. It‘s School Time ~ 900 Acre Farm for Sale pas‘y hi ver « enniaatin nov relling in on mt x6 now h on us. ‘ sight up. to abyle.‘ Alread Neek wear, . Bwester Coats and new Caps, n=weRa und Shoes and overcoats:© Our * PR ts 50 22 CoA »f last Saturday was buch a groak success we ‘will repeat it for Satur Seven: .and ninetyâ€"Ave cents * and youth school Boots, â€" wi viy the tiet Toh io treive : "tor Nes siyle, in good solid makes: at lar men‘s suit ever placed on the taâ€" |easy fitting shoés, sizes 11 ‘to 13, aned l-d-wlqmgz:.m We l1 to 5, segular $2.00 and $2,50, Sat have been doing a big business ~ this |urday ....s.. .,.â€".â€"« _»n #oee mt Te esd thinhi with the preiest sult 7 ¢ P will buy at Efust‘s store on . Saturâ€" t: the '2&:%’:“ "onu&nm in hoe « 5‘ C 4 â€â€˜ Ahis as we m 38 suits g..fln. sizes 45 to 42. Better get are carly so that your gize â€"won‘t be Our nine Dollat and ninetyâ€"five cent M-kï¬':omw woek weâ€" § ts s‘“'ï¬" fl@ and cighteen â€" dollar lines, not a full tange of sizes in an: one line, but all sizes in the 10t, all at one price for a big fnish . to: our greatest Zeason. Ts YOUNG .MEN‘s a0TH CENTURY BREAND BENCH TAILORED SUITS. : * . .: ‘The style setters for Canadian Tailâ€" oring. We will make Saturday a big day at this store and ‘will show the public our appreciation of < a great season‘s business by placing: on sale sixty: Highest Grade Scotch _ Tweed and English Worsted Suite 323 te$27 at ‘Price Saving on Footwear Women‘s Fine Boots, viel kid Blachâ€" es laced neat waluing shape, sizes 3 to 7. regular© $2.25, Saturday ....... Ask for Our Classic Children‘s Shoes Theâ€"People‘s Shoers A ZICK‘S SHOE HOME Try Wilheim‘s All Ohildrem who have worn these shoss ask for them. . They know | the comfort, the good works 4nd the streagth in them. ‘We wish we could marshall the.army of children who have bought CLASEIO BHORS at this atore. . The chiliren‘s happy faces would testity ‘to the comfort they enjoy in these comfortable .and durable shoes. ©Se, $1, 1.35 to 2.50 per pair. â€"The shoo money left with us will bring satisfi¢tion to you Big Suit Sale The Live Wire Rea . M. WILHELM,E SNAP FOR A QUICK SALE " @00 Acras 50 Acres Bush â€" The largest and best TRUNKS, TRAVELLING BAGS, â€" <~_ gUIT CASES, Ete. EE. .niiiiA =AL~|..I w » ow o ' m“ A. $12.:95 $18.50 tor anything in the line of $1.69 l u‘:A_.‘_“ Harry Vie art in charge of the en I |U EI- !‘I‘ER Ribit.â€"Miss. L. ‘Taum â€"of Bertin spen H w ie ) en gart ol last woek with: triends = ># H "look to Erust‘s store forever f ibyle.‘_Alrcady placed in stock 25 bary Brand Lu-.m! ‘ï¬.flnï¬. ln'q: grade patent . colt 03 es, sizes 5 to 10, xog-luuflfflg EY 1.\ ors. se inre" qoe> nnravtelee nepe ts cvac e Boys‘ and youth school M" ; on Fead ï¬tï¬&hfl;. m ll'ï¬; " q% easy § 4 : &, segular 3$2.00 and ““;M [ ts cluey Af eveere th atuned, ..-*-f:’::-z Boys‘ . Suits, of durable |. Tweeds, double breasted or‘g:-blll ~style, with strong Itaiian lining, knee pants sizes 24 to 28, Saturday ....... .~.»«s : $1.98 Boys‘ two piece â€" suits, stylisMy tailored on the double breasted model made from English tweed, in _brown and grey shades, loose fittong bloont ers, sizes 20 to 33.~ Saturday ... Men‘s Working Shirts, ~extra â€" well made, black and white ‘stripe . and plain black heavy . twill â€" â€"material, regular 75¢ per‘ garment, Saturday ... Ven‘s rï¬'u-le Half Hose . in Jila colors du-.upiat m.dsn- UFUBY L222 w .02. c mpnecreins anveeidiln" nethenene d on Ain siutiapenintene sizes / regular 50¢,. Saturday.,.,:4.{â€"â€"â€"4â€" stock in Waterloo Men‘s Furnishings farom h# A f Boys‘ Clothing WATERLEOO, ONT. A 7 FI Me., Quick $1.59 Bar» Struck. by I â€" During mmmmm rn belonging to Mr. . Joseph â€" Gingâ€" rich was struck by lightning.. As the fire which immediately â€" followed â€" comâ€" menced. between the rafters there was practically noâ€"way of getting: at it to extinguish it, which might ceasâ€" ily have been~ done had it â€"â€"ignited any. â€"where cise, ‘as willing .â€" hands were quickly on the scene. Jt gained such headway that. it was soon â€" seen that it was hopeless to try to â€" sawe the buikding, and attontion was given to saving the stock. Some â€" thirty ku_olhfu‘m-u-;:b © other grain ‘was" destroyed. .« Gingrich vit â€â€œâ€˜mm wi}l have ‘his loss as dny Joss this sustained by one of their members is always restored‘ by the diffetent membersâ€"of the â€" Mennoâ€" nite church. Mr.â€" Archile Jeanneret was a : busiâ€" hness visitor to Berlin last Monday.â€" Mr.~ B. Schulz has returned from ~his vacation. to his home in‘ Schleswig. Tows, and "will commence his duties as teacher of St: Paul‘s _ Parochial School on ‘Tuskday., Sept. 3rd.â€"â€" Miss ‘Tillie ~Wilfong, ‘ Bssistant post ‘misâ€" tress, is spndlzâ€: few ‘days _ with triends in Bran .â€"Mr. cand / Mrs. _ Thiun returned last week from & < / i week‘s visit with friends in : Ohio..~ j Alter an absence of some thirty years from this vicinity, Mr. Kart ° Christâ€" muam,mwwm» a visit last week.â€"Mr. Dilion received word lastSaturday ol# death of his mother;, Mrs. .Jobn Di ton,. ol Berlin, who bad. been a> rest dent ‘of that city for fifty years, hayâ€" ing made hber home . during the last few years with her daughter, ~Mrs. Jacob :Gles, + The childten ~who â€" at left to mourn her loss are~ ‘Thomas of Elmira, Willism of Toronto, ° E4 ward and Peter of Chicago, Mrs."B6.. Carroll of Guelpb, Mrs: Gies, Bertin,: and Mrs. Frank O‘Gorman, of > De troit;~â€" Miss H. Graunner * of "New York spent last week at the home of her uncle, Rev. P. Graupner.â€"The E. M. S.â€"band has @ccepted an invitaâ€" ‘ tion to supply the music at ‘the Drayâ€" ton Fall Show: which will â€"be held: Oct. 2nd.â€"â€"Mrs. H: Haack ofâ€"Drayton visited at the home ol Mrs. L. "A, Jeanneret last week.â€"=.The aannual meeting of the Elmira btanch . of the Upper Canada Bible Society will <he held in the Presbyterian Church. .on Sept. 5th, when W.._N.. Kiteley, . â€"a Victoria College student will be preâ€" sent to address those present. .. Mr. Kiteley‘s subject of discoutrse will be Items of Interest.« Mre.~â€"A.. K. Dunke and mh.m‘g\ Mrs. h at Woodstock.â€"Mr. and Mre.: Geo. Allemang ol . South Bend, Ind., spent a few days > with Elmira friends last week. ‘‘Around the World with the Colporâ€" teurs and Bible Women â€"of this :; Soâ€" ciety." .. ‘The lecture mmt,wml be illustrated with nuugflemv yiews | There will be ~ no general admission Ice, but a collection will be taken, up . duringthe ~evening.â€"Mr. and_ Mrs. J. Schacter spent Sunday with relatives | near Drayton.â€"The many friends . of ‘ Mrs. Tom Mathews will be l‘;tty “1 learn . that is f 4 m.ï¬q%&vï¬l . Elota mu,;; }l,,}dllt: Sunday,â€"Mrs. . Wimimerrsan ; has been visiting at the home ofâ€" Mrr | (ieo._Ratz,â€"left for cher: < home‘ _ in Rtratiord this week.â€"Mr. and ©~Mrs. Thos. Shetrington and familyvisited theâ€"former‘s brother in Gl.nallan fast iSndny.-TIum Harold : and : â€" â€" Miss Lillian Hillier ‘spent a‘few days with relatives at Hawkesvilie:â€"Mrs. Homâ€" er Hind and ‘Tamily ‘otfâ€"Waterloo are -um lew days at the home~ ‘6f , Mr. Amy .â€"Miss Eiva Haack of Toronto spent part of the‘ week with friends in town.â€"Mt. I. Hilborn and family spent Sunday witit friends â€" in New Dundes.â€"Mr. and Mrs. ~(Gearge Jung and daughter, Miss Emm#, vis Tted : friends in © ~Guelph last week.â€" Miss Alma â€"Allemang spent part â€" of her vacation with friends=at Preston, â€"The Misses Mac and Lizzle Zelgler ned to their home last week alâ€" tor spending some time: with ‘frlends Makt port of fast werk with |â€"Me , t ‘ ar, Mrs. Alex, Stewart. â€" Migs LAura Sippé! of Bertin: was the guest of her cousin, Miss Emma Jung here last week.â€"Miss Alvina: (rosch % a Tew days}with, BerH hï¬mn weok.â€"Mr. Fr. I&J im giunday with frieuds> in MÂ¥ , ~and Mrs> Wred A. Vogt of . Mizshawaka, Ind., ate: spending <their: > vacation with the formet‘s mother, Mrs. (Geo. Vogt on Churth : St.â€"«â€" Mizs .:..M Coote is spending a few days friends in <Hamilton.â€"Mr. Theodore Jarmteson has purchased ‘the house on own.â€"Mrs. Adase Winger â€"Bas reâ€" {uinefan churoh _ on wu-gmw visit: "to . lMly Xdï¬_!m aar Ainiitit mB : A ue oi io. en n in it " e tee reaina .A h ce Lt 1. 59 wATERLOO, onTaRIO, THURSpaÂ¥Y MoORNING serremsk® 5 »1: CLMIRA it ent Presen wned y take po â€"Rlniir a CGalt are .spending a | w a \hhm:"ol Mrs. Gev.: Vogt: on Church St.â€"Mr. and Mrs. â€"~ Joshua ‘Winn of New York left lngt"Friday alter spending a few. days â€"with the f;r:e;:uum, Mr. andâ€" Mrs. Steâ€" â€"Rev. W.; J. Zimmerman ‘of Stratiord, formerly of this. uz:,‘q was l.'iumm 'w‘x‘m Hy. Strebel | of Weollesley visited friends in town last woek. â€"Miss Ida Staufier spent part ol the week in Berlin.â€"Mrs. A. Smith spent a few days of last week with friends at (lenalian.â€"Mra Fred Noâ€" Tinsky, who has conducted _ a _ shoo chased the button £ was Tormerly. runm by ‘O@ateman and Ullyot, and will convert_ it into an\up _ to date shoe {factory, which will be on a much larger scale than the one he is atâ€"present ‘running.â€"Miss White: who is visiting at the home of â€"Mrs. Brandt, spent part of the week with friends in Berlinâ€"Mr. _ _J. â€" Becker moved with his family: and. Msehold effects to Waterloo last â€". Wednesday, where he has secutred a .good . gittaâ€" last week from a visit to friends at Goderich. â€"Mr. Elmer Ratz, who has been ‘spending the summer months at Haniiiton, ‘visited his parents in town during "the week.â€"Mr. Noxon and Mrâ€" Fred _ Ruppel :of. Toronto . visited friends in town over Labot Day.â€"Mr Trode of ‘Hespeler spent Sunday with friends in town.â€"Missâ€"Lavura Auman left on Tuesdayâ€"for Toronto . where she .._will spend â€"some time_ with Triénds â€"Mr. Gordon Meyer of Bresâ€" lauâ€" spent â€"Sunday ‘with â€"relatives . in tow n.â€"Mr. ct.lhm of _ "Tor\ onto spents Labor ‘ his ~ hHome An " town.â€"The m the. Evanâ€" gelical â€"Sunday Schoo! beld~tbeir â€" an> nual ‘pichic in the rink last Saturday amm.-mmun-a:; rï¬ï¬‚; Mnt‘_lmub that piciile: ‘ to: be postponed several times, and as hx Saturday â€"was the last. timeâ€"that â€"several ‘of their meinbers could be present it was decided to hold it under â€"shelter, . and A large â€"crowd . nas in attendance.â€" Mr. and Mrs. Nethery and. two chilâ€" dren OL. Berlin vigited Ariends :in. El mit® on Monday.â€"Mr, Adlgdéit who is: employed at the C. P. R. station: as aszistant, had the misfortune to have his arin broken on morning last week while engaged; in his duties. â€"The fractured. limb, which was set by the Cuvctor, is doing as well as ‘can be expected.â€" Mr.â€"Ertel who the Schroder property on m Bt., moved into his new house last Thursâ€" i ching pirlondie wick with: har par e w * :ugl:,:: W. ‘R.â€" Wilonghby . : = i . Oscat Strome spent a this week.â€"â€" lk-dï¬t Edwin ublic : School : opened ® Y’W ay . There w c ho a e d S l _ * J, F0R L he: :s.n, [ $ .b. intnenvertinn T6 es and Grant, will take charge of ell-:‘:u:é-.fl year «â€"Mrs. Alex: & sonâ€" spending ;-.u.%:.gï¬... ‘_‘.._ ige: eitzel ana Louts Â¥Friday Metovonise Haxe td at onigioe tam has béen transferted to branch: at Milverton. Mr. Ruppel was formerly of Elmira.~â€"Mrs. Fred Sl:'l: held â€" a day afternoon at her hutnl m on . Church .street, when of friends called ‘to make her acquaint: M x . Heimbecker and Mrs. Raté.â€"Mr. Aï¬l:x Stewart sbent Friday in . â€"Beriin > on business.â€" Mrs. Hy.â€" Doberthein; â€" of Clivea, low#, who has been the guest of Elniita relatives, left for her home last â€"week.â€"Mr. and Mrs. C. _ Abrens ol Elizabeth, N.â€"~J., spent a Iew days with the xm't brother. . in town.â€" .Mrs. dt and <daughters spent part of the‘ seek in Berlin. ?a""s.'y" -gu n-n:‘léa.nâ€"-lt + ol St. «pending his vacation ï¬ï¬m.g relativ= 0 in town.â€"Dr. and, Mrs. W.. W. Gelkie spent last Friday in ‘Boctin: <â€" Mr: ‘August Schierholts ~of _ Berlin zu:t‘ubw Day with hitâ€"parents" in . 4s C u08 .. News . Noges.â€"A . .severs eleotrica storm and hfll‘l&“o’:m Baden on y morhing. o since 1883 -sdwybhmu Iii water.. The ‘water rose over _6 it in some places and ram & (t.~ Ase oVat tha raad â€" teatdng â€" im â€"crict pert allie w { Miss ElHliott: ‘The other Mr: 1~ a Te aoe oant trant, will take charge of 1008 the the Kuntz has béen engazed by the trusâ€" tees ©ot©Plain‘s > schook ~North:â€"Dumâ€" tries â€"to wtart teaching on Se;t. 8rd. â€"Mr. "B. ‘Schinidt : visited his: sonâ€"in= taw Mr. Rm,mu-lumï¬r operation at Guelph Hospitallâ€"Mrs. Hy: K. Schinidéâ€"otf Rochester, N. Y upent a week with her mother -“'l A/ Kavingan: who is very low at preâ€" | sgat.-â€"flfl Louisa ‘Kischel of Stratâ€"‘ ford is visiting‘ friends at Badenat ‘ family are visitifig friends and ‘tclaâ€" :;u:w for a few 4‘!:; tamily of Scranton, Paâ€", are at Preâ€" sent uw a fow woeks with his parents M# and Mrs. A. Kautman. News. Notes.â€"The wet weather .. O‘ | the . past fow: . weeks has greatly â€"deâ€" ; Jayed the harvest in this part..of the country.â€"â€"The huzr‘ n:‘om -:i h:f Sunday ‘morning didâ€"quite abit damage: in these parts." Mr. ltobefl»1 Mutray, three. px‘les . west. of shere lost several head of. cattle by: lightning, while east of here‘the dam of Mt. ~S; Shantz and also the dam < belonging to_Mr. J.C. Hallman . were washed away.. by : floods.â€" Petsonals:â€"Mr. and Mrs.â€"E. E. Bean, ol Detroit, called onâ€"relatives ~in" â€" this vicinity last Sunday.â€"Quite > a number from this services at (Bright Jast , Sunday â€"Miss Ramghau, ‘of Nassagawa, is spending a ‘tew | weeks with het. tnend ~Miss Milli¢ Diamond.â€"Mts. 1. Master and won Wilired .spent a few .days in Toâ€" Fonto.â€"Miss Elizateth Bean, oi Wa}â€" €floo, bas ‘returned home after spendâ€" tng a few weeks with friends in this ;"hz-â€"mb. _‘Annie. _ "/tlie, " of ‘Pright, ~visited under the parental #oo{: 6Â¥er Sunday. / Lood Coods CGirls SchooiDresses â€" Girle‘ School Hosiery Girle‘ Rain Caps with s o "~Hoods Girlsa‘® Small Size This is the: Most Economical Place to Buy! A.Weseloh . . < Berlin,Ont. â€"â€" A. R; Goudie Roof Your Buildings With Weiche!‘ s Asphalt Roofing HAYSVILLE Before you decids on any roofing for any purpose, you owe it to reelf toâ€" fnvestigate Weichel‘s Asphait Roofing. It to the 4déal EvÂ¥ERYTHING FOR THE CHILDREN SCHOOL DAYS A. Weseloh & Co. â€"Weichel‘s Woekly Store News | eC1 LoR C AT WESELOWH‘S Umbrelias Btiefs.â€"Rain, . Rain, go" away,~come again somée.other‘ day>â€"We‘ are hat~ ing. lots of. ratn theséâ€"days>.. whith makes â€" haying rather ~disagréeable. Crops .are. looking Aine and: it frost does..not come "too soom this district will «reap :a bumpercrop. Barley willâ€"be ;ready to cut in a few ‘days:; Wild shay ‘was «an ~exceptionally good trop. this year, while: tinothy â€" was fair.. â€"Potatocs promisd‘a beavy, yield. CROSSHILL loo. Ont, Boys‘ Sohool!l Buits Boys‘ Bloomer â€" â€" Boys®: School Stockings . Boys* School Caps ' Boys*: Schools Sweaters Â¥an * 8P uen . o M Py‘ '.: a WHOLE NUMBER 3915 _ Personal : Mrs. M. * Strome, &% wick, lefld for*.hu'hot? s% terâ€" spending a month with _ in this flitdst.â€"’lk.,. Norghangâ€" a; Miss Ada Créssman of _ New flb‘ burg left for > Saekitechewan â€" after spending some. time wi . the â€" latâ€" ter‘s: brother, Mr. JA Cresgman, â€"Quite a number of this : intriet ar taking "in the ‘Stampede at ‘Calga ness ; ‘itek = Duck ~shooting s operted Allg. 33 and ‘all m“ advantage of m"“‘g_' 3A sâ€", 2 Ply Asphalt at $2 per sq 3 Ply Asphait at . 88 per 2sq 1 Ply CrystalRoofing 18 in. wide at $4.25 Asphalt at 81 .50 EKnickors per $q.