\~ OuÂ¥P‘Busy Neighbors ‘\:= 18 . . News â€" â€" beet bauling | Abe order o# the 'Nhn-na ng, and if the 6: of o K.. & Eâ€"» away on "m will m'& m ï¬ Ub 8 0‘c { ;“l‘b Beaver Literary husband , miaty hold.a successiu} . meeting {many ye Mlast Saturday svening and. . a _ fail |ayiy y was in W Theâ€" nEXt |age ol 6 ) will ‘be onâ€" the 14th of long â€" me iBecember, and a â€" special programi@) church, â€" Will. be prepared. . . Exerybody = Welâ€"| jorsy ; _ come.â€"Mr. Daniel Staufier, _ st., 18| yrg. w Still confined to his bed . owing t6 |w,, * j iMness.‘ His many friends wish him |.;,, n a speedy recovery.â€"Born: On Nov. 3, And" Alis ; to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fry, a 800â€")of progh On Nov. 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. <E4â€"|y», prog ward Dubrick, a son:>~ Mr. Christ]," _.,.. . Goettling from Detroit, Mich., called on Mr. and Mrs.. Wm. Richm last +. Personals.â€"Our school teacher, Miss } Marchan, spent© Saturday < and with friends in Berlinâ€"The Misses Ada and Violet Daebel {from| Berlin spent Saturday and â€" Sunday | with friends here.â€"Mr. Walter _ and Miss Pearl Becker from Mannheim spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Jacob Richn:â€"Mr. Daniel _ Staufter from Berlin spent Saturday with his tather here.â€" Mr. and Mrs. â€" Jacob Richm Sundayed with Mr. .and ~Mrs. Niss Tessic Mikm and . Mr. . Joe Holmah â€"were united in matrimony. Euwbu the lith, at the Holy: Reâ€" i r â€" church, Deiroit, Mich., Miss Mihm was formorly of Berlin and bas &ddqd in . Cheago, I!1:, for â€"some ce. â€" Mr. Holman came to: Bertin from Pennsylvania on a visit â€"where be met ~Miss Mibm.. . Mr. and Mrs. Wo‘man will leave lor Lcs Angelos. John Battier be met <~Miss Mibm. . Mr. and Mrs. Ho‘man will leave lor Lcs Angelos. CalÂ¥ fornia where they wilt spend #h.r honeymoon. After. thoir return>. they will reside in Detroit, Mich., . whers Mr. â€" Ho!man â€" holds a high position with an automobile firm., * O C You wash disnes about two : hours every day. x That‘s one hour wasted! : Dishes get dirty, greasy and sticky and soap will not clean them. Soapy dish water merely cleans the surface; it doesn‘t dig into the corners and drive out the decayed food particles. Gold Dust is the sanitary dnfhwasher It not only cleans the surface, but digs deep after hidden particles of dirt and kills the germs of decayed food which ordinary dishâ€"water overlooks. Gold Dust sterilizes as well as cleanses. Besides doing the work better than soap or any other cleanser just half the time you @pend in washing "i.h,'fllï¬ N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, LIMITED, Montreal. hy " * Makers of Fairy Sonp (the aval cake) Â¥ 4 stt Thomas A. Edison announces his New Cylinder Phonograph Record The Blue Amberol The Blue Amberol is a musical and mechanical triumph. Its volume is greater, and its tone is decidedly finer than any other phonograph record you can buy. And it is practically unbreakâ€" able and unwearing. Careless handling will not â€" injure it, and no amount of playingâ€"will cause i¢‘p ©: to reproduce less perfectly than when new. f in 5¢ size and large packages. The large package meansgreater Ask your Edison dealer to play a Blue Amberol _ "~ Rgcord for you on an Edison Phonograph today, 3 or write us for particulars. Z7 ‘Thomas A. Edison, Inc., 100 Lakeside Ave., Orange. N. J., U. 8. A. A complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found at Williamsburg J. G. DOERSAM :KING SIREET is sold C ## * Aok o C t R e T Obituary se _ " q Tl . ___ _ _ â€"_ | :Locats * and Personals ~~Mr. ths duraCouy Mrs. We Futhet, the â€" former‘s sigter Mr. and ‘ ow A l hy h Sureaa merng Ner i We o . slte ns a at 8 o'oï¬ : with \with Iriends atâ€" â€"Mr. D. \ husband A . K a~ [reat Wflflg‘mw':: many years and well and (ayot|wel, Hahover, and othe* points.â€"Mrs. ty ,ndu. .. She had reached. . the| .}. H. nï¬n’f»pm age ol 60° yeats ‘and ‘had ‘been a lieâ€" ‘doys with nds at South RH long member of the Roman‘ Catholit| Rey. ° Mr. %\' is réenewing ag church.‘ _ Ste leaves to moutn ‘h‘qm* here week before movâ€" loss ; . her . husbgnd," ong daught:?, |ing to his new home at Pe‘lwodd. _ Mrs. Weber, of Berlin ; 4 _soms, viz| ?f:-du Entertainment :â€"A \ > very Wm. "Jr. of Beftin, Romeo, of Mediâ€" |tntetesting evening was spent at the cine Eiat, Alta;, Herbert, of Baden‘| Congregational Church. | an Monday und> Alised ~ of this town: A nUber |evening, whken about thirty of â€" the of brothers â€" abd sisters also survive |young people of West Montross rem |Nrs Futhér. The funeral which wAs|(ered a . very interesting programny \largely attended was held on Tuesday | in favor of the temperance caust |No#z. 12, service being held and â€" in The â€" readings, dialogues, recitations trrimnt taking place/at St. A‘gatha.|and the singing were ¢xcellent ant ; The sorrowing relatives have the sinâ€" |the houss was packed to its utmost cere sympathy of a host of friends |capacity.‘ The selections by Messrs. lin their bereavement. â€" \Fet r Shupe and Krauth and Mis "Let the GOLD DUST TWINS News Notes :â€"Mrs. Rev. D. C. Rax sey and of New Lisk card, mz},;m-u Mrs. Wm. .. Hall of ths placeâ€"A number from town and vicinity attended the Waterloo County Sunday Echool Asâ€" sociation Convention at Ayr on Tues day of ts week â€"Mrs. August and Mirs: Ir.in Lautenschlager are spendâ€" ing a few weeks . with relatives lt‘ Hanover.â€"Mr. and Mrs. W. Huss _ oF fï¬len.llm motored to â€"own on : Sumâ€" day and sJent the day with friends.â€" Among those {fromâ€" distant points who. attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Futher on Tuesday were: Mt. and _ Mrs..Wm. â€" Futher and family, Nr. and Mrs. Alex. Smith, MÂ¥.~ and }h‘.ts‘ Weber and Mr. and Mrs. Fuller ci Eeflin ; Mr. R. S.~Futher of Mediâ€" !cins ~Hat, Alta; Mcs. Hackenauss, . N.rs. and M‘ss Schaffer of Rochester, «N.Y., Mrs. _ Jos. Smith of Detroit, .Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Her} Futher of ; Baden ; an8 Mr: â€" and Mrs. Frank +Smith of Galt. L do your work* € ETE | w T My. | Breslan Sunday night, that removed ty Lone who has been long and favorably and | known to the citizensâ€" of ~Berlin .. and Mer | Waterloo, and the county, in the petâ€" ed4. Sson of Mr. L. H; Staufier, brother of use, | Rev. Byron Staufier,; pastor ‘of . the ter, | Bond _ street Congregational ehurch, oit;|Toronto, who is also well known in M‘Bozlip 1OE s "I zz?dnl Entertainment :â€"A>>very tntctesting evening was spent at the Congregational â€" Church .‘ an Monday ‘evening, _ whken about thirty of â€"‘ the young people of West Montross ren hn“: very interesting programme in fat of _ the temperahce caust. The â€" readings, dialogues, recitations and the singing were excellent and the houss was packed to its utmost capacity." The selections by Messrs. Fet r _ Shupe and Krauth and Miss Vera Shupe were {ollowed. by hearty encores. That the progran‘me . Was en dvcd was evident by the _ good attention that was given throughout the entire proâ€" gramme _ which â€" lasted about three hours. * 4 Sudden Death of Levi® Staufter Well Known Coai Dealer of, Brgslan Found Dead in Bed#® Although _ Mr. Stauffer had been{ failing in health for the past several. years, death came with shocking 44â€" dennessâ€"and was entirely unexpected. Bright‘s disease was the cause. He was found dead in bed Monday mornâ€" ing. For the past several weeks, his health had been better â€" than usual, and after spending Sunday in his tusâ€" ‘tomary â€" manner, he retired Sunday night at‘ twelve o‘clock. No sound srom his roomy indicated that the anâ€" gel of ‘death had visited it. Mr Staufler had spent the greater part of His life in the county, and in this ~vicinity, â€"where he _ was well known. . He possessed many friends among the citizens of the county. He had ~ resided in Breslau for fourteen years, ~ being . in the coal business there. _ He possessed a jovial and friendly â€" disposition â€" that ~won . many friends both in the Twinâ€"City. and county. e . No operation will be necessary for. | Gall stones, Kidneyâ€"stones, ‘or Gravel â€"SANOL, the German remédy | dis covered by a great German scientist, will surely relieve the agony. of the {sufferer frony these complaints. It | will also â€" éure with equal certainty and promptness kidney trouble, lum bago, and all other diseases caused by the ‘presence of uric acid in the sys tem. It is also most valuable as > | preventive for these déseases and will ‘o!ten prevent a serious illness if takâ€" en when the first symptoms appeat.. A wile and one brother survive, t. whomâ€"« the sympathy of ‘the communiâ€" ty is extended. â€" The funeral took place fronx bis late residence on Wedâ€" nesday afternoon _ at 2.30 o‘clock to the Mennonite cemetery fot interment. BERLIN MEN ELECTED Messrs. A. Foster and W. J. Moody were elected to the Berlin Board | 0f the Commercial Travellers‘ Associaâ€" tion at the general meeting beld â€" in Toronto on Saturday. No Operation for Gallâ€"stones 1 SANOL â€"Save the pain, dangerâ€"and cost ; of an operation by using Relict _ willbes rapid, the deposits will pass off rapidly and without pain We have addresses and. strong testi‘ monialsâ€"some written from residents of Winnipeg to the number of_ 300. We have 27 testimonials from . one small Alberta town. We have a most convincing testimonial from one Winâ€" nipeg lady who passed several : latge gall stones after taking one‘ bottle of SANOL.. We are willing and anxious to furnish you with the addresses of thess people. C imns ol SANOL MANUFACTURING COMâ€" PANY OF CANADA LTD., 977 Main stroet, Winn For saie hy most leading G‘F or from Roos Pharâ€" macy & Clarke Bros., Berlin at $1.50 per bottle. . e s t n 4.4 T very. sudden death occurred _ at Sanol is Safe and Sure Bloomingdale loee .â€"vr’flr C 2 o *' M un k. 3: M x‘ f h o ¢ | .N...,.«...;!ï¬ abo. c iL. wer | h l e To hat y en ud vs~) _ L r !q g o 5 F * C ty pre + Fovs Cl Fnk hin inoter bntore leveine on a mast | e it l nt 41 ling ‘a week at the of her mï¬ nans i P.‘ D. Wilson spent . Sunâ€"|, . at > :'mbfl Parsonage.~â€"| # â€" Al has been spending| several :-\n in ‘Wroxeter has reéâ€"| turned . ','f"‘::m:ll wfll] Kerr.â€"Mr. F. W. Sheppard school In spector of I an official visit to our> gchoo!~ on Monday.â€"Miss May the weekâ€"end . with {riends® in Stratiord â€"Mr. and _ Mrs. Ramsay® of: Ayr were the guests ‘ of Dr. aud Mrs. Anderson on Sunday.â€" Mrs. Car} Messner paid a visit to her siter Mrs. ~ John Rabb in Watesico during the â€" past week.â€"Mr. Nelson Grosz of Berlin was a business ‘vislâ€" tor in town this week.â€"Mrs. Henry. Brodrecht â€" and two daughters Mrs. Oscar Merner and Mrs. Wilson Bishop were in St. Agatha on Tuesday _ atâ€" tend ng ~the. © {unerab of Mrs. Brodâ€" â€"recht‘s~sister Mrs.: Futher wio . died on Friday last at her home in New Dundee.â€"Miss‘L. S. Rabb is a bu:sâ€" ness visitor in ‘Toronto this week.â€" Mxs. â€" J. A. Hertman and children spent Saturday in Berlin, the guests c Mr. and ‘Mrs. R. J. Kert.â€"Mr. L. (. Pequegnat | »returned on Saturday from a stx * M‘ visit throughout {the Maritime. Provirices â€"Mrs. _ Ed. Holling.r was a itsitor in Stratiord }last week.â€"Rev. .. Mis. Bean of TaVibe tock took charge of _ the ;| services in the Evan | gelicet church shere on Sunday _ both .| morn ‘ng and evening.â€"Mrs. Joseph | Rerger was the hostéss ol a delight :{ful girls‘ t:a â€" on Thursday afternoon \last.â€"Mr. . and ‘Mrs. Jacob Grafl ,| went to Waterloo on Tuesday to atâ€" ,| tend the funeral of the.r nephew Rev. .| E. M. Graff, pastor of the Evangeliâ€" ; |ecl church, _ Waterfoo, â€" whose death j\ took place in Minnedpolis on Saturâ€" .\ day . Annual Show :â€"The New Hamburg poultry: show _ commences . Tuesday, November 12th/(in the skating rink and will, te open to the public on Wednesday and. FThursday: 13th and 14th inst.â€".Mr. McNeil of London wil} be the julge.. ]¢Oh. Thursday evening Professor Grahans of the Ontario| Agricultural College will deliver an address â€" on .. ‘‘How ~to get Winte: Eggs." The New Hamburg â€" Band will be in attendance both evenings. . Personals :â€"Mrs: Conrad Lips 5 iï¬ Tavistock ~ where she was summoned on acâ€"ount of the serious illness . of: her â€" daughter ‘Mrs. Edward Lothâ€" ‘Rev. Mr.: Kitashn af Stratford . conâ€" ducted the services in Trinity Lutherâ€" an church . both morffing and evening on Sunday ‘lastâ€"The ladies of St Gebrge‘s Church are giving an enterâ€" tainment the first week in December. .‘There wl te a sale of fancy . work and homeâ€"made â€" candy and afternoon tea will be s.rved. A special attratâ€" tion will be "‘The Old Maid‘s Assoâ€" ciation‘‘ given by the young people of the church.â€"Ground . was broken on Manday fot ~ the foundation of . the new factory being. erected here by tho Silversmiths Company of Toronto ana a large gang of men‘ are rapidly bring ing thie part of the structure to comâ€" pletion.â€"Mr. Lanz, owing to the illâ€" ness of his wile who has to . refoin her friends in Peoasylvania is leaÂ¥ing town this week to return to the Unâ€" ited States. During their short stay hereâ€" Mriâ€" and Mrs. Lanz made m:z fri:nds who very‘ much regret t departir>.â€"Mr. â€" William Stuart _ o% Mitchell _ was a. business visitor | in town ‘on Monday.â€"A special meeting of the â€" Town Council was held . on Monday in the Counci}â€"Chamber . to give the> third: and fnal u&‘l‘ to the Silcersmith‘s Byâ€"law.â€"Work: has been resumed in an endeavor to . 18â€" pair‘ the damage ~ done to the new daim by the ‘recent high water which treshet. â€"We regret to report â€" that was â€" armost equal . to last spring‘t thepastor, ~ Rev."Mr. Voekker is un able to take > the services in Trinity Lutheran â€"Chureh ‘owing to an‘ affecâ€" tion of the‘ throat which prevents his speaking .‘ in ‘public for some time.â€" The many friends"of Mr. Alfred Haha seerétary »of" the Hahna: Brass . Comâ€" pany regret that his illness has necesâ€" gww his removal to the ‘Guelph tal â€"Our . Runting party is the ‘North ‘does not report a very success ful hunt as yet only one deer having ‘tallen to their lot â€"Rev. Mr. Taylor who is conducting Evangelistic M‘ inc# in the &’M*mhhn'lo- gether | ‘with Mr. Hatch who . has mrpdmvoflufldï¬bm‘ vice is meeting with a great deal of Ancouragement. . Large consregations ‘are â€"prekent at every meeting while the men‘s meeting held in the . _Wil lHem Telt Hal on Sunday afternoon was successfM far beyond their antiâ€" cipations. The meetings will be conâ€" Mr. Vosk Baden preached Ris fare well sermon in ‘the L@thetan Church in‘ Badén on Sunday eveming priot to has t:moval to Hespeler where he has atcepted. the pastorate of the Luthe! an Church, » New Hamburg ted rhsta" Hulimakn » & o huale ir. and Mrs: Amos Hallings 8 *" l s .'..w C n nams . and _ Mrs. . Bicth will reside in i The Sork" withis sf uies . m Ts Emgranatonet frienas for years of happy ded + E"""‘" "Modâ€" i. andrentt dntontn on Sugier |Mr. Sa discourse on S A afternoon, when he took as a D +4 lhis text Acts XVHI, 15th verse ftom |\ which he delivered a very lucid expoâ€" \ sition, which was listened to ° ‘with } rapt at by the large number | present. ":upoulhllny'ud Light‘ ‘Iwill be the theme of next Sunday‘s }sermon at 3 o‘clock p.mâ€"Locals and. ‘| Personals : Mits Mabel Hallman wio ‘‘has been a visitor at the home of her ‘{parents Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hallngâ€"» â€"| and other friends in this vicinity, for ‘\ the past month has returned to _ the "Ihome of her brother Mr. Ed. _ Honsâ€" ‘| perger of Durand Michigan, where she ‘\ will remain for the winter months.â€" ‘|Miss Smye of Berlin was a. â€"Sunday "I wsitor â€" at the â€" home of. her brother ‘\Mr. George Smye.â€"Miss Alma Bock lof Lexington Sundayed at the home ‘ l of her sister Mrs. HerXman Hertle, Jr. Locheran Lu! pars W eve â€"Miss Mary Ruckellâ€"of Berlin wus & recent visito: at the home‘ of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Detwiler of Spring â€" FKll Farm.â€"Mr. Herman Hertle &r., . of River View Farm is at present in a deer hunting â€" trip.to the Muskoka wilds, t, Woolw :ch Council Proceedings The Municipal Council of the Townâ€" ship of _ Woolwich met at Conestogo on â€" Tuesday, _ November 5th, 1912. All the members present. The Reove in the chair. The report of ‘Dr. J. H. Nairn, Medical Officer of health showed the nem‘er of contagious and infectious diseases, during the year to have beer under â€"the average. Only aone isolated~ ‘case of diphtheria was reportâ€"d and â€"two families in which scarlet fever occurred. > There wete only a few . cases of typhoid faver which were of a myild type.. The outâ€" break cf rabies, in the Spquthwestern part of the Township, was of . short duration and did not extend beyond the one case. _ A few cases ot wis~ ances came .under the notice of _ ihe Sanitary Inspector, such as unbuziod dead animals and â€" malodorous pigâ€" pens. ‘The public tbecoming pore aware that these things must te atâ€" tâ€"nded to are more prompt in remedyâ€" ing the nuisance before it is necessary to lay a complaint before the board. The _ Assessors â€" were voted $1.50 each for attending the Voters‘ _ List Apreal Court. ‘That the fallowing accounts . were ‘That the fallowing accounts . passed :â€" Jos‘ Echerer, gravel and work,.$ Wm. Efohman, gravel and disc M. Z. Oswald, gravel. ... ... Peter Ziegler, hauling water, coal SW SMK _..... 2 xo =nrccicvus4n: + John Lehman, herd inspector Wm. H. Schafer, gravel, work NimSer . "s) ... l Shis.. _....... T80 Moses Reist, Jr., gravel ... ... 3.30 John B. Bauman, gravel ....._... 4.60 W. J. Snider, Voters List Court 20.59 Jonathan Martin, gravel and work . Theo. Miller, bridge bolts ... John Bricker cleaning ditch and yep. dofveéat ......... "...c.0.. .cgun0 d N. Ds Dahmer, tile and lumbe: 186 Nathaniel Martin, gravel . ... 16 Henry> Shanoéz, conctete tlle ... J. L. Wideman court room rent 15 Jacob Spies, graveb ....... ... A. B. Smyder, gravel ... .c 0 Pavid M Martin, gravel ... ... Albert Lorch;gravel |~. 0 ... _l0. Levi B. Bowman, gravel ... ... Menno Wideman, stumping powder MORWE 2. .22 en Sheks As "GHME .:. ... 0 ci.oc. «ons > PDI0â€"OU f M â€"Carried. The following . wire fence bonuses wete voted : Em:\ MaiÂ¥ik ......... .......> ...« 11.45 Geo. O Sthen .:....... ...1... _._.... . TAD Jus. Linklghro® _ ...... ........;~ «s 15.00 Gus Brokman Ben. Brubacitet Jacob L. Umbach Aarom Shan82 ... «. s}>â€"> 08 lpg Dustes Sehaster ... ... 0 .0. 11.45 Israe} (Cressfian ... ... â€"«~ 5.25) 4 D.‘S. Trwbather _..... ... ... 9.30 Lowik Refiel® ... . .. .. .0. 2. 83.45 ‘ Councit ‘adioutnes to. meet . agatn at the Counctil Chamoer, Conestogo, on tridee :;'mm j 4 ;thâ€"e;_flo;r equals it in all rowr.« century ago, before & ©Shall we send a sack toâ€"day? Perantrpercane i day; the 4 ces Irvin M hasyetfeen devised to # |$ Merchant Miller cure Common Ills epefeofpefge Je fefe}{eo{0o{@}p oL e Ir. Morse‘s | $ ndian Root Pills % -niflinï¬nfliï¬vb‘n-mâ€" s :::wa“cfl‘- a Â¥ asthesnnies m;flgth% thoueasadis tion, and K biney and 1L.iver effecaive; wmwn s# 1 Tsonage , in pvening, 6¢) Lucag unite Freeport at the and 137.10 gfli es eA ioh ie hete ce o e Cl Ne 44 5e 35 5 n Fak s time o d oagey 7* ks in 5tR 3.35 10 15 12.00 11.45 7.85 14.05 15.00 28.26 48.95 16.30 9.35 9.00 18.00 17.05 13.8% 11.45 6.60 5.90 5.35 3.50 4,00 4.00 7.20 »19|=â€"â€"~ 5. s36| as" 3.45 OgO, mm * * #~ ; 85 ‘Persors having accounts against the "Counci, are requested‘ to present them on this day. i6 on Thesday the 3rd, day of December next. at 9 o‘clock a.m. +*%4 ‘The Council met:at the Tp. Hall on Saturday> November, 2ad, pursiâ€" ant to adjournment. Members. all present.â€"â€" The â€" Reeve in the chair. s Minutes of. preceding session were Moved by Mr. Shaw, séconded by Mtr. Hallman, that the petition . ‘of Flias Shantz. David Wismer and othâ€" ers re Municipal Drain be received, and that:C. D. Bowman, Esq., P.L.S. be requested to make an examination of the lands and prepare a . report, plan and estimate of thgwpg’_k, 2 und affected Moved by Mr. Janzen, seconded â€" by Mr. Shaw, That this Council after due consideration does not feel justiâ€" fied in granting the\request of the petitioners for a new road . from Bridgeport to Bloomingdale, as in their opinion putting the present road in a first class condition of repair would serve a . greater . number of ratepayers to better advantage. Moved by Mr. Hallman, seconded by Mr. Janzen, that the following _ acâ€" counts be paid and the: Reeve grant his order on the Treasurer for the several amplmts. vig.: Wm. Berner, gravel ........ ...... $13.20 Jas.â€"S. Shantz, gravel ....... ... 224 John Schuman, gravel ..... ..... 1:80 George Monday, gravel ......... ... 2.48 Alex. McGregor, gravel ......... 740 John Miehm, gravel .................. 5.99 Oscar ‘Trussler, gravel ........... .1.90 Leander Montag, gravel ... ... 8.30 Henry Netb, gravel and labor... 23.40 Harvey A. Schmidt, gravel ... . 3:50 ABUNDANCE OF GLORIOUS â€" _ ___ ‘ HAJIR FOR EVERY WOMAN DELIGHTFUL TONIC THAT BTOPS SCALP ITCH OVER NIGHT, PREVENTS HAIR FROM FALLING AND ERADICATES . \â€" DAND RUFF. yqÂ¥ Waterloo Tp.: Council Proâ€" ceedings Just rub on PARISIAN Sage Hair Tonic toâ€"night and in half an hour the dulibess in your hair will be gone and hair full of life will have taken _ its No . woman + who cares â€" anything about hér appearance can afford to be without PARISIAN: Sage. . You must use. it ‘if you. want your hair to ~ obâ€" tain the maximum of beduty. No othâ€" er preparation can ‘give‘it . the lustre that cauges enyy and on <the other hand: compels admiration. Loo LededJaâ€"Loâ€"}aoâ€"} e 4e â€"}a{o0 ]â€"oâ€"Le {aâ€"}6 4e Laspe Leâ€"becpas}h 6 make an assessment of the lands A P fect Jewel of a Flour i :‘rb iDhy not *‘?‘ ‘sz‘ W, J. Snider. Tp. Clerk 80 Ch Iryvyin Master oc t bevote as Inmâ€"Bu¥‘s Power», :â€" FHOM AS Nothing knou mbord 32 % is c ande Mostes mm $13.20 J 2.24 . ‘1.80 . 2.48 _ 7 .40 Wm. E. Henderson, services as Herd InspeCtOF .... ... mamercs Jacob Rickm, gravel and labor. H. Wagner, rent of Hal ... William Iefkey, bonus for wire 12100 ... ... oternect memarcs " hB M. Durrant, bonus for wire m_&“ Noah Schweitzer, bonus for. wire _ â€" IEREG Lennso l6 Jeccictih havirs ericlemnnie NA Moved by Mr. Grof, seconded . by Mr. Janzen that this Council now adâ€" journ to meet again at the Ep. Hall on _ Saturday, November “. at 10.30 a.m. S . GBoas Persons having accounts against the corporation will kindly present them on above date for payment:; . . . Fryâ€"Near Williamsburg, Nov, Srd, to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fry, a son. . Dutsickâ€"Nearâ€" .MWilliamsburg, «. Nov. â€" 8th, to Mr. and. NMrs. Edward Duâ€" brick, a son. Andersonâ€"In Eléra, Oct. 20th,â€" to Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, â€"a daughâ€" EC f {Hachnel, Waterloo, guarantees it Millsâ€"Rustonâ€"On Oct. J6th, , Miss Nila Mulvina Mills of, Drayton . to Mr. Earl Ruston, of Peel‘". ° Metzâ€"At Elmira. Nov. 9th, Mr. O%â€" car Metz, aged 29 years. Graliâ€"At Indianapolis, Ind., Rev. E. M. Graff. pastor of â€" Exangelical church, Waterloo, aged 36. t Ruppelâ€"At Elmira, Nov. 4th, Mr. J. R. Ruppel, aged 60 years.â€" â€"â€"â€"â€"> Durstâ€"At Listowel, the young child of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Durst. well known in Elmira. hss "+ I Staufierâ€" At Breslau, ©Nov.° 1l1th, Levi Staufter. 4 s Women, men and children should all use Parisian Sage hair m it is an absolutely safe free from poisonous lead .or othet dyeâ€" ing ingredients. _ > en y calc It can be secured for only 5@ cents at all drug, department and. toilet goods stores and to be ‘sure get the genuine see that the ds&%\b Auburn hair is on every . Ca~ nadian distributors, the R. T. th €o.. Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont, ~A." G. i Reert hnd 1 en ># * 1 emaihued s ertemied into a peévins ‘ ne Mile Kiver, Hants Ox. N. , the pain at trace bein; ‘ 1 fajlod to d mo the aliâ€"tibenk ge L of Zam: Buk, : nd thought a%a 1 o { b o } o L ofpefeLejog GEO. A. TILT, Clerk. Deaths Berlina, Ont. 15.50 6.10 S