' _. emu .......u.... ."60,0'0 - an Dun-Io- .n t ... .-." ur.... m1.uo.oo mum-tsunami " a. u.- 'trt', W“. Mm Com- “ with A.“ at “any“; - "In. may . k lulu. - Mitriet Atent iMtnhRCEC0tehRY C. A. BOEHM Far information thgt will lead to the diocevery or whéreqbou." ot, “In.“ at venom "aering from Nervous Debility, Fits, Skin Dis. fine. Mood 2tp, Genito [grin-:1 1390 ' an Chronic ot peri 1 's'it'(i'i'?i),'t,t,t!ect' cannot be cur‘gd at Ontario Medical Institute, 863-206 Yonge Street, Toronto. COUNTY SUNDAY 3cm. ASSOCIATION OFFICERS ELECTED hi ttttire - WII Folk!!!“ .13] list at the ottieeraitinsd $6.00 and - no“: tor spending. 'mi', by an annual convention ollSettled out of court. t Waterloo County S. S. Associn- Two loo-l, parties charged with tion " Arr on the Nth, inst. tor the tkg','WlftiJ, premises in an unsani- ensnlu‘ you _ Pt, ittott were given a chance Freight-Re}. Joe. Janet; B. A") Berlin. -_ 1Bt Vice mesa-Mr. Archie a. Wm,- son. Ayrf f htd Herman-Hr. Geo. A. Hamih lton, Gilt. Recording Sec.-Min Betrsie, Wilson, g Arr. . i cor.-See-TreaB.--J. G. Hunt, Cot utogo. b' " huh. (ht Home DeetsrttttettF-Rev. w. E. At , targelruttetsded meeting ot Reese. Himmler. . . the Quarterly Board of Berlin Tris Elementary Grades Division-Miss ity Methodist Church on Thur-day ll. Edna Breiutaupt,9eriin. evening the rmmudation ot the Adult Division-am. w. H. Otto, pulpit supply conmittee. which was Elmira. â€resented by Mr. E. P. Clement K.C. Minionnry Department-Mr. R. G. stint the call be "tended to Rev. U. Smith". out. _ , [L. McIrvine, paw: ot the Cantu! Tom's-nee DepartttmtG-her. J. 'riieiiiiiiiii chug-ch, Woodstock, VII Hoes-on. Arr. . xmnlmously adopted by' a standing Teacher Training Department-Mr. I Tote. tr. G. Martyn, B, A., Berlln. _ __ ', Roe. Mr. Mclrvine was woken of in use. Int-nod Inna] Building, u “R St. Executive Committee-Mr. C. K, m. Berlin; Res. Geo. W. M, Hamlet; Mr. Jacob "geller, . Ian; Mr. J. H. Shepherd, Bloom'- , i Mr. Amos unborn, New to. . . $1,000 REWARD -ittep. on Provincial General liken ttyew. Ju. R. Gavan. out. â€Ii was resolved to hold a s. s, f Gnuâ€: Council meeting early in the; Igochtlon your. The members ot W“ Mud: ill the when ind . tal "Strtrtt. of the Conn» Manon " well u all the omens t2t'2fi2f,'"d trupta, ot the var- tetariahip Mann mi-g. unnamed /!or 43-min. loath Anyone Day Secure . Spiel» / did Groqrth d Halt " t ttt lam-o cam:- new! "08" Heir I' mu "Mrutr, an to , 4 ' qtitttttlate in scalp tti/tttri/e; premium Ion t W mm». but gronrtb an ly give our mun gur- F _ On all“ "err - paid " it In every {nuance when u do“ ; - an“ aunt-cum» th- Mitt " " Hun man it u plou- nu ma tn an mm! m. 1'f2"i'2t'l','11 ml H --"r---"-T-, t tp "In“, a! tool Iunt hmmmchu-I' ï¬t, 'te “I hurt. Two com-mm. at Minn no org-mun; .' a! 1.00. With our gur- as non Battery,' c.r.A. . - d it, you_cemlnly ‘3ch -------_.- Hi all! " on "ore-oe mum's â€NWT C0338 - "rt , Cotats, m. _ [In hue n remedy that has u re- - ot retarding baldness nad pro- int’ag hm growth in u out qt ’1“: too can when used Incoming (guacam- toe t untenable lawn . 1 Tilt mny mm “to a “ton; _ b.At is, an up. new It to _ 19de - R an“ It". m on: emu: to An tttk an -' am one. "8, Home 20! Ili)li"l' IE BALD Departmental Superintendents - Imma- “an! mm 1864 J. 0. Hunt. an Jol. Janes, B. A., it» clean an Manna um elm Waterloo F.. "60M0 lnillgnh'IliiS BUSY SIMON Di-dottbavritotrhet'ut 'oiurthikritJ'uir cartThtmdarMoming mammary,“- 1-9080. Court'l‘hmw - humans-Iain Halo-Q“ ot BN Grd, no. In M from " in " yuan, w Moro an Imam mam. Weir In Polk! Court. My charged with dis- orderly conduct. " w an th- Inn had Man that“ nil plum; cud; in I building on.“ out-kitt- of “In city, when by "I“ wov- ntd by the ponds " u only hour in the morning. .T'ho he" we" [at all with a warning. memcnm-u‘vu am no cons. mung to 313.00. tor plying the liquor to the hon. Turban msrVirna aha fitted $10 and can: tor Btqrrtrutg llqoor to which. Goat. Dom: who on Wednesday vu found guilty M winning Jon Wein- stein and, was man“ an Ttmrr6trr vans flared $10 nod com. amounting to. $15. or 15 day: hard labor. Dow decided to pay the m. Ott passing sentence the magi-tram laid that he hoped the two hys’ tamti-tst in no police cells would have I lobar- ing ettect upon him andprove a bee fit to him in the future. Roy Wollc appeared on the charge ot supplying liquor to Dopp and Wein- steil. Ho pleaded guilty and was Med $10 and cosh, simulating to 813. A local automobile Owner curled with passing a street on while the cor was tstopping nt n corner got an adjournment um“ tomorrow. when, it is underlined, he will fight the one. TRINITY BOARD EXTENDS CALL Rev. C. L. Mclrvine of Wood. stock is Invihd to Succeed Rev. H. W. Crews Roe. Mr. Mclrvlne was spoken of in tho highest heme ot praise try the members ot the 09th “who allud- ed to hi: excellent record in tormer cums. Compantlvely young ln “an the tavern-d gentlemen In one ot the nan moccasin! pastors in the “ammo; Cerulean-e. It Is nte2 expected that the all um he sleep ed subject to the decision oi the St... tioetintt Carmina. P J The putor. Rev. H. w. Crew who) pruned " the and“? Muted out the necessity of neck attention he- lnc devoted to looking liter the “more and newcomcrl to the oity which it wn module tor him to do It it wu lace-nary tor him to nuke the were! named mm to the member: ot the contraption. The Bow! “ultimately acme that the Pub: be retteve4 from making the venom mm In order that In might look Utter than who no “an“: and recent unveil In the city. The Building Comanche which had} In charge the hnptovcment and 11pr tnade durln; the year reported that) 3914.00 Ind been expended in new‘ cement wall Ind sidewalk on tlm north side of the church, and â€hung and mating of the Mroam " .e1taavnmishtagtttsMrtettt uni tte/ee It In "goetad that M gtdtietegtt 'etitrrt w“! M mind though the was... We. not! the much on m Alum to it held on - to not an um“ a well on pay on: New on “It mum on». a! a. - 'A mint -ereire0 [tom the chat at tho church mu "mi-slut to you my and Min-III m tlt", A poem no my tttste 11. W freed. tahittg "r. an nil t. an an“! mail-g. A Waterloo automobile owner wan Tuyarpeniayrettt9,eorttr Sate!!- My Suatmartaed. ute14. torurrhrsel. Berlin News 'qMyooeboooe he “a non imprison the an†ml 'tttttee in your Ikln by the-And may I. W “Iva. m “In: mung. new to m. trttotplr. A an 'MN of an, my I who amen he “0th no“ ulna-3' - tr no Inn-nu gun in gutting the 101‘ ot . “quit. . l In» an - Ottt. A shun wall: A canyon“ ot on CUR“ oi “anyâ€. Thratot, and other .irqredtmtta u comm h the D.D.D. and hlWrfiliilit Milt FOR PARK IN As. Dusk Simon-ill " Donate Trophy V of Hunt L'.", tho Elton-Inn "one: :J at tho hon no will the as. hunt! the 1t""U. an. and . as. do. “new all“)! ' buy but. Elan-l Boom in th‘ Mm door hunter. to tar, hut-m M ago. Capt. mama killed I my doe on Sound-v. 'eyr.et anuet Beam wled . buck tttat We!» ed Motu. He not three bull-ta tin mayhem» he lay down. The no three camp- within {our naile- oi ‘UI and they on all getting thir wreath". thsehUtrtrear. me otourmmi" ,nsd.nttorrtrrtuttts. other day, we will not mutton my MIMI. but don't say wild at to my ot them. On Monday W. J. donut nos killed a very the buck. You on soy to the male ot Balm that Capt. Dietrich and Chief O'Neil will bring home a voung buck dive, about on. and a half wars old, for the Park. T ". 1Nmrtot.mhgrqh - tip 'rrttot.istq human; letter from Camp DEW '.-- __ __ ‘_ Wm. such ot anloo “rived no: tawny ulwnoon, aka Mr. Barber of Toronto. They couldn't wait unul menial, no Anxious were they to: u door. We break camp Sunni-y and will reach Berlin Sunday gunman. We nlt thank" you {or send- ing the paper uncanny. It has been appredated very much in camp. Will arrive It Berlin Nov. 16th, at 8.45 pm. _ , V J. W. Anderson.. Camp Dietrich, Inholmcl, Nov. 11-12 SOCIAL One oi the most moccasin! social] evenings ot themwnnheldinthe‘ Berlin Bushes: College on Pride“ About eight o'clock the preeent term student. to the number ot one hun- dred and iiity when“! in the room- Iwhich were taa uiiy and artistically decanted for the occasion. Alter a hall hour spent in "breaking the ice" ythe programme was rendered by "thot talent. Bong. specially com- posed tor the coca-ion celled forth most enthusiastic npplnune. Tim rend- ings and clocutionnry numbers which were well rendered were entertaining and instructive. “The Tatler," the school paper, of which Min Newhny is editor, reported the doing: ot the class for the past, present and tu- ture. In the dialogue "Bridgst's In- vestment" Bridget hersell seemed to be holding lorth when Mice Moore op- peared at the ironing board. Alter the programme game- were ‘induiged in and n dainty lunch we: served to which nil. the boys especially, did justice. The day was altered in by ringing “God Save the King." qentientaet-1 hm ma mn’mn's LINIMENT' on my vessel and in my family for years, and [or the every any Ills and accidents of we I ooh- side: it has no equal. Miurd'n mement Co., “In“ I would not It." on . mm without it. it it cost a dollar a bot- tu. -"" CAPT. F. R. DESJARDIN. Behr. "Btorke," St. Andre. Kunour- Two popular Berlin young people were quietly married " the Luther-n â€no“. at ' o'clock Thur-any after- ‘qoon. by Rev. P. Gunman, the contracting parties ttt mu Lillie Annie Back. daugttt.e. Mr. all Mu John Berek, and Mr. Arno W. mu, non ot Mm. Mary Rita, Finch 8t. Tho bridal couple were: minded: Following To mummy Mr. and Mn. Ritz M (on- wtdding trip to Detroit, Mich., and other worm-I points, “(on their town will “a up unit random on Hein- Annie. Thai: nation with wili amend to "in: but illic- M M kiwi. In: at pro-um]. In mud to Ikln about. medial mamma- no now: - on thin: RITZ-BERCK NUP‘HAIS noun) cunts 5am WHERE sum nu. uh tyooooooooooo AT ll, ll. C I A At I tiiitiitt,iti.ii?,lilliii, . ., 1=t wrun- 1ett: ftde,trtt'i am. can In an. Oral. thaw >£WWM It ' was}...th Ain out in. no dunno-unp- M ‘vhau they Inspected tte, “In [overwo- I: m ttrvn. TN! I“ 'oattrtar.tut.thqi1-' hm who" the mum in - but In 1St,tt to we M“ by 'W. Amy-0t. nah: this itttsrue. tho heal Inna: In saw: " _party later mad: a W all 09 City Engineer Johnna. at“! UM ttir proceeded to m WI - Conwy’n hem. when m It!!- uw’wm amt nun-V in no "can: ot math; but my; . The party returned to mm on Wd' nun cl um ova-ins. I moot when». ard tum-no- mo trip. FILES-CURE!) at HOME brluw AW med- If you tulle: from bleedipg, itching. blind or TStes Piles send me {our when, I will tell you ow to cure your- self at homo by the absorption treatment; and will also send - of this, homo treatment free for trial. with Memen- isom you: own locality if n- qttested; Immediate relief and permanent - assured; Bead. Willie Nukes, an year: ot use chewed a dyuamito cap in school Hia {we was blown to pieces. " money, hut toll othiers ’of this otrer. Write to-dny to Mrs. M. Summers, Box Ptiot Windsor, Ont.. . . FALLING HAIR CEASES, SCALP 1T'CE1 VANISHES. NEW HAIR GROWS PROFUSELY AND BECOMES FASCINATING.-- Don't say “I've raid all that ho- Iore"-Juss co to your duller right Away. lay down We. say "1 VII". a bottle a! that PABISIAN SAGE that so many and“. people In using." Than an it home and In. it " directed and then it you no trot aatuthd that It is just as advertiléd tulle back the empty bomb and your money will he reminded, T "Pretty risky otter," you'll say; not " all, dealers know just wht PARlSlAN SAGE will do uni have the promise of the Carnal“ distribu- toxs, tho R, T. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, OM... that they will, luck him up in his strong guarantee. Pret- ty lair and square one: kit’s it? _ Ask tor PARISIAN SAGE Hair Tonic and frrmiy teluse â€bunnies. The girl with the Auburn lair is on every package and you: drum“ will tell you that Parisian Sage is a (Shims lead or other autumn! introd- ients. E. M, Devin gunman it. everyrpockm and your druwst will ’ W"w 'rihiiihi,iiP2iiiPiigiiiiid -.. T" tell you that Parisian Sage is a '/l,t,iilllllii,t,tt,l,ilu,t,e't',i'if,iti'i Ile splendid hair droning iron from poi;liz'giltt?st?L'r1iii'l?sk'4ii my. COLLISION DUE ll) POOR Another colllsion on King Street occurred on Sunday night in (rout of the All/emu: “trace due manly to the poor lighting "atam “tween the College“ luau)“ all the Wal- erloo bounty line While an “tom bile we. â€Walla; than Welu'loo All passing u buy going In the lune air-cum the drqu did not lee no- ther which humanely in Ito-t ol the Int on, ad 3 oolllIloI - ed the reel wheel ot the buggy hale; completely Inn-bed. FoMetely the occupant.- wen not mum and " yond the Pth', can wheel, trade damage w ell t. “to“: en the 1'2JX of the buggy ’declere cut the amide“ would not have tak- en “we Md “or. been “Watery when" new on "It! muo- of “(In reel MONEY max 11 Ir DOEBN'T., DANDRUFF GOES Pmlpuon. TM: merm- to tto “new germ and damn- them, than loom. and bull the skin as nothing the In - do.._ 7 m mama: to a. mum dolln hank, (than! in and no my can. we In" «mu! 'rith tbo o. an. punt-mm lot . m m:- mu bow. at In a 1 oh - Till tetat lot“. will um them. “I give ytht but“ â€not A. H. inch-OI. DWI. Waterloo. it _ ‘11, .. . D. Us i. W a. . 'ii'ijililly y e' ’0 m "lN'h'ltlti'll no“ deI - _ out by the Tta' ot w. W. Mr. c. Jilin“. tttttit, vmb w. J. G. that“! 1. u mm. The "utrusse'Yr/,r'tin a. “on was hip, and tttbm we" chum - “on all ports ot the count). T At the gunman unions, not. R. E. B. James. Ayr, conducted the opening cum-u. A number ot de partmerttM reporter wore pro-spud. Ind the convention was a!“ ' with We very' mutating "dresses-Ft, " “Mrâ€, by Rev. Jos. Juan, B. 1lhdirr'Drhqatr was“ don-{Arron _ Tut-d» lRUPTURE A., of Bali. on “Why no lo may of our children not in chum t"; Bee- oud,n "dr-Mitts 51’th a! Toronto. Another We 0! this emit): we: the Question Drew-r. con- ducted by Mr. J, R. CeVere, ot Belt, The evening nation opened with e le' lemon led by I union choir- M meeting in presided over by Beeeegaey "ttrat in the Ohm ot he maidens, and wee unduly interest,- had and nomable in may respects. tie UM“ {cannon being new: " dies: try Min Lune and one try new. A. I. 'Nrrrtterry, ot Preston, on "The Young Man and the Adult Bible ‘Clus. Then [allowed the Honing ener- 'cues, Rev. Dr. Thomson pronouncing Ity tttmodietion, thus winding up one '01 the best conVemions ot recent â€one. te,t2tiili9h',u/t,i,fr'tet iirsih" liniiITW'w "'_-r to? t ',P1'tt :ii"i'i, titi1k',tiyi'i'i,'iiilli'C,' W, #2: I: , In ,A','lih' 1e8ii11)ifkhli%l,i)t', b'tl"lhtt True. Torture J. y, EGAN, Specialist in Toronto magi Old-ulhloned tttet- ts no long: not!» . mung. M! In. trusses 3nd Inn-u In at 'gll2u1'i","gl', no done "A by tho vegan" Invent-1m tttrl who bu (1qu " you" I: I . "at. i:tiiiiiii5), mu. Sited 'di " n r E'i'dr1'ii2 I other: fall. 'd'i18A'lt Ind u even? pan to Its no- tgta'l'fat " soon an sandman tor In LtethotAttti.r.gaar' “° thryrtt fr.rV. .-. 0-00 ThoitNoer.eiteftttw "0' Gait, 1mm! now. Dec. t. Berlin, Winner House, Dec. T, 8. Guelph, Wellington-Hotel, 'Dec. 9. lo, 11, la. St. Marys. Whither Hotel, Dec. " Btrattord, Windsor Hotel. Dec. M, -- 'di"cioNiiiuuGiWuWridiir." _ -- O I T'%'dtu'ut1tot nuts: .2er In. “noun-Mold new"... - This ' In I'm-mun n tr. - , . I iiiiiiil,iiiiii,i'ii)!, 'iiii,tiiiiiii'iijilii,,rt; I 1u'ts St 1h'lth Tfu,n'rtttgt, 81 mum loud-us III SM ot mu Are thrown "I: . t4tllhtNNls'r4tAtWllr/l,.lguteTr'Us (m nuns AT non-on) 'tmaths No 'ttii-ttet ----Po any wort-LO" you no this ,rrmderoerrrlring polish. m M Lad of w Adair!!!) Soho and of the Eupin': Mlle-u" W WHEN CHURCHILL COMES TO CANADA. Blah Knight 10c.--trNVE P01151141“. Biftulil0MIH)li'rUN _-ttftgtslitllle02'thllrHtauillts HIV -'"C"Pe""'""". - V w um." h C "i5iiiiii?dfiiifi."ii'i,i. tta8tth,1", _ The Berlin Board of M m tns monthly mine nut-la! "alum: Several important queatioettr which he" been occupying the while nt- untion of Inc View W: by the when. among with were the un- dying“!!! of ration: commission: end the Board of Work. the matter a! . Herzl nun. new municipal building and penance, we the Best mu ot [:30ku to: extending m1 sewerage system ind taking one o! the banning sew-go. especially on. King street. when the - is toy, (mall Bo meet the requirement: of this growing city. The clue-non m, In Mr. Jansen new. whether it It: iilfiiiir'iiEeE COMMISSIONS [ T0 hlMUlhlMTli Leave Given to Introduce Br law at Next Meeting of City Council Tha above resolution was pniod unanimously at the regular unload an Berlin Council‘Monday evening There was' practically no discussion on tho question, Mr. Schnarr being the only “lamb†of the Council to comment on it and he volcod his ap- provat of tho proposal. Evidently the members were ot one mind concequ the desirability of submitting a by- law " New Years providing lot a; Commission to manage the variom‘ public utilities not the City. limb: expense and inconvenience has been occasioned by the eoMiet ot interest: between the Various oommlsaionx and town bodies and lack of cooper» tion. It was with a View to pro viding a remark that this action was token by the Alarm Council .and the ratepayers will have'an opportunity dt voicing their sentiments on the question at the coming municipal Elections, a by-law to provide tor the some will probably be submitted " the coming municipal olectlo'nn. Messrs. Blackburn and Co. wrote Mining tor a long ot $9,000 tor tho erection of A new “story; replyailc in ten annual instalmenu. This In: reerred to the lame committee and A' mysterious . and tats] _ dim. apparently tables. has broke out' among came south ot Bt. Thom“. That leave be given the mover and wonder to introduce " the next regular council netting and to submit to the property owner voters at the next municipal elec- tions 3 by-law providing tor the amalgamation M the Water and Light and Street runway Conn- missxons and the Sewer Commit- tee, as provided " the Municlpei Water Works Act ot 1910. â€Moved by w. v. Uttley. and seconded by W. D. Euler, um an "no." chaff-MW I ftS.Nlutd'Me mmwmï¬ï¬m _ 'ai., IT, could-“3|! v c n . 5RiiiiRli5ai5i'Riii lg†L? ,Fr'i5iiiirgi5liiill'ig' FPfiEi.Ei iiEiiiEitiiii'j 'id LLCCi? r: 1 would In noel-an to has up h mum“: pun-n on King It“ tb, by a my! not. or with on. "tttrr men: could to foul! to w some at th may m ttteitrq_ it to other child]. , ' The amino. " the maul!†small, mad as Mr. Sins that. ii an evidsseq that "WW 1Ԡporing. When cit“ were -. M with the way who no in» grouting any won]! an) up. 10 nhe meeting uni voice N! e.- pmm. Thou â€can “In H dent. Janna. Sony. Locked - - m. D. B. Domini. H. Sim. . Sheppard. a. D. Richmond. % . Hett and Mr. Stub. - loam 0&9.qu DISEASE. IS DUE TO BAD BLOOD To cure' common ailments the _ blood must be made rich and red Nearly all tin «lacuna that all“ humanity are caused try had blend-- "all. watery Mood poisoned by lino purities. _ Bad blood in the can. of headache: and backache, In†and rheumatism ability and nation, neuralgia and om: a.†troubles. and (magnum; akin «and. like eGMagga and salt them show not impure the blood actually in. No In trying a dilUrtrttt remedy for each dis- ease, beam they all spring from the one cause-bud Mood. To can any at atime troubles you must a: right down to the root of the tron _. in the blood, and that is just whit Dr, William’ Pink Pills do. They make new, rich blood and Mum' euro than dlseases when Common Mellie "ails. Mrs. John Jackson, Woodstock Ont., sutiered trom both nervous W [ides and a. run down condition and Mt- ‘perienced a complete cure than!) “to P" ot Dr. William‘ Pink Pllls. Sp lays: “l was a sullerer lor a may ‘ber ot years from neuralgia. and a general debility ot the new“ and aya- term. I had tried "several doctor: and many medicines but to tto.twail until I began Dr. Willium' Iqnk Pills. At the time I began the Pills I had grown so had that I Could hardly be on my feet and was lowed to wear elastic bandage: about the ankles. The pain 1 sum-red at times from tho neuralgia was terrible. I had almost given uptopgy when I hogan the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pllll. la in course ol . low weeks I (on an tsp- provomcnt, and l gladly captioned the use or the Pllla until I was ma more quite well and able to atteltd t6 all my household duties." It you are ailing he‘ll: to can yours). ttr-day with Dr. Williama' Pink Pills. Sold by all medial“! dul- ler: or by mail at so cents a box or W. boxet tor $2.50 "on. the Pgs. llalna' Medicine Co., Hamming, at. It's u paste - ready to "e-- nttd gives u brillhm, lasting Ihino with a few rub. PM] G m