io ted It... As the @ s en x? han" W DC i 4 tory seemed within his ‘grasp. _ The a iy: Arightened ~ by something the neither saw nor understood, hes!â€" tated, unti) with a quick leap Anstruâ€" ther apra in and â€"gripped the leather Creund itaâ€" neek. s be a curious thing, the man xc which would mnn_hhjv the provoking pet Wwas ly m& keeping, and as the itself in his mind happened. oko To him it seemed that‘a terrifi¢ raah mmww‘:’u !::_â€" plete darkness, sccompanied by a +1 his sensation 6f numbness and aâ€"letâ€" ing go of all things, all things except that leather collar. To that he clung Instinctively, even when everything rose and went away from him, feeling an ht, wind and rain, andâ€"even he crashing of the brule, and the &1â€" @r at Kitty Clifford‘s laughter. g, i + _CHAPTER VHL 5 LK . . dim‘to the: Resoue y out of its migery; It‘s back â€"<â€"Reckless of falling limbs and risking, h eyes ?rfl to their danger, a fate similar to that of the man below them, *wo of the halfâ€"breed boys of the h ""““W their axes u"ï¬y had never them before, and &# %m and the . white chips s 'â€" pale faced women, drenched i on ror of 1 torm, pleaded with "to work "faster, faster, for God‘s sake, t Mdl"ngf,r their feeble hands, " yearning something to do | whe there was nothing they could ~H 1 how long the time seemed. between them they could iift tree off him now, and they strained at a trunk, One limb of which was too & â€:" united strength, . They might as well have tried .to Hft the flach hbouke. . Thoss only : who have led a. Dougls {Mp.%.w-‘whut tha _ Whe Indiahs way was the on!y way, andâ€"there was oo help _ buti theirs, hough by sot mma.rmk Angtruâ€" her lived: s band that poor Kitt in hers wasâ€"limp and cold k man‘s, but he was not doad . yet.. Surély the men could ; wlckiy. Ab, it only. Jinj _ t _ the ._*ï¬;:&."g ie hallbreodg io ’f‘ t Uime wahe of no valuc, conâ€" o ‘&in iPgged, â€"and: then â€"qne . o1 thei Stent the chouse for" a saw. T a Insufferabie five ’ to , and even when the , aud the ends.of the w z: did not rise an P to be made, and all the ot wa endured azein. Even when a #ixâ€"foot length had been sawn out of the pine those on o nardacties ‘could not TK It. s log > It '=(woll io'f.' Ag.tnï¬of tm;hoy ~ o eA e No nrach The Aheat becrot." _ _â€"â€" : Thanks to that bougt he was held n a vie bg‘i‘uermd "tbd'l.- Ias cramh “muna- } s and ba all the ot practised ï¬,m the: m ,'_‘fg'; $ mk..f«:wm"%.?'fl: purpose, and drew out their tmhan; atill ",Mher't‘c was : "dead o9 6 "X"" astrongth they untlench | Jim= fel} into Aiwâ€" old place .A! & 3 ng white fingers from the fome T € ‘W collar. Poor beast. It at afy _..J€ was so natural to him to. #srys e would | come in «g» this spolled child, who always came storm. / tree had to him in trouble, that he forgot: bins _a merdifal are a 4 answered : » trom end to end. ) â€" I% it, dear? What do you yet Kitty, who at time ‘Jim . to dofor you. â€" Can‘t 1t for m her}â€"walt ?" pays and C om, 9M ioh 3i ulders TENDERKE ‘CULIVE would have carrited on his tin mrnl.ï¬m to do theit ~ by~â€"something the nor understood, hea!â€" a quick leap Anstruâ€" dâ€"gripped the leather Auth ce SHatrather unds Tea 7 5 se f snn 0T‘ WwOONG LV There was no broken bone that they could ~find,~ no bleeding wound. for them to staunch, and yet whenevcr consclousness returned to bim, at the {irst »ffort to move or speak he fainted. and each fatnt seemed:â€"more and more like death. <> ‘ lc# ried . Anstrut _ house â€" error, the ï¬â€˜ 3 ranch tre c hose women. As long as all goes welt to those who dre© country bred omm e n from x ,-“P"'aad ‘:?. eub'm'. '::r:. gmny a joke Inughed at. wtzle which natural ingomuity will do ight. in overcoming. â€" You esn do with ; The resources of the, Jary: ran in shen paies s thi "re pidfolly in Adequate, ‘As a rule the wife knows a little about the treatment of ordiâ€" nary accldents and the simpler ai> ments, aud in the house therge is goo eraily some book which vn';{euec ta be a substituteâ€"for the physiclan. Yo‘ have only to turn to it in an omerg nc to discover how little there is to jvs tifty its claims. f _Mrs. Roltâ€"riad such a yvolume frow eover to cover, only to fall back in m upon such simple reméedies a> h andâ€"quiet. _ Sha could only give nature a fair chance. Probably she could have done no bettcr, ant half the doctor‘s suecoss at least de pends upon the patient‘s ‘aith in hin but when you good folk at home boas yourselves of your many colonial por sessions, in which you take only a; pdcasional pride and a very little ser Yous interest, allow something not on‘!: for the courage of the men who. bet out fresh dominions for you all: or » the world, but something too for the [-utndo-l of â€" women, who watcli. ‘thmuxh the long nights of lone lands growing old between a sun‘s g.emnr and <a sun‘s â€"rising, whilst a‘l that makes life valuable for them is fading away under their eyes, for want of that which to you is but a natural gccesory of your everyâ€"day life. > _‘ Through that long and wild night those two women watched; whilst it m‘ to na:.- M,tlrcwvi'ndl clamâ€" ‘house he _ prey wm";::‘m them.. : /.\ =~ *.; Towards: morning, Mrs. ‘Rolt,. who pad been doring in & chair by the fire side asked: _ # "Is he sleeping now, Kitty ?" .. â€""No, he is pretending to, but I can see how hhmmmwwb gether. I don‘t believe he has slept once since they carried him in," .she whispered. msult | mouths when the wirl apresg trom her mouth, when er And. stoon . with_ lips.partod. and head 'ï¬.mmr‘ listening. . . }~‘ "Me has, Mary," she cried. "He hads 1 cun hemr the beatâ€"of the hoo‘s." t |" But Mary Rolt, looking out inio the Wfln‘ At n:m . the man needs ntnbh: butâ€"the or I Re h!:. cannot :’o t thkt e hono he would give. _ world old« for someone meo-l?:oll“ih hut in do to cave one dear life. â€" Anstruther might be dying for some tttc help which they could have given inif only. th:y knew what was the watter ~withâ€" him, ~but they did not Bnenly" Abrough me" sight while 1 "He was shamming, Mary, so that we should not worry. JTen‘t it brave of him?" and bending over her head, she pressed ber fair bead upon Mrs, Rolt‘s shoulder to smother tthe sobs which zhook: her. a s \. Mrg. Rolt‘s arm wound .round the girl, â€"and drew her gently to her knee, mmlnw. whilst a â€" very wistful look .came into her own steady grey eyes.._ . > â€" This woman had a right to know Love when she met him, for she had werved him very faithfully, ard she knew him now. Whatever had been her dreams for Jim Combe she recognized that they had only been dreams.. Whether .he lived or died, z;.m lying there with strained pale , would always hold the first place in Kitty Clifford‘s h: art, so her arm hcld up her younger sister whilst she whispered to her, "Be brave darling, and we will save him for you. If only God would send our men home," bli#*ard, pould ~n<ither beaf gny thipg. . * "Not yoht.. dâ€"ar, 1 but t | can more <than another gow?tnd hoer own: heart falled . wondering â€" whether it â€" was all wel "Ob;, Jim, come quickiy i Jim 'H:.: ':': l dcw 4 m:u. Anstruther," it sontranted as w on dom nermen holll ‘ sald no word ts #ith alm Br 8. Roit and truther to V «Jinm; <you â€"dearâ€"old â€"Fim;} . _1 want you so badiy." fal} Into hi# old place at Colonial Press hree mem nor â€" #0t anne. ~. ol 2oo d h * med h easeanre Mesican upire ccaséd to clank by the Invo spas off the bedclothes a might be, folt for th. * Xndtrotier tofd Sim, * ons naee brule whe trees we But then he would have . self tor Kitty, ~That mad ference, move "Well. so far as I can see, #in‘t Toak sigls im unt 40 lonk as the m four, in. but s0 laad inâ€" side machinery aln‘t hjw‘ be about agzin in & woek, cw to get Protheros from Soda i. : to apueo!un'ab‘n. You can come in, They came in followed by Dick Rolt. "Is it, is it anything very bad, Jim," ;h'!:.pard Kitty, taking both his hands r8. hnn..“mbb-"‘ l AP "It ain‘t no undertaker‘s job, if that‘s what you mean, Miss Kitty," Iaughed Jim, ~ *T won‘t take so> long ‘to mend as a broken heart, and they mend easy. lt’lgl threé or four ribs stove iIn. If you‘ll get me some ban dages and something stiff to a walstcoat of, T‘ll cinch him up s0 as bom’tdon‘?‘u-nltflwinl?r. Protheros / to _bim ~up HW!- Â¥Your job is to keep him stlil if you want him well again soon," and still holding both her Rands in his, he led her to the thair by his rival‘s bedside and left her there. _ Â¥ 9 + ~~It was Jim‘s act of renunciation and he did it, as he did everything, quietly and without protest. * &4 the Boss, who had followed Combe mumn:tn:.d-†> " Jim came back from his dream with s start and turned a very ‘white and haggard face to his old tfriend.. â€"~ /. _ ‘"To Seda Creek to fetch Protheroe if you can spare me.". ° © 4. 0 0. "But you can‘t go yet.. You haven‘t had a bite of food toâ€"day, and after all. Anstrilther‘s Injuriesâ€"do not appear to be so yery serious." 7 "Can‘t mll.mflththuhlll;.;“ ‘There was some! 8 + ful in the way in wtlhn:g.:m«md turned â€" upon: what. she â€"might suffer, the woman mhdmdc‘lthmme hardest blow of his life. â€""Ob, nongense, mah, she has got to take. her chance lfke the rest. (I inâ€" sist on your havin«@ something before ""3cfll, if you. malnt, Byte:" reuticd Jim. mith a poeer Snighee piu outl pat a queer mmmflluq:bumm x cartridge bag for me. â€"I can eat when the horse plays out." yX . 3 "What‘s ~"That devil! He isn‘t broken and aever will be." .. _ > _ â€" ) T Jim grinned. "May be," he said, "this will break him. It‘ll ‘break him ar me," and he went over to the stables calling to the men to hbelp him saddle a beast which no one else had attemptâ€" ad to handle, a young stailion tkw Hful as Lucifer and as tractabl 2 When Rolt hurried out to himâ€"with the cartridge cgse ahd the flask, four men were trying to ‘hold as perfect â€"a damon as ever wore hide. Ahe wihid W_tuem, the wose litter of the rattled About he frightened. borse‘s feet, and the weit wilue ‘of twenty or (hirty feet of lils heels it was unsafe i&'r;ai{y“lfl"«“i to come, but the held on to the ropes, ho th n tme: wmmflmmg" Roit cobeyed, and Jim shook himselt to tty the fastentngas. 7 "Nothing > wose_ is : there? .. KNow, teady, you devil,"he â€"went . to the ‘s head, which bared its teeth, fts ears down, and backed aw8iy him across the corral, dragging men with it, n!rmuh mnqtm.g in vain approach near -ms- | roan, but by striking, biting f .,..,A:.:"‘" oC have to throw him after it‘s a pity to take nvthh&fm ‘ "mc way," and then suddenly éathe from a higherlovel. + whis! <Let him go." ~ The abance had come whilst he was io on ui meck on‘ _ tight, Bouds. 1t might get shook off." .. 6 and with a tigerlike spring had tiken it, dedging the “m.'thotno done so quick mbmuwg.m-:i:: the saddle, and after that. there was not enough time for the spectatore xn:'k“::‘mrhtm first doorwny unarsisN iX. â€" ... M Rige for Life _ "Where are y6u going to, Jim?" ask â€" But it was a nt t those : whoâ€" mfln g beast‘s heels. lnc:t;‘olnn.tbohombdlfl head .. Its back was arched that there seemed nothing in front sanddle except ""‘-‘"x,†as soon as the brute t to the air, comingâ€"down again s and sudden at every point the compass in turn. this was â€" good enough to shake off Jim C ~ *Them‘s baby t »hm-;?:l and as if the rown M-&um those at the window saw moth 3 hoi metabntcithe he reme 6 of an heraidic ie OS rider on his fe The . ma Tren he vanished â€"f t hug murts consideranie wien th auy whils arther ww ~uhort l a gitracle, 1 was To sleves * / Shedier past a > d. thin that XM d o s agus ":l:l. mj. dinâ€" dit t11 TA ootons M _> ‘CVENUP ALL hoPe > .~fm winter upon the northern ranches %i%l:g comes early, apd on this day bf rm is seemed to conie upon the heels of midday,. so ::z as 4m Combe g:nied out of the corral it was already Th.â€" 3 «58 a . There was a fence at the far oud of it, Juckily only of light poles, set up to kéeep in:â€"young calves. â€" ; It never seems to qecur. to a prairle horse to rise at a fence, Certainiy it uever dccurred to that ‘maddened roap, With a rendingâ€"crash he went through the young pine poles, shattering theni like, match stalks, and 5o was gone, the rainâ€"lashed o_«n_ol_&‘ynlfle gwalâ€" lowing up hotse and man.. ¢ â€"For the first halt hour of his ride he had no time to think. â€" Nature provided bim with that pansces of man‘s pain, ‘The storm swallowed him up; so drove against him "that he sat ‘bowed low in his saddle, so Mem hed him that it seemed to flow through Yet he bed no time to feel the migery 6f it all, ~He was rldh‘n:thlomd in â€"m &n&thvoid. :::';f w from time nl? me huge 8 uncertainly. He knew them for m which moved Jumberingly and uswillingly out of his way, and alongside bim, though he could barely see It as he vtaced. past it, ran three and twenty ruololthefenchuo!duwhtm‘m mï¬.hke-u’ï¬i box, I r'.:-eh id!‘qph."dfll had Bained »o pounds. I taken s bs. d:La'l’ld now ï¬t‘l’:‘" is the ohly medicine in the world made of intensified fruit juices and Al'lzr cures Indigestion, goe, a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial size, 256. At all dealers, or from Pruitâ€" aâ€"tives Limited, Ottawsa. Twice he grazed it, so dark had the day, become,<and each ‘time he left a fragment of his clothing behind him to mark his coutse. On the second occaâ€" sion he struck hard against a projectâ€", and his left leg seemed to losc consciousness.. But he sat down and rode as steadily as ever, He could not afford to worry about trifles, and as it ’saw darker every minute, he reaâ€" it that there were mo precautions that he could take to minimize his ao'l. He had to stop or chance everyâ€" ng. C e could not â€"see where be was goâ€" L â€"perhaps the roan could, and even it he could not, Jim was not going to take a pull at him yet.: As long a# the horse stood up :and kept going,.the milles were caten under his feet. That was All that maitered. ‘Time was of the essence of Jim‘s contract. . ;. His partner Fate was playing his hand now for him, and he refuged t interfere in the game. As long as lasted it was excellent to y through thé‘dark stinging sleet, and as to the end he caredâ€"nothing. : When the rogn tirst boited, the wildness of the storm, alÂ¥ the splendid ehergy “.mm tiood ':S’;"';..,....“"" ntozieled with d, e « the madness of his ride." 4 4 tito » n grem Meretord buile; balt Feall tot # ‘Mioment in zn,mn : bis horse reeled and slithered, and e en ;'. lont c ...2.':â€] WHOOPING ~COUGH oo esste. ihagt Mank, masd, MONTREAL tives" saved my Life OVER 68 YLARS xXPEAI ENCE ; May 9, 19% h A OMR 5o ue knew less of Hene heâ€"rode. ; t He og thet. the night must nnMNMwm mofmu:ï¬h-um-olï¬ub him, he. marvelied at .the endurance of his horse. elre W?“?u savage wind had not ufllrg. the slest to: e n% a plateau over which bp..:m deteriorate the: going: ‘noud“ mc“ hard :s‘ tvont “m the: ever of excitemen reaâ€" 2:‘0: that the night munod bitterly & CHAPTER X. . â€" Close Quarters â€"_ For over an bour Combs lay where i on in e W * & Py on toke en ant rom t 1 _ em %ï¬w E. > poren t . * ireintio l‘ For halt of that night Combe .u% knew that rinm A man mfln-&, in the heart of a great darkness, _ swaying in ‘time to his horse‘s stride, and at the wmr time: lending such asiistance as rider can to the riddon, but that was not Jim Combe, s â€" Jim himselft was away, sopietimes in one place, sometimes in lnotl:'g. Now he. was <holding. a . yellowâ€"hat child up on Mis shoulder. so that she could seo over the corral and watch old gAi mm:{::n‘ cow ; now he was back in En in places :rt purely imagiâ€" nary. mflm here a young queen that child‘s features was m cnritenes nent on struthers ve w spoke in an::iwm with & _lowâ€" Â¥1whed draw}; or again he was back n ~the sickâ€"room loolhf’ into tho heart: of the usg:’ Wad © loved ‘#inee in it the Hhmo of afiother? | _ â€"â€">_ C since been left behind ; it was too dark to look for‘a stake; there was nothing bigger than a clump of %M to tie to, and tired. as the roan was, he dared not l:ave him .A6 he would have done with any ordimary cow pony. ‘Taking out his jack knite, he dug a deepboklï¬thchl‘!<m in the loose:cnd of his. tle rope, put the knot at the bottom of the. hole he bad dug, replaced the soil he had taken out i;:d;mlulptlu‘bnt-gflmwlflx eel. ie Then <he ty ‘downâ€" on the frozen ground to rest, Unless the roan could pull â€"the world with Rim, Jim> ng paro(lnflnghuw.ohohm‘ Then it -;emehd to hitg ‘t::t g_am.ta thing bcavier. than & .co mav among theunmhu{hofld“tt his left, . He unux.-m the noigs wis not repeated. . was :too .r) a"plainsman to mm his: ears had orlayed him € he .could ~n j theip â€"migeâ€" sage, and beside, 1 romn â€" had heard it too, The. was standaing with bis cars f ing as ho would never have coyotes, In spite of th¢ 6 p tention Thoile * ~ thieves ~ it in mm omtniet iesns a > s pet but & ' was : u--gï¬ms what he too »b-a"! noyotes moving slowly along it, . A longer scratiny gh fAim four, no, tive 3 jeat above the line; at last he knew them for the heads of riders ms as they bel m::g- of side of the 'Ho'm‘ m':u&i;ow the heads rose ve ments of th« ':nnuhthmlnd then for @ â€" the riders "thine w&‘ Where a dip oceurred waciy® »MREM NOZ ChNAnAn bor . 86. the Windsor . Jockey A flhfl'tfli oo Brigâ€"J ul Hamilt A ugust .A The fence of the pasture had long n 'ï¬fï¬. g c ol Clut ne | to Jun io ark frugnts Habing Arso: onto, Jan: 16.â€"At a meeting of WM» the foll Gates were assignâ€" t coming yéart n_.&;.qqm.“mm (To beOontinued Jockey Ciub, Torontw. e ol s horse and beganm (o lkd Reed. ‘That dn T oi o Apiiaer Mout t F6# Medicines that â€"aid nature ate â€" al ways most â€" effectual.. Chamberlain‘s Cough Remedy acts on this It allays . the cough,. relieves . the ture in <restoring. the system A0o+~~ a healthy ‘comiition. â€" Thousands chave testified to its superiot <â€" excellence. Sold by all fealers. : CAsm#PAIGN FOR EMPIRE :. WIDE RECIPROCITY _ New York, Jan. 18. â€"H. J. Crowe, Newfoundland‘s lumber king, is startâ€" e iprooty yeir ho sooress mot â€" oaly y pact mel not Candda and the United States but theâ€"entire British _ .Empire.> Crowe has lettersâ€"{rom public men on â€"both sides of the Atlantic endorsing . the proposed alliance which is â€" principalâ€" Jy aimed against Germany and Japan. ling to 4b withoet thes. purint Arakr iine to 0b withootthos. Betahee C uit gick thad To All Women 1 will send â€". ‘free with iull |~ ins#ructions, my home treatment â€" which positively cures Leucorrhoca, . Ulceration,â€" ~Displaceâ€" , Ralling ‘of> the ‘Womb, Painâ€" m; Irregular â€" Periods, Uterineâ€"and Ovarian ‘Tumors or "Gtowths, â€" also HotFlushes, â€" Nervousness, â€". Melanâ€" eholy, Pains in the Head, Back .â€"of Bowels, Kidney ~and Bladder troubles where caused by> weakness peculiar tp our "sex. . You. can: continiue treatâ€" ment ‘at home at~ a cost of _: only about 14 _ cents a _ week. My, book, ‘‘Woman‘s :+Own . Medicat: Adviser," m on request. _ _Write~ toâ€"day. K+ Mrs.. M Summers, Box â€" H ‘501, Windsor, Ont. ® Inl H. insd im in frin ST. â€".CATHARINES. â€" Stephen Brayman was toâ€"day convicted on the eviderice of men who frequented : his restaurant, of keeping ~a â€" common mï¬ï¬‚g;;!-& In view of the â€" fact that man has buried . his . wife since the offence, and that he. â€" has two small children, Judge . Carman allowed Rim to pay a fine ol â€" $25 rather than go to jail for thirty days & WINDSOR LAD\V‘S APPEAL A NEW MASONIC TEMPLE AFTER SUFFERING Cured by Lydia E. .Pinkâ€" ham‘s VegetableCompound hak aiiP Th on Tine ahd a won j orld 1 ~ :u .Au . N.B.. ‘:A, ol E FINED FOR GAMBLING ACHE lsd 6 ' nc:vn' per gn. cu n-cyh roipl .t.:: 6i ; al0 s P the bowsle, < k ven if YEARS often after m and eause. soreâ€" dAline has l-. nuclt "gfx‘ walk Te e s ibedt of ons diatiest e are 10 diiaes g'nm‘.‘ ote Telephoue 881 ‘n‘ w.\nnp.x new Market, hemper ymun <h Dr. Willia &rumm 3"% t ols of toe soara ie pe mï¬r Phizitians and Siegeos enoil OB _ hCZ"* Night calls angy N w. w ' U aban o9 â€"o, Hablhe. Welaring Visits Kimira the second and fourth P“"‘z‘ in ne{:a mon)t.h .(.Tl,!lrfln' Hd. m m. ï¬_mnflnogi * Frays t im 12. r 0. HUGHES.. . _ Dentist | Oddfellow‘s o en t ts en Derital Ofice ta Fisshers Block, Waterloo Visite St, Jacobs everyâ€"ist and 3rd Frifle. m mh- Dentistry practwoed in alt is faâ€"s o y innericle Mesione g I '&IAD ~PostiOfce, .‘J'u.-, Ont EXPERIENCED VETERIN. $ ARY, SURGAEON Licentlate of the Royal College of Dmhlh:?m,flm vm'&w%;&mï¬ Homzosm’.ntol'...‘ c. ... Housa Oa m to bp m .: ; teed. ~Address communications to seive prompt Robt. Bricknell Fgoomod Anm‘,nvi the ties of WATERLOG and., OXFP_%' Satisfaction . guaian Our classes are now larger tham ever before but we bave enlarged our quarters add we have room for a few more students. You may en ;;:ny tinme." Wxn- staff of experienced instructors and our mnetln the best. > Our gradiâ€" succeed. week three reâ€" cent graduates t \g © that io efanene 5. a Mt ‘ y NY @â€" *m A. L. BITZER, B. a Wmâ€"-uoâ€"u-.q Baizister Solicitor: Notary Nose Throat. King St; z?u. 4s ba noue No, 734, ring 4,.Freeport, Ont o Contral Business College partmients, â€" Comuier « Diseases of the Ear, Dr. Lederman, D. 0. 6. wnd : Delegraphy. vohhmm STRATFORD, OXT Jos _ "" S NCY Public loan, Germgn spoken nat‘s Block, . mert to rederick St. %:h:chshm mufl Office mï¬ St. :West I . A, Mehatblat, D Sts., W Harvey 3. Sim » WaTERLOO, y a. * . Berlin slerloo Waterioco ad. M Univerâ€"