'T" Af,' l tt . l (tttdi s", th ah: rrJUtittit it“. new Pun-mad Roper: ot 1,il'ti'tl, than. Cue. a W“u'o°_i..-'“mw~{ " "'"stt Ri m, _ in “who In“: m was _ W. my: “a to man 'Mt-'.-- 7 " It. PM ll t9otrrAhr. in 's l "Moo 'g2','ltdt"t . - . :23: no. Val it “a, _ ‘ 0. u l tsNrttetttt80t,s00gatte- lea thit‘ to ttttt Th electric m did I all the rot and “a whit 113 _ tor", " 11:11., being on "any of about , hours per day. the current‘ consumed WM 1680 K.W. The water ’reuun we: kept " usual from " I to " In. A tire pressure test vol I -ottttrmrwhrdrtuttatths T il a: ot All“ skeet and m 3:; The nature at the pump house in: 1 m up to 130 Ibo. and an at the} iydnnt wu my uthlectory. with two mules Marine. Bulb! N... ' ; ‘wu In no the whole month “T116: 8 Mt If! lorll’honn for" pom-es. The avenge new; " Inn was 47 lbs. 00-1me REE m In. being 422-5 lbs. pug AG'il The reservoir: were omrfhrwirtd core tlnuslly, An inspection ot rhythm holler: won nude on tho 4th that. by the Boiler Insurance Coll Imp» tor and all parts were reported on ‘hvonhly. I would recommend that a Iervioe charges be collected to: all new â€wines " the time ttsts Ila owned fur and the mount to i..bt 'plwod to the credit ot the mm to be alllmed on his water bills. (The ream: lor this is that we put â€We m, which, m some cows. are not put to be tor a long, time one: being, wrnectcd up, and we have model A may. 01 an I , _ 3* In mm. It. P. tr. Km»! g-tod III Wm m.oets- . A Nov. tut. "it. lent-es .n, which, ht name ocean. Ire‘morc use: devoloplng among the bot put to use tor a long “no we! children who had been in attendance helm: el-nnectcd up, and we have made I 'e-sees-ms-ss-sr--"-"--"'" an expenditure and derive nomenue. ! . - . Furthermore if we collect on tunount:P. Green on mount of all which nullicient to my the expense ot GTldLL,i hom the ian works onto his ting in the service we wlll not I'D-lurm the dar the mill dam our quite to borrow trom the out no: ttowed, I desire to report u lol- tslue debentures. We experience more my", An-cnminetiun of the soil has or less trouble collecting account: tor been m and there new: to be no Inter need in the construction of new ; trace of oil to any extent. The "s. buildup. owing to disputes between‘etables in the garden at the time ot lowner Ind contractor. This would the flood were spoiled through the pil he ellmimted it the service rf,t,ef'itraye.i!.i?y up the trGltt, and Ttttettl ;were nude. I recommend the follow- -and killing the plants. Ten dolhrs In: twice charges to be paid when‘wonld cover this loen in Mr. (my. signing tor the water, l in. servloelcau. As to whether the soil ls $8.00, , in. service 812.00, 1 in. ser- damaged to as t4rntrect vegetation I lvlce 315.00. p P.et, should be lelt over until next ' I hove looked into ttitmatter of an tspring to decide. In the meantime I auto-tunic shut on tor the stand pipe think Mr. Groez should be paid tor and would recommend that a 10 in. the (lemme to the veptablea, nut "Ettgtserg" Electra Hydraulic Valve.,whetner the Gas Department should imnnulnctured by Engbers’s Electric ’pey this or the damage tired where Anna MechanicaLWoxkn, St. Jacaranda. trouble originated I will leave duel. be purchased. Thin would hello: the Commission to handle. Mr. wowed by a switch placed in the HMitettut claims his damage to veg- :pump how and in case ot fire the Ietables amounts to $5.00. This should BM pipe could be Bhut oir in 3 min- be treated in the some way us Mr. Jute and ttre prawn put on at Venue. QGrosz'e claim." . I have looked into memo" of an automatic shut on tor the Mane pipe and would recommend that a 10 in. "Ettgtserg" Electra Hydraulic Valve, muuinctured by Engbcrg’s Electric ml Mechanicah Works, St. Jonah. Mich" be purchased. Thin would be operated by a switch placed in the pump ttouse and in case ot fire the stud pipe could be shut all in a min- .m and ttre prawn pgt on at romp. Thin valve will colt, installed Com- plete. with switch board and batter- ies. approximately $250.00. A: the! electric department Is now occupying about one half of the land of the Inter department and part at the bulldinasl would suggest that we sum of $1000.00 be paid to the Water Dept. try theFlectric Dept. tor the IIM- . F d 131.. , No collection ha been made trineq my hat report and consequent] no comparison can be made. Weir' bw making pa with the oil which; â€cumulus! on the water Tn _ he p- ttoidet tank. The gas in aria: ‘qllnlity. _ 'iiLldLL" G-, m! tttebod 'rt4gta1'4.'-iili'ia'ir,r,1?ir', 'iiiiii 'iiiii, . I! I V - if P k; een . " :3 I 'iRlira'irie,'i'iyetaa'B'a Electric Restorer for Men Rosita/in; the rlm'm tor damages ot mm Worn Dertmm" Gas Department "Ht-cm {can when a pupil had mama-9mm Phy- Joxzd's 1rtiwrn trom a house plan-rd: 1ed2hir diphtheria, without the know? 1W at. the authorities m6tsgiing {with tte pupils in W181. He the 1td,r't',,'e, that nrrother one had not teen recorded. Dr. Bantam aid that Ir numb“ at out: had not. been re- ported direct to him. He was of the opinion that the Medical Otriceg of Health would be advised immediate- ttgore,',,'.','",' can: ot diphtheria to t proper precautions could " on M n Mtl “I. d ttk Inga 4b'ittuiqi, “any! that} _. huh; I. we: 0. m4. In we: to col mt on ',tlt'tf out“ or diM6tieMa, a. - aaitru9ttalrdreidA, In I "dttltiNM "ae9, to also the Contra Sahel hunch cums nth-W - at Health may then an I" an“: ot infection Ind punt. TH resolution In mend " Dr. A. Pt mum, nun, who mm that We had In; three out: ot dub; that. ml: PM“: in Principal Hutu-fl amnion Mthin tho In" it by: and as won " din-coveted h had taken mandate â€on to In" the school cloud and luuuction had been (Wen to hue " thoroughly cleaned end Imus-ted. Ho mm that lollowtng I recent cue oi diph- mm at the bounce “out“! the bedding had been removed to the were without being dieinleeied. Sub- sequently we cuee developed In an home. Instruction: had been dwell to disinlect themed“; before removing from the Incl-non thl but er â€(may this had not been done. be taken, ind also that they should be reported direct to him: He and there wan I possibility ot more use: developing among the children who had been in attendance I would make the same ree6mmmt- dation tor a service charge tor gas as I have for water and in this dev partment it is even more advisable. Many people apply tor an bee-use they are getting in water and newer uipea and want this service put in at the same time. I fiod there are pa services» in tor you: from which we have received no revenue. _ The ;smioe charge in this one should be 1'1ff creamed, ot course. on the gas Mil. . ‘3":Tbe October to minute peak load with same " in Beptember, 402 HP. The three minute peak was 450 HP. The “m " the Wilma; ot the year to add one hunted now run- ‘tomcn has “My been reached. the number no is: connected up and tre jing connected nmounting to 103. The new 150 KW. nation trate Ionhe: “I been instilled. and was ff, into operation My tor the first ime. We can now handle 800 HJ'. Electric Department W3 lt 1tfd ‘ gm; " . Bit, Gr " *3 My†' a tttt iiSi.'ittti'ihr ., iii9 glin- 1tt'ftt H. I' 'gill - r a and. to can!» ,. 4% m. etal " do up! in. Op. "atrnta" to as 'e that. up away“ at mum. Dr. m mum tutitwoasu-toreo-ths school on Monday. u no - can developed gun; than who but been in attendance. Mayor Finch" comm! in m suggestion um the new he closed for a week and in the mam-n" that It be thomuhly norm and dlaite tacud. " In: many that. it pro- Cnmou be Ma and.“ an outr btnk cl diptttltarin. It may nun! pupils in their studies but. It wu an only we was to pursue. Dr. Stalin's; nun-ma tart draar= "ttioat would to who 'Ill’o mi did not rupee: an qua-mule M on houn- which eonulnod â€V a! diphthorh. II tome MM mm anyway. was paid to m "trauma and [eoplo Fused in auto“, "tt- cmsln; the danger at .preadietg the disease. He thought an um should be made “when they parkland in doing so in order to put a irtott to In View cl this tho Board guy me ttary Inspector Flynn induction to as an tho qua-nun placed on hams was strictly binned, M an example will he mods ot anyone vio- lating the aims. with the autumn)": at the plan There were no tetterrutrtioets of Hydro bower during the mm.“ C. There were present " the math; Chairman Thou. O'Donnell. Sectehry J. C. Height. Medical Hum: once! Bellman. Mayor Fischer, Sanitary 1n- spector Flynn and Means. Dr. Step ling, and C. A. Hum]. . All ot which a. respectlully “bump tad. . Interment DEATH OF MR. The death of Mr. John Sahel took place at the Berlin and Waterloo Hott- pital on Tuesday tVterttoon at 2.45 o‘clock. Demand had been in m health tor over a your sum-ting from drops]. He had resided in Waterloo for 15 years and' was employed by the Waterloo Manufacturing Co. tho greater part M the time. He is survived by tive Ions. Jake ol Flint, Mich.; John pt Portland. Ore; Andrew ot Anarbor, Sun otDe troit; and Edward ot Waterloo. The luneral will be held from the home or his son Edward, Pull Are, on Thursday anemoon " , tram and thence to Mount Hope cemetery tor Celebrated Her 83rd Birthday On Tuesday Mrs. ism Beehtel,,,Al- len street, west, within/ed he}, 83rd birthday, and many friends took pd- vantago of the opportunity to am to her their hearty congratulating: and good wishes. Despite her adv»- eed yen: she is making . mid tr covery trom the welder“: .tttteeed " month ago in which she numbed. a lactate of the hip. His triads Ire glad to learn that she is alloying npiendid health and hope tor her early and complete recovery. Mine Host Stroh, Proprietor ot the Alexander House, served my ot his friends with a veninon supper Tttum- lay evening which was much - elated try those present. Mr. such just resultly returned iorom his tMttt- unl hunting trip and brought A very thte buck home with him and there were quite a number at Berlin 't'.t'f, nlso Present. In tact Billy F her cerkiniy likes Veninon end Brut Btitelrneyer we: payhtg strict. atten- tion to Mr. Fucker. w. a. Johnni- was quite eon-Moons. Amongst the guests we: Louie Kropp. telling lt e" how good the old trat M i Mule] and Cut. Diet: were tW late nriule but mine host St I was on the job end ell who lied ii! 'pleuun of “an; down to the a per untamed M very much. 2dt. Davey was too - to be p . E. Donna-Iver noble he Ilv P8F Ient. Georp P. We“: cane in o: a [mint end then" mm- in; - tor - um end George we: "tsotted very promptly to no ditsiagrtrom-rmrtmatd-tst Nine Moat Siroh'e deer. The to†all extend their - and. 'to Mr. Skohud â€Inventor! bring inn-other he deer. J.W.A. The male Club ma Mr itgat - an] am In Hann- ny ma on Thursday night About - I" couple- was m9. A ml Oct- man mm: "a and and no In- joyed by m. Feastéd on Venison FORD B. KUMPF, Mam JOHN SEIBEL to fheirasntPhrriairtt , - ,'trr get hfii, ftaTitigN"llgt'8, Tl f tt'tW1t,7,'l "m. “ft manila-MI "dull†lanthanum-alibi! ,0“ iiiFaoiiuui Horn-thud mun-mulc- un Mica -Mttetaaatoemturuartteattu 'tr. euu. main-d a Section: M, u and " ttt th- Act respecting the ptWtiettealtlr.-- tte_08, (â€MA-y hour mm-xu’lnm to at ttt1,Atu.'atT.'t,PAtt2"t Wort-ttot 'gtg,',"tt,t,,'g22t. A 3rtthttisn.tte" can: 'iyii ;'ii'),"iii'if1ilhu11i?i'i"t'ili'iii â€auburn-w t'e't'elt'tr'l'Af'tU medical Milka“.- t 0) Thu home any be give. to the county or to an medley] one“ at hula-IGN- ole. or by letter, ul- duued to either of than, and matted within the time shove -eithert. Tue. M. No humanoid“. in m dwelling than occur! nay commut- e.» Alum. mu permit any per- 'dt,etr.ftc% an!) m to my. titt a “In. or and prop- â€mo,“ "tram his We. M i the count at the medal Maugham.» may mm Inch removal, or prucrihe â€no condition Miami. Bun“: Whenever any tetmttrqutt- Illlad mutual "practitioner knows or humanly) mm that, my pet- oon Whammy u clued upon to via". in ittreete4 with any communicable _ he shall within twelve‘ hour- glve nouns that“)! to no medical ot- tieer of hum: of the tnuniiity in which such discuss: Demon in. . Penalty. The [malty prescribed by the net tor violation of any of the wove pro- vmou I: not less than $25.00 no: more than 8100.00 APPOINTMENT OF NEW PASTOR In reference to the vacancy can-ed by the death ot Rev. E. M. Gran, Into pastor ot the Ehmntuuret Evtut- gelical Church, it is not probable that a permmnt'maetor will be ttppoint- ed until nuthAprll. when we regular contermeerrinbeottt. ~ln the meantime, the services will be conducts! by'par‘ turn at other churches in the Evan- gellcal Aenmintion. who are available, to supply tor short periods during the intervening months. Next Sun- by morning the English girl evange- iista wilt have clause and an the 6Tb- "tins I union service will be held. The Evngelial Church cinema arei having the water 'tervias,mrtended to the church property, preparatory to the lnstnllatlon ot a new pipe organ. which wlll he operated try water power. The argon is now on order and will be ready about the latter out ot, December. It will he one ot the Meat intttrttrifettttg in the County. Sanitary convenicnm are also being “installed in the basement ot the rhurch. With the above additions and im movements the Waterloo congress- tion will have onerol they“ equip- ped churches In the Evangelical Asso- elation A well-known resident of Wntetloo new! away at. 9.30 o‘clock on Sat- urn.†ovum; in the person ot Rory Schw- at the we of " years. no had been ill for thou two weeks sut- faring Worn . wralytlc “who. He had raided In Waterloo tor the last six you: during which time he had been a Ilium] employee " mum's Coopenge. liR HY. SCHAUS PASSES AWAY HI? I: survived by a wife and semen childnn, Herbert, Adelina, Lnelln. Carrie, filth, Wnetta; a mother, Mn. John Selma ol Waterloo; two broth": and toters, Jucoh of Haas- over, Philip ot Wnldvllle. Mn. Irohrt Mann}: ot Hanover tad Mm., John Luann ol Waterloo. The {non} wu Md trom the lab I “on“. Bonnie Ave. on'Tuev day “cannon " 2.30 o'clock to Bt,, John Clutch and than“ to Moun' Hap. meaty tor Interment. REMOVED TI) It. a. W. Hun-on who but been} “'th tho local bunch ttt the, Bull of Commem tor the In" twol you: in In "waned to Freda-1 lctou. tCB. and will love in “out them weak-Jot an Dine- In. P. W. B ll“. ot Froletlntol wtil Ml an my and by ttq qmnorat ot Mt. am time deeartrr" will In mud " HI Mend. In the Twin-City vino will “and to him their brat whim tor his nature auc- NM. I, ' -Poodty 1t'd,'tt'h' FREDERICTON I GOOD ind 1iiii' “Everything in en? MrIsLINERY Dept. and tively be SOLD MT in the next few weeks. 'j.' SALE STARTS 25 Trimmed Hats Reg, $4:00 and 5.00, Selling 'll!,!!,!,),! at 82.49 _' a? Waterloo Going at Reduced S. B. Bricker & Cali-'5 mwmmm mym - W Shapes at Exactly HALF Price m -----_ - A Good Coats THE HOUSE OF QUALITY good. AMONG other recent arrivals in Coats for Women there are so tine New Black Costs, tailor-nude styles, some with plain collars others larger fancy collage. Made in good Kersey Cloth and tine English Broad Cloths. in the well-known "Northway Make." These costs are sup erior in every particular, especially in materials, workmanship and fit. And we have styles and sizes to suit all tastes and all figuretrfrorn 32 to 45, bust mm; These splendid coats are now on sale at price. ranging from - 810, 11.50. 14.80. 15.00. 10.50. 1m to n Make your selections early and while the choice Best and Cheapest at T his Stare. '. '. l MILLIN Berlin LANG BROS & CO. THIS WEEK?! King St,. Waterloo; " Ontario Ontarz'