as Learn Dress Making mnauflonn Association of â€" We have vacncies for men and Ju of it are . out * WM ons give. any . one $320.00 who can. Sshow tS an article in dress they can not oyt, fit and put c â€" after a. A$wo weeks‘ coutse with us. for complete course W _ only $10, a periect fAtting â€" chart The Mercantile Fire e ers and 0‘ sers who rea lize the advisabi.. n t :oâ€"mf,m&g-‘w \ okartan."s _ stecton. DC, VAAA _ ;_ We teach every thing fromâ€" measuring ‘finish, from plainest shirt . waltl ) most elaborate tdmb.%' ve any ‘one $25.00 who can u8 INOORPORATED 1975 Notice to F Farmers ‘atreai Butter : Paper wti the ‘system Mead Office â€" Waterioc iï¬fi"â€"‘â€"“'u‘; 3 a Tiex aiel to its terh “-vâ€" then wey freâ€"b ag:::‘-?:n.“" Mxma "%he Daily 7 . io. ~ wkk > David Bean PROMPTL: °_ PUBLISHER .. amomcm.*tnmwn The is of the very hest duaity." it‘ s baysin Witk- ‘and are , f “k‘:fl to you at a special low prices. Un.pdlltodhbu“fl' or amall quantities, Put up your butter in â€". for your next order. of butter paper. Mail orders given prompt attention. LILLIAN M. FRASER D:â€"G: is KiNG 87., NEAR youno stâ€"wEBSIâ€"COIiAMWItS. & Kirg Bt. West, Berho ral Insurance Agent Waterloo,. Ont. solicite ompau‘es the ‘business of TBY US ablished 1864 M mence Jan U Maw al Bulldinp ut residence C DRESS first: ciats® use 2 of for tull Be on she began to gain steadily. Gradâ€" usnyhuha:b‘.‘nd l-un*m straight, . swelling. in timbs went down, and het heartâ€"beate beâ€" caind regular ‘and Abe color â€" returned to her face. and soon the cure â€" was complete: She is now as strong and helltlyuz gitl of her. mnn\otu~ you would never she had passed â€" through an Nemipruk ind afoyy ~â€" recover. Y ou e mï¬m fot : what Dr. = * Pink® Pills ~ have done for Aï¬lï¬h‘h French reguiator .z .".'l fails. . These o tbai Bri 5o. be Untbat en Onk. my â€" daughter, and you t shdll _ always . waknd ;Am"ovnd Bby Mr. Nfl-.'g z‘ f in bis '-t»!.‘ u':whh ï¬ to :‘ extricate ~ â€" himself, C his head violently ~against the ‘brick â€" wall which resulted Aatal Dr. de Van‘s Femalé Pilss tism.â€"Recovery Scarcely HER DAUGHTER as intimated he invitatio nsighbore Rev SAVED hei Robert Ram‘,t": mt, made startiing statemen o lice \&!‘ Monday â€" ibat * it he was not u::lo(::uo‘ his s vh* dllfr w ko down ï¬ gnd ; kick in nm,.flm window in : one of the . which would * eventually > cause his â€" ‘ar o on Speaking of parks Mr. Jafray statâ€" ed that: he has wisited many ‘parks in Tat 15 Sutreg ts atating tint . i no m vwmmrnnm a patk that i nontenmim e ie s n ) opt the Park Commission scheme in Galt,~ which, proved successiul â€" after Sli?mt.dflleyem ;&1 t: , and in r ‘"a total _ 110.acres of fine park Jands have beer. acquired, nearly all ofâ€"â€" which â€"""is natural. ~ ‘ VYAGRANT WANTED Letters of regret at their Inability to be present and wishing the g ‘®very suocess were road... Ir ?-2‘..{3... Roo§ ‘and W; J ; Motz; Mr. Jalirayâ€"spoke of the imporfmuce. oltomgphuh;ui!u&*ï¬n Berlin should lose no time in providâ€" ing â€"a chain â€" of parks ‘connested > by drives in â€"#arious parts of the town. This should have been . done â€" <many yoono?o.hemunhtmd, but it was part the work toâ€"day ‘to ~ rectify the mistakes imade by our . predecesâ€" sors. ‘ He considered the land" south of. the property owned by Mr. Geo. Rumpel â€"as ideal forâ€" â€"parkâ€"purposes, He expected to live to see the day when Berlia/would have ‘a popalation of 30,000 people ‘and : thereforo 1% was khfll:“uqm Mr m parl L ~ Mr. contended that no_Partk Board should be expected to finance permanent imâ€" provements out ot the haliâ€"mill _ asâ€" sesszment. â€"It was necessary . to. have recreation. grounds ‘In _ a ~ frowing town : like â€" Berlin "or it will be imâ€" possible to keep the . young people frotm flooking to the cities ~In . conâ€" cluding his admirabie:. addréss ‘the speakerâ€"said that the . of Berâ€" lin was due to the fact: that _ auch men~as the Breithaupts, La and others he. could _ mention confid« :ue‘ln(ï¬s futute: and with 6: i HONR. A. G, MACKAY Mr. Jafiray was heartily© applauded as he burred to catch hes wcar! * of the Park. &Qï¬hfl"flm ppulaâ€" Sivertisng Uhe fiek tor madtred as the result.. In lm‘lqhb yroâ€" mated that "it was & another furniture . @ur the week of, July 15th and su that the demonstration b it the same time. Tme (Rairman, .. in His openingâ€" â€" Te marks, referred to the pleasure .. i gave the members of the ~Board t meet those who were elosely associat ed with thein in managzinge the alfair hi Ti affer, though . he had. «been . oftâ€" l P * M m n * wl | is > t : podit ie n e o PXE ~Twoe w ¢ lL.‘ idl fomg of" and Mr, Jallray â€"Speaks ight sas MP,.â€" 3. i the Galt Repor His Worship : May ted on â€"<a appeared 1 nan .. N QL LNCLAN . dA@U Ww aAY ho did not know . of giren & Saturday wh decoi man A JAIL SENTENCE b y / cause (ms . ar + & ~Tunch . by day and later‘ asked le pl arn thi tract Th oyable k Park occaâ€" tunity [ s Sm ; th <the M * $11,00 to $12.00 Men‘s Overcoats at $7â€"49 $15.00 to $18.00 mm‘ . at $10 00 M A SONTC â€" PEMPEE Every thing required to> make it / a stylish, < goodâ€"looking garment has been put in the manulacture of this garâ€" went. â€" To have such a coat made to your order, would cost at least $25.00 orâ€"$30.00..â€"The styles â€" range â€" _ frotm Converto collar, military ‘or . : velvet collar â€"â€"Only the highest grade materâ€" inls have been used in their making. :50 ‘toâ€" $8.50 Men‘s ~Suits at 3 1e In plair black: Melton and handsome Tweeds as well; tailored in.the dflt manber , â€" with uw-flmnau collar, ;r::ul, lapel: and all the 1 Md:s Tegular: price #11. to tx:%umhy ‘ Regular $15.00 to $18.00, Saturday $7 iTe t} dâ€" by «drilling mt the C.N.R. line t C3 OQvercoats and Sults Sicknees is usually eaused by the accuâ€" mulation of <waste matter and impurities within the body. kidnevs touches that â€"mark them> upâ€"toâ€" made of ‘fine MI,‘xu coats snug ~collarâ€" and â€" wide _ Tapets Dr. Morse‘s Indian Root Pills, and â€"$8.50 â€"Overcoats $5.25 i} set fot ï¬.i; dn uty 00‘ torâ€"the ere $10.00 i old â€" c cpigot GusLrH. NOTES OF THE $7.49 Where the Good Clothes . harge ‘The results of the,Christmas > cxâ€" aminations have been announced, and students* report books have been sent out. The entire pass and honot unxmg&tuiqm did Vmu'm space as 'murly. ing to the fact that . the crop of fallures on this occasion has torâ€"this (and there are other: ~ rea †H n C We ::l'e‘( boys‘ societies 1: the various _ and col! , gave thoit . reâ€" Pu* : . orjgh o oi togetiie i Â¥ m bstnppipaliib s rcd e ib icb rcambiditer it _: w 3 "v s T . Mere words, you say? Mm f wN.:; mean tadyâ€"toâ€" wear ever reasons why it‘s the m s 1ne entire stock fect® this â€"ond, no : $4.50to (#5.00 Boys â€" Bivumei $1 75 to &.?x‘lgm'; Pants at $5.00 to $7 06 : Boys® x “l}:â€m somé patterns; sizes .‘ Reg uldr price $5.00 to $7.00, Saturday Whil ; trousets; t hamtatgipes o FRF 3 i + Made of the best imported â€" Tweeds and : Worsteds; ‘in aflâ€"the" new effects. Formâ€"fitting coats with deep vents or plain batks, broad. shoulders, . â€" wide lapels; »tery ‘best ‘trimmings and tailâ€" oring : throughout. : Regular $12.00â€" to $13.50, Saturday $ a Come Early Saturday H you want a stylish Tweed Suit, see these. %nn is. of excellent quality tweed, the style is faultâ€" less. You will notice the neatness ol fnish, thenicelyâ€"modeled, snugâ€"ftting collar,_ the <broad shoulders."â€" Regular $10.00, Saturday P s‘ $12.00° to $11.50 Men‘s Suits at "'xl:idihfl nn-t:lgm a«:?h % Ys ; ® 8. .'wu price $1.75 and $3.00, Satur. * * â€"~61.19 duna) Bplendid 4woâ€"piece â€" Bloomer Suits n# also) $lo 00 Men‘s Suits at $5.49 sub the JANUARY SALE COLLEGIATE JINSTITUTE Suits at $3.49 than at bundant: :One there are other the raising of you sav? â€" Not at must be ak . Not at _all; weâ€"dou‘t idly play . with‘ words; the u, so we ! reâ€" peat Ohnâ€"-gtt‘f:%tm uung:’t t attempted itthis section, and there are three grea «t remarkable® ©* iiea n 5 C( and h irday space t that the pa reduced before invéentory on Feb. ist. To éf urday $7.00 to $8.10 Youths‘ Overcoats at $5.29 .n > Men‘s, Fleece â€"Lined Underwear, . in odd_ sizes and lines..â€" Regular â€" price 50¢â€"per garment, Saturday 5 4 M ; Men‘s ‘Cardigan â€" Jackets,â€" superior wz:’m(-heb: Regular price $1.50 Men‘s Suede Gloves, wool lined Regular price<$1.25, Saturday of thanks, Chairman Reld at the baoquet and made . a of. durable,~dressy Tweeds, wellâ€"lined| Men‘s Wool Sox. in grey color, madt and finished, all mxmm C \Ans analing $4.00 to $5,00, Saturday. * . . with b"; white ï¬,ï¬ Â«k o1 ~ oo .~. / @aaree | Necwar 25¢ per. pair, Saturday s An unusual value in best ~quality Meltons and fancyâ€" Tweeds; ~â€"newest; stylish â€"models,~ splendidly tailored, best linings,â€"gizes 33 lo 35.. Regular $7.00 toâ€" $8.00, ‘Saturday > i at the banquet and made. a capital toastmanter. Some fine spesches ware matle, aud allOgernet It H’w. C eCAE MR s s .o B9 ~ Men‘s Umbrm.‘ lu:’ woot, ~Scotch knit; regular price $1. i i n pet garment _Men‘s Negligee Shirts, sizes 14 to 174. ‘Regular price $1100 to _ $1.25; Suturdae." . Euns Misg..Mabel Brown, speni & Coupit of Omv'l‘cmto wecently..; â€" Mis Lily 4 ; Of Baden, has . resumet her studies in Form xE. Miss Diet enbocker and Miss have con cluded . their studies in Form _ 1 Miss Allison was indisposed on Fri "~â€"Our dotkey club is m-nfl * & series of matches with the of St. ‘Jerome‘s College,â€" the. fitst fiatch of ; which, will be played next Tuesday afternoon at Waterloo. _ The â€" Galt Collegiate will probably be. given . a date aftet that. Miss Mabel Brown spent a couple Men‘s Fancy Driving Caps, neat and j 8 Gome From Furnishings as Iys 1 Reid _ presided couple Miss d i MR DEETH ACCH frost. proof, ~size Boys‘. Boots, box c-uth I popular ‘Blucher style; â€" ~doubleâ€"sole leather soles; a neat, ouy-ngu o6 that will stand the sculfing: sizes _ to 5.~ Regular value $2.25, Saturday $2.50 to $3:00; â€"Saturday tawa Assot lits ~ duties soled box, suitable for wiz ter wear, also lighter weights. Reg Women‘s fine Kid Mw(ï¬ excelleht wearting and . good . styles, ¢xtension soles; sizes 3 to‘fvï¬*:,i% ulkt $3.35¢ Saturday" * #>*> . *9. Boot e ast inst toâ€"his releasc a tm PiUe for a week, A :h:iv‘-.n‘n 4 hiws tugh r ‘g hen re: hes l To inf moake of 2 ig him.‘ Re is now & P â€" 1\ LX MUCH RELIEF _ IN RHEUMATISM Men‘s © heay Men‘s Box Calf Shoe N ONE BOX OF 88 MLULS ssands of pe thick the Otta Boots and Shoes lati Folt <Elastic / Sid H NP( 104 heavy‘ double 6 teated $1.49 $1.98 _ $1.50 Y . M Regula