- Then we: plenty a! rule counted in the non, which wee cumin†- lieh. In not. thou we: nothiu eh!- whero which in my wu evoke ot the existence of mttttan--qseqpt e pieturo in e mail. rough, wooden tune which stood on the teble before which she net down. The picture wu of e hand- nmo womarr--naturaitr Enid ueitlend uw that before Anything glee. She would not have hear . woman if that had not “and her nitention more forcibly then ny other hut in the room. she picked it up and etudied " long and 'tart-tir, quite uncon- scious of the roe-on tor her intemt. Ind yet I certain uneely tooling might he" waned her ot what was tow-rd in he! bosom. This young woman had not yet had I time to get her bearings. she had not been able to realize all the circum- _ stances of her adventure. Bo soon as she did " she would know that into her life a man had come. and what- ever the course of that life might- be In tho future. he would never again be out ot it. It was therefore with mingled and untranslatable emotions that she stud- ied this picture. She marked with a certain resentment the bold beauty quite apparent. despite the dim tailing outlines of a photograph never very good. Bo far as she could discern. the woman was dark haired and dark eyed -tter direct antithesis! The casual viewer would have found little ot fault In the presentment, but Enid Mait- land's eyes were sharpened by what. pray? At any rate. she decided that the woman was ot a rather coarse Bber, that in things liner and higher she would be found wanting. she was such a woman, so the girl reasoned ' acutely, as might inspire a passionate alection in a strong hearted, reckless youth. but whose charms being 1arsts- ly physical, would pail in longer and more intimate association; a danger- ous rival in a charge, hut not so tor. lnidable in a steady campaign. These thoughts were the result of do: and earnest inspection, and it was with some reluctance that the girl at last put the photograph aside and looked toward the door. she was hun- gry, ravenousiy so. She began to he a little alarmed, and had just about made up her mind to rise and stum- ble out as she was. when she heard steps outside and a knock on the door. I “What is it?" she asked in response. "Mar I come in?" “Yes," was the quick answer. [ I The man opened the door, left it a,†and entered the room. “Have you been awake long?" he began abruptly. "Not very." _ "I didn't disturb you, because you needed sleep more than anything else. Mow do you feel?" “Greatly refreshed, than]: you." . "And hungry, I suppose?" "Very." *' 1. "I will soon remedy that. Your foot?" "It seems much better, but I-" The girl hesitated, blushing. "I can't not my shoe on,' ttmi--" “Shall I have another look at it?" ‘ "No, I don't believe it will be neces- nary. It I may have some at that lini. ment, or whatever it was you put on it. and more of that bandage, I think I can attend to It myself, but, you see. my stockings Ind my boot--" The man nodded; he seemed to un- derlund. He went to his cracker box etitttortler mud drew from It a long. COINS woolen stocking. “Tint Is the best that I can do tor you." he laid. ' "Us that will do very nicely," Bald the girl. "It wltl cover the bandage, and that In the main thing." - _ _ The that laid on the table by tho I!“ ot the stocking another strip of undue torn from the same sheet. AI he did no, he noticed the picture. Ho ctuxht It up quickly. a dark tiutsh spreading over hil lace. Md holding " in his hand, he turned nbruptiy away. the best preventive and cor- receive of disorders of the digeuivc organs is the gentle, Mless, vegetable, always effective family remedy "Gilt u and cook you some break- The Wand Knows BEECHAM’S PILLS 'v ""FP'"" i , "il tt,itihjhfi, 4%? 'diji, . ROH‘IDGC_ _. '.iiih',, ' P'-s" MK:2't'g - 2 iii? 2ieitt, . st);, Ile . - Etgher, ' il MIM,!?,,.',!, R's IllEltti2 \w 5;. “can Jj?ett:lil an â€new m m. a you here not val“. you'll H I bucket. of water all e bull I“ towel oulslde the door." , He went through the inner door- suddenly n he had come throth the outer one. lie weenmu of few with. and whenever Ioclll Brace ho might once hove possessed, and in more in- vorable circum tweee exhibited, we.- not 'll,1dTtllWJ. The tenderneu with which he had cures-ad her the olzht ttrtorq bad lino untitled. His bearing had been cool; union heth and iorhiddlng. end his manner In: an grim " his Appearance. The conversation had been A brief one. and her opportunity tor inspection of him consequently limited. Yet she hld taken him in. He won n tall, Ipleudid man. No longer young, perhaps, but in the prime of lite Ind vigor. His Cour _ plexion we. dark and burned hrowner by long exposure to sun and wind, win. ter and summer. In spite ot the brown, there WIS a certain color, B hue of health in his cheekl. Hit: oyee were hazel, sometimes brown, sometimes gray. and sometimes blue, Ihe uter- ward learned. A ihort thick clouely cut beard and mustache covered the lower part ot his lace disguleed but not. hiding the monument of hie jaw and the tirmnems.ot hie lime, the tare, too fork was of tthere was a of tine linen the table wt "I am sor Mtnout' noticing details, the man felt the general etteet as she limped back into the room toward the table. Her breakfast was ready for her. It was a coarse fare, bacon, a baked po- tato, hard tack cr.sped before the tire. coders, black and strong, with sugar. but no cream. The dishes matched the tare, too, yet she noticed that the fork was of silver, and by her plate there was a napkin, rough dried, bat of tine linen. The man had Just set the table when she appeared. " " am sorry l have no cream." he said, and than, beiore she could make comment or reply, he turned and walked out of the room, his purpose evidently being not to embarrass her by his presence while she ate. Enid Mankind hed grown to relish the camp fare, bringing to itthe onio- tlte of good health and exertion. She had never _eaten anything that tested so good to her 35'“th rude meal that morning, yet she would ‘hsve enjoyed the brimming, smoking coffee pot on it better, she thought. if he bad only shared it with her, if she'had not been compelled to eat it alone. She has. tened her meal on that account, deter- mined ss soon as she had ttttiMusd her breakfast to seek the man and have some definite understanding with him. And, liter All, she reflected that she was better alone than in hls presence, for there would come steel- ing into her thoughts the distressing episode ot the mornlng before, try as she would to put it out of her mind. Well, she was a fairly sensible girl; the matter was passed, it could not be helped now, she would forget it In much as was possible. She would recur to it with mortiiteation later on. but the present wad so full of grave problems that there Wu not any room tor the past. A Tour of Inspectlon‘. The tirithing necessary. she de cided, when she had tratiistted her hum Ber and tinlBhed her meal, was to get word of her plight and her resting place to her uncle and the men of the party, and the next thing was to [at away, where she would never see this man again, and perhsps be sble to t9r. get what had transpired-ret there was s strange pans of pain in her heart st that thought! was a strange pang of pain in her WettrsetrmdNring fromanrfomtoffo. heart at that thought! male in: no invited to communion“ No man on earth bad ever io stim- prornptlrwiththewoennn'ypyiveyrtt- uiated her curiosity as this one. Who spandex. (lament of the Lydi- E. was he? Why Wu he there? Who PinkttamMedieinet Ca., Lynn, Man. was the woman whose picture he had Yum letter will bo opened, rend Ind so quickly taken from her gaze? Why "ts-ttrr l'Olnlll Ind heldin ltd“ bad so splendid a man hurled himself 0mm Am.“ "nfreetr talker! alone in that wildcrneu? These re her prints mnmw-wom-nnhuhu f1cctlonB were presently interrupted by been "tabliahed I eortttdehtUt corro- the reappearance of the man ttim. lpondcneo whieh ttatt “M - sen. runny yum and which bu new been C "Huh I?.?. r"inisrher'" he asked. un- ttrt ingw:.l:f;f, tttttht l urcmouiom-y mending in the door. “an M I ntotthowrft" Mm â€my " he spoke. bu thoCtmsrmnr Ui7iiiiia'iiriiaGi'. “Yes. tharic you, and it was very . " tintutt-tirgitoutoftheirr-ex, l‘m’d indeed. " the hundreds of wannabe: than in l â€WW up'. WWW “in a ttmeiB-rtt1ntuat. way all he spoke. "Yes. thank you, Ind it wal very good indeed." Dlsmlulns thin pollteneu with I WIN ot hls hand. but an“ no other notlce, he spok- lulu. "If you will tell me your name-J’ "Maltland. Enld manna." _ "Min Mlltland?" The girl nodded. "And where you came trom, t will endeavor to and your pm: Ind not what on In done to tutor. you to them." . "W. were clumped down tint email " . place when “other brook. a large one, thaw. into it, seven] miles. l Ihouid think. bolow (in Dim wh-" tb an. um going to "' "when you found me." but lb. "tough! of the way in which he had [and her rushed out her nun; 3nd thin than. with {hi- sitneo directly upon tter,stttottgh it I“ n cold and alum-loam and {lumen-t u l mn'l took could wall It “Lamination ot the -ttng CHAPTER X". by a; person alt lb - â€4 um cad haunt]! tho - u! (realm-I “a splay“: of tho m In. to who Ind can). In big an AI 2teh'ia,f/ In couyllon, "KW courting 1ttr' It: can b,, " let out hf In» ad 'uth'ltil'tl,'lt . “I new I.» â€can ml." be we “I think I how the rtttee to ,ihiet you run. II tt Just above when the nut nukes tn enormou- bend “not , not!!!" 'tArs'?,'?!, “in m D mil I out " will II “can†in. " a! color which but.“ be! My u It coveted her m will.» _ . M. MY“ “Yes. "In! is it. In that elonrlnl ya in. been camped tor two week. My uncle must ho crazy with all“) to know what has becomo ot no. taid-.-" The run lnherpoud, "I will so than dtreeur," ho Bald. "It " now half after ten. That place In About seven mlles or more mm but new" the range. fitteert or twon‘ ty by In. river. I shall be luck by nlxhuul. Tho cabln In your ovum." "Watt." use the woman. agraid to stay here." She had been feel-1e“ enough before in those mountain, but her recent er valence had somehow unsettled her nerves. He turned “my without â€other word. he we llllllltti _ TILSIBK worm "Couldn't I 1 "On that for. Enid pressed the ground. I when resting, 1 not "watt: u st Butrering. "I might carry you part of the wny." said the man, “I carried you list night, but it would be impossible, all ot it." br Chron ele-TelegraphpWItodno, anir'rtGgi'y',) iioutsi.. did; titts Pain ' undo“ I [E body v â€You "You ly did awer. Heavy fighting is raging at '1 ja, and the most intense 'l" prevails in Constantinople. L Out of the mt'volumo of cut-potions ' which they ham to draw from, in! more l chm possible that they pose- tho vary knowledge needed hymn- cue. Noah lug in Inked in rotttrrt tlt. your good will, and their u, do. In. lped thou- 1de. San-21y on, _. - ' a “mm-n. richorpoor, ab 4 (ttld be glad to l" _ tak. .tbrnettag. of y this generou- odd! of albums. Ad- dreu Lydia E. Ptnh- “(if bun Medtehse 00., , & _ K , (munch!) Lynn. D, tal , A Thomas Have Been Helped By Common Sena Suggestions. Every mu: ought to In" Lydia M. “mm 'ttNr- To" Book. " I- not a book foe tenor-l distribution. a It It too upon-In. " II no. and only out-{mic M In“. .erto In um. ket saw what the cloudhurst near- tor you," was the quick an- "it they did not get out of that There ity nothing left ot them tl sa me that you will be luck 'all, with Uncle Bob and--" T 1 be back by nightfall, but I make. tLat I 'will bring any- mu. cabin l . tt It. a. ton alt I). d her wounded toot upon It was not so painful but who tmind she could (on on it without great reullu that - with you " . “MIN than- A had smashup occurred carlv this 9 T. ' .. - w Td ' morning in the G. T, R. yards at' t l d , ‘ Galt, two (night cars bring demol- ft' A t) ished A 'iotmle-header freight pulled l t? f/ into Galt at about 5 o'clock, and the) , a B' train was rut in main and the back Ae ‘ s..' _ C". half leit non: the Goldie mill, while ' Y'f?r' , htitltl smnr of 1hr rats at the fir." halt _ , f I _ * were smitrlwl. Just as the engines, I "--""i p, aiBt Wow hacking uprthe rtrst halt on ml ir,-; -3 t †a switch the second half came crush, Mti orrgh " ing down the grade and smashed into ' “I m the rtrrt half, A car ot lumber was) 'r',",t'C.'ei"d,'r'J'l,", I M . m for smashed and rolled down the embank-l Imam um ot a...» an. I I...†ment, whip a par ot flrsihituttt 'ic','; "GtL"lCtC m ptr I ff“ - - a tannm'V was rut in two How the L'gWaJcui'c",','/j,', “I. .m " link“ loosened on the second hall Is Tho 'o'"""'),,',',,".'.'.',") but! up 1 was. on I no. “but tttArte Tchatal “Imrnssmu‘IMMHGMUWT Fi [unrmmnutvs"'â€"%§F§ngg,â€m W these Hanna Dr. . Untll I Ilsa! “mum" WWII: 6min! [Hm cm DOCTORS PASS EXAMINATIONS District Officers of Health Leave for Provincial Dis. tricts in a few Days Ptutiully "it bad] in Toto-l. know. holes-n: 1- P. Davis. “a an. in dill a! t city In. Luau tn- Pld. M in m an of Dead-asde . .. . at. can... {cavity W), a?“ s.,ttd ','l.i'eti'fli'i,fi?t,'?t,iFlt, I'M . . an a in: 1'tth',r. 'full', tittirU. T 'N""""" .1. hum m. Omn- ogth. It?" “I Waqt to that “Fruit-yum" in my only 'i?ii.1qiiii,i'2', hoe- ttrr the at tiée yea: I mm: t had a tmnhhd with than“. ad 'S,2tr, blunt. and had ute- may mined a with“ utiliutoty not"; Noticing the dmisemenu cl "Pruit- t-tiven ' I adopted Nah treatment .itagettser, Ind uneven known. I an: Bow-id hare been Dine: “king "Pruit- wtieea"-ersytrUg the teuy1ietty. Hon. w. . J. Hanna, provlm cretary, announces that the district omccrs ot health who been taking a special'course onto University Since last their days It Rheumatic: or Rhine: Trouble in making you nimble, ta I "Fruiti- tivee" ip' tttttren., A . . . _ ol the provincia says that tor some the otfeers of heal educational in its nature. All t liccrs are medical gradpates, wh, been practising for some time. salary paid to than is 825m a errch and trawling (-xpensts, T lice-rs and their headquarters ‘ar follows: Drru. ".Aentiey, le 7501: n box: 6 lot $2.50. trill Ii: At all dedu- or sent on receipt c by Fruit-tuna Idmited. Ottawa. art Dr I). have The c Peter's I hrornises OBJECT n BMilllhl, 1RhlEliihllff e ral imp, would II'miflm0hMTllfifls Baby's their I thank ills of baby! have Revive: giving praise Midland. 0n highly t guns the with em SMASH brakes loo' not "how- in I tth?N iential I†left ‘rge pire trad evidence ,Il-kI pa My witch would mptat'r d deal trorr bad ling Moloney, Kingston; ll George, North Bay Wodehouse. Fort Will concert to be given s Lutheran ChLTeh th AS to he an Went at Local as welt, as ot ill take part. ns to The World . W. S. Meth eh 'ttiversity Si seed ttrir e and that ti litrererd di I expect mi ndigestior habyhood cvived thr alt Own the o slipat The l‘lint in provincial we showing manufacturer}: m the subject. They are by unanimous, and several tw ritnessvs have declared tht Id simply mean an addition- thr out. Bartt Baby's 0 l m Me Tt ched. Just I ing utrjthe D the second h the grade In halt. A car on k put all c, at NK a! At tit health will be mainly its nature. All the at, al gradpates, who have ablct " - Qt. w. 13.-Thc Dorpinions' near I sion, having heard sev- puzzle: iavorable to a British ous an McCullough "all huh, Hamilton; m1, tttsir),' ' Kingston; Dr. W North l!ay,.an< so. Fort William. tr hlt till others l and the I sltl el ‘usantl Mrs. int . .trhl lit! a . 'dh',7eu'rr'= Own Tablets. baby when he and they heipe keep them in use no other ti Wi l trims My r ALT ‘reigm their 'curre ni nut ions y will lea will ail am being demol- er tretght pulled ' o'clock. and tbe win And the back idle mill, while the first halt " the engines Brst hill on tn hall came crush- Ind mashed into 'Iling have P. DAVIS R th pr sun; Iron , said Mr secret ot hes _ work us done ncial 1 ondon, on ; I): l ; Dr ' Dr rred the addition- to place ods; it moods in in uch in ride tal a year The of - m M ‘d "Dr. Miles' Nervine NS Completely Cured althl gm Little Boy of h its." h, Ji ablt Th MT Dr St tr, HE led her the 'di di It NW Puma: and com a an! m “that ot the in! who II plaguing spins). a yrr.eu"tYte1ttii?tiif “may 122c't.iii' , a','fad o his tii,,Stle, mama the judgmentl ot t Conn Juana. Ho We tb l- v‘uctions hem: made in. and improvemeu Ll A family can suffer no greater "iction than to have a child sub. tect to fits or epilepsy. Many a father or mother would give their all to restore such a child to health. " am heavily glad to tell you of our little boy who was completely cured of Eta. He commenced luv- lng them " " years ot age end had _ them not four yem. I tried three doctors and one speitslist but Ill of them said he could not be cured, but Dr. Miles' Restorative Nenrine and Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills and: . comptcle cure. He is now hole. hearty end guy. It his been ,threiveen since he had the Inst spell. 1 sh 1 tr, Dr. Miles' medicines raise w - I F0. You on " iberty to use this etter us you see fit and anyone writing to me I will gladly pagwer if they enclose sump DISEASE tacked a m the vicinitv noticed tha herd were once separ: and confimn $3 mptoms ferent. Om appeared I: become stil ed until it although it other anim: it would 51 shot, then was ca:led. nose the Ci died the In :sent to the is just what it i's represented to be, a medicine compounded especially far nervous diseases, such ‘as fits, spasms, St. Vitus' dance, convul- sions and epilep y. These diseases frequently lead 10 insanity or cause weak minds. Dr. Miles' Nervine has proven most effective in reliev- ing these dreaded maladies. Sold by all crunch“. If the f1rqt bottle hunt) “New. your money " returned. MILES salmon. co.. T-to, em w treatment Dr. Man m. Mcke: d the cm Wm KIND“ CM " .0.qu Man In [mm - In in†Mar (and. DYE. to. m hw-W‘Iv! 1". â€MN "HELL ROGUE, Windfall. but Dr. Miles' Nervine U0" , Mil -tsion, soullrol St. Thomas, are , bv an outbreak of a mysteri- Id fatal disease which has at- a number of head at cattle in rinity. Last week John Whaley d that two milch cows, in his were acting strangely, and he at separated ghem from the herd ynrmed them to the stable. The mns in the two cases were dit-l . One at the .cows at first red lame. Its limbs seemed to re still and its lameness inereas- til it couldn’t. get on its feet, gh it still ate and drank. The animal did not appear lame, but uld suddenly drop down as it " i?fiesst?a- CLIAN’IST. SHEET. ." DIET NONI AMONG but was unable to diag- TSP, and when the animals rad oi one of them was tDepartment at Toronto. mini authorities have diag- cases as undoubtedly rev h the strange pai'cabnit in Yner of the cattle says no con observed in the neigh- ml it is impossible to ac- he infection ot the stock. intt, Lorne Whaley ' and ale. three men who hand- as below they died, have ironto to take the Pasteur an tit. ($3.11!! Mt, uh it who, b ', MR, tor Lincoln ot the Martin“ MI ' wins} an mom mom-av " 'kr.tit N OT ts At the annual vain; of the direc- , tors of wanna County Hospital at- rangemeMs sicrp started to erect a lil tuberculosis' hospital, either adjoining the county hospital ur upon a separ- (:h'f'l1,lli'i/1l' sito, l I--------------------- Tet on its feet, and drank. The appear lame, but up down as it d D (Mile veterinary 1rmer it“: i [ml-w: _lr,t',"iL'i'raaA%k :1NEVER HAD ns EQUAL Carter’s lg? Little Liver Pills) J l GOOD YEAR _, IN Sfllh'm)lllt Encouraging Reports Present- _ ed at Annual Meeting of Board of Trade I) Valhalla-fund ~“‘* Ftratlurd Trade in an ENNIS Tumm end: " le Mr. Thos. lol Rochester, NA' was muff-wing fr'um u sprained knee, and could get nothing to help me until my Lima gave me a bottle of Egyptinn I.iniureut, Which relieved me in a few minutes. I have never had anything to equal it in my life; I am sure if your linimeul was introduced to the pee le oi Rochester it would all like got {ma-“13mg;an "ma att,' Ei'i'it'h1.l'iii2yr'a'a m2†com 1392- 450- tn 0. tlfli!ltttieytr,t:t,telt!t dt Rochester. M. tl Anmouhdln and»? j,iiertr& - __ V "V"! WEIâ€! A)")"; "I Atl W “a tr "WI bteiitite Jtiiiititittt. tt M: wa .00!de OUR! SICK HEADACHL 5-me but ck work Health um“. I apit tr d Hes Omaha 'o.. StraMcrd Desks, Ltd., lhth Harness Works. a] invested in local {attor- oned as $3,597,913. with output of 85,807,148. A M M. " Found Something Good in canada. rd Joh us aal 595 Johnston. whose home is in .Y., 4t Tremont Strut, is aver one Canadian product tp $1 at W" im’ M. m maul. an annual. ( m mum-m _ '" mum 1 1m mum! ‘m nun mu. m moo-mum hr IS. HOSPITAY fetFiiUEfn- Fm; __ "in one of the slrong points Pius Liniment. it goes the ‘p a ‘ntonce. Ttprevents fumtnation, and is I Id against blood- elieves all kinds of 'id Millbrook, Ont., I tote sis Id 7Tb P " d pp ter _nd an army nit emrlo.ss. "tent ot $9.- Board o n ight elect President tall 1d oi 32.!†m road- t'opus the )talled resi- heart J. A, Salim. B.A., L.bact) UK}; A. Weir. later In My. , I, Sancho“, Etc. m ' A cut Upstairs in an A Baum». 30mm. sumo); Convention. etc. In.†to 10* Me, Lam‘s Bled, Inâ€. A .- _ B l Strasser's Block, 1 Phone. 143 King St., WaterioA' Honor Graduate ot Toronto Univer- sity,' Late at the Rideau St. Geneva Hospital, Ottawa, Member ot a. College of Physicians and Surgeon ot.Otttario. Note: Night can: - ered trom the ottice. Barristers, Sonata". No“ Convoyuccn. is Private PM to ' " . OiNe: Humane Block. . Cor. King and Foundry BU., Bertie E. P. CLEMENT, WC. " Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, nun Conveylnccr. ete. Money to. Ion. 0mm. Upstairs Cor. King all - Sta., Waterloo. Mr Alex. Millar, K.C. Harvey J. Sill! D.C.L. Barristers, notation, etc. ot- Me, Upstairs Economical Block, Kn. St. West, Berlin. "" Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, CC- veyancer. etc. owe 301 We": Chambers, King St. West, Berlin. (Successor to Conrad Bitm.) Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Put“ etc. Money to loan. German woken. Milee--Pequegnat's Block. next to Market, F"rederiek St.. Berlin. _ Telephone 581 CLAYTON W. WELLS, nusw 110.3,, Dentist, '"t.e.rlotr('., Hours 9 to 5. Fridays 9 to " To}. igt After April lst will visit Elmira the second and fourth Friday in each month, 1 to 0 pan. Graduat'e Chicago College of Dee tal Surgery and Royal College ot Dental Surgeons of Toronto. Dental (Mice in Fischer's Block, Waterloo.' Dentistry practices in all its branch- J. H. Engel, graduate of the Out- ano Veterinary College. Oitiee and residence, Queen St. hone 2933 All calls by day or night answered. om Dentist. L.D,S., Royal Common“ tal Surgeons, D.D.S. Toronto Univer- sity. All branches ot dentistry prac- tised, Entrance to oMce same In Concordia Hall, over Lang Bros. store. Licentiate ot the Royal College ot Dental Surgeons. Honor Graduate University of Toronto. Otrtce, tlrtrt floor, Weber Chambers, King St. W. Berlin. Telephone 202. Learn Dressmaking A "IMHO Pmth "gm-Ionian" " r-. pets If. cuddling]! wwtrlul II Tgl."E tbe qettetoive pow“ m In: lam-l "It... rho 'tit than 'd,'ii'li'ittJll1'N.1'k'ol'hT '0 In tttd a Dr. a, Van‘s Female Pitts EiiiSiiilii . , G tS. tPd Qifteitft" DR. w. J, SCHMIDT DENTIST once-A3 King St. F.. over ion Bank Entrance. 2nd Dom pt Pout Dulce. Maine 46t. .. - - FAPERIENC St Re teach a lull course in cutting, Ming. ete., in two "on. For lull k. Bull]! Dentist Spec CLEME " S. liCKl-IL, L.D.S., D.D.S {million call " mt. WILLIAM GEN} ER, Issue' ot Marriage e:-- Put (mice. St Hub-{oiw-I-uumti DR, LEDl-ZRMAN ' DR. J. K. HETY ?ecialty- Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat. I St. East. 1 1A!“ “our: C ELLEN & It!!! WM. READE, K.C MiLLAR & lOll TIE MISSES ELLISON Ill Church St. Bet A. B. MCBRIDE CARDS rs: " mm. to 5 German spoken "ttak NT a CLBIENT BITZER Waterloo h. HlLLIARD Oddfellow's Block, ED VETERINARY “GI-ION. E, w. CLEMENT. HUGHES HhtOHT WIDEMAN SIMS E. over Domin- 2nd Door West D.D.S locum. Jacobs, Ont. Berlin Heriin Berlin