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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 28 Nov 1912, p. 1

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{iii-"Lumbermen’s “if, ': _ . iii?,';'.?"..',') t Rugbe rs Ef/f', "..r and Ili, m tiiiti' l,, the Greatest Values in High Ei- Grid: Clbthing Berlin has ', _ Ever Known. a; M will: not my baegwdrd-ttte - has Yt all I M In Dumbo much clock. '0 in Ri redid?” M UM in ttte ttzatt w In". . T " at maul-b link but th evuv mmnimmuu l f moon iii tthu, up: and rumbling. K,,) ' - v . _ 1,. a quack MIL: sale and. a! tl . or to: in 'eearr"sho,witt not and that . mu to an: it. ' m ht that: time Ind enort in getting here. F In “I“ M “til: we have not thought ot prim we , " . mpail, ME to clean and ctear they must. we hm t' (its Knowing ”than” ') C" Aloxr Arman.“ ‘1‘". 'l'tutyg'd1' values. f {main , "ttf ”halo- I tri- al WW Item atyles for _ ttvaianmaattotmrre con- 'epratrt models-A chance to save to; a.” to me and better work-. My than In: over More been M! at tye who. $4.713 People’s Shoe Store. - melon Single bra-nod mod-l ll £94 "that! also" Weeds 1m with! a um! sesNtsed aim: "leads lined my twilled serge It!" 34 to M. Regular' $14 to $18.00. Sale Prim .r...or. 310.95 'f,': Black (humus, vetiet col- l made in the new loose back styles, ste)"")!' turisted high shoulders 1q"g& than: deep Inputs. Rnrutar 1 n "0.00 to $12.00, Sale Price ..,. _ .1.“ . " , "gtr-r Tweed Ulster: atl- iii)lt "canned sande beautifully tct ’gud I'm lull length, the very Anon than. New!” $12.00 tagger LL ., 5:11, Priot ..,..... ""' .._ = lad I IB Fat lined coats Beaver t'/d tstage, orrvtreotm dog “rungs V _ din-hie m wéll thtished skins " an are Germ nttir. Regular Il 835.00, Su‘e Price """='u"u"i.'i. Fn Th. “M tttttt 'ryrtrar. I',riijii'Jiit:h End" Sale mama loot ttttemi/tate. m. ERNST a co. ' THE WHITE GROCERY y, m--------------""-'"""""-"""""'""" There. are Two Kinds of Bosté J fA1i: 9. _i,i'ii,toi'jiij-rciiii,i1 Plow Shoes Th it. tbat I “on any keep, and the Be: tft." W. knowledge ot good quality, bud iiir l-, ( ‘ t t “I'M ‘mun Ind Chill“ can "on.” r is w u tor your groceries. We we: no other mime“ than . a» will _ Poods that will he numb!“ by that “my to; lib! the who In human. Zick's Shoe Home I! SILL TIE IIST OBTAIIAILI ' -iwir6-ttre - ha hen too tho with M. Va sum to all 'e$titne “than” "r. “than“ but. th C) WW I)“ still- In w’l sad row " up: and “ram - thLlsllc ,ultmunotn ll not thgd that . VIII; to this “on wilt all anon in getting here. hue M tttought ot prices we have simply' a aad dear they must W6 know they unit [IKE Men's Terr - not suit: slave bro-sled made tram an (my Weed and worsted. 180 ct than suit: MI are; ttey are delay cut. with' deep up]: wide sleeves low cut vest wide ( trousers. Regular “4.00 to 810.00 c.rssttle Price .mt'Fr. . ..."9.. ..'... ..P. It“ Men's New Tweed Suit: single} Musics! all trigetr-cut with {union's but whim Regular $9.00 'to $10.00 Ssh Price .qq-"'tm.'"""' ..F.tttFr ... M our Blue and Black Suits at usual are not equalled in Berlin tor actual) ulna pure wool British Cloth and but colors wool twill-lined Regular $18.00 to $18.00 Sale Price m.4...w--"'"' I . - Boys' Fancy Prussian over coats stylish double breasted velvet collu- and wool “Him winter weight in dark that! welt tailored. Sizes " to as sale price .,..A..A .._..A. “Bog-(s Tweed Ushers full can. with wide convertible collar heavy winter weight-tweed cloth in a dark Btuwn I'rvicéable sham; wall tummy! and tailored sires " to 33 Sale, Price .....N.r. tere.... '_...... PFN r,.' We carry only the better lines and guarantee every pair to give perfect sa'isfactiop For men and Boys at the lowest possible prices. From 81.2510 $3.00 ome here for the best shoe values. our. Clothing. Ian’s Sum. the Belt that good 3038' ty, and that mom an WATERLOO. L,:'? WATERLOO. ONTARIO. 'TMu8Wmtltt, l Our Busy "tiiisit'iiiiiiiitiiiiiill .. Iiiii'f'iiii E Emma“ Iuna ot was.» at. at In. ixts.iuts-trartettity nil Vi. Jun-d: n Pmstpet.--ur_ Vim - not. “moi in 13:qu when U alt-Iliad an tuneful ot “a late tet/Bri-cc-Mi" Adieu no» or who 131M; the Mano-dd 1mm a Guelph visited at be: home has [at Sunday ..-M:a. G. "Art Wham Inn vWting 0-»: dung“ ite my Km Jertien at Mt lot Fife' Vim manual to an tome here in“ 'tser-i- Sudden Death of Mr. w. H. While cuppa in his busineis husky min; in his store 1 that m., then passed away I i nmt'lwmnng, Mr. w. " maul mental. Mr. Otto In [maul WI. Mr. Otto we: " i the mom“ or tits death talking to n I unwell-r when suddenly he wu sait- I ed with a pain in hl: cheat and {all l to the &ttte dying inanimate”. 1 The new; at his out} an e gloom _ our the otxttro town on Mr. Otto who .1 has continued hla bullie- slnoe la” ' in this plum won a highly Ott-mod citizen. He was born in New lutte burg a you! “.0 In "" he mov- ed with his mum y " Elmira having Lpu'rchued me stock had 'kood \ will from Henry Hy. We and Co. and has slave that, time carried on a suc- cessful made. Ho wu 3150 on deem member in the value at the town, being a director of the Public Lite. any tor many years and an smut. “other in, the Evangelical Church at which he was a taitNut member. He was also “molested in the Upper Cal? ada Bible Society and Children‘s Aid society, akin; an active put in any good work tut wns called upon to w sin. Ila leaves to mourn his 1osrl, besides his lorrowing wile. ten chile-) ten, much, In. Ed. Sucking. mock. Suit; Mrs. D. D. Rats -ol E In; Ed r, of the Traders- ( “a; " Lm‘gmr; treorgw' or 'i'iit Sat; Siam-y at Waterloo and Er " l Antoinette, Leader: and Robert at home. The Iunerai took plop: on Mon- "day. afternoon. tll - ...-___-,.,, The toarth meeting ot the BeethoV- '1 err l lab was held last Friday ailer- P. noon in the hall above Mr. A. Wing- t er's store. A large number (i mem- r bers were present and a most iator- E estingmnd instructive hour was spent t The programme consisted of the toi- i "owing numbers: Opening Song, De tWachi Am Rhein; 1.--Beethovett Son- ', ata by Miss Beatrice Behrens; 2. (a) I Piano solo, "Hon Jour"-Hitz, by I Miss Aileen .ltatz, (b) piano solo, "pompomette"-Behr, by Master ilar- , ry Weichet; 3. song--Ntoses Every- 1 where"-iscttemactter, by Miss Grant I C Piano Solo. tnwrorrartu<s'ehutrerf [ Op. 90 by Miss Grace Erb; 5. Read- ing"-Geraurn Composer, Schumann, try Mry ' A..schroder; 6. Vocal Solo “Es hat nloht sullen sein"-Mesa,ler. by Miss Emma Rodrick: accompanied by Mrs. Hy. miattrecher; T. Piano Solo, “March Grotasque"--SindiN, by Miss Edith Behrens. The meeting ' came to a clone with the singing of the National Anthem. b Wedding Bells; A very happy event took plan: at the how oi Mr. Frank Stream on ,Wm. Bt., last Tuesday when his eldest daughter. Florence was married to In Fred Conrad. ) The ceremny was perlormed by; Rev. P. Grsupner - a beautiful arch oi chrymrntttemtm" and evergreens. We bride who looked very charming ' in cream dlk was assisted by bet coin- in, min lda Sippel ot Beriin, Mr. Harry, Etrorne, brother ot. the bride acted as batman. Miss Emma Jung played the wedding march. The even- in; was pleasantly .spent' in - '. and music and the following morning the ham couple left toe a wedding - trip to Port Etgtm " m‘ ' “I Lawlon ot North Bar at tho home 'M 11:3. I. on Celine Bt.s-Mtss 5' unbound Coll-v. I Susi-y n her home menu,“ being made Nun Note- "ttie/iff' , . 1g; Ill , llllltllF) r Correspondents in dcis,i'raiitr#lll)ii,i, iillllllll k C _ f , 'iiiallll 5; l tl l, Ian " MINI I?! Elmira my WWW W, It. Otto, " last " gtf'll't ii. . " ttor" _ " 3;, . " - T CPAP.'. "a - _.te, " a JI, ”I‘m-«w ItMBrge r HmChu. ‘ 1NRN [IE ' u rm It: " Eh . , Anny-gal . " “a... " ma u 'tttttOW:, . lllriiii1E ”(I'm “a? V'{, r I , E an: an» an! " t, J i1 El 5, *m Ntrrtit "hi1“ , “a. " Em and Lm~.w_ Ei, ' y. heir home but» Bt Bl, " in; a shod “in _"," r LRItiMF, 'ertoar-T'Mg. will 3‘1‘7’3, . .. an given - the A . _'." : torxum on Thursday . C' Ser. Mth imst.-'Mrtr.tA. " " jam. daughter ,m oteittiert,Y,trf, withtrieardstrtBrUAt ' Idk' . , ..-Mr. A. Home: - . Q , noon with Mend: in sr, G in; 1“ Mrs. Hy stmme ot Grb, .31 ed the wedding ot the I)... I no: Miss Florence. Sumo tr, . i, ,1“, Conrad In! week. 1111.38: will spend B few days with. 'f_"fg'ii' - , Mrs. J. Kaila on King tit IRI, and ', Mrs. Geo. Ruppel are!“ ' ‘ . d the home of the lit-tori: , “a. j Carl Jensen at Gan. 'CiP ‘9- _ mang of . Milton visit! It “I, P ' . , here last week.-Mrs. CW ' ‘ w i Hambuxg was the guest min; ar In. I Mrs, IA. Ritrer part 01"”th _ . fr _ Mr. I. Hmmond, print“ I “It , Public School mere has “gum! his " diploma which entitle: m in) mi as , Cadet Instructor. V i, f, l Board at Trade We 5 A, k in; of this Board et/tthi/Mft, nesday awning. HIVM'M . severe loss in the deeth of _ of their most native womb}??? . - son of the late w. H. one...“ 1 panda resolution ”my. _ y bereaved - gym _ tr {at e . l lanes. The Mtltefl‘d 'th f ‘ a resolution which "tit - 'rntt which it T vs! up“, k 1 KI ' . . _ v t l a , ___ hm“, T2.u',%lllli4 at??? on the Milling ot tho Post Otha, and it possiblo have it 60mpleted by the tall of next year as the lease loeir prevent quarters expires at that time. The. question of t1ydro-Eltseti'e Pow- pr wsm also ddscuzsod and it l the er waslalso dammit] mad it , the frrttt belie! that ;. 21min mil more long have the manage ot this pow- er. Atter seven] other,minor details' ot busincll were discussed the meet- ing broke up. ’ Personal? The many "lends mt Mr. John Goetz' living a Few miles east of Elmira will be grieved to hear of his death which occurred last Friday morning alter an i1laeatr of only a low days, at phneumonia and pleurisv. 110 had reached the ago ot 65 years-Mrs. Hy. Peterson ot Bt. Jacobs spent part ot the week at the home ot her parents; Mr. and Mrs. , s. Wiatt.-Mias Maggie Mitchell who I has hoe visiting lriendr trt Winter- ' home tor a tew weeks is visiting at . the home of her mother, Mrs. R. l Jackson on Church st.-crte Elmira School Board' is advertising tor a Caretaker of the tichoor--Mrir. Carl Jensen visited at ber' mother's home here on Church w, last week-Miss Hilda Ehy who has been spending mural weeks at her home in. St. Thbmu has returned to this town where she will stay with her Grand anther, Mrs. G. Vest on Church st. -The members ot the Froh.Shm Club purpose holding a “mummy on Thursday evening, Nov. 28th intrt.-- Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Strnme tuwrs) unwed into their line new rgsideuce'at the South end ot, the town.--Miss Marion Bechtel in eaitisett .to her home with on “luck at rim-mall!) (ever. Her many friends wish her woody and complain meovery,--AMiss Emma Hrdrich we“ part of the ‘week with friends et Perlin.--Mr. '0“),er Zeigler mt Sinday at bis . mothII's homo in lawman". r Geo. Stemmagel is Vining her daughter, Mrs. McDonald at Humil- ’ ton tor a low dars.--The tmttty:hientds l ol Mrs. B. Win will be pleased to _ learn that she is recovering from.wa , arm and or mum-r mun-tun _ and is no' nah-do be out th mm. t-Newn Noteg.-Mr, Tttocitttrd left tor Waterloo last weak. where he!“ uncured a situation with the Water- loo mg. Cty. ot the MIL - Miss Audie Cooke ot Linwood we Bun- dsy " Crttsahilr.-tgt. Id Mn. ho. 0mm ot Bamberg Mt Siam " the home obit, Wm. Gunny-Hut- im Em. Ind the amount: to [on a valuable "gist-d mm In“ 'rae&,-46r, 1nd Mm Joan: Gaucho jaunt Sunday with Moll n Twin- Mer-u mm - that“ - att-ttttr to an, " ‘lotno ot Mt. an! In. W. 0mm. Crouhill 'hrattrr hn Jon: Jon I: Auted , y at tht r a, I, am _ V let. an”; MI. 7m. J” t. . - out w yup-H168 Sn Jan. week at M Mr. Tom] ot C the service mt) and: lhon gm . nun, Otto iiAttrtk.d a; st" st" In: "Tfttthat. iirietitt 7CV :tteiher, I». oyMt rrtiict x; "A In. Elam mung; ' _ 1 ttte In .oooto9.--Rdr. a. 'br Swat: ot Dustin occupm_~ m5 in the U. B. Chuck on 'tag"ti day o-ht-Miss Emily WI ‘1 (3.. Art spat Sunday 11% IT- My Lulmranr. Witt Kraut! a! Itltl.' when!” in the 2l."'tt P, 1_ Hit" '39:”. spent Sunday l In! home in past-Ute.--) John. - u paid . mMae- “at tty-ati"' loo on 1i'rmNt.-afr, I. 3,,..'ma.£ on general merchut..hu If! (M to Mr. J. ft. Richardson ot. ototrro. Mr. Richardson wltl uh mien ttost-Mr. mm in? W will mmonune to, mu: his mum but Art _on Momy. the enact- “was struck by a CPR. freight train.-. ltcurs. Herb and Archie wmm vie that! triends at "Walnut Grok" In}. neck. [I N06: Noea.-tq Collecuil: Bur 3W: pt St. Clam-u mod: is d? it!!! '.»Vil_itu mull“ ,riaeutMttttx li+ . mm .m- nmt ttyft, 'ittil't,'4 int-Vang In will EM, rd Wr "ietiM . iea u A ittsopearttm IMF. ed. Ida!“ tIanmtead 15a moved into whoa“ tormerty occupied by Mrs. Scull“. 1Tuesdarr-meirr Rata & Co. lost a very valuable horse last week.-- l’orkers are these days being taken hold of and, turned into sausages, oi difterrmtt k,ietdtctA, quiet wedding was solemm’zed on Tuesday at thehomo. of the bride. when Miss Emma Noel? youngest daughter of Mr, Henry Neel: was married to Mr. Ed. Koch’son oi Mr. and Mrs. Julius Koch at North trients and relatives will be present East Hope. Only the immediate Mr. and Mrs, Koch will reside in North East Hope, where they will be at home to welcome their may friends, F . Trades-and Labor Cannon the candidature at W. E. lor the City Council ot 1918 a 0000 00008 rt Iii/ii-it Galvanized. Gates over w howcve [5] " Rocoville Wellesley tr with: all Mr gm. ”may: Ana: “m oe “M” - c, meadow _ “and a mettPiiett h in dan‘MCLO g: In: anion In! I0 I. June- - "t . Taylor and T n "on!“ Jtt/llt; Sow: Jam pf . 1 Me home " IT r Guelph was F- _ tt u Sadly anal-c M We have a quantity of FROST GATES and FROST Harm“! r ariater. Every pee and new rod ot leaning will M. All hue rover, clan up what we have in stack "males: at what Mela c, Frost Galvanized Gwen. " ft. x 4 It. huh, regular $3.35, tor 1 Frost (luv-aired (has. " ft. x 4 ft. high, mull: " tor ... 2 Frost Galvanized Gate-.10 It. :1 It. high, result: “.50 toe 2 Frost Oak-nixed Guam: It I 4 It. Na, rogullr $3.50 lot ... than Galvanized Gates. " it :4 tt. huh, regular $2.50 tor _1 Frost Galvanized am. 4 n I 4 m ugh, mule $2.75 Ion... Hinges Ind Latest Minded toe each Gate. . 300 rods tto.F'roe Gamma Fence, I Ml No. I low, at no rdu. No, 925 - 6-!th Fence. I lull No. D lance. as m Wire Clip for Wttttdtgt sun. per lb .........." ..e._..o...-".. mo Wooden Fence Shays. planed begin sides. " per M. ..rrre__'__ lWeichel’s Weekly Store "93.13 Labor Council tttdoe' Ph one 215 I wEllclHlliiilL. The It 2.. , 919 STOUTEST Gate and the most DURABLE one to Buy. my. “I -itr. l U les “I In - Gallagher " ,g CLEARANCE SALE Wfitdfixs ' IE MIGHTY| ' _ ,Your neighbor saved Dollars LaitWeth V I" You Can Savd' Dollars. This' Week. . '1.- ONLY 3DAYS MORE Thursday, Ftiday and Saturday. . ’ ,. c. r, t M _.,l?,ll.tll,llf..,._,tt.,.lf,l!!!,l"i:i: ifiidiiiis" Goats, Bugs; i?i'iiikouli,', Floor ttihgoths Lace curtains NOTHING, 1,yresellohl!k0o,, Lots of Good Puking. Left. _' Marching orders Given 4 Miit'e' Lines 7 A. WESELDII. 4 rim No. a tare, " I!" rod Imam: Inca.“ perm OVERGOATS BERLIN, ONT. WHOLI Mo.' I” left that we 40"th wish to carry A. R. GOUDIE. Waterloo LOW l "iottt " " " $1 $1 will ale zoo Mt an _ " "

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