tyle, Quality ‘ â€" ‘_~_~ and Economy ‘\We aim to give you the very lates t creations in the tailoring art . from very finest fl‘;*d goods at prices that you can not equal elsewhere. ‘know our goods are right, we ksow our prices are tight, and we . can s tely guarantee you every satisfaction when dealing with us. i y we specialize in Men‘s and Boys‘ Overcoats. "~__â€" Read the prices. Lay in winteryour supply. «‘On Satorday we will clear . up .a m: of men‘s suits that . are in the regular way $15.00 and 4.00.â€" : They are made from _ fine ish tweeds and worsteds in grey and brown cut, single breasted, three button style, good tinings, and best workmanship. Sale Price ...... ‘Young men‘s long Trouser Suits, fancy mixtures in the rougher weaves homespun and Scotch effects, . in shades of brown, olive and grey, sinâ€" gle breasted models; sizes 32 to 37. Regular $10.00 to $12.00. Sal}d’rim ‘MenÂ¥ Overcoats, a splendid . array ol the season‘s newest and most popâ€" wlar fabrics, fashioned in the most acceptable and latest winter â€" styles, broad shoulder effects, neatly tailored elose fitting collars and all those litâ€" tle points. ‘The regular price â€"$10.00 To $12.00, Sale PTIC@ ..f..m« «e §) : $7.95 Ahice ‘s Overcoats, character, indiviâ€" ‘“flv and quality that will appeal to men who know are embodied _ in these beautiful finighed coats;, cut in mll the prevailing styles of the finest m- eds and>.cheviots.. : The regular price n?.&f. sï¬.olo and $16.00, Sale ,â€" Men‘s Worsted Trousers, . medium @nd dark striped patterns, in _winter weight materials. Regular $2.50 and $3.00. Saturday Bargain ... ... BERLIN The People‘s Shoe Store. _B. ERNST & CO. Lumbermen‘s Rubbers and 4 Plow Shoes Jas. O. Motheral i _ WATERLOO PHONE 148 OoNT. go hand in hand when making a purchase at this store There are Two Kinds of Best The best that a store may keep, and the Be: :t‘. experience, knowledge of good quality, and "«Where the Good Clothoes Come From." r;“’(‘ry us for [‘ groceries. We offer no other inducement . than Woods that will please. Foods that will be remembered by their quality long alter the price is forgotten. MEN‘g SUITS Re."c Zick‘s Shoe Home THE WHITE GROCERY WE SELL THE BEST OBTAINABLE Bring or Phone your orders $10.45 $6.95 $1.98 Men‘s fur lined Coats, black hewcr} shells, lined with zwk or _ brown dog collars of R lamb or marâ€" Inot. S&l6 â€"PTICB ........ ,.4..,, acummos $25.00 Boys‘ Bloomer Suits, two button, double breasted tweeds in dark greys and browns, sizes 26 to 32, regular $5.00 and $5.50, Sale Price ........~ Boys‘ single breasted College Ulster buttoning close up to chest, . with mil tary collar, in dark and brown of soft texture, have vent in Back . and are well lined; sizes 28 ro 32. Regâ€" ular $6.00 and $7.00. Sale Price ... Boys‘ Double Breasted Prussian Ovâ€" ercoats, in navy blue and dark tweeds wool lin ngs and trimmed with brass buttons and velvet collar; sizes 21 to F2 .â€" SaL® PFHICG |......â€" ... 1.4.0.â€"fvrmmkvestr Men‘s Scotch wool Underwear, light Shetland shade, shirts or . drawers; sizes 34 to 44. Regular $1.00, Sale 15¢ Men‘s Sweater Coats, plain _ rib style, V reck, contrast _ colorings, strong bone buttons, two pockets; sizes 36 to 40. Regular $1.50. Sale Price We carry only the better lines and guarantge every pair to give perfect safisfaciion For men and Boys at the lowest possible prices. _ From $1.25 to $3.00 KEN‘S FURNISHINCS Come here for the best shoe values. BOYS‘ CLOTNIKG the Best that good jude ty. and that money | cat WATERLOO. WATERLOO, ONTARIO, THURSDAY N g cmfldflfm KHXHHNONOKAONE Elmi dmu‘u'mf ’Wmï¬ï¬& ‘ ' -& & EW Ta “ ‘ and Local and Personal.lâ€"Mr. J. 8. Weiche! spenat part of last. week on business inv'fmï¬o.â€" Mrs. . J.. . W. Ford spent Friday in Toronto.â€"â€" Miss Sanderson, obe of the teachers on ta Public School staff, spent part _ last week at ber home in _ Listowel visiting her {ather who is ill. â€"â€" Mrs. Aaron Zeigler of Waterloo visited her son, Mr. Gmmum«. Manager â€" of the Metropoli Bank.â€" The _ many friends of: â€" Mrs. ‘Thos. Sherrington will be grieved to learn that she was taken to ~St. Joseph‘s Hospital, Guelph, last week, to undergo an Opâ€" eration. From last reports she was doing as well as could be expected.â€" Mr. Bert Bowman and his â€" sister, Miss Rose, attended the Horticultural Exhibition held in Toronto last week. â€"There will be a bazaar held in the vacant store next to Mr. L. A. Jeanâ€" nerets‘. jewelry store on Arthur St. on Fair Day next, under the auspices of the Ladies‘ Aid of the Methodist Church. PM C Officers Elected.â€"The Elmira Horâ€" ticultural Society held its _ annual meeting in the hall next _ to the librâ€" ary on Thursday evening and the folâ€" lowing meimbers were elected. to ofâ€" &â€"« Drasidant Tir R Waulds® 1st fice: President, Dr. R. Faulds; _ 1st Vice Pres., Mr. A. Edwards;, 2nd Vice |‘ Pres., Mrs. J. W, Ford; Directors, | Mrs. John E. Bowman, Mrs. David Hollinger, ~Mrs. Philip Christman, iMrs. Jacob Winger, Messrs. E. Mus selman, S. Lichty, Walter Fulton, Percival Ruppel and H. Halmon. Mr. Bert Bowman who acted so generousâ€" ly by giving his valuable assisiance as Secretary to the Society was givâ€" en as a slight token of their appreâ€" ciation, the sum of ten dollars. A meeting of this~Society will be held at the home of Mrs. J. W. . Ford on William street on the 10th of Decâ€" ember. Mrs. Axt, of Linwood, mother _ of Mrs. Michael Allgeir of this _ town, passed away ‘at her home last ° Monâ€" day. She had reached the agt of : 86 \|years and 11 months.â€", Those. who were suceessiul in the prize drawing contest recently held in this place were Master Arthur Ruppel who seâ€" cured the goose, Mr.. Fred Mattusch \the duck and Mr. John Small the {chicken.â€" Miss Stothers and _ Miss Mitchell, teachers of the Public school i|staff, spent Saturday in Berlin. Enjoyable Gathering.â€"The basement of St. Paul‘s: Lutheran Church here| was the scene of a very enjoyable gathering last Monday evening, when the young People‘s Society. of St. Paul‘s Lutheran Church of _ Berlin and of this town held a union meetâ€" ‘ing in commemoration of the birth of Martin Luther. _ Rev. P. Graupner gave an interesting address . and a short but enjoyable programme _ was given by the members of both .Socieâ€" ties, after which the local . Society served refreshments. Anâ€" enjoyable time was spent by all present. About forty members of the Berlin Society were present. Mr. Arthur Laschinger spent part of the week in St. Jacobs | favoring the members of tse‘ ‘Young People‘s Association with several fine . selecâ€" tions at their social Friday evening. â€"Mrs. MoMillan of Glenallen . spent part of last week with her son, Mr. John McMillan, who is recovering Our Busy Neighbors from a severe attack of typhoid fever. â€"The third annual show of the Elâ€" mira Poultry Association was . held on Friday, Saturday and Monday last in the rink:. The lecture , which was given on Monday evening by _ Mr. Marcelus of the 0. A. C. was much appreciated by those who were fortuâ€" 8 5 L V 422 PMAkwmn appreciated by those who were fortuâ€" nate enough to hear it.â€" Mr. George Weitzel of Stratford spent part _ of last week withâ€"his brother in town.â€"‘ Mrs. MacKelver/â€"Of Berlinâ€"is the guest of Mrs. E. Vice for a few days. t Village Council.â€"A meeting of the Council was held on the 12th day of November, the Reeve in the chair and all methbers present. A request from Mr. J. Hintz asking damages to the amount of $15.00 for tables which he assorts were destro owing : to water, etc., on his p ises, was not acted upon. The Voufeil granted the sum of $25.00 to t oolwich Agriâ€" cultural Society for‘the year <1912. After hearing the report : from the HMydroâ€"Electric Power Commission it was decided to call a meeting of this Committee on Friday evening,. the 15th inst. ‘The meeting then adiourn« ed to meet again on Dec. the 9th. Miss Emma Volmar of Heidelberg is the guest of Elmira friends for a i1ew days.â€"â€"Mr. Armond Kimmel atâ€" tended the funeral of his father;» Mr. John Kimmel at Berlin last week. â€" Mr. and Mrs. James . Lamberth of Stratford are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jamés Carpenter on King St. tor a few days.â€"A meeting will be lheld in the Presbyterian Church on \Thursday evening, Nov. 2ist, in conâ€" ‘\nection with the Elmira branch _ 6f \the Children‘s Aid Society. Items of Interest.â€"Fatmers are USâ€" ia:ll the available opportunity in order to complete their gfl ploughing while some of the fields will . remain unploughed . owing to the ‘continuous rainy. season, sod _ ploughing is the only kind that works satisiactorily . Nearly all the other outside work has teen completed with the exception of some corn and turnips to garner in. Threshing is : also bei completed. Those who have huvyn%acflm enâ€" gines have been experieficing . great dificulty in moving about, in .a few dificulty in moving about, in .a few instances the traction ebgine could not be used, in getting the machine into lanes consequently the services of horses had to be ruor;l to. The day and age of the horsg js not past by any . means, nof i8 ugelulness on the Ontario farm in the least even * though pow L various kinds are being tntrodw: ‘ap horse still occupies a position ‘th@t artificâ€" jal power cannot ï¬ll.-iThe Wallace ‘Cheese and _ Butter Co. have closed |the season‘s operatiows. The.make of chsese has exceeded the past year. Prices have been above that of â€" any |â€" year in the history of the Company.â€" | C Da‘tymen with any quantity of . milk|" ate sending their cream to the Palm Creamery, Palmerston, and find the reâ€" turns _ for their cream very satislacâ€" 5 tory, tesides having the skim . milk j\ which is a valuable byâ€"product to feed 2 to liveâ€"stock.â€"If reports are cotrect:h Wallacevilie can boast of‘a real estate‘, agent though perhaps agents of this }dcwï¬pï¬on are not so rate at â€" preâ€"|" sent. One of our enterptising young imen has decided to take}a try. at the | 1 real estate business. THere are _ no |/ doubt many â€" thousand Hollars made , ‘ by as it were, the simpld turning over . of the hand but on the@gother _ hand|â€" it is _ not all gold thaff glitters and many _ gilt edged _ pt itions are|â€" made to Ontario.~ far who _ are‘. taken into the coinfidence of â€"â€"some good friend consequently their money is invested and placed in safe keeping however, but not: the fabulous percenâ€" tage realized in the short time that they were led to â€" believs would â€" be Eastern farmers should be very cauâ€" | tious _ in tegard to the investing of \ their money. _ We do not say . that |there is no money to be made by 4nâ€" vesting in the Western farm land _ or ‘\ town lot, but instances have . come ‘| under our notice _ where the money ‘\had been invested and proved to be a ‘|sham.â€"The Wallace Circuit exchangâ€" f ed pastors on Sunday last. Rev. B °_ | Meyers .taking the work on the Mooreâ€" : field circuit, Rev. Rogers of the ‘atâ€" [,ter place taking up the Wallace . cirâ€" & cuit in â€" interests of the educational s societies â€" of the Methodist Church.â€" _ | T‘n Sunday, Nov. 24 Rev. Smith _ of y Glenallen circuit will exchange with je Rev. P. Meyers of the Wallace . girâ€" { |cuit.â€"Mr. Edward Hollingshead Walâ€" y | laceville is om the sick list we hope a sneedy recovery will follow .â€"Messrs. lot Mr. Fred Reier last week.â€"Weddâ€" ; |ing bells are tinging. a| Nows Notes :â€"Mr. and Mrs. 1. B. ;. | Witmer spent Sunday with the formâ€" r. |or‘s brother . at Plattevilieâ€"Mr. and _ |Mrs. Joseph Shants and Miss Clata of| Shantz of Haysville visited at Mr. id |Fred Relers on Saturday . . Reginâ€" t.|ald Strome is spending a days at be |his home here.â€"Mr. and s D. B. n | Oberholtzer and Mr. and EL. D: nâ€"|Oberholtzer spent Sunday with Mr. dt|and Mrs. Allen Shoemaker.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Abram Swartz visited at Mr. D. McCracken and _ D. Meyers hbavo returned from the West where . they spont several months Locals . and â€" Personals. â€"Mr. M. Strom> filled his silo last Monday.â€" The Bell Telephone Company ate putâ€" ting up a fow new wires through hero to Williamsburg and Mannheim.â€"Mtr. and Mrs. Fred Reier visited Mr. . A. Hallman in Centreville last Sunday â€"Miss Irene Shantz visited friends in this vicinity on Sunday.â€"Miss Norma and Mr. Ford Wilson visited at _ the home of Mr. Fred Huether on _ Sunâ€" day.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Elias 8. Shants and family attended the wedding . of NMr. Oliver Lichty and Miss Joanna Eby â€" last . Wednesday.â€"Mrs. ¢. ‘H. Shuh of _ Waterloo â€" spent Saturday with herâ€" parents hereâ€"Miss Ella Hagedorn of Bridgeport visited at the home of her uncle Mr, A. Swartz on Sumday . â€"Mr. and ‘Mrs.‘ George Schinidt of Mannheim visited the latâ€" ter‘s parents on Sunday last. â€"Mrs. Lovina Lichty has returned to _ her home here after spending the summicr in Yatton. â€"Miss Emma Haase of Berâ€" lin was a Sunday visitor at het home here. â€"Mr. . David Hallman and gon Alfred were visitors at the.home at Afe Frad Reler last wook.=â€"Weddâ€" Nine Pines 4 held excellent voresseveral times. Miss flm Lee Deil the elocutionist was 'E.'.‘"'-“""“ she is waid to be th best élocutionist ever in Plattsil}e.â€" ‘There was about three in â€"hes of exow here Sunday morning.â€"MeK ie Buggy Co. have commended shippiag (+*!tis. «Mys. J. Kilbourn has returne& . to Hamilton after | a two months‘ vigit at the home of her son WilUam RG# Hamilton after | a two months‘ Vma at the home of her son William R6Uâ€" ses.â€"A Literary eoncert will be held hers Nov. 32 under the augpites . of the Plattsvilie® Continuation School. There will ‘be several debates, one on the sufragettes and one on the iwomi~ ‘gration question, also a soprano soltâ€" ist from â€" Toronto and a Plattsville Comedian. Be â€" sure and come.â€"Mrs. Chas. Band and son have moved . to Toronto.â€"The river is very high on acccount.â€" of the recent rains.â€"Baird Bros. have taken on several new men, Furniture business here is boomilig.â€" "There is some talk of baving an O.H. A. Hockey teany here this winter â€" "The Plattsville cider mill has reopenâ€" M ed this year.â€"The â€" Hunters are . iR Muskoka â€"Adanmy . Beist . bas again started _ up the . tailor business, Mis shop being in the band room.â€"George Pury of London was at the home of ‘Dr. William last week.â€"Miss Queenie Smart. while on her. way to â€" school last Monday morning was thrown out of the buggy and was somewhat serâ€" jl:lusly injured. She is recovering rapâ€" idly. Sale on Tuesday, Nov. 26 ‘The auction sale of Mr. â€" George Huehnergard, 1 mile north of St. Jacobs and 4 miles south of Elmira, will be held on Tuesday, November 26th. Through an error in last week‘s issue it was announced to take place on Nov. 27th. ~ Rev: Dr. Hincks addressed a meetâ€" ing of _ the Evangelical Alliance in London, and & Â¥esolution. was passed dealing with th. ne temere decree. . John Kunkel of Rumimelhardt on Sunâ€" day.â€"Miss . Sylvia and Mr. Percy: Shantz visited‘ theirâ€" sister. at Water= loo on â€" Sunday.â€"Messrs. Maitland Strome and _ Ed. Strook of Winnipeg spent Saturday at the former‘s home here.â€"Miss E. Snider of New lhm; NOVEMBER 21, 1912 ;;\}_g spent Monday with Mrs. D. S. Wismer. h Bert H be sold quick." <Apply to and Personals ~â€"Ths concort Nov.mwu&lz‘ suC t Howie the comedian | was he baving to give douh!t ¢n When getting one of you get the best. . We prices. Meat Choppers Plattsville The undersigned has a few Choice Building Lois for Albert Street, one of ‘the finest residential streets in Wt CHOICE BUILDING LOTS! No. 22 Meat Choppers ‘at $2.75 No. 35 6t 6e ©_ $3.15 We carry a full line of extra Knives and Weichel‘s Weekly Store News Phone 215 . WEICHEL Rev _ CRESSMA N e of these machines be sure We have them at the right Plates Enterprise Sausage Stuffers When Selecting a Stuffer get the Enterprise The iron cylinder is bored true, No hot iron cylinder to handie when pressing lard, The patent latch prevents breakage of plates. _ The new Batented Corrugated Spout prevents air entering casing. . ding Lots for sale, situated streets in Waterloo. Must Real Estate Agent Waterloo WHOLE Waterlioo LOW PRICES