The Mercantile Fire : Office, Waterloo Mutual Buildivg «> ~ Busimess Office 249, House 200. Business solicited for first class Compaui es.< * ‘Bubscribed Capital .. .. .. . . . . 250,0000 4 Deposit with the Dominion Government ...... ...... .. $117,140 00 ulpdkiag\nn:t_e-flby.tholm aad Lancashire Insurance Company with Argets of $16,806,638, * * Altred Wright, Secrétary °* C. A. BOEKM, â€" = District Agent Bas ssisor to Fuckbcrreugh . Co. Established 1864 The un SORCIL Bs 1 i e visabi Rnginters and 0/ 3ers who realize the advisabi tme," rarssireaes t‘ + Patent business *"- Te hw mâ€"gri f T. eaiseiants * egrlon. New Vorkddfe ‘de i0 Kirg §t. West, B We have vacancia« for men all lines of work. l:'{ou are eat communicate with us at wl NBOR ©1 BMR 2 ENC CC ILL ES Respmnintiievice anderd 0 "*~ Insurance Company INCORPORATED . 1875 General Insuranee Agent, Learn Dress Making ; most elaborate toilette, and will give any ons $25.00 who can show us an article in dress making they . can mot out, fit and put together . alter taking .‘.:'o wer‘.'\mm 'tï¬: complete. course y %m a perfect fitting «art follt 417 clax to comtuente Feh. 2% m have suffeged ~Sron®." . _ _ * vt 4 â€" .. seHef and oure in the use of De. ~ + Oppmemmentt is ... *Plerce‘s Favorite Preséription: It givee vigor and vitality to the . orgaus of womanhood,. hdunh.o-'l-dn.i*â€".o Â¥*.uuu~m-ln- t t No alochol, or w«&mua-&umh"mwnfl &yd&wmmm .Phn-:hnt.ï¬u-_ï¬ lettec is as confidential, answered envelope. â€" wod o HHevat c ti hsnl Aasontation, Is: KV . Proses, Pros., Tumae, FOY: We teach everything from measuring to finish, from plainest shirt . waist to most elaborate toilette, and will ~,. ... All wishing information see on Baturday, Feb THE MISSES Mead Office â€" Waterioo 111 Church St Notice to Farmers Waterloo, Ont. ~ â€" ~ Phong 244. Butter Paper â€"Orders may be left at the Daily ,m"‘l’h' Berlin. David Bean ROMPTL Em r‘s Association of vJaterloo County : * PUBLISHER OHRONICLEâ€"TELEGRAPH e iiea n spooiaity of vesoaunhoy AWevbiy s aneaninsnics Pis Soriitarms: or small quantities. for your next order of butter paper. Mail orders given prompt attention, Put up your butter in Waterioo, Ont. TRY US business of ManufaCturers business of to join, or for tull us at our residence ECURED Berlin Sedentary habits, lack of outh :::'em. mmu OB, . 1@ > m id _ liver, wdrrymty"m‘ï¬.wm- mon causes .of stommch. troubles. Corâ€" recot. your habits and â€" take Chamberâ€" tain‘s Stomach and Liver . Tablets and you will soon be well again. For sale by all dealers. & Was Caught An employe of the Breithaupt Leaâ€" ther tannery, named â€" Clarke, was, caught in a pulley shortly after, 16â€" suming work after the noon hour Thutrsday He was tangled in the belt and swung around the fast revolving pulley: onceâ€" before the: engine : / could be stopped by fellowâ€"employes. ‘The belt had come off the pulley, and, it is said, instead of stopping flfp‘:yunery attempted to put on the contrary to the usual method. He was quite seriously injured, al th?:;i when he _ was taken to the Hospital_after: the arrival of ‘Dr. . J. F.‘ Honsberger, heâ€" was quite . conâ€" scious. . Whether the injuries ._will be serious the Telegraph was unable to ascertain, the wounded man being still under the physician‘s care . at three o‘clock this afternoon. AVOID HARSH DRUGS " If you are subject to constipation,. you should avoid strong drugs and cathartics. They only give temporary relief land their reaction is barmful and sometimes moreâ€" anmoying than constipation. They in no way effect a cure and their tendency is to weaken the already weak organs with which they come in eon@u:t. + Many Cathartics Tend to Cause Injury to the Bowels We honestly believe that we . have the best constipation treatment ever devised. Our faith in it is so strong that we sell ib on the positive guarâ€" antee that it shall not cost the user a cent if it does not give entire satisfaction _ and completely remedy constipation. â€" This prepatation is called Rexall Orderlies. These are prompt, sootHing, and most effective in action They are made®of a recent chemical discovery. Their principal inâ€" gredient is odoriess, tasteless, and eoloriess. Combined with other wellâ€" known ingredients, long established for their usefulness in the treatment 0° constipation, it forms â€"a tablet which is eatern just like candy. They may be taken at any time, cither day or night, without fear of their causing any inconvenience whatever. They do not gripe, purge, nor cause nausca. They act without causing any mir or â€" excessive locseness of the bowels. They are. ideal for children, weak,deliâ€" cate persons, and aged people, ~ as well as for the most hearty person. ‘They come in three size packages; 12 tablets, ‘10 cents; 36 tablets, 25 cents, 80 tablets, 50 cents. Rememâ€"< ber, you . can obtain them only at our. storeâ€"Tha Rexall Store. A. G. Hachâ€" nel, â€" Waterloo. EUNERAL OF MR. BRISTOI The funeral ol the late John Bris tol took place on Thursday afternoon from the residence bo the Zion Evanâ€" gelical _ Church, and notwithstanding the severe storm there was @ lafEt attendance of sympathizing friends and acquaintances. The services were conducted by Rev. S. R. Knechtel,â€" P.E., assisted by Revs, Kellerman amlJ.G.utt.tlemhelncd& livered in the German and English languages. Gumerous floral offerings bedocked the casket. . Interment took place at Mount Hope cemetery. The pallâ€"bearers were Messrs. A. A. Voek ker, Miller, J. C. Breithaupt, Schmidt ker, Miller, J. C._Bremmwt, Schmidt Reider and Dippel .m&m,% it craay lnifations. . Dbr. a Dr. de | o oï¬ C 1M Van‘s Female Pilis ï¬wz-'-:'“"lfla. 0. Mailed to any ad in Pulley Aetetntefeeâ€"â€"=t= WIEL sECURE ifeanpegin) Nh us 3 Te ooo f be 1. Have yo‘r «a silo*. hk Hak rexrat e you? . 3. % is your w weed? :gt would facilitate matters u.g f would hn;u mal:l‘;‘» mve Bote w "that "tho Aisorsor | | would ve -%“a{y in this regard. The »Coraty Board of Agricultce the central organization of the Farmers‘ Clubs and was formed. for the purpose of forwarding the agricutâ€" tural interests of the. county) 1t is telt that the first step should be . to ‘‘take â€" stock‘" to gather information for future action, and the above questions will bea start in this _ Cirâ€" ection. Of. course this information will nut be used in conng¢tion with â€"an man‘s nane, but results will be tabâ€" ulated. For instance it is the intenâ€" tion of ~the Board toâ€" encourage community breedirg of but one bree 1 of the various classes of liveâ€"stoc. With the information as to theâ€" nuimâ€" ter of animals ol the breeds of heaâ€" ty borses in t*e (punty, a definits campaign ‘for the breeding of Clysâ€" dales (if that is theâ€" most popular County: Board. <of. Agricuiture Will: Encourage â€" Breeding of One :‘Class of Life Stock â€" . Â¥y borses in the. (Cp‘inly, & GeniI® campaign ‘for the breeding ol‘ Clysâ€" dales (if that is the most popular breed) can be undertaken. And §5 with other matters. _ It is felt that this is _ a step in the right direction and the coâ€"operation of the .« farmets if desired in this initial step. SUDDEN DEATH OF ‘The death of Miss Marion E. Glick, daughter of Mrs. Louis . Glick, _ 78 Queen . Street, South, occurred _ on Thursday afternoon at three o‘clock quite unexpectedly, after a brief illâ€" ness of five days‘ duration. ; ‘The deceased had been in failing health for the past few weeks and on Saturday last contracted . pneumonia from which she never recovered, and announcement of her sudden death has come as a severe shock to her beâ€" reaved mother, sister and friends. The late Miss Glick was born in Preston, Ontario, and was the daughâ€" ter of the late Louis Glick. For over thirtyâ€"two years she has been a resiâ€" dent of Berlin and for the past four years conducted a successful | milliâ€" nery business in the new Glick Block on King street, after living in retireâ€" ment for nine years. . She was an active member of the Humane _ Soâ€" ciety of ‘Toronto and also a number of the Brethren. Mr. William ZLinger, proprietor of the Grand Union Hotel, returned on Saturday â€" from â€"a three. weeks‘ trip through the western _ and â€" soutbern states. Mr. Zinger left Berlin .. on February 6th sorely on . a pleasure trip and went as far west as â€" Chicaâ€" go. The weather was _ cold altifough there â€" was little snow to be seen. From _ the western metropolis, he went south to Palm Beach, Florida, where he remained for six days, durâ€" ing which ~time he met old Berin boys. The weather here was very agreeable, although the residents there claimed to have had the coldest snap in thirty years, the thermoneter registering fortyâ€"two abore the zero mark, During his sojourn the lowest the thermometer tipped . was the sixty point. The funeral was â€" held on Sundayâ€" afternoon at two o‘clock from â€" the residence, 78 Queen street, south, where services will be held, to Mount Hope cemetery for burial. Friends are requested to . send no fowers, f MR. WM. ZINGER ENJOYED TRIP TO FLORIDA While south Mr. Zinger invested . in real estate which promised to bring splendid â€" results. He also brought back with him souvenirs of his trip, in oranges, pineapples, sweetpotatocs, cocoanuts, ‘etc., which he â€" himself picked and he was so delighted with his tour that he proposes to take another it the near future. BLAMES ANTIâ€"TOXINE. ‘ YOUNGSTOWN,© Ohio.=â€" Diphtheria antiâ€"toxin from a horse affiicted with ; rabics and administered to . Anna Hughes, gave the girl hydrophobia doctors say. She frequently. bares her teeth and neighs like a horss. May Prolong Their Lives At an advanced age waste is moré rapid than repair. The organs act more slowly and less effectually than in youth. The circulation is poor, the blood thin and watery, the appetite poor and digestion weak. * We want to say to every aged perâ€" son in this vieinity that Vinol!, our deâ€" mwmmm(flm out off) prolong life. It creates an appetite, aids digestion and makes good blood, In this natural manner Â¥Vinol retards waste and _ repiaces weakness with atrength, giriog new life to the worn system. . If people in this visinity only réalâ€" ummmw we would not be able to M the Beciin INFORMATION MISS M. E. GLICK ANNUALâ€"FEE fim reasomiche lution to rease annual â€" ship fee from $1,00 to $2:00, duced by ‘Treasurer G. M. Wedd abi Secretary F. 5. Hodgins. . After ‘a somewhat lengthy. discussion ol the matter it was finally decided t nmhlt:un?h‘ in Berlin and ;:- erloo ‘" ue assessed $2.00 and the outside monbers â€" will pay the same fee as heretolore. Berlin and Waterlooâ€" Membe: of Canadian.Club: Will be f Assessed $2 each | President R. Reid. presided and about forty members were in attendâ€" ‘ ance. ~ 1. Secretary F. S. Hodgins submitted ] his report, showing that there _ were 19 new members added during the year ‘ and the present membership in good | standing was 238. ‘There were nine luncheons during the year with an | average attendance of 87. The memâ€" i bership includes the following . from | the different places:â€"Berlin 135, Watâ€" ‘ erloo 56, Hespeler 20, Preston â€" 16, <Elmira 6, Bridgeport 2, New â€" Hamâ€" ; burg, Galt, Blairâ€"and â€"New Dundee [ono each. ‘The report also gave a record of the speakers and the subâ€" ‘ jects for the year. s Someâ€" members thmï¬: it would be advisable to increase fee _ for luncheons to 75 cents, while others suggested that the annual fee be fixed at $1.50.â€" Owing to the numbers from outside points having extra expense in attending luncheons it was finally agreed that the Derlin and Waterloo members pay $2.00 per annum. k Treasurer G. M. Wedd presented the financial report, showing balance last year $97.10; members fees $193; fees from luncheons $258.50, total $548.60. ‘The balance m the treasury «as $8.25 and the accounts outstanding amountâ€" ed to $56. ‘The various reports were received and adopted. â€" Mr. J. C. Haight presented the reâ€" port ol ‘the Nominating Committee ard after several amendments the folâ€" lowing officers were elected:â€" Presidentâ€"C. R. Hanning, Préston. ist Viceâ€"Presidentâ€"H. J. Bowman, Perlin. 2nd Viceâ€"Pres.â€"James Jardine, Hesâ€" peler. * 4 > * Secretaryâ€"KF. S. Hodgins, Berlin. Literary Correspondentâ€"J. F. Carâ€" michael, Beriin. f » Treasurerâ€"E. W. Clement, Berlin. Executive Committeeâ€" R. Smytil, Berlin; Robert Wood, Berlin; Thomas Hilliard, Waterloo, M. 8. Hallman, Waterloo; 1. E. Weaver, Hespeler; W. J. Motz, Berling J. C. Haight, Waterâ€" Joo: E. W. Clement, Berlin. C President R. Ried submitted a reâ€" solution which he had presented at a rweting of the Executive some time ago and was requested to hold _ it over until the annual meeting _ to make ""om of Waterloo ('?n\y'a‘,n- tive sons and a_great Canadian‘ Hon Mackenzie King, an honotary member â€" Messrs. J. B. Weaver, Berlin and 8. B. Bric:er, Waterloo, were appointed as auditors. of the (lub. Mr. Ried stated that irrespective of political foclings all must feel proud of his careet _ and the Club honored 1 MHaving him _ inâ€" cluded among . the rary. members. ‘The resolution was appropriately se¢â€" onded ‘by Mr. Thos, Hilliard, of Watâ€" erloo, and cartied unanimously. ‘The excellent services of Secretary Hodgins were appreciated by _ voting him the usual honoratium of $25. The Club decided to issue tile . an nual report containing the reports o the officers and a synopsis of the ad dresses dplivored drging the : yoear. Th members‘present listened to . an interesting and _ efftertaining address delivered by Mr. J. C. Breithaupt who gave an sccount of his trip last year to the leading citics in Southâ€" Ameriâ€" ca. He described the ocean voyage, the features of the leading cities of the continent ardâ€"referred briefly . to the great cattle growing industry of the Argentine Republic.. In concludâ€" ing Mr. Preithaupt asgured hig bearâ€" ore © that after his return abd travelâ€" the the the the OTTAWA.â€"At Saturday‘s. Cabine Council Charles T. Sutherland, a wol turing his long journey thas was HI::M than this Dominion. ‘The address was groatly apprc Address on South America Made Honurary Membet Election of Officers peake wAS RAISED M { wh th O has Worst P Aspobiri tuches of ing Wednesday but th blowing at the rate oi tty i â€" themnextâ€"to le. 1t is reported that drifts as high as five &hd six feot caa be found â€" in various parts ‘of the town where th: wind had a. clean aweep while in the country where the roads were .L: bad condition, tie crossâ€"roads ‘ been made ~:impassable and the mmain roads are drifted in spots four and five feet deep. In many places roads will have to be made through . the fields. + Onâ€" Weanesday, the storm worked baâ€" voc in industrial circles in the town. The Hydro .. power system,: which has weathered the storm of the winter in fing style, was decidedly irregular and over . twenty intertuptions â€" were recorded during the day. The various . street railway compan ies ‘<put up a brave battle during Wedncaday and toâ€"day between getâ€" ting through the snow drifts andâ€" the power interruptions they provided a fairly regular service. :&M:-My..: tead of decreasing in it as increased during the Strange to say. that -ohithhnl-! ing the fact that the wind ans storm. is more furious Tuesday. than it was on â€" Wednesday there having been . no power interruptions * The ~residents alongâ€" <Irvin street have been greatly inconvenienced durâ€" ing the last week. . The gasâ€"mains are frozenâ€" and the cooking has had to be done by means of wood stoves or coal oil stoves. â€" In several ~ cases electric stoves> were brouglit into serâ€" vice and on Wednesday when the power . was irregular, warnt dinners }llld suppers were conspicuous by their atsence. Th London, Feb. 22.â€"Though only four inches ~of snow fell between eight o‘clock yesterday morning ant _ eight o‘clock last night, the accompanying winds _ that _ drifted t& snow into banks and piles many feet deep causâ€" ed one of the worst blizzards ol the winter. Railway, street car, teleâ€" phone and telegraph service was more or less demoralized the countryside over, the storm being a general one extending, not only through Western Ontario _ and Central Ontario, but rigl‘t through from ‘Texas north, the storm having started in the Lone Star State, and as far cost as the Mariâ€" time _ Provinces. Dallas, . Texas, Feb. 31.â€" Heavy windstorms yesterday and last night gccomparied in some sections of Texâ€" as by â€" heavy downfalls, did, thousands of dollars damages by wrecking buildâ€" ings, and demunlizhf telegraph and telephone services. n the Panhanâ€" dle courtry the storm completely disâ€" atrangedrailroad schedules.. San â€"Antonio and Austin, where the damage apréars greatest, report a wind average of 70 to 100 miles an hour, which vnfoofed many residencâ€" es, wrerked chimneys and uprooted trees. * Meridian, Mass., Feb. 21â€"A deâ€" structive windstorm â€"swept _ over this districh â€"‘last night, destroying tiousands of : dollars‘ worth of proâ€" perty, killing herds of cattle and deâ€" malishing homes in the surrounding country. Telegraph wires were pros trated, communication not being teâ€" stored until this afternoon. f We "I WORK HARD ; For MY LIviNng and spent the 5h there, She got mï¬ Om sent them to mnEuHM and found them be the medi¢ine that I ever used Kidncy and Bladder Tronwble, Oh ! did me so much good and I am so 194 GCorpox Sr., Stapr®tom, N.Y Cattle Killed in Fields Heavy Damage in Texas AND XEED GIN PILS Storm is General sU the . road â€" and coun impagsable iby winds sixty roads Lo-uflnlno. Hly, y. â€" Rememi hal it will cont o LBakg t ie n uin ns enet ies teiiires n ininee unue snn t ma y ous aanse an d address, toll me how you sutfer Fron with, 208 1 wis "‘7"“'1. " back _‘ WOk anSOWN mEDIC DVISER "with explanator; m: irontrn ‘,v‘ â€"-, q [rrog ul . rever you 1i tall sufforer nn:.‘wu‘c.l n yours, also MRS. M. SUMWMERS, Box H 891 A quiet wedding took place on Wedâ€" nesday at the residence of the bride‘s father, Mr. Henty Glenninning, Roseâ€" bank Farm, Manilia, Ont., when Miss Mary Elizabeth was married to . Mr. W. J. Beatty of Guelph. Rev.. A. N. St. John, Cookstown, cousin of the bride, officiated. Afr. and _ Mrs. Beatty will reside _ at Janefield, A quiet woewling took place at the rectory of the CUhurch of Ourâ€"Lady, Guelph, Wednesday, when Rev. Fathâ€" er ‘O‘Loane united . in martiage Miss Mary Beithe of New Germany â€" and Mr. Oswald wmyage of Medicine Hat, Alta. 1 Aifferts of Col Roosevelt ty : induce him. . to make ‘&o laratfon ct . his attitude ; IProsidential qrestion had 1 itailing. _ His laconic tema friend in _ Cleveland, last. 1 night, that "my bat is in you will < have my answer lmmnnhmuu had in â€" mind an afrmati !to the Governors‘ letter. New York, Feb. 235.â€""I will accept the nomination for President il it is tendered ~me,"â€" Col. Roosevelt tells the seven Governors who asked him a fortnight ago to be frank about it as soon as convenient. Heâ€" also promises to adhere to his detision until â€" the convention has exptessed its preferâ€" ence. The nyichâ€"awaited reply was â€"given out toâ€"night at Col. Roosevelt‘s _ ofâ€" fices lere during his absence on & trip to Boston. 5.3 arâ€"» The seven Governors, assembled at Chicago two weeks ago, and draited a letter to Col. Roosevelt, asserting that there was a popular demand _ for him to be President again, and urging him > to coclare himsell as to wheâ€" ther he would accopt .the Republiâ€" can nomination _ if it "cante unsolici« ted and unsought." The Governors who sighned the letâ€" ter" wore:â€"Wm:â€" E. (Hasscock, of West Nirginia; Chester H. Aldrich, of Nebraska; (Robert 1°.. Bass, of New Hampshite; Jos. M. Caty, of Wyomâ€" ing;* Chas. S. Osborne, of Michigan; W R. &:& of Kansas; Herbert 8. ~Ha , of Missourt. Earl Grey, sp6 of the Steambship At. Newoastle, ox that a bit tide i EARL GREY‘S FAITH IN CANADA satd would turmm out. to ‘be the ontlet not only for expanding * . Canadign trade, but for the northwest ports of United States.. Montreal would made a port, ~ and inok o tm nrel mt those 0 +6 the l : Shose _ YOUR BLOOD IS TAINTED " e afrarne new MesHioD TEEATIMENT __ | . * ROOSEVELT WILL ACCEPT |__ Nee _ 1 en memeil 5 0 Dres. KENNEDY & KENNEDY ~ . ~ . DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private address. . ___ _ si.oln c cl l BEATTYâ€"GLENDINNING SAVACFâ€"BEITHE Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. HYMENEAL istle, expressed . the ig tide in Canadian inent. â€" He urged st is laconic remark to Cleveland, last. Wednesda t "‘miy hbat is in the ringâ€" have my answer Monday, th \ xi > c Wake aking at the dinne: Owners‘: Associatior pressed the â€" belie mark To MotB ‘s friends an catfer on . the that wni WCI w NOT ight the of all the W-&dr:toul ""f! Sur Ne Mahootrpeonsnt mre e rarne sous in the blood and them from m i oakngs n-oh en en cure without experimenting. Wedo business poses l oridestes o Aisense the influence mnepens, e TTifarresiners pow bfo bas opencd up to YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED ; CHILDREN FOR FOSTER HOMES Rev. C. R. Miller: was in Toronto: last week and returned to _ Berlin with eleven children, three of which were â€" taken to Stratford and : cight left at the Sheiter awaiting : to., be placed < in foster homes. ‘The group was composed ol five girls and . six boys ranging in ages from six â€"to sixteen years. A number ‘have alâ€" ready been arranged for: and the Oth« ers will be readily provided. for, all teing apparently wellâ€"broughtâ€"up chilâ€" dren. > Certain Ingredients that Really Promote Hair Growth when â€"â€"â€" properly combined Resorcin is one of. the â€" most e£otâ€" tive germ destroyers ever discovered by science, and in connection with Beta Napthol, which is both germiciâ€" dal and antiseptic, a combimation is {ormed which â€"destroys â€" the germs which _ rob the hair of. its naturat nourisiiment, â€" and also creates ~. & tlean, healthy condition of the scalp, which prevents the development of new getms. dee inss Pilocarpin, although not a 6 matter of dye, is a wellâ€"known gredient for restoring the ha‘t its natural. color, when the J hair has been caused by a . of the scalp. A GREAT DISCOVERY We want. ever soatp disease o Rexall 08" H4 ite it and to scalp in an indication that nent,.but : in other lieve â€" baldness is Send for Booklet on Discases of Men "THE GOLDEN MONITOR" FREE the d CONSULTATION FREE ly & AJ * Hair land rufl WINDSOR, QONT. e. â€" KWvery woman should l ure baidness, OP wo oney. If â€" the scal» appearance, â€" it‘s ‘b;ldmn is perac fances ... wo, curable. * «B5 ne troubled â€" with the niC ibled hair The â€"R aterias. 1 ed coloring loss . of disease kno win d wilt mll al