" a. i , ' D i)d'tll?e1dtit, and .1an nou- _t3l," ‘0. “int“. door. ' was “In. In! than ma non. to tpmnrent. an w an.» no men. inâ€: m W u do! God (on I Phat, it could not the" an» If - “will cater No hull: then. In a vol»: _ a." hit - dam. Ind um_ _ Ital-(Wuharholp- bun... In he {may trotrty up _ to him; “-5. would‘ look to»! but†van! an: no It Ibo am‘m. If it m MI not A drum. in. -tittrt o: his mum Imagine athte.' _ _ , In M can. Ind In homing“ In in. luau-mm. my had been driven Wilbur“ Inn-{doo- eetr; pad they but poopled their Ion- tpdo with an ad women. Wu um t','l,'tg',1Nt ot a modal-0d brain. too wanna tsMysstotp ludiwdvnh no Melon: a. pressure upon It. Much; a illusion? Wag there In truth my wanna were? Ho would also the luck and open the door and look, One. more the hand went stealth; urn the but F in. women slept quietly on. No thin hurricane wily unlocked or canny broken protected her. Something in- undble. yet stronger than the thick- elt. the most risid bit. of steel gnud~ ed her; something unseen, indescrib- ‘nhle; but no unmistakable when it “not. In the bmet‘of those who do. ~pen¢ ya it tee! that their dependence in not in "in watched our her. ' Chitin!“ no evil ihought, the mm m - to ratify his desire which my“ bear a sinistar construction should it be observed, "It {In her pri- Vncy he was inwading: she had trust- " to him. the had all! no, to his hon. or. and tint stood‘her in good stand. Ttts honor! Not in tire years bad be but! the word or thought the thing, hilt he had n9bturgattmt it, She ind mauled _to an uuroul thing; upon “it he: trust was. based. His hand loft _ h, it tell gently, ho drew baht an tu ed “my trembling, I camber-o .Br mantel-ed himself. He arrdhe truth min. I What had he been shout to dot Pro- tnno, uninvited, the sanctity of her dumber, violate the holpitniity of " ownhou-e? Even. with a proper mo. p", im‘perll his sell-respect. Bttatter but trust. endanger tut honor which ho “Manly become I part ot him on Luann]? She would not probably on; lb. could never know union 'et “on. ‘What or that? That an- mt honor of his life 1nd race rose 3 mountain when scorned face mot be scaled. ': no "ll but with 3 mm turn, tb [aunt uncut. womanly: ma morn non. p6rhtois, irthir1ited itt" mm- hlm tel-non. u Belt-centered as Women are so often, by necessity, frank] be " feminine as their Bitttetrty-. 'ntitgatneesd him, overcame him. Hin hlnd went to by hunting shirt. Nerv- No Our-d From One to the Other, homily impossible to the biting. thn Hummus yields-and head- “ sour munch, iadWestioy g? Sound Sleep Sin the bowels-rt resisted Lid {It "at 1nd kidney: "imtlated by MlliMlilllll'8 PILLS um . . Lin-.21.. 311333 'tti'!,?,?,',?:)?,' it"! “as!!!" any 'lgtt%"g',tt"d'tTi; ham c b tobmtnghmmhu " 'eeaatAatrotdmr.tbqttmagttte- tohttrstutnottr6ttreqtri6q+ had he in: to! I “an! uncon- scious ot tho pram" at on W over his heart. but now that on: oth. erhadeorrttladto-hforitto Ind it. ‘Thomudmnout. mun: m- hand and opened It. I“ hold it no tightly that tt M an beneath a. strong an; of his strong hand. From a nutty be: " my and.†obloct with trin can: hull. Ho took the tin-Moths my.» not! list! at the audio upon the able, and atamd from on. to tho our with on. beat, ming. I " F _ Uh mm! Ill". he at can than: an the. mud to tho cum! vulon. a. loud other sound- than tho but of tho run upon the foot. an rou- ol no wind down the 6tBB98t. A fine; that ho but "om ho would mar fol-get, but. which. God forgive “dip“ hot new the chm-non that it man have had â€newâ€, whines-ed awful word: to him. Anon he looted Into “otherâ€; rod. too, with no hue from the been) or leaping mine, but rod with the blood or (lastly wounds. 3. been! again-that #69011. the ten louder end more terrible than any you at thun- der that gfeed the clouds than MI but! all and. the mouthin- an“. end tremble. no we. cull-clou- min. ot the awful swine-n ot death mu m pervaded. He dropped on his knees buried bit he. in hll hand: when they rested on picture end locket on the rude able. Ah, the put died hard, for I. mo- ment he wu the lover ot old-ra-q. passionate emulation, tsolitude-he and the dead totteuter-tto world and the living forgot'. m, would not he false, he would bo'truo. the" was no power in my (cable woman’s tender hand to drive Mm oil his couru, to shake hi: purposa, to mute him a new, mother . man. Oh, Vanna. VIII~ itatumt On the other We of the door the unconscious vomit Btmrt quietly Ott.' The red flreligtit died may. the glow- ing coals unk‘ into guy m. Within the other room the cold (lulu Insulin: through the unnamed window looked upon a tield of battle-death, wounds, triumphs, detentsr--portrared upon one poor humln flee, upturned on name times victors and "mull-bed allko " turn stark (nee: from the new to the God Above who my pity but who Im- not intervened. _ Bo Jacob may have looked utter that awful night when he wrestled un- til the day broke. with the angel, Ind would not let him go until be blessed him, wulkinx, forever After with halt. ing step as memorial, but with " bleuing. ail-nod. Hath this Inn's blen- ing won or, not? And mun. be ml tor it it he hath achieved it? And all the white the woman slept quietly upon the other “do at that door. The Log Hut In the Mountains. What "likened the womln she did not know; in all probability it v“ the bright sunlight streaming through the narrdw window before her. The cabin win so placed that the sun did not mm. mm: into the room until tt van to . hour- high. oonuquently aha N 'lthtl'l sloop om. cam-ow un- duumm. 3T5. mum-nae no of- for! whine: to lwakcn her. What. - (uh he had performed since day- break ind been so silently accomplish- ed that aha ind mi jean “an ot them. no noon n he could do In, u hid un the cubin and ya m bunny engaged in hit, daily dutie- outside the cabin and beyond what. He knew that when wu the ury best medicine for her, Ind it VIII but thet I“ shook! not. be d.Utttrtred until in her own [cod timg the “you. The cloud: tuu1.errotied thenulvu durimt the night, and the wind Ind at last died "my toward mowing. and now than was I out calm IDA-old In the land. Ttte sunlight wu damn; Ouutdo, when tho untemperul nil beat mu upon the cream at the noun- ulns, it was down" warm, but trittt. In the cabin it ‘wu Manly. Tho It. had Ion; [Inga bum“ Wkly Away. and " had not (“land the room In 11910th R. 3.; 2nd Inltlahd m Inn Inn. and van: uh" her blur kin. ah. yummy touted her wound- ed foot. by 'Jttf,' tt may. and db “Word are , that It m bunch I... pol-m! than m m amp-m. Tho (B=SI night Dolor. m boa T _ . “It _ _ Sh. d1retdt At up immuneâ€. but the conical of the room struck her Mt .omtaa.t"serttmttoftted. 1190th Brat tuna-1 a. wu hardly eon- IMO. ttt her I tuition; Mr I]... In! m to'o My all too bony. and W “use!“ too gram! tor my ul- dcn Imam!“ at tho no! condition. n vu not until lb. had ".red “one the In“: of the and. calm: for - “.4 than). mun...» "a ttq CHAPTER xt. MW LIE 'r'v1o.eot"oortoetl ’- m It†i. I“. 1 lmutnOM'my a bolt oven the ttgtugt pm. - Magic: T M Y.ahl't"tS"t um um ‘3†Into;- u- can“ his ttMtoteeetttt an new»: "rs-rtgtrprr- *et'i .5. must and; put them ong-boo tho In. sun. I“... In. W‘M Movuonohchouthdoou.“ In. â€-11:04 um tho only wanna Iho land in the uno- o! doemrey. “a the honor of the nun. That nu had bun allowed her sleep unmolutod and. her the not. eonitdeatt on that account. _ It. at...“ ttaatttr, “though It In no work ot mo dititeuttr in View It her wounded loot. and of the .113 m- dltlon of her rough. dried 199ml. Pt-mu, III. was oomphuly cloth“. an for that dumbed foot. With w big elm-y blnduu upon n, tho can not - her Itockln; out it. no "on tt Ibo mended in that. she could in no way nuke shin. to put on her boot. The situation In “turd. the pro- dlcunont “haying. an. WII warm; Moo-In m 5 than nun tor he: mountain climbing, Ind Ibo did not know quite what to do. She thought ot (will; up one of tho rough, unkind» " shut- lnd wnpplu It around he! log, but limbo-“A100 u to tint. n '.I very trying. Otherwise. the vault but ovum! the door Ind stepped ow Into tho open air. Now lb. felt no: "It virtually a winner. trho had been thankful that no our had duturbed.her, but now the with» for the man. In her hamlets-mes- s! thought ot MI retrottreqrtttnetm, M. eagerness. Tho man. huwevex, did . uppeu'. and there wan nothing: tor I lo do but te In: for him rut! -.- .4 of the Mullet. from the bed, the In! down and drew It urou hu- m Ind took tttoch of the roam. The cabin was built of W. the room wee large. perhaps " by " met, with one ride completely ' up try the stone ttrsspittee; more were "in windows, one on either side of the outer door, which opened towed the muthwelt. The walls were eunuch ed ave in the chinks between the rough hewn logs of which it VII mule. Over the fireplace end around on one side ran e rude shell" covered with books. she had no opportunity to ex- tsmine them, nithpush Inter the would become familiar with every one at them. 7 Into tho wniis on the other slag ware driven wooden pegs; from win! ot them hung a pair of snow shoal. I hqnvy Winchester tine, 'shirts uckle mud other necessary wilderness mn- phhrnalia. On the puncheon ttoor wolf und bear skin- were spread. in one corner against the Inn nun were piled several splendid pairs of harm from the mountain sheep. The furniture consisted of the single bed or but: in which she had slept, built with»: the wall in an. of the corners, o rude table on which were writing mlteriai: ind lame books. A row at curtaiued shelves, evidently made of small hoxel Ind surmounted by a. mirror: occupied another Inca. There were two or three chlh'l, the hmdiwork or the owner. comfortable enough in spite ot their rude construe- uon. 011 some other pegs .huu I ' ' ' " I n -' iL'i G an. for when“ I waived by “him r'vi_yi, r'.; a,†1mm modl. 'i:)')'.),?,): '/-ii)) _ Lydil E. Pink (ir/ set . Vogotublc iii,-" . 't ' C". n _ co m l Fr,' , "r, _ “and long or 7,5" Jsl, n my dint-net. 1 'ie"Qli ( "r to " damn t ' ", , . V rm than l ' f 'ara,i' 't I, 42'. V JIfeltlih. ' . an. In“ THE IMttllit il? IiB'illiiillMll Healthy Mothers and Chi arelhGkesHavrrH- Motherhood is womun‘b highest when In life. It in the {tuition of her dun-C hopes and greatest claim; yet that» and: of noble women through Iona de "st-ttu-deeper-ttr, In many human one. childles- them m Gwehiitrent-ofthoNettttnt Lydia E.Ptnhharn'.v-tnble Compound make-women mtrmal,ttutthrnndrtemttp This is widened by the following lam which no main. and truthful: London. One-'" with totUnk Pttr for theb-tttt meeivedbrtnktrterour - W. "in (and). medicine, " - l Lydh E. Pinklmn'l gl - _ Vegetable Com. †' - , and. Baton my ', rwuattemt_tnr" ‘ Io III I could not . ‘ "and long or walk " - mydhunea. “in! ‘ 254 L: l to no down - F, . ' :3: undid ‘ . a" ttr. “Hog, . ',lr't'l.i'NF1'.ll?'l'i'.i?: ' " an. Iconme Mammal! night “(Iva - and well. I ttwuts" “at It ram-o pin a childbirth "id-nrt-sd n to tra","::,',',',,',',':',),',,',',' Youâ€: use this mum-I with. “my 1iijri'iiiici'iiiiij mâ€-Iu. M Count. “smithâ€. tw, 1m om. ,e'gfl'ttl',io'iid',', m an All the unsound mmmmmm was“! want“ .ILWI Mtrrtp - won ttttt t can†“do k'i?i'itfhi all iii7iiii2 had Lydi- nah-o gut-No tYS-tmd-tod-dey' Ila-ul- dan. J2T, ',i1'gl:gtf,'l.'tlt and your hound-o - gg/err.'."',". 3. 8mm. â€Hun- “BMMIVLNJ. 'H! WI lune-ta “in†'iyLFae '"i', 'i'is,'ii,Li . 'ii6d T !'....MS‘4 a $1 ','iir .'t HEAR!“ ulckor and 4 m'wester," (In! 0%!» coat. : tur cup and other rough clothu: a pair of In", boot- uood by the Breplace. On another Ihelt then In, I number or tudqntiite instrument; the nun" or Which the could nut deter- mine, although the could no that they were all in I bonnuful late of prel- MANY NEW PiBt0mas WERE OPENED - -"_-__ iiaii ‘W‘ T»; T" ' or. MILD. In 11.. an. “1'â€:le .0! the can god ':ii?1t.'tif:'e"i',,'1r',7ii',ti'5orgi't': Pot no". t 1:3" Wyn!) redeem“!- podou SM W. I an tht", run down nd-my friend-land had Centurion. I trled nus-emu doctor. and d kinda ot walking hut received no slid uy91 Wird tyroy. 'i5iiiiiiiiici5icdtiicidtjeg as: t. te on, up I now Enjoy tSt',t'ttt.fc.'. Ilk',',)'?. Ottawa, No}. swam-g August, September and October 170 new post. oncett were opened in Canada, 'the majority being In the Prairie Pto- vinoes. when pageant the tide of settlement. The grant Postmaster- General has “national tor the new oMees such inelegant names,“ Dirt Hills, Ground Hog, Molly Gibson, Needmore and Fergugon Flats. , rum" he iiie"iiFiiiaietrs, In.“ and I atrytteif may frtea4s to use man"; ", l _ l _ V, ,HUGE mammal. WNWâ€? kiln only ladle!†that will Mikel)! lad unwieldy cure f,ia"Qtkft"'i Th1. madam] compound Halt tttl nob direetry on an liver, can: I this org-n to extract not! hilt {mule blood, and to give up - We t6 move the bowel. "gull-fly and mull-lb. A happier chain. " glen in mp names as Sunkist, Wrtheaide and En- Pence. During m quarter some seventy postohices Were dead. of which thirty yen: in Ontario. gee-Soc, 6foe teao, his! Are, age. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Evita-tin- Limiteit, Ottawa. BETTER THAN SPANKING Spanking does not cure children at bed-wetting. There la a constitu- tlonal cause tor this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers, Box W. Mn, Windsor, Ont... will send tree to my ' mother he: successful home treatment, _wlth lull imttrttctiotttt. Send no money but write her today it your children trouble you in thle wey. Don't blame the d1ild,_tho dance: are it can". help it, This treatment alto cures [iii:; and aged people troubled with urine diitiettlti" by day or night NEW INDUSTRY FOR PRESTON Preston. Nov. 8.-On Monday, Nou vember 18, the electors of Preston will be aka! to go to the polls and say whether or not they approve (1 giving assistance in tho than of I loan to the'Amhor Bedding Co. Ltd. of Toronto, ‘hom denim: oterr6tr ting a tummy here. Thu concor- unnuhcture- has: an Iron M wring-ad mum-nu. all the “in clpaln at the am, "can. Conn and Martin. are In“; young m d .oxcellent mutation. - , The firm agree- to erect a futon 180 by 60 feet, two storim high, to - with n moulding shew and I: moms building to mututura t mattresses and springs. .Tbay bin! then-solve- to My " but fittt hud- tte you would,r and oxpeet to Ito-lily mm this lumbar. ta gt can: they at to: . loan ot 315. und n rm to can tsprmo" cm $3.000, all ol which ll h be “paid up ‘the um: with 6 m (an. Idem: It twenty and '" hull Installment; in? It rally with town not} in. , . l At a man, at the Builder! God en. - WM tad Wan we?! dun an (so-met toe u trreaoi, outsou- " :21 'meh, and the mm ot (home Glam won given the con- tract tor " them-'- cm at $1.85 ol (karma mm lot out. XPENSIVE OVL'RCOATH 'qttita&tftarttllh BOWEN!!!" (To Be Costumed.) as): â€at. " indicated In tea - on eluc- tion night my otd-tlme, Rapttttieatus volt down in the lladnlide. " looked motto! and†an Uncle Joe Cyn- m was to be numbered "no“ tho fallen: Late tonight though “I old Republican warrior (:0an that he had curled his district. m Iltb. ot Illinois, by lbout 100 plurality. it . up. up» '?lti,teii, "tr a. 'ttttlla-' - " ' km Mic w in: B mm. but. an â€my: users†tenths mm- W "may that that no no“ Hon-a will have no Macaw. 120 Minn and " Bull Noon-n. TM: gin. ttte Moo-nu In input the [duality ot In over an - lic-u In the Home Ind u on: mi N†ot 145 over the txrntttbbd Re publican and Bull Moon strength. . The Dancer“ margin over tho no Dublin-u in the present Home in W0 DEAD MO 1 NINE INJURED _ IN TRAIN WRECK Tho Dunne!“ mush: â€man in are present qtttr'ti. We IMI) be Sixteen but D-drag. W Hive , 290 Members Tubman“: plus "to pun! on country out. But use - It war-o, {IA-Staten when the Bull Home: were runninxpn the Congress Brandon, Mam, Nov. 7.--4htts man, Identity unknown, VII killed and BB- other i: believed to hue been cranni- ed in n colfision between a freight train and the cabome or a mule up“ In the C. P. R. yards last nw-t. .. The tiro which [onowed the cash summed moat of the wreckage. Tho body found was so badly chutod that idmrtititatiumt is impossible. Seven] valuablcxattle were burned also. lt II believed the owns: ot the cattle and the brakeman were in the caboose at the time. Nine were a? en to the normal, and two, Max Rankin and Beale Lamb mlously injured. 7 , . - _‘ k . -. While Miss Lamb was lying on the ground unconsclmu some Vandal stole her purse contaiuing m dollar: and her meme!“ ring. DIPHTHERIA M).IW. APPEAL . B ADJOURNED Toronto, Nov. 8.--Wtmt the aplral ot the Ancient Order of United Work- men from the decision of Mr. Justice Ridden restraining the order [tom changing its rates to its old mem- bers pending the trial ot the issue was reached in the Division Court yesterday, the case was placed at the foot of the list of can: to he heard " the November sittings. This would Indicate " indennite talcum- ment of the appeal SCHOOL NE LIMIT RAISED London, Ont, Nov. g.-Uttietrs a mnsidemble numter at mum-yen eo- urn protest within the next thirty dun, all London children up to the In at sixteen your: must attend school. commencing with the pew you. On motion ot Trustees Dennis and Gummy. a by-law was unam- mously gazed " n special meeting " the Board at Education this nttee noon under the adolescence not, per- mitting was "e? the compul- nory nebocl up init trom loan-en Ao sixteen _ A tannin†will gm with c213 when hnrdlhlp - noun. and than between loutuen and sixteen than potent: â€not al- Ionl to have M mm a.) stfool' may Attend night this». _ Petition itt Inc: a liquor lien-e Mann, witch have in alumina! throughout WW mm m last "It. “we teeth“ 1 number of II;- but. nm than ancient to - a plum rote on the qsrezttott n the ttext municipal e'ccuon. The petition duh! . mm at W tmtet lie, ense "on " to it. MINARD’S LINIMENT CURES prsekTx'Htta1 BY 'PHONE Th talcum, mteitt ttt train Aer- Plifhfllg in to be M on “is Grand mt Railway km when to Chi. cIcO. " men an the aces-my exten- sion ,eu he made. On "a Toronto- San“ hue it will be pm In use' on JNIWV I. BEDUCTION n wlsnson ti mutin- sdhodhr IN LONDON TRi the I' It tth HEAVY RAINS CAUSE FLOWS IN GALT tuo. Nov. T.-T'h. Grand River I! to-day " thm “shut it has ever been except in tiood Mme, say old resident: “at: m rive: bane, . The heavy ta , ot them: couple of days have caused the "vet ot the river. to the suddenly. Wharla at the Mallow at m dam hue been wallet! “Iâ€. and a lot ot driltwood has passed down the river. . V rm ih [re , T, ill. than I. t, A...'.,'......‘_ w', It '2'niiiiit"'iiuri'r" l iititifiitiitfi,ti, ,i'ilr'a't?,GE,,e. a: Sr'.',:', tHet. Bttd than Mule um ub- . .' tr' '93, Ttro $hsktexrW.PAt.tttf; ii ii; r. a1iia"t'ihahiriTtiir'ai%Gia m_iiiaGiisiirrT6iiriitli 'inii (on 'i,iriiiiieiiriimoSia1'itolSl1ttilrti. mull-mu"... hm Mb was: â€in [and 1tlT'tid Den-:03..OIL. given Don las â€min him awry “wrong: lest, and this“ ttll he say: about V. _ T .. After at}: and making an! n- mukabb T speedy. cunt.“ 1haqpas' tt tian Liniment. I must say my 'islE'ii',k'ii, . ' f ,karrctti, _ . gt my. ereth h M 5 1d iri "prrd int 9an e incl“: l',') .wpejharg‘d it the 1'p,tt The ldlou‘mg Canadian patents haw ban 'ecenttr secured through the agency ot Messrs. _ MARION & MARION, Patent Atforners, Mon- treal, Canada, and Washington, 13.0. Any information 9]: the, subject will to sapgt.ed tree ot marge by applying to the above named tirttt. ', . Nos. I . QZEEK'QSM f Luigi... but Egypt “an Limmcnt soon di edged an: Hung lusty Ind tl [3919 cu_re gnu . . . 'iil'iir, house “kidnap†huh-He in all - " daunting. niacin. neuraigL. tturi-Ai-res-s. It in. Nov tocttartwsitt" __ _ You owe ittoyour familv. Ind your neck to keep . home of Dong-Inf Egypt!“ [Animal any: " hand, regdy for Mt use. - - q 113,620-Mmr Muntztng, Stockholm, Sweden. _ Apparatus [on â€pant ing solid matters Irom liquids. 148,6M--Jons L. Mignon, Krtsuanh Norway. Retrigeratitts device. 143,Mt--Arttrur E. B.t-Cyr, Verdttrl .._, __ "WV", "m tt llâ€. btood- at also. It hula eats sad wounds without iuit-tims or prom; Ici-di, It 1'1ct", takes w',',': in a m "rgottt tpins grains ot All hunk. In fact it is simply . lendid for every tumble of man or gas t which 3 liniment an Que. ernger. _ 143,8li0-Rette' K. Trout", Medici Creek, BC. Communion maifi- vutot and marker. H3,T24-Louis Douchard. St. Mathias de Cabana. Que. Horse shoe, 148,T8i--J.ottst Davidson. wee, Bttttk land. Manuhcture ol iitth (and “apparatus tor use therein. 1t8,'iss-HNo Lenin, Mannheim. 0gb may. Arrangement tor opal-dz- ing the governing vulva: In mm Fret-art gun. 143,TTT--dettt Roman, Fran-eh, Bet- gium. fRarting in?†your tor Warns! combusjion mourn. "rHeJs'vr'sNTolt'ty ADVISE-ZR," a book an patents, will be lent - to any_addmu aren‘t-gut. ., a: -rsi: at tUI deaiera Free sample“ (quest. Douglas & Co., Nannie; mit. IT IS SIMPLY Mllillllllltf i'iilllry'i ":'y'i"ii"a1Eii"r1%iEiEEi r- neyetg:gte,hr:tgtede 'tht.-eaotor-q"rroq' W.“ M“ IND-1cm. you“ Id. limb. "in." W In“ his: mac-ml Ndmmdbydq TiMmMBortattmtAtt,t"Q that it m. 81mm unl- a but! mud-at USEFUL» ZN VENT-{OKs EtRIE JGeuGeig SEE “I'm-wand. .mlmcov.“ “a - a..." MIG.“ :1: Glyn: UN Blot. an; Bum-ten. Wyn. Km. Con-yuan. , mm. m to Lot. " om: lab-m m. Cor. King-d Foundry It... m B. P. tyLtatENY, K.C. Banister. Sandal. NOâ€; Consumer, etc. m to. _ Mhee, Upstairs Cor. King and Sta., Waterloo. _" J. A. an... tra., wow. I: , A. M. - In cw T on, “mm In. Ila-Jib . m Una!" in a.» nude“ Alex. Mill“, R.C. an!†J. "tt D.C.L. Batman. and“. we. nee, Upstairs Economical Block. in St. West. Berlin. Barrister, Solicitor. Notary. 6.: veyancer. We. 0m m m Chambers, King St. West, Telephone Mt. A (Swot to Conrad Dita.) """ Banister. Solicitor, Notary Public etc. Money to loan: Gm“ ltNt otru-Pequeosat's Block. un- T Mallet. Frederick Bt., Berlin. k'. . Strasm‘n Block, .r Phone 143 King St, Smteet Honor Graduate ot Torah 'iii'it any, Late at we Rustin St. . [lupin]. ottawa, mm ot “I. College ot Physicians and Sum of Ontario. Note: Night all: an" saffron: at aloe. _ [ieBt12' CLAYTON w. WELLS, m: ' I..D.S.,‘D.D.S., Dentin. Wtrtetttto. new; ' to 5. Fridays a to " Tet. m Alter April 151. will um ' allâ€. the wand and mum. Frisky in anal month, 1 to 8 p.m. A! l Graduaw Chicago Collage ot Da- lfer,,'d"g.g,', and Royal Colby I ntal Surgeons of Toronto. Ottice in Fischer]: Block, Wuotlm; Dentistry practices in all “I tse-k. t"aTi4lta','TlUld I EXPERIENCED VETERINARY SURGEON. _ t n J. H. Bagel, graduate ot the on! Brio Veterinary 1itnt OM and residence, Queen St. bone â€3. Att calls by day or night meted. _ . Betttist, L.D.s.. Boyd Doll-gnu tal Surgeons, D.D.S. Toronto INH- sity. All branches ot dentistry - tiied. Entrance to once also, T u Concordia Hull, over La; Era. . [my ot nudge â€can.“ ' Oitige:- Pun once. St. Junk, Ont Licentiate ot the Rays! I)!!!†at Donn! Surgeon“ Honor Mb University of Toronto. Oil-0,1!“ ttoor, Weber Chambers. It; m. W. Berlin. Telephone 208. Hours: I uh. to 5 "I. . 7 German woken» f ., _ DR. W. J. scum . DENTIST " te-At Ki St. E. om h- dlttd 2as. III-MDT.“ at Post once. . . 5;! PM 454. . - " - Mil. Learn Dressmakins We but atatl cumin: ',g"tt tttg; eta, In “to itch. Par tttorrrtatimt all " Dr. do Van's Fem“! PI" La,ytritiuute run-luau"!!! ht. pith u: u 1'1?A'i'A'h'h?, an " " Mm â€Inca-p tt'iiiitl'ilht3!, "It " I I. or no or n o 3- - on. o... In. “In. Breeiatts-- Dimm of th Ev, Nose and 11mm. King St. Eaist., 1 ' I CLBXE 11mm is ECKEL, L.D.B.. bins DR. WILLIAM 051088. DR. LEDBRMAN A. Lynn. B. A WM. READE. K.C MILLAR a THE M13838 ELLISON. lit Church 8... Bull! g] J0JIN L. WIDW A. B. 3&8le DR. J. E. HErr J. A. Hl-LLIARD NT a (3me LENQ'E (1 u. Eaves†V (unwor- Block, Waterloo. E. w. cum Lil] SIMS In no.3 .23 Berlin