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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 21 Nov 1912, p. 6

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"A 't1niillllllilliillill0thn NINE DA‘ ' A. WESELOH uO=0=0=0=0=0=0=0=0=0=0=0=0a This sale cake: at an Wane time. 'grhe',"t'it distant! ofour lease on. moved the balance of our Fire och of Clothing. Men’s and: in: and Muzzy Goon A - _ -- . a " m-.- A... A-» Wiutnr Suits; Underwear. Pant: V311 500 Bras Motel-190 81 limo Goods for 8tht This lot includes 50c, 75c and 81.00 Dress Goods, in I large variety ot weaves and colon, all at on Sale Price .."..r.P. F........ M..F..e.. ............8.° This lot includes 50c. 75c amrtt.00 lion. in the waves at: Alumnus, Sages, Whip Cords, Satan Cloths, em, regular 50c, 75c and $1.00, Sale Prim .t..er... ...q..t- ...rrmrrm ...,........Sttq 1.25 0m: Goods for. 590 1.50 Dress Goods for Ttht air-1:; iiiiGit {waives Gd colors. reg. 75c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50, Sale Dress Goods in cm broadcloth. worstods. e tl.M, $1.35, $1.50, tl 15o Velvet for 500 Sale Price 3 pieces ot gt inch fancy black and grey striped velvets, smart tor suits or dresses. regular Tse, Sale Price m......-. ....._... .__mmeFrm ,.tte..t. ...._r......tM" Laces at go a yard Guipure, Baby Irish and many other lines to be cleared out at the small price per yard _.....--..' ........,5o Trimmings at 5c-10o a yard All kinds ot '(ancy braids and trim- mings, sold regularly at trom 15c to 40c a yard, Sale Price In: yard 5e and ......_F ..q......r.. .....er.. ....W,...100 Extra large savings In the Staple Department on". for Immediate action " most of those lines cannot hut more than a few days. Dress Goods; including pneugally result; $1.00 180 Print for 140 a yard Good old German Print, 25 pieces bought specially. For wuhing and wearing it has no equal. Sold .reg- ulariy at 18c yard, Sale Price per 12% Print for 80 a yard 140 Shlrtlnz 110 yard Short ends ot lg to " yards each, English and COMM“ Print, sold regularly ior luc, Includlng a few 10c lines. Sale Price per yd......... Io diWrettt patterns. 10 to " yud ends. including I raw 10e linen, tobe cleared out n. Sale Price, yd...... Co 4 patterns Oxford shitting. wears well, regular 14e a yard, cannot. Int long, it Sula Price .trrFtr.. ..1..,...., " "yio Wrappontto tht yard These Dress Goods. Silk and Trimming Bargains are money savers and should appeal very strongly to the buying public ot Berlin and Vici- nitv. Come on the tsrtst, second and every day at the Sale; you will un- derstand then why it pays to buy It Weseloh's. so plum Flunolotto Hundred! ot yards light III! f',t Flanneletu. an in and: of ' n 10 yuan etch. regutsr IN yum, “a “(I m '....e.m..F. "r""' t». .1")... TEA TUWELLING, Vzipwi"? floss Goods and Silk Bargains 'iovrrLrs'iiriiiew Woe W " ome and You’ll Be Glad i OE ens T hursday morning, November' tweeds, amazon: s. cm. reg. ti.00 ti.75, and $100 TSet Of Seasonable Nierchandisiii) Him for use 1 piece only " inch SWIM Foulard Silk. in mauve 'with white block design, regular $1.50, Sale 860 8iitt " 390 4 pieces only ot 27 inch Foulaxd Silk, in black, grey and green. with White spot. reg. 85c, Sale Prieo 3.0 81 Silk for tttht 500 Silk for 390 1 piece oary ot 32 inch Diagonal Coating Serge, in champagna shade. rennin $1.00. Sale Price ...... ...... 4 News ot " inch raw silk. in natural shades, good washing and splendid wearing silk. regular 50c, Sale Price ...e..t.r... ....m.F._ ..........ah 81 Sllk for 39tt A limited quantity ot this genuine showerprool silk, 27 inch wide, in all the leading shades. This is an ex- ceptionally good buy, and should not be overlooked, regular $1.00, Sale Price .rv...... ..tF.m.r. .._... ,. ...t..... .300 goo Silk for 290 8 pieces oi Tussah Brocade silk, in shades of black, grey, pink, sky, Cop- enhagen. navy and cream, very suit- able tor evening or house dresser, reg. 50c. Sale Price ..r..'.'. ...............20o 1.00 Silk for 890 Closes Saturday, November 30th, 1912 36 " 81 31 Two cloths-4.25 Pure line; aim. " ' each, Sale Second. In Table cloths Table Napkin Specials Jim cotton m vat} “a Shootlng for 320 We have a lull range of bleached 3nd unbluched Sta-tins. Tit't which we can save you in to be per yard during the sale. . 1 piece only ot black pailctle silk, ' inch wide, very highly recommend- I tor its wearing quality, regular L00, Sale Price .___...8. ..r._m...r.. 0.0 I U Janna. " Inch wide, "s '.r . Price yard .........lOo 12% itieanttett Cotton 110 " up Tunis" TOWELS each IOo Regular “and" Reg. " Reg. " at l, WESE‘LOH & 00. Napkins. 13113 tor..., 70c " Napkins, 22x22 tor 8.1. $3.25, 72x90 in tor ... $1.89 S2, 66x82 inch, lor..l.3. I Table Cloths, in two " and 81x81, wont: $7 Price .qw.rrr.t .‘........4.2I ot M inch Diagonal CUT OUT THIS'ADVT., mark the articlelg'ou need and compare prices and see that we do as we a vertise. Rug-Linden!“ and Erwin BErgains at". Bug "itMtq ' only Seamus Axminlter Bugs, in turkey colon, (awn, modslliou. and No tom, size 314 yards, reg. price 321, special Silo Priee " 2 only Brussels Rugs, size " xi yds., in self blue. and an pattfrys regular 328. special Bale Price t I.Bo 4 only Brussels Rugs. sizes 3 x 1 yds., in sell green and tan patterns, regular $18.30, swig] Sale Price yds., in fit) Sole Price 9 only Tapestry Squares, sizes 3x! yards, in greens and lawns, rogqu $10.50, Special Sale Price .......15 1 only Tapestry Square, B yds.. reg. $10.00. Sale Price & only Tapestry Squares Regular $13.00, Sale ..m..... 3 pieces Hrusnls tor. stairs, 27 inch and tt.M, Bale Pr 6 pieces Hemp ed patterns, " yard 50 to .merri Clearing lines while they last, 4 yd widgLinoleuma to clear. We lines, sale 40c sq. yard. 55c lines ale sq. yard ..-.r..r_... ...c..... .....;......480 Bmg’ains in the Ready to Wear Department, now in the new addition on the GROUND FLOOR. Come and See. " Ladies' and Missed Coats, in black and colors, regular " to $8, which must be cleared. Bale Price --__ --A....8. .......'.. “mu"...l ' 35 Ladies' Dres- Skirts,, reg. $4.50. $5.00 and 3.150, in Muck and colors, Serges, Pmnmns. Venetian and Tweeds, special Sale Price...... 3.80 8 only Ladies' D and blue tween. ween] Style Price V IO only oiies' Itinek Melton Skirts while they last Sale Price‘....l.4. 2 down denim“. 2 dozen Ladies' Home Dunes. in unsorted colors. reg $1.25, Rule .00 , dog [Adler Overall Aptonl. dark prints. bought spool-“y tn quantity tot, Sub Price ..tF't... ..............,.I90 A Inge mummy Stupid Wants. realist {tom $1.00 to 32.50. Sale Price " ya can. chew“ l on. only Fipeatry Squares, sin: 3 x4 'F in floral patterns, ”311131-311. WESELOH’ Ladies' Ind Niugl' 9eu Brussels Carpet, suitable 27 inch wide, regular 81 Sale Price Ttre and......o Ladies' Black Moreen l'n- result: $1.15, Sale.l.4. Stair to 23 “I , Drew Skirts, in grey eds. regular $3.50, Me tr....'...'. Fn-FF. 2.4. " Carpet, assort- 22 inch wide, Wr .....r.. ._......... Ida Floor Oil Cloth, yd o........:... 2'0 " tttMt STREET. "" IIILII sin sdf size 3x31 7.78 9.73 $4.50 -iu cums: 8mm: cumulus Em ammo " curtain for 2.25 Sample and odu Curtain. left over and in good condition, reguhr $3.00 Tor 3.50 Curtains for 1.50 20 pairs Nottingham Curtains, in ecru and whim 6 dititreat patterns, regular 32,00, $2.50, $3.00 and $8.00, Sale Price m........ _..........,..........) 2 Pair " Price ......... 2 Pair $5.00 Fish Net Curtains, white, " yds long, Sale Pricea.” 3 pair $4 white, 3 yd 12 Pair $3.75 Swiss Net Curtains. white, 3 yds, Sale .re...... ........n." 0 pieces Madras Muslin, in cream and colors. 40 to 50 inch wide, reg- utar 30e, We and Mc, Sale Price to clear We and ............ .m-t.r......... 2.0 13 Pairs tt.50 green and red Cur- tains, 3 yds long, sale ........f.r. 1.00 Reg, Reg, Reg Reg Children's Sweaters, in cardinal, navy ‘and white, buttoned Isms should“, regular 50c. Sale Price each ---.-.--_ .....mwwF ..t.F.m.. .....,u.....Met Ladies' and Children's Sweater Coats, high collar, buttoned down side, in navy, white and brown, regular “.00 tor .tt.r...r... .......... 1.0 new!" $1.85 for ......... .........I.I. Regular $135 tor ..,....r. .........I.7. Seconds in Ladies' Under- wear, Vests and Drawers 25c lines, during Sale ...,......... 1.0 40c lines. during Sale .............I.o We lines, during Sele .............,..o 75c lines, during sale mrrt.r..rwFF 3.0 tt.00 lines, during sale ........100 Ladimr' and ports, regular Short Kid (”Wu h: black lot! “In. Mn. 6, til, It}, Bi. 7, " and Th, marked " [peeinl Ssh Prion pr 6.. " to $2.50 Curtains mW' 1.30 $1.75 to " Curtains _.. I.” 31.25 to $1.50 Curtains......0° $1.00 Curtains _........ .....Ttbet $4.50 Swiss Net Curtains, yds long, Sale Prioe...3.25 5.00 Madras Curtains, Bfl? Children's Hose Me, WI Sale 2.25 I .80 t .35 Sup- Price [ I Go CLOTHING 57 Men's and young men's dressy Overcoats. trom our Lismwel stock. sin: 35 to M, these we will sell at less than 1-3 ot regular prices. Men's Reg. 318 .0vercoats ... t 1.43 Men's Reg 8l5 Overcoat: .....v Men's Reg $12 Overcoau ..,,...T." Men‘s Reg no Overbodu ....V Boys? Overcoats at Special Prices All worth 1-3 more than we ask. $2.45, $2.95. $3.45, $3.M, $4.45. $4.95, $5.45 and $5.95. according to sizes and quality. Mothers who have been waiting to buy their tros. an Overcoat have a great chance to save money now. Men’s Odd Pants Underwear ' Tremendous BARGAINS All men's and boys' Underwear It Spoclnl Prices. Sweaters All boys'. men's and young men'- Smkn and Coat Sweat"; 'at. spe- cial prim. Hats and Caps All men's and troytr' Hat: and Cup. It tremendous nine days' ”will prices. Come and see than. SHIRTS, COLL-ARR TIES AND BRACEI " my “new mica- dur- iag.thia grrtttt 9 dayl' sale. 50 pair Men's Pants special attFtht 39 pair Man's Pants special at, t .06 " pr. Men's Pants special at 2.6. 1 Stay Away and Youll be Sorry OVERALLS. SHOCKS, IIS' COATS AND ODD COATS, IMA) - ES. HITS KND ODD VEST“ qriit Bil In loll at clone prions. , OVERGOATS " [his St. E., BERLIN 21st, 1912 BARGAINS isnsatlonal Bargalns In Salts Prom our uatowel Shock. - Men's and young man's Fwy Wor. ated Suits, in brawl. olive and my shades. thoroughly made and well trimmed. in ' or 4 button sack suit, reg. $18 value, tttt l Atl Men's stylish Suits trom our Lis- towel stock. in several neat patterns in brown, grey stripe uni check. tingle breasted sack colts. with med- ium long iapels, choice trimming. all regular $15 to $16.50 Suits 9 45 while they 'last' tor Youth's Long Pant Sults Men's all wo'ol Tweed Winter Suits, all shes. 85 to M, ranging in price from $7.50 to $9.50, use yoga: choicg At l regular prices, trom our Lis- towel stock. Ot these we My idsst " suits to choose from. ranging in sizes trom d3 to M, um: rung-mg in prices from $7.00 to ..............$12 H suit {HI It you choose con you ......... Boys’ 2 and 8 place suits quota 15 Boys' t piece Sum. mule; ol good strong tweed, result: ”.50 to 53. sires 32 to M, choice .'s.t. 0:9 .1 as, choicplot ....._... Sin. " to " tor Bon' Bloomer Suits. ulna " was "cl at ....t.... ...F.. extra spec: $2.95 Boyc' odd Knicker Pants, meta u "e, 690 1nd .....e._.r.. --99c Bora' ield Bloomer mu. uptick! It "e, lot: Ind .,....... .$1. 19 All worth double the prices we 25 Boys’ 2 piece wits, nine: at, Boss' odd Coats, special an.“ you can be you grt it $9.45 $4.45 suited with I -t7.tn tor --t3.50 a $10.00 Suit it yin A. R. GOODII 411.45 $4.45 $2.45 9:45 95c tr" to J

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