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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 21 Nov 1912, p. 9

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(a I It! A}? a?! cum gnu pa "" U! WILL "t't _ I»: new _uiratmt 10 _ tr' ttto in“. ' Sgt k' an? - It!» . " " 8- a a a. was a sub. Wii the "ggg,"i'Lle, "to ortqal, will supply own now". Thy have duo mule?” one: at sham: light to Wellington PM, “In new millen- tial suburb. him he "with“: and the Guelph Country Cluh'wm have to build the line from the "can ter- minus, near tlidtrtimita, E: WANT C The sputum ii St. Aadrmb's Chnrch.‘stn , has adopted I m mlutiou’ asking the City Council to 031.1wa I municipal abattoir and am on no,“ product. must pass the iteeti6et ot 8 killed inspector More hem.uposul no 'date The revolution in the outcome ot an able “than oi “The Pure Food Lav!" below the Motherhood on Tuesday "can; by Dr. C. E. Edge“. CAN'T' ADVERTISE IN DRY BELT) Att “normal. decision gnawing “QB wade" in local option osmium. "in Wis rendered by Judge Renal " V Gum Police Mays-l m." Blake recently con-z V 'the Lion Brewery Co., Berlin, dt contravention of the art in adver- min; in the out papers, soliciting Prion tor ttei-Magi) Blake “no?! udvtrtising equivalent to per- popl -sotieitatlion and imposed a heavy flne. An appeal against. the conviction was disatlow'ed by the county ludge with costa against the attendants. , Gait Poultry Show opemd nn Tues- - with 1,000 birds trom all parts at“ Province on exhibition. It is tht but show ever held in the coun- ngl Waterloo. Richard on ct Lore ' u) tit placing the awards. SALT POULTRY SHOW _ Th3 undersigned offers tor sale his lab situate 3 miles south ot New 41serrtann_artd-6 miles east of Ber- lin, Wining 'n. acres, all under a good lute of cultivation, bank barn Ind all necessary outbuildings. Ten- ‘Qol'ed brick house, spring creek rurMr- ing through (am. For further parti- cular: apply to 47-! mo Being Lot ll, Concession M, Morn- ington, 2 miles trom Tralee Station, Convenient to school and church. 167 was; about " ncres good bush and mine; clear and under good eul- iivation. Good orchard, bank barn. silo 44x84, new driving shed, brick homo. 312524 I M, one wood shod. Wot” tthouse and ham Apply ta MRS. FRANCIS QUERIN. tra mos. _ Tralee P.0., Out. MW "eslpt. IT 801’.” POWER Easan for Sale Farm for Sale NAr" amount-I’m 3mm." Bti, 'taiu'.",',', W" In. ' ‘0 JN; an”... _"tfr'" .. _"iTll.ETiTfiiiiTTfiiTIja' tgieti,t,ty2t,,.E,, tao1,',t'tra',,lrd"i',", t','reg',',',1t,'ye"?lr,te. our I". um on: nee . f 1'llN8'lee'l', meat in Winch“. OM. " you denim to ”wily he out "ff! Institute in Detroit " we -ttel tron I. in our Wind-av on which are for Women und My bf Guam-n bI-lneu only. mum. all hymn " 10110": ---'--"e"""- . int 7m G "titart Y. WW. On. M1tt",r-ogtryti_eeE..____._._...._...s.-.....-.....,.. 'oghgtgu,%'g'R,h', Terflc-m man-ht of 'tBtsrttqttMhttttscet tho t,',.5,fe',f,fiN,'ti"d!.fll'l, hm parted. BO mil Mamba-And ulcers heal up: tho new: boaomo 'ITEr, use! so am Mal-(ulna: and despandenc dunno-r the - an ink», Mull-n cinnamwy rum-mm the {can and the moral. Diurnal and mu! "i,tiiiiicii,fsg.iiiiiiifi'dt f,'i",,'i't 1irhtt,qu'ltit arm-r. 'st'irhta,titri . n W. . MMI",',','?, youcl your In"! 'r.g,".Tltiihi' . ITY ABtrrom, "V wee.",'.',",',',',',',",,-,,,','," was: tiilhi')'i'iitrt,'7 ”mm oeort N K Ir, m I I] Mon. [iititiiiiiii'iiii iitti!i'i,elulit', on l,.' Eggnog t _ m“ . It 'tSi'ei's','.tt'ii,'r'5' Etfls'iti'i'ii'iii'é iSid. b'i cum ”AMI?“ OI IO PM NERVOUS DEBILITY‘. agfigmmmmam 1iq-tMaBttttV M an. "r-io-ei-o-"- mGVGFRFiFtruuuri. "â€" is. a. stream can” Ave. and am a. Moll. Aitls. “$30136, WW T-Ll/i- ' _ _ " , _l,'lt',a,',ytllrt's'a. I mucsm. 'r. mucm I Mltlltfhlli C'iiitiulpits l “WSW Ellen Sh, Wrath Berlin a" M's-m USED WITHOUT mat comm? THREA‘rENl-zo WITH PARA new Wt Lam -err. "lam t',',gt"Mtt,e2gg Dom“; tummy icon. (,l,a? to Imus-acum- atttt t 2t 2l',lt J.,lrtttl I,'.", tgrep,,', M dim em! 'gl'l'Ai8uu'lf, 'ls"l'hs'l%Til?gi T,'fa"tr F,vi',rt'rtCiie, ml: the itgittNPgtttr1 . "t: Fi':',):,":,:!):)'; “you.“ 'it't' “ragga; . b Cl _ 1'lr,EE'il$i'if, mg: " mi? 'rr'lfil'g 5iitii'ii'i5i,1'i"i'i; . 2yie1eyptt'Mtt .41.. 12:3. , Scum [tiii/iii"?,',-".",'?,-,",,'.", iiP. ' - ‘- to f'L'h' m I" ma In um: "um-1 i?il'i,e2,f, n 'ttttgrail'.",;',',',' It '.C 'tP ta.' their 1'itle"t'!ttpy 1tStti a“ "ui'tr.-,')ca,"'-' 4 . I .k ,,m', _ s 'lv'lt,titiiiirs, _ Nun-:0 M’ eqMtt, assault 1 pg gt,'.ia,ttrge,t, _ Bomb-t, it. NOV” Mth, PM. Baden Hotel Stock {agil- The'muowing cumin" he .91.: try auction n tho Dominion .Howc. St. JW at 1.30 p.m.. Fig:-- - . A numbar at (rash cowl. a. num- ber ot syringe", the Name to come in early. All are guaranteed to halve about the time tstated. Terms ot SalkFour noma- credit or a discount ot 4 not mm. not an- num tor cash payments. _ It, R. LONG. Proprietor. G. G. CLASS, Auctioneer. Parcel No. l Comprising " are: more or was. or which there are 73 acres cleared and about 4 acres ot good cedar swamp. The ind is all under a good state of cultivation. Op me iartrs..i.s, a 'ge. orrtyrd con- taining a large nun: r ot young fruit trees including cherry' m! - ple. On the premtdts in a good i lstory' coins: rooted gravel homo 'with hard and soft water, also con- ,nection in kitcheafor waste water, Land wood shed attached, large bank barn with straw shed attached. stable under barn with litter carrier. iced carrier and water system compute, driving shed. pig stable and chicken house. This is iurexeptiona11r flne farm. There will be 1riiered tor sale on the premises ot the undersigned, " miles north of Waterloo, on fhe road lead- ing from Waterloo' to Conestogo, on Commencing at ao'clock pm. shun. Real Estate. The tarm comprises 86 acres more or less as totlowit:-... Mair. Noe. M, 1912 Parcel No. 2. Comprising 9 acres ot bush. more or less, situated 2 miles north ot Waterloo, near Bear- inger School House, Terrmr-Terms ot sale will be made known on day ot .sale. For puma]- an: apply to the undersigned. . IRA BAUMAN, Proprietor, A. R. No. 1, Waterloo, Ont. A. J. MrctBus, Auctioneer. Nov.20,23,26,28,30 Dec. 3,5,7,10. . " IW'I w YIN! Indium; All A Manitoba tirmer tied a young woman to up hm: ot I cow. in revvngc Iorher refusal oi his tutett- tions Monday, Dec. 2nd, 1912 H Al Tuesday, Dec. 10, 1912. PUBLIC SALE PUBLIC SALE ‘J. mums, Program. Big-$3188. Anew. M-it Skin] -tL in good mum 't)8raneqCems OF COWS or sew": 47-3t (""idL"iiiis'is- Jk,"J.Ml!,t8he 1tggttr,tgtur2t't A!!! tto,ut'att't -'ifs?3t;sltti eds-duv- _ 3 _ be “than ot Smasher? Plymouth Rubi and “a Rock Cockenh. ' “mm M Isl-ml Red Cochran and T mum. Implements, Ete.-aeecormiek 'trow") or s u. out. Nona and d.tih, Deer-f in; hay rake manly new. min. tooth cultlvptor, land roll". Mn No. " single plow, Ftttrrow m plow, Murrow an; plow, Lacuna iron Inn-ow. scum, root pulp“. Matrsoy-Harris straw can”, “all; I mill. 2 wagons " nearly new) top buggy. open buggy. Democrat (mostly new), market democrat, pair hob '. sleigh. cutter, My not. wheelbar- rum Stock. human” Coma-ah; It on o'eloe* “up, tM lollowhg‘vtlm any. viz:- T" Hay, Grain and Roots-About 300 bush. ot Banner need outs, equnntlty at bay, about 300 bush. M turnip. Household Etreeta, .te.--Cortter cup- board, , bureaus, cream separator, , Mamas with spring: (1 with mattress). crib, baby carriage. com- mode, parlor table, 8 chairs, lounge, wood chest, 3 rocking chairs, sink. 8) wash stands. water bench. hitch” ‘stove, parlor heater, Daisy chm. ‘butter worker and bowl, walling machine, baking trough, 2 cider trar- rels, iron kettle, 2 sausage grinders. 2 cream cans and many other Articles. No reserve at the tarm is sold. Terms-Hay, grain, roots, chicken- and all sums ot $10.00 Ind under. cash: over that amount " months' credit on approVed joint ”notes, or " per cent. off tor cash payments ol credit mounts. AUGUST ISRAEL, Proprhtor. I A. J. MICKUS. Auctioneer. J. AMES, Clerk. C Comprt'irtg IMI acres, .situatcd Block 1, Con. 3, Lot 19, Townslglp of Wilmot, 5 miles south-cast’ ot New Hamburg and 3 miles north ot Plans- ville. Abdul. 105 acres under with]: tion, Mince bush and {nature land. 0n property is a ll “my T momed brick house with kitchen, summer kitchen and woodshed numbed. Large bank barn. 45272, with all new cement Itabllng. piggery 80x60 tt., driving shad H142 It. and other _ necessury outtrui1ditsqs. Spring water pumped by gasoline engine. For In:- ther podiculats apply to, r HENRY S. EINWABCHTER. 4 6-2t Grand View Farm for Sale 454nm J'ontpriUng 156 acres situated 3 mites West ot Waterloo. " consists ot “in parcel- ot land, one ol Willa comprises " “no. The property can be purchased“ whole or“: part. Two lets ot Bulldings on property i'iriuCiretiara witi nutty (tun um, and good supply of Bott and hard water apply ho - - _-F-_- A. J. Mickus, Auctioneer w-lmo Nov. ale-Farm stock and implements of Adam B. Weber, 2 miles north- mt ot Bridgeport nu one mile loath d Bloomingdale. Nov. 27-.6rm neck Ind implement- ol August Intel. ' miles mud: or Berlin, “joining an village b oh Ska-bum. . _ (w Nov. ”gm-Auction ale of wind at “We. Jersey and Ayrshire cows " Lucas“: Hotel, Bridgeport. Dee. H-parm stock and ham of Kohl. Israel. In tho " ot Mon. Dec. ".-AtaetRtet “In ol lull DIM“ oi " an; new; to m In“: " mils! not“ a '"te6to on i to“ hung tro- Wsmloo men- um _ Doc in. “pr-nu that and Intuit- mu ttd has am. out MIt rune out. at alum no , mm minivan, at Both- a. tb' , tawn- ttrig, , , , .‘ l l y _ tJ,.1 ac. IT-tarm 'tod 3nd Imp1mmmta ot [Mb m. , lilo! we“ of New Gummy. and a lib I!“ of Mambo-no. ' Auction Sales SAMUEL SCHWEITTRR Arm for Sale 0F l7 ;nu Phtuville p. n. ’30? Waterloo can and 1 Tuqistemd um ma. T.rtrt.-rot'.e Wil' and: a up [trowel 30m. was. or (out " on... per am on tor can hymn of credit. amounts. l R. R. LONG. 11:0er:. mm. A. t MICKL'S. Ancient; um. W.WWD‘W Cm Than “a It val-n Monday, w. gSth, 1912! pond to in in edttd a no one Aye-Ha Can. att Ro- ou lunar and M to traim 'stir. Am tb what at Frets Con. Sui- gen and 1 'uetetf. Jury Bl. ottIiiIsrfth'nlt'8 SALE} than will tion on “in I Grimmer. ltr bets, on Comment“ following proving T!.' wash stand, ' th bag of can ing machine, china' cupboard grain bags, a quantity or "can“, dim, mu. forts.»kniviu, will, a quarter of I cod ot hudwood. and many ‘othef articles too numerous to mention. C.. Aldermen Frame, taechtelmrd Ste vanson of tStratford hue signified their intestUttrt ot being unworthy 'tttndidtttea at the .1wa demons. Aldermen Atiqr/kelhr, Roberta am Mr. James Fringe my Mao consider- ing ttttrar- “170::an and” that ho will not and: mum. imam MAYOR'S 0mm iiiiidt 5500 T0 SICK READERS or "tiitltttui-'fliuiGhN MRS Famous sand/ws, (initiated the Now Wén'derful "Home Treatment" Offers $1.00 Package Free to Sick T anerAilfrig" ' Saturday, Nov. 30th, 1912 In order that every'reuler at t . Chronicle Telegraph who may not have heard of this wonderlul "Home Treatment" may have an opportunity, to test this. celebrated Wine, the now {when aciéntlet, Dr. James W. Kidd, otters to glve absolutely tree a. lull size 81.00 package to Me hum}. red readers, ot this paper, to prove] the wonderlul claimewhioh have been rude for it. In mahtitg this otrer tin scientist said: "I know that there are my people who have been But-l, 'tering for your! were some chronic‘ ‘dlseasz and many of them bare went large sum ot money necking . Cent. I know that there people hesit'ate about landing my in medicine be cause they hue dmm.hed of ever set- ting well. Theater-A- have told me tttnt story in many thousands al the, same people have. told me' liter- erda that my treatment had cured them after doctors and everytlilng. else had felled. I want to pnwe to I Limited nttnttter--ttrt matter what the diseau. no matter hair long they they ham uncred,'no matter how blue And H discovnyd-dht my (naught real- ly 1nd many (160. with the wonderful (cults "at. have been re- ported." ' ". _..rrtr _ .2]!anan Jun” new: ._ In .Lumbqo ..M Trunk “Am ...ru-m , ,..'.k In; .Pim ot?tmatteauott 411mm Cm . Em Jau- . "Srtoetn .Hes Hfllanlnet _ .-Agttttttn ' . on: . ram um 41” - w New .. “W .90!!! Trouble . Di! om- uy othet nymptmns "on a upgrade I unsung” B. DUERING, Auctioneer umbmbym tti0aiiiMoel, otttrieq0rt,t. will be to“ by INN“: W thr, uremia“ ot the m. In r, In "I. village of my Dt. Jun. w. Kidd, Toronto. Canal. Kama M and me , Pull ”.00 Course at free no! you”. just as you yo’u tromise Sum and No, Poet' om ._'rtr_PtrSe!y. . , . MINNIE BRANDT. Godarich, Admtuistratrir. A” A 'a, . doc-.00 we“ oil-euc- you have. No croat" (XX) MEI-e th. one not: wild you Inner molt I .3“)me “on!“ “1100: Dir-mum; mAI’In ..,xm.y mus ._ tum mood asaiiiikrreye" mm ii.jiap1ter, Fm Dollar 11‘:th cm a 1 gfclocl p.m.. the my long atf,icted Pull 81.00 Course of Truman tot my pun. trat m the """h,tatgt= "P""trte.r1'r't't :M‘Ilill i “I "ago-Jumbo. m. h at Will n~ _ WOW”, Dec. 11tit, "I? Coil-lac“! Aire, an t any, vu~ FhrHtry.y In! 18tlct'fet, a“ ”I!“ psp HELW'“): "untold. l, Auld atf?,yft my ”on.“ - m. an!» irt.qti/ mu. I not: old kiii-ihtt in: bone! "groom. wimp .tr 1 Cut! me.-. 'tiso-ttiid “It, can In. to who in Jmmamho h ealvtt in Juuuy. not“ b to [can in Much. cow at to" .ulvo .h May, MOI. I Wt“ I pa" on, supposed to to hawk“. , spring calver, about " Ptrtnotsttt Rock chm. I Implements, Eu.---, Hurl- {Mnder C it. cut with sheat cadet, Damn; mqwer " It. out. Mtsrg.y- Harris 11 has need drill. Dealing culti‘yator, Eimirs hay loader, " .hone power, Murrow, Cock-butt. plot). Prism No. " and. plow, two Harrow pa; plots. mum iron mow, mm. can ”that tum'm. new wagon with box 'comptota. wide tits - V“!!! Pte?', pairbobslel‘b. 2 top Mt Shh cutter. open Nagy Arith mull mt. at navel plum, by ruck. (ming‘mm. wiper. new De but! ‘oream separator, cumin; box, m “heavy team hams. at plow hu- ,‘n¢ss.'set cums: karma. , an ’slngle harness ft new), wheelbarrow, e horse collars, blankets, a don. new I grain bags, doublet”, neckyokel. 'giorks, shovels. logging chins. hoes, I rakes and many other articles. H The above implements no atittssi- ' ly tttrw. _ . Hay. Grain and mote-lo was or good Timothy hay, aboue 400 hush. oats. a quantity of mixed barley and can, about I bushel ot mamgels and ttNrMtsttet1 turnips. F No reserve as the Proprietor 13 leaving the farm. I Trrms.--Htty,' grain, roots. F chick- ens, let cow and all sum: ot 810.00 'endumdel', cash; over that mount " mouths‘ credit. u: approved joint notes, or " ptr cent. oft tor cash pennants at credit amounts. :Mbe, who suffer from Rheumatism Kidney Trouble, Stomach Trouble, Live! or Bevel Dsordeh, Catarrh, 1:?th; Arttrmtr, Chronic Coughs, Weak Lungs, Lumbuo, Ptlea, Grimm Disorders, Fannie Wallace”- ot any kind, the walk. worn out, broken- down and despondent will te de- lighted " the etteet of a few doses. Ms wortdertu1 tmtmt creates a tine appetite and helps the digestive organs to carry pa than lunctlons as they amid. It, strengthens the kid- ‘neys, too, and drivel rttmsmztism poi- tep, “on “no Mood as " by magic. The! is why people who try it become so enthusiastic. Any reader ot the Chronicle Tele- graph tho will try this oxtraorditt- m medicine that In! created so much armament try R: cum an ob- tain atlalulkly lune a lull $1.00 treat- ment by singly filling fin the coupon below or writing, a letter, describing tbtstr case in their own words, it they prefer. and mailing ft tthrotil5,ltty ea w. Kidd, Toronto, fitgftii, 'Pio imam-y med he sent "d"tiiF rte of any kind will be nude. . l? , ‘” ._ "LEE: bier}; named, fou ibould writer .0. once, 1- ogdgt to arm to can“: your In: mum-c” I, .__ --- Pgovittte ROBERT ISRAEL. 1'roMetor A. J. MKCKUS, Auc‘loneorf Anemia mun than. 'teadaetto malnu- Rm DUI“, Grain and RoouLIs pay 9! sil- " " on t.ttS2t'. tth.; allow“: "W I” nirvana no In a! tbo - “1580ka Formula” ”Void “gable "Dunn with his"! Periods H "M "at" Baum; Dov": Putn- ..uuoon‘hou I 474%. In a" h. on SN load. on Tannin, Noe-tre. 26, I”! Win “a.“ BOW: d I all I yam old. “I! t M. tench“; good 1 you: all, Indy emu CAt'tl-4 ma f'tts'.at'de, to up all aq4 ,1 w‘ our -tsaed to I. ll (In. W on mood to to in all. I, a up: on Jeanine: mu to to b can. in!!! I ya: on. Hal-m his 11s.: customs 1 you old. 8 out). 1 yr. old. ml. Holden a“, Spring all. " PIGS-6 your}; souls, unwound to bun us, new of mi. ' month old, mm of ' pigs, 4 'm.ottthroM, litter ot 7 pigs, 8 months old. litter ot ' pigs, 2 month! old. litter of I P.ir1', M month. old, mm ot 9 pigs, " months old. “Sunny King" Boat, No. 85584,] Bot “Sunny Slope Una" No. 34074,] Hippo-ed to hell: pig), tho her on: litter oomdsting ot 5 Bot", a Iowl. a months old. also In! mound litter tttttmists" of 4 boars. 1 ttow, i .mouthl old, thrw “Sunny Slog: Lit- tr" No. 34981 (suppers! to to In pig,) also her litter wanting ot A hours, , lows, a months Md, Row “‘Lady May," No. 35585 ("PM to :bo in pie, the her litter consisting of " boars, d low: , months old. ( (Young stock all eligible to palm.) oriiEarEN'rs-neiiie.. " W. nearly new, Nun. 'Hxrttt,,ftr.mr- pe My 2l't.58ld'f WE“. (comm). iiiuittifiijtrif6. 73:! I Wood cultivator, W glut, 1ttaN 2 durm- m plough, “can "'r- row gang plough, Wim p . Frost & Wood Flown. . W._ "arrow. unwell In“, (I: _ new), wngon st'.',',:",'.,'.:','.','), s 'YA, ‘rack. lumber wagon two an d _ . lingo. top buggy, open I: r' ‘tire. nearly new). pair bob slojghs with box, cutter (nearly new»? My Hack, navel box, “utensil: (all 3350 gallons), log sled, lannlng mill, Estnw cutter, Malawi-hm: mm cutter, _grind “one. wheel barrow, a tttttta of team haunt, (l brass ‘mounted. nearly new), t not“ of sin- :gle names: " rubber ,mountpd nanny Gem, pair ot blukotc, robes, hells, ’jduotara Metres, neckyokes. platq form scale soon»: can. beam scale [iii, In. atpstity, elrthtur alum inch rip saw. 2 cross cut new}, cant "hooks, crow bar. sledge hammer, . stone drill, chains, forks, shovels. , cradle, scyMIes, 2 iron kettles. copper , kettle Cap. " gals.) 40 up buckets , with spouts. sugnlbeet knives. lawn cmower, and numerous .othcr uncles. POULTRY-about 70 hens. t Brown begun Roam-,3“ a num- ber of Rhode Island Red rotttter1T m TURNIPS, APPLES-800_ tttmhels turnips. quantity of mmgolds. .- quantitrot syncs.“ Spica, Baldwins and Ben Davis. , . HOUSEHOLD Eer'AtTs.-Cormrr cupboard, podium, bed complete. whatnot, flour barrel. doa. lulu» ind torts. about a gall. cidvr vinegar, 2 benches. . e'... __ Tririurve, tNtM,'rt,rtyrrrt,'ot . moving to ma. w" t', h' _ l TERMS-Tornithr, aiples. and poul- try, and all sums 0! 810.00 and Igli cr, cut, over taiatiaooustCirhttri credit on waived Mm. not»: or 4 [or an. on tor can ptymonts ot tredit amounts _ . w” . g: o. ll. CLASS. Auctioneer. . T 0E0 HUEHNERGARD, t'ropriertor, J. H. RUPI’EL. Clerk. - - Thu undersigned our: tir nio hi: on hm Imam 2 miles can. ot m Involving, The hm comprise- " ,ICI'PI, 8 new: ot which is hard- wood bush and to not" sown In tall wheat suitable 'talt dairy or 2trClll',i,tlr, “‘"~ Td aftt f I _ ' P " 1.. :‘i‘ rgl'l6 “an”. ,. x " New Ht-tit on. The. whatnot! do!!!“ “I: his valuable hm. limhd‘heu Whin- houtu. t"alltt at” may. a» and“ ‘Im Manta at erntmuott, an. 'M mi! " m who load. Sine was. huh Inn and ttll ”any ottttRtitdNttr Anlr to 44-itmr 804m Thoroughbred Yorkshiru “All“ 'rtae nth Farm for Sale Ho wanna-x h 2tt'tN'.8t thud” W.‘ not ultimo-dam LUNCH, AT NOON Arm for Sale AAt they ion-I. I an“, vdll‘ m), horn " o'aot* SNYDER. Penman Apt Mum. and“. OIL M-at mania-am. I. "V tttgktt'lht2", " w .nbouta-ulf . “all“!!! SCC, " ' A iiiaoemrit-tto ot wanna m h- tg)tiWl'. or. 't,ih'2,ft.etti.'lt't.1'it!f. gunma- gin-917311- __ ttt . i.' I "rl 't,,lu'tg,1tti11rffl..tst'. TI. and“ award "It (It. llmu on all. 'tttetbrq" d Bt. Ana:- m 4 all. ltltHt an... on CM 1. Inui- The hm comprise- no“). l“. at me- - Ind yum I” - man and M at cum-in Boil good any loam, poi "'1’; crack. a um: mun; Inna, “aw brick house. but bun. that _ For (who: 9mm:- - so D. B. sum. “can. "S6.tt.. Complete. "" use. 'tttttAft I at?» but which is m he”! run um I. an when ”In, uni ll hilly. m ”I. . well “and end in an man when Denied. DI proreetr he w hem with plenty at My A gene-"tank to hem to "e, MI to stools. went bqtra. can” muons]: pipe (101:1th mi. 'Ii I: to be bad In shunt-lee. or» ‘lum is . stone home ol the M. (i,iiiit with convenience: end - ef herd water in kitchen. Spud“ bl. tar, Bell telephone connection. A' null cottage in an on lam, 1“- property in better ham u no)!» lo!) tum end In shamed " mm. with ot Streams. 1 - have some and 9 miles nomads. It In and the best (emu in tysrtthWe term Tp. end he: never - new! if}; "in good mm at alumna. tinny ot holy In ttte xenon toe M. For turttme ”may tt "rot an"? rr- e.ia,sr. The undersigned one" tor uh Ill farm. better known as the Ctqeb'. ‘Forwell (arm. situated 2 mil! In!“ at St. Clements am 1 mile joini- west or Juwkesvi1idt The.“ call!- prttret 141 acres. more ot In“. . te eluding " aerei bush; mostly h“- Nrood. The. balm is ell good We able land, slightly rolling M " atreb which is enmity e - which crosses the south-eat com at 1the (arm and provides excellent - turo Ind. The lam ll tile ttta6tttrd where necessary. On the property In a large hank barn N x " test. a! straw shed 30 x " loot. u that!!! shed is also attached to the bell. There is also a large shop you Ind n work-shop attached to the' _ in“, Under the barn are excellent at“. smut fioorg, and under the “or shed 1umpktsandttenrrerr,.tartee eat floors. A large mm.“ l! also situated some at.” from Ch barn. The house in a two storey brick, " x " test, with brick kitchen 25 x30 feet. also large yin-er kit- then and woodxhod. These titdiq. an. an in excellent malt. min lately helm re~roofod. We“! in en- plied by an artuian well “up! tr I power mill on the Mn. At "ht Bowie ls B1ao-hard end MW. “than hummus-W” is in a high state of cultlvetlol lad he: always been occupied try the“- [ nor. For ttartherirutmurs my , on the premises or write I'll. . F Forwe0, St. Clement: P.O. A A "In-bk My km in Outh- vive, of n m. tor mm. We lturther punt-rim nnly to A 100 new: firttt (this tum land, '75 acres seeded down. l} wt. owl-5". 2t acres bush, butane “Cumulati- Hon. Barn 60x89 lfooo [mull Aio, honhouae mid plghOuse. (at we); " ban. aim at _ "at, "h but}; ovtrtloMng up! at Mao! hm, convenlent to 'list “mile! trom Paisley. on T rural mull 1M, also Telephons sank: counted“); wit& Fully OM Cttr.hrr. be. 1!. Col, 10 Emma. am»? up, b no. Apply to J. WHChmfetm thw- ‘crooul't Rd., Tao-Gm l T " Farm for sum-I J. satiDWR. m Farm for Sate Valuable Farm _ for Sale Cumming of _ " you. Gull" walnut ot Pam: and 1 music“ of and“. so new: “I o- m. “In“ I!“ and Ind. Good orchid. It” in and bunk bun and Mt minty om- budMinu Ann to Abram R. We)" Arm for Satis Farm for Sale Farm for Sale ‘arm for Side 6mm ' tr,'t','d'el'lf m. .A. monso: _ _ 3m in “not. It“

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