€"A unique trl-' bute was paid here toâ€"night to Hon., William Paterson, marking his retireâ€" ; ment from public life, when the Libâ€" erals of Brant joined by hundreds of, admiring Conservative {friends preâ€" sented Mr. Paterson with an illumâ€" inated address enclosed in a gilverâ€" mounted casket. The presentation was made by a deputation. of Bnnt' Liberals at the home of Mr. . Paterâ€", son, theâ€"deputation consisting of T. H. Preston, Chaitman of the Commitâ€" tee ol Arrangements; â€" Mr. Frank Cockshutt and Dr. Addison, and J. R. Layton, representing the riding of The first reading was also given to pleted MUNICIPAL RABBITâ€"BREEDING TO BE. TRIED IN GERMANY Berlin, Dec. 1.â€"Municipal . rabbitâ€" breeding is to be tried‘ out by Schoneâ€" berg, a suburb of the capital. . This is the latest experiment in the effort to find a way to combat the high cost of lving and furnish meat to . those to whom the present prices are proâ€" hibitive. £ i Brant RBesides undertaking a rabbjt. farm on its own account in the country, on lands where the city‘s sewage is disâ€" tributed for fertilizing purposes, the Schoneberg Town Council has . just voted to assist in establishing a rabâ€" bitâ€"breeding concern inside the city, It has made a contract with the ada imlo w Engla . Mgwow ans orek to~induce, inclte 0: s of ‘the . Empire t Sixâ€"Acre Lots 4OR $@ID Berliu for the very unahle t This would be gnough the everage suitot, but the Berlia City Council . _A Monday night‘s mestigg. Comncil another comiaitteo wa pointed to meet the Waterlioo Council in regard to the same tiom. What information Morlic change 1m titude we ‘do not taken for granted it : has . beem , pr hearing. "To us. the move appears to be mâ€"‘ timed and illâ€"advised, What can: two councils whose tenure of office is all but Qud hope to accomplish . by opening up this question at the presâ€" ent time* In Berlin it may xh be made to serve as a plapk in platâ€" torms of candidates tor the Cunc& but‘ in Waterloo it‘ is doutktful if mienmibers of the Councit could be inâ€" duced, with an election approaching, to touch the whion proposition with a tenâ€"foot polé. °* . s i. OB (® ast :.a:â€"hw to provide $15,000 for â€"athâ€" tic_and agricultural grounds, and to # mew market byâ€"law governing . the market â€" building, now almost . comâ€" -%' X.K :mï¬) 2000000%0000000600®@@ in California, was much moved by the token of esteem which was given, as well as by the admiring spirit revealâ€" ed.by his friends of so many years‘ standing. . Migv. d § ‘The veteran campaigner, who is about to leave for a winter‘s sojourn The casket enclosing the . address was a #ork of art. It consisted . of bird‘g‘eye maple, with oxidized silve embellishments, carrying as a crest the Dominion coat of arms, upheld on each side by a beaver. On the front was a portrait in a wreath of laurels of Hon. William Paterson, and on the reverse side a portrait ol Sit Wilfrid Laurfer:.â€" : The exhloï¬ol the casket was of Royal purple plush. ON Aa STRAIGHT PARTY â€" VOTE. & Schoneberg Rabbit Breeders‘ Society, under which the city supplies a sixâ€" acre lot of ground, to be divided . up into more than 60 plots, on which the members of the society agree to breed rabbits fof sate. The city will atvance to each breeder the sum of $14 with which to hiy a stock of h-n\:. animals. Aiter a breeder has sold rabbits in the course of a year he may conâ€" sume. his surplus production "in his own family. The city also will equip the egtablishment with an ample waâ€" ter supply. An official â€"of the _ muniâ€" vipality will have oversighs of the lenncern and he will have a voice also Council xing prices um on 6 t 0 m .n3 t ME % know. It is to be ed,. .. however, that promised a . friendly Waterioo‘s not those potes| FREE E> 108 the the M ®) (© *) You can fatten cailie and hows IN & ABM0 1 on oo ce Cl naribly 4o Witie the cost to you will not be uiore -‘E‘. beme m ooo hi m e t ht on be obtained. ‘Our Stock Specifie wil‘ incrus» n Siprigeahy :. dn Royal Purple Stock Specific, Lde pekys. ; four ":..';%'..""..maï¬:zw“ 2.'. and $1.50 airâ€"tight tins that bolc wm::un.auu\u;d-. #0e by .mail. Royal Purple Gall Cure, 25¢ und 5ie tiss ; 804 ol::rlPurple&appï¬aand B ets may be obtained from A. & E. Heller, J. L. Eidt, TheW . A.Jenkins Mfg. Co. | _ by. mail. . Royal Purple Swest Liniment, 50e bottle; 60¢ Berlin, Royal Purple Cough Cure, 60¢ _ mail. .« . T Royal. mc-n_zud-:u-h nerei) mail â€" "WILL VOTE ON SUNDAY CARS. LONDON.â€"Now that there is . no Jonger: any question as to the anneXaâ€" tion of _ the eastern suburhs Sunday car advocates . have decided to press for a vote of the people under the rulâ€" ing of Sir James Whitney that cities ot 50,000 population could have Sunâ€" day cars. The City Council will hold a special meeting on Friday in order to be in time with a byâ€"law for the sanction of the people. TORONTO.â€"The Temiskaming lndi Northern Ontario _ Railway. Commisâ€" sion has banded to,Hon: A. J. Mathâ€" ewson, provincial treasurer, a~ check for $510,000 on actount of the éarnâ€" ings for the fiscal year closing Octobâ€" er 81. This is $10,000 more than the estimates of the revenue made _ by Uolonel Mathewson. . in his budget speech DON‘T WEAR After Thirty Years Experience .1 Have Produced An Appliaâ€" nce for Men, Women or Children That Cures Rupture If you have tried most everything else, come to me. Where others fail is where I have my greatest success. Send attached coupon toâ€"day and 1 will send you free my illustrated book The above is C. E. Brooks, inventar of the Appliance, who cured hime . self and . who has been curing â€" > others for over 30 years. If . ruptured, write him Aoâ€"day. on Rupture and its cure, showing my Appliance and giving you prices and rames of many people who have frigd it and were cured., It gives instant reÂ¥el when all others fail. Remember I use no salves, no harness, no les. I send on trial to prove what I say is grue. You are the judge and once having seen my illustrated book and read it you will be as enthusiastic as my, hundreds of patients: whose letters you can also read.. Fill out free Couâ€" pon below and mail toâ€"day. It‘s well worth your time whether you try my Appliance or not. Purple Worm Powder, 25¢ tins ; 30¢ by " . Manufzctured only by Free Information Coupon CE. ‘Brooks~ 242 B State Street, Marsball, Mich. Please send me !7 mail _ in plain wrappet your iMlustrated book â€" and . full _ information about your ‘Appliance for the cure of fupture,. . Name A Adress Woiwiil sqnd abscluighy froq.|for: the asking, pestpeid, .-"f... 1 Send it on Trial itv N. 0. IS PAYING tm th‘s A TRUSS! S ta to W for | Waterloo, Ont. Branch, Reserve The Evm«'s-wtï¬n of aterloo County _ FREE LABOR,BUBEAU 59 King St. West, Berlin. We have vacancies for men and woâ€" men in all lines of work. If you are out of employment communicate with us at once. No charge for registraâ€" tion of services rendered. 14. h cenprit Bamiing x Savings mmw ©000000000000000°0°°0® (a 3 P The Student Volunteer Mission Conference was held at . Peterboro‘ Friday night and two following days. IV)ZI\O(‘(T“(JLA. OO 0000000 3 Chronicle® Teltéyraph Have you anythi to sell ?y yt lixg If so" "want" adâ€" vertise in the Chronâ€" icleâ€" Telegraph. Have you lost or found anvthing ? It Brings _ Results / Put in that ad. toâ€"day Want.> Column»ns$s ~~Paris, Dec. 1.â€"Some idea of the appalling . ravages . made by the drink scourge in presâ€" entâ€"day France may bo formed by the terrible seties of ‘statâ€" istics showing t tion be= tween alca (EF ‘3“!0"'“ which specialists attachgd . to the principal Paris lunatic as ylums have just made public. . These Agures . revea: . that since 1868 when avact records rere slarted, the proporti0n t male lumatics whaso loss . uf teason is Cavsed nv drink has increasâ€"d from 14 per cent. to 47 per csit ; while on the . feâ€" male side the percentage â€" has risen from less than 2 to 20â€" "Most of | thess unfortunatâ€" es,"" say the authors of \: report, ‘"ate :m&.nh scended from t alcoholics." LUNACY DUB TO DRINK INCREASES. Record â€"of Progress for at all Braschesâ€"Interest p ? ments want work allowed at Mighest Current Rate (« JACOB HESPELER, Manager Sanderson‘s Bakery" King St., Waterioo. | _ ~ Fancy Buns, Bread, Rolls, and Fancy Cakes. year : ]â€"-_'Tï¬ UPI ‘{ : & ' To@s §Dvisen anion win \ MARION & [ 4. 364 University St., M '3’4- -:o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o-l-o P 4 THE LEADING ©° ° ®@ %Meé&u ï¬;bket i WOODSTOUCK.â€"David . Waterland, an employee of the Bain Wagon Comâ€" pany, was seriously crushed between an elevator and a shaft and 18 in & dangerous condition. . He was repairâ€" ing the floor in front of the elevator and for some reason ledned out ovetr the wall. . The do,aeeum erushed bim, inflicting al ies and breaking his shoulder blwde. i Phone 248. °. « Proprietor. 3 O+e4e0+04e04e4+04+04+04040+ SPASMODIC CROUP _ AsTHMA _ CovcHs BRONCHITIS . CATARRKH . COLP8 . _ Jn~hn «stasciemk® ® Am-h-n“n'abn chlum.mui:dn. v. stops the paroxyns of W MO-%:I“& Ti & from Asthna abe careping A inspired with every brenth, go soothes the sore throut and atopm weathut mighta. 2t in dnvaluable to mothers young children, Sond postal for deseriptive booklet. ALL DRUOOQISTEL oopermnenssemssmecn To the fom We have the reputation â€"i4 B lu»lyi’; our pumerous . Cusâ€"", tomers‘ with the choicest asd 4 best of meats all the . year round. ; .>~ tR artfr id Pkilt Cresclenea Co v“‘c-u St., M.Y. In the line of meats we bave 4 Beel, Pork, Veal, Lamb, Sug~ @ ar Cured Hams . and, m | (our own curing) ,,Q000 e always used; Hw\r& sagés such as Bologna, Wieh T ers, Pork Sausage . Head Cheese, . Liver ~Sausage ana, Summer Sausage. Lt Give us a trial and be cOBâ€" 4. vinced. Orders pmflg de $ livered in . all. parts tne + Whooping Cough town Leeming Mies Pulk CRUSHED BY ELEVATOR B,. Fischer ; n i4 @ . _ ouse t asd 4 year ve have . Sug~ 8 bacon, w; . Saue Tieea pm§