e Ap Liverpsol Wheat Futures Close Lower, . wars wmmâ€"m- a . Stockâ€"Latest Quotations, m Monday Evening, June 24. lmg llvT market closed toâ€"day on whres We To Mo lower than yesterdar _ The Chlcago Board of Trade ?.’E.:-:,.su Jn uT auth exchanges adjou at noon as & of respect also. , creamery, lb. rolls.. 0 0 33 , creamery. sohds..... 0 4 separator, dairy, 1b. 0 23 0 M . , store 10ts............. 0 21 0 it Rewâ€"1814 _ ........«â€"««<«+ 0 2 «asp new, 1............... 0 16 w Montreal Grain and Preduce. MONTREAL, June %â€"Bu#thess in all of grain over the cable continues very quiet, but there was a fairly good for cats on spot, for which sellâ€" ers were asking more money for round lots to atrive, which buyers did not feel to pay, consequently no sales were made. The domestic and export deâ€" mand for flour continues quiet, but the t.ltflone &o the market is strong. Deâ€" 9 for milifeed limited, but a fair trade W in rolled oats. Butter is qulet, the feeling in the market 18 better. There was an increased demand from English buyers for cheese, but as the prices bid were in many cases below exporters‘ views, the volume of business done was small. Eggs fairly active. Proâ€" wigions sateady. American No. 2 yellow, SÂ¥%c to July Whestâ€" No. 1 feed _ Oatsâ€"Canadian Ste; western, No. tra feed, §0%e to fall, bushel ........$1 96 y co d ,"‘%:'..::i"':::::::::::: 2§ cnee nathe " " s 1 8 Buckwheat, bushel ...« 1 0 Teronto Dairy Market tra feed, §0%e to 5lc. Hariey â€"Saunitoba feed, . 61%%e to § mwalting, $1.06 to $1.07. Buckwhegtâ€"No. 2, $1.05 to $1.10. Filourâ€"Manitoba spring wheat g:unu. €irsts, $.90; seconds, $.30; strong kers‘ §.10; winter patents, choice, $.1) to $.50; straight rollers, $1.% to $5; bags, $24§ to Milifeedâ€"Bran, $22; shorts diings, $25 to $30; moulllic, $ Hayâ€"No. 2, per ton, car lo Cheeseâ€"Finest westerns, finest easterns, 12%c to 12%c. Butterâ€"Choicest creamery, seconds, 2c to 24%c. MCLOCE3LL 2 Eggsâ€"Selected, Se to 26¢; 1e to 16c. Potatoesâ€"Per bag, car lots Cornâ€"American No The choice exports ruled the market yesterday at !Eflru from $1.80 to $8.40, 2300 wflnlvd to ift & Co. of Chicago for and Liverpool markets. f Choice Butchers. A good q‘;..l.&; of butcher cattle, steer® generally, above the prime to fair class, wold at figures of from $7.65 to $810. BOUTB WY NBCC DoE ve > â€" Prime to Fair. Dealers were paying readily from $7.10 to $1.% for handsome steers and heifers of grassâ€"fed class, and were eager to take them at this range. Medium to Common. Al in this‘class went without parleying at prices from $6 to $6.3%, and the entire bunch was cleaned up by noon, The marâ€" ket demands a large number of the cheapâ€" or ..g:ddu every day and at ruling figure y ay no chance on losing an early bargain was passed. Cows. ?od. heavy cows were sold at from §.16 to $.50, and there was no gl:nrnnx at the old ones. Canners even humpti along at the rapid pace of from $3 to ‘{.50. Butcher Bulls. Altho the market was nearly stalled with old and discarded bulls, the price was not prevented from rising steadily, and figures of from %.25 to $6.50 were paid, Sheep and Lambs. TORONTO, June 24.â€"The lollow‘i):{ rices were paid at the Union 8t ‘ards to-daz: hoice Exports. m int io 500 S S PX NS OPIHas & The supply was low, not being up to the usual number offered, and prices stiffenâ€" ed. Parcels that wel,hed. lndlvldu.ll‘,' around 120 lbs., went from $1.75 to %. Lambs carried the high figures up to $10 in nvgll instances, with a range of from §9 to §9.90 being recorded, f Montreal Live Stock. &u;mbwlune %,â€"At the Montreal ards, West End Market, the reâ€" celpts of live stock for the week .Mlfl June 14 were 1900 cattle, 1000 lhug a l'd‘u,&lzgn-ndlmulvu. The ofâ€" erings e market were eattle, :lhup and lmm hogs m Tiows, per i06 ton . Shorts, per ton Barley Rye ......â€" Buch wheat Butter per pound Chick ens, each .. Potatoes, per bag Hay, per ton .... Mutton .,...... > Toronto Grain Market, When the vision is at all impaired it is a mential that lemses be worn. But .bo-noflha-youdclum-dz- on will depend upon the = castment of lenses, Ryse so n-hndtboa-noold‘et irs an nutmerous, that care is necessary to Ab the ï¬'""""' We are im Winnipeg Options. Open. High. Low. Close, Closa, CATiLE MARKETS Union Stack Yards 98% GALT MARKET s Galt, June 27, 191 For Fair Roading western, No. Zhll 3, 49%4c to &0c; No HELLER £RO8. rr®Ra . _ OPTICLANS Pose 20â€" WATERLOO MJ Toâ€"day, Sat $1 06 44Wb lots, $19 to $28 3e to 13%e: was closed $1.55 to $1.00, No, 2 stock #%e to %¢; to $1.06 the market lc to 40 15 1.80 _ 1.16 16.00 As.uC 9.% 10,00 s J _ .M Float Barley z.‘ per 1OR w en 10 â€w Middlings per LoR P.iatoes, per DA# . Butter, Avpples â€W‘“ .00 Hogs live = a********* / 10 16 Hogs dressed.â€"=>>>="**"" 17.00 Huy wtofl.....--‘ évof 6.50 Straw per t B .>««******** q 5) Wand. ner cord ?.‘::'cï¬ï¬‚! w Export U But. bere :’lnul'. "ll:"’l’, « Hirap per tOB..}>+ Middungs per ton Snorts per 1OD . .. W heit . .lsn ++ + * Uuonww--" Borlny 20206600 +9 Uats Uurp pet DUSB. ..« u‘, ww weee n . d C piabink Uvollt------" ‘sw 4.+ ># T.‘hi we qed * *f Dried Apples â€"â€"â€" gmlflen......-' Potatoes perbag Wood, first class Buck w Leat Stratford, J Wheat Stardard},. Barley .«< nc eng e * Oats (Standard) .. "w Lkkk++ Flour Apecial ...« Flout Juleet.....>â€" Bran. puwn Sh »rts, per LOD.. » Li ve Hogs...... «+ BERLINMABKE'IS Berlic, June 21, 1912 Flour: per 100 Ib$ ; ....««««** 9 Bran ** recaataney 4) Niddlings per ton ae6k+ Screenings *‘ asigs 448 W heat par bush .. .. .. .>>*~* Barley W o Girgarerxe++ Oats o u. eke en Pm..' | Potatoes per DAK ..â€"><+>>**** } ll.wrm................ 1 * ood per cord ....>>> +*** ! Butser per ID.... 006000 +9 *** | Rgys per dOZON .. .. .++ â€">>>** | Lard perID., .. .068 k66 699 * E::.fré'nt......... eef, kind quarters Uhickm..‘.l........ Duck ...0 ~>>*s* 18 14 Butter .peggonnd EBI'P" GOZ ... ++ ++ Fotatoes, per bag»> UCPDL .4 .. 06++ ++ ++ +c Flour........00 0+ Mnn.,l’lom.....,. Butter, per lb. ..â€"> i fake _ _ Latd, per 1b ....>> Middlings, per ton llinn' iadeâ€"y Wheat W heat ...« Dictator Flour ... People‘s Flour _ . ... Maple Leaf Fiour .. guowdflfl. ul,"\lonr. irs li.ddlll’n. Screenings Ont# ... .0+ geven Lilies Kggs, per doz. ... H.’, per ton .... Straw, per ton .. Eotinguni &e m t SpringUhi cke no, J Ducks, per 1b. .. «> Turkeys, per lb .. Geese, per Ib.. ... . W aterloo, Quarter Beef, hind ...... znlutr‘e:d. front...... Luke Skine....1)}i, :.+ MWH‘F"‘ sTRATEORD MARKETS wer ib NEW HAMBURG MARK ETS New Hambury June %, 1912 Jattle ...>>**** / Oattle .. â€"â€">+3*** 5.5 ELAMIRA MARKETS Eimir®, June 21, 192 bush 160 ACRES situated . UX NVCSS Lethbridge. and ne elévator, 120 ucres cultivation. _ Goo and good buildings Gugipu, Ju GUELPH MARKETS Apyp PE CECCCERT TT ) the , ...1..666+* 210 280 * erraaiases 420@ 1.30 r ton serr+ 28.00 * #8.00 Yash u2s ek ++ ++ ++ 1 00 To y lies se ues‘ t AB 40 o uyls en n A1 .50 a mi 9. 2% Juné M ARKETS Juz K. Oressman % P o e 21, 1912 #1, 1913 ix miles. ‘Om »_and near an 10 ueres under e 27, 1913. 1b. 19.00 14,00 16.00 .1 © P0 8,00 12 1.16 7 A4 .21 2.00 12.00 12 00 . 380 ‘+d9% . 8 â€" ® f 28.00 C 20:00 1 > M 13 50 _ .8 on : >70 :q 2% 17.00 1800 .65 .95 90 B4 2 80 280 2.45 2.90 22.00 .98 2 35 .21 11.00 19.00 148 .15 10,00 2,0L o. OL 24 00 18 14 2.9 1,10 .20 .16 .08 Af 1t 1i 78 2 TEST LETTERS ALONE .18 10 100 Wusret Aaiter mt se ues ed methods 0"""“’ Only the LATEST and ‘most eclen 100 cP EP (ib en se gee dhookl be en 2.25 ployed in 0s «ab and n manrpomap ns 1.00 2.00 2.85 2.10 8.10 We do our Optometrist 21 KLing 8t. W. 16 6.6) 10.00 â€" Torcuto, Juse 30.â€"The NCE B 074 Boys‘ Asscciaten was orgrn‘zed at a meeting last esening with the tallow* ing ‘officers :â€"â€"Presicent, W. Hage® ; Vic+Presidents, F. I. Weaver, G. N. Elliott, H. Hertfelder, W. Smolinski; Se re‘ar;â€"Treast RT, J. K. FressLt ; Execuati e Committee, G. Krene, €, Gildser, W. Adloff, L. Gorman, 0. Knechtel â€" "he assâ€"cietion will attend the celeiraticn next month to mark the incorporation of Rerlin as a city. Execati e Committee, G. KrEBE,> ~ + ; ___ namas and traces® h fidser, W. AdoB, L. Cormen, â€" 0: io# oey t sns i weinins Oe un collars Knechtct â€"\he ass:â€"ciation will attend ) _ bridles, scraper, 3 robes, horse * tat mary Goubletrees, neciyokes, forks, shovels, the celeiraticn next month to s blankets, â€" grindstune, . wheelbarrow, s0FC ( & w * * the in,or..outionâ€"ol Perlin as a ;Clty m‘" grain bags, hoes, _ rakes, w n n hnd naee s ons on nenee es chain. Also about ©75 bushel s "o9% ‘ma.flhflw.udm-ydn- ' conesTogo er articles too numerous to mention. ; somme \‘The above implements were . all new two years ago. Interesting News Items. Married. _ 11 sthold Effects :â€"DeLaval : creant On Wednesday, June 15th, . at the sersratcr No 12, beistead, coo‘stove, Lutheran parsonage, Conestogo, Mr.. câ€"al heater, churn, butter towl and William Eichlee to Miss Emma prints, Laby â€" carriage, ciuer barrels, Schaefer, both of Bridgeport. mâ€"at bartels, 2 vinsgar barre‘s, with The Wilmot Township Council will 1i eâ€"ar, sugar kettle and. many QL;â€" cb Xs Puscdav nevtâ€"Six candidatâ€" articles. | RSQBEeTeTORy MCM CC CODCEOL The Wilmot Township Council will 1i eâ€"ar, sugar kettleâ€" and. many . O°NC! meet on Tuesday next.â€"Six candidatâ€" articles. es from our Public school wrote On _ Terms :â€"Grain, chickens ind . _al the Entrance . Exams. at Elmira 128% â€"gums of $10.00 and undet, cash. Oven week.â€"Our Western neighbors sent &A "that amount 10 mortbs. credit on ap group of bowlers here last Saturday proved joint rotes on § per cent. pe! afternoon to have: a game With OUF a n ny off for cash paynrnts of cred men, and it seemed Jluck was Agai08t ;t amount. : + them, as our players trimmed them to _ xo Resorve as the farn® is sold. the tune of 32 to 20. â€"A ‘wm Engâ€" A. J. MICKUS lish s:lrlvlce,will be “h;:id‘ in mi Luthâ€" * a uctioncer eran church next S y evening at P io To hn toha enne wit e chen â€" *""" *‘ o oi stratels in the forenoon. â€"Rev. Mr. . Scanlon 1OHN HESSENAUER will preach his farewell sermon in g5.9p P in uie ce Exec 10 the Methodist chutch here nekt Sunâ€" f ; day afternoon.â€" Mr. Reuben Sni_du| [ and Mrs. Nelson Snider 1616 OM Fri~y; ; _z m day for uy:hl‘;:ln.’where tbey'vtl‘ll nv-' ; tend the funeral of a near relative.â€" Mr. W.â€" J. Snider was a business | BlRIHS i visitor to Toronto last week.â€" Mr. | and Mrs. Geo. A. Bowman. Mr. . and Adamsonâ€"At Winterbourne, June Mrs. Young and Mrs. Findlay motorâ€" ; to Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Adamson, ed to Orangeville on Sunday afterâ€" _ son. ‘ noon.â€"Mrs. G. Schmidt of ~oronto (ioodâ€"Near St. Jacobs, June 5th, is spending a short time here at the Mr. and Alrs. Simeon Good, a da [ home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. _ ghter. | Wegener.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Hyv. Scheilele Millerâ€"At Concstogo, June 6th, _ land Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Fries paid @ _ Mr. and Mrs. ‘Theophil Miller, | tribute to their old home by attendâ€" _ son. |ing the Heideiberg old boys‘ reunion MacGregorâ€"At Galt, June 10th, on Monday.â€"Mr. Wm. Koebel of ‘Bulâ€" _ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MacGregor; falo is visiting the Schweitzer family _ son. * hereâ€"Miss Tina Scheifele of Buflalo, Hendersonâ€"In Berlin, June 21st, is spending a holiday under the parâ€" â€" Mr. and Mrs. Peter Henderson, y ental roof â€"Born: To Mr. and Mrs. â€"Lancaster street, a daughter. p Melvin C. Stroh, a son, on Tuesâ€" Schaefer.â€"In Waterloo, June 18, s | day, June 18th.â€"Mrs. Wm. Hemmerâ€" Mr. and Mrs. John Schaefer, . V ) | ich spent a few days with her dauâ€" toria, a daughter. ; | ghter, Mrs. Bert Woods near _ West Bruderâ€"iIn Waterloo, June 21st, 0| Montrose.â€"The Misses Luella and _ Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bruder, 0 | Nelda Shelly of Berlin spent Sunday _ son. Ulat theit home here: Doubledeeâ€"In Waterloo, June 17, e c Ajo 2 .A thaié FrmitSHsdee. London, June 35.â€"The King and Queen ‘held the last Court of the seaâ€" son at Buckingham palace last nlg!-}. It was to have been held on May 20, but was postponed ewing to the death of the King of Denmark. Beriina‘s Old Roys is one of the most cruel maladies o which mankind is subject, the many complications arising from time to time, making life seem almost . unâ€" bearable. For many disceases medical, scientific, and physiological _ know ledge and ‘experience, !ptud “lron: ud c deiccaefiines. Aevisveses Tt years of deep research, has achieved remarkable 1estlts, but up to now litâ€" tle has been discovered of practica) value in the treatment and cure of Diabetes. In fact, people have \ to look upon the disease as well nigh incurable. Even in the modical proâ€" fession can be found doctors who are of the same opinion, regarding . scopâ€" tically any â€"claim to amelorate _ ot improve the conditions of a diabetic patient. It can, however, be proved that "Sanol‘s Abtiâ€"diabetes," the now German discovery, cures all cases of diabetes. Full particulars _ and booklet free from the Sanol .MIg. Co,, Winnipeg, Man. . o our own Leas Grinding ARNOLDOD JANSEN Price $3 per or direct. w ~ @anol will be found particular valuable in old cases of kidbey . [# fimditer trouble, Tumbego, ... utlé â€" Sanol is a prepi ektraots from plas DIABETES «s & d’ highest udm{* hn the examiuati n . of . y0%® SANOL 20.â€"The ‘Per‘‘n ingredients annot possi bottle from Druggists wetho r the TEY Boriin from ly Ol oâ€" Commencingâ€"at 1 ‘p.m. sharPp, i‘ the following ulmugll"-\""’ » pay mare rising nine ». years old, about 1400 lbs, cream mare years old. Cattle, Eie Cow due to _ calve ntaing no Its â€" uso, arm efth ngton, . .BOBNel trod ftarm, on léssenauet, 2 TVESDAY, JULY 2nd, Terms :â€"Grain, _ chickens ind alt sums of $10.00 and under, cash. Over that amount 10 montbs credit on apâ€" proved joint roles on § per cent. r:r Adamsonâ€"At Winterboutne, June â€"3, to Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Adamson, a son. Goodâ€"Near St. Jacobs, June 5th, to Mr. and Alrs. Simeon Good, a dauâ€" ghter. Millerâ€"At Conestogo, June 6th, _ to Mr. and Mrs. Theophil Miller, . a son. MacGregorâ€"At Galt, June 10th, _ to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MacGregor, & son. Hendersonâ€"In Berlin, June 21st, t IEIC L n eP rOpiaty C Mr. and Alrs. Simeon Good, a dauâ€" ghter. Millerâ€"At Conestogo, June 6th, _ to Mr. and Mrs. Theophil Miller, . a son. MacGregorâ€"At Galt, June 10th, _ to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MacGregor, & son. Hendersonâ€"In Berlin, June 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Henderson, 98 Lancaster street, A laughter . Schaefer.â€"In Waterloo, June 18, to Mr. and Mrs. John Schacfer, Vieâ€" toria, a daughter. Bruderâ€"In Waterloo, June 2ist, â€" to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bruder, _ a son. Doubledeeâ€"In Waterloo, June 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Doubledee, a son. k Hallâ€"In Waterloo, June lbï¬h,‘m Mr. SUM. Hallâ€"In Waterloo, June 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Art Hall, a daughter» Lang â€"In Galt, on June 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Louis 1. Lang, a $0N: Hinzâ€"At New Hamburg, on June 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hinz, a daw ghter. Feilâ€"\ t St. Jacobs, June 13th, _ t« Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Feil, a daugh Stumpiâ€"In Floradale, June 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stumpf, a son. Strohâ€"In Conestogo, June 18th, to Mr. and Mris. Melvin E. Strom, â€" a son. Strausâ€"In Bamberg, June â€"~12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Simon SMTANS, C daughter. Gilmoreâ€"A t Crosshill, June, to Mr and Mrs. Alex» GiJmore, a daugh o uand Effecis / _ son of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Gune ther of Milverton. 1 Mâ€"::rhnâ€"ht Hatkesvilie, June 18th, Mr. Ralph Busch to Miss Gerâ€" trude Martin. Cochransâ€"Shiryâ€"At the home of the brid6, Baturday, June 22nd, Mr. Allan achn' of Waterloo to Miss Elma Shiry of Zion. Inï¬r.‘-.h Waterloo, on. June m the St. Bouis R. C. church by Father H. Aeymans, 02 110 it sunee. io Lorine . V to Lovina â€" Bee will be sold public flmdzui er, 3 miles northwest c djoining the Village of better â€"known < as the MARIA HESSENAUEER, . Administratrix. IOHN HESSENAU ER, Exec t0 \ MARRIED P ut s a _ At the R 1912 =tFurniture and Rugs a dauâ€" Iune to table, hall stand, 5 wood bedsteads with springs and mattress, fron bedâ€" ctead . with springs and . mattress, dresser, 3 wash stands, book â€" case, 3 rockers, 2 arm chairs, 12 chairs, t parlor table, 6 cane bottom «chairs, New Home sewing machine, . Happy Thought kitchen range, ‘Oxford . gas ; stove with bake oven and broiler, wood stove, box stove, bake trough, washing machine, caeese cupboard, , four ‘box, clothes chest, 2 wood chests, wash tubs, wash boiler, ~benâ€" ches, lawn mower, double _ parlot carpet and hall carpet, bedroom rugs, ‘There will be sola by public . aucâ€" tion, on the premises of the late Joel Good, Erb street, in the Town . of Waterloo, on Commencing at 1 o‘clock p.m. sharp, the following valuable property, viz: Hceusehold Efiectsâ€" Organ, Tounge, writing desk and bookcase combined, 2 upholstered parlor chairs, extension table, round dining table, klk:hen a quantity of home made carpéet, oil cloth, mats, picture frames, kitchen utensils and many other articles, _ Real Estate.â€"There will be offered for sale at the same time and place if not previously so‘d the fine residâ€" ence which is centrally located. . The: house is 14 storcy solid white brick, containing 8 rooms with kitchen and pantry, good furnace, electric light and gas, bath room and ai} the latâ€" est conveniences. Whis is a splendid property and can be bought at a‘reaâ€" sonable price. é Chattelsâ€" Cash, Terms of Real Estate will be made known on day of saie. _ For further particulats apply to the undersigned. ~ E. H. GOOD, NELSON GOOD, ENOCH ERB, . Executors. . | _ A. J. MICKUS, Amctioneer. June 27, July 4. * Real Estate and Household Effects J. Letter & Son‘s | _ Exceptionally Low Cut Prices SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1912 ‘.Lomm-ln Waterloo, June 25th, H. 1 F. W. Lorenz. * ! Fieldsâ€"In Galt, June 14th, Mr. Dowâ€" glas Fields, sr., in his 64th year. Lastâ€"In Galt, June 17th, Mr. Geo. H. Last. C df Weismillerâ€"At Floradale, June 14th, Elizabeth Weismiller, aged 67 years, 9 months ,and 237 days. Doerbeckerâ€"Near St. Jacobs, â€" June 15th, Susan Rat# wife of William Doerbecker, aged 45 years, and 29 parsonage, Conestogo, . June 19th, William Eichler to ~Fima Schacier, ~both of Bridgeport. Gremmâ€"PlayBordâ€"At Crosshill, June 12th, Asion CGremm to Bessie, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, . Thomas ~ Playford. days . Markhamâ€"At Wawkesville, June 16, Mr. Thomas Markham, in his 75th vear. PUBLIC SALE No symptoms that indicate any of the ailments of childhood shou‘d be altowed to pass without prompt atâ€" tention. , The little ailment may «con become a serious ore and perhaps a little life passes out. If Baby‘s Own ‘Tablets are kept in the house minor troubles can .be promptly cured . and serious ones averled â€" ‘The Tablets are :nnu-l absotutely safe ond can be given to the newborn babe as well as the growing child. Mrs, Arâ€" thur Drapeau, Moat Catmel, _ Que., tm hat CHILDHOOD DANGERS Now is your chance to Buy Money Saving Sale OoF DEATHS aU Id the A TREMENDOUS BARGAIN y Special 10 Days dealers . _ of ; NOW ON â€"AT sHCPPING ROGS WANTED IN BADEN NUMBER UNLIMITED. hest market price . Load every Sesust W sinesieg. "RNext shipment Wednesday, June 26th _ _ Comprising 1624 actes, including 8 actes bush whith is mostly hardwood. The balance ds all tillable except five The balance is all tillable except five acres ‘which is hilly. â€" The farm h‘ well watered and is‘ tile _ drained | whre nceded. On property is a good ; batn with plenty of stabling. 300 | gallon tank in barn to supply water | to _ stgck, . water being _ conveyed tifrough ‘pize from flowing spring and is to te bad in abundance. 'On'he‘ farm is a stone house of the . bess finish with conveniences and soft and bard water in kitchen. Splendid cel< lar, Bell telephone conmnection. A small cottage is also on farm. . ‘The property is better known as the Hisâ€" lop farm and is _ situated . 1} mile south of Strasburg, 7 miles . from Betlin and 9 miles from Galt. 1t is |qne of the best farms in South Waâ€" tetloo Tp. and has never beon rented. i It is in good state of cultivation Scearcity of help is the reason for | elling. â€" For further particulats apâ€" ’ ï¬' to Loomcs ao euiAreamat will ‘be greatly missed as she waSs a . general favorite in the community.~ Miss Daisey Cohoe of West Toronto is rpending her holidays at Kossuth, the guest of Miss Vera s’nnpr. She will remdain a fortmight or more. â€"â€" Many hete are prepgting for the F. Ins.. Picais at ‘Gueiph on the _ 26th inst. That is always a great day | for the young and old.«â€" Mr. â€" Jack, , Paulitsky of our town is rushed with rmlflmï¬thh.o'hc to a numâ€" $ ':sn m":um..n-&!‘ MJ hie | > Y . ; barn at rï¬':'uqu.-m. os. 8. I thnkix‘ W sawing.â€"Mr. © Dan 9â€"10mas 1 BERLIN Very Natty shoes in high or low cut Bluchers or Button: This is the time for oxtords for both men, women or child We have them °* k Call in and meet) tha new shoeman. in Wes&gh,’s old stand Farm for Sale a Speed Smart Krupp & Master. the WM. A. THOMSON, Strashorg KOSSUTH ULINIMENT L . KIBLER ed as she was a the community . of West Toronto davs A%t Kossuth another THE NEW SHOE MAN rk t zky Shoes ED BY Hogs Wanted AT BADEN Number unlimited. nwuw price paid, Load every second Tuesâ€" day. Next shipment, Tuesday, June 25th. & e The undersigned offers for sale his valuable farm. comprising 98 scros more or less, and situated 2 mi ites south of St, Glements, between 6th and Tth concession. _ The farne is im a& imany s anmimasatel ned, Upâ€"toâ€"da on farma. Possession can be given next fall ¢ the following spring. _ For hot particulare apply to ui oys Are You Coming West? If so write or call on me, _ I have choice fi'rdmo. all ad:,h rent on shares or sell on * ments. Choise land, good 'z; close to school and town. The t gest Waterloo County settlement it Saskatchewan. â€" Buy or reat a farm here Village Property : For‘x Salo * ti2 The H. M. Brubacher home i9 4 vm.fe of St. Jacobs, 3â€"5 of an aere on which is a ~ house and kitchen and barn. Hogsé all newly P v side. Hard and soft watef Good orchard. Possession ‘n‘ one:. F':!"Im hade® . to the v executore Into H. M.m. e > 1SRABL mwn ‘ _ BMAS B CHER, ‘Baden, . FARM FOR SALE July 2nd ary seonn Wa CLEMENS & HUNSBERGER 8. B. BIEHN, ONTARIO JOHN REITZEL, St. Clements, Ont lay, Guernsey, R. Station mut ;»:,‘-3