Winners in the CGreat World Series of r*‘\'{ 190912â€"1913 â€" Overcoat Creations in‘s,; shown in.the new British and tic tweeds, wool serge, _ lined t, stayed with hair cloth, snugâ€" p collars, shapely shoulders, in We are now the biggest cash buyers of clothing west of Toronto and with ich a range of selection at our command we show you values in Overâ€" rats and Suits that smaller houses confined to one make will have to ge you $3.00 to $4.00 more for and then there‘s our MAKINGâ€"don‘t lorget a little better. (BRanada‘s Beost here ready for your selection Saturdayâ€"over eight hundred Overâ€" ts, creations of makers with an International Reputationâ€"20 Century d Levinson & Co. â€" Perlection Brand, New Era Brand and half a zen others; Raglan‘s Belted, ‘"Saxons‘" and "Sheridans‘" the Connaught Worchesterâ€"the Dorcasterâ€"the Nationalâ€"the Baltreâ€" every correct ï¬"ruter overcoat values than ey fore been shown at this price. â€" In convertos speedways Doncaster I Raglan‘s _ Nationals and Chamber ‘s: shown in.the new British an Style i! Large Factories Making for Over 350 Stores @â€"For the men who it of paying out bench tailored e a big surprise. All British cloths pst stores ask $25.00 and $28.00 for ich garments. y _ /The first chance for Berlin in the reation of the three largest _ tuilor s in Canada; . tailored specially us.. We know that we have ‘put these overcoats more style, finer aterial, better workmanship _ than ever been shown in coats at this Ernst‘s World Beater 10.00 Overcoats ‘ We contracted for three hundred of , solid wool tweeds, wool serge, ed in twoâ€"way and S. B. collars, ‘"44, 47 and 50 inches in length. &ibï¬oluuly new in cloths and styles 1 be on sale in Ernst‘s store Sat Â¥ | MOTRINE | ... cce emek s B There are Two Kinds of Best i Mas. O. Motheral | 48 P Our $15.00 Overcoats BERLIN DoYou Suffer From Corns or Bunions ? Shoes that do not fit properly and adapt themâ€" selves to the shape of your feet cause painful corns, bunions and callouses. Thousands of wearers of Our 12.50 Overcoats testify that their corns have dis appearedâ€"because this scientifically conâ€" atructed shoe reâ€" moved the cause and prevented furâ€" ther irritation of the skin . Dr. A. 10B Refl‘l E‘-?glh:. Btyle, comiort ind durability comt ined â€"=call at once and/ d yourself. ment, experfence, knowledge buy. Foods qualit One Thousand Men‘s Suits in * **}â€" ; t ONTARIO. "«Where the Cood Clothes Come From." WATERLOO PHONE 148 OoONT. ‘The best that a store may keep, and the Best that THE WHITE GROCERY $12.00 Overcoats us for your groceries. We offer no other inducement . than that will please. Foods that will be remembered by their long after the price is forgottem. have been in the $28.00 to $35.00 $20.00 Overcoats All British cloths WE SELL THE BEST OBTAINABLE 5.95 to $25.00 @ cusiyoit PS HOLLoN MAQS Br{n( or Phone your orders 13.5.CU SHION companssts UipER WobLS.BALS Of FEET AN Tors NST & CO. of good quality, and Saturdayâ€"over eight hundred Overâ€" International Reputationâ€"20 Century Extra handsome, extra tune _ and careful oversight are shown in these suits. ‘Theâ€"best $8.00 values in town, without exception; handsome tweeds and worsteds, in natty single breastâ€" ed style. Extra expense at which the average maker balks stands right out in evâ€" ery detail of these handsome suits. Better fitting and more stylish suits were never sold before at this price. All the latest innovations in materâ€" ial and stvle are in the collection. Dozens of different styles and maâ€" terials are shown in this linc, and they are truly the greatest value you ever saw for the money; some identiâ€" cal models that custom tailors are making up this season from the very newest and most popular allâ€"wool imâ€" ported materials, all sizes for _ men and young men. Nobody ever saw a pair of trousers to equal these that sold for less than from $2.50 to $3.00. Come and see them and note the style and the splendid way they are tailored. You can get a pair Saturday for ..$1.98 Boys‘ double breasted bloomer suits in serviceable tweeds, in dark grey and brown bloomer pants, with strap and buckle at knee, regular $4; sizes 25 to 28, Saturday fOf ,.............. Men‘s Suits at $12.00 F O R Men and Women Men‘s Suits at $15.00 Men‘s Suits at $8.00 11GK‘S Good Shoes for Everybody. Men‘s Trousers $1.98 SHOE HOME Boys‘ Clothing WATERLOCO > SOLE AGENT o oHHHFFHHFHESC that money CHRONICLE judgâ€" can $2.98 WATERLOO, News Notes Gathered by Industrious Correspondents in County and District Elmira | Conestogo NHONYIOIOHNOIONIONOIONOIOIOIONOIOIOIOIOINN NONNOIOIONCIONNONNIONNONNNCNONANNOICE 1 chewan. His many friends wis suceess in his new work.â€"Mr. Rudow has purchased the late Walmsley _ property for the su $2700. The property consists brick rsidence on Afthur St. large lot on King St. . Mr. takes possession in the near fu Miss Ruth Ratz _ who is at! Moulton College at Toronto is ing a few days at her home Mr. Geo. Clare M.P. and Mrs of Preston spent part of the w ing a few days at her home here.â€" Mr. Geo. Clare M.P. and Mrs. Clare of Preston spent part of the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Shurly or Church St.â€"The brickwork of the New Fite Hall on Church St., _ has just been completed and the carpenâ€" ter work will now be rushed abead. so. as:to have the building completed as soon as possible.â€"The Royal Bank of Canada â€" in this town has secured the, services of Miss Lizzie Weber as stenographer‘ Miss Weber commenced her _ duties this week â€"Mr. Oswald has returned _ from the North West where he has spent several monthsâ€" Mr. F. C. A. Jeanneret, B.A. Master of French at Upper Canada College, ‘Toronto, _ spent a few days at . his ‘homc in town this week.â€"Miss Adien ‘Reut'r of MacDonald _ Institute _ at CGuelph spent the holiday at her home hewe.â€"Miss Frieda Schietholtz _ spent hewe.â€"Miss ‘Frieda Schietholtz _ spent a few days. with friends at Hanovetr lately.â€"The many friends of Mr. J. McMillan will be sorty to learn that be is suffering from hoid fever at _ his though still very w though still, very weak he is d« well as can be expected.â€"Mr. Ratz: spent a few days with in Sebringville last week. â€"Mrs. Jeanneret spent part of last in Toronto.â€"Mr. Charles Scha the Metropolitan Bank staff o ronto _ spent â€" Sunday at his home here.â€"Mr. J. Hedrick visited. friends in Port Elgin for a few days this week.â€"Mre. A. H. Erb and _ Miss Edna Erb spent the week end in Toâ€" ronto.â€"Mrs. John Christman spent a few &ys visiting friends at Galt and Hespeler â€" last â€" week. â€"Mrs. M. L Weber and Mrs. J. A. Schroder _ reâ€" turned last Saturday night from . a short visit with the lattor‘s sister, Miss Florence Campbell of New Yortk. â€"Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ruppel spent Friday in Toronto â€"Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook attended the funeral of the forâ€" mer‘k.mother at Mount Forest â€" last Monday.â€"A wel} filled hall was the audience to which Mr. Harold Jarvis sang last Monday evening in the the atorium. His singing was much . apâ€" preciated bo the . music lovers who were present. Miss Lewis, elocutionâ€" ist of. Toronto, also gave several good selections in _ her usual able manner.â€"Mis. Geo. Reuter spent part ol last week in . Toronto.â€"There is great enthusiasm shown in favor . of Our Busy Neighbors ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 31,1912 ho hur St. and a . . Mr. Rudow > near fubure.â€" 10 is attending ronto is spendâ€" r home here.â€" attack meâ€" het . at his home visited. friends w days . this rh and _ Miss doing alterâ€" Wingâ€" pened the P Al News Notes.â€"Which is â€"worse _ ml pitch holes to the mile in Winter or those that are in our roadway now.â€" ! Never.‘bas an election passed off . so. quietly and uninterested as the one | just now.â€"(Qu. Nov. 6th, 1892 the deâ€" . dication of the Luthberan Church here took place by the Rev. J. Goos and since then it has been the usual cusâ€" tom _ to have an annual celebration about that time. This year, being now 20 years past, a special service will be held on that date namely on Wednesday evening next, Nov. 6th at 7.30, when several outside preachers will be present. Everybody welcomer â€"Rev. Reble and family _of Linwood were visitors at the par&uge here on Wednesday last week.â€"Mr. Guido Koch moved to _ Waterloo _ with his family on Tuesday.â€"Mr. Henty Trupp has taken â€" possession of: the. _ house {|just vacated by Guido Kock.â€"Mr. Jaâ€" cob Jonas of Wallace visited his parâ€" jents, brothers, and sisters here over | Sunday.â€"The ‘Messts.. Woeppler of \Neustadt, are visiting here with their D uncle, Val, and cousin Fred Weppler. l‘“lf â€"Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Wegener who are | NCt azain housekeeping in Toronto, were | Wh« visiting their home here over the holâ€" | 49 iday.â€"Mr. Ph. Struck _ and daughter '3'0 of Toronto called on relatives . here iaro on _ Saturday.â€"Mr. andâ€" Mrs. Wm. ; En Heidlinger of Baden visited »their reâ€" }Wl'l latives here on Sunday.â€"Mr. Herbert ‘ E1V Bowman ol â€" Toronto spent Thanksâ€" !C* giving here with his beother George â€", {Cw Miss _ Clara â€" Dahmer was visiting | En frisnds in Sebastopol over Sundaysâ€".! for Among others who spent the holiday | Kr at their homes or at the homes of | °N( ‘lriends were Mr. and Mré. Wm. Hohâ€" |lat meyer and family of Breslau, Misslwi‘ Rudella Doerr, Miss Hagen and Mr. Mr and Mrs. Geo. Schreiber of Berlin, | 0n Mr. Norman.Dahmer of Preston, also Mr. and Mrs. M. Dechert of Preston, Mr. Oscar Schmidt ol St. Jacobs and Otto Schmidt of Berlin, Mr. Sateman of Elmira, Mrs. Walter Shantz . of , Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Zeph Stautâ€" fer of Glenallen, and Mr. Noah Stroh. | securing the Hydroâ€"Electric Sunday at â€" his home in Waterloo.â€" Mr. Floyd Dunke of Toronto spent the holiday with his parents in town. â€"MÂ¥. and Mrs. Edwards spent _ the week end _ in Toronto.â€"Mr. Kilborn Schafer of _ Berlin spent the holiday at his home hereâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schierholtz and â€" family of Berlin spent the holiday at his home here.â€" Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schierholtz â€" and family of Berlin spent Sunday . with relatives in â€" town â€"Interesting Deâ€" Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schierholtz â€" and family of Berlin spent Sunday . with relatives in | town â€"Interesting Deâ€" bate : An enjoyable time was spebt last Thursday evening at the Presbyâ€" terian â€" Church _ when _ the literary meeting of the Young Poople‘s Guild took the form _ of | a ‘debate after which a short programme was given followed by refreshments. The â€"subâ€" ject of, the debate â€" was "Resolved that travelling is _ more instructive than reading," Messrs. Geo. _ Peppet ject of that . t than r and B han reading," Messrs. Geo. _ Pepper and Bert Bowman taking the affirmaâ€" tive side and Géo. L. Zeigler and W. R. Willoughby the negative, the forâ€" moe winning out â€"by _ four _ points. Messrs Laschinger and A. Kimmel favored . the gathering with vocal solos during _ the evening.â€"NMr. 1. Hammond, Principal of the _ Public School , here, spent the week end with friends in Toronto.â€"Mrs. J. Schafer spent _ Friday _ in Toronto.â€"Master Ertnest _ Schurly . who is attending Upper Canada College, Toronto, spent Thanksgiving at his home in town.â€" Mabel, the young . daughter of . Mr. Chas. Wilken met with a painful acâ€" cident éï¬t Saturday night. While running ithe lawn at night in the dark she rafinto a rope which had been left strung across the yard had been left strung across the yard by some children, which caught her on the neeck inflicting a painful . but not â€" serious _ injury.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Cameron jGlennic of â€" Galp and Mr. (ieorge Glennie of Toronto Universâ€" ity spent Thanksgiving at the home ce Mr. and Mirs. Janes Glennie in town.â€"Mr. Curry of the North West is spending a few . months with his sister, Mrs. K. Jackson â€"Mr. _ and Mrs. P. Christman . spent Sunday with relatives in Waterloo.â€"Mr. Osâ€" car Christman of: Berlin spent Thanksgiving _ with his mother _ in wvn‘-:%ev. E. Hamilton, cousin cf Rev. _ A. M. Hamilton of Winterâ€" bourne occupied the pulpit in the l.Pmuyunn Chutch last Sunday afâ€" ternoon. at his home in town.â€" yung . daughter of _ Mr. met with a painful ac Saturday night. While s ithe lawn at night it raiff into a rope which t night in rope which s the yard caught her byâ€" ary igd ter I t te w visiting Bertin.â€" that M M pils as well as by the parents.â€"Mr. Herb Kaw{man, _ editor of the Maple: Leaf, spent a â€"few â€" days visiting friends and _ relatives in Neustadt, Hanover and Walkerton.â€"Mrs. Elma Meyer of Betlin spent a few days at ker home here.â€"Mr. John Forler and Miss Mary _ Forler of Berlin moved their household effects to Betlin _ on Tuesday.â€"Mr. and Mrs. John Kennel of Muskoka who spent two â€" moiiths here â€" visiting relatives â€" and friends went _ to Tavistock _ Monday, fromâ€" where they will board the ‘train lor‘ Nebraska, their place of residence where they have resided for the last 40 yearsâ€"Mr. and Mrs. C. Kennel are spending â€" a few _ days in and around . ‘Tavistock.â€"Messrs _ Conrad Engel and (ico. Neumeister of Poole were business _ visitors here Thanksâ€" giving Day.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kelâ€" terborn of Grimsby are spending . a few days _ hereâ€"with _ friends.â€"Miss Enma Millier of Brantford is at home for a few _ days.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Alfâ€" Kress of Woodstock spent the week end and Thanksgiving here with _reâ€" latives and friends and were guests with Mr. â€" and Mrs. C. D. Beckerâ€" ;Mr. Wm. Thamer of Walton is _ here on special business. d arc spending around . . "I av Engel and C were busines giving Day .â€" terborn of C few days 1 Church in and Mrs." with their Knechtel c News Notes.â€"‘"1hanksgiving Day in our burg was observed in the . usual quite manner.â€"Quite a number of our young people attended the U. B. C. E. â€" Convention _ held in the U, B. Church in _ Berlin on‘ Monday.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Christian Snyder _ visited with their sonâ€"jinâ€"law Mr. _ Ephraim Knechtel on Sunday.â€"Mr. J. S. Be* gey â€" Sundayed . under the parenta roof.â€"The Misses Ida and Eva â€" Betâ€" gey visited with Mr. and Mts. George Millan on Sunday â€"Miss Ella Ekhart gey _ Sundayed . under the roof.â€"The Missces lda and EM gey visited with Mr. and Mts Millan on Sunday.â€"Miss El vis,.ted with friends in Berlin day.â€"A â€" Singing School wi vis,.ted with friends in Berlin on Bunâ€" day.â€"A _ Singing School will crlm\ menee on Tuesday evening, Nov. 5th in the U.B. church, Mannheim, it will be conducted by Mr. Peter Shupe of Berlin. All are woliome. COOD COODS W ellesley Mannheim Weichel‘s Weekly Store News| Phone 215 (a) 6 al (€ 5 o Tweeds and 3 Worsteds m @4 Suits for Men + You want the most in style, tailoring and wear that your money commands. We are able to show you Suits in the leading styles and cloths that, at the pn’ée we are asking, can‘t be beat. All we ask is a chance to prove our statements. Navy Worsteds | Sweater andâ€" Serges \ Men‘s Suits $5 to $10 We have a complete line of navy© Worsteds and _ Serges, made by one of the best cloth ing manufacturers in Canada. made in the latest and . best style; prices $12.00, _ $15.00, $16.50. and ......... ...« $18.00 All the leading shades and patterns,. prices Worsteds, Tweeds and Serges If you are wanting a £00d serviceable Suit at a . low price we beheve we will _ be able to suit you; tweed cloâ€" ths, good patterns, all sizes, A.Weseloh& 60. . NC |$12.00 TO $20.00 $12.00 to $20.00 $5.00 to $10.00 A. WESELOH. Smart Looking o $18.00 , BERLIN, ONT. Sweater Coats for men and boys are in big demand, beâ€" cause they are warm, comâ€" fortable and something . that every one ought to own. We have a very complete range, in grey, brown, tan, mauve, with or without collar, prices for men‘s 75¢ to $5.00 WHOLE No. Oc 1 ply Special Roofing at per square we. We carry a complete range of Furnishings for men _ and boys, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Colâ€" lars, Tiés, Sweaters, Underâ€" 2 ply Special Roofing at per square nrer 3 2N c IgcC) 3 ply Special Roofing at per square A. R. COUDIE. I7 ply Crystal Roofing at per squareâ€" < ; Prices for boys Don‘t Forget Waterlioo ar 39c to $1.75 for fall or winter NC tsA B i CY p m evnirep o $1,.50 $2.00 $3.00 $3.25 Coats LOW PRICES m d al a CA