i To GIVR NOTE bill whereby â€" women will be aJlowed to vote mnd. will be cligible for seats bill vhflp‘!" _ we to vote and. will in the Rbikgthing LAID OUT â€"THROUGBHâ€"G UELPH k{;’i‘n‘w ‘biat the Toronto sibur Railway has secured . a right of way through the _ Prison Farm property, and will enter Guelph very closs to the . Dominion Linen Mills, having its terminal on Huskisâ€" son street: MERRITFYON MAN SKIPS BAIL ST. CATHARINES.â€"James Clark, a Merritton man, charged with â€" . inâ€" decent assault, was admitted to $1, 000 bail a week ago, and failed . to answer the sharge before Magistrate Campbell here toâ€"day. A. certificate of absence and a Bench warrant were granted. HOMEF TRENTON.â€"Mr. _ A> H. Scouten‘s kouse, Thorpe, was burned, including the contents and $75 in cash. Mr. Scouten was at a neighbor‘s thrashâ€" ing, Mrs. Scouten was out milkâ€" ing, when fire broke out, about 7 o‘clock in t orning. + She _ saw the kitthen and rushing in saved the children, who were in _ an adjoining bedroom. There is a small insurance GUELPH‘S DISPOSAL PLANT As an injunction has been . issued against the Gueiph rendering works for committing a . nuisance, thus closing ‘it up â€"and leaving Guelph without a (disposal works for dead animals and ofi@l, Medical~ Health Officer Dr. Howitt has suggested a Amdnicipal plant on the sewer farm to cost $3,500, and to be _ entirely odorless LOCAL OPTION IN SARNIA From present indications local opâ€" tion will carry by a substantial maâ€" jotity bere in â€"January. The unusual ‘amount of drunkenness in evidence of late, especially on Sundays, has reâ€" sulted in the lodging of many . comâ€" plaints on the part of citizens in genâ€" eral. The local optionists are carryâ€" ing on anâ€" aggressive wellâ€"organized campaign, and are confident of . winâ€" ning out. ‘The Baptist Convention, which met in the Park St. Baptist Church, Brantford,: Oct. 16â€"22, was one of the most successful in the history of the denomination.‘ The reports teâ€" vealed the fact that the Baptist Chutch is in a prosperous condition. The following from the King Street Baptist Churen _ were in attendance: Messrs. W. J. Joyce, E. D. _ Lang, J. Shelley and the Rev. Jos. Janes. BAPTIST CONVENTION STRATFORD, CONN.â€"Rose White heson : of Rridgepo!lth was shot to death lnst! Need New, Rich Blood to Reâ€" night near the Putney Cemetery, sevâ€", £ cral miles from htr:,yby members o:l store to a Healthy a â€"party of five men. Joe Buenna, hks _5A Joseph Mottes and Frank Prizzichein ® Condition have been arrested. They are hom{ _ , New York, but have been living in‘ Actually in need of food to nourish Bridgeport for a few days. The othâ€"! the body and yet afraid to eat . beâ€" ‘er two members of the party are still | causing of theâ€"racking pains that folâ€" at large. ilow. That is the condition of the Lady Mulock; wife of Chief Jus tice Sir William Mulock, underwent am operation in the Wellesley â€" Hosâ€" pital yesterday morning, Dr. «Herâ€" bert Bruce being the operating surâ€" geon. It was announced last night that her condition was as good _ as would be e ted under the circumâ€" ‘stances. C::abnble anxiety _ is felt by the family, and Sir William Mulock has arranged for a substitute "to sit at the Weekly Court in . Osâ€" goode Hall. *‘ While working at the bottom of â€" a hoist at the new reservoir of . the Fergus waterworks Thomas Smith, mason, was struck on the head ~with a barrow which fell from the top of the hoist twenty feet up. When nther workmen arrived on the scene he lay as if dead, with a large dent in the forshead. He tevived and was. taken to Alexandra Hospital, where it was found that bis injuries were but supâ€" mmm. he chaving a marvellous . csâ€" FIVE MEN MURDER WOMAN With Christmas but . two months away, Berlin factories are unusually busy at this season of the year tuirnâ€" ing out their products. Inquiries at the various industries by a Telegraph reptesentative this morning were met in nearly all cases by the reply that ®‘we ate busy, very busy, and workâ€" ing overtime." Not only" are â€" the larger factories emplovine thrir hands ‘"we are busy, very busy, ing overtime."" Not only mmom« emplov in ime, Aut 'tll amailer wall. . ADY MULOCK‘S CONDITION FACTORIN MIRACULOUS ESCAPTI A3 BURNED: ‘CHILDREN WERE SAVED. MEN WORKING TIME DANISH VER W ~aA byâ€"law for the i by ie of permanent ruS-mh P M of Galt will be submitted ito popular] . The vots on November 21. The meney,.4% | gi0n ! is intended, will be spreadt over â€" &} _ period ol five years, and the mpasufe is Bkely to earry. \ 24 +) moin DIEDAIN PARKHILL ‘The sad intelligence was received in Berlin this morning of the death of Mrs. Liaughton, wife of Mr. J.. M Laughton, â€". which _ took place at an early hour in â€" Parkhil, Mr. Laughâ€" ton‘s â€"many ; Berlin friends will extend their sympathy. ST. MARYS CANADIAN CLUB ‘The only mixed Canadian Club â€" in E,‘" T o nc Noks, n o on Bc o. + o e uk Canada is at St. Marys, Ont. Meet enteur. . â€". ; 2 A ings are held in the evenings, and .Cattle, Pigs Sheep Etc. 18 there is always a good attendance of| _ Jersey ‘cow fresh by time of sale, the fair sex, who, in the Stone Town) Jersey cow supposed to be in call, take a keen interest in public affairs.| Jersey cow due to calve in January, ‘The coming session will be opened by | Sow ‘due to pigâ€"March 1st, Boar . 6 Mr. Arthur Hawkes on November 7th, months old; 2 pigs about 150 lbs.] his suhjq:_h "The Fun and Grief m 9 pigs 2 months old, 3 thoroughâ€" of Being & Shman "in‘ Canada." ‘Shropshire® ewes with pedigree. * / smcs Poultry, 13 geese and about 50 hens. ISs PROMOTED. Implements. :‘ ho ng Deer Binder: 6 foot cut _ with The mafiy friends of Mr. . HETMAR} gheat ,:‘im ‘und truck, Massey Harâ€" ‘Hermi¢‘" Quirmbach in Betlin ~Will|rig Mower 5 foot cut, Masseyâ€"Harris be pleased to learn that he has beeR| ray Loader with forecarriage, Masâ€" appointed to the â€" position of AS$i8â€"| geyâ€"Harris 11 hoe ‘drill, Masseyâ€"Harâ€" tant Superpintendent of the Easter®|y;s Corn Binder, These implements Division ° lines east of â€" White_FisD,| are all nearly new. Peter Hamilton Montlll‘l, of the Great Northern Exâ€" Clll“'mi’, Bissell Disc’ï¬lrrw. 3 press Co. with his office at St. Pall,| seet‘on Iron Harrow, 2 furrow Fleury Minn. "Hermic‘s‘ Berlin ‘acquaint\ plow, 2 No. 21 Gowdy single plows, ances will congratulate himâ€"upon his| verity No. 2 Scuffier, Fanning.Mill, advancement.. â€" Cutting : Box, Masseyâ€"Harris Pulper, } â€"â€" Farm Wagon with Beet Box, 2 Top TOOK PATEENT TO HOSPITAL. | Buggies (nearly new), open buggy, | n a f | market carriage, buggy po‘e with Dr. W. K. Jacobs, the osteopath, neckyoke, pair of bobâ€"sleighs nearly has taken eleven year old Amy Di¢lâ€"\noew, 2 cutters, 2 â€" sets of gravel enbacher to the o_swopathic gener@l| planks, wood rack, flat rack, rack litâ€" hospital at Kirksville, _ Mo., Where| ty ropes nearly new, Stone boat, {the modified Lorenz bloodless OPCr@~| manure sleigh, wheel barrow, . grind ‘.“0“ will be performed for CONECD~â€" gtone, iron kettle, copper kettle, SaP ital (from birth) dislocation of the | ; h+ o A . pan, sapâ€" tins, water trough, â€" Pig \hip. The operation will be performed trough, 2 feed boxes, pig rack, pig |by Dr. George M. Laughlin, an O8te0â€"| pox, 2 ladders, scoopshovels, crowbar pathic and vorthopedlc surgeon withâ€" teet forc cross cut saw, axes, °4 | out a peer in the west. mauls and wedges, set of team harnâ€" | iiine oan ess,â€" set of carriage harness, . single | BMIG ;f\)g']["l()lr({): To GUELPH harnsss, grain cradle, scythe, hoes, > forks, _ chains, _ shovels, neekoohyokecli i doubletrees, wrenches and t an If satisfactory terms can be reached * , with the city of Guelph regarding a x::’io')n"'“" articles too numerous to T 7 . 3 D . ind P to® 4 has taken eleven year old Amy Diefâ€" enbacher to the osteopathic general hospital at Kirksville, _ Mo., where the modified Lorenz bloodless operaâ€" tion will be performed for congenâ€" ital (from birth) dislocation of the hip. The operation will be performed by Dr. George M. Laughlin, an osteoâ€" pathic and orthopedic surgeon with out a peer in the west. y If satisfactory terms can be reached with the city of Gueiph regarding a fixed assexsment, it is understood that the officials of the Pageâ€"Hersey Company have about decided to inâ€" crease the capacity of their pipe mills here by the erection of a big new building, to cost in the neighborhood of $50,000. ‘The mills are working night and day ~at the present time, and are still unable to keep up with the orders received. As they do not care to increase the Welland _ plant, they will add to the Guelph mills to the extent mentioned. eas C is TERMS :â€"Hay, grain, potatoes, 9 Condition ‘corn stalks, pigs, . poultry and all z. sums of $10.00 and under, cash ; over Actually in need of food to nourish| that amount 12 months credit on furâ€" the body and yet afraid to eat beâ€"|cent. off for cash paynmionts of crédit causing of theâ€"racking pains that folâ€"| nishing approved security or 5 _ per low. That is the condition of the|amounts. S sufferer from indigesÂ¥onâ€"a choice beâ€" + tween starvation or merciless tot-‘ f; ;};Mmhgï¬gï¬w'::’::" ture ‘The urgent need of all dyspeptics, of everybody whose organs of digesâ€" tion have become unfit to perform |, their important duty, is for stronger| stomachs that can extract nourishâ€" mentâ€" from food. Dr. Williams‘ Pink Fills give weak stomachs just . the strength they need by enriching the| blood, supply, this giving tone . and strength to the stomach ahd its netrâ€" ves; and enabling it to do the work nature intended it to do. Thousands of cases of indigestion have been curâ€" ed by. Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills, â€" of which the following :# but one . inâ€" stance. Miss L. A. Brown, Port . Alâ€" bert, Ont., says :â€" ‘‘For a~mumber of years 1 was a terrible sufferer from indigestion, and as a result I becam> }comleuly run. . down, and suffered from backaches and nervous troubles as well. I had to force myself. to ‘ut. but never enjoyed a meal owing to the awful pains that followed‘eatâ€" ‘ ing: Lifé . was becoming" a burden, and as medicine after medicine fatled to help me I felt I was doomed . to | go through . life -\oonui-t sulferer . Finally a married sister strongly urgâ€" ’ed me to try Dr. Wiltiams‘ Pi kl’il?l | and. 1 have reason to be t%nklul | that I followed her advice, as . they }hn fullyâ€"restored my bealth, and 1. | can, now enfoy all kinds of food withâ€" out the least . disconvort, and . my \friends say 1 am looking better than |I have done for years. At all events | 1 Fnow {'!'l like a new person, so .\ shall â€" alvays praise _ IT. Williams‘ |â€"Pink Pills." â€" o s I Fnow 1 feel like a new person, so shall always praise T. Williams‘ Pink _Pills." â€" Sold by .all medicire dealors of by mail at 50 renta a Wox or six hoves tot ï¬ï¬‚†from The â€" Dr. Williams‘ Med ‘Co., Brockville, Ont. WEAK STOMACHS BJ STRP of * t * There will ‘be, sold by public auc« tion on the promises of the underâ€" signed, u.m‘rmaam.l miles: South ol Blooiningdale on m\‘u"“‘ leading Arom Breslau : *o New_Germaby ohn °. _, Wednesday, Nov. 13th, 1912 Team of Bay Horses 7. years old, weigh 2500 lbs., well matched ; Bay Team rising 3 and 4 years old, â€"well matched, got by (Prince of Avon); Bay. Hiorse, 8 years old (good drivâ€" ery, Colt rsing 2 years old, got by Commencing as 12.30 o‘clo shasp. The following articles Viz Masseyâ€"Harris cream _ separator nearly new, Daisyâ€"No..3 Churn, cook stove, box stove, large cream _ can, milk cans, sink, 2 bedsteads, extenâ€" sion table, washing machine, bench, sewing mwichine, 2 clocks,â€"2 cider Barâ€" rels, lawn mower, meat barrel, Rayâ€" mond sewing machine new. PARISIAN SAGE No resorve as the proprietor _ is moving to town. â€" About _ 7 tons _ of mixed hay, 50 bush. seed barley, 200 bush. twenticth century seed _ oats, 500 bush. yellow" Russian oats, ~a quantity of corn stalks, and 15 bags good potatocs. IMITATIONS OF THIS GREAT HAIR _ INVIGORATOR _ ARE ABROAD IN THE LAND, LOOK FOR THE GIRL WITH THE . AUBURN HAIR ON EVERY PACKAGE. name when you want the grower and dandruff cure. it cannot be matched. 4 % Get a §0â€"cent bottle of PARISIAN SAGE toâ€"day. â€"It it doesn‘t . give complete. satisfaction, .. your motioy will be réturned. _ 8old by .A. _ G Hachne! and dealers every where, PUBLIC SALE | PUBLIC SALE (EXECUTORS SALE PARISIAN SAGEâ€"ask for it by Hay, Grain and Roots Houschold Effects, Etc A. J. MICKUS, Auctioneer ALVIN BITSCHEY, Prop. 0. S. KOLB, Clerk. Horses PARISIAN SAGE will banish dandruft, stop falling hair and itching scalp,~ aid promote _ a now, growth of hair it the hair root is not dead It is a clean tonic, and contains no poiâ€" sonous lead or other dangerous substance. 1t will put radiant beauty _ into _ dull,, ' faded, lifeless _ hair, and as a dainty bair dressing for women This is â€"a picture of the . carton _ in which each bott‘e of PARISIAN SAGE is packed. _ _ â€" ; clock real â€" bair of High Class effects on .. 4t 124~ Benton‘Stâ€", Beflin, * e Bale to ‘*commpnce at 1.30 p.m: sharp: M e * <‘1 combination gas and coal range, 1 fancy oak sideboard, walnut dining table, 2 oak centre tables, Mahogony finish centge table, 1 mahogony fimnish parlor suit, 1 oak writing table, . 2 raltan ml. 6 walnut dining chairs, kitchen cabinet, lounge, 2 single and 1 double jron bedsteds with springs And . mattress, .« single wooden bedâ€" steds with %uï¬m .4 dressers, 3 w. , â€" 3 Brussels carpets, stair carpet, 4 ‘wool.cart ets, 5 yd. cork â€" matting. These carpets ate nearly new and in good shape, a lot of q#ilts, woollen blankets, table linens and napkins, spreads, pillows, feathertick, fancy . wool taole cover, window â€" ‘curtains, fancy and lace, 1 dinner set, a lot of fancy and come mon dishes, 3 chamber sets, 1 oak ball seat and. mirror, some canned fruit, _ carpet sweeper, lawn nfowei and many other arti¢les too numerous to mention. These goods are all in good shape and nearly new. C â€"â€"‘Terms Cash. E. J. Shantz, Au:tioneer. E. J. Smye, Proprietress Dailyâ€"Wed., Thur.‘ and Fri. Weeklyâ€"1t.Cot. 81. or Farm Stock and Implements There will be sold by public auction on the _ promises of the undersigned, 2 miles south . of Winterbourne, . 2 miles east of Conestogo and 3 miles north of Bloomingdale, on the Townâ€" ship line, on Commencing at: 12.30 o‘clock p.m Matched ~ teams©â€"of black mares 6 years old, weighéng :2750 Ibs, in foal to King Seal ; Moێl Worbich colt, 4 months old, ‘got by ‘Kirg Seal. Cattle, Pigs"and Chickens. j 7 choite‘ dairy! cows :â€"Grade â€" cow due to "calve in April, _ Holstein cow, fresh at. time of sale, ;radg%t:w due to calve in March, Holstein caw good milker, 2 ;raï¬ cows fresh . at time of : ‘sale, heifer due to calve in Feb., Holstein heifer due to calve in April, Holstcin heifer due to calve in May, grade heifer rising 2 years old, 2 holstein cows due . to calve in Jan., Holstcin heifer due to calve in _ Jan, 2 holstein heifers due to calve in, March, 2 yearling holstein heifets, grade heifet, 4 spring calves, 12 brood sows, about 40 Buff Orpingâ€" ton and Rode Island reds chickens:â€" The â€" followings: valuable property viz. 7 k " Massey Harris double corn cultivutor,l (new), 12 ft. steel hay rake, Massey Harris 13 hoe seed _ drill, (nearly new), Masseyâ€"Harris * cultivator, hors> scuffier, steel land roller, Veriâ€" ty 2â€"furrow _ riding plow, 2â€"21 singl® Verity plows, Masseyâ€"Harris 20 inch plate disc,. beet lifter, 4â€"section fron harrow, (§ section iron hatrrow new), Brantford fanning mill, nearly new), pair bob sleighs, nearly new ; 2 wagâ€" on â€" boxes . néatly new, wagon box with double shelving, flat hay: tack, wood rack, 25 ft. ladder, set of gra~ vel planks, pig rack, wheelbarrow, quantity â€" of 3 x 4 inch tiles, top buggey, market democrat, cutter, log bolsters, set of brass mounted team harness, 2 sets ol team harness, nearâ€" ly new ; set of single harness, 2 pair good leather fly nets, 5 horse collars, coal heater, National cteam sepautï¬â€˜ or, lawn mowet, dasz. &nner bell, 35 sip â€"pails, and spouts, gram bags, stone boat, whippletrees, necky y forks, shovels,‘ logging chains, E‘ many other articles too numerous 3 mention . About 700 .. bushals ... of barley and oats mixed. . i No regerve as the fartn is sold«. mmrmg -oc:; W and § h & ‘cash ; over mt‘ 10 "credet approved}¢‘nt; notes br ‘4 per cent. o "ot 2s Haymbnte .. of croalt amounts. M oo § % + Massey Hdrris 6 foot binder, Masâ€" seyâ€"Harris 6 foot mower (neatr.y new ) Saturday, Nov. 2nd 1612 ST. PAUT.â€"NMrs.. Johannia McMann 15 years old, was burned to death toâ€"day while kneeling in fromt of, an altar erected near her bedside: ‘The flame from one of the candles ignited hWet clothing. The woman Wwas Ox when members of the housshold tered her. roo..., having amelled smoke Mrs. McMann . was q pioneer resiâ€" dent of St. Paul, Af TUESDAYâ€"NOV. 18TH,â€" 1912 PUBLIC SALE BURNS TO DEBATH AT ALTAR GEORGE W. SNYDER, Prop A: J .. MCKUS, Auction sat. NOAH STROH,. Clerk. 3 Implements Hotses ind householid Farm Stock and Implements ‘There will be sold by.Public Aucâ€" tion. ‘at A?. residence. of t:. € Francig: ;om A cm':‘-m&iu wich (Crook‘s Traet) about ball‘ a mile north~of ‘Winterbourne, Ontario, on n ieb a ts Foncicedty dhy o m ou Â¥ ;IM, yï¬u, the following. propâ€" erties:â€" Real Estate.â€"1. The farm on which the deceased réesided at the time of his death, containing filty acres, beâ€" ing part ol Lot No. L in ‘the first Concession of the Township of Woolâ€" wich. Un this Tand is â€" situated & large, first class frame residence . in good state of repair, wind nfill for pumping water, abundance of good water convenient, a large Arstclass baseiment barn and stables. The land 4§ @ll in good condition and all under good cultivation, soil, good clay. 4 34. Farm situated on ‘the m‘ concession, containing one . â€" hundred acres, being part of Lot No. One‘ Trook‘s Tract, in Woolwich â€"Townâ€" ship, close to Winterbourne. fronting on the Second Concession line. . On the land is a comfortable frame dwelâ€" ling house with woodshed. also baseâ€" ment barn and stables, all in . fair condition of repair, water from _ ‘a never failing spring creek is conveniâ€" ent to the building, also a good well. On the land is about thirty acres of ood‘ bush, mixed hardwood and. soft wood: soil is good clay and has good natural drainage. 8. One hundred acre farm, part of: Lot number One. in the Second Conâ€" cession, Crook‘s Tract. Township of Woolwich, fronting on the Third Conâ€" cession line. On the land is situated a dwelling house in good repair. . a good wellâ€"and â€" runnin« spring creek convenient to the buildings, also one log barn and about forty acres of well timbered bush, of both hard and soft woods. ‘The land is in . a good state of cultivation and is all fenced, soil good clay. Land has good natâ€" ural drainage. $ At the time of sale tem per cent. of the purchase price of the land will be pajyable down, theâ€" balance in â€"thirty. days therein. according to the conâ€" ditions of sale to be read at the sale. â€" Farm Stock and Implements. ‘There will also be sold> by â€" public auction at the same time and â€" place the following chattels: Binder, mower, hay loader, â€" steel bay rake, cultivator, disc harrows, seed drill, set iron hartows, latge gang plow, hay fork, rope andâ€" pulâ€" leys; scuffier, wagon, sleigh, set douâ€" ble harness, set single harness, fanâ€" ning mill, scales capacity 2000 lbs.. grindstone, crossâ€"cut saw. Household Effectsâ€" Cream Separaâ€" tor, National; washing machine, Lea~ der churn. * A quantity of grain and roots. Live Stock.â€"Black mare rising 9. black horse 18 years old, ‘bay horse driver 12 years old; 4 cows supposed to be in eall, 1 helifer 2 years old coming in fresh in winter, Jersey heiâ€" fer one year old, 2 spring calves, bull 2 years old, 3 sows, 5 feeding hogs, about forty hens. ¢ .\ Terms. for; Chattelsâ€" All produce, pigs and poultry and goods bought for $10.00 andâ€"~under, cash; over that anmount. twelve months‘ credit on apâ€" proved security with ten per cent. off for cash on such credit amounts. For further particulars and condi tions of sale apply to . 43â€"3t B 1os" L INJURED . Comprising of‘‘ 46° acres, 4, miles northâ€"east of Bertin and T mile west of Breslad! â€" 36 acres~ unglier cuitivaâ€" tion, Balance : in bush . and pasture Isnd.** G@ood â€" orchard. Erick house m %n and all necessary outâ€" . "Apply to Abram $. Weber Proslau, Ont Dantig, Germany, < Oct. . 80:.â€"The (German Crown Prince was injured in a. hunting ~accident yesterday * wear here and :‘:omed to . the . *house suftering its effects. . He was participating in a drag â€" hunt in pm'y _with the Crown _ Printess Cec when his horse fell _ and And Aalso many. other articles BY AUCTION Farm for Sale A. J. MICKUS, Auctioncer, Waterloo, Ont Executors Solicitor, 13 Weber St. E., Berlin, Ont OF W. M. CRAM, 46 acres/ 4) miles 44â€"4t bo Being Lot 11, Concession 14 Mort: ington, 3. miles from Tralee ‘Station, Convenient .to school and church. 167 scres, about 30 acres good bush | and remainder clear and under good. : eulâ€" tivation. Good orchard, bank: m size 44 x 81, new‘ driving. shed, house, size 24 x 28, and wood â€" shed, Water at houseâ€"and barn. <Apply to. ;. MRS,. FRANOIS QUERIN, . pastare land. SUORC:! and ‘alH necessary ‘OUut 39â€"4n Theundersigned offets: for sale his fine farm â€" situated 2 milesseast of new Hamburg. <â€" The farm‘comprises 99 acres, 6 mctres of which is hardâ€" wood ‘bush and 10 acres â€"sown in fall wheat â€" suitable farm ‘for dairy‘ or stock. First: class buildings,‘ | good orchard and spring water.~Apply to PCs JOHN SNEINER,~ ;. â€" 41â€"3 mos ultiva i 44â€"1 mo. Notice to Creditors Pursuant to section 55, chapter| 26 ol the Statutes of Ontario, 1 Gee. V. notice is hereby given that all crediâ€" tors and others having claims ?&'mt the estate of the above named GeorgP Brenmer, who died on or about the 29th day of January, 1912, are, requiâ€" red on or before the thirtieth, day ‘0f November, A.D. 1912, to sebd . by post prepaid or. deliver to . Michael S. Brenner of the said Township: of ‘[Welle'ley, administrator of the estate of the deceased, their Christian_| and surnames, addresses And descriptions, together with full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the security, _ if iny, held by them,. .. .. . VY Inâ€"the Matter of George Bremnet, late ol the Township of Wellesiey, in the County of Waterloo and Proâ€" vinece of Ontario, Laborer, Deteasâ€" .And notice is further.._ given,, ; that after such last mentioned date .‘ the administrator ol the estate will, proâ€" ceed to distribute the assets of.. said estate among the persons entitled: thereto, having regard only .. to . the claims of which notice shall, at the time of distribution, have been.given; and the administrator will not be‘li~ able for the assets or any part thereâ€" af to any person or persons of whose claims he shall not have had notice. \ MICHABEL £.‘ BRENNER: 1 Administrator of said deceased. Linwood P: O., Ontario. Dated at Linwood, Ont., this 7th day of October, 1912. 42â€"4t. A. J. Mickus, Auctioneer Nov. 12â€"Farm stock and implements of Walter Snider, 2 miles South: of Winterbourne and 2 milesâ€". East of Conestogo. 4 f i Nov. 13.â€"Farm stock and implements of Alvin Betchey, 1} mn:x north of Breglau, on main road leading to New Germany. . Nov. 14.â€" Farm stock \nd‘lmple- méets of the late Albert Gordon, 4 mileâ€"north of MWinterboutne, â€" on â€"the West Mortrosé road . © < . . Nov.‘ fl-â€"lifam?stx*-'md Smflaneâ€˜ï¬ of August Israel, 5 miles south of Berlin, adjoining* the ® village of oo neD of CATRE Commenting at 2 ,0‘clock. F2 25 Good Dairy Cows â€" 10 fresh, balance due to calve between now*and March; 12 nice young Holstein heifâ€" ers due in March and April. Terms=â€"8 ~months credit or 4. . per cent. off for cash. _ ;, . ~~ y o so id meediegs WR on o lc oay on en â€"fei> w lly fi e i acres first class farm land, 75 3 To t i n ang og l 0 on gores sceded down, 1i .scre orthard FRIDAY, NOV. 8. 1912. 162. .. back Watd stome fnttin, Commenting at 2 .0‘clock. â€", .] sHo, henhouse and ‘pighouse, : spring 25 Good Dairy Cows â€" 10 fresh,| well at barn, cistern and _ well _ay balance due to cdive between now and|hers>, overflowing spring at back of March; 12 nice young Holstein heifâ€" ‘f;rm. convenient to church, 6§. miles ers due in March afid April. | from: Paistey, on mll-n‘ ril route, Terms=â€"8~months credit or 4.« pet also Telephone mwm cent. off for cash. p¢ . 25 |â€" Paist>y and : Chesley. Lot 18, Con. Theseare a good lot of "cattle '::;1' 10 Elderslie.: SNAP‘Ter terms â€" etc. are picked from highâ€"class dairy herds Apply to J, W.. Chambets; 659 Dovâ€" Don‘t forget the date, *‘riday, Nov. ercourt RA., Toronto. . ,..' ~A*St. obs i Bear Tsland, lg;nzc, 1903. Minard‘s Liniment Co., il ted . Dear . Sirs.â€"Your mvellct»’g here toâ€"day and we;are ng . a Wrge atiantity of your MIRNARD‘S * LINTâ€" MENT. We fnd the best ‘ Liniâ€" ment on the mar aki ¢xâ€" mflhfl We M? u-’ I:"an s 13 years and have handled all kinds, but have droppea them all but &nmn that ~seits itsett;" the "oÂ¥berk" "FAvé "TC be pushed . to: get :rid of, o A Farm for Sale Strasburg Farm for Sale Auction Sales M ‘lace {. J. WILLIAMS, Proprietor ABEX. AMES, . Auctionger: A SENSIBLE MBROBANT A ARON SNY Dominion House, St ~A0OF New Hamburg; Ont Tralee P.O., Ont R easterh sectio Wellesley, abc w0 ol cultivation and has 6t,: There is: a good. # bank barn on the.: are in good repair. ticulars apply to t & / Baden, on Concession 1, . *Â¥ The farm compriszes about acrtes, 25 actes bush and pastute, under a good state of 4 Soil good . clay loam, good ‘ cteck, 2 never failing wells, 14 brick house, bank barn, straw ; For . further particulars m: D. S. Shantz, Raden. ~ Compris: sCres, B The tillable f m“ldn is hilly. 'nn.lz‘ | well . watered and hp::th o ned here needed. ‘On proj y 48 a :un with plenty of stabling.. 300 gallon tark in bare t&:rfly'w to tock, _ water "flg 'nbou;h plpe from flowing spring an is to be had in abundance. . Om the farm is a stone house of the besk finish with conveniences and soft . : bard water in kitchen. Splemdid lar, Beli tolephone compection. _ A. small cottage is also on farm. The property is better known as the Hisâ€" lop farm and is â€" situated<â€"1; milé south of Strasburg, 7 miles _ from Berlin and 9 miles from Galt. It is one of the best farms in South Waâ€" terloo Tp. and has never been rented It is in good state of cultivation. Scarcity of~ help is the reason for elling. For further. particulars apâ€" ply to e in o ~o $â€"10mas ‘The undersigned offers for sale his farm, better knowun as the Charles Forwell farm, situated 2 miles north of St. Clements and 1 mile ~ south west of Hawkesville. ‘The farm }Mls prises 141 acres, more or less, "â€" ifâ€" cluding 14 acres bush, mostly â€" hardâ€" wood. The balance is all good workâ€" able land, slightly rolling except 2 acres which is watered by a . creek which crosses the southâ€"east cornet of the farm and provides endlmm ture land. The farm is tile draine where necessary. On the property is a large bank barn 74 x 50 feet, and straw shed 30 x 70 feet, a threshing ‘shedâ€" is also attached to the â€" barn. There is also a large sheep pen â€" and a workâ€"shop attached to the" barn. t Under the barn are excellent â€"stables, cement floors, and under the â€" straw shed hog pen and hen pen, also cemâ€" ent floors. A large driving shed . is also situated some distance from the barn. ‘The house is a two ‘m brick, 30 x 40 feet, with brick 1 25 x 30 feet, also large summer & chen and woodshed. ‘These g ate all in excellent repair, lately been reâ€"roofed. Water is plied by an artesian well pumped by a power mill on the barn. . At* the house is also hard .and soft ‘water. This farm has never been ‘rented and ; r‘in a high state ofveqlt!:';ï¬?†and ' always been ~by: I ner. ~For mzm_mm‘ fl on the premises or write Wm. â€"K. Forwell, St. Clements P. 0. â€"~/ |. Comprising 31 acres, 1 mile. south of Bloomingdale and‘ 4 miles east of 'Berlia. 25 acres under cultivation, and ‘suitable for ~market ing. | Balance bush and pasture land. orchard and 3 !MWbmd water‘ wells. 'Apply Atien $ y W ‘R. R. No. 1. y ® h es south 0 Valuable Farm for Sale Farm for Farm for Sale Farm for Saleé Farm for Sale Farm for Sale Farm for Sale CHRISTIAN DUENCH &t. Clemonts. ~ wWM. A. THOMSON, > Strasburg od {rame house and he place. The fenves urtho® par 35â€"4mos