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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 21 Nov 1912, p. 4

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M h pee tt but; a. Nu 'mumm- think-us / mugs-bun Such. [an on cl tttitr, Fungu‘ Club in “who .- Jung at a. would neth- u'H nrtgeb'tbkvmaartorta enm- N bythe, bar-1141' Chm in In estntrttr. In mm club: a. Mo- an . put, and they, ts a tub. am! " tit pxognms tur the salon. g ttttgot.. at axiom kinds ware M' ugh-hm trtmsiseratdthettitt" I. 'ttu'loo, such an at: leisure o". at emu. " welt an was: at 'p-nl inmost. An arches“; _ had .- ornnind in on. of the club]. A, dMagatton had united upon the Car. - Liheary Board and secured It alc- gift. In these and other ways), ,ttts was?!" had been given an he umt in things soon! 3nd itstrmstst- ,u.l without having'tbem so BWBY from the tum. Mr. Walnut. Bruce County.- am he would to turther than Mun-3mm In pulling m Germ people in Waterloo County. ' "I would say that they are not! . - 0an anon; the best people in “W The Bredau mantra. ovum] hy erloo counts-l would say they are Mr. Fred Some: and atrial on by the but people on God's green earth. him tor upwards ol twenty yuan, In: "ther an“ watty, Ptrneteslmmimes may and it I; Whoa 'Nr- "l'hy hue minds Waterloo the)eiiltU- Bum capfthlisu are the wanna. "eat ocvrtty in Ontario, l Yeh'eee,i't'ipusstrwilt be canned and it: .without tsreption We hear a' lot'capaclty' hm be increased from M,- .about mu English and the Irish and 000 to 40,000 bricks per day. the Sow-h. bu't I believe chum wutl l r". .----ua----.-- ' . r1113: come wtr'tt (in “meat to the Dutch." Mr. George Wagenast. Managing Dt- rector of the Mutual Life Assurance Woman at Canada is the new Pres- ident ot the Canadian Lite Insurance otricertt association having been elec- ted at the annual gathering at the organitation held on Friday at rur- onto in the board room at the North American Life Assurance Company. ‘HBViIIg been the First Vice-Provident, 'the elevation of Mr. Wegenast was anost titting. ' . MR. GEO. WEGENAST B NEW PRESIDENT PROMOTIONS AT MOISONS BANK Mr. W. S. .Naytor who has been the etrtcient and capable aboduntant at the 'Molsons Bank, Waterloo for several years 'has been appointed as- sistant manager' and Mr. Oliver Geig- er, who has acceptably til1ed the posi- tion of teller has been appointed ' to the position oi accountant. The Rev. lrl. ll, liirks Almanac tor 1913 " now ready. " ls the most splendid number of this popular Year Book ever printed. Its value has been more than ever proven by remarkable tulrMments of its storm, weather and earthquake forecasts this year. Pro- leuor Hicks justly merlts the eonfi- dence and support of all the people. Don't tall to send Me. for this 1913 A'lnnnnc' or only one dollar for hll splendid Magazine and almanac one year. The best one dollar investment. poulble in any home or business. Send to Word and Works Publishing Company. 3401 Franklin Ave., St. Comanny, Louis, Mo _ii,t.1r.cliiiApr,dLL,,f2LJB,,.ii The Rev. ld R. Hicks 1913 Almanac CiyeiyeiyHgyeiytCoto)Fg+gytoyH.D 49ye.yta+ Baking With 6? iri'i'i"i"iiihty BECAUSE I F It is made from only "the Choicest Selected _ Wheat and Siientttically Milled." Trtiom We hear a' lot} Inglis}: and the Irish and hit I believe the. 'hr villi Imario will erect a moi-l he pioaeer Pennsylvangn! . SNIDER, Waterldo, Ont. Order a not now From Your armor. Pleasure and Success sumo at“. (In: in Tom- MANUFACTURED BY IVIIV .WK GUARANTIID is always been Wane: Gill ot Berlin in the pres- mam choc of about 35 guests, the Rev. J. t mm; Litt, former pastor of the groom, I a'iiy,oirG'aiei. [leig- The gins to the bride were numer- posi- ous and costly, among “I” was the ' iolgitt of the groom, a sunburst oi ipearls to the bride. The (room also presented the ttridesrnald with a pearl 1ii,l"il, and the groomsman with gold cuff links. i BREW] W H “I.” 'gr,'atle .. - u; ' .4 bunny My ar'dtb,d. IM'“ day mm It! at " do nut-h on "tdt',; . . , _ W. n- Ind. re-trt. tbrortqtt a. with“ We: d Supt. Land-um d a. WOW I “Mum; Co., who - 'ts both: mks (email was a! we] able um,.tunnhlu I. any or pert bone: union u. could work on the wt mutant-penny " on that and also by Contractor Bum at Stamina: Holmworth who Fait) 1y supplied men tor the other tr I when needed, all delay tteiitg than avoided. i Principal Forty“ “we. tttat ttte swam.- ot the tsight class: who not in poorly heated rooms hat wank will find the roomsurmtortatrtr warm this evening. I ?ixyyeaaatyyexe-c 2goyaoygtgmyxeyt HELD ANNUAL The members ot the Harmonie So- ciety ot Waterloo spent I pleasant evening T with their lriends in the Harmonie Hail on Thursday evening on the occasion at the annual stifusngstest. An enior- juyahle program was" given composing recitations by Mr. Franz Wall. 2010: by Messrs. John Mueller and Edward Schmidt, songs by members of "the society and addresses try W. G. Weich- el M.P. and Mr. C. H. Mills. M.P.P. l nea si' Hyme ©Couu A' U! 000000000 A pretty wedding took 31am on Thursday at 4 o'clock at the homeof Mrs. Rosanna Hodell at Berlin when her youngest daughter, Miss Ida Matilda was married to Mr. Earnest '1 he bride was adorned in grey satin dcchien dress carrying a bouquet ot white roses and Lilies ot the Valley. After a sumptuous dinner the happy couple started on a wedding trip 'to Toronto, Hamilton and other pains Alta} 'théit return Mr. and Mrs Gill will reside in Berlin. I The guétsuhul coine troin Sewing- ville, tnnerkip, Plattsvule, and Neo stadt besides some trom the city. east. The best wishes ot their Mend: accompanying them. _ ,4 Ph 2 one "Wu. "on not" In that body or h I to m "up“ unto: ' I'M!” vim Ind vu-my. Pvt-nun deny Ind Ill mu] vulne- -eterd " on“. Mia-0| will Ilk- on In" mu. 2l.NWa ovum foe g. ink! to may mam. ugh" my . -r-. Can. The bridesmua was dressed in pink vole carrying a bouquet -ot pint _ro_ses, Electric Restorer for Men 401-0 -000000_ 12t'd M ttte . “I hail-l an “not. no- - the Bulls mm Mount lulu“: M a BRICK YARD ns BEEN SOLD Gun,--HODELL SrlFl1NlmiS1' 'ttoMaKaMa (mm M} (i a a, 5) It) © {OJ The T"terloo.Cmttral School was dosed Wednesday on the order at Dr. Bauman, Koala] on.“ ot Health. It appears that during the past tew days a pupll in Principal Phytord'e mom Iron a homo . 'Ne carded tor diphtheria has been attend. ing school without the knowledge or the authorities, and mingling with pupils in general. AI won a: dir covered Dr Bauman took immediate my: to close the school and to-day it is being thoroughly cleaned and lumigaled. In M w - Ian " 'R'pr. “my - on -' - fl in ”J It. I H. out”! Wm. Mr,' 4Nbi- 2““ 'm.. ml! at .1».th WI! me, "I” mud; pork; to Q1 btiativttt. viut I 'ret." a" - on] “q". About ”ht-toil. Mt, Ila-um“ to thin In! W n mood! in“. By I'. 09.0} ' 1!an lento-e d in mm! ruitte mum citizen. H. vu a ttgit mum and a mm a! we _ gelled Church. The sympuhy ot"Itf. community goes out to tttss family. It. Otto in mvhed by I wile and mm children, four in the Wemt and [our It home. _ It is reported that one ot unease. ot diphtheria is the second within " ttw weeks in the same house. and that the home was re-inIched by means of bedding removed from the isolation hospital before it had been tumigated. _ _ SCHMI. CLOSED F WEDNESDAY FOR , DISINFECI " A special meeting of the Wamloo Board ot Health is called mrtarMgbt to'discuu the annual: and “In measures to cope with a threaten“ outbreak. NURSFS The annual- meeting ot the Berlin graduate nurse’s unociatlon and ot the B. & W. Hospital Alliance Also- elation was held at the'Hoaplul on Monday evening the 18th. auction of others for the year resulted as [allows ' Pres.--Mrs. Arthur Foster, Jr. Viee-PrBs.-Mrs. H. M. F.Bowman. Sec.-artaa Elsie Masters. Trea-Misa Horton, Waterloo; and 1Miss Fulton, Berlin. Registrar-Mrs. H. Sup. ot the Hospital LIGHT RURAL HIGHWAY Galt, Nov. 19...-A movement In on toot lor the lighting of 2 1-2 miles of roadway between the houndanea of Gait and Preston. The Township Councils ot Waterloo and North Dumiries will be asked to cooperate with the Hydroelectric Commission in the proieetf The lighting ot rural roads is a new departure, and thin move will be in thejnature ot an er- periment. The roan”: unvaried by the Gait, Preston & Hespcler Em:- tric Railway, and much motor and vehicular trattie, as well as being built up lo th large extent with good residetteetr, Ind it in hoped that the scheme will gothrough. Citlwln ol Gait and Preston are also booting t plan for the mmdunizing at tho road by private subscription and ‘me assistance trom the Government ml townships. It looks " it, in .the not [at distant future. Gall. and Pinion will be joined by a road wly border- ed with handwme homes and with only locllities. . . GUELPH BOY’S PLUCK SAVED BUILDING Guelph, Nov. ".-Lurlisle 'lst son of Mr. E. Walker, grocer, Hut ton, who I: shunt fourteen year! ‘1 Me, ll ot " lnvenuve Wm ot “‘2‘. and was experimenting mu I m Inn with which In autumn»: 0x- ploded and burned tO In: My " wroly, alto other "rttt at “a he“. Although gunning, he will do“ enough to notic- that an NIH” had “In My.“ he Might in” Italy to mother the an“. mrtite* 5 unneeded In “lg. but (I the V? got In“ land: may bun-d. L Rev. Thom-I Hoke d m. d ot the all"! Plblh School tto- w" in the Province. In In!“ Edwin [Amman Ming Imam II wanna. _ ELECTED OFFICERS AT nu. "tlb-A' _ tho to" n tte mouatt at the ml- J. H. Otto a” H. M. F.. Bowman, Nuu In. ha,” 1- ma tB.a-tAtioatliretttast, cl Bun. thin. {out its b Bun a My. n a. up I. at I you; Tb luau] cm an. in. " satay. Noe. mu. n t.0' . n,- “an ion in that“ hch. a... Dun-mt. My. and we 'to _ F " a can, an _ on an". lama-Km at Budd. M on dmtebtae survive; al- to We!" Midn- an twain mt Multan. _ _' _ GM Mr. and Mu. H. People: ot Har. our. duke to expres- the'lr linen uppmhuon to mum Imus tor the many kindness“ and th- lym- pcthy at?“ T _to their daugtttsr. Hrs. E. . GM. 1. the ‘noro be mvemqnt mum through the an": oi her unwind. Rev. E. M. Tho promo) ot Fall and Win“: sewing new codronts every well re- gtrlated houuholq, and you can not. more! to 'wute precious moments at gleeatietq. Mlvyout mt: loose tut that origittat style and tit, yet it bu been endured you alter your, be cause ot the mistaken idea that you could go Bo where to learn to cut a garment, so it would not. require such _ tedious httinsss. A cutting Course with us will remedy it all. (‘all at our (residence tor lull 'intor- motion on Tuesday, Dec] 8rd. Next class will commuter Dec, 4th. A low days trial given frre,--ELL,ts0N DRESSCUTTING Co., 42 Eby St, Berlin. voted-ll vu sum: ttt It Aunt Kuhn a! he Pesto” d0 hut, I”, ot Berlin. I,u2lilRlilGllihlaliil [NTWOWEEKS Mr. A. Weeeloh ot A. Weseloh & Co who has been conducting a. large ttmterat'trtore business in Listo- wel since int April, returned home tor good on Ihre. In. as they have eold l than more lease to a Toronto man Md sold out their shoe stock to a Kine-mine Shoe Merchant and their grannies to a Lintowel Mer- chant. The remainder of tho} cloth- ing furnishing and dry goods stock has been added to their store here in Berlin. They have been preparing Iorl the Pint two weeks tor . great ninel days' sale which begins Thursday' ‘morning. Nov. 2iat at 8 am. The ‘goodu brought down amount to about three thousand tour hundred dollars and " they are unions to clear ii all out in e ' days' sole along with surplus line: in all departments dt will We the buying public a great chance to lay in their winter supply of clothing furnishing and dry goods at n great saving on regulnr prices. Don't miss reading their big price seduction adv. in ttetitry's issue. The Onturio Gazette announces the tppointment at Mr. David Rata, ot New Hamburg, as hum: ot the fourth diViMon court ot Waterloo Bounty. Thu rate of poo-use ”pliable to lemon mulled u 39y post once tor delivery on a run! mall route stan- jug (run that post one. in ac. tor each ounfe or {action thereof and thi, rule nlso nppllea to letters mall- M on a riaral mail route tor delivery Kttter " the route or local post ol- Mr. The Bert mums; ct the Wane-Icy 1'0pr Council will be held on Mrmdsr, Dec: and, instead ot Mona”. Pan. 4th, a reported in hst. week's ssue. Br 507. Jr.. H.480 marlin Mi, Nikon WIS!" lot 107. Wulter Late Part IT.-" tn.ru,--Arthur “ch 166, Reuben Wouluulor 155 lb Run-eye: 112. The thrlon "at Club count“ at m. A. Hergott, P. H, Rom, Gets, Winner, L. mm. W. F. t4ettaatt, Wag. Run". and 0. RIM: nturned Iron their human; trip in the French lave: distrWt. They were Inca-mu] In nearing " deer. man 350 APPOINTED BAILIFF Returned From Listowel. " " CARD (lf THANKS JI"" ntaru,--tMNd Mtttitt- H.400 tntsrbr,--Vortus lngold Von lucid 587. . [la-860 nnrh,-Renbn 1mm; S. S. No. 12 Wilmot 1v.-000 sttarks,-Evs Rum; Secured 23 Deer Rural Mail Routes 227 Eldett ("up tog, Wil ============= Ladiet' am; Children 's Underwear We hastdlethe.tasot" "Ceetee" Brand in aid styles, weights and quality suitable for Waterloo County trade, and can assure you that we can suit you in both Waterloo Nien's Overtdtt S. B. Bricker & Ciii'rl, Ema» coat in our department a ttttttkt,':' iw i " il 'lgl and the ualucé are better than we awr- T Ma. G ""5923 I ir. 00m in a: ”on aaymsttet Into mm. _ . "s';t75ll2" 800 our 810.50,~812, 814, 815 atttr0trr'-9e,t,ti, 1lthiiidrert's 1tiIttt Price and Quality Berlin They have the FIT, and STYLE, and an WI! _ Mayan. . ,.r,e LANG BROS. & CO. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY We want to tell you thls week of our stock of Children's and Infant's coats . Some of them made in England and mare of them made in our own Canada. We prefer to sell Canadian made (no ments, they are as a rule nude of better material and. the ore always made better then foreign goods. The. English a are bright looking and come somewhat lower in prices. e have 3%lendid lines in both and we will ask you to see thug now w ile the choice is good. ' . ' (k t Wilt"'" Coats for ages 4 to 14, at $2.50, $3, 83ditk 84, tti, o . . l _ Infant's Coats at $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 to $3.50. j can save ,y‘bu money 200 Coats Winter Coats 5; Tr)i'ii;'ig, Winter Furs 'ir,-,'.-':').'-':',')'),;),).,';,!, Winter Eastman; Winter tiuriiiiii, Ladies' Boys' Gdr'afti?li Sweater Coats " f ' at lowest prices crrii,i, King St,. Waterloo. Goats Ontario Ontario

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